- /* Copyright (C) 2000 MySQL AB & MySQL Finland AB & TCX DataKonsult AB
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */
- /* Descript, check and repair of ISAM tables */
- #include "isamdef.h"
- #include <m_ctype.h>
- #include <stdarg.h>
- #include <my_getopt.h>
- #include <sys/vadvise.h>
- #endif
- #ifdef HAVE_SYS_MMAN_H
- #include <sys/mman.h>
- #endif
- SET_STACK_SIZE(9000) /* Minimum stack size for program */
- #define T_VERBOSE 1
- #define T_SILENT 2
- #define T_DESCRIPT 4
- #define T_EXTEND 8
- #define T_INFO 16
- #define T_REP 32
- #define T_OPT 64 /* Not currently used */
- #define T_FORCE_CREATE 128
- #define T_WRITE_LOOP 256
- #define T_UNPACK 512
- #define T_STATISTICS 1024
- #define T_VERY_SILENT 2048
- #define T_SORT_RECORDS 4096
- #define T_SORT_INDEX 8192
- #define T_WAIT_FOREVER 16384
- #define T_REP_BY_SORT 32768L
- #define O_NEW_INDEX 1 /* Bits set in out_flag */
- #define O_NEW_DATA 2
- #if defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(__WIN__)
- #define USE_BUFFER_INIT 250L*1024L
- #define READ_BUFFER_INIT ((uint) 32768-MALLOC_OVERHEAD)
- #define SORT_BUFFER_INIT (uint) (65536L-MALLOC_OVERHEAD)
- #else
- #endif
- #define NEED_MEM ((uint) 10*4*(IO_SIZE+32)+32) /* Nead for recursion */
- #define MAXERR 20
- #define BUFFERS_WHEN_SORTING 16 /* Alloc for sort-key-tree */
- #define INDEX_TMP_EXT ".TMM"
- #define DATA_TMP_EXT ".TMD"
- #define UPDATE_TIME 1
- #define UPDATE_STAT 2
- #define UPDATE_SORT 4
- typedef struct st_isam_sort_key_blocks { /* Used when sorting */
- uchar *buff,*end_pos;
- uchar lastkey[N_MAX_POSSIBLE_KEY_BUFF];
- uint last_length;
- int inited;
- typedef struct st_isam_sort_info {
- N_INFO *info;
- enum data_file_type new_data_file_type;
- ISAM_SORT_KEY_BLOCKS *key_block,*key_block_end;
- uint key,find_length;
- ulong pos,max_pos,filepos,start_recpos,filelength,dupp,max_records,unique,
- buff_length;
- my_bool fix_datafile;
- char *record,*buff;
- N_KEYDEF *keyinfo;
- N_KEYSEG *keyseg;
- enum ic_options {OPT_CHARSETS_DIR_IC=256, OPT_KEY_BUFFER_SIZE,
- static ulong use_buffers=0,read_buffer_length=0,write_buffer_length=0,
- sort_buffer_length=0,sort_key_blocks=0,crc=0,unique_count=0;
- static uint testflag=0,out_flag=0,warning_printed=0,error_printed=0,
- verbose=0,opt_follow_links=1;
- static my_bool rep_quick= 0;
- static uint opt_sort_key=0,total_files=0,max_level=0,max_key=N_MAXKEY;
- static ulong keydata=0,totaldata=0,key_blocks=0;
- static ulong new_file_pos=0,record_checksum=0,key_file_blocks=0,decode_bits;
- static ulong total_records=0,total_deleted=0;
- static ulong search_after_block=NI_POS_ERROR;
- static byte *record_buff;
- static char **defaults_alloc;
- static const char *type_names[]=
- { "?","text","binary", "short", "long", "float",
- "double","number","unsigned short",
- "unsigned long","longlong","ulonglong","int24",
- "uint24","int8","?",},
- *packed_txt="packed ",
- *diff_txt="stripped ",
- *field_pack[]={"","no endspace", "no prespace",
- "no zeros", "blob", "constant", "table-lookup",
- "always zero","?","?",};
- static char temp_filename[FN_REFLEN], *isam_file_name, *default_charset;
- static IO_CACHE read_cache;
- static ISAM_SORT_INFO sort_info;
- static int tmpfile_createflag=O_RDWR | O_TRUNC | O_EXCL;
- static const char *load_default_groups[]= { "isamchk",0 };
- /* Functions defined in this file */
- extern int main(int argc,char * *argv);
- extern void print_error _VARARGS((const char *fmt,...));
- static void print_warning _VARARGS((const char *fmt,...));
- static void print_info _VARARGS((const char *fmt,...));
- static int nisamchk(char *filename);
- static void get_options(int *argc,char * * *argv);
- static int chk_del(N_INFO *info,uint testflag);
- static int check_k_link(N_INFO *info,uint nr);
- static int chk_size(N_INFO *info);
- static int chk_key(N_INFO *info);
- static int chk_index(N_INFO *info, N_KEYDEF *keyinfo, ulong page, uchar *buff,
- ulong *keys, uint level);
- static uint isam_key_length(N_INFO *info,N_KEYDEF *keyinfo);
- static unsigned long calc_checksum(ulong count);
- static int chk_data_link(N_INFO *info,int extend);
- static int rep(N_INFO *info,char *name);
- static int writekeys(N_INFO *info,byte *buff,ulong filepos);
- static void descript(N_INFO *info,char *name);
- static int movepoint(N_INFO *info,byte *record,ulong oldpos,ulong newpos,
- uint prot_key);
- static void lock_memory(void);
- static int flush_blocks(File file);
- static int sort_records(N_INFO *,my_string,uint,int);
- static int sort_index(N_INFO *info,my_string name);
- static int sort_record_index(N_INFO *info,N_KEYDEF *keyinfo,ulong page,
- uchar *buff,uint sortkey,File new_file);
- static int sort_one_index(N_INFO *info,N_KEYDEF *keyinfo,uchar *buff,
- File new_file);
- static int change_to_newfile(const char * filename,const char * old_ext,
- const char * new_ext);
- static int lock_file(File file,ulong start,int lock_type,const char* filetype,
- const char *filename);
- static int filecopy(File to,File from,ulong start,ulong length,
- const char * type);
- static void print_version(void);
- static int rep_by_sort(N_INFO *info,my_string name);
- static int sort_key_read(void *key);
- static int sort_get_next_record(void);
- static int sort_write_record(void);
- static int sort_key_cmp(const void *not_used, const void *a,const void *b);
- static int sort_key_write(const void *a);
- static ulong get_record_for_key(N_INFO *info,N_KEYDEF *keyinfo,
- uchar *key);
- static int sort_insert_key(reg1 ISAM_SORT_KEY_BLOCKS *key_block,uchar *key,
- ulong prev_block);
- static int sort_delete_record(void);
- static void usage(void);
- static int flush_pending_blocks(void);
- static ISAM_SORT_KEY_BLOCKS *alloc_key_blocks(uint blocks,uint buffer_length);
- static int test_if_almost_full(N_INFO *info);
- static int recreate_database(N_INFO **info,char *filename);
- static void save_integer(byte *pos,uint pack_length,ulong value);
- static int write_data_suffix(N_INFO *info);
- static int update_state_info(N_INFO *info,uint update);
- /* Main program */
- int main( int argc, char **argv)
- {
- int error;
- MY_INIT(argv[0]);
- #ifdef __EMX__
- _wildcard (&argc, &argv);
- #endif
- get_options(&argc,(char***) &argv);
- nisam_quick_table_bits=(uint) decode_bits;
- error=0;
- while (--argc >= 0)
- {
- error|= nisamchk(*(argv++));
- VOID(fflush(stdout));
- VOID(fflush(stderr));
- if ((error_printed | warning_printed) && (testflag & T_FORCE_CREATE) &&
- (!(testflag & (T_REP | T_REP_BY_SORT | T_SORT_RECORDS |
- {
- testflag|=T_REP;
- error|=nisamchk(argv[-1]);
- testflag&= ~T_REP;
- VOID(fflush(stdout));
- VOID(fflush(stderr));
- }
- if (argc && (!(testflag & T_SILENT) || testflag & T_INFO))
- {
- puts("n---------n");
- VOID(fflush(stdout));
- }
- }
- if (total_files > 1)
- { /* Only if descript */
- if (!(testflag & T_SILENT) || testflag & T_INFO)
- puts("n---------n");
- printf("nTotal of all %d ISAM-files:nData records: %8lu Deleted blocks: %8lun",total_files,total_records,total_deleted);
- }
- free_defaults(defaults_alloc);
- exit(error);
- #ifndef _lint
- return 0; /* No compiler warning */
- #endif
- } /* main */
- static struct my_option my_long_options[] =
- {
- {"analyze", 'a',
- "Analyze distribution of keys. Will make some joins in MySQL faster.",
- 0, 0, 0, GET_NO_ARG, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
- #ifdef __NETWARE__
- {"auto-close", OPT_AUTO_CLOSE, "Auto close the screen on exit for Netware.",
- 0, 0, 0, GET_NO_ARG, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
- #endif
- {"character-sets-dir", OPT_CHARSETS_DIR_IC,
- "Directory where character sets are", (gptr*) &charsets_dir,
- (gptr*) &charsets_dir, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
- #ifndef DBUG_OFF
- {"debug", '#', "Output debug log. Often this is 'd:t:o,filename'",
- 0, 0, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
- #endif
- {"default-character-set", 'C', "Set the default character set",
- (gptr*) &default_charset, (gptr*) &default_charset, 0, GET_STR,
- REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
- {"description", 'd', "Prints some information about table.",
- 0, 0, 0, GET_NO_ARG, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
- {"extend-check", 'e',
- "Check the table VERY thoroughly. One need to use this only in extreme cases, because isamchk should normally find all errors even without this switch.",
- 0, 0, 0, GET_NO_ARG, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
- {"information", 'i', "Print statistics information about the table",
- 0, 0, 0, GET_NO_ARG, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
- {"force", 'f',
- "Overwrite old temporary files. If one uses -f when checking tables (running isamchk without -r), isamchk will automatically restart with -r on any wrong table.",
- 0, 0, 0, GET_NO_ARG, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
- {"help", '?', "Display this help and exit.", 0, 0, 0, GET_NO_ARG, NO_ARG, 0,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
- {"keys-used", 'k',
- "Used with '-r'. Tell ISAM to update only the first # keys. This can be used to get faster inserts!",
- (gptr*) &max_key, (gptr*) &max_key, 0, GET_UINT, REQUIRED_ARG, N_MAXKEY, 0,
- 0, 0, 0, 0},
- {"no-symlinks", 'l',
- "Do not follow symbolic links when repairing. Normally isamchk repairs the table a symlink points at.",
- 0, 0, 0, GET_NO_ARG, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
- {"quick", 'q',
- "Used with -r to get a faster repair. (The data file isn't touched.) One can give a second '-q' to force isamchk to modify the original datafile.",
- (gptr*) &rep_quick, (gptr*) &rep_quick, 0, GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
- 0},
- {"recover", 'r',
- "Can fix almost anything except unique keys that aren't unique.",
- 0, 0, 0, GET_NO_ARG, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
- {"safe-recover", 'o',
- "Uses old recovery method; slower than '-r' but can handle a couple of cases that '-r' cannot handle.",
- 0, 0, 0, GET_NO_ARG, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
- {"set-variable", 'O',
- "Change the value of a variable. Please note that this option is deprecated; you can set variables directly with --variable-name=value.",
- 0, 0, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
- {"block-search", 'b', "For debugging.", (gptr*) &search_after_block,
- (gptr*) &search_after_block, 0, GET_ULONG, REQUIRED_ARG,
- (longlong) NI_POS_ERROR, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
- {"silent", 's',
- "Only print errors. One can use two -s to make isamchk very silent.",
- 0, 0, 0, GET_NO_ARG, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
- {"sort-index", 'S',
- "Sort index blocks. This speeds up 'read-next' in applications.",
- 0, 0, 0, GET_NO_ARG, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
- {"sort-records", 'R',
- "Sort records according to an index. This makes your data much more localized and may speed up things (It may be VERY slow to do a sort the first time!)",
- (gptr*) &opt_sort_key, (gptr*) &opt_sort_key, 0, GET_UINT, REQUIRED_ARG,
- 0, 0, (N_MAXKEY - 1), 1, 0, 0},
- {"unpack", 'u', "Unpack file packed with pack_isam.",
- 0, 0, 0, GET_NO_ARG, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
- {"verbose", 'v',
- "Print more information. This can be used with -d and -e. Use many -v for more verbosity!",
- 0, 0, 0, GET_NO_ARG, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
- {"version", 'V', "Print version and exit.",
- 0, 0, 0, GET_NO_ARG, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
- {"wait", 'w', "Wait if table is locked.",
- 0, 0, 0, GET_NO_ARG, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
- {"key_buffer_size", OPT_KEY_BUFFER_SIZE, "", (gptr*) &use_buffers,
- (gptr*) &use_buffers, 0, GET_ULONG, REQUIRED_ARG, (long) USE_BUFFER_INIT,
- (long) MALLOC_OVERHEAD, (long) ~0L, (long) MALLOC_OVERHEAD, (long) IO_SIZE,
- 0},
- {"read_buffer_size", OPT_READ_BUFFER_SIZE, "",
