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- /*
- *
- * Confidential Information of Telekinesys Research Limited (t/a Havok). Not for disclosure or distribution without Havok's
- * prior written consent. This software contains code, techniques and know-how which is confidential and proprietary to Havok.
- * Level 2 and Level 3 source code contains trade secrets of Havok. Havok Software (C) Copyright 1999-2009 Telekinesys Research Limited t/a Havok. All Rights Reserved. Use of this software is subject to the terms of an end user license agreement.
- *
- */
- # define M_VALUE_GET_SIZE() m_values.getSize()
- # define M_VALUE_GET_VALUE(IDX) m_values[IDX]
- # define M_VALUE_PUSH_BACK(VALUE) m_values.pushBack(VALUE)
- inline hkpDynamicsCpIdMgr::hkpDynamicsCpIdMgr()
- {
- }
- // Returns an index into m_values[] and sets m_values[id] = value.
- inline int hkpDynamicsCpIdMgr::newId( int value )
- {
- for ( int i = M_VALUE_GET_SIZE()-1; i >= 0 ; i-- )
- {
- {
- M_VALUE_GET_VALUE(i) = hkpValueType(value);
- return i;
- }
- }
- M_VALUE_PUSH_BACK( hkpValueType(value) );
- return M_VALUE_GET_SIZE()-1;
- }
- // Finds the index of an value.
- inline int hkpDynamicsCpIdMgr::indexOf( int value ) const
- {
- int i;
- for ( i = M_VALUE_GET_SIZE()-1; i >= 0 ; i-- )
- {
- if ( M_VALUE_GET_VALUE(i) == value )
- {
- return i;
- }
- }
- return i;
- }
- // Adds this->m_ids[ id ] to the freelist.
- inline void hkpDynamicsCpIdMgr::freeId( int id )
- {
- HK_ASSERT2(0x1fd4eea3, M_VALUE_GET_VALUE(id) != FREE_VALUE, "Too many contact points in a single collision pair. The system only handles 255 contact points or less between two objects.
- This is probably the result of creating bad collision geometries (i.e. meshes with many triangles in the same place) or having a too large collision tolerance.
- It can also result from not creating a hkpBvTreeShape about your mesh shape.");
- }
- inline void hkpDynamicsCpIdMgr::decrementValuesGreater( int relIndex )
- {
- for ( int i = M_VALUE_GET_SIZE()-1; i >= 0 ; i-- )
- {
- {
- continue;
- }
- if ( M_VALUE_GET_VALUE(i) > relIndex )
- {
- }
- }
- }
- inline void hkpDynamicsCpIdMgr::getAllUsedIds( hkArray<hkContactPointId>& ids ) const
- {
- for ( int i = 0; i < M_VALUE_GET_SIZE(); ++i )
- {
- {
- ids.pushBack( hkContactPointId(i) );
- }
- }
- }
- inline hkpDynamicsCpIdMgr::hkpValueType hkpDynamicsCpIdMgr::getValueAt(int id) const
- {
- return M_VALUE_GET_VALUE(id);
- }
- /*
- * Havok SDK - NO SOURCE PC DOWNLOAD, BUILD(#20090216)
- *
- * Confidential Information of Havok. (C) Copyright 1999-2009
- * Telekinesys Research Limited t/a Havok. All Rights Reserved. The Havok
- * Logo, and the Havok buzzsaw logo are trademarks of Havok. Title, ownership
- * rights, and intellectual property rights in the Havok software remain in
- * Havok and/or its suppliers.
- *
- * Use of this software for evaluation purposes is subject to and indicates
- * acceptance of the End User licence Agreement for this product. A copy of
- * the license is included with this software and is also available at www.havok.com/tryhavok.
- *
- */