- /*-
- * See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1996-2002
- * Sleepycat Software. All rights reserved.
- */
- #include "db_config.h"
- #ifndef lint
- static const char copyright[] =
- "Copyright (c) 1996-2002nSleepycat Software Inc. All rights reserved.n";
- static const char revid[] =
- "$Id: db_load.c,v 11.71 2002/08/08 03:50:36 bostic Exp $";
- #endif
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #include <limits.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <unistd.h>
- #endif
- #include "db_int.h"
- #include "dbinc/db_page.h"
- #include "dbinc/db_am.h"
- typedef struct { /* XXX: Globals. */
- const char *progname; /* Program name. */
- char *hdrbuf; /* Input file header. */
- u_long lineno; /* Input file line number. */
- u_long origline; /* Original file line number. */
- int endodata; /* Reached the end of a database. */
- int endofile; /* Reached the end of the input. */
- int version; /* Input version. */
- char *home; /* Env home. */
- char *passwd; /* Env passwd. */
- int private; /* Private env. */
- u_int32_t cache; /* Env cache size. */
- } LDG;
- void badend __P((DB_ENV *));
- void badnum __P((DB_ENV *));
- int configure __P((DB_ENV *, DB *, char **, char **, int *));
- int convprintable __P((DB_ENV *, char *, char **));
- int db_init __P((DB_ENV *, char *, u_int32_t, int *));
- int dbt_rdump __P((DB_ENV *, DBT *));
- int dbt_rprint __P((DB_ENV *, DBT *));
- int dbt_rrecno __P((DB_ENV *, DBT *, int));
- int digitize __P((DB_ENV *, int, int *));
- int env_create __P((DB_ENV **, LDG *));
- int load __P((DB_ENV *, char *, DBTYPE, char **, u_int, LDG *, int *));
- int main __P((int, char *[]));
- int rheader __P((DB_ENV *, DB *, DBTYPE *, char **, int *, int *));
- int usage __P((void));
- int version_check __P((const char *));
- #define G(f) ((LDG *)dbenv->app_private)->f
- /* Flags to the load function. */
- #define LDF_NOHEADER 0x01 /* No dump header. */
- #define LDF_NOOVERWRITE 0x02 /* Don't overwrite existing rows. */
- #define LDF_PASSWORD 0x04 /* Encrypt created databases. */
- int
- main(argc, argv)
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- {
- extern char *optarg;
- extern int optind;
- DBTYPE dbtype;
- DB_ENV *dbenv;
- LDG ldg;
- u_int32_t ldf;
- int ch, existed, exitval, ret;
- char **clist, **clp;
- ldg.progname = "db_load";
- ldg.lineno = 0;
- ldg.endodata = ldg.endofile = 0;
- ldg.version = 1;
- ldg.cache = MEGABYTE;
- ldg.hdrbuf = NULL;
- ldg.home = NULL;
- ldg.passwd = NULL;
- if ((ret = version_check(ldg.progname)) != 0)
- return (ret);
- ldf = 0;
- exitval = 0;
- dbtype = DB_UNKNOWN;
- /* Allocate enough room for configuration arguments. */
- if ((clp = clist = (char **)calloc(argc + 1, sizeof(char *))) == NULL) {
- fprintf(stderr, "%s: %sn", ldg.progname, strerror(ENOMEM));
- return (EXIT_FAILURE);
- }
- while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "c:f:h:nP:Tt:V")) != EOF)
- switch (ch) {
- case 'c':
- *clp++ = optarg;
- break;
- case 'f':
- if (freopen(optarg, "r", stdin) == NULL) {
- fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s: reopen: %sn",
- ldg.progname, optarg, strerror(errno));
- return (EXIT_FAILURE);
- }
- break;
- case 'h':
- ldg.home = optarg;
- break;
- case 'n':
- break;
- case 'P':
- ldg.passwd = strdup(optarg);
- memset(optarg, 0, strlen(optarg));
- if (ldg.passwd == NULL) {
- fprintf(stderr, "%s: strdup: %sn",
- ldg.progname, strerror(errno));
- return (EXIT_FAILURE);
- }
- ldf |= LDF_PASSWORD;
- break;
- case 'T':
- ldf |= LDF_NOHEADER;
- break;
- case 't':
- if (strcmp(optarg, "btree") == 0) {
- dbtype = DB_BTREE;
- break;
- }
- if (strcmp(optarg, "hash") == 0) {
- dbtype = DB_HASH;
- break;
- }
- if (strcmp(optarg, "recno") == 0) {
- dbtype = DB_RECNO;
- break;
- }
- if (strcmp(optarg, "queue") == 0) {
- dbtype = DB_QUEUE;
- break;
- }
- return (usage());
- case 'V':
- printf("%sn", db_version(NULL, NULL, NULL));
- return (EXIT_SUCCESS);
- case '?':
- default:
- return (usage());
- }
- argc -= optind;
- argv += optind;
- if (argc != 1)
- return (usage());
- /* Handle possible interruptions. */
- __db_util_siginit();
- /*
- * Create an environment object initialized for error reporting, and
- * then open it.
