- /* Copyright (C) 2000 MySQL AB & MySQL Finland AB & TCX DataKonsult AB
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */
- /* write whats in isam.log */
- #ifndef USE_MY_FUNC
- #define USE_MY_FUNC
- #endif
- #include "isamdef.h"
- #include <my_tree.h>
- #include <stdarg.h>
- #include <sys/resource.h>
- #endif
- #define FILENAME(A) (A ? A->show_name : "Unknown")
- struct isamlog_file_info {
- long process;
- int filenr,id;
- my_string name,show_name,record;
- N_INFO *isam;
- bool closed,used;
- ulong accessed;
- };
- struct test_if_open_param {
- my_string name;
- int max_id;
- };
- struct st_access_param
- {
- ulong min_accessed;
- struct isamlog_file_info *found;
- };
- #define NO_FILEPOS (ulong) ~0L
- extern int main(int argc,char * *argv);
- static void get_options(int *argc,char ***argv);
- static int examine_log(my_string file_name,char **table_names);
- static int read_string(IO_CACHE *file,gptr *to,uint length);
- static int file_info_compare(void *a,void *b);
- static int test_if_open(struct isamlog_file_info *key,element_count count,
- struct test_if_open_param *param);
- static void fix_blob_pointers(N_INFO *isam,byte *record);
- static uint set_maximum_open_files(uint);
- static int test_when_accessed(struct isamlog_file_info *key,element_count count,
- struct st_access_param *access_param);
- static void file_info_free(struct isamlog_file_info *info);
- static int close_some_file(TREE *tree);
- static int reopen_closed_file(TREE *tree,struct isamlog_file_info *file_info);
- static int find_record_with_key(struct isamlog_file_info *file_info,
- byte *record);
- static void printf_log(const char *str,...);
- static bool cmp_filename(struct isamlog_file_info *file_info,my_string name);
- static uint verbose=0,update=0,test_info=0,max_files=0,re_open_count=0,
- recover=0,prefix_remove=0,opt_processes=0;
- static my_string log_filename=0,filepath=0,write_filename=0,record_pos_file=0;
- static ulong com_count[10][3],number_of_commands=(ulong) ~0L,start_offset=0,
- record_pos= NO_FILEPOS,isamlog_filepos,isamlog_process;
- static const char *command_name[]=
- {"open","write","update","delete","close","extra","lock","re-open",NullS};
- int main(int argc, char **argv)
- {
- int error,i,first;
- ulong total_count,total_error,total_recover;
- MY_INIT(argv[0]);
- log_filename=nisam_log_filename;
- get_options(&argc,&argv);
- /* Nr of isam-files */
- max_files=(set_maximum_open_files(min(max_files,8))-6)/2;
- if (update)
- printf("Trying to %s ISAM files according to log '%s'n",
- (recover ? "recover" : "update"),log_filename);
- error= examine_log(log_filename,argv);
- if (update && ! error)
- puts("Tables updated successfully");
- total_count=total_error=total_recover=0;
- for (i=first=0 ; command_name[i] ; i++)
- {
- if (com_count[i][0])
- {
- if (!first++)
- {
- if (verbose || update)
- puts("");
- puts("Commands Used count Errors Recover errors");
- }
- printf("%-12s%9ld%10ld%17ldn",command_name[i],com_count[i][0],
- com_count[i][1],com_count[i][2]);
- total_count+=com_count[i][0];
- total_error+=com_count[i][1];
- total_recover+=com_count[i][2];
- }
- }
- if (total_count)
- printf("%-12s%9ld%10ld%17ldn","Total",total_count,total_error,
- total_recover);
- if (re_open_count)
- printf("Had to do %d re-open because of too few possibly open filesn",
- re_open_count);
- VOID(nisam_panic(HA_PANIC_CLOSE));
