- /******************************************************************************
- File: bits.c
- Authors: John Carpinelli (
- Wayne Salamonsen (
- Lang Stuiver (
- Purpose: Data compression using an nth order binary model and revised
- arithmetic coding method.
- Based on: A. Moffat, R. Neal, I.H. Witten, "Arithmetic Coding Revisited",
- Proc. IEEE Data Compression Conference, Snowbird, Utah,
- March 1995.
- Copyright 1995 John Carpinelli and Wayne Salamonsen, All Rights Reserved.
- These programs are supplied free of charge for research purposes only,
- and may not sold or incorporated into any commercial product. There is
- ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY of any sort, nor any undertaking that they are
- fit for ANY PURPOSE WHATSOEVER. Use them at your own risk. If you do
- happen to find a bug, or have modifications to suggest, please report
- the same to Alistair Moffat, The copyright
- notice above and this statement of conditions must remain an integral
- part of each and every copy made of these files.
- ******************************************************************************/
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include "bitio.h"
- #include "arith.h"
- #include "stats.h"
- #include "main.h"
- /* global variables */
- int bits_context=DEFAULT_BITS_CONTEXT; /* no. bits in binary contexts */
- static unsigned int non_null_contexts = 0; /* count of contexts used */
- #ifdef RCSID
- static char
- rcsid[] = "$Id: bits.c,v 1.1 1996/08/07 01:34:11 langs Exp $";
- #endif
- /*
- *
- * print the results of compressing/decompressing a file
- *
- */
- void print_results_bits(int decode)
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "Context bits : %10dn", bits_context);
- fprintf(stderr, "Number of contexts : %10un",
- non_null_contexts);
- }
- /*
- *
- * compress data using i/o in bitio.c, compressing
- * each bit with probabilities derived from the previous bits
- *
- */
- void encode_bits(void)
- {
- unsigned int i, j, cur_context, closest_context;
- unsigned int mask, bit;
- int bits_to_go, buffer;
- binary_context **contexts;
- binary_context *still_coding;
- OUTPUT_BYTE(bits_context);
- /* initialise context array */
- contexts = (binary_context **)do_malloc(sizeof(binary_context *) *
- (1 << bits_context));
- if (contexts == NULL)
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "bits: not enough memory to allocate context arrayn");
- exit(1);
- }
- still_coding = create_binary_context();
- /* initialise contexts to NULL */
- for (i=0; i < 1 << bits_context; i++)
- contexts[i] = NULL;
- /* initalise variables */
- cur_context = 0;
- mask = (1 << bits_context) - 1;
- /* Ensure context '0' is created, as it is implicitly
- * assumed to exist in the main loop that follows
- */
- if (get_memory(sizeof(binary_context)) != NOMEMLEFT)
- {
- contexts[0] = create_binary_context();
- non_null_contexts++;
- }
- else
- {
- fprintf(stderr,"bits: not enough memory to allocate initial contextn");
- exit(1);
- }
- startoutputtingbits();
- start_encode();
- while ((buffer = INPUT_BYTE()) != EOF)
- {
- binary_encode(still_coding, 1);
- for (bits_to_go = 7; bits_to_go >= 0; bits_to_go--)
- {
- if (contexts[cur_context] == NULL)
- {
- if (get_memory(sizeof(binary_context)) != NOMEMLEFT)
- {
- contexts[cur_context] = create_binary_context();
- non_null_contexts++;
- }
- else
- /*
- * determine closest existing context to current one
- * by stripping off the leading bits of the context
- * guaranteed to get contexts[0] if nothing closer
- */
- {
- closest_context = cur_context;
- j = 1;
- do
- {
- closest_context &= (mask >> j);
- j++;
- } while (contexts[closest_context] == NULL);
- contexts[cur_context] = contexts[closest_context];
- }
- }
- bit = (buffer >> bits_to_go) & 1;
- binary_encode(contexts[cur_context], bit);
- cur_context = ((cur_context << 1) | bit) & mask;
- }
- }
- /* encode end of message flag */
- binary_encode(still_coding, 0);
- finish_encode();
- doneoutputtingbits();
- }
- /*
- *
- * decode a compressed file using a bit context model,
- * using bitio.c i/o
- *
- */
- void decode_bits(void)
- {
- int i, j, cur_context, closest_context, buffer, bits_to_go;
- int mask, bit;
- binary_context **contexts;
- binary_context *still_coding;
- bits_context = INPUT_BYTE();
- /* initialise context array */
- contexts = (binary_context **)do_malloc(sizeof(binary_context *) *
- (1 << bits_context));
- if (contexts == NULL)
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "bits: unable to malloc %d bytesn",
- (int)sizeof(binary_context *) * (1 << bits_context));
- exit(1);
- }
- still_coding = create_binary_context();
- /* initialise contexts to NULL */
- for (i=0; i < 1 << bits_context; i++)
- contexts[i] = (binary_context *)NULL;
- /* initalise variables */
- cur_context = 0;
- mask = (1 << bits_context) - 1;
- startinputtingbits();
- start_decode();
- /* decode the file */
- while (binary_decode(still_coding))
- {
- buffer = 0;
- for (bits_to_go = 7; bits_to_go >= 0; bits_to_go--)
- {
- if (contexts[cur_context] == (binary_context *)NULL)
- {
- if (get_memory(sizeof(binary_context)) != NOMEMLEFT)
- {
- contexts[cur_context] = create_binary_context();
- non_null_contexts++;
- }
- else
- { /*
- * determine closest existing context to current one
- * by stripping off the leading bits of the context
- * guaranteed to get contexts[0] if nothing closer
- */
- closest_context = cur_context;
- j = 1;
- do
- {
- closest_context &= (mask >> j);
- j++;
- } while (contexts[closest_context] == NULL);
- contexts[cur_context] = contexts[closest_context];
- }
- }
- bit = binary_decode(contexts[cur_context]);
- buffer = (buffer << 1) | bit;
- cur_context = ((cur_context << 1) | bit) & mask;
- }
- OUTPUT_BYTE(buffer);
- }
- finish_decode();
- doneinputtingbits();
- }