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资源名称:SHINE.rar [点击查看]
- /* wave.c
- *
- * Data input functions.
- */
- #include "types.h"
- /*
- * wave_close:
- * -----------
- */
- void wave_close(void)
- {
- fclose(config.wave.file);
- }
- /*
- * wave_open:
- * ----------
- * Opens and verifies the header of the Input Wave file. The file pointer is
- * left pointing to the start of the samples.
- */
- void wave_open(int raw, int mono_from_stereo)
- {
- static char *channel_mappings[] = {NULL,"mono","stereo"};
- static char *file_type[] = {"RIFF-WAVE PCM","RAW DATA PCM"};
- /* Wave file headers can vary from this, but we're only intereseted in this format */
- struct wave_header
- {
- char riff[4]; /* "RIFF" */
- unsigned long size; /* length of rest of file = size of rest of header(36) + data length */
- char wave[4]; /* "WAVE" */
- char fmt[4]; /* "fmt " */
- unsigned long fmt_len; /* length of rest of fmt chunk = 16 */
- unsigned short tag; /* MS PCM = 1 */
- unsigned short channels; /* channels, mono = 1, stereo = 2 */
- unsigned long samp_rate; /* samples per second = 44100 */
- unsigned long byte_rate; /* bytes per second = samp_rate * byte_samp = 176400 */
- unsigned short byte_samp; /* block align (bytes per sample) = channels * bits_per_sample / 8 = 4 */
- unsigned short bit_samp; /* bits per sample = 16 for MS PCM (format specific) */
- char data[4]; /* "data" */
- unsigned long length; /* data length (bytes) */
- } header;
- /* open input file */
- if((config.wave.file = fopen(config.infile,"rb")) == NULL)
- error("Unable to open file");
- if(raw)
- {
- fseek(config.wave.file, 0, SEEK_END); /* find length of file */
- header.length = ftell(config.wave.file);
- fseek(config.wave.file, 0, SEEK_SET);
- header.channels = (mono_from_stereo) ? 1 : 2;
- header.samp_rate = config.wave.samplerate; /* 44100 if not set by user */
- header.bit_samp = 16; /* assumed */
- header.byte_samp = header.channels * header.bit_samp / 8;
- header.byte_rate = header.samp_rate * header.byte_samp;
- }
- else /* wave */
- {
- if (fread(&header, sizeof(header), 1, config.wave.file) != 1)
- error("Invalid Header");
- if(strncmp(header.riff,"RIFF",4) != 0) error("Not a MS-RIFF file");
- if(strncmp(header.wave,"WAVE",4) != 0) error("Not a WAVE audio");
- if(strncmp(header.fmt, "fmt ",4) != 0) error("Can't find format chunk");
- if(header.tag != 1) error("Unknown WAVE format");
- if(header.channels > 2) error("More than 2 channels");
- if(header.bit_samp != 16) error("Not 16 bit");
- if(strncmp(header.data,"data",4) != 0) error("Can't find data chunk");
- }
- config.wave.channels = header.channels;
- config.wave.samplerate = header.samp_rate;
- config.wave.bits = header.bit_samp;
- config.wave.total_samples = header.length / header.byte_samp;
- config.wave.length = header.length / header.byte_rate;
- if((config.wave.channels == 1) || mono_from_stereo)
- {
- config.mpeg.channels = 1;
- config.mpeg.mode = MODE_MONO;
- }
- printf("%s, %s %ldHz %dbit, Length: %2ld:%2ld:%2ldn",
- file_type[raw],
- channel_mappings[config.wave.channels],
- config.wave.samplerate,
- config.wave.bits,
- config.wave.length/3600,(config.wave.length/60)%60,config.wave.length%60);
- }
- /*
- * wave_get:
- * ---------
- * Reads samples from the file in longs. A long can
- * hold one stereo or two mono samples.
- * Returns the address of the start of the next frame or NULL if there are no
- * more. The last frame will be padded with zero's.
- */
- unsigned long int *wave_get(void)
- {
- int n,p;
- static unsigned long buff[samp_per_frame];
- n = config.mpeg.samples_per_frame >> (2 - config.wave.channels);
- p = fread(buff,sizeof(unsigned long),(short)n,config.wave.file);
- if(!p)
- return 0;
- else
- {
- for(; p<n; p++)
- buff[p]=0;
- return buff;
- }
- }