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Visual C++
- /*
- *
- * Confidential Information of Telekinesys Research Limited (t/a Havok). Not for disclosure or distribution without Havok's
- * prior written consent. This software contains code, techniques and know-how which is confidential and proprietary to Havok.
- * Level 2 and Level 3 source code contains trade secrets of Havok. Havok Software (C) Copyright 1999-2009 Telekinesys Research Limited t/a Havok. All Rights Reserved. Use of this software is subject to the terms of an end user license agreement.
- *
- */
- #include <Common/GeometryUtilities/Mesh/hkMeshShape.h>
- #include <Common/GeometryUtilities/Mesh/hkMeshBody.h>
- #include <Common/GeometryUtilities/Mesh/IndexedTransformSet/hkIndexedTransformSet.h>
- class hkMeshSystem;
- extern const hkClass hkDefaultCompoundMeshShapeClass;
- /// A simple default implementation of hkMeshShape, which could be used as a default implementation for compound shapes
- ///
- /// When using an hkMeshSystem, there is the method 'createCompoundShape' which creates a new shape out of a combination
- /// of pre-existing shapes. Each of the contained shapes is controlled via a unique transform in the transform set.
- ///
- /// The default compound mesh shape, provides a simple way of implementing this functionality, in that it will use the
- /// functionality that has already been implemented in for normal shapes on hkMeshSystem to emulate the compound shape
- /// result.
- ///
- /// In order to make this work in an implementation of hkMeshSystem, when a body is constructed from a hkDefaultCompoundMeshShape,
- /// a hkDefaultCompoundMeshBody should be created. This will then manufacture hkMeshBodys for all of the contained hkMeshShapes.
- /// When a hkDefaultCompoundMeshBody is added to a hkMeshSystem, the addToSystem method should be called. When it is removed the
- /// addFromSystem should be called. These methods will add and remove all of the contained hkMeshBodys respectively.
- ///
- /// In an implementation of hkMeshSystem - identification of the shape or bodies type so an appropriate code route can be
- /// taken can be achieved by using the getClassType method.
- ///
- /// sa hkMeshShape
- class hkDefaultCompoundMeshShape: public hkMeshShape
- {
- public:
- // Ctor
- hkDefaultCompoundMeshShape( const hkMeshShape*const * shapes, const hkMatrix4* transforms, int numShapes);
- // Dtor
- virtual ~hkDefaultCompoundMeshShape();
- // hkMeshShape implementation
- virtual int getNumSections() const;
- // hkMeshShape implementation
- virtual void lockSection(int sectionIndex, hkUint8 accessFlags, hkMeshSection& sectionOut) const;
- // hkMeshShape implementation
- virtual void unlockSection(const hkMeshSection& section) const;
- // hkReferencedObjectImplementation
- virtual const hkClass* getClassType() const { return &hkDefaultCompoundMeshShapeClass; }
- // hkReferencedObjectImplementation
- virtual void calcContentStatistics( hkStatisticsCollector* collector,const hkClass* cls ) const;
- /// Create a list of shapes (ref'd) for each transform index
- static void HK_CALL createTransformIndexedShapeList(hkMeshSystem* meshSystem, const hkMeshSectionCinfo* sectionsIn, int numSections, hkArray<const hkMeshShape*>& shapesOut);
- /// Returns true if all of the sections have a transform index.
- static hkBool HK_CALL hasIndexTransforms(const hkMeshSectionCinfo* sections, int numSections);
- /// Will create a compound shape, made up of shapes which have the same transform index
- static hkDefaultCompoundMeshShape* HK_CALL createTransformIndexedShape(hkMeshSystem* meshSystem, const hkMeshSectionCinfo* sectionsIn, int numSections);
- public:
- //
- // Members
- //
- struct MeshSection
- {
- int m_shapeIndex;
- int m_sectionIndex;
- };
- hkArray<const hkMeshShape*> m_shapes; ///
- hkArray<hkMatrix4> m_defaultChildTransforms; ///
- hkArray<MeshSection> m_sections; ///
- };
- extern const hkClass hkDefaultCompoundMeshBodyClass;
- /// A simple implementation of hkMeshBody - which simulates a compound body using multiple contained bodies.