- (gptr*) &read_buffer_length, (gptr*) &read_buffer_length, 0, GET_ULONG,
- (long) ~0L, (long) MALLOC_OVERHEAD, (long) 1L, 0},
- {"write_buffer_size", OPT_WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE, "",
- (gptr*) &write_buffer_length, (gptr*) &write_buffer_length, 0, GET_ULONG,
- (long) MALLOC_OVERHEAD, (long) 1L, 0},
- {"sort_buffer_size", OPT_SORT_BUFFER_SIZE, "",
- (gptr*) &sort_buffer_length, (gptr*) &sort_buffer_length, 0, GET_ULONG,
- (long) (MIN_SORT_BUFFER + MALLOC_OVERHEAD), (long) ~0L,
- (long) MALLOC_OVERHEAD, (long) 1L, 0},
- {"sort_key_blocks", OPT_SORT_KEY_BLOCKS, "",
- (gptr*) &sort_key_blocks, (gptr*) &sort_key_blocks, 0, GET_ULONG,
- {"decode_bits", OPT_DECODE_BITS, "",
- (gptr*) &decode_bits, (gptr*) &decode_bits, 0, GET_ULONG, REQUIRED_ARG,
- 9L, 4L, 17L, 0L, 1L, 0},
- {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, GET_NO_ARG, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
- };
- #include <help_start.h>
- static void print_version(void)
- {
- printf("%s Ver 6.01 for %s at %sn", my_progname, SYSTEM_TYPE,
- }
- static void usage(void)
- {
- print_version();
- puts("MySQL AB, by Monty, for your professional use");
- puts("This software comes with NO WARRANTY: see the PUBLIC for details.n");
- puts("Description, check and repair of ISAM tables.");
- puts("Used without options all tables on the command will be checked for errors");
- printf("Usage: %s [OPTIONS] tables[.ISM]n", my_progname);
- my_print_help(my_long_options);
- print_defaults("my", load_default_groups);
- my_print_variables(my_long_options);
- }
- #include <help_end.h>
- /* Check table */
- static int nisamchk(my_string filename)
- {
- int error,lock_type,recreate;
- N_INFO *info;
- File datafile;
- char fixed_name[FN_REFLEN];
- ISAM_SHARE *share;
- DBUG_ENTER("nisamchk");
- out_flag=error=warning_printed=error_printed=recreate=0;
- datafile=0;
- isam_file_name=filename; /* For error messages */
- if (!(info=nisam_open(filename,
- (testflag & T_DESCRIPT) ? O_RDONLY : O_RDWR,
- {
- /* Avoid twice printing of isam file name */
- error_printed=1;
- switch (my_errno) {
- print_error("'%s' is not a ISAM-table",filename);
- break;
- print_error("'%s' is a old type of ISAM-table", filename);
- break;
- print_error("Couldn't read compleat header from '%s'", filename);
- break;
- case EAGAIN:
- print_error("'%s' is locked. Use -w to wait until unlocked",filename);
- break;
- case ENOENT:
- print_error("File '%s' doesn't exist",filename);
- break;
- case EACCES:
- print_error("You don't have permission to use '%s'",filename);
- break;
- default:
- print_error("%d when opening ISAM-table '%s'",
- my_errno,filename);
- break;
- }
- }
- share=info->s;
- share->base.options&= ~HA_OPTION_READ_ONLY_DATA; /* We are modifing it */
- share->r_locks=0;
- if ((testflag & (T_REP_BY_SORT | T_REP | T_STATISTICS |
- ((testflag & T_UNPACK && share->data_file_type == COMPRESSED_RECORD) ||
- share->state_length != sizeof(share->state) ||
- uint2korr(share->state.header.base_info_length) !=
- sizeof(share->base) ||
- (max_key && ! share->state.keys && share->base.keys) ||
- test_if_almost_full(info) ||
- info->s->state.header.file_version[3] != nisam_file_magic[3]))
- {
- if (recreate_database(&info,filename))
- {
- VOID(fprintf(stderr,
- "ISAM-table '%s' is not fixed because of errorsn",
- filename));
- return(-1);
- }
- recreate=1;
- if (!(testflag & (T_REP | T_REP_BY_SORT)))
- {
- testflag|=T_REP_BY_SORT; /* if only STATISTICS */
- if (!(testflag & T_SILENT))
- printf("- '%s' has old table-format. Recreating indexn",filename);
- if (!rep_quick)
- rep_quick=1;
- }
- share=info->s;
- share->r_locks=0;
- }
- if (testflag & T_DESCRIPT)
- {
- total_files++;
- total_records+=share->state.records; total_deleted+=share->state.del;
- descript(info,filename);
- }
- else
- {
- lock_type = F_WRLCK; /* table is changed */
- else
- lock_type= F_RDLCK;
- if (info->lock_type == F_RDLCK)
- info->lock_type=F_UNLCK; /* Read only table */
- if (_nisam_readinfo(info,lock_type,0))
- {
- print_error("Can't lock indexfile of '%s', error: %d",
- filename,my_errno);
- error_printed=0;
- goto end2;
- }
- share->w_locks++; /* Mark (for writeinfo) */
- if (lock_file(info->dfile,0L,lock_type,"datafile of",filename))
- goto end;
- info->lock_type= F_EXTRA_LCK; /* Simulate as locked */
- info->tmp_lock_type=lock_type;
- datafile=info->dfile;
- {
- if (testflag & (T_REP+T_REP_BY_SORT))
- share->state.keys=min(share->base.keys,max_key);
- VOID(fn_format(fixed_name,filename,"",N_NAME_IEXT,
- 4+ (opt_follow_links ? 16 : 0)));
- if (rep_quick && (error=chk_del(info,testflag & ~T_VERBOSE)))
- print_error("Quick-recover aborted; Run recovery without switch 'q'");
- else
- {
- if (testflag & T_REP_BY_SORT &&
- (share->state.keys || (rep_quick && !max_key && ! recreate)))
- error=rep_by_sort(info,fixed_name);
- else if (testflag & (T_REP | T_REP_BY_SORT))
- error=rep(info,fixed_name);
- }
- if (!error && testflag & T_SORT_RECORDS)
- {
- if (out_flag & O_NEW_DATA)
- { /* Change temp file to org file */
- VOID(lock_file(datafile,0L,F_UNLCK,"datafile of",filename));
- VOID(my_close(datafile,MYF(MY_WME))); /* Close old file */
- VOID(my_close(info->dfile,MYF(MY_WME))); /* Close new file */
- error|=change_to_newfile(fixed_name,N_NAME_DEXT,DATA_TMP_EXT);
- if ((info->dfile=my_open(fn_format(temp_filename,fixed_name,"",
- N_NAME_DEXT,2+4),
- MYF(MY_WME))) <= 0 ||
- lock_file(info->dfile,0L,F_WRLCK,"datafile",temp_filename))
- error=1;
- out_flag&= ~O_NEW_DATA; /* We are using new datafile */
- read_cache.file=info->dfile;
- }
- if (! error)
- error=sort_records(info,fixed_name,opt_sort_key,
- test(!(testflag & T_REP)));
- datafile=info->dfile; /* This is now locked */
- }
- if (!error && testflag & T_SORT_INDEX)
- error=sort_index(info,fixed_name);
- }
- else
- {
- if (!(testflag & T_SILENT) || testflag & T_INFO)
- printf("Checking ISAM file: %sn",filename);
- if (!(testflag & T_SILENT))
- printf("Data records: %7ld Deleted blocks: %7ldn",
- share->state.records,share->state.del);
- share->state.keys=min(share->state.keys,max_key);
- error =chk_size(info);
- error|=chk_del(info,testflag);
- error|=chk_key(info);
- if (!rep_quick)
- {
- if (testflag & T_EXTEND)
- VOID(init_key_cache(dflt_key_cache,KEY_CACHE_BLOCK_SIZE,
- use_buffers,0,0));
- VOID(init_io_cache(&read_cache,datafile,(uint) read_buffer_length,
- READ_CACHE,share->pack.header_length,1,
- MYF(MY_WME)));
- lock_memory();
- error|=chk_data_link(info,testflag & T_EXTEND);
- error|=flush_blocks(share->kfile);
- VOID(end_io_cache(&read_cache));
- }
- }
- }
- end:
- if (!(testflag & T_DESCRIPT))
- {
- if (info->update & (HA_STATE_CHANGED | HA_STATE_ROW_CHANGED))
- error|=update_state_info(info,
- ((testflag & (T_REP | T_REP_BY_SORT)) ?
- ((testflag & T_SORT_RECORDS) ?
- UPDATE_SORT : 0));
- VOID(lock_file(share->kfile,0L,F_UNLCK,"indexfile",filename));
- if (datafile > 0)
- VOID(lock_file(datafile,0L,F_UNLCK,"datafile of",filename));
- }
- share->w_locks--;
- end2:
- if (datafile && datafile != info->dfile)
- VOID(my_close(datafile,MYF(MY_WME)));
- if (nisam_close(info))
- {
- print_error("%d when closing ISAM-table '%s'",my_errno,filename);
- }
- if (error == 0)
- {
- if (out_flag & O_NEW_DATA)
- error|=change_to_newfile(fixed_name,N_NAME_DEXT,DATA_TMP_EXT);
- if (out_flag & O_NEW_INDEX)
- error|=change_to_newfile(fixed_name,N_NAME_IEXT,INDEX_TMP_EXT);
- }
- VOID(fflush(stdout)); VOID(fflush(stderr));
- if (error_printed)
- {
- VOID(fprintf(stderr,
- "ISAM-table '%s' is not fixed because of errorsn",
- filename));
- else if (! (error_printed & 2) && !(testflag & T_FORCE_CREATE))
- VOID(fprintf(stderr,
- "ISAM-table '%s' is corruptednFix it using switch "-r" or "-o"n",
- filename));
- }
- else if (warning_printed &&
- VOID(fprintf(stderr, "ISAM-table '%s' is useable but should be fixedn",
- filename));
- VOID(fflush(stderr));
- DBUG_RETURN(error);
- } /* nisamchk */
- static my_bool
- get_one_option(int optid, const struct my_option *opt __attribute__((unused)),
- char *argument)
- {
- switch(optid) {
- #ifdef __NETWARE__
- setscreenmode(SCR_AUTOCLOSE_ON_EXIT);
- break;
- #endif
- case 'a':
- testflag|= T_STATISTICS;
- break;
- case 's': /* silent */
- if (testflag & T_SILENT)
- testflag|=T_VERY_SILENT;
- testflag|= T_SILENT;
- testflag&= ~T_WRITE_LOOP;
- break;
- case 'w':
- testflag|= T_WAIT_FOREVER;
- break;
- case 'd': /* description if isam-file */
- testflag|= T_DESCRIPT;
- break;
- case 'e': /* extend check */
- testflag|= T_EXTEND;
- break;
- case 'i':
- testflag|= T_INFO;
- break;
- case 'f':
- tmpfile_createflag= O_RDWR | O_TRUNC;
- testflag|=T_FORCE_CREATE;
- break;
- case 'l':
- opt_follow_links=0;
- break;
- case 'r': /* Repair table */
- testflag= (testflag & ~T_REP) | T_REP_BY_SORT;
- break;
- case 'o':
- testflag= (testflag & ~T_REP_BY_SORT) | T_REP;
- my_disable_async_io=1; /* More safety */
- break;
- case 'u':
- testflag|= T_UNPACK | T_REP_BY_SORT;
- break;
- case 'v': /* Verbose */
- testflag|= T_VERBOSE;
- verbose++;
- break;
- case 'R': /* Sort records */
- testflag|= T_SORT_RECORDS;
- if (opt_sort_key >= N_MAXKEY)
- {
- fprintf(stderr,
- "The value of the sort key is bigger than max key: %d.n",
- exit(1);
- }
- break;
- case 'S': /* Sort index */
- testflag|= T_SORT_INDEX;
- break;
- case '#':
- DBUG_PUSH(argument ? argument : "d:t:o,/tmp/isamchk.trace");
- break;
- case 'V':
- print_version();
- exit(0);
- case '?':
- usage();
- exit(0);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /* Read options */
- static void get_options(register int *argc, register char ***argv)
- {
- int ho_error;
- load_defaults("my",load_default_groups,argc,argv);
- defaults_alloc= *argv;
- if (isatty(fileno(stdout)))
- testflag|=T_WRITE_LOOP;
- if ((ho_error=handle_options(argc, argv, my_long_options, get_one_option)))
- exit(ho_error);
- if (*argc == 0)
- {
- usage();
- exit(-1);
- }
- if ((testflag & T_UNPACK) && (rep_quick || (testflag & T_SORT_RECORDS)))
- {
- VOID(fprintf(stderr,
- "%s: --unpack can't be used with --quick or --sort-recordsn",
- my_progname));
- exit(1);
- }
- if (default_charset)
- {
- if (!(default_charset_info= get_charset_by_name(default_charset, MYF(MY_WME))))
- exit(1);
- }
- return;
- } /* get options */
- /* Check delete links */
- static int chk_del( reg1 N_INFO *info, uint test_flag)
- {
- reg2 ulong i;
- uint j,delete_link_length;
- ulong empty,next_link;
- uchar buff[8];
- DBUG_ENTER("chk_del");
- if (!(test_flag & T_SILENT)) puts("- check delete-chain");
- record_checksum=0L;
- key_file_blocks=info->s->base.keystart;
- for (j =0 ; j < info->s->state.keys ; j++)
- if (check_k_link(info,j))
- goto wrong;
- delete_link_length=(info->s->base.options & HA_OPTION_PACK_RECORD) ? 8 : 5;
- next_link=info->s->state.dellink;
- if (info->s->state.del == 0)
- {
- if (test_flag & T_VERBOSE)
- {
- puts("No recordlinks");
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (test_flag & T_VERBOSE)
- printf("Recordlinks: ");
- empty=0;
- for (i= info->s->state.del ; i > 0L && next_link != NI_POS_ERROR ; i--)
- {
- if (test_flag & T_VERBOSE) printf("%10lu",next_link);
- if (next_link >= info->s->state.data_file_length)
- goto wrong;
- if (my_pread(info->dfile,(char*) buff,delete_link_length,
- next_link,MYF(MY_NABP)))
- {
- if (test_flag & T_VERBOSE) puts("");
- print_error("Can't read delete-link at filepos: %lu",
- (ulong) next_link);
- }
- if (*buff != '')
- {
- if (test_flag & T_VERBOSE) puts("");
- print_error("Record at pos: %lu is not remove-marked",
- (ulong) next_link);
- goto wrong;
- }
- if (info->s->base.options & HA_OPTION_PACK_RECORD)
- {
- next_link=uint4korr(buff+4);
- empty+=uint3korr(buff+1);
- }
- else
- {
- record_checksum+=next_link;
- next_link=uint4korr(buff+1);
- empty+=info->s->base.reclength;
- }
- if (next_link == (uint32) ~0) /* Fix for 64 bit long */
- next_link=NI_POS_ERROR;
- }
- if (empty != info->s->state.empty)
- {
- if (test_flag & T_VERBOSE) puts("");