- my_end(test_info ? MY_CHECK_ERROR | MY_GIVE_INFO : MY_CHECK_ERROR);
- exit(error);
- return 0; /* No compiler warning */
- } /* main */
- static void get_options(register int *argc, register char ***argv)
- {
- int help,version;
- const char *pos,*usage;
- char option;
- help=0;
- usage="Usage: %s [-?iruvIPV] [-c #] [-f #] [-F filepath/] [-o #] [-R file recordpos] [-w write_file] [log-filename [table ...]] n";
- pos= "";
- while (--*argc > 0 && *(pos = *(++*argv)) == '-' ) {
- while (*++pos)
- {
- version=0;
- switch((option=*pos)) {
- case '#':
- DBUG_PUSH (++pos);
- pos=" "; /* Skip rest of arg */
- break;
- case 'c':
- if (! *++pos)
- {
- if (!--*argc)
- goto err;
- else
- pos= *(++*argv);
- }
- number_of_commands=(ulong) atol(pos);
- pos=" ";
- break;
- case 'u':
- update=1;
- break;
- case 'f':
- if (! *++pos)
- {
- if (!--*argc)
- goto err;
- else
- pos= *(++*argv);
- }
- max_files=(uint) atoi(pos);
- pos=" ";
- break;
- case 'i':
- test_info=1;
- break;
- case 'o':
- if (! *++pos)
- {
- if (!--*argc)
- goto err;
- else
- pos= *(++*argv);
- }
- start_offset=(ulong) atol(pos);
- pos=" ";
- break;
- case 'p':
- if (! *++pos)
- {
- if (!--*argc)
- goto err;
- else
- pos= *(++*argv);
- }
- prefix_remove=atoi(pos);
- break;
- case 'r':
- update=1;
- recover++;
- break;
- case 'P':
- opt_processes=1;
- break;
- case 'R':
- if (! *++pos)
- {
- if (!--*argc)
- goto err;
- else
- pos= *(++*argv);
- }
- record_pos_file=(char*) pos;
- if (!--*argc)
- goto err;
- record_pos=(ulong) atol(*(++*argv));
- pos= " ";
- break;
- case 'v':
- verbose++;
- break;
- case 'w':
- if (! *++pos)
- {
- if (!--*argc)
- goto err;
- else
- pos= *(++*argv);
- }
- write_filename=(char*) pos;
- pos=" ";
- break;
- case 'F':
- if (! *++pos)
- {
- if (!--*argc)
- goto err;
- else
- pos= *(++*argv);
- }
- filepath= (char*) pos;
- pos=" ";
- break;
- case 'V':
- version=1;
- /* Fall through */
- case 'I':
- case '?':
- printf("%s Ver 3.3 for %s at %sn",my_progname,SYSTEM_TYPE,
- puts("By Monty, for your professional usen");
- if (version)
- break;
- puts("Write info about whats in a ISAM log file.");
- printf("If no file name is given %s is usedn",log_filename);
- puts("");
- printf(usage,my_progname);
- puts("");
- puts("Options: -? or -I "Info" -V "version" -c "do only # commands"");
- puts(" -f "max open files" -F "filepath" -i "extra info"");
- puts(" -o "offset" -p # "remove # components from path"");
- puts(" -r "recover" -R "file recordposition"");
- puts(" -u "update" -v "verbose" -w "write file"");
- puts(" -P "processes"");
- puts("nOne can give a second and a third '-v' for more verbose.");
- puts("Normaly one does a update (-u).");
- puts("If a recover is done all writes and all possibly updates and deletes is donenand errors are only counted.");
- puts("If one gives table names as arguments only these tables will be updatedn");
- help=1;
- break;
- default:
- printf("illegal option: "-%c"n",*pos);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (! *argc)
- {
- if (help)
- exit(0);
- (*argv)++;
- }
- if (*argc >= 1)
- {
- log_filename=(char*) pos;
- (*argc)--;
- (*argv)++;
- }
- return;
- err:
- VOID(fprintf(stderr,"option "%c" used without or with wrong argumentn",
- option));
- exit(1);
- }
- static int examine_log(my_string file_name, char **table_names)
- {
- uint command,result,files_open;
