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资源名称:SHINE.rar [点击查看]
- /* loop.c */
- #include "types.h"
- #include "table2.h"
- //#define EXCESS_TO_PART3
- #define PART_2_3_LIMIT ((1<<12)-1) /* 12 bit part_2_3_length */
- #define DEC_BUFF_LIMIT 7680 /* decoder buffer limit */
- extern int *scalefac_band_long;
- extern int cutoff;
- int count_bit(int ix[samp_per_frame2], unsigned int start, unsigned int end, unsigned int table );
- int bigv_bitcount(int ix[samp_per_frame2], gr_info *gi);
- int new_choose_table( int ix[samp_per_frame2], unsigned int begin, unsigned int end );
- void bigv_tab_select( int ix[samp_per_frame2], gr_info *gi );
- void subdivide(gr_info *gi);
- int count1_bitcount( int ix[ samp_per_frame2 ], gr_info *gi );
- void calc_runlen( int ix[samp_per_frame2], gr_info *gi );
- int quantize(int ix[samp_per_frame2], int stepsize);
- int ix_max( int ix[samp_per_frame2], unsigned int begin, unsigned int end );
- static long
- *xr, /* magnitudes of the spectral values */
- xrabs[samp_per_frame2], /* xr absolute */
- xrmax; /* maximum of xrabs array */
- /*
- * inner_loop:
- * ----------
- * Selects the quantizer stepsize that allows encoding of the entire
- * spectrum with as many bits as possible up to the maximum allowed
- * of max_bits. Bits used must never exceed max_bits.
- * The lower the value of stepsize, the more bits are required.
- * Each increment of stepsize is an increase of global gain by 1.5dB (2**0.25).
- * The bit calculation functions are executed 7 or 8 times per call.
- */
- static int inner_loop(int ix[samp_per_frame2],int max_bits,gr_info *gi)
- {
- int step, stepsize, bits;
- step = stepsize = 64;
- /* This loop ends within 1 step of max_bits.
- * It takes a fixed 7 times around because the tablesize is 128=2**7.
- */
- while(step)
- {
- if(!quantize(ix,stepsize))
- bits = 0x7fffffff; /* outside (our) table range, early fail exit */
- else
- {
- calc_runlen(ix,gi); /* rzero,count1,big_values */
- bits = count1_bitcount(ix,gi); /* count1_table selection */
- subdivide(gi); /* bigvalues sfb division */
- bigv_tab_select(ix,gi); /* codebook selection */
- bits += bigv_bitcount(ix,gi); /* bit count */
- }
- step >>= 1;
- if(bits > max_bits)
- stepsize += step;
- else
- stepsize -= step;
- };
- /* this loop takes it over to the right side of max_bits.
- * it usually only has to go through once, sometimes not
- * at all. The while is just for safety.
- */
- while(bits > max_bits)
- {
- quantize(ix,++stepsize); /* update ix */
- calc_runlen(ix,gi); /* rzero,count1,big_values */
- bits = count1_bitcount(ix,gi); /* count1_table selection */
- subdivide(gi); /* bigvalues sfb division */
- bigv_tab_select(ix,gi); /* codebook selection */
- bits += bigv_bitcount(ix,gi); /* bit count */
- }
- gi->quantizerStepSize = stepsize;
- return bits;
- }
- /*
- * L3_iteration_loop:
- * ------------------
- */
- void L3_iteration_loop(long mdct_freq_org[2][2][samp_per_frame2],
- L3_side_info_t *side_info,
- int l3_enc[2][2][samp_per_frame2],
- int mean_bits)
- {
- gr_info *gi;
- int ch, gr, i;
- int *ix;
- int max_bits;
- int extra_bits;
- int reservoir;
- int resv_max;
- static int main_data_begin;
- reservoir = main_data_begin << 3; /* calculate reservoir at the frame start */
- side_info->main_data_begin = main_data_begin; /* set next frames back pointer */
- for(gr=0; gr<config.mpeg.granules; gr++)
- for(ch=config.mpeg.channels; ch--; )
- {
- /* setup pointers */
- ix = l3_enc[gr][ch];
- xr = mdct_freq_org[gr][ch];
- gi = &side_info->gr[gr].ch[ch].tt;
- /* calculate absolute and maximum */
- for (i=cutoff, xrmax=0; i--;)
- if(xrmax < (xrabs[i] = abs(xr[i])))
- xrmax = xrabs[i];
- gi->part2_3_length = 0;