- */
- if (env_create(&dbenv, &ldg) != 0)
- goto shutdown;
- while (!ldg.endofile)
- if (load(dbenv, argv[0], dbtype, clist, ldf,
- &ldg, &existed) != 0)
- goto shutdown;
- if (0) {
- shutdown: exitval = 1;
- }
- if ((ret = dbenv->close(dbenv, 0)) != 0) {
- exitval = 1;
- fprintf(stderr,
- "%s: dbenv->close: %sn", ldg.progname, db_strerror(ret));
- }
- /* Resend any caught signal. */
- __db_util_sigresend();
- free(clist);
- /*
- * Return 0 on success, 1 if keys existed already, and 2 on failure.
- *
- * Technically, this is wrong, because exit of anything other than
- * 0 is implementation-defined by the ANSI C standard. I don't see
- * any good solutions that don't involve API changes.
- */
- return (exitval == 0 ? (existed == 0 ? 0 : 1) : 2);
- }
- /*
- * load --
- * Load a database.
- */
- int
- load(dbenv, name, argtype, clist, flags, ldg, existedp)
- DB_ENV *dbenv;
- char *name, **clist;
- DBTYPE argtype;
- u_int flags;
- LDG *ldg;
- int *existedp;
- {
- DB *dbp;
- DBT key, rkey, data, *readp, *writep;
- DBTYPE dbtype;
- DB_TXN *ctxn, *txn;
- db_recno_t recno, datarecno;
- u_int32_t put_flags;
- int ascii_recno, checkprint, hexkeys, keyflag, keys, resize, ret, rval;
- char *subdb;
- *existedp = 0;
- G(endodata) = 0;
- subdb = NULL;
- ctxn = txn = NULL;
- memset(&key, 0, sizeof(DBT));
- memset(&data, 0, sizeof(DBT));
- memset(&rkey, 0, sizeof(DBT));
- retry_db:
- /* Create the DB object. */
- if ((ret = db_create(&dbp, dbenv, 0)) != 0) {
- dbenv->err(dbenv, ret, "db_create");
- goto err;
- }
- dbtype = DB_UNKNOWN;
- keys = -1;
- hexkeys = -1;
- keyflag = -1;
- /* Read the header -- if there's no header, we expect flat text. */
- checkprint = 1;
- dbtype = argtype;
- } else {
- if (rheader(dbenv,
- dbp, &dbtype, &subdb, &checkprint, &keys) != 0)
- goto err;
- if (G(endofile))
- goto done;
- }
- /*
- * Apply command-line configuration changes. (We apply command-line
- * configuration changes to all databases that are loaded, e.g., all
- * subdatabases.)
- */
- if (configure(dbenv, dbp, clist, &subdb, &keyflag))
- goto err;
- if (keys != 1) {
- if (keyflag == 1) {
- dbp->err(dbp, EINVAL, "No keys specified in file");
- goto err;
- }
- }
- else if (keyflag == 0) {
- dbp->err(dbp, EINVAL, "Keys specified in file");
- goto err;
- }
- else
- keyflag = 1;
- if (dbtype == DB_BTREE || dbtype == DB_HASH) {
- if (keyflag == 0)
- dbp->err(dbp,
- EINVAL, "Btree and Hash must specify keys");
- else
- keyflag = 1;
- }
- if (argtype != DB_UNKNOWN) {
- if (dbtype == DB_RECNO || dbtype == DB_QUEUE)
- if (keyflag != 1 && argtype != DB_RECNO &&
- argtype != DB_QUEUE) {
- dbenv->errx(dbenv,
- "improper database type conversion specified");
- goto err;
- }
- dbtype = argtype;
- }
- if (dbtype == DB_UNKNOWN) {
- dbenv->errx(dbenv, "no database type specified");
- goto err;
- }
- if (keyflag == -1)
- keyflag = 0;
- /*
- * Recno keys have only been printed in hexadecimal starting
- * with db_dump format version 3 (DB 3.2).
