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Visual C++
- /*
- *
- * Confidential Information of Telekinesys Research Limited (t/a Havok). Not for disclosure or distribution without Havok's
- * prior written consent. This software contains code, techniques and know-how which is confidential and proprietary to Havok.
- * Level 2 and Level 3 source code contains trade secrets of Havok. Havok Software (C) Copyright 1999-2009 Telekinesys Research Limited t/a Havok. All Rights Reserved. Use of this software is subject to the terms of an end user license agreement.
- *
- */
- #include <Animation/Animation/Animation/hkaAnimation.h>
- #include <Animation/Animation/Animation/Interleaved/hkaInterleavedUncompressedAnimation.h>
- #include <Animation/Internal/Compression/hkaCompression.h>
- #include <Common/Base/Container/Array/hkObjectArray.h>
- /// hkaSplineCompressedAnimation meta information
- extern const class hkClass hkaSplineCompressedAnimationClass;
- /// Compresses animation data using a spline approximation.
- /// See Animation Compression section of the Userguide for details.
- class hkaSplineCompressedAnimation : public hkaAnimation
- {
- public:
- static const int MAX_DEGREE = 3;
- static const int MAX_ORDER = MAX_DEGREE + 1;
- /// Compression settings for a single animation track
- struct TrackCompressionParams
- {
- // Quantization enum declarations
- enum RotationQuantization
- {
- POLAR32 = 0, ///
- THREECOMP40 = 1, ///
- THREECOMP48 = 2, ///
- THREECOMP24 = 3, ///
- STRAIGHT16 = 4, ///
- }; ///
- enum ScalarQuantization
- {
- BITS8 = 0, ///
- BITS16 = 1 ///
- }; ///
- // Spline approximation (compression) settings
- hkReal m_rotationTolerance; ///
- hkReal m_translationTolerance; ///
- hkReal m_scaleTolerance; ///
- hkReal m_floatingTolerance; ///
- hkUint16 m_rotationDegree; ///
- hkUint16 m_translationDegree; ///
- hkUint16 m_scaleDegree; ///
- hkUint16 m_floatingDegree; ///
- // Quantization settings
- hkEnum< RotationQuantization, hkUint8 > m_rotationQuantizationType; ///
- hkEnum< ScalarQuantization, hkUint8 > m_translationQuantizationType; ///
- hkEnum< ScalarQuantization, hkUint8 > m_scaleQuantizationType; ///
- hkEnum< ScalarQuantization, hkUint8 > m_floatQuantizationType; ///
- static hkBool validQuantization( RotationQuantization ); ///
- static hkBool validQuantization( ScalarQuantization ); ///
- // Validity test
- hkBool isOk() const;
- // Approximate quantization accuracy
- static hkReal HK_CALL approximateQuantizationAccuracy( RotationQuantization );
- static hkReal HK_CALL approximateQuantizationAccuracy( ScalarQuantization );
- // Constructor
- TrackCompressionParams(); ///
- };
- struct AnimationCompressionParams
- {
- HK_DECLARE_NONVIRTUAL_CLASS_ALLOCATOR( HK_MEMORY_CLASS_ANIM_COMPRESSED, hkaSplineCompressedAnimation::AnimationCompressionParams );
- // Per-animation settings
- hkUint16 m_maxFramesPerBlock; ///
- hkBool m_enableSampleSingleTracks; ///
- // Constructor
- AnimationCompressionParams(); ///
- };
- /// This structure is used when specifying per track compression settings
- struct PerTrackCompressionParams
- {
- /// List of CompressionParams to enable per-bone compression settings
- /// On initialisation only a single element is allocated.
- hkArray< struct hkaSplineCompressedAnimation::TrackCompressionParams > m_parameterPalette; ///
- /// An array of indices into the palette above
- hkArray<int> m_trackIndexToPaletteIndex; ///
- hkArray<int> m_floatTrackIndexToPaletteIndex; ///
- /// Validity check
- hkBool isOk() const;
- };
- /// Constructor with uniform compression settins for each track
- hkaSplineCompressedAnimation(
- const hkaInterleavedUncompressedAnimation& raw,
- const TrackCompressionParams& trackParams,
- const AnimationCompressionParams& animationParams );
- /// Constructor allowing different compression settings for each track
- hkaSplineCompressedAnimation(
- const hkaInterleavedUncompressedAnimation& raw,
- const PerTrackCompressionParams& trackParams,
- const AnimationCompressionParams& animationParams );
- /// Get the tracks at a given time
- /// Note: If you are calling this method directly you may find some quantization error present in the rotations.