- gi->big_values = 0;
- gi->count1 = 0;
- gi->table_select[0] = 0;
- gi->table_select[1] = 0;
- gi->table_select[2] = 0;
- gi->region0_count = 0;
- gi->region1_count = 0;
- gi->count1table_select= 0;
- /* calculate the available bits for the main data */
- extra_bits = reservoir >> 1; /* simple scheme, give half each time */
- reservoir -= extra_bits;
- max_bits = mean_bits + extra_bits;
- if(max_bits > PART_2_3_LIMIT)
- {
- reservoir += max_bits - PART_2_3_LIMIT;
- max_bits = PART_2_3_LIMIT;
- }
- /* quantize the spectrum unless all spectral values zero */
- if(xrmax)
- gi->part2_3_length = inner_loop(ix, max_bits, gi);
- reservoir += max_bits - gi->part2_3_length; /* adjust for unused bits */
- gi->global_gain = gi->quantizerStepSize + 89; /* StepSize = 0..127 (1.5dB steps) */
- /* restore sign of quantized spectral values */
- for ( i = 0; i < cutoff; i++ )
- if (xr[i] < 0)
- ix[i] *= -1;
- }
- /* Sort out reservoir at frame end, limit the size and stuff the excess */
- resv_max = DEC_BUFF_LIMIT - config.mpeg.bits_per_frame;
- if(resv_max > config.mpeg.resv_limit)
- resv_max = config.mpeg.resv_limit;
- else if(resv_max < 0)
- resv_max = 0;
- main_data_begin = (reservoir < resv_max) ? (reservoir >> 3) : (resv_max >> 3);
- extra_bits = reservoir - (main_data_begin << 3);
- #ifdef EXCESS_TO_PART3
- /* distribute excess bits throughout granules/channels */
- for(gr=0; gr<config.mpeg.granules; gr++)
- for(ch=0; ch<config.mpeg.channels; ch++)
- {
- int spare;
- if (!extra_bits)
- break;
- gi = &side_info->gr[gr].ch[ch].tt;
- spare = PART_2_3_LIMIT - gi->part2_3_length;
- if(spare > extra_bits)
- spare = extra_bits;
- gi->part2_3_length += spare;
- extra_bits -= spare;
- }
- #endif
- side_info->resv_drain = extra_bits; /* remaining bits to ancillary data */
- }
- /*
- * quantize:
- * ---------
- * Function: Quantization of the vector xr ( -> ix).
- * Returns 1 if ixmax < 1000. (our table size)
- */
- int quantize(int ix[samp_per_frame2], int stepsize )
- {
- /* the -1 together with the 3 bit table shift gives a 4 bit shift.
- * This compensates for using mulr instead of mulsr. The 1 bit shift
- * is equal to a four bit shift in the fourth power of two table.
- */
- int i;
- long scale = pow2_4[stepsize-1]; /* 2**(-stepsize/4) */
- /* A quick check to see if ixmax will be less than 1000 (our table
- * size is 10000) this speeds up the early calls
- */
- if(mulr(xrmax, scale) > 9999)
- return 0; /* no point in continuing, stepsize not big enough */
- for(i=0;i<cutoff;i++)
- /* ix = (|xr| * 2**(-stepsize/4)) ** (3/4)
- * The multiply must round it's result to emulate the 'nearest int'
- * (nint) function in the spec.
- */
- ix[i] = pow3_4[mulr(xrabs[i], scale)];
- return 1;
- }
- /*
- * ix_max:
- * -------
- * Function: Calculate the maximum of ix from 'begin' to 'end-1'
- */
- int ix_max( int ix[samp_per_frame2], unsigned int begin, unsigned int end )
- {
- register int i;
- register int max = 0;
- for(i=begin;i<end;i++)
- if(max < ix[i])
- max = ix[i];
- return max;
- }
- /*
- * calc_runlen:
- * ------------
- * Function: Calculation of rzero, count1, big_values
- * (Partitions ix into big values, quadruples and zeros).
- */
- void calc_runlen( int ix[samp_per_frame2], gr_info *gi )
- {
- int i;
- /* zeros */
- for ( i = cutoff; i > 1; i -= 2 )
- if (ix[i-1] | ix[i-2])
- break;
- /* quadruples */
- gi->count1 = 0 ;
- for ( ; i > 3; i -= 4 )
- if ( ix[i-1] <= 1
- && ix[i-2] <= 1
- && ix[i-3] <= 1
- && ix[i-4] <= 1 )
- gi->count1++;
- else
- break;
- /* what's left are big values */
- gi->big_values = i>>1;
- }
- /*
- * count1_bitcount:
- * ----------------
- * Determines the number of bits to encode the quadruples.
