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Visual C++
- /*
- *
- * Confidential Information of Telekinesys Research Limited (t/a Havok). Not for disclosure or distribution without Havok's
- * prior written consent. This software contains code, techniques and know-how which is confidential and proprietary to Havok.
- * Level 2 and Level 3 source code contains trade secrets of Havok. Havok Software (C) Copyright 1999-2009 Telekinesys Research Limited t/a Havok. All Rights Reserved. Use of this software is subject to the terms of an end user license agreement.
- *
- */
- #include <Animation/Animation/Playback/Control/hkaAnimationControl.h>
- #include <Animation/Animation/Animation/hkaAnimationBinding.h>
- #include <Animation/Animation/Animation/hkaAnimation.h>
- class hkaDefaultAnimationControlListener;
- /// This class represents a simple animation control.
- /// It provides basic support for varying playback speed, fading and looping
- class hkaDefaultAnimationControl : public hkaAnimationControl
- {
- public:
- /// Create a new hkaDefaultAnimationControl.
- /// param binding The binding (which contains an hkaAnimation) to which this control is attached
- /// param startEasedIn True if the animation is to be started fully eased in, false if fully eased out
- /// param maxCycles Maximum number of cycles to play this animation (1,2, etc.). Negative values signify infinite looping.
- hkaDefaultAnimationControl( const hkaAnimationBinding* binding, hkBool startEasedIn = true, hkInt32 maxCycles = -1 );
- hkaDefaultAnimationControl(const hkaDefaultAnimationControl& other);
- /*
- * Control interface
- */
- /// Advance the local clock by the specified delta time and return the new state
- void update( hkReal stepDelta );
- /// Returns the local time of the control in the future.
- /// Local time is guaranteed to lie in the range 0..duration.
- /// If the stepDelta overflows / underflows the end of the animation then loopsOut is positive / negative.
- virtual void getFutureTime( hkReal stepDelta, hkReal& localTimeOut, int& loopsOut) const;
- /*
- * Basic Control
- */
- /// Return the master weight for the control
- inline hkReal getMasterWeight() const;
- /// Set the master weight for this playing animation
- inline void setMasterWeight( hkReal weight );
- /// Return the current playback speed
- inline hkReal getPlaybackSpeed() const;
- /// Set the playback speed.
- /// If speed is set to a negative value the animation will run backwards.
- inline void setPlaybackSpeed( hkReal speed );
- /*
- * Loop counting
- */
- /// Return how many times this control has looped passed the end of the animation - never reset unless by user using setOverflowCount().
- inline hkUint32 getOverflowCount() const;
- /// Reset (to zero) how many times this control has looped passed the end of the animation.
- inline void setOverflowCount( hkUint32 count );
- /// Return how many times this control has looped passed the start of the animation - never reset unless by user using setUnderflowCount().
- inline hkUint32 getUnderflowCount() const;
- /// Reset (to zero) how many times this control has looped passed the start of the animation.
- inline void setUnderflowCount( hkUint32 count );
- /*
- * Ease Curve Control
- */
- /// Set the ease in curve. The curve is a Bezier defined by
- /// B(t) = t^3(-p0 + 3p1 - 3p2 + p3) + t^2(3p0 - 6p1 + 3p2) + t^1(-3p0 + 3p1) + t^0(p0)
- inline void setEaseInCurve(hkReal y0, hkReal y1, hkReal y2, hkReal y3);
- /// Set the ease out curve. The curve is a Bezier defined by
- /// B(t) = t^3(-p0 + 3p1 - 3p2 + p3) + t^2(3p0 - 6p1 + 3p2) + t^1(-3p0 + 3p1) + t^0(p0)
- inline void setEaseOutCurve(hkReal y0, hkReal y1, hkReal y2, hkReal y3);
- /// Ease in the control according to the curve.
- /// param duration The length of time to perform the ease
- /// return The time at which it will be fully eased in (may not be time specified if the control is already in the middle of easing).
- inline hkReal easeIn(hkReal duration);
- /// Ease out the control according to the curve.
- /// param duration The length of time to perform the ease
- /// return The time at which it will be fully eased out (may not be time specified if the control is already in the middle of easing).
- inline hkReal easeOut(hkReal duration);
- /// Ease status.
- enum EaseStatus
- {
- /// easeIn has been called, and ease is not yet complete
- /// easeIn was called and ease has completed (or controller constructed in eased in state)
- /// easeOut has been called, and ease is not yet complete
- /// easeOut was called and ease has completed (or controller constructed in eased out state)
- };
- /// Returns the status of the easing for this control
- inline enum EaseStatus getEaseStatus() const;
- /*
- * Listener interface
- */
- /// Add a listener
- void addDefaultControlListener(hkaDefaultAnimationControlListener* listener);
- /// Remove a listener
- void removeDefaultControlListener(hkaDefaultAnimationControlListener* listener);
- /*
- * Cropping
- */
- /// Set the amount (in local seconds) to crop the start of the animation.
- /// This number should always be between 0 and the duration of the animation
- inline void setCropStartAmountLocalTime( hkReal cropStartAmountLocalTime );
- /// Set the amount (in local seconds) to crop the end of the animation.
- /// This number should always be between 0 and the duration of the animation
- /// For example, to crop the last half second from an animation of any length,
- /// pass in 0.5f.
- inline void setCropEndAmountLocalTime( hkReal cropEndAmountLocalTime );
- /// Get the amount (in local seconds) to crop the start of the animation.
- inline hkReal getCropStartAmountLocalTime();
- /// Get the amount (in local seconds) to crop the end of the animation.
- inline hkReal getCropEndAmountLocalTime();
- protected:
- // Master weight for this control
- hkReal m_masterWeight;
- // Speed Control
- hkReal m_playbackSpeed;
- // loop counters
- hkUint32 m_overflowCount;
- hkUint32 m_underflowCount;
- hkInt32 m_maxCycles;
- // Ease controls
- hkVector4 m_easeInCurve; // 4 control pts
- hkVector4 m_easeOutCurve; // 4 control pts
- hkReal m_easeInvDuration; // 1/duration of the ease
- hkReal m_easeT; // Current parameterisation for the ease curve
- EaseStatus m_easeStatus; // Direction in/out
- // cropping amounts (in positive local seconds from the respective endpoint of the clip)
- hkReal m_cropStartAmountLocalTime;
- hkReal m_cropEndAmountLocalTime;
- // Control listeners
- hkArray<hkaDefaultAnimationControlListener*> m_defaultListeners;
- };
- #include <Animation/Animation/Playback/Control/Default/hkaDefaultAnimationControl.inl>
- /*
- * Havok SDK - NO SOURCE PC DOWNLOAD, BUILD(#20090216)
- *
- * Confidential Information of Havok. (C) Copyright 1999-2009
- * Telekinesys Research Limited t/a Havok. All Rights Reserved. The Havok
- * Logo, and the Havok buzzsaw logo are trademarks of Havok. Title, ownership
- * rights, and intellectual property rights in the Havok software remain in
- * Havok and/or its suppliers.
- *
- * Use of this software for evaluation purposes is subject to and indicates
- * acceptance of the End User licence Agreement for this product. A copy of
- * the license is included with this software and is also available at www.havok.com/tryhavok.
- *
- */