- .PU
- .TH arith_coder 1 local "Rev: 3.0"
- arith_coder, bits, char, uint, word - data compression using arithmetic
- coding and a bit, character, unsigned integer, or word based model
- .ll +8
- .B bits
- [fB-hfR]
- [fB-vfR]
- [
- fB-efR
- [fB-mfR fImbytesfP]
- [fB-bfR fIcodebitsfP]
- [fB-ffR fIfbitsfP]
- [fB-cfR fIctxbitsfP]
- ]
- |
- [fB-dfR]
- [fIfnamefP]
- .B char
- [fB-hfR]
- [fB-vfR]
- [fB-efR
- [fB-bfR fIcodebitsfP]
- [fB-ffR fIfbitsfP]
- ]
- |
- [fB-dfR]
- [fIfnamefP]
- .B uint
- [fB-hfR]
- [fB-vfR]
- [fB-efR
- [fB-bfR fIcodebitsfP]
- [fB-ffR fIfbitsfP]
- ]
- |
- [fB-dfR]
- [fIfnamefP]
- .B word
- [fB-hfR]
- [fB-vfR]
- [
- fB-efR
- [fB-mfR fImbytesfP]
- [fB-bfR fIcodebitsfP]
- [fB-ffR fIfbitsfP]
- ]
- |
- [
- fB-dfR
- ]
- [fIfnamefP]
- .B arith_coder
- [fB-hfR]
- [fB-vfR]
- [fB-efR
- [fB-tfR fImodelfP]
- [fB-mfR fImbytesfP]
- [fB-bfR fIcodebitsfP]
- [fB-ffR fIfbitsfP]
- [fB-cfR fIctxbitsfP]
- ]
- |
- [fB-dfR]
- [fIfnamefP]
- .ll -8
- .I Bits, char, uint,
- and
- .I word
- are programs that use arithmetic coding for compressing data, using
- bit, character, unsigned integer, and word based models, respectively.
- They are links to
- .I arith_coder,
- which can also be called directly with
- .B -t
- .I model
- specified to be "bits", "char", "uint", or "word".
- .I Bits
- uses an adaptive fixed order bit based model.
- The model encodes each
- bit of the input using probabilities conditioned by the previous
- .I ctxbits
- bits of the file.
- The program potentially allocates up to 2^fIctxbitsfR contexts requiring
- 16 bytes each. If the memory limit is exceeded when allocating new contexts,
- existing contexts are re-used.
- .I Char
- uses an adaptive zero-order character based model.
- It
- is provided for comparison with the original CACM arithmetic coding
- package, but is unlikely to provide compression as good as
- .I bits
- or
- .I word.
- .I Uint
- uses an adaptive zero-order unsigned-integer based model which is initialised
- with a single escape symbol.
- Message symbols are read using the
- .I fwrite
- function.
- The input symbols are expected to occur for the first time in numerical
- order.
- This removes the need to store the actual integer causing an escape
- symbol to be transmitted: it is simply the next integer in sequence.
- This restriction imples that the first integer in the file must 1.
- .I Word
- uses an adaptive zero-order word based model.
- If the memory limit is reached, all words are purged from memory, and
- collection of words is started from scratch.
- Binary files (for example,
- bit-map images) will be handled correctly, but compression is unlikely to be as
- good as the rates obtained by tailor-made compression regimes.
- The specified uncompressed file
- .I fname
- is compressed to standard output if
- .B -e
- is specified. Similarly,
- a compressed file
- .I fname
- is decompressed to standard output if
- .B -d
- is specified.
- If no
- .I fname
- is given, input is read from stdin.
- The level of compression obtained depends upon the size of the file, and the
- amount of redundancy. The program uses an arithmetic coding
- scheme which uses frequency counts of 2^fIfbitsfR.
- There is a constraint that
- fIfbitsfR <= fIcodebitsfR-2, where fIcodebitsfR is the
- number of bits of precision for arithmetic in the arithmetic coding module.
- So, for example, if fIcodebitsfR is 32 then fIfbitsfR could be at most 30.
- .ll -8
- .TP
- f4-hfP
- Display help (lists valid command line parameters).
- .TP
- f4-efP
- Select compression.
- .TP
- f4-dfP
- Select decompression. The appropriate model is
- selected automatically, based on the magic number at the start of
- the compressed file.
- .TP
- f4-vfP
- Verbose mode. Display details about compression performance.
- If this flag is the only option on the command line, displays the
- command line options, as well as information about the compile time
- characteristics of the program (whether shift/add or multiplication/division
- arithmetic is being used, etc).
- .TP
- f4-tfP
- Specify fImodelfR to encode data. Can be one of "bits", "char" or "word".
- .TP
- f4-mfP
- Limit memory usage (for data structures) to
- .I mbytes
- megabytes.
- Default value is 1. (Bit and word based models only).
- .TP
- f4-bfP
- Use
- .I codebits
- bits for arithmetic done in arithmetic coding. Default is 32, and is
- bounded by the size of the data type used to store code values
- (typedef code_value in arith.h).
- .TP
- f4-ffP
- Use
- .I fbits
- bits for frequency counts. Larger values allow
- more accurate modelling of large files and
- faster compression and decompression if
- compiled with shift/add arithmetic (the MULT_DIV option is not specified
- in the Makefile).
- However larger values of
- .I fbits
- relative to
- .I codebits
- may also reduce overall compression efficiency.
- This is because of
- truncation effects at the coding stage, and because of the recency
- effect that is a by-product of count scaling is reduced.
- .I Fbits
- must be at least 2 less than
- .I codebits.
- Default is 27.
- .TP
- f4-cfP
- Use
- .I ctxbits
- previous bits
- as a context for each compressed bit. Larger values
- provide more accurate modelling and better compression.
- Note, however, that in the absence of any memory limit
- memory use is proportional to 2^fIctxbitsfP.
- Default is 16. (Bit based model only).
- .LP
- Compressed files with the "word" and "bits" models may not be portable across
- architectures. This may be the case if there are different
- alignment restrictions or the size of type freq_value
- (currently declared as "int") is different.
- This is due to memory limits being reached at different stages.
- .I Arithmetic Coding Revisited,
- Alistair Moffat, Radford Neal, Ian H. Witten,
- ACM Transactions on Information Systems,
- 16(3):256-294, July 1998;
- and
- .I An improved data structure for cumulative probability tables;
- Alistair Moffat,
- Software-Practice & Experience,
- 1999.
- See also
- .I
- These programs are supplied free of charge for research purposes only,
- and may not sold or incorporated into any commercial product. There is
- ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY of any sort, nor any undertaking that they are
- fit for ANY PURPOSE WHATSOEVER. Use them at your own risk. If you do
- happen to find a bug, or have modifications to suggest, please report
- the same to Alistair Moffat, The copyright
- notice included in the source code
- and this statement of conditions must remain an integral
- part of each and every copy made of these files.