- ulong access_time,length;
- uint32 filepos;
- int lock_command,ni_result;
- char isam_file_name[FN_REFLEN];
- uchar head[20];
- gptr buff;
- struct test_if_open_param open_param;
- IO_CACHE cache;
- File file;
- FILE *write_file;
- enum ha_extra_function extra_command;
- TREE tree;
- struct isamlog_file_info file_info,*curr_file_info;
- char llbuff[22],llbuff2[22];
- DBUG_ENTER("examine_log");
- if ((file=my_open(file_name,O_RDONLY,MYF(MY_WME))) < 0)
- write_file=0;
- if (write_filename)
- {
- if (!(write_file=my_fopen(write_filename,O_WRONLY,MYF(MY_WME))))
- {
- my_close(file,MYF(0));
- }
- }
- init_io_cache(&cache,file,0,READ_CACHE,start_offset,0,MYF(0));
- bzero((gptr) com_count,sizeof(com_count));
- init_tree(&tree,0,0,sizeof(file_info),(qsort_cmp2) file_info_compare,1,
- (tree_element_free) file_info_free, NULL);
- VOID(init_key_cache(dflt_key_cache,KEY_CACHE_BLOCK_SIZE,KEY_CACHE_SIZE,
- 0,0));
- files_open=0; access_time=0;
- while (access_time++ != number_of_commands &&
- !my_b_read(&cache,(byte*) head,9))
- {
- isamlog_filepos=my_b_tell(&cache)-9L;
- file_info.filenr=uint2korr(head+1);
- isamlog_process=file_info.process=(long) uint4korr(head+3);
- if (!opt_processes)
- file_info.process=0;
- result=uint2korr(head+7);
- if ((curr_file_info=(struct isamlog_file_info*)
- tree_search(&tree, &file_info, tree.custom_arg)))
- {
- curr_file_info->accessed=access_time;
- if (update && curr_file_info->used && curr_file_info->closed)
- {
- if (reopen_closed_file(&tree,curr_file_info))
- {
- command=sizeof(com_count)/sizeof(com_count[0][0])/3;
- result=0;
- goto com_err;
- }
- }
- }
- command=(uint) head[0];
- if (command < sizeof(com_count)/sizeof(com_count[0][0])/3 &&
- (!table_names[0] || (curr_file_info && curr_file_info->used)))
- {
- com_count[command][0]++;
- if (result)
- com_count[command][1]++;
- }
- switch ((enum nisam_log_commands) command) {
- case LOG_OPEN:
- if (!table_names[0])
- {
- com_count[command][0]--; /* Must be counted explicite */
- if (result)
- com_count[command][1]--;
- }
- if (curr_file_info)
- printf("nWarning: %s is opened with same process and filenumbernMaybe you should use the -P option ?n",
- curr_file_info->show_name);
- if (my_b_read(&cache,(byte*) head,2))
- goto err;
- file_info.show_name=0;
- file_info.record=0;
- if (read_string(&cache,(gptr*) &,(uint) uint2korr(head)))
- goto err;
- {
- uint i;
- char *pos,*to;
- /* Fix if old DOS files to new format */
- for (; (pos=strchr(pos,'\')) ; pos++)
- *pos= '/';
- for (i=0 ; i < prefix_remove ; i++)
- {
- char *next;
- if (!(next=strchr(pos,'/')))
- break;
- pos=next+1;
- }
- to=isam_file_name;
- if (filepath)
- to=convert_dirname(isam_file_name, filepath, NullS);
- strmov(to,pos);
- fn_ext(isam_file_name)[0]=0; /* Remove extension */
- }
- open_param.max_id=0;
- VOID(tree_walk(&tree,(tree_walk_action) test_if_open,(void*) &open_param,
- left_root_right));
- file_info.show_name=my_memdup(isam_file_name,
- (uint) strlen(isam_file_name)+6,
- if ( > 1)
- sprintf(strend(file_info.show_name),"<%d>",;
- file_info.closed=1;
- file_info.accessed=access_time;
- file_info.used=1;
- if (table_names[0])
- {
- char **name;
- file_info.used=0;
- for (name=table_names ; *name ; name++)
- {
- if (!strcmp(*name,isam_file_name))
- file_info.used=1; /* Update/log only this */
- }
- }
- if (update && file_info.used)
- {