- */
- int count1_bitcount(int ix[samp_per_frame2], gr_info *gi)
- {
- int p, i, k;
- int v, w, x, y, signbits;
- int sum0 = 0,
- sum1 = 0;
- for(i=gi->big_values<<1, k=0; k<gi->count1; i+=4, k++)
- {
- v = ix[i];
- w = ix[i+1];
- x = ix[i+2];
- y = ix[i+3];
- p = v + (w<<1) + (x<<2) + (y<<3);
- signbits = 0;
- if(v!=0) signbits++;
- if(w!=0) signbits++;
- if(x!=0) signbits++;
- if(y!=0) signbits++;
- sum0 += signbits;
- sum1 += signbits;
- sum0 += ht[32].hlen[p];
- sum1 += ht[33].hlen[p];
- }
- if(sum0<sum1)
- {
- gi->count1table_select = 0;
- return sum0;
- }
- else
- {
- gi->count1table_select = 1;
- return sum1;
- }
- }
- /*
- * subdivide:
- * ----------
- * presumable subdivides the bigvalue region which will use separate Huffman tables.
- */
- void subdivide(gr_info *gi)
- {
- static struct
- {
- unsigned region0_count;
- unsigned region1_count;
- } subdv_table[ 23 ] =
- {
- {0, 0}, /* 0 bands */
- {0, 0}, /* 1 bands */
- {0, 0}, /* 2 bands */
- {0, 0}, /* 3 bands */
- {0, 0}, /* 4 bands */
- {0, 1}, /* 5 bands */
- {1, 1}, /* 6 bands */
- {1, 1}, /* 7 bands */
- {1, 2}, /* 8 bands */
- {2, 2}, /* 9 bands */
- {2, 3}, /* 10 bands */
- {2, 3}, /* 11 bands */
- {3, 4}, /* 12 bands */
- {3, 4}, /* 13 bands */
- {3, 4}, /* 14 bands */
- {4, 5}, /* 15 bands */
- {4, 5}, /* 16 bands */
- {4, 6}, /* 17 bands */
- {5, 6}, /* 18 bands */
- {5, 6}, /* 19 bands */
- {5, 7}, /* 20 bands */
- {6, 7}, /* 21 bands */
- {6, 7}, /* 22 bands */
- };
- int scfb_anz = 0;
- int bigvalues_region;
- if ( !gi->big_values)
- { /* no big_values region */
- gi->region0_count = 0;
- gi->region1_count = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- bigvalues_region = 2 * gi->big_values;
- {
- int thiscount, index;
- /* Calculate scfb_anz */
- while ( scalefac_band_long[scfb_anz] < bigvalues_region )
- scfb_anz++;
- gi->region0_count = subdv_table[scfb_anz].region0_count;
- thiscount = gi->region0_count;
- index = thiscount + 1;
- while ( thiscount && (scalefac_band_long[index] > bigvalues_region) )
- {
- thiscount--;
- index--;
- }
- gi->region0_count = thiscount;
- gi->region1_count = subdv_table[scfb_anz].region1_count;
- index = gi->region0_count + gi->region1_count + 2;
- thiscount = gi->region1_count;
- while ( thiscount && (scalefac_band_long[index] > bigvalues_region) )
- {
- thiscount--;
- index--;
- }
- gi->region1_count = thiscount;
- gi->address1 = scalefac_band_long[gi->region0_count+1];
- gi->address2 = scalefac_band_long[gi->region0_count
- + gi->region1_count + 2 ];
- gi->address3 = bigvalues_region;
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * bigv_tab_select:
- * ----------------
- * Function: Select huffman code tables for bigvalues regions
- */
- void bigv_tab_select( int ix[samp_per_frame2], gr_info *gi )
- {
- gi->table_select[0] = 0;
- gi->table_select[1] = 0;
- gi->table_select[2] = 0;
- if ( gi->address1 > 0 )
- gi->table_select[0] = new_choose_table( ix, 0, gi->address1 );
- if ( gi->address2 > gi->address1 )
- gi->table_select[1] = new_choose_table( ix, gi->address1, gi->address2 );
- if ( gi->big_values<<1 > gi->address2 )
- gi->table_select[2] = new_choose_table( ix, gi->address2, gi->big_values<<1 );
- }
- /*
- * new_choose_table:
- * -----------------
- * Choose the Huffman table that will encode ix[begin..end] with
- * the fewest bits.