- print_warning("Not used space is supposed to be: %lu but is: %lu",
- (ulong) info->s->state.empty,(ulong) empty);
- info->s->state.empty=empty;
- }
- if (i != 0 || next_link != NI_POS_ERROR)
- goto wrong;
- if (test_flag & T_VERBOSE) puts("n");
- }
- wrong:
- if (test_flag & T_VERBOSE) puts("");
- print_error("delete-link-chain corrupted");
- } /* chk_del */
- /* Kontrollerar l{nkarna i nyckelfilen */
- static int check_k_link( register N_INFO *info, uint nr)
- {
- ulong next_link,records;
- DBUG_ENTER("check_k_link");
- if (testflag & T_VERBOSE)
- printf("index %2d: ",nr+1);
- next_link=info->s->state.key_del[nr];
- records= (info->s->state.key_file_length /
- info->s->keyinfo[nr].base.block_length);
- while (next_link != NI_POS_ERROR && records > 0)
- {
- if (testflag & T_VERBOSE) printf("%10lu",next_link);
- if (next_link > info->s->state.key_file_length ||
- next_link & (info->s->blocksize-1))
- if (my_pread(info->s->kfile,(char*) &next_link,sizeof(long),next_link,
- records--;
- key_file_blocks+=info->s->keyinfo[nr].base.block_length;
- }
- if (testflag & T_VERBOSE)
- {
- if (next_link != NI_POS_ERROR)
- printf("%10lun",next_link);
- else
- puts("");
- }
- DBUG_RETURN (next_link != NI_POS_ERROR);
- } /* check_k_link */
- /* Kontrollerar storleken p} filerna */
- static int chk_size(register N_INFO *info)
- {
- int error=0;
- register my_off_t skr,size;
- DBUG_ENTER("chk_size");
- if (!(testflag & T_SILENT)) puts("- check file-size");
- size=my_seek(info->s->kfile,0L,MY_SEEK_END,MYF(0));
- if ((skr=(my_off_t) info->s->state.key_file_length) != size)
- {
- if (skr > size)
- {
- error=1;
- print_error("Size of indexfile is: %-8lu Should be: %lu",
- (ulong) size, (ulong) skr);
- }
- else
- print_warning("Size of indexfile is: %-8lu Should be: %lu",
- (ulong) size,(ulong) skr);
- }
- if (!(testflag & T_VERY_SILENT) &&
- ! (info->s->base.options & HA_OPTION_COMPRESS_RECORD) &&
- info->s->state.key_file_length >
- (ulong) (ulong_to_double(info->s->base.max_key_file_length)*0.9))
- print_warning("Keyfile is almost full, %10lu of %10lu used",
- info->s->state.key_file_length,
- info->s->base.max_key_file_length-1);
- size=my_seek(info->dfile,0L,MY_SEEK_END,MYF(0));
- skr=(my_off_t) info->s->state.data_file_length;
- if (info->s->base.options & HA_OPTION_COMPRESS_RECORD)
- #ifdef USE_RELOC
- if (info->data_file_type == STATIC_RECORD &&
- skr < (my_off_t) info->s->base.reloc*info->s->base.min_pack_length)
- skr=(my_off_t) info->s->base.reloc*info->s->base.min_pack_length;
- #endif
- if (skr != size)
- {
- info->s->state.data_file_length=(ulong) size; /* Skip other errors */
- if (skr > size && skr != size + MEMMAP_EXTRA_MARGIN)
- {
- error=1;
- print_error("Size of datafile is: %-8lu Should be: %lu",
- (ulong) size,(ulong) skr);
- }
- else
- {
- print_warning("Size of datafile is: %-8lu Should be: %lu",
- (ulong) size,(ulong) skr);
- }
- }
- if (!(testflag & T_VERY_SILENT) &&
- !(info->s->base.options & HA_OPTION_COMPRESS_RECORD) &&
- info->s->state.data_file_length >
- (ulong) (ulong_to_double(info->s->base.max_data_file_length)*0.9))
- print_warning("Datafile is almost full, %10lu of %10lu used",
- info->s->state.data_file_length,
- info->s->base.max_data_file_length-1);
- DBUG_RETURN(error);
- } /* chk_size */
- /* Kontrollerar nycklarna */
- static int chk_key( register N_INFO *info)
- {
- uint key;
- ulong keys,all_keydata,all_totaldata,key_totlength,length,
- init_checksum,old_record_checksum;
- ISAM_SHARE *share=info->s;
- N_KEYDEF *keyinfo;
- DBUG_ENTER("chk_key");
- if (!(testflag & T_SILENT)) puts("- check index reference");
- all_keydata=all_totaldata=key_totlength=old_record_checksum=0;
- init_checksum=record_checksum;
- if (!(share->base.options &
- old_record_checksum=calc_checksum(share->state.records+share->state.del-1)*
- share->base.reclength;
- for (key= 0,keyinfo= &share->keyinfo[0]; key < share->state.keys ;
- key++,keyinfo++)
- {
- record_checksum=init_checksum;
- unique_count=0L;
- if ((!(testflag & T_SILENT)) && share->state.keys >1)
- printf ("- check data record references index: %dn",key+1);
- if (share->state.key_root[key] == NI_POS_ERROR &&
- share->state.records == 0)
- continue;
- if (!_nisam_fetch_keypage(info,keyinfo,share->state.key_root[key],info->buff,
- 0))
- {
- print_error("Can't read indexpage from filepos: %lu",
- (ulong) share->state.key_root[key]);
- }
- key_file_blocks+=keyinfo->base.block_length;
- keys=keydata=totaldata=key_blocks=0; max_level=0;
- if (chk_index(info,keyinfo,share->state.key_root[key],info->buff,&keys,1))
- if (keys != share->state.records)
- {
- print_error("Found %lu keys of %lu",(ulong) keys,
- (ulong) share->state.records);
- }
- if (!key && (share->base.options &
- old_record_checksum=record_checksum;
- else if (old_record_checksum != record_checksum)
- {
- if (key)
- print_error("Key %u doesn't point at same records that key 1",
- key+1);
- else
- print_error("Key 1 doesn't point at all records");
- }
- length=(ulong) isam_key_length(info,keyinfo)*keys + key_blocks*2;
- if (testflag & T_INFO && totaldata != 0L && keys != 0L)
- printf("Key: %2d: Keyblocks used: %3d%% Packed: %4d%% Max levels: %2dn",
- key+1,
- (int) (keydata*100.0/totaldata),
- (int) ((long) (length-keydata)*100.0/(double) length),
- max_level);
- all_keydata+=keydata; all_totaldata+=totaldata; key_totlength+=length;
- share->base.rec_per_key[key]=
- unique_count ? ((share->state.records+unique_count/2)/
- unique_count) : 1L;
- }
- if (testflag & T_INFO)
- {
- if (all_totaldata != 0L && share->state.keys != 1)
- printf("Total: Keyblocks used: %3d%% Packed: %4d%%nn",
- (int) (all_keydata*100.0/all_totaldata),
- (int) ((long) (key_totlength-all_keydata)*100.0/
- (double) key_totlength));
- else if (all_totaldata != 0L && share->state.keys)
- puts("");
- }
- if (key_file_blocks != share->state.key_file_length)
- print_warning("Some data are unreferenced in keyfile");
- record_checksum-=init_checksum; /* Remove delete links */
- if (testflag & T_STATISTICS)
- DBUG_RETURN(update_state_info(info,UPDATE_STAT));
- } /* chk_key */
- /* Check if index is ok */
- static int chk_index(N_INFO *info, N_KEYDEF *keyinfo, ulong page, uchar *buff,
- ulong *keys,uint level)
- {
- int flag;
- uint used_length,comp_flag,nod_flag;
- uchar key[N_MAX_POSSIBLE_KEY_BUFF],*temp_buff,*keypos,*endpos;
- ulong next_page,record;
- DBUG_ENTER("chk_index");
- DBUG_DUMP("buff",(byte*) buff,getint(buff));
- if (!(temp_buff=(uchar*) my_alloca((uint) keyinfo->base.block_length)))
- {
- print_error("Not Enough memory");
- }
- if (keyinfo->base.flag & HA_NOSAME)
- comp_flag=SEARCH_FIND; /* Not dupplicates */
- else
- comp_flag=SEARCH_SAME; /* Keys in positionorder */
- nod_flag=test_if_nod(buff);
- used_length=getint(buff);
- keypos=buff+2+nod_flag;
- endpos=buff+used_length;
- keydata+=used_length; totaldata+=keyinfo->base.block_length; /* INFO */
- key_blocks++;
- if (level > max_level)
- max_level=level;
- if (used_length > keyinfo->base.block_length)
- {
- print_error("Wrong pageinfo at page: %lu",(ulong) page);
- goto err;
- }
- for ( ;; )
- {
- if (nod_flag)
- {
- next_page=_nisam_kpos(nod_flag,keypos);
- if (next_page > info->s->state.key_file_length ||
- (nod_flag && (next_page & (info->s->blocksize -1))))
- {
- my_off_t max_length=my_seek(info->s->kfile,0L,MY_SEEK_END,MYF(0));
- print_error("Wrong pagepointer: %lu at page: %lu",
- (ulong) next_page,(ulong) page);
- if (next_page+info->s->blocksize > max_length)
- goto err;
- info->s->state.key_file_length=(ulong) (max_length &
- ~ (my_off_t)
- (info->s->blocksize-1));
- }
- if (!_nisam_fetch_keypage(info,keyinfo,next_page,temp_buff,0))
- {
- print_error("Can't read key from filepos: %lu",(ulong) next_page);
- goto err;
- }
- key_file_blocks+=keyinfo->base.block_length;
- if (chk_index(info,keyinfo,next_page,temp_buff,keys,level+1))
- goto err;
- }
- if (keypos >= endpos ||
- (*keyinfo->get_key)(keyinfo,nod_flag,&keypos,key) == 0)
- break;
- if ((*keys)++ &&
- (flag=_nisam_key_cmp(keyinfo->seg,info->lastkey,key,0,comp_flag)) >=0)
- {
- DBUG_DUMP("old",(byte*) info->lastkey,
- _nisam_keylength(keyinfo,info->lastkey));
- DBUG_DUMP("new",(byte*) key,_nisam_keylength(keyinfo,key));
- if (comp_flag == SEARCH_FIND && flag == 0)
- print_error("Found dupplicated key at page %lu",(ulong) page);
- else
- print_error("Key in wrong position at page %lu",(ulong) page);
- goto err;
- }
- if (testflag & T_STATISTICS)
- {
- if (*keys == 1L ||
- _nisam_key_cmp(keyinfo->seg,info->lastkey,key,0,SEARCH_FIND))
- unique_count++;
- }
- VOID(_nisam_move_key(keyinfo,(uchar*) info->lastkey,key));
- record= _nisam_dpos(info,nod_flag,keypos);
- if (record >= info->s->state.data_file_length)
- {
- print_error("Found key at page %lu that points to record outside datafile",page);
- DBUG_PRINT("test",("page: %lu record: %lu filelength: %lu",
- (ulong) page,(ulong) record,
- (ulong) info->s->state.data_file_length));
- DBUG_DUMP("key",(byte*) info->lastkey,info->s->base.max_key_length);
- goto err;
- }
- record_checksum+=record;
- }
- if (keypos != endpos)
- {
- print_error("Keyblock size at page %lu is not correct. Block length: %d key length: %d",(ulong) page, used_length, (keypos - buff));
- goto err;
- }
- my_afree((byte*) temp_buff);
- err:
- my_afree((byte*) temp_buff);
- } /* chk_index */
- /* Calculate a checksum of 1+2+3+4...N = N*(N+1)/2 without overflow */
- static ulong calc_checksum(count)
- ulong count;
- {
- ulong sum,a,b;
- DBUG_ENTER("calc_checksum");
- sum=0;
- a=count; b=count+1;
- if (a & 1)
- b>>=1;
- else
- a>>=1;
- while (b)
- {
- if (b & 1)
- sum+=a;
- a<<=1; b>>=1;
- }
- DBUG_PRINT("exit",("sum: %lx",sum));
- } /* calc_checksum */
- /* Calc length of key in normal isam */
- static uint isam_key_length( N_INFO *info, reg1 N_KEYDEF *keyinfo)
- {
- uint length;
- N_KEYSEG *keyseg;
- DBUG_ENTER("isam_key_length");
- length= info->s->rec_reflength;
- for (keyseg=keyinfo->seg ; keyseg->base.type ; keyseg++)
- length+= keyseg->base.length;
- DBUG_PRINT("exit",("length: %d",length));
- DBUG_RETURN(length);
- } /* key_length */
- /* Check that record-link is ok */
- static int chk_data_link(info,extend)
- reg1 N_INFO *info;
- int extend;
- {
- int error,got_error,flag;
- uint key,left_length,b_type;
- ulong records,del_blocks,used,empty,pos,splitts,start_recpos,
- del_length,link_used,intern_record_checksum,start_block;
- byte *record,*to;
- N_KEYDEF *keyinfo;
- BLOCK_INFO block_info;
- DBUG_ENTER("chk_data_link");
- if (! (info->s->base.options & (HA_OPTION_PACK_RECORD |
- ! extend)
- if (!(testflag & T_SILENT))
- {
- if (extend)
- puts("- check records and index references");
- else
- puts("- check record links");
- }
- if (!(record= (byte*) my_alloca(info->s->base.reclength)))
- {
- print_error("Not Enough memory");
- }
- records=used=link_used=splitts=del_blocks=del_length=
- intern_record_checksum=crc=0L;
- LINT_INIT(left_length); LINT_INIT(start_recpos); LINT_INIT(to);
- got_error=error=0;
- empty=pos=info->s->pack.header_length;
- while (pos < info->s->state.data_file_length)
- {
- switch (info->s->data_file_type) {
- if (my_b_read(&read_cache,(byte*) record,info->s->base.reclength))
- goto err;
- start_recpos=pos;
- pos+=info->s->base.reclength;
- splitts++;
- if (*record == '')
- {
- del_blocks++;
- del_length+=info->s->base.reclength;
- continue; /* Record removed */
- }
- used+=info->s->base.reclength;
- break;
- flag=block_info.second_read=0;
- block_info.next_filepos=pos;
- do
- {
- if (_nisam_read_cache(&read_cache,(byte*) block_info.header,
- (start_block=block_info.next_filepos),
- sizeof(block_info.header),test(! flag) | 2))
- goto err;
- b_type=_nisam_get_block_info(&block_info,-1,start_block);
- {
- if (b_type & BLOCK_SYNC_ERROR)
- {
- if (flag)
- {
- print_error("Unexpected byte: %d at link: %lu",
- (int) block_info.header[0],(ulong) start_block);
- goto err2;
- }
- pos=block_info.filepos+block_info.block_len;
- goto next;
- }