- ///
- /// This class should be used with the hkDefaultCompoundMeshShape class. It holds the hkMeshBody objects that
- /// are constructed from the contained shapes from the hkDefaultCompoundMeshShape.
- ///
- /// To make function correctly in an implementation of hkMeshSystem, the method addToSystem and removeFromSystem
- /// should be called when the hkDefaultCompoundMeshBody is added or removed from the world. Use the getClassType
- /// method to identity the type of object in the implementation of addBody/removeBody on the hkMeshSystem.
- ///
- /// For an implementation of this - look at the hkgMeshSystem implementation.
- ///
- /// sa hkMeshBody
- class hkDefaultCompoundMeshBody: public hkMeshBody
- {
- public:
- /// Ctor
- hkDefaultCompoundMeshBody(hkMeshSystem* meshSystem, const hkDefaultCompoundMeshShape* shape, const hkMatrix4& transform, hkIndexedTransformSetCinfo* transformSetCinfo);
- // Dtor
- virtual ~hkDefaultCompoundMeshBody();
- // hkReferencedObjectImplementation
- virtual const hkClass* getClassType() const { return &hkDefaultCompoundMeshBodyClass; }
- // hkReferencedObjectImplementation
- virtual void calcContentStatistics( hkStatisticsCollector* collector,const hkClass* cls ) const;
- // hkMeshBody implementation
- virtual const hkMeshShape* getMeshShape() const;
- // hkMeshBody implementation
- virtual void getTransform( hkMatrix4& transform ) const;
- // hkMeshBody implementation
- virtual void setTransform(const hkMatrix4& matrix);
- // hkMeshBody implementation
- virtual hkResult setPickingData(int id, void* data);
- // hkMeshBody implementation
- virtual hkMeshVertexBuffer* getVertexBuffer(int sectionIndex);
- // hkMeshBody implementation
- virtual int getNumIndexedTransforms() { return m_transformSet ? m_transformSet->getNumMatrices() : 0; }
- // hkMeshBody implementation
- virtual void setIndexedTransforms(int startIndex, const hkMatrix4* matrices, int numMatrices);
- // hkMeshBody implementation
- virtual void getIndexedTransforms(int startIndex, hkMatrix4* matrices, int numMatrices) { HK_ASSERT(0x423432, m_transformSet); m_transformSet->getMatrices(startIndex, matrices, numMatrices); }
- // hkMeshBody implementation
- virtual void getIndexedInverseTransforms(int startIndex, hkMatrix4* matrices, int numMatrices) { HK_ASSERT(0x34243206, m_transformSet); m_transformSet->getInverseMatrices(startIndex, matrices, numMatrices); }
- // hkMeshBody implementation
- virtual void completeUpdate();
- void addToSystem(hkMeshSystem* meshSystem);
- void removeFromSystem(hkMeshSystem* meshSystem);
- const hkArray<hkMeshBody*>& getChildBodies() const { return m_bodies; }
- protected:
- void _update();
- //
- // Members
- //
- protected:
- // With a compound shape, there are multiple contained shapes, otherwise there is just one
- hkArray<hkMeshBody*> m_bodies;
- hkMatrix4 m_transform;
- // The shape this has been created from
- const hkDefaultCompoundMeshShape* m_shape;
- hkRefPtr<hkIndexedTransformSet> m_transformSet;
- //
- hkBool m_transformIsDirty;
- hkBool m_transformSetUpdated;
- };
- /*
- * Havok SDK - NO SOURCE PC DOWNLOAD, BUILD(#20090216)
- *
- * Confidential Information of Havok. (C) Copyright 1999-2009
- * Telekinesys Research Limited t/a Havok. All Rights Reserved. The Havok
- * Logo, and the Havok buzzsaw logo are trademarks of Havok. Title, ownership
- * rights, and intellectual property rights in the Havok software remain in
- * Havok and/or its suppliers.
- *
- * Use of this software for evaluation purposes is subject to and indicates
- * acceptance of the End User licence Agreement for this product. A copy of
- * the license is included with this software and is also available at www.havok.com/tryhavok.
- *
- */