- /// The blending done in hkaAnimatedSkeleton is not sensitive to rotation error so rather than renormalize here
- /// we defer it until blending has been completed. If you are using this method directly you may want to call
- /// hkaSkeletonUtils::normalizeRotations() on the results.
- virtual void sampleTracks(hkReal time, hkQsTransform* transformTracksOut, hkReal* floatTracksOut, hkaChunkCache* cache) const;
- /// Get a subset of the the first 'maxNumTracks' tracks of a pose at a given time (all tracks from 0 to maxNumTracks-1 inclusive).
- virtual void samplePartialTracks(hkReal time,
- hkUint32 maxNumTransformTracks, hkQsTransform* transformTracksOut,
- hkUint32 maxNumFloatTracks, hkReal* floatTracksOut,
- hkaChunkCache* cache) const;
- /// Sample a individual animation tracks
- virtual void sampleIndividualTransformTracks( hkReal time, const hkInt16* tracks, hkUint32 numTracks, hkQsTransform* transformOut ) const;
- /// Sample a individual floating tracks
- virtual void sampleIndividualFloatTracks( hkReal time, const hkInt16* tracks, hkUint32 numTracks, hkReal* out ) const;
- /// Returns the number of original samples / frames of animation
- virtual int getNumOriginalFrames() const;
- /// Return the number of chunks of data required to sample a pose at time t
- virtual int getNumDataChunks(hkReal time) const;
- /// Return the chunks of data required to sample a pose at time t
- virtual void getDataChunks(hkReal time, DataChunk* dataChunks, int m_numDataChunks) const;
- /// Return the maximum total size of all combined chunk data which could be returned by getDataChunks for this animation.
- virtual int getMaxSizeOfCombinedDataChunks() const;
- /// Get a subset of the tracks a given time using data chunks. Sample is calculated using pose[frameIndex] * (1 - frameDelta) + pose[frameIndex+1] * frameDelta.
- static void HK_CALL samplePartialWithDataChunks(hkUint32 frameIndex, hkReal frameDelta,
- hkUint32 maxNumTransformTracks, hkQsTransform* transformTracksOut,
- hkUint32 maxNumFloatTracks, hkReal* floatTracksOut,
- const DataChunk* dataChunks, int numDataChunks);
- public:
- /// Gets the total size in bytes of the spline compressed animation.
- int getSizeInBytes() const;
- public:
- // Constructor for initialisation of vtable fixup
- HK_FORCE_INLINE hkaSplineCompressedAnimation( hkFinishLoadedObjectFlag flag ) :
- hkaAnimation( flag ),
- m_blockOffsets( flag ),
- m_floatBlockOffsets( flag ),
- m_transformOffsets( flag ),
- m_floatOffsets( flag ),
- m_data( flag )
- {
- if ( flag.m_finishing ) handleEndian();
- }
- ~hkaSplineCompressedAnimation();
- private:
- // Sampling
- void sampleRotation( hkReal time, hkUint8 quantizedTime, hkUint8 mask, TrackCompressionParams::RotationQuantization type, const hkUint8*& dataInOut, hkQuaternion& out ) const;
- void sampleTranslation( hkReal time, hkUint8 quantizedTime, hkUint8 mask, TrackCompressionParams::ScalarQuantization type, const hkUint8*& dataInOut, hkVector4& out ) const;
- void sampleScale( hkReal time, hkUint8 quantizedTime, hkUint8 mask, TrackCompressionParams::ScalarQuantization type, const hkUint8*& dataInOut, hkVector4& out ) const;
- void sampleFloat( hkReal time, hkUint8 quantizedTime, hkUint8 mask, TrackCompressionParams::ScalarQuantization type, const hkUint8*& dataInOut, hkReal& out ) const;
- // Generic data I/O
- static void write8( hkUint8, hkArray< hkUint8 > & );
- static void write16( hkUint16, hkArray< hkUint8 > & );
- static void writeReal( hkReal, hkArray< hkUint8 > & );
- static void writeZeros( int, hkArray< hkUint8 > & );
- static void writeAlign( int, hkArray< hkUint8 > & );