- if (b_type & BLOCK_DELETED)
- {
- if (block_info.block_len < info->s->base.min_block_length ||
- block_info.block_len-4 > (uint) info->s->base.max_pack_length)
- {
- print_error("Deleted block with impossible length %u at %lu",
- block_info.block_len,(ulong) pos);
- goto err2;
- }
- del_blocks++;
- del_length+=block_info.block_len;
- pos=block_info.filepos+block_info.block_len;
- splitts++;
- goto next;
- }
- print_error("Wrong bytesec: %d-%d-%d at linkstart: %lu",
- block_info.header[0],block_info.header[1],
- block_info.header[2],(ulong) start_block);
- goto err2;
- }
- if (info->s->state.data_file_length < block_info.filepos+
- block_info.block_len)
- {
- print_error("Recordlink that points outside datafile at %lu",
- (ulong) pos);
- got_error=1;
- break;
- }
- splitts++;
- if (!flag++) /* First block */
- {
- start_recpos=pos;
- pos=block_info.filepos+block_info.block_len;
- if (block_info.rec_len > (uint) info->s->base.max_pack_length)
- {
- print_error("Found too long record at %lu",(ulong) start_recpos);
- got_error=1;
- break;
- }
- if (info->s->base.blobs)
- {
- if (!(to=fix_rec_buff_for_blob(info,block_info.rec_len)))
- {
- print_error("Not enough memory for blob at %lu",
- (ulong) start_recpos);
- got_error=1;
- break;
- }
- }
- else
- to= info->rec_buff;
- left_length=block_info.rec_len;
- }
- if (left_length < block_info.data_len)
- {
- print_error("Found too long record at %lu",(ulong) start_recpos);
- got_error=1; break;
- }
- if (_nisam_read_cache(&read_cache,(byte*) to,block_info.filepos,
- (uint) block_info.data_len, test(flag == 1)))
- goto err;
- to+=block_info.data_len;
- link_used+= block_info.filepos-start_block;
- used+= block_info.filepos - start_block + block_info.data_len;
- empty+=block_info.block_len-block_info.data_len;
- left_length-=block_info.data_len;
- if (left_length)
- {
- if (b_type & BLOCK_LAST)
- {
- print_error("Record link to short for record at %lu",
- (ulong) start_recpos);
- got_error=1;
- break;
- }
- if (info->s->state.data_file_length < block_info.next_filepos)
- {
- print_error("Found next-recordlink that points outside datafile at %lu",
- (ulong) block_info.filepos);
- got_error=1;
- break;
- }
- }
- } while (left_length);
- if (! got_error)
- {
- if (_nisam_rec_unpack(info,record,info->rec_buff,block_info.rec_len) ==
- {
- print_error("Found wrong record at %lu",(ulong) start_recpos);
- got_error=1;
- }
- if (testflag & (T_EXTEND | T_VERBOSE))
- {
- if (_nisam_rec_check(info,record))
- {
- print_error("Found wrong packed record at %lu",
- (ulong) start_recpos);
- got_error=1;
- }
- }
- }
- else if (!flag)
- pos=block_info.filepos+block_info.block_len;
- break;
- if (_nisam_read_cache(&read_cache,(byte*) block_info.header,pos, 3,1))
- goto err;
- start_recpos=pos;
- splitts++;
- VOID(_nisam_pack_get_block_info(&block_info,info->s->pack.ref_length,-1,
- start_recpos));
- pos=start_recpos+info->s->pack.ref_length+block_info.rec_len;
- if (block_info.rec_len < (uint) info->s->min_pack_length ||
- block_info.rec_len > (uint) info->s->max_pack_length)
- {
- print_error("Found block with wrong recordlength: %d at %lu",
- block_info.rec_len,(ulong) start_recpos);
- got_error=1;
- break;
- }
- if (_nisam_read_cache(&read_cache,(byte*) info->rec_buff,
- block_info.filepos, block_info.rec_len,1))
- goto err;
- if (_nisam_pack_rec_unpack(info,record,info->rec_buff,block_info.rec_len))
- {
- print_error("Found wrong record at %lu",(ulong) start_recpos);
- got_error=1;
- }
- crc^=_nisam_checksum(record,info->s->base.reclength);
- link_used+=info->s->pack.ref_length;
- used+=block_info.rec_len+info->s->pack.ref_length;
- }
- if (! got_error)
- {
- intern_record_checksum+=start_recpos;
- records++;
- if (testflag & T_WRITE_LOOP && records % WRITE_COUNT == 0)
- {
- printf("%lur",(ulong) records); VOID(fflush(stdout));
- }
- if (extend)
- {
- for (key=0,keyinfo= info->s->keyinfo; key<info->s->state.keys;
- key++,keyinfo++)
- {
- VOID(_nisam_make_key(info,key,info->lastkey,record,start_recpos));
- if (_nisam_search(info,keyinfo,info->lastkey,0,SEARCH_SAME,
- info->s->state.key_root[key]))
- {
- print_error("Record at: %10lu Can't find key for index: %2d",
- start_recpos,key+1);
- if (error++ > MAXERR || !(testflag & T_VERBOSE))
- goto err2;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- got_error=0;
- if (error++ > MAXERR || !(testflag & T_VERBOSE))
- goto err2;
- }
- next:; /* Next record */
- }
- if (testflag & T_WRITE_LOOP)
- {
- VOID(fputs(" r",stdout)); VOID(fflush(stdout));
- }
- if (records != info->s->state.records)
- {
- print_error("Record-count is not ok; is %-10lu Should be: %lu",
- (ulong) records,(ulong) info->s->state.records);
- error=1;
- }
- else if (record_checksum != intern_record_checksum && info->s->state.keys)
- {
- print_error("Keypointers and records don't match");
- error=1;
- }
- if (used+empty+del_length != info->s->state.data_file_length)
- {
- print_warning("Found %lu record-data and %lu unused data and %lu deleted-datanTotal %lu, Should be: %lu",
- (ulong) used,(ulong) empty,(ulong) del_length,
- (ulong) (used+empty+del_length),
- (ulong) info->s->state.data_file_length);
- }
- if (del_blocks != info->s->state.del)
- {
- print_warning("Found %10lu deleted blocks Should be: %lu",
- (ulong) del_blocks,(ulong) info->s->state.del);
- }
- if (splitts != info->s->state.splitt)
- {
- print_warning("Found %10lu parts Should be: %lu parts",
- (ulong) splitts,(ulong) info->s->state.splitt);
- }
- if ((info->s->base.options & HA_OPTION_COMPRESS_RECORD) &&
- crc != info->s->state.uniq)
- print_warning("Wrong checksum for records; Restore uncompressed table");
- if (testflag & T_INFO)
- {
- if (warning_printed || error_printed)
- puts("");
- if (used != 0 && ! error_printed)
- {
- printf("Records:%17lu M.recordlength:%8lu Packed:%14.0f%%n",
- records, (used-link_used)/records,
- (info->s->base.blobs ? 0 :
- (ulong_to_double(info->s->base.reclength*records)-used)/
- ulong_to_double(info->s->base.reclength*records)*100.0));
- printf("Recordspace used:%8.0f%% Empty space:%11d%% Blocks/Record: %6.2fn",
- (ulong_to_double(used-link_used)/ulong_to_double(used-link_used+empty)*100.0),
- (!records ? 100 : (int) (ulong_to_double(del_length+empty)/used*100.0)),
- ulong_to_double(splitts - del_blocks) / records);
- }
- printf("Record blocks:%12lu Delete blocks:%10lun",
- splitts-del_blocks,del_blocks);
- printf("Record data: %12lu Deleted data :%10lun",
- used-link_used,del_length);
- printf("Lost space: %12lu Linkdata: %10lun",
- empty,link_used);
- }
- my_afree((gptr) record);
- DBUG_RETURN (error);
- err:
- print_error("got error: %d when reading datafile",my_errno);
- err2:
- my_afree((gptr) record);
- } /* chk_data_link */
- /* Recover old table by reading each record and writing all keys */
- /* Save new datafile-name in temp_filename */
- static int rep(info,name)
- reg1 N_INFO *info;
- my_string name;
- {
- int error,got_error;
- uint i;
- ulong start_records,new_header_length,del;
- File new_file;
- ISAM_SHARE *share=info->s;
- DBUG_ENTER("rep");
- start_records=share->state.records;
- new_header_length=(testflag & T_UNPACK) ? 0L : share->pack.header_length;
- got_error=1;
- new_file= -1;
- if (!(testflag & T_SILENT))
- {
- printf("- recovering ISAM-table '%s'n",name);
- printf("Data records: %lun",(ulong) share->state.records);
- }
- VOID(init_key_cache(dflt_key_cache,KEY_CACHE_BLOCK_SIZE,use_buffers,0,0));
- if (init_io_cache(&read_cache,info->dfile,(uint) read_buffer_length,
- READ_CACHE,share->pack.header_length,1,MYF(MY_WME)))
- goto err;
- if (!rep_quick)
- if (init_io_cache(&info->rec_cache,-1,(uint) write_buffer_length,
- WRITE_CACHE, new_header_length, 1,
- goto err;
- info->opt_flag|=WRITE_CACHE_USED;
- sort_info.start_recpos=0;
- sort_info.buff=0; sort_info.buff_length=0;
- if (!(sort_info.record=(byte*) my_alloca((uint) share->base.reclength)))
- {
- print_error("Not Enough memory");
- goto err;
- }
- if (!rep_quick)
- {
- if ((new_file=my_create(fn_format(temp_filename,name,"",DATA_TMP_EXT,
- 2+4),
- 0,tmpfile_createflag,MYF(0))) < 0)
- {
- print_error("Can't create new tempfile: '%s'",temp_filename);
- goto err;
- }
- if (filecopy(new_file,info->dfile,0L,new_header_length,"datafile-header"))
- goto err;
- share->state.dellink= NI_POS_ERROR;
- info->rec_cache.file=new_file;
- if (testflag & T_UNPACK)
- share->base.options&= ~HA_OPTION_COMPRESS_RECORD;
- }
- sort_info.pos=sort_info.max_pos=share->pack.header_length;
- sort_info.filepos=new_header_length;
- read_cache.end_of_file=sort_info.filelength=(ulong)
- my_seek(info->dfile,0L,MY_SEEK_END,MYF(0));
- sort_info.dupp=0;
- sort_info.fix_datafile= (my_bool) (! rep_quick);
- sort_info.max_records=LONG_MAX;
- if ((sort_info.new_data_file_type=share->data_file_type) ==
- {
- if (share->base.options & HA_OPTION_PACK_RECORD)
- sort_info.new_data_file_type = DYNAMIC_RECORD;
- else
- sort_info.new_data_file_type = STATIC_RECORD;
- }
- del=share->state.del;
- share->state.records=share->state.del=share->state.empty=
- share->state.splitt=0;
- info->update= (short) (HA_STATE_CHANGED | HA_STATE_ROW_CHANGED);
- for (i=0 ; i < N_MAXKEY ; i++)
- share->state.key_del[i]=share->state.key_root[i]= NI_POS_ERROR;
- share->state.key_file_length=share->base.keystart;
- lock_memory(); /* Everything is alloced */
- while (!(error=sort_get_next_record()))
- {
- if (writekeys(info,(byte*) sort_info.record,sort_info.filepos))
- {
- if (my_errno != HA_ERR_FOUND_DUPP_KEY) goto err;
- DBUG_DUMP("record",(byte*) sort_info.record,share->base.pack_reclength);
- print_info("Dupplicate key %2d for record at %10lu against new record at %10lu",info->errkey+1,sort_info.start_recpos,info->int_pos);
- if (testflag & T_VERBOSE)
- {
- VOID(_nisam_make_key(info,(uint) info->errkey,info->lastkey,
- sort_info.record,0L));
- _nisam_print_key(stdout,share->keyinfo[info->errkey].seg,info->lastkey);
- }
- sort_info.dupp++;
- if (rep_quick == 1)
- {
- error_printed=1;
- goto err;
- }
- continue;
- }
- if (sort_write_record())
- goto err;
- }
- if (error > 0 || write_data_suffix(info) ||
- flush_io_cache(&info->rec_cache) || read_cache.error < 0)
- goto err;
- if (testflag & T_WRITE_LOOP)
- {
- VOID(fputs(" r",stdout)); VOID(fflush(stdout));
- }
- if (my_chsize(share->kfile, share->state.key_file_length, 0, MYF(0)))
- {
- print_warning("Can't change size of indexfile, error: %d",my_errno);
- goto err;
- }
- if (rep_quick && del+sort_info.dupp != share->state.del)
- {
- print_error("Couldn't fix table with quick recovery: Found wrong number of deleted records");
- print_error("Run recovery again without -q");
- got_error=1;
- goto err;
- }
- if (!rep_quick)
- {
- info->dfile=new_file;
- share->state.data_file_length=sort_info.filepos;
- share->state.splitt=share->state.records; /* Only hole records */
- out_flag|=O_NEW_DATA; /* Data in new file */
- share->state.version=(ulong) time((time_t*) 0); /* Force reopen */
- }
- else
- share->state.data_file_length=sort_info.max_pos;
- if (!(testflag & T_SILENT))
- {
- if (start_records != share->state.records)
- printf("Data records: %lun",(ulong) share->state.records);
- if (sort_info.dupp)
- print_warning("%lu records have been removed",(ulong) sort_info.dupp);
- }
- got_error=0;
- err:
- if (got_error)
- {
- if (! error_printed)
- print_error("%d for record at pos %lu",my_errno,
- (ulong) sort_info.start_recpos);
- if (new_file >= 0)
- {
- VOID(my_close(new_file,MYF(0)));
- VOID(my_delete(temp_filename,MYF(MY_WME)));
- }
- }
- if (sort_info.record)
- {
- my_afree(sort_info.record);
- }
- my_free(sort_info.buff,MYF(MY_ALLOW_ZERO_PTR));
- VOID(end_io_cache(&read_cache));
- info->opt_flag&= ~(READ_CACHE_USED | WRITE_CACHE_USED);
- VOID(end_io_cache(&info->rec_cache));
- got_error|=flush_blocks(share->kfile);
- if (!got_error && testflag & T_UNPACK)
- {
- share->state.header.options[0]&= (uchar) ~HA_OPTION_COMPRESS_RECORD;
- share->pack.header_length=0;
- share->data_file_type=sort_info.new_data_file_type;