- *
- * !!!
- * Note that version is set in rheader(), which must be called before
- * this assignment.
- */
- hexkeys = (G(version) >= 3 && keyflag == 1 && checkprint == 0);
- if (keyflag == 1 && (dbtype == DB_RECNO || dbtype == DB_QUEUE))
- ascii_recno = 1;
- else
- ascii_recno = 0;
- /* If configured with a password, encrypt databases we create. */
- (ret = dbp->set_flags(dbp, DB_ENCRYPT)) != 0) {
- dbp->err(dbp, ret, "DB->set_flags: DB_ENCRYPT");
- goto err;
- }
- /* Open the DB file. */
- if ((ret = dbp->open(dbp, NULL, name, subdb, dbtype,
- DB_CREATE | (TXN_ON(dbenv) ? DB_AUTO_COMMIT : 0),
- __db_omode("rwrwrw"))) != 0) {
- dbp->err(dbp, ret, "DB->open: %s", name);
- goto err;
- }
- if (ldg->private != 0) {
- if ((ret =
- __db_util_cache(dbenv, dbp, &ldg->cache, &resize)) != 0)
- goto err;
- if (resize) {
- dbp->close(dbp, 0);
- dbp = NULL;
- dbenv->close(dbenv, 0);
- if ((ret = env_create(&dbenv, ldg)) != 0)
- goto err;
- goto retry_db;
- }
- }
- /* Initialize the key/data pair. */
- readp = &key;
- writep = &key;
- if (dbtype == DB_RECNO || dbtype == DB_QUEUE) {
- key.size = sizeof(recno);
- if (keyflag) {
- key.data = &datarecno;
- if (checkprint) {
- readp = &rkey;
- goto key_data;
- }
- }
- else
- key.data = &recno;
- } else
- key_data: if ((readp->data =
- (void *)malloc(readp->ulen = 1024)) == NULL) {
- dbenv->err(dbenv, ENOMEM, NULL);
- goto err;
- }
- if ((data.data = (void *)malloc(data.ulen = 1024)) == NULL) {
- dbenv->err(dbenv, ENOMEM, NULL);
- goto err;
- }
- if (TXN_ON(dbenv) &&
- (ret = dbenv->txn_begin(dbenv, NULL, &txn, 0)) != 0)
- goto err;
- /* Get each key/data pair and add them to the database. */
- for (recno = 1; !__db_util_interrupted(); ++recno) {
- if (!keyflag)
- if (checkprint) {
- if (dbt_rprint(dbenv, &data))
- goto err;
- } else {
- if (dbt_rdump(dbenv, &data))
- goto err;
- }
- else
- if (checkprint) {
- if (dbt_rprint(dbenv, readp))
- goto err;
- if (!G(endodata) && dbt_rprint(dbenv, &data))
- goto fmt;
- } else {
- if (ascii_recno) {
- if (dbt_rrecno(dbenv, readp, hexkeys))
- goto err;
- } else
- if (dbt_rdump(dbenv, readp))
- goto err;
- if (!G(endodata) && dbt_rdump(dbenv, &data)) {
- fmt: dbenv->errx(dbenv,
- "odd number of key/data pairs");
- goto err;
- }
- }
- if (G(endodata))
- break;
- if (readp != writep) {
- if (sscanf(readp->data, "%ud", &datarecno) != 1)
- dbenv->errx(dbenv,
- "%s: non-integer key at line: %d",
- name, !keyflag ? recno : recno * 2 - 1);
- if (datarecno == 0)
- dbenv->errx(dbenv, "%s: zero key at line: %d",
- name,
- !keyflag ? recno : recno * 2 - 1);
- }
- retry: if (txn != NULL)
- if ((ret = dbenv->txn_begin(dbenv, txn, &ctxn, 0)) != 0)
- goto err;
- switch (ret = dbp->put(dbp, ctxn, writep, &data, put_flags)) {
- case 0:
- if (ctxn != NULL) {
- if ((ret =
- ctxn->commit(ctxn, DB_TXN_NOSYNC)) != 0)
- goto err;
- ctxn = NULL;
- }
- break;
- *existedp = 1;
- dbenv->errx(dbenv,
- "%s: line %d: key already exists, not loaded:",
- name,
- !keyflag ? recno : recno * 2 - 1);
- (void)__db_prdbt(&key, checkprint, 0, stderr,