- static void writeAlignQuaternion( TrackCompressionParams::RotationQuantization type, hkArray< hkUint8 > & );
- inline static hkUint8 read8( const hkUint8*& dataInOut );
- inline static hkUint16 read16( const hkUint8*& dataInOut );
- inline static hkReal readReal( const hkUint8*& dataInOut );
- inline static void readAlign( int, const hkUint8*& dataInOut );
- inline static void readAlignQuaternion( TrackCompressionParams::RotationQuantization type, const hkUint8*& dataInOut );
- inline static int bytesPerComponent( TrackCompressionParams::ScalarQuantization type );
- inline static int bytesPerQuaternion( TrackCompressionParams::RotationQuantization type );
- // NURBS Specific I/O
- void writeKnots( int n, int p, const hkArray< hkReal >& U );
- void writeRotation( hkUint8 mask, TrackCompressionParams::RotationQuantization type, const hkVector4& mean, int n, const hkArray< hkVector4 >& P );
- void writePoints( hkUint8 mask, TrackCompressionParams::ScalarQuantization type, const hkVector4& mean, const hkVector4& minp, const hkVector4& maxp, int n, hkArray< hkVector4 >& P );
- static void readNURBSCurve( const hkUint8*& dataInOut, hkUint8 quantizedTime, hkReal frameDuration, hkReal u, hkUint8 mask, TrackCompressionParams::ScalarQuantization scalarQuantizationType, hkVector4& I, hkVector4& out );
- static void readNURBSQuaternion( const hkUint8*& dataInOut, hkUint8 quantizedTime, hkReal frameDuration, hkReal u, hkUint8 mask, TrackCompressionParams::RotationQuantization type, hkQuaternion& out );
- static int readKnots( const hkUint8*& dataInOut, int& n, int& p, hkUint8 quantizedTime, hkReal frameDuration, hkReal U[ MAX_DEGREE * 2 ] );
- static void readPackedQuaternions( const hkUint8*& dataInOut, TrackCompressionParams::RotationQuantization type, int n, int p, int span, hkVector4 P[ MAX_ORDER ] );
- // NURBS Evaluation
- inline static int findSpan( int n, int p, hkUint8 u, const hkUint8* U );
- inline static void evaluate( hkReal time, int p, hkReal U[ MAX_DEGREE * 2 ], hkVector4 P[ MAX_ORDER ], hkVector4 & );
- static void evaluateSimple( hkReal time, int p, hkReal U[ MAX_DEGREE * 2 ], hkVector4 P[ MAX_ORDER ], hkVector4 & );
- #if !defined(HK_PLATFORM_SIM)
- static void evaluateSIMD( hkReal time, int p, hkReal U[ MAX_DEGREE * 2 ], hkVector4 P[ MAX_ORDER ], hkVector4 & );
- #endif
- static void evaluateLinear( hkReal time, int p, hkReal U[ MAX_DEGREE * 2 ], hkVector4 P[ MAX_ORDER ], hkVector4 & );
- inline void getBlockAndTime( hkReal time, int& blockOut, hkReal& blockTimeOut, hkUint8& quantizedTimeOut ) const;
- // Initialization
- void initialize( const hkaInterleavedUncompressedAnimation& raw, const PerTrackCompressionParams& trackParams, const AnimationCompressionParams& animationParams );
- static void deinterleaveTransform( const hkQsTransform* xform, int numTrack, int numFrames, int offset, int track, hkArray< hkVector4 >& tOut, hkArray< hkVector4 >& qOut, hkArray< hkVector4 >& sOut );
- static void deinterleaveFloat( const hkReal* data, int numTrack, int numFrames, int offset, int track, hkArray< hkVector4 >& out );
- // Packing, quantization and endian handling
- static hkUint8 packQuantizationTypes( TrackCompressionParams::ScalarQuantization position, TrackCompressionParams::RotationQuantization rotation, TrackCompressionParams::ScalarQuantization scale );
- inline static void unpackQuantizationTypes( hkUint8 packedQuatizationTypes, TrackCompressionParams::ScalarQuantization& translationQuantization, TrackCompressionParams::RotationQuantization& rotationQuantization, TrackCompressionParams::ScalarQuantization& scaleQuantization );