- }
- DBUG_RETURN(got_error);
- } /* rep */
- /* Uppdaterar nyckelfilen i samband med reparation */
- static int writekeys(register N_INFO *info,byte *buff,ulong filepos)
- {
- register uint i;
- uchar *key;
- DBUG_ENTER("writekeys");
- key=info->lastkey+info->s->base.max_key_length;
- for (i=0 ; i < info->s->state.keys ; i++)
- {
- VOID(_nisam_make_key(info,i,key,buff,filepos));
- if (_nisam_ck_write(info,i,key)) goto err;
- }
- err:
- if (my_errno == HA_ERR_FOUND_DUPP_KEY)
- {
- info->errkey=(int) i; /* This key was found */
- while ( i-- > 0 )
- {
- VOID(_nisam_make_key(info,i,key,buff,filepos));
- if (_nisam_ck_delete(info,i,key)) break;
- }
- }
- DBUG_PRINT("error",("errno: %d",my_errno));
- } /* writekeys */
- /* Write info about table */
- static void descript(info,name)
- reg1 N_INFO *info;
- my_string name;
- {
- uint key,field,start,len;
- reg3 N_KEYDEF *keyinfo;
- reg2 N_KEYSEG *keyseg;
- reg4 const char *text;
- char buff[40],length[10],*pos,*end;
- enum en_fieldtype type;
- ISAM_SHARE *share=info->s;
- DBUG_ENTER("describe");
- printf("nISAM file: %sn",name);
- if (testflag & T_VERBOSE)
- {
- printf("Isam-version: %dn",(int) share->state.header.file_version[3]);
- if (share->base.create_time)
- {
- get_date(buff,1,share->base.create_time);
- printf("Creation time: %sn",buff);
- }
- if (share->base.isamchk_time)
- {
- get_date(buff,1,share->base.isamchk_time);
- printf("Recover time: %sn",buff);
- }
- }
- printf("Data records: %10lu Deleted blocks: %10lun",
- share->state.records,share->state.del);
- if (testflag & T_SILENT)
- DBUG_VOID_RETURN; /* This is enough */
- if (testflag & T_VERBOSE)
- {
- #ifdef USE_RELOC
- printf("Init-relocation: %10lun",share->base.reloc);
- #endif
- printf("Datafile Parts: %10lu Deleted data: %10lun",
- share->state.splitt,share->state.empty);
- printf("Datafile pointer (bytes):%6d Keyfile pointer (bytes):%6dn",
- share->rec_reflength,share->base.key_reflength);
- if (info->s->base.reloc == 1L && info->s->base.records == 1L)
- puts("This is a one-record table");
- else
- {
- if (share->base.max_data_file_length != NI_POS_ERROR ||
- share->base.max_key_file_length != NI_POS_ERROR)
- printf("Max datafile length: %10lu Max keyfile length: %10lun",
- share->base.max_data_file_length-1,
- share->base.max_key_file_length-1);
- }
- }
- printf("Recordlength: %10dn",(int) share->base.reclength);
- VOID(fputs("Record format: ",stdout));
- if (share->base.options & HA_OPTION_COMPRESS_RECORD)
- puts("Compressed");
- else if (share->base.options & HA_OPTION_PACK_RECORD)
- puts("Packed");
- else
- puts("Fixed length");
- if (share->state.keys != share->base.keys)
- printf("Using only %d keys of %d possibly keysn",share->state.keys,
- share->base.keys);
- puts("ntable description:");
- printf("Key Start Len Index Type");
- if (testflag & T_VERBOSE)
- printf(" Root Blocksize Rec/key");
- VOID(putchar('n'));
- for (key=0, keyinfo= &share->keyinfo[0] ; key < share->base.keys;
- key++,keyinfo++)
- {
- keyseg=keyinfo->seg;
- if (keyinfo->base.flag & HA_NOSAME) text="unique ";
- else text="multip.";
- pos=buff;
- if (keyseg->base.flag & HA_REVERSE_SORT)
- *pos++ = '-';
- pos=strmov(pos,type_names[keyseg->base.type]);
- *pos++ = ' ';
- *pos=0;
- if (keyinfo->base.flag & HA_PACK_KEY)
- pos=strmov(pos,packed_txt);
- if (keyseg->base.flag & HA_SPACE_PACK)
- pos=strmov(pos,diff_txt);
- printf("%-4d%-6d%-3d %-8s%-21s",
- key+1,keyseg->base.start+1,keyseg->base.length,text,buff);
- if (testflag & T_VERBOSE)
- printf(" %9ld %9d %9ld",
- share->state.key_root[key],keyinfo->base.block_length,
- share->base.rec_per_key[key]);
- VOID(putchar('n'));
- while ((++keyseg)->base.type)
- {
- pos=buff;
- if (keyseg->base.flag & HA_REVERSE_SORT)
- *pos++ = '-';
- pos=strmov(pos,type_names[keyseg->base.type]);
- *pos++= ' ';
- if (keyseg->base.flag & HA_SPACE_PACK)
- pos=strmov(pos,diff_txt);
- *pos=0;
- printf(" %-6d%-3d %-24sn",
- keyseg->base.start+1,keyseg->base.length,buff);
- }
- }
- if (verbose > 1)
- {
- printf("nField Start Length Type");
- if (share->base.options & HA_OPTION_COMPRESS_RECORD)
- printf(" Huff tree Bits");
- VOID(putchar('n'));
- if (verbose > 2 && share->base.pack_bits)
- printf("- %-7d%-35sn",share->base.pack_bits,"bit field");
- start=1;
- for (field=0 ; field < share->base.fields ; field++)
- {
- if (share->base.options & HA_OPTION_COMPRESS_RECORD)
- type=share->rec[field].base_type;
- else
- type=(enum en_fieldtype) share->rec[field].base.type;
- end=strmov(buff,field_pack[type]);
- if (share->base.options & HA_OPTION_COMPRESS_RECORD)
- {
- if (share->rec[field].pack_type & PACK_TYPE_SELECTED)
- end=strmov(end,", not_always");
- if (share->rec[field].pack_type & PACK_TYPE_SPACE_FIELDS)
- end=strmov(end,", no empty");
- if (share->rec[field].pack_type & PACK_TYPE_ZERO_FILL)
- {
- sprintf(end,", zerofill(%d)",share->rec[field].space_length_bits);
- end=strend(end);
- }
- }
- if (buff[0] == ',')
- strmov(buff,buff+2);
- #endif
- len=(uint) (int10_to_str((long) share->rec[field].base.length,length,10) -
- length);
- if (type == FIELD_BLOB)
- {
- length[len]='+';
- VOID(int10_to_str((long) sizeof(char*),length+len+1,10));
- }
- printf("%-6d%-6d%-7s%-35s",field+1,start,length,buff);
- if (share->base.options & HA_OPTION_COMPRESS_RECORD)
- {
- if (share->rec[field].huff_tree)
- printf("%3d %2d",
- (uint) (share->rec[field].huff_tree-share->decode_trees)+1,
- share->rec[field].huff_tree->quick_table_bits);
- }
- #endif
- VOID(putchar('n'));
- start+=share->rec[field].base.length;
- if (type == FIELD_BLOB)
- start+=sizeof(char*);
- }
- }
- } /* describe */
- /* Change all key-pointers that points to a records */
- static int movepoint(info,record,oldpos,newpos,prot_key)
- register N_INFO *info;
- byte *record;
- ulong oldpos,newpos;
- uint prot_key;
- {
- register uint i;
- uchar *key;
- DBUG_ENTER("movepoint");
- key=info->lastkey+info->s->base.max_key_length;
- for (i=0 ; i < info->s->state.keys; i++)
- {
- if (i != prot_key)
- {
- VOID(_nisam_make_key(info,i,key,record,oldpos));
- if (info->s->keyinfo[i].base.flag & HA_NOSAME)
- { /* Change pointer direct */
- uint nod_flag;
- N_KEYDEF *keyinfo;
- keyinfo=info->s->keyinfo+i;
- if (_nisam_search(info,keyinfo,key,USE_HOLE_KEY,
- info->s->state.key_root[i]))
- nod_flag=test_if_nod(info->buff);
- _nisam_dpointer(info,info->int_keypos-nod_flag-
- info->s->rec_reflength,newpos);
- if (_nisam_write_keypage(info,keyinfo,info->int_pos,info->buff))
- }
- else
- { /* Change old key to new */
- if (_nisam_ck_delete(info,i,key))
- VOID(_nisam_make_key(info,i,key,record,newpos));
- if (_nisam_ck_write(info,i,key))
- }
- }
- }
- } /* movepoint */
- /* Tell system that we want all memory for our cache */
- static void lock_memory(void)
- {
- #ifdef SUN_OS /* Key-cacheing thrases on sun 4.1 */
- int success;
- success = mlockall(MCL_CURRENT); /* or plock(DATLOCK); */
- if (geteuid() == 0 && success != 0)
- print_warning("Failed to lock memory. errno %d",my_errno);
- #endif
- } /* lock_memory */
- /* Flush all changed blocks to disk */
- static int flush_blocks(file)
- File file;
- {
- if (flush_key_blocks(dflt_key_cache,file,FLUSH_RELEASE))
- {
- print_error("%d when trying to write bufferts",my_errno);
- return(1);
- }
- end_key_cache(dflt_key_cache,1);
- return 0;
- } /* flush_blocks */
- /* Sort records according to one key */
- static int sort_records(info,name,sort_key,write_info)
- register N_INFO *info;
- my_string name;
- uint sort_key;
- int write_info;
- {
- int got_error;
- uint key;
- N_KEYDEF *keyinfo;
- File new_file;
- uchar *temp_buff;
- ulong old_record_count;
- ISAM_SHARE *share=info->s;
- DBUG_ENTER("sort_records");
- keyinfo= &share->keyinfo[sort_key];
- got_error=1;
- temp_buff=0; record_buff=0;
- new_file= -1;
- if (sort_key >= share->state.keys)
- {
- print_error("Can't sort table '%s' on key %d. It has only %d keys",
- name,sort_key+1,share->state.keys);
- error_printed=0;
- }
- if (!(testflag & T_SILENT))
- {
- printf("- Sorting records in ISAM-table '%s'n",name);
- if (write_info)
- printf("Data records: %7lu Deleted: %7lun",
- share->state.records,share->state.del);
- }
- if (share->state.key_root[sort_key] == NI_POS_ERROR)
- DBUG_RETURN(0); /* Nothing to do */
- init_key_cache(dflt_key_cache,KEY_CACHE_BLOCK_SIZE,use_buffers, 0, 0);
- if (init_io_cache(&info->rec_cache,-1,(uint) write_buffer_length,
- WRITE_CACHE,share->pack.header_length,1,
- goto err;
- info->opt_flag|=WRITE_CACHE_USED;
- if (!(temp_buff=(uchar*) my_alloca((uint) keyinfo->base.block_length)))
- {
- print_error("Not Enough memory");
- goto err;
- }
- if (!(record_buff=(byte*) my_alloca((uint) share->base.reclength)))
- {
- print_error("Not Enough memory");
- goto err;
- }
- if ((new_file=my_create(fn_format(temp_filename,name,"",DATA_TMP_EXT,2+4),
- 0,tmpfile_createflag,MYF(0))) <= 0)
- {
- print_error("Can't create new tempfile: '%s'",temp_filename);
- goto err;
- }
- if (filecopy(new_file,info->dfile,0L,share->pack.header_length,
- "datafile-header"))
- goto err;
- info->rec_cache.file=new_file; /* Use this file for cacheing*/
- lock_memory();
- for (key=0 ; key < share->state.keys ; key++)
- share->keyinfo[key].base.flag|= HA_SORT_ALLOWS_SAME;
- if (my_pread(share->kfile,(byte*) temp_buff,
- (uint) keyinfo->base.block_length,
- share->state.key_root[sort_key],
- {
- print_error("Can't read indexpage from filepos: %lu",
- (ulong) share->state.key_root[sort_key]);
- goto err;
- }
- /* Setup param for sort_write_record */
- bzero((char*) &sort_info,sizeof(sort_info));
- sort_info.new_data_file_type=share->data_file_type;
- sort_info.fix_datafile=1;
- sort_info.filepos=share->pack.header_length;
- sort_info.record=record_buff;
- old_record_count=share->state.records;
- share->state.records=0;
- if (sort_record_index(info,keyinfo,share->state.key_root[sort_key],temp_buff,
- sort_key,new_file) ||
- write_data_suffix(info) ||
- flush_io_cache(&info->rec_cache))
- goto err;
- if (share->state.records != old_record_count)
- {
- print_error("found %lu of %lu records",
- (ulong) share->state.records,(ulong) old_record_count);
- goto err;
- }
- /* Put same locks as old file */
- if (lock_file(new_file,0L,F_WRLCK,"tempfile",temp_filename))
- goto err;
- VOID(lock_file(info->dfile,0L,F_UNLCK,"datafile of",name));
- VOID(my_close(info->dfile,MYF(MY_WME)));
- out_flag|=O_NEW_DATA; /* Data in new file */
- info->dfile=new_file; /* Use new indexfile */
- share->state.del=share->state.empty=0;
- share->state.dellink= NI_POS_ERROR;
- share->state.data_file_length=sort_info.filepos;
- share->state.splitt=share->state.records; /* Only hole records */
- share->state.version=(ulong) time((time_t*) 0);
- info->update= (short) (HA_STATE_CHANGED | HA_STATE_ROW_CHANGED);
- if (testflag & T_WRITE_LOOP)
- {
- VOID(fputs(" r",stdout)); VOID(fflush(stdout));
- }
- got_error=0;
- err:
- if (got_error && new_file >= 0)
- {
- VOID(my_close(new_file,MYF(MY_WME)));
- VOID(my_delete(temp_filename,MYF(MY_WME)));
- }
- if (temp_buff)
- {
- my_afree((gptr) temp_buff);
- }
- if (record_buff)
- {
- my_afree(record_buff);
- }
- info->opt_flag&= ~(READ_CACHE_USED | WRITE_CACHE_USED);
- VOID(end_io_cache(&info->rec_cache));
- share->base.sortkey=sort_key;
- DBUG_RETURN(flush_blocks(share->kfile) | got_error);
- } /* sort_records */
- /* Sort records recursive using one index */
- static int sort_record_index(info,keyinfo,page,buff,sort_key,new_file)
- N_INFO *info;
- N_KEYDEF *keyinfo;
- ulong page;
- uchar *buff;
- uint sort_key;
- File new_file;
- {
- uint nod_flag,used_length;
- uchar *temp_buff,*keypos,*endpos;
- ulong next_page,rec_pos;
- uchar lastkey[N_MAX_KEY_BUFF];
- DBUG_ENTER("sort_record_index");
- nod_flag=test_if_nod(buff);
- temp_buff=0;
- if (nod_flag)
- {
- if (!(temp_buff=(uchar*) my_alloca((uint) keyinfo->base.block_length)))
- {
- print_error("Not Enough memory");
- }
- }
- used_length=getint(buff);
- keypos=buff+2+nod_flag;
- endpos=buff+used_length;
- for ( ;; )
- {