- __db_verify_callback, 0, NULL);
- break;
- /* If we have a child txn, retry--else it's fatal. */
- if (ctxn != NULL) {
- if ((ret = ctxn->abort(ctxn)) != 0)
- goto err;
- ctxn = NULL;
- goto retry;
- }
- default:
- dbenv->err(dbenv, ret, NULL);
- if (ctxn != NULL) {
- (void)ctxn->abort(ctxn);
- ctxn = NULL;
- }
- goto err;
- }
- if (ctxn != NULL) {
- if ((ret = ctxn->abort(ctxn)) != 0)
- goto err;
- ctxn = NULL;
- }
- }
- done: rval = 0;
- DB_ASSERT(ctxn == NULL);
- if (txn != NULL && (ret = txn->commit(txn, 0)) != 0) {
- txn = NULL;
- goto err;
- }
- if (0) {
- err: rval = 1;
- DB_ASSERT(ctxn == NULL);
- if (txn != NULL)
- (void)txn->abort(txn);
- }
- /* Close the database. */
- if (dbp != NULL && (ret = dbp->close(dbp, 0)) != 0) {
- dbenv->err(dbenv, ret, "DB->close");
- rval = 1;
- }
- if (G(hdrbuf) != NULL)
- free(G(hdrbuf));
- G(hdrbuf) = NULL;
- /* Free allocated memory. */
- if (subdb != NULL)
- free(subdb);
- if (dbtype != DB_RECNO && dbtype != DB_QUEUE)
- free(key.data);
- if (rkey.data != NULL)
- free(rkey.data);
- free(data.data);
- return (rval);
- }
- /*
- * db_init --
- * Initialize the environment.
- */
- int
- db_init(dbenv, home, cache, is_private)
- DB_ENV *dbenv;
- char *home;
- u_int32_t cache;
- int *is_private;
- {
- u_int32_t flags;
- int ret;
- *is_private = 0;
- /* We may be loading into a live environment. Try and join. */
- flags = DB_USE_ENVIRON |
- if (dbenv->open(dbenv, home, flags, 0) == 0)
- return (0);
- /*
- * We're trying to load a database.
- *
- * An environment is required because we may be trying to look at
- * databases in directories other than the current one. We could
- * avoid using an environment iff the -h option wasn't specified,
- * but that seems like more work than it's worth.
- *
- * No environment exists (or, at least no environment that includes
- * an mpool region exists). Create one, but make it private so that
- * no files are actually created.
- */
- *is_private = 1;
- if ((ret = dbenv->set_cachesize(dbenv, 0, cache, 1)) != 0) {
- dbenv->err(dbenv, ret, "set_cachesize");
- return (1);
- }
- if ((ret = dbenv->open(dbenv, home, flags, 0)) == 0)
- return (0);
- /* An environment is required. */
- dbenv->err(dbenv, ret, "DB_ENV->open");
- return (1);
- }
- #define FLAG(name, value, keyword, flag)
- if (strcmp(name, keyword) == 0) {
- switch (*value) {
- case '1':
- if ((ret = dbp->set_flags(dbp, flag)) != 0) {
- dbp->err(dbp, ret, "%s: set_flags: %s",
- G(progname), name);
- return (1);
- }
- break;
- case '0':
- break;
- default:
- badnum(dbenv);
- return (1);
- }
- continue;
- }
- #define NUMBER(name, value, keyword, func)
- if (strcmp(name, keyword) == 0) {
- if (__db_getlong(dbp,
- NULL, value, 1, LONG_MAX, &val) != 0)
- return (1);
- if ((ret = dbp->func(dbp, val)) != 0)
- goto nameerr;
- continue;
- }
- #define STRING(name, value, keyword, func)
- if (strcmp(name, keyword) == 0) {
- if ((ret = dbp->func(dbp, value[0])) != 0)
- goto nameerr;
- continue;
- }
- /*
- * configure --
- * Handle command-line configuration options.