- static hkUint8 packMaskAndQuantizationType( hkUint8 mask, TrackCompressionParams::ScalarQuantization floatQuatization );
- inline static void unpackMaskAndQuantizationType( hkUint8 packedMaskAndQuatizationType, hkUint8& mask, TrackCompressionParams::ScalarQuantization& floatQuantization );
- static hkUint8 pack8( hkReal minp, hkReal maxp, hkReal val );
- inline static hkReal unpack8( hkReal minp, hkReal maxp, hkUint8 val );
- static hkUint16 pack16( hkReal minp, hkReal maxp, hkReal val );
- inline static hkReal unpack16( hkReal minp, hkReal maxp, hkUint16 val );
- static void packQuaternion( TrackCompressionParams::RotationQuantization type, const hkQuaternion* in, hkUint8* out );
- inline static void unpackQuaternion( TrackCompressionParams::RotationQuantization type, const hkUint8* in, hkQuaternion* out );
- static void handleEndianQuaternion( TrackCompressionParams::RotationQuantization type, hkUint8* dataInOut );
- static hkUint8 isStatic( const hkVector4& mean, const hkVector4& minp, const hkVector4& maxp, hkReal tol, const hkVector4& I );
- static hkVector4 getMean( const hkArray< hkVector4 >& P );
- static hkVector4 getMin( const hkArray< hkVector4 >& P );
- static hkVector4 getMax( const hkArray< hkVector4 >& P );
- inline static void recompose( hkUint8 mask, const hkVector4& S, const hkVector4& I, hkVector4& out );
- void handleEndian();
- static void reverseEndian( int bytes, hkUint8*& dataInOut );
- static void handleEndianScalar( hkUint8 mask, TrackCompressionParams::ScalarQuantization type, hkUint8*& dataInOut );
- static void handleEndianRotation( hkUint8 mask, TrackCompressionParams::RotationQuantization type, hkUint8*& dataInOut );
- static int handleEndianKnots( hkUint8 mask, hkUint8*& dataInOut );
- static void handleEndianScalarControlPoints( hkUint8 mask, int n, TrackCompressionParams::ScalarQuantization type, hkUint8*& dataInOut );
- static void handleEndianRotationControlPoints( hkUint8 mask, int n, TrackCompressionParams::RotationQuantization type, hkUint8*& dataInOut );
- // Utility
- static void Linspace( int m, hkArray< hkReal >& ub, hkReal a, hkReal b );
- // Member variables
- // Full animation data
- int m_numFrames;
- // Block info
- int m_numBlocks;
- int m_maxFramesPerBlock;
- int m_maskAndQuantizationSize;
- hkReal m_blockDuration;
- hkReal m_blockInverseDuration;
- hkReal m_frameDuration;
- // Data buffers
- hkArray< hkUint32 > m_blockOffsets; /// Offset to data for block i, stream relative
- hkArray< hkUint32 > m_floatBlockOffsets; /// Offset to the first byte of float data for block i, block relative
- hkArray< hkUint32 > m_transformOffsets; /// Offset to transform data for track i, block relative, and in multiples of 4 bytes
- hkArray< hkUint32 > m_floatOffsets; /// Offset to float data for track i, block relative, and in multiples of 4 bytes
- hkArray< hkUint8 > m_data;
- // Endian
- int m_endian;
- };
- #include <Animation/Animation/Animation/SplineCompressed/hkaSplineCompressedAnimation.inl>
- /*
- * Havok SDK - NO SOURCE PC DOWNLOAD, BUILD(#20090216)
- *
- * Confidential Information of Havok. (C) Copyright 1999-2009
- * Telekinesys Research Limited t/a Havok. All Rights Reserved. The Havok
- * Logo, and the Havok buzzsaw logo are trademarks of Havok. Title, ownership
- * rights, and intellectual property rights in the Havok software remain in
- * Havok and/or its suppliers.
- *
- * Use of this software for evaluation purposes is subject to and indicates
- * acceptance of the End User licence Agreement for this product. A copy of
- * the license is included with this software and is also available at www.havok.com/tryhavok.
- *
- */