- if (files_open >= max_files)
- {
- if (close_some_file(&tree))
- goto com_err;
- files_open--;
- }
- if (!(file_info.isam= nisam_open(isam_file_name,O_RDWR,
- goto com_err;
- if (!(file_info.record=my_malloc(file_info.isam->s->base.reclength,
- MYF(MY_WME))))
- goto end;
- files_open++;
- file_info.closed=0;
- }
- VOID(tree_insert(&tree, (gptr) &file_info, 0, tree.custom_arg));
- if (file_info.used)
- {
- if (verbose && !record_pos_file)
- printf_log("%s: open -> %d",file_info.show_name, file_info.filenr);
- com_count[command][0]++;
- if (result)
- com_count[command][1]++;
- }
- break;
- case LOG_CLOSE:
- if (verbose && !record_pos_file &&
- (!table_names[0] || (curr_file_info && curr_file_info->used)))
- printf_log("%s: %s -> %d",FILENAME(curr_file_info),
- command_name[command],result);
- if (curr_file_info)
- {
- if (!curr_file_info->closed)
- files_open--;
- VOID(tree_delete(&tree, (gptr) curr_file_info, tree.custom_arg));
- }
- break;
- case LOG_EXTRA:
- if (my_b_read(&cache,(byte*) head,sizeof(extra_command)))
- goto err;
- memcpy_fixed(&extra_command,head,sizeof(extra_command));
- if (verbose && !record_pos_file &&
- (!table_names[0] || (curr_file_info && curr_file_info->used)))
- printf_log("%s: %s(%d) -> %d",FILENAME(curr_file_info),
- command_name[command], (int) extra_command,result);
- if (update && curr_file_info && !curr_file_info->closed)
- {
- if (nisam_extra(curr_file_info->isam,extra_command) != (int) result)
- {
- fflush(stdout);
- VOID(fprintf(stderr,
- "Warning: error %d, expected %d on command %s at %sn",
- my_errno,result,command_name[command],
- llstr(isamlog_filepos,llbuff)));
- fflush(stderr);
- }
- }
- break;
- case LOG_DELETE:
- if (my_b_read(&cache,(byte*) head,sizeof(filepos)))
- goto err;
- memcpy_fixed(&filepos,head,sizeof(filepos));
- if (verbose && (!record_pos_file ||
- ((record_pos == filepos || record_pos == NO_FILEPOS) &&
- !cmp_filename(curr_file_info,record_pos_file))) &&
- (!table_names[0] || (curr_file_info && curr_file_info->used)))
- printf_log("%s: %s at %ld -> %d",FILENAME(curr_file_info),
- command_name[command],(long) filepos,result);
- if (update && curr_file_info && !curr_file_info->closed)
- {
- if (nisam_rrnd(curr_file_info->isam,curr_file_info->record,filepos))
- {
- if (!recover)
- goto com_err;
- com_count[command][2]++; /* Mark error */
- }
- ni_result=nisam_delete(curr_file_info->isam,curr_file_info->record);
- if ((ni_result == 0 && result) ||
- (ni_result && (uint) my_errno != result))
- {
- if (!recover)
- goto com_err;
- if (ni_result)
- com_count[command][2]++; /* Mark error */
- if (verbose)
- printf_log("error: Got result %d from mi_delete instead of %d",
- ni_result, result);
- }
- }
- break;
- case LOG_WRITE:
- case LOG_UPDATE:
- if (my_b_read(&cache,(byte*) head,8))
- goto err;
- filepos=uint4korr(head);
- length=uint4korr(head+4);
- buff=0;
- if (read_string(&cache,&buff,(uint) length))
- goto err;
- if ((!record_pos_file ||
- ((record_pos == filepos || record_pos == NO_FILEPOS) &&
- !cmp_filename(curr_file_info,record_pos_file))) &&
- (!table_names[0] || (curr_file_info && curr_file_info->used)))
- {
- if (write_file &&
- (my_fwrite(write_file,buff,length,MYF(MY_WAIT_IF_FULL | MY_NABP))))
- goto end;
- if (verbose)
- printf_log("%s: %s at %ld, length=%ld -> %d",
- FILENAME(curr_file_info),
- command_name[command], filepos,length,result);