- */
- int
- configure(dbenv, dbp, clp, subdbp, keysp)
- DB_ENV *dbenv;
- DB *dbp;
- char **clp, **subdbp;
- int *keysp;
- {
- long val;
- int ret, savech;
- char *name, *value;
- for (; (name = *clp) != NULL; *--value = savech, ++clp) {
- if ((value = strchr(name, '=')) == NULL) {
- dbp->errx(dbp,
- "command-line configuration uses name=value format");
- return (1);
- }
- savech = *value;
- *value++ = '';
- if (strcmp(name, "database") == 0 ||
- strcmp(name, "subdatabase") == 0) {
- if (*subdbp != NULL)
- free(*subdbp);
- if ((*subdbp = strdup(value)) == NULL) {
- dbp->err(dbp, ENOMEM, NULL);
- return (1);
- }
- continue;
- }
- if (strcmp(name, "keys") == 0) {
- if (strcmp(value, "1") == 0)
- *keysp = 1;
- else if (strcmp(value, "0") == 0)
- *keysp = 0;
- else {
- badnum(dbenv);
- return (1);
- }
- continue;
- }
- #ifdef notyet
- NUMBER(name, value, "bt_maxkey", set_bt_maxkey);
- #endif
- NUMBER(name, value, "bt_minkey", set_bt_minkey);
- NUMBER(name, value, "db_lorder", set_lorder);
- NUMBER(name, value, "db_pagesize", set_pagesize);
- FLAG(name, value, "chksum", DB_CHKSUM_SHA1);
- FLAG(name, value, "duplicates", DB_DUP);
- FLAG(name, value, "dupsort", DB_DUPSORT);
- NUMBER(name, value, "h_ffactor", set_h_ffactor);
- NUMBER(name, value, "h_nelem", set_h_nelem);
- NUMBER(name, value, "re_len", set_re_len);
- STRING(name, value, "re_pad", set_re_pad);
- FLAG(name, value, "recnum", DB_RECNUM);
- FLAG(name, value, "renumber", DB_RENUMBER);
- dbp->errx(dbp,
- "unknown command-line configuration keyword "%s"", name);
- return (1);
- }
- return (0);
- nameerr:
- dbp->err(dbp, ret, "%s: %s=%s", G(progname), name, value);
- return (1);
- }
- /*
- * rheader --
- * Read the header message.
- */
- int
- rheader(dbenv, dbp, dbtypep, subdbp, checkprintp, keysp)
- DB_ENV *dbenv;
- DB *dbp;
- DBTYPE *dbtypep;
- char **subdbp;
- int *checkprintp, *keysp;
- {
- long val;
- int ch, first, hdr, linelen, buflen, ret, start;
- char *buf, *name, *p, *value;
- *dbtypep = DB_UNKNOWN;
- *checkprintp = 0;
- name = p = NULL;
- /*
- * We start with a smallish buffer; most headers are small.
- * We may need to realloc it for a large subdatabase name.
- */
- buflen = 4096;
- if (G(hdrbuf) == NULL) {
- hdr = 0;
- if ((buf = (char *)malloc(buflen)) == NULL) {
- memerr: dbp->errx(dbp, "could not allocate buffer %d", buflen);
- return (1);
- }
- G(hdrbuf) = buf;
- G(origline) = G(lineno);
- } else {
- hdr = 1;
- buf = G(hdrbuf);
- G(lineno) = G(origline);
- }
- start = 0;
- for (first = 1;; first = 0) {
- ++G(lineno);
- /* Read a line, which may be of arbitrary length, into buf. */
- linelen = 0;
- buf = &G(hdrbuf)[start];
- if (hdr == 0) {
- for (;;) {
- if ((ch = getchar()) == EOF) {
- if (!first || ferror(stdin))
- goto badfmt;
- G(endofile) = 1;
- break;
- }
- if (ch == 'n')
- break;
- buf[linelen++] = ch;
- /* If the buffer is too small, double it. */
- if (linelen + start == buflen) {
- G(hdrbuf) = (char *)realloc(G(hdrbuf),
- buflen *= 2);
- if (G(hdrbuf) == NULL)
- goto memerr;
- buf = &G(hdrbuf)[start];
- }
- }
- if (G(endofile) == 1)
- break;
- buf[linelen++] = '';
- } else
- linelen = strlen(buf) + 1;
- start += linelen;
- if (name != NULL) {
- *p = '=';
- free(name);
- name = NULL;
- }
- /* If we don't see the expected information, it's an error. */
- if ((name = strdup(buf)) == NULL)
- goto memerr;
- if ((p = strchr(name, '=')) == NULL)
- goto badfmt;
- *p++ = '';
- value = p--;
- if (name[0] == '' || value[0] == '')
- goto badfmt;
- if (strcmp(name, "HEADER") == 0)
- break;
- if (strcmp(name, "VERSION") == 0) {
- /*
- * Version 1 didn't have a "VERSION" header line. We
- * only support versions 1, 2, and 3 of the dump format.
