- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Arith_coder VERSION 3. WHAT'S NEW (January 2000)
- Thanks to Tim Wentford (timwentford@hotmail.com), a number of errors in
- version 3 have been identified. The corrections are:
- diff stats.c
- 219c219
- < while (size < length)
- ---
- > while (size < length-1)
- 242c242
- < for (i = 0; i < pContext->max_length; i++)
- ---
- > for (i = 0; i <= pContext->max_length; i++)
- 275c275
- < while (symbol >= pContext->max_length)
- ---
- > while (symbol > pContext->max_length)
- 279c279
- < pContext->max_length * 2 * sizeof(freq_value));
- ---
- > (2*pContext->max_length+1) * sizeof(freq_value));
- 287c287
- < for (i = pContext->max_length; i < 2*pContext->max_length; i++)
- ---
- > for (i = pContext->max_length+1; i <= 2*pContext->max_length; i++)
- 337c337
- < if ((symbol > 0) && (symbol < pContext->max_length))
- ---
- > if ((symbol > 0) && (symbol <= pContext->max_length))
- 683c683
- < for (i = 0; i < pContext->initial_size; i++)
- ---
- > for (i = 0; i <= pContext->initial_size; i++)
- diff hashtable.c
- 95d94
- < pTable->pStrings->length = 0;
- 130,131d128
- < pNew->pBuckets->nBits = 0;
- < pNew->pBuckets->nWords = 0;
- File arith_coder-3.tar.gz contains the revisions; but the corresponding
- changes to the Fenwick tree structure in the stats.c file in
- arith_coder-2.tar.gz have not been made. My machine obviously zeroes
- memory when it is allocated!
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Arith_coder VERSION 3. WHAT'S NEW (February 1999)
- 1. File stats.c now implements the "Moffat tree" data structure, as
- opposed to the "Fenwick tree" data structure. For a description, see
- http://www.cs.mu.oz.au/~alistair/abstracts/mof99:spe.html. The revised
- data structure operates at about the same speed in char, but allows
- word to operate slightly faster. In extreme cases (test this with uint)
- of decreasing probability distributions, the new structure might be
- considerably faster.
- 2. An additional "uint" model (in addition to bits, char, and word) has
- been included, which reads unsigned integers as coding symbols. Note
- that each integer in the stream must be in the range 1..r+1, where r is
- the largest integer in the stream to date. Hence, the first integer
- must always be 1.
- 3. For up-to-date details, see http://www.cs.mu.oz.au/~alistair/arith_coder/
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------------------
- Word, Character, and Bit Based Compression Using Arithmetic Coding.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** MINOR FIX October 1996: Setting Max_frequency in create_binary_context()
- ensures binary coding now works correctly when B and F are variable.
- (MOST_PROB_AT_END now also defined by default in stats.c)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Arith_coder VERSION 2. WHAT'S NEW (August 1996)
- Changes from original release:
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- The programs char, bits, and word have been replaced by a single program,
- arith_coder. Char, bits and word are now symbolic links to arith_coder.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Bytes are filled bitwise starting with most significant bit. (Opposite of
- previous version).
- The range is now initially Half, instead of Half-1, and renormalisation is
- done when range <= Quarter instead of < Quarter. This may alter the data
- stream.
- Finish_encode() now outputs B_bits (previously 3), so that these can be
- safely read into the buffer, without reading past eof or the start of different
- data. (There is a FRUGAL_BITS option which can be defined, and only
- outputs 1, 2 or 3 bits, and the decoder recovers the extra bits read in, if
- required).
- Headers now include B_bits (formerly called code_bits) and a version string.
- Char: 10 bytes
- +============+===========+===========+==========+
- | Magic Num | Version | F_bits | B_bits |
- | 4 bytes | 4 bytes | 1 byte | 1 byte |
- +============+===========+===========+==========+
- Word: 11 bytes
- +============+===========+===========+==========+==========+
- | Magic Num | Version | F_bits | B_bits | mbytes |
- | 4 bytes | 4 bytes | 1 byte | 1 byte | 1 byte |
- +============+===========+===========+==========+==========+
- Bits: 12 bytes
- +============+===========+===========+==========+==========+==============+
- | Magic Num | Version | F_bits | B_bits | mbytes | bits_context |
- | 4 bytes | 4 bytes | 1 byte | 1 byte | 1 byte | 1 byte |
- +============+===========+===========+==========+==========+==============+
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- The value B (B_bits, formerly called code_bits) may be specified from
- the command line with the -b option (if not fixed at compile time).
- The stats module maintains the most probable symbol at the end of the
- range which improves compression, and can also improve stats decoding
- speed (as it doesn't look up the Fenwick structure if the mps is received).
- Bits_outstanding and L are no longer maintained by the decoder (for improved
- performance). This means it is theoretically possible for bits_outstanding
- to overflow when encoding, requiring the program to halt (see notes in
- the code or the paper). This means B_bits are output by finish_encode()
- instead of 1,2 or 3, so that the decoder can resync (because V is not
- maintained).
- End of file is checked for while reading input.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Coder:
- Decoder uses a transformation D=V-L to greatly simplify renormalisation
- loop.
- Both F_bits and B_bits can be fixed at compile time for a performance
- improvement (they are fixed by default unless compiled with -DVARY_NBITS).
- The shift/add loops are now explicitly unrolled with macros if B_bits and
- F_bits are known at compile time.
- Redundant calculation of "r" in binary_arithmetic_{encode,decode} removed
- (although compiler may optimise it out).
- Stats module:
- When decoding a symbol, the "low" frequency value is determined when the
- symbol is determined. This is now exploited to help work out the "high"
- value, rather than recalculating both from scratch.
- Bit i/o:
- Different method for ADD_NEXT_INPUT_BIT may result in a slight
- speed up.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Arithmetic coding module has been renamed from coder.c to arith.c.
- Input and output has been separated into files bitio.{h,c}.
- The program arith_coder has subsumed char, bits, and word, with arith_coder.c
- processing the command line and keeping track of memory usage.
- Stats.c:
- The zero frequency probability is now kept track of in a function and
- macro, for easy change of estimation method.
- The first item in the Fenwick structure (item 1) is now reserved for the
- zero frequency probability, even if it is zero. This means it is effectively
- treated as any other symbol.
- FRUGAL_BITS coder option:
- Removes some of the speedup of the improved DECODE_RENORMALISE loop, but
- outputs the same number of bits as the previous version (approximately
- B_bits less per finish_encode(), and is still able to resync (with
- finish_encode(); start_encode(); pairs).
- Magic numbers now have a non-ascii character (377) in them so the file
- will not be mistaken for ascii text.
- The types for code values, frequency values and division values (which
- store code/frequency) are all now typedef'd. (See arith.h: code_value,
- freq_value and div_value)
- Bits.c: Return value is checked when allocating memory for context zero.
- Compression rate when decoding is calculated and displayed.
- Peak memory usage is displayed instead of memory usage at end of coding
- (which may have been after a memory purge)
- When run with no parameters, a summary of commands and options are displayed.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------