- _sanity(__FILE__,__LINE__);
- if (nod_flag)
- {
- next_page=_nisam_kpos(nod_flag,keypos);
- if (my_pread(info->s->kfile,(byte*) temp_buff,
- (uint) keyinfo->base.block_length, next_page,
- {
- print_error("Can't read keys from filepos: %lu",(ulong) next_page);
- goto err;
- }
- if (sort_record_index(info,keyinfo,next_page,temp_buff,sort_key,
- new_file))
- goto err;
- }
- _sanity(__FILE__,__LINE__);
- if (keypos >= endpos ||
- (*keyinfo->get_key)(keyinfo,nod_flag,&keypos,lastkey) == 0)
- break;
- rec_pos= _nisam_dpos(info,nod_flag,keypos);
- if ((*info->s->read_rnd)(info,record_buff,rec_pos,0))
- {
- print_error("%d when reading datafile",my_errno);
- goto err;
- }
- if (rec_pos != sort_info.filepos)
- {
- _nisam_dpointer(info,keypos-nod_flag-info->s->rec_reflength,
- sort_info.filepos);
- if (movepoint(info,record_buff,rec_pos,sort_info.filepos,sort_key))
- {
- print_error("%d when updating key-pointers",my_errno);
- goto err;
- }
- }
- if (sort_write_record())
- goto err;
- }
- bzero((byte*) buff+used_length,keyinfo->base.block_length-used_length);
- if (my_pwrite(info->s->kfile,(byte*) buff,(uint) keyinfo->base.block_length,
- page,MYF_RW))
- {
- print_error("%d when updating keyblock",my_errno);
- goto err;
- }
- if (temp_buff)
- my_afree((gptr) temp_buff);
- err:
- if (temp_buff)
- my_afree((gptr) temp_buff);
- } /* sort_record_index */
- /* Sort index for more efficent reads */
- static int sort_index(info,name)
- register N_INFO *info;
- my_string name;
- {
- reg2 uint key;
- reg1 N_KEYDEF *keyinfo;
- File new_file;
- ulong index_pos[N_MAXKEY];
- DBUG_ENTER("sort_index");
- if (!(testflag & T_SILENT))
- printf("- Sorting index for ISAM-table '%s'n",name);
- if ((new_file=my_create(fn_format(temp_filename,name,"",INDEX_TMP_EXT,2+4),
- 0,tmpfile_createflag,MYF(0))) <= 0)
- {
- print_error("Can't create new tempfile: '%s'",temp_filename);
- }
- if (filecopy(new_file,info->s->kfile,0L,(ulong) info->s->base.keystart,
- "headerblock"))
- goto err;
- new_file_pos=info->s->base.keystart;
- for (key= 0,keyinfo= &info->s->keyinfo[0]; key < info->s->state.keys ;
- key++,keyinfo++)
- {
- if (info->s->state.key_root[key] != NI_POS_ERROR)
- {
- index_pos[key]=new_file_pos; /* Write first block here */
- if (!_nisam_fetch_keypage(info,keyinfo,info->s->state.key_root[key],
- info->buff,0))
- {
- print_error("Can't read indexpage from filepos: %lu",
- (ulong) info->s->state.key_root[key]);
- goto err;
- }
- if (sort_one_index(info,keyinfo,info->buff,new_file))
- goto err;
- }
- else
- index_pos[key]= NI_POS_ERROR; /* No blocks */
- }
- /* Put same locks as old file */
- if (lock_file(new_file,0L,F_WRLCK,"tempfile",temp_filename))
- goto err;
- info->s->state.version=(ulong) time((time_t*) 0);
- VOID(_nisam_writeinfo(info,1)); /* This unlocks table */
- VOID(my_close(info->s->kfile,MYF(MY_WME)));
- out_flag|=O_NEW_INDEX; /* Data in new file */
- info->s->kfile=new_file;
- info->s->state.key_file_length=new_file_pos;
- info->update= (short) (HA_STATE_CHANGED | HA_STATE_ROW_CHANGED);
- for (key=0 ; key < info->s->state.keys ; key++)
- {
- info->s->state.key_root[key]=index_pos[key];
- info->s->state.key_del[key]= NI_POS_ERROR;
- }
- err:
- VOID(my_close(new_file,MYF(MY_WME)));
- VOID(my_delete(temp_filename,MYF(MY_WME)));
- } /* sort_index */
- /* Sort records recursive using one index */
- static int sort_one_index(info,keyinfo,buff,new_file)
- N_INFO *info;
- N_KEYDEF *keyinfo;
- uchar *buff;
- File new_file;
- {
- uint length,nod_flag,used_length;
- uchar *temp_buff,*keypos,*endpos;
- ulong new_page_pos,next_page;
- DBUG_ENTER("sort_one_index");
- temp_buff=0;
- new_page_pos=new_file_pos;
- new_file_pos+=keyinfo->base.block_length;
- if ((nod_flag=test_if_nod(buff)))
- {
- if (!(temp_buff=(uchar*) my_alloca((uint) keyinfo->base.block_length)))
- {
- print_error("Not Enough memory");
- }
- used_length=getint(buff);
- keypos=buff+2+nod_flag;
- endpos=buff+used_length;
- for ( ;; )
- {
- if (nod_flag)
- {
- next_page=_nisam_kpos(nod_flag,keypos);
- _nisam_kpointer(info,keypos-nod_flag,new_file_pos); /* Save new pos */
- if (!_nisam_fetch_keypage(info,keyinfo,next_page,temp_buff,0))
- {
- print_error("Can't read keys from filepos: %lu",
- (ulong) next_page);
- goto err;
- }
- if (sort_one_index(info,keyinfo,temp_buff,new_file))
- goto err;
- }
- if (keypos >= endpos ||
- ((*keyinfo->get_key)(keyinfo,nod_flag,&keypos,info->lastkey)) == 0)
- break;
- }
- my_afree((gptr) temp_buff);
- }
- /* Fill block with zero and write it to new file */
- length=getint(buff);
- bzero((byte*) buff+length,keyinfo->base.block_length-length);
- if (my_pwrite(new_file,(byte*) buff,(uint) keyinfo->base.block_length,
- new_page_pos,MYF(MY_NABP | MY_WAIT_IF_FULL)))
- {
- print_error("Can't write indexblock, error: %d",my_errno);
- goto err;
- }
- err:
- if (temp_buff)
- my_afree((gptr) temp_buff);
- } /* sort_one_index */
- /* Change to use new file */
- /* Copy stats from old file to new file, deletes orginal and */
- /* changes new file name to old file name */
- static int change_to_newfile(filename,old_ext,new_ext)
- const char *filename,*old_ext,*new_ext;
- {
- char old_filename[FN_REFLEN],new_filename[FN_REFLEN];
- return my_redel(fn_format(old_filename,filename,"",old_ext,2+4),
- fn_format(new_filename,filename,"",new_ext,2+4),
- } /* change_to_newfile */
- /* Locks a hole file */
- /* Gives error-message if file can't be locked */
- static int lock_file(file,start,lock_type,filetype,filename)
- File file;
- ulong start;
- int lock_type;
- const char *filetype,*filename;
- {
- #ifndef NO_LOCKING
- if (my_lock(file,lock_type,start,F_TO_EOF,
- {
- print_error(" %d when %s %s '%s'",my_errno,
- lock_type == F_UNLCK ? "unlocking": "locking",
- filetype,filename);
- error_printed=2; /* Don't give that data is crashed */
- return 1;
- }
- #endif
- return 0;
- } /* lock_file */
- /* Copy a block between two files */
- static int filecopy(File to,File from,ulong start,ulong length,
- const char *type)
- {
- char tmp_buff[IO_SIZE],*buff;
- ulong buff_length;
- DBUG_ENTER("filecopy");
- buff_length=min(write_buffer_length,length);
- if (!(buff=my_malloc(buff_length,MYF(0))))
- {
- buff=tmp_buff; buff_length=IO_SIZE;
- }
- VOID(my_seek(from,start,MY_SEEK_SET,MYF(0)));
- while (length > buff_length)
- {
- if (my_read(from,(byte*) buff,buff_length,MYF(MY_NABP)) ||
- my_write(to,(byte*) buff,buff_length,MYF(MY_NABP | MY_WAIT_IF_FULL)))
- goto err;
- length-= buff_length;
- }
- if (my_read(from,(byte*) buff,(uint) length,MYF(MY_NABP)) ||
- my_write(to,(byte*) buff,(uint) length,MYF(MY_NABP | MY_WAIT_IF_FULL)))
- goto err;
- if (buff != tmp_buff)
- my_free(buff,MYF(0));
- err:
- if (buff != tmp_buff)
- my_free(buff,MYF(0));
- print_error("Can't copy %s to tempfile, error %d",type,my_errno);
- }
- /* Fix table using sorting */
- /* saves new table in temp_filename */
- static int rep_by_sort(info,name)
- reg1 N_INFO *info;
- my_string name;
- {
- int got_error;
- uint i,length;
- ulong start_records,new_header_length,del;
- File new_file;
- SORT_PARAM sort_param;
- ISAM_SHARE *share=info->s;
- DBUG_ENTER("rep_by_sort");
- start_records=share->state.records;
- got_error=1;
- new_file= -1;
- new_header_length=(testflag & T_UNPACK) ? 0 : share->pack.header_length;
- if (!(testflag & T_SILENT))
- {
- printf("- recovering ISAM-table '%s'n",name);
- printf("Data records: %lun",(ulong) start_records);
- }
- bzero((char*) &sort_info,sizeof(sort_info));
- if (!(sort_info.key_block=alloc_key_blocks((uint) sort_key_blocks,
- share->base.max_block))
- || init_io_cache(&read_cache,info->dfile,(uint) read_buffer_length,
- READ_CACHE,share->pack.header_length,1,MYF(MY_WME)) ||
- (! rep_quick &&
- init_io_cache(&info->rec_cache,info->dfile,(uint) write_buffer_length,
- WRITE_CACHE,new_header_length,1,
- goto err;
- sort_info.key_block_end=sort_info.key_block+sort_key_blocks;
- info->opt_flag|=WRITE_CACHE_USED;
- info->rec_cache.file=info->dfile; /* for sort_delete_record */
- if (!(sort_info.record=(byte*) my_alloca((uint) share->base.reclength)))
- {
- print_error("Not enough memory for extra record");
- goto err;
- }
- if (!rep_quick)
- {
- if ((new_file=my_create(fn_format(temp_filename,name,"",DATA_TMP_EXT,
- 2+4),
- 0,tmpfile_createflag,MYF(0))) < 0)
- {
- print_error("Can't create new tempfile: '%s'",temp_filename);
- goto err;
- }
- if (filecopy(new_file,info->dfile,0L,new_header_length,"datafile-header"))
- goto err;
- if (testflag & T_UNPACK)
- share->base.options&= ~HA_OPTION_COMPRESS_RECORD;
- share->state.dellink= NI_POS_ERROR;
- info->rec_cache.file=new_file;
- }
- info->update= (short) (HA_STATE_CHANGED | HA_STATE_ROW_CHANGED);
- for (i=0 ; i < N_MAXKEY ; i++)
- share->state.key_del[i]=share->state.key_root[i]= NI_POS_ERROR;
- share->state.key_file_length=share->base.keystart;
- if ((sort_info.new_data_file_type=share->data_file_type) ==
- {
- if (share->base.options & HA_OPTION_PACK_RECORD)
- sort_info.new_data_file_type = DYNAMIC_RECORD;
- else
- sort_info.new_data_file_type = STATIC_RECORD;
- }
- sort_info.filepos=new_header_length;
- sort_info.dupp=0;
- read_cache.end_of_file=sort_info.filelength=
- (ulong) my_seek(read_cache.file,0L,MY_SEEK_END,MYF(0));
- if (share->data_file_type == DYNAMIC_RECORD)
- length=max(share->base.min_pack_length+1,share->base.min_block_length);
- else if (share->data_file_type == COMPRESSED_RECORD)
- length=share->base.min_block_length;
- else
- length=share->base.reclength;
- sort_param.max_records=sort_info.max_records=sort_info.filelength/length+1;
- sort_param.key_cmp=sort_key_cmp;
- sort_param.key_write=sort_key_write;
- sort_param.key_read=sort_key_read;
- sort_param.lock_in_memory=lock_memory;
- del=share->state.del;
- for (sort_info.key=0 ; sort_info.key < share->state.keys ; sort_info.key++)
- {
- if ((!(testflag & T_SILENT)))
- printf ("- Fixing index %dn",sort_info.key+1);
- sort_info.max_pos=sort_info.pos=share->pack.header_length;
- sort_info.keyinfo=share->keyinfo+sort_info.key;
- sort_info.keyseg=sort_info.keyinfo->seg;
- sort_info.fix_datafile= (my_bool) (sort_info.key == 0 && ! rep_quick);
- sort_info.unique=0;
- sort_param.key_length=share->rec_reflength;
- for (i=0 ; sort_info.keyseg[i].base.type ; i++)
- sort_param.key_length+=sort_info.keyseg[i].base.length+
- (sort_info.keyseg[i].base.flag & HA_SPACE_PACK ? 1 : 0);
- share->state.records=share->state.del=share->state.empty=share->state.splitt=0;
- if (_create_index_by_sort(&sort_param,
- (pbool) (!(testflag & T_VERBOSE)),
- (uint) sort_buffer_length))
- goto err;
- /* Set for next loop */
- sort_param.max_records=sort_info.max_records=share->state.records;
- share->base.rec_per_key[sort_info.key]=
- sort_info.unique ? ((sort_info.max_records+sort_info.unique/2)/
- sort_info.unique)
- : 1L;
- if (sort_info.fix_datafile)
- {
- info->dfile=new_file;
- share->state.data_file_length=sort_info.filepos;
- share->state.splitt=share->state.records; /* Only hole records */
- share->state.version=(ulong) time((time_t*) 0);
- out_flag|=O_NEW_DATA; /* Data in new file */
- read_cache.end_of_file=sort_info.filepos;
- if (write_data_suffix(info) || end_io_cache(&info->rec_cache))
- goto err;
- share->data_file_type=sort_info.new_data_file_type;
- share->pack.header_length=new_header_length;
- }
- else
- share->state.data_file_length=sort_info.max_pos;
- if (flush_pending_blocks())
- goto err;
- read_cache.file=info->dfile; /* re-init read cache */
- reinit_io_cache(&read_cache,READ_CACHE,share->pack.header_length,1,1);
- }
- if (testflag & T_WRITE_LOOP)
- {
- VOID(fputs(" r",stdout)); VOID(fflush(stdout));
- }
- if (rep_quick && del+sort_info.dupp != share->state.del)
- {
- print_error("Couldn't fix table with quick recovery: Found wrong number of deleted records");
- print_error("Run recovery again without -q");
- got_error=1;
- goto err;
- }
- if (rep_quick != 1)
- {
- ulong skr=share->state.data_file_length+
- (share->base.options & HA_OPTION_COMPRESS_RECORD ?