- */
- G(version) = atoi(value);
- if (G(version) > 3) {
- dbp->errx(dbp,
- "line %lu: VERSION %d is unsupported",
- G(lineno), G(version));
- goto err;
- }
- continue;
- }
- if (strcmp(name, "format") == 0) {
- if (strcmp(value, "bytevalue") == 0) {
- *checkprintp = 0;
- continue;
- }
- if (strcmp(value, "print") == 0) {
- *checkprintp = 1;
- continue;
- }
- goto badfmt;
- }
- if (strcmp(name, "type") == 0) {
- if (strcmp(value, "btree") == 0) {
- *dbtypep = DB_BTREE;
- continue;
- }
- if (strcmp(value, "hash") == 0) {
- *dbtypep = DB_HASH;
- continue;
- }
- if (strcmp(value, "recno") == 0) {
- *dbtypep = DB_RECNO;
- continue;
- }
- if (strcmp(value, "queue") == 0) {
- *dbtypep = DB_QUEUE;
- continue;
- }
- dbp->errx(dbp, "line %lu: unknown type", G(lineno));
- goto err;
- }
- if (strcmp(name, "database") == 0 ||
- strcmp(name, "subdatabase") == 0) {
- if ((ret = convprintable(dbenv, value, subdbp)) != 0) {
- dbp->err(dbp, ret, "error reading db name");
- goto err;
- }
- continue;
- }
- if (strcmp(name, "keys") == 0) {
- if (strcmp(value, "1") == 0)
- *keysp = 1;
- else if (strcmp(value, "0") == 0)
- *keysp = 0;
- else {
- badnum(dbenv);
- goto err;
- }
- continue;
- }
- #ifdef notyet
- NUMBER(name, value, "bt_maxkey", set_bt_maxkey);
- #endif
- NUMBER(name, value, "bt_minkey", set_bt_minkey);
- NUMBER(name, value, "db_lorder", set_lorder);
- NUMBER(name, value, "db_pagesize", set_pagesize);
- NUMBER(name, value, "extentsize", set_q_extentsize);
- FLAG(name, value, "chksum", DB_CHKSUM_SHA1);
- FLAG(name, value, "duplicates", DB_DUP);
- FLAG(name, value, "dupsort", DB_DUPSORT);
- NUMBER(name, value, "h_ffactor", set_h_ffactor);
- NUMBER(name, value, "h_nelem", set_h_nelem);
- NUMBER(name, value, "re_len", set_re_len);
- STRING(name, value, "re_pad", set_re_pad);
- FLAG(name, value, "recnum", DB_RECNUM);
- FLAG(name, value, "renumber", DB_RENUMBER);
- dbp->errx(dbp,
- "unknown input-file header configuration keyword "%s"",
- name);
- goto err;
- }
- ret = 0;
- if (0) {
- nameerr:
- dbp->err(dbp, ret, "%s: %s=%s", G(progname), name, value);
- ret = 1;
- }
- if (0)
- err: ret = 1;
- if (0) {
- badfmt:
- dbp->errx(dbp, "line %lu: unexpected format", G(lineno));
- ret = 1;
- }
- if (name != NULL) {
- *p = '=';
- free(name);
- }
- return (ret);
- }
- /*
- * convprintable --
- * Convert a printable-encoded string into a newly allocated string.
- *
- * In an ideal world, this would probably share code with dbt_rprint, but
- * that's set up to read character-by-character (to avoid large memory
- * allocations that aren't likely to be a problem here), and this has fewer
- * special cases to deal with.
- *
- * Note that despite the printable encoding, the char * interface to this
- * function (which is, not coincidentally, also used for database naming)
- * means that outstr cannot contain any nuls.
- */
- int
- convprintable(dbenv, instr, outstrp)
- DB_ENV *dbenv;
- char *instr, **outstrp;
- {
- char c, *outstr;
- int e1, e2;
- /*
- * Just malloc a string big enough for the whole input string;
- * the output string will be smaller (or of equal length).
