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资源名称:SHINE.rar [点击查看]
- /*
- * coder.c
- *
- * 22/02/01
- * Calculation of coefficient tables for sub band windowing
- * analysis filters and mdct.
- */
- #include "types.h"
- #include "table1.h"
- long int
- x[2][HAN_SIZE],
- z[512];
- /*
- * L3_window_filter_subband:
- * -------------------------
- * Overlapping window on PCM samples
- * 32 16-bit pcm samples are scaled to fractional 2's complement and
- * concatenated to the end of the window buffer #x#. The updated window
- * buffer #x# is then windowed by the analysis window #enwindow# to produce
- * the windowed sample #z#
- * The windowed samples #z# is filtered by the digital filter matrix #filter#
- * to produce the subband samples #s#. This done by first selectively
- * picking out values from the windowed samples, and then multiplying
- * them by the filter matrix, producing 32 subband samples.
- */
- void L3_window_filter_subband(unsigned long **buffer, long s[SBLIMIT] , int k)
- {
- static int off[2];
- long y[64],s1,s2;
- int i,j;
- /* replace 32 oldest samples with 32 new samples */
- /* data format depends on mode */
- if(config.mpeg.channels == 1)
- if(config.wave.channels == 2)
- { /* mono from stereo, sum upper and lower */
- for (i=31;i>=0;i--)
- {
- x[k][i+off[k]] = (((**buffer) >> 16) + (((**buffer) << 16)>>16)) << 15;
- (*buffer)++;
- }
- }
- else
- { /* mono data, use upper then lower */
- for (i=15;i>=0;i--)
- {
- x[k][(2*i)+off[k]+1] = (**buffer) << 16;
- x[k][(2*i)+off[k]] = ((*(*buffer)++) >> 16) << 16;
- }
- }
- else if(k)
- { /* stereo left, use upper */
- for (i=31;i>=0;i--)
- x[k][i+off[k]] = (*(*buffer)++) & 0xffff0000;
- }
- else
- { /* stereo right, use lower */
- for (i=31;i>=0;i--)
- x[k][i+off[k]] = (*(*buffer)++) << 16;
- }
- /* shift samples into proper window positions, and window data */
- for (i=HAN_SIZE; i--; )
- z[i] = mul(x[k][(i+off[k])&(HAN_SIZE-1)],ew[i]);
- off[k] = (off[k] + 480) & (HAN_SIZE-1); /* offset is modulo (HAN_SIZE)*/
- /* sub sample the windowed data */
- for (i=64; i--; )
- for (j=8, y[i] = 0; j--; )
- y[i] += z[i+(j<<6)];
- /* combine sub samples for the simplified matrix calculation */
- for (i=0; i<16; i++)
- y[i+17] += y[15-i];
- for (i=0; i<15; i++)
- y[i+33] -= y[63-i];
- /* simlplified polyphase filter matrix multiplication */
- for (i=16; i--; )
- for (j=0, s[i]= 0, s[31-i]=0; j<32; j += 2)
- {
- s1 = mul(fl[i][j],y[j+16]);
- s2 = mul(fl[i][j+1],y[j+17]);
- s[i] += s1 + s2;
- s[31-i] += s1 - s2;
- }
- }
- /*
- * L3_mdct_sub:
- * ------------
- */
- void L3_mdct_sub(long sb_sample[2][3][18][SBLIMIT],
- long mdct_freq[2][2][samp_per_frame2])
- {
- /* note. we wish to access the array 'mdct_freq[2][2][576]' as
- * [2][2][32][18]. (32*18=576),
- */
- long (*mdct_enc)[18];
- int ch,gr,band,j,k;
- long mdct_in[36];
- long bu,bd,*m;
- for(gr=0; gr<config.mpeg.granules; gr++)
- for(ch=config.mpeg.channels; ch--; )
- {
- /* set up pointer to the part of mdct_freq we're using */
- mdct_enc = (long (*)[18]) mdct_freq[gr][ch];
- /* Compensate for inversion in the analysis filter
- * (every odd index of band AND k)
- */
- for(band=1; band<=31; band+=2 )
- for(k=1; k<=17; k+=2 )
- sb_sample[ch][gr+1][k][band] *= -1;
- /* Perform imdct of 18 previous subband samples + 18 current subband samples */
- for(band=32; band--; )
- {
- for(k=18; k--; )
- {
- mdct_in[k] = sb_sample[ch][ gr ][k][band];
- mdct_in[k+18] = sb_sample[ch][gr+1][k][band];
- }
- /* Calculation of the MDCT
- * In the case of long blocks ( block_type 0,1,3 ) there are
- * 36 coefficients in the time domain and 18 in the frequency
- * domain.
- */
- for(k=18; k--; )
- {
- m = &mdct_enc[band][k];
- for(j=36, *m=0; j--; )
- *m += mul(mdct_in[j],cos_l[k][j]);
- }
- }
- /* Perform aliasing reduction butterfly */
- for(band=31; band--; )
- for(k=8; k--; )
- {
- /* must left justify result of multiplication here because the centre
- * two values in each block are not touched.
- */
- bu = muls(mdct_enc[band][17-k],cs[k]) + muls(mdct_enc[band+1][k],ca[k]);
- bd = muls(mdct_enc[band+1][k],cs[k]) - muls(mdct_enc[band][17-k],ca[k]);
- mdct_enc[band][17-k] = bu;
- mdct_enc[band+1][k] = bd;
- }
- }
- /* Save latest granule's subband samples to be used in the next mdct call */
- for(ch=config.mpeg.channels ;ch--; )
- for(j=18; j--; )
- for(band=32; band--; )
- sb_sample[ch][0][j][band] = sb_sample[ch][config.mpeg.granules][j][band];
- }