- #ifdef USE_RELOC
- if (share->data_file_type == STATIC_RECORD &&
- skr < share->base.reloc*share->base.min_pack_length)
- skr=share->base.reloc*share->base.min_pack_length;
- #endif
- if (skr != sort_info.filelength)
- if (my_chsize(info->dfile, skr, 0, MYF(0)))
- print_warning("Can't change size of datafile, error: %d",my_errno);
- }
- if (my_chsize(share->kfile, share->state.key_file_length, 0, MYF(0)))
- print_warning("Can't change size of indexfile, error: %d",my_errno);
- if (!(testflag & T_SILENT))
- {
- if (start_records != share->state.records)
- printf("Data records: %lun",(ulong) share->state.records);
- if (sort_info.dupp)
- print_warning("%lu records have been removed",(ulong) sort_info.dupp);
- }
- got_error=0;
- err:
- if (got_error)
- {
- if (! error_printed)
- print_error("%d when fixing table",my_errno);
- if (new_file >= 0)
- {
- VOID(end_io_cache(&info->rec_cache));
- VOID(my_close(new_file,MYF(0)));
- VOID(my_delete(temp_filename,MYF(MY_WME)));
- }
- }
- if (sort_info.key_block)
- my_free((gptr) sort_info.key_block,MYF(0));
- if (sort_info.record)
- {
- my_afree(sort_info.record);
- }
- VOID(end_io_cache(&read_cache));
- VOID(end_io_cache(&info->rec_cache));
- info->opt_flag&= ~(READ_CACHE_USED | WRITE_CACHE_USED);
- if (!got_error && testflag & T_UNPACK)
- {
- share->state.header.options[0]&= (uchar) ~HA_OPTION_COMPRESS_RECORD;
- share->pack.header_length=0;
- }
- DBUG_RETURN(got_error);
- } /* rep_by_sort */
- /* Read next record and return next key */
- static int sort_key_read(key)
- void *key;
- {
- int error;
- N_INFO *info;
- DBUG_ENTER("sort_key_read");
- if ((error=sort_get_next_record()))
- DBUG_RETURN(error);
- if (info->s->state.records == sort_info.max_records)
- {
- print_error("Found too many records; Can`t continue");
- }
- VOID(_nisam_make_key(info,sort_info.key,key,sort_info.record,
- sort_info.filepos));
- DBUG_RETURN(sort_write_record());
- } /* sort_key_read */
- /* Read next record from file using parameters in sort_info */
- /* Return -1 if end of file, 0 if ok and > 0 if error */
- static int sort_get_next_record()
- {
- int searching;
- uint found_record,b_type,left_length;
- ulong pos;
- byte *to;
- BLOCK_INFO block_info;
- N_INFO *info;
- ISAM_SHARE *share;
- DBUG_ENTER("sort_get_next_record");
- share=info->s;
- switch (share->data_file_type) {
- for (;;)
- {
- if (my_b_read(&read_cache,sort_info.record,share->base.reclength))
- sort_info.start_recpos=sort_info.pos;
- if (!sort_info.fix_datafile)
- sort_info.filepos=sort_info.pos;
- sort_info.max_pos=(sort_info.pos+=share->base.reclength);
- share->state.splitt++;
- if (*sort_info.record)
- if (!sort_info.fix_datafile)
- {
- share->state.del++;
- share->state.empty+=share->base.reclength;
- }
- }
- LINT_INIT(to);
- pos=sort_info.pos;
- searching=(sort_info.fix_datafile && (testflag & T_EXTEND));
- for (;;)
- {
- found_record=block_info.second_read= 0;
- left_length=1;
- do
- {
- if (pos > sort_info.max_pos)
- sort_info.max_pos=pos;
- if (found_record && pos == search_after_block)
- print_info("Block: %lu used by record at %lu",
- search_after_block,
- sort_info.start_recpos);
- if (_nisam_read_cache(&read_cache,(byte*) block_info.header,pos,
- BLOCK_INFO_HEADER_LENGTH, test(! found_record) | 2))
- {
- if (found_record)
- {
- print_info("Can't read whole record at %lu (errno: %d)",
- (ulong) sort_info.start_recpos,errno);
- goto try_next;
- }
- }
- if (searching && ! sort_info.fix_datafile)
- {
- error_printed=1;
- DBUG_RETURN(1); /* Something wrong with data */
- }
- if (((b_type=_nisam_get_block_info(&block_info,-1,pos)) &
- ((b_type & BLOCK_FIRST) &&
- (block_info.rec_len < (uint) share->base.min_pack_length ||
- block_info.rec_len > (uint) share->base.max_pack_length)))
- {
- uint i;
- if (testflag & T_VERBOSE || searching == 0)
- print_info("Wrong bytesec: %3d-%3d-%3d at %10lu; Skipped",
- block_info.header[0],block_info.header[1],
- block_info.header[2],pos);
- if (found_record)
- goto try_next;
- block_info.second_read=0;
- searching=1;
- for (i=1 ; i < 11 ; i++) /* Skip from read string */
- if (block_info.header[i] >= 1 && block_info.header[i] <= 16)
- break;
- pos+=(ulong) i;
- continue;
- }
- if (block_info.block_len+ (uint) (block_info.filepos-pos) <
- share->base.min_block_length ||
- block_info.block_len-4 > (uint) share->base.max_pack_length)
- {
- if (!searching)
- print_info("Found block with impossible length %u at %lu; Skipped",
- block_info.block_len+ (uint) (block_info.filepos-pos),
- (ulong) pos);
- if (found_record)
- goto try_next;
- searching=1;
- pos++;
- block_info.second_read=0;
- continue;
- }
- {
- if (!sort_info.fix_datafile && (b_type & BLOCK_DELETED))
- {
- share->state.empty+=block_info.block_len;
- share->state.del++;
- share->state.splitt++;
- }
- if (found_record)
- goto try_next;
- /* Check if impossible big deleted block */
- if (block_info.block_len > share->base.max_pack_length +4)
- searching=1;
- if (searching)
- pos++;
- else
- pos=block_info.filepos+block_info.block_len;
- block_info.second_read=0;
- continue;
- }
- share->state.splitt++;
- if (! found_record++)
- {
- sort_info.find_length=left_length=block_info.rec_len;
- sort_info.start_recpos=pos;
- if (!sort_info.fix_datafile)
- sort_info.filepos=sort_info.start_recpos;
- if (sort_info.fix_datafile && (testflag & T_EXTEND))
- sort_info.pos=block_info.filepos+1;
- else
- sort_info.pos=block_info.filepos+block_info.block_len;
- if (share->base.blobs)
- {
- if (!(to=fix_rec_buff_for_blob(info,block_info.rec_len)))
- {
- print_error("Not enough memory for blob at %lu",
- (ulong) sort_info.start_recpos);
- }
- }
- else
- to= info->rec_buff;
- }
- if (left_length < block_info.data_len || ! block_info.data_len)
- {
- print_info("Found block with too small length at %lu; Skipped",
- (ulong) sort_info.start_recpos);
- goto try_next;
- }
- if (block_info.filepos + block_info.data_len > read_cache.end_of_file)
- {
- print_info("Found block that points outside data file at %lu",
- (ulong) sort_info.start_recpos);
- goto try_next;
- }
- if (_nisam_read_cache(&read_cache,to,block_info.filepos,
- block_info.data_len, test(found_record == 1)))
- {
- print_info("Read error for block at: %lu (error: %d); Skipped",
- (ulong) block_info.filepos,my_errno);
- goto try_next;
- }
- left_length-=block_info.data_len;
- to+=block_info.data_len;
- pos=block_info.next_filepos;
- if (pos == NI_POS_ERROR && left_length)
- {
- print_info("Wrong block with wrong total length starting at %lu",
- (ulong) sort_info.start_recpos);
- goto try_next;
- }
- if (pos + BLOCK_INFO_HEADER_LENGTH > read_cache.end_of_file)
- {
- print_info("Found link that points at %lu (outside data file) at %lu",
- (ulong) pos,(ulong) sort_info.start_recpos);
- goto try_next;
- }
- } while (left_length);
- if (_nisam_rec_unpack(info,sort_info.record,info->rec_buff,
- sort_info.find_length) != MY_FILE_ERROR)
- {
- if (read_cache.error < 0)
- if ((testflag & (T_EXTEND | T_REP)) || searching)
- {
- if (_nisam_rec_check(info, sort_info.record))
- {
- print_info("Found wrong packed record at %lu",
- (ulong) sort_info.start_recpos);
- goto try_next;
- }
- }
- }
- if (!searching)
- {
- print_info("Found wrong packed record at %lu",
- (ulong) sort_info.start_recpos);
- }
- try_next:
- pos=sort_info.start_recpos+1;
- searching=1;
- }
- for (searching=0 ;; searching=1, sort_info.pos++)
- {
- if (_nisam_read_cache(&read_cache,(byte*) block_info.header,sort_info.pos,
- share->pack.ref_length,1))
- if (searching && ! sort_info.fix_datafile)
- {
- error_printed=1;
- DBUG_RETURN(1); /* Something wrong with data */
- }
- sort_info.start_recpos=sort_info.pos;
- VOID(_nisam_pack_get_block_info(&block_info,share->pack.ref_length,-1,
- sort_info.pos));
- if (!block_info.rec_len &&
- sort_info.pos + MEMMAP_EXTRA_MARGIN == read_cache.end_of_file)
- if (block_info.rec_len < (uint) share->min_pack_length ||
- block_info.rec_len > (uint) share->max_pack_length)
- {
- if (! searching)
- print_info("Found block with wrong recordlength: %d at %lun",
- block_info.rec_len, (ulong) sort_info.pos);
- continue;
- }
- if (_nisam_read_cache(&read_cache,(byte*) info->rec_buff,
- block_info.filepos, block_info.rec_len,1))
- {
- if (! searching)
- print_info("Couldn't read hole record from %lu",
- (ulong) sort_info.pos);
- continue;
- }
- if (_nisam_pack_rec_unpack(info,sort_info.record,info->rec_buff,
- block_info.rec_len))
- {
- if (! searching)
- print_info("Found wrong record at %lu",(ulong) sort_info.pos);
- continue;
- }
- if (!sort_info.fix_datafile)
- sort_info.filepos=sort_info.pos;
- sort_info.max_pos=(sort_info.pos+=share->pack.ref_length+
- block_info.rec_len);
- share->state.splitt++;
- info->packed_length=block_info.rec_len;
- }
- }
- DBUG_RETURN(1); /* Impossible */
- }
- /* Write record to new file */
- static int sort_write_record()
- {
- int flag;
- uint block_length,reclength;
- byte *from;
- uchar *block_buff[3];
- N_INFO *info;
- ISAM_SHARE *share;
- DBUG_ENTER("sort_write_record");
- share=info->s;
- if (sort_info.fix_datafile)
- {
- switch (sort_info.new_data_file_type) {
- if (my_b_write(&info->rec_cache,sort_info.record, share->base.reclength))
- {
- print_error("%d when writing to datafile",my_errno);
- }
- sort_info.filepos+=share->base.reclength;
- break;
- if (! info->blobs)
- from=info->rec_buff;
- else
- {
- /* must be sure that local buffer is big enough */
- reclength=info->s->base.pack_reclength+
- _calc_total_blob_length(info,sort_info.record)+
- if (sort_info.buff_length < reclength)
- {
- if (!(sort_info.buff=my_realloc(sort_info.buff, (uint) reclength,
- sort_info.buff_length=reclength;
- }
- from=sort_info.buff+ALIGN_SIZE(MAX_DYN_BLOCK_HEADER);
- }
- reclength=_nisam_rec_pack(info,from,sort_info.record);
- block_length=reclength+ 3 +test(reclength > 65532L);
- if (block_length < share->base.min_block_length)
- block_length=share->base.min_block_length;
- flag=0;
- info->update|=HA_STATE_WRITE_AT_END;
- if (_nisam_write_part_record(info,0L,block_length,NI_POS_ERROR,
- &from,&reclength,&flag))
- {
- print_error("%d when writing to datafile",my_errno);
- }
- sort_info.filepos+=block_length;
- break;
- reclength=info->packed_length;
- save_integer((byte*) block_buff,share->pack.ref_length,reclength);
- if (my_b_write(&info->rec_cache,(byte*) block_buff,share->pack.ref_length)
- || my_b_write(&info->rec_cache,(byte*) info->rec_buff,reclength))
- {
- print_error("%d when writing to datafile",my_errno);
- }
- sort_info.filepos+=reclength+share->pack.ref_length;
- break;
- }
- }
- share->state.records++;
- if (testflag & T_WRITE_LOOP && share->state.records % WRITE_COUNT == 0)
- {
- printf("%lur",(ulong) share->state.records); VOID(fflush(stdout));
- }
- } /* sort_write_record */
- /* Compare two keys from _create_index_by_sort */
- static int sort_key_cmp(const void *not_used __attribute__((unused)),
- const void *a,const void *b)
- {
- return (_nisam_key_cmp(sort_info.keyseg,*((uchar**) a),*((uchar**) b),0,
- } /* sort_key_cmp */
- static int sort_key_write( const void *a)
- {
- int cmp=sort_info.key_block->inited ?