- * Note: This code contains knowledge about the sizes and characteristics
- * of the Huffman tables as defined in the IS (Table B.7), and will not work
- * with any arbitrary tables.
- */
- int new_choose_table( int ix[samp_per_frame2], unsigned int begin, unsigned int end )
- {
- int i, max;
- int choice[2];
- int sum[2];
- max = ix_max(ix,begin,end);
- if(!max)
- return 0;
- choice[0] = 0;
- choice[1] = 0;
- if(max<15)
- {
- /* try tables with no linbits */
- for ( i =14; i--; )
- if ( ht[i].xlen > max )
- {
- choice[0] = i;
- break;
- }
- sum[0] = count_bit( ix, begin, end, choice[0] );
- switch (choice[0])
- {
- case 2:
- sum[1] = count_bit( ix, begin, end, 3 );
- if ( sum[1] <= sum[0] )
- choice[0] = 3;
- break;
- case 5:
- sum[1] = count_bit( ix, begin, end, 6 );
- if ( sum[1] <= sum[0] )
- choice[0] = 6;
- break;
- case 7:
- sum[1] = count_bit( ix, begin, end, 8 );
- if ( sum[1] <= sum[0] )
- {
- choice[0] = 8;
- sum[0] = sum[1];
- }
- sum[1] = count_bit( ix, begin, end, 9 );
- if ( sum[1] <= sum[0] )
- choice[0] = 9;
- break;
- case 10:
- sum[1] = count_bit( ix, begin, end, 11 );
- if ( sum[1] <= sum[0] )
- {
- choice[0] = 11;
- sum[0] = sum[1];
- }
- sum[1] = count_bit( ix, begin, end, 12 );
- if ( sum[1] <= sum[0] )
- choice[0] = 12;
- break;
- case 13:
- sum[1] = count_bit( ix, begin, end, 15 );
- if ( sum[1] <= sum[0] )
- choice[0] = 15;
- break;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* try tables with linbits */
- max -= 15;
- for(i=15;i<24;i++)
- if(ht[i].linmax>=max)
- {
- choice[0] = i;
- break;
- }
- for(i=24;i<32;i++)
- if(ht[i].linmax>=max)
- {
- choice[1] = i;
- break;
- }
- sum[0] = count_bit(ix,begin,end,choice[0]);
- sum[1] = count_bit(ix,begin,end,choice[1]);
- if (sum[1]<sum[0])
- choice[0] = choice[1];
- }
- return choice[0];
- }
- /*
- * bigv_bitcount:
- * --------------
- * Function: Count the number of bits necessary to code the bigvalues region.
- */
- int bigv_bitcount(int ix[samp_per_frame2], gr_info *gi)
- {
- int bits = 0;
- unsigned int table;
- if((table = gi->table_select[0]) != 0) /* region0 */
- bits += count_bit(ix, 0, gi->address1, table );
- if((table = gi->table_select[1]) != 0) /* region1 */
- bits += count_bit(ix, gi->address1, gi->address2, table );
- if((table = gi->table_select[2]) != 0) /* region2 */
- bits += count_bit(ix, gi->address2, gi->address3, table );
- return bits;
- }
- /*
- * count_bit:
- * ----------
- * Function: Count the number of bits necessary to code the subregion.
- */
- int count_bit(int ix[samp_per_frame2],
- unsigned int start,
- unsigned int end,
- unsigned int table )
- {
- unsigned linbits, ylen;
- register int i, sum;
- register int x,y;
- struct huffcodetab *h;
- if(!table)
- return 0;
- h = &(ht[table]);
- sum = 0;
- ylen = h->ylen;
- linbits = h->linbits;
- if(table>15)
- { /* ESC-table is used */
- for(i=start;i<end;i+=2)
- {
- x = ix[i];
- y = ix[i+1];
- if(x>14)
- {
- x = 15;
- sum += linbits;
- }
- if(y>14)
- {
- y = 15;
- sum += linbits;
- }
- sum += h->hlen[(x*ylen)+y];
- if(x)
- sum++;
- if(y)
- sum++;
- }
- }
- else
- { /* No ESC-words */
- for(i=start;i<end;i+=2)
- {
- x = ix[i];
- y = ix[i+1];
- sum += h->hlen[(x*ylen)+y];
- if(x!=0)
- sum++;
- if(y!=0)
- sum++;
- }
- }
- return sum;
- }