- */
- if ((outstr = (char *)malloc(strlen(instr))) == NULL)
- return (ENOMEM);
- *outstrp = outstr;
- e1 = e2 = 0;
- for ( ; *instr != ''; instr++)
- if (*instr == '\') {
- if (*++instr == '\') {
- *outstr++ = '\';
- continue;
- }
- c = digitize(dbenv, *instr, &e1) << 4;
- c |= digitize(dbenv, *++instr, &e2);
- if (e1 || e2) {
- badend(dbenv);
- return (EINVAL);
- }
- *outstr++ = c;
- } else
- *outstr++ = *instr;
- *outstr = '';
- return (0);
- }
- /*
- * dbt_rprint --
- * Read a printable line into a DBT structure.
- */
- int
- dbt_rprint(dbenv, dbtp)
- DB_ENV *dbenv;
- DBT *dbtp;
- {
- u_int32_t len;
- u_int8_t *p;
- int c1, c2, e, escape, first;
- char buf[32];
- ++G(lineno);
- first = 1;
- e = escape = 0;
- for (p = dbtp->data, len = 0; (c1 = getchar()) != 'n';) {
- if (c1 == EOF) {
- if (len == 0) {
- G(endofile) = G(endodata) = 1;
- return (0);
- }
- badend(dbenv);
- return (1);
- }
- if (first) {
- first = 0;
- if (G(version) > 1) {
- if (c1 != ' ') {
- buf[0] = c1;
- if (fgets(buf + 1,
- sizeof(buf) - 1, stdin) == NULL ||
- strcmp(buf, "DATA=ENDn") != 0) {
- badend(dbenv);
- return (1);
- }
- G(endodata) = 1;
- return (0);
- }
- continue;
- }
- }
- if (escape) {
- if (c1 != '\') {
- if ((c2 = getchar()) == EOF) {
- badend(dbenv);
- return (1);
- }
- c1 = digitize(dbenv,
- c1, &e) << 4 | digitize(dbenv, c2, &e);
- if (e)
- return (1);
- }
- escape = 0;
- } else
- if (c1 == '\') {
- escape = 1;
- continue;
- }
- if (len >= dbtp->ulen - 10) {
- dbtp->ulen *= 2;
- if ((dbtp->data =
- (void *)realloc(dbtp->data, dbtp->ulen)) == NULL) {
- dbenv->err(dbenv, ENOMEM, NULL);
- return (1);
- }
- p = (u_int8_t *)dbtp->data + len;
- }
- ++len;
- *p++ = c1;
- }
- dbtp->size = len;
- return (0);
- }
- /*
- * dbt_rdump --
- * Read a byte dump line into a DBT structure.
- */
- int
- dbt_rdump(dbenv, dbtp)
- DB_ENV *dbenv;
- DBT *dbtp;
- {
- u_int32_t len;
- u_int8_t *p;
- int c1, c2, e, first;
- char buf[32];
- ++G(lineno);
- first = 1;
- e = 0;
- for (p = dbtp->data, len = 0; (c1 = getchar()) != 'n';) {
- if (c1 == EOF) {
- if (len == 0) {
- G(endofile) = G(endodata) = 1;
- return (0);
- }
- badend(dbenv);
- return (1);
- }
- if (first) {
- first = 0;
- if (G(version) > 1) {
- if (c1 != ' ') {
- buf[0] = c1;
- if (fgets(buf + 1,
- sizeof(buf) - 1, stdin) == NULL ||
- strcmp(buf, "DATA=ENDn") != 0) {
- badend(dbenv);
- return (1);
- }
- G(endodata) = 1;
- return (0);
- }
- continue;
- }
- }
- if ((c2 = getchar()) == EOF) {
- badend(dbenv);
- return (1);
- }
- if (len >= dbtp->ulen - 10) {
- dbtp->ulen *= 2;
- if ((dbtp->data =
- (void *)realloc(dbtp->data, dbtp->ulen)) == NULL) {
- dbenv->err(dbenv, ENOMEM, NULL);
- return (1);
- }
- p = (u_int8_t *)dbtp->data + len;
- }
- ++len;
- *p++ = digitize(dbenv, c1, &e) << 4 | digitize(dbenv, c2, &e);
- if (e)
- return (1);
- }
- dbtp->size = len;
- return (0);
- }
- /*
- * dbt_rrecno --
- * Read a record number dump line into a DBT structure.