- _nisam_key_cmp(sort_info.keyseg,sort_info.key_block->lastkey,(uchar*) a,
- 0,SEARCH_FIND) : -1L;
- if ((sort_info.keyinfo->base.flag & HA_NOSAME) &&
- cmp == 0)
- {
- sort_info.dupp++;
- print_warning("Dupplicate key for record at %10lu against record at %10lu",
- sort_info.keyinfo,
- (uchar*) a),
- get_record_for_key(,sort_info.keyinfo,
- sort_info.key_block->lastkey));
- if (testflag & T_VERBOSE)
- _nisam_print_key(stdout,sort_info.keyseg,(uchar*) a);
- return(sort_delete_record());
- }
- if (cmp)
- sort_info.unique++;
- #ifndef DBUG_OFF
- if (cmp > 0)
- {
- print_error("Fatal intern error: Keys are not in order from sort");
- return(1);
- }
- #endif
- return (sort_insert_key(sort_info.key_block,(uchar*) a,NI_POS_ERROR));
- } /* sort_key_write */
- /* get pointer to record from a key */
- static ulong get_record_for_key( N_INFO *info, N_KEYDEF *keyinfo, uchar *key)
- {
- return _nisam_dpos(info,0,key+_nisam_keylength(keyinfo,key));
- } /* get_record_for_key */
- /* Insert a key in sort-key-blocks */
- static int sort_insert_key(reg1 ISAM_SORT_KEY_BLOCKS *key_block,
- uchar *key, ulong prev_block)
- {
- uint a_length,t_length,nod_flag;
- ulong filepos;
- uchar *anc_buff,*lastkey;
- S_PARAM s_temp;
- N_INFO *info;
- DBUG_ENTER("sort_insert_key");
- anc_buff=key_block->buff;
- lastkey=key_block->lastkey;
- nod_flag= (key_block == sort_info.key_block ? 0 :
- if (!key_block->inited)
- {
- key_block->inited=1;
- if (key_block == sort_info.key_block_end)
- {
- print_error("To many keyblocklevels; Try increasing sort_key_blocks");
- }
- a_length=2+nod_flag;
- key_block->end_pos=anc_buff+2;
- lastkey=0; /* No previous key in block */
- }
- else
- a_length=getint(anc_buff);
- /* Save pointer to previous block */
- if (nod_flag)
- _nisam_kpointer(info,key_block->end_pos,prev_block);
- t_length=_nisam_get_pack_key_length(sort_info.keyinfo,nod_flag,
- (uchar*) 0,lastkey,key,&s_temp);
- _nisam_store_key(sort_info.keyinfo,key_block->end_pos+nod_flag,&s_temp);
- a_length+=t_length;
- putint(anc_buff,a_length,nod_flag);
- key_block->end_pos+=t_length;
- if (a_length <= sort_info.keyinfo->base.block_length)
- {
- VOID(_nisam_move_key(sort_info.keyinfo,key_block->lastkey,key));
- key_block->last_length=a_length-t_length;
- }
- /* Fill block with end-zero and write filled block */
- putint(anc_buff,key_block->last_length,nod_flag);
- bzero((byte*) anc_buff+key_block->last_length,
- sort_info.keyinfo->base.block_length- key_block->last_length);
- if ((filepos=_nisam_new(info,sort_info.keyinfo)) == NI_POS_ERROR)
- return 1;
- if (my_pwrite(info->s->kfile,(byte*) anc_buff,
- (uint) sort_info.keyinfo->base.block_length,filepos,MYF_RW))
- DBUG_DUMP("buff",(byte*) anc_buff,getint(anc_buff));
- /* Write separator-key to block in next level */
- if (sort_insert_key(key_block+1,key_block->lastkey,filepos))
- /* clear old block and write new key in it */
- key_block->inited=0;
- DBUG_RETURN(sort_insert_key(key_block,key,prev_block));
- } /* sort_insert_key */
- /* Delete record when we found a dupplicated key */
- static int sort_delete_record()
- {
- uint i;
- int old_file,error;
- uchar *key;
- N_INFO *info;
- DBUG_ENTER("sort_delete_record");
- if (rep_quick == 1)
- {
- VOID(fputs("Quick-recover aborted; Run recovery without switch 'q' or with switch -qqn",stderr));
- error_printed=1;
- }
- if (info->s->base.options & HA_OPTION_COMPRESS_RECORD)
- {
- VOID(fputs("Recover aborted; Can't run standard recovery on compressed tablesnwith errors in data-filenUse switch '--safe-recover' to fix itn",stderr));
- error_printed=1;
- }
- old_file=info->dfile;
- info->dfile=info->rec_cache.file;
- if (sort_info.key)
- {
- key=info->lastkey+info->s->base.max_key_length;
- if ((*info->s->read_rnd)(info,sort_info.record,info->lastpos,0) < 0)
- {
- print_error("Can't read record to be removed");
- info->dfile=old_file;
- }
- for (i=0 ; i < sort_info.key ; i++)
- {
- VOID(_nisam_make_key(info,i,key,sort_info.record,info->lastpos));
- if (_nisam_ck_delete(info,i,key))
- {
- print_error("Can't delete key %d from record to be removed",i+1);
- info->dfile=old_file;
- }
- }
- }
- error=flush_io_cache(&info->rec_cache) || (*info->s->delete_record)(info);
- info->dfile=old_file; /* restore actual value */
- info->s->state.records--;
- DBUG_RETURN(error);
- } /* sort_delete_record */
- /* Fix all pending blocks and flush everything to disk */
- static int flush_pending_blocks()
- {
- uint nod_flag,length;
- ulong filepos;
- N_INFO *info;
- ISAM_SORT_KEY_BLOCKS *key_block;
- DBUG_ENTER("flush_pending_blocks");
- filepos= NI_POS_ERROR; /* if empty file */
- nod_flag=0;
- for (key_block=sort_info.key_block ; key_block->inited ; key_block++)
- {
- key_block->inited=0;
- length=getint(key_block->buff);
- if (nod_flag)
- _nisam_kpointer(info,key_block->end_pos,filepos);
- if ((filepos=_nisam_new(info,sort_info.keyinfo)) == NI_POS_ERROR)
- bzero((byte*) key_block->buff+length,
- sort_info.keyinfo->base.block_length-length);
- if (my_pwrite(info->s->kfile,(byte*) key_block->buff,
- (uint) sort_info.keyinfo->base.block_length,filepos,MYF_RW))
- DBUG_DUMP("buff",(byte*) key_block->buff,length);
- nod_flag=1;
- }
- info->s->state.key_root[sort_info.key]=filepos; /* Last is root for tree */
- } /* flush_pending_blocks */
- /* alloc space and pointers for key_blocks */
- static ISAM_SORT_KEY_BLOCKS *alloc_key_blocks(uint blocks, uint buffer_length)
- {
- reg1 uint i;
- DBUG_ENTER("alloc_key_blocks");
- if (!(block=(ISAM_SORT_KEY_BLOCKS*) my_malloc((sizeof(ISAM_SORT_KEY_BLOCKS)+
- buffer_length+IO_SIZE)*blocks,
- MYF(0))))
- {
- print_error("Not Enough memory for sort-key-blocks");
- return(0);
- }
- for (i=0 ; i < blocks ; i++)
- {
- block[i].inited=0;
- block[i].buff=(uchar*) (block+blocks)+(buffer_length+IO_SIZE)*i;
- }
- DBUG_RETURN(block);
- } /* alloc_key_blocks */
- /* print warnings and errors */
- /* VARARGS */
- static void print_info(const char * fmt,...)
- {
- va_list args;
- va_start(args,fmt);
- VOID(vfprintf(stdout, fmt, args));
- VOID(fputc('n',stdout));
- va_end(args);
- return;
- }
- /* VARARGS */
- static void print_warning(const char * fmt,...)
- {
- va_list args;
- DBUG_ENTER("print_warning");
- if (!warning_printed && !error_printed)
- {
- fflush(stdout);
- if (testflag & T_SILENT)
- fprintf(stderr,"%s: ISAM file %sn",my_progname,isam_file_name);
- }
- warning_printed=1;
- va_start(args,fmt);
- fprintf(stderr,"%s: warning: ",my_progname);
- VOID(vfprintf(stderr, fmt, args));
- VOID(fputc('n',stderr));
- va_end(args);
- }
- /* VARARGS */
- void print_error(const char *fmt,...)
- {
- va_list args;
- DBUG_ENTER("print_error");
- DBUG_PRINT("enter",("format: %s",fmt));
- if (!warning_printed && !error_printed)
- {
- fflush(stdout);
- if (testflag & T_SILENT)
- fprintf(stderr,"%s: ISAM file %sn",my_progname,isam_file_name);
- }
- error_printed|=1;
- va_start(args,fmt);
- fprintf(stderr,"%s: error: ",my_progname);
- VOID(vfprintf(stderr, fmt, args));
- VOID(fputc('n',stderr));
- va_end(args);
- }
- /* Check if file is almost full */
- static int test_if_almost_full(N_INFO *info)
- {
- double diff= 0.9;
- if (info->s->base.options & HA_OPTION_COMPRESS_RECORD)
- { /* Fix problem with pack_isam */
- diff=1.0;
- if (info->s->base.rec_reflength == 4)
- info->s->base.max_data_file_length= (uint32) ~0L;
- else
- info->s->base.max_data_file_length=
- 1L << (info->s->base.rec_reflength);
- }
- return (my_seek(info->s->kfile,0L,MY_SEEK_END,MYF(0)) >
- (ulong) (info->s->base.max_key_file_length*diff) ||
- my_seek(info->dfile,0L,MY_SEEK_END,MYF(0)) >
- (ulong) (info->s->base.max_data_file_length*diff));
- }
- /* Recreate table with bigger more alloced record-data */
- static int recreate_database(N_INFO **org_info, char *filename)
- {
- int error;
- N_INFO info;
- ISAM_SHARE share;
- N_KEYDEF *keyinfo;
- N_RECINFO *recinfo,*rec,*end;
- uint unpack;
- ulong max_records;
- char name[FN_REFLEN];
- error=1; /* Default error */
- info= **org_info;
- share= *(*org_info)->s;
- unpack= (share.base.options & HA_OPTION_COMPRESS_RECORD) &&
- (testflag & T_UNPACK);
- if (!(keyinfo=(N_KEYDEF*) my_alloca(sizeof(N_KEYDEF)*share.base.keys)))
- return 0;
- memcpy((byte*) keyinfo,(byte*) share.keyinfo,
- (size_t) (sizeof(N_KEYDEF)*share.base.keys));
- if (!(recinfo=(N_RECINFO*)
- my_alloca(sizeof(N_RECINFO)*(share.base.fields+1))))
- {
- my_afree((gptr) keyinfo);
- return 1;
- }
- memcpy((byte*) recinfo,(byte*) share.rec,
- (size_t) (sizeof(N_RECINFO)*(share.base.fields+1)));
- for (rec=recinfo,end=recinfo+share.base.fields; rec != end ; rec++)
- {
- if (rec->base.type == (int) FIELD_BLOB)
- rec->base.length+=sizeof(char*);
- else if (unpack && !(share.base.options & HA_OPTION_PACK_RECORD))
- rec->base.type=(int) FIELD_NORMAL;
- }
- if (share.base.options & HA_OPTION_COMPRESS_RECORD)
- share.base.records=max_records=share.state.records;
- else if (share.base.min_pack_length)
- max_records=(ulong) (my_seek(info.dfile,0L,MY_SEEK_END,MYF(0)) /
- (ulong) share.base.min_pack_length);
- else
- max_records=0;
- unpack= (share.base.options & HA_OPTION_COMPRESS_RECORD) &&
- (testflag & T_UNPACK);
- share.base.options&= ~HA_OPTION_TEMP_COMPRESS_RECORD;
- VOID(nisam_close(*org_info));
- if (nisam_create(fn_format(name,filename,"",N_NAME_IEXT,
- 4+ (opt_follow_links ? 16 : 0)),
- share.base.keys,keyinfo,recinfo,
- max(max_records,share.base.records),share.base.reloc,
- share.base.options |
- : 0),
- (ulong) my_seek(info.dfile,0L,MY_SEEK_END,MYF(0))))
- {
- print_error("Got error %d when trying to recreate indexfile",my_errno);
- goto end;
- }
- *org_info=nisam_open(name,O_RDWR,
- if (!*org_info)
- {
- print_error("Got error %d when trying to open re-created indexfile",
- my_errno);
- goto end;
- }
- /* We are modifing */
- (*org_info)->s->base.options&= ~HA_OPTION_READ_ONLY_DATA;
- VOID(_nisam_readinfo(*org_info,F_WRLCK,0));
- (*org_info)->s->state.records=share.state.records;
- if (share.base.create_time)
- (*org_info)->s->base.create_time=share.base.create_time;
- (*org_info)->s->state.uniq=(*org_info)->this_uniq=
- share.state.uniq;
- (*org_info)->s->state.del=share.state.del;
- (*org_info)->s->state.dellink=share.state.dellink;
- (*org_info)->s->state.empty=share.state.empty;
- (*org_info)->s->state.data_file_length=share.state.data_file_length;
- if (update_state_info(*org_info,UPDATE_TIME | UPDATE_STAT))
- goto end;
- error=0;
- end:
- my_afree((gptr) keyinfo);
- my_afree((gptr) recinfo);
- return error;
- }
- /* Store long in 1,2,3 or 4 bytes */
- static void save_integer( byte *pos, uint pack_length, ulong value)
- {
- switch (pack_length) {
- case 4: int4store(pos,value); break;
- case 3: int3store(pos,value); break;
- case 2: int2store(pos,(uint) value); break;
- case 1: pos[0]= (char) (uchar) value; break;
- default: break;
- }
- return;
- }
- /* write suffix to data file if neaded */
- static int write_data_suffix( N_INFO *info)
- {
- if (info->s->base.options & HA_OPTION_COMPRESS_RECORD &&
- sort_info.fix_datafile)
- {
- bzero(buff,sizeof(buff));
- if (my_b_write(&info->rec_cache,buff,sizeof(buff)))
- {
- print_error("%d when writing to datafile",my_errno);
- return 1;
- }
- read_cache.end_of_file+=sizeof(buff);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /* Update state and isamchk_time of indexfile */
- static int update_state_info( N_INFO *info, uint update)
- {
- ISAM_SHARE *share=info->s;
- uint base_pos=uint2korr(info->s->state.header.base_pos);
- {
- if (offsetof(N_BASE_INFO,rec_per_key) >
- uint2korr(share->state.header.base_info_length))
- {
- VOID(fputs("Internal error: Trying to change base of old tablen",
- stderr));
- }
- else
- {
- if (update & UPDATE_TIME)
- {
- share->base.isamchk_time= (long) time((time_t*) 0);
- if (!share->base.create_time)
- share->base.create_time=share->base.isamchk_time;
- if (my_pwrite(share->kfile,(gptr) &share->base.create_time,
- sizeof(long)*2,
- base_pos+offsetof(N_BASE_INFO,create_time),
- goto err;
- }
- if (update & (UPDATE_STAT | UPDATE_SORT))
- {
- if (my_pwrite(share->kfile,(gptr) share->base.rec_per_key,
- sizeof(long)*share->state.keys+sizeof(uint),
- base_pos+offsetof(N_BASE_INFO,rec_per_key),
- goto err;
- }
- }
- }
- { /* Force update of status */
- int error;
- uint r_locks=share->r_locks,w_locks=share->w_locks;
- share->r_locks=share->w_locks=0;
- error=_nisam_writeinfo(info,2);
- share->r_locks=r_locks; share->w_locks=w_locks;
- if (!error)
- return 0;
- }
- err:
- print_error("%d when updating keyfile",my_errno);
- return 1;
- }