- */
- int
- dbt_rrecno(dbenv, dbtp, ishex)
- DB_ENV *dbenv;
- DBT *dbtp;
- int ishex;
- {
- char buf[32], *p, *q;
- ++G(lineno);
- if (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), stdin) == NULL) {
- G(endofile) = G(endodata) = 1;
- return (0);
- }
- if (strcmp(buf, "DATA=ENDn") == 0) {
- G(endodata) = 1;
- return (0);
- }
- if (buf[0] != ' ')
- goto bad;
- /*
- * If we're expecting a hex key, do an in-place conversion
- * of hex to straight ASCII before calling __db_getulong().
- */
- if (ishex) {
- for (p = q = buf + 1; *q != '' && *q != 'n';) {
- /*
- * 0-9 in hex are 0x30-0x39, so this is easy.
- * We should alternate between 3's and [0-9], and
- * if the [0-9] are something unexpected,
- * __db_getulong will fail, so we only need to catch
- * end-of-string conditions.
- */
- if (*q++ != '3')
- goto bad;
- if (*q == 'n' || *q == '')
- goto bad;
- *p++ = *q++;
- }
- *p = '';
- }
- if (__db_getulong(NULL,
- G(progname), buf + 1, 0, 0, (u_long *)dbtp->data)) {
- bad: badend(dbenv);
- return (1);
- }
- dbtp->size = sizeof(db_recno_t);
- return (0);
- }
- /*
- * digitize --
- * Convert a character to an integer.
- */
- int
- digitize(dbenv, c, errorp)
- DB_ENV *dbenv;
- int c, *errorp;
- {
- switch (c) { /* Don't depend on ASCII ordering. */
- case '0': return (0);
- case '1': return (1);
- case '2': return (2);
- case '3': return (3);
- case '4': return (4);
- case '5': return (5);
- case '6': return (6);
- case '7': return (7);
- case '8': return (8);
- case '9': return (9);
- case 'a': return (10);
- case 'b': return (11);
- case 'c': return (12);
- case 'd': return (13);
- case 'e': return (14);
- case 'f': return (15);
- }
- dbenv->errx(dbenv, "unexpected hexadecimal value");
- *errorp = 1;
- return (0);
- }
- /*
- * badnum --
- * Display the bad number message.
- */
- void
- badnum(dbenv)
- DB_ENV *dbenv;
- {
- dbenv->errx(dbenv,
- "boolean name=value pairs require a value of 0 or 1");
- }
- /*
- * badend --
- * Display the bad end to input message.
- */
- void
- badend(dbenv)
- DB_ENV *dbenv;
- {
- dbenv->errx(dbenv, "unexpected end of input data or key/data pair");
- }
- /*
- * usage --
- * Display the usage message.
- */
- int
- usage()
- {
- (void)fprintf(stderr, "%snt%sn",
- "usage: db_load [-nTV] [-c name=value] [-f file]",
- "[-h home] [-P password] [-t btree | hash | recno | queue] db_file");
- return (EXIT_FAILURE);
- }
- int
- version_check(progname)
- const char *progname;
- {
- int v_major, v_minor, v_patch;
- /* Make sure we're loaded with the right version of the DB library. */
- (void)db_version(&v_major, &v_minor, &v_patch);
- if (v_major != DB_VERSION_MAJOR ||
- v_minor != DB_VERSION_MINOR || v_patch != DB_VERSION_PATCH) {
- fprintf(stderr,
- "%s: version %d.%d.%d doesn't match library version %d.%d.%dn",
- DB_VERSION_PATCH, v_major, v_minor, v_patch);
- return (EXIT_FAILURE);
- }
- return (0);
- }
- int
- env_create(dbenvp, ldg)
- DB_ENV **dbenvp;
- LDG *ldg;
- {
- DB_ENV *dbenv;
- int ret;
- if ((ret = db_env_create(dbenvp, 0)) != 0) {
- fprintf(stderr,
- "%s: db_env_create: %sn", ldg->progname, db_strerror(ret));
- return (ret);
- }
- dbenv = *dbenvp;
- dbenv->set_errfile(dbenv, stderr);
- dbenv->set_errpfx(dbenv, ldg->progname);
- if (ldg->passwd != NULL && (ret = dbenv->set_encrypt(dbenv,
- ldg->passwd, DB_ENCRYPT_AES)) != 0) {
- dbenv->err(dbenv, ret, "set_passwd");
- return (ret);
- }
- if ((ret = db_init(dbenv, ldg->home, ldg->cache, &ldg->private)) != 0)
- return (ret);
- dbenv->app_private = ldg;
- return (0);
- }