- }
- if (update && curr_file_info && !curr_file_info->closed)
- {
- if (curr_file_info->isam->s->base.blobs)
- fix_blob_pointers(curr_file_info->isam,buff);
- if ((enum nisam_log_commands) command == LOG_UPDATE)
- {
- if (nisam_rrnd(curr_file_info->isam,curr_file_info->record,filepos))
- {
- if (!recover)
- {
- result=0;
- goto com_err;
- }
- if (verbose)
- printf_log("error: Didn't find row to update with mi_rrnd");
- if (recover == 1 || result ||
- find_record_with_key(curr_file_info,buff))
- {
- com_count[command][2]++; /* Mark error */
- break;
- }
- }
- ni_result=nisam_update(curr_file_info->isam,curr_file_info->record,
- buff);
- if ((ni_result == 0 && result) ||
- (ni_result && (uint) my_errno != result))
- {
- if (!recover)
- goto com_err;
- if (verbose)
- printf_log("error: Got result %d from mi_update instead of %d",
- ni_result, result);
- if (ni_result)
- com_count[command][2]++; /* Mark error */
- }
- }
- else
- {
- ni_result=nisam_write(curr_file_info->isam,buff);
- if ((ni_result == 0 && result) ||
- (ni_result && (uint) my_errno != result))
- {
- if (!recover)
- goto com_err;
- if (ni_result)
- com_count[command][2]++; /* Mark error */
- }
- if (! recover && filepos != curr_file_info->isam->lastpos)
- {
- printf("error: Wrote at position: %s, should have been %s",
- llstr(curr_file_info->isam->lastpos,llbuff),
- llstr(filepos,llbuff2));
- goto end;
- }
- }
- }
- my_free(buff,MYF(0));
- break;
- case LOG_LOCK:
- if (my_b_read(&cache,(byte*) head,sizeof(lock_command)))
- goto err;
- memcpy_fixed(&lock_command,head,sizeof(lock_command));
- if (verbose && !record_pos_file &&
- (!table_names[0] || (curr_file_info && curr_file_info->used)))
- printf_log("%s: %s(%d) -> %dn",FILENAME(curr_file_info),
- command_name[command],lock_command,result);
- if (update && curr_file_info && !curr_file_info->closed)
- {
- if (nisam_lock_database(curr_file_info->isam,lock_command) !=
- (int) result)
- goto com_err;
- }
- break;
- default:
- VOID(fprintf(stderr,
- "Error: found unknown command %d in logfile, abortedn",
- command));
- fflush(stderr);
- goto end;
- }
- }
- end_key_cache(dflt_key_cache,1);
- delete_tree(&tree);
- VOID(end_io_cache(&cache));
- VOID(my_close(file,MYF(0)));
- if (write_file && my_fclose(write_file,MYF(MY_WME)))
- err:
- fflush(stdout);
- VOID(fprintf(stderr,"Got error %d when reading from logfilen",my_errno));
- fflush(stderr);
- goto end;
- com_err:
- fflush(stdout);
- VOID(fprintf(stderr,"Got error %d, expected %d on command %s at %sn",
- my_errno,result,command_name[command],
- llstr(isamlog_filepos,llbuff)));
- fflush(stderr);
- end:
- end_key_cache(dflt_key_cache,1);
- delete_tree(&tree);
- VOID(end_io_cache(&cache));
- VOID(my_close(file,MYF(0)));
- if (write_file)
- VOID(my_fclose(write_file,MYF(MY_WME)));
- }
- static int read_string(IO_CACHE *file, reg1 gptr *to, reg2 uint length)
- {
- DBUG_ENTER("read_string");
- if (*to)
- my_free((gptr) *to,MYF(0));
- if (!(*to= (gptr) my_malloc(length+1,MYF(MY_WME))) ||
- my_b_read(file,(byte*) *to,length))
- {
- if (*to)
- my_free(*to,MYF(0));
- *to= 0;
- }
- *((char*) *to+length)= '';
- } /* read_string */
- static int file_info_compare(void *a, void *b)
- {
- long lint;
- if ((lint=((struct isamlog_file_info*) a)->process -
- ((struct isamlog_file_info*) b)->process))
- return lint < 0L ? -1 : 1;
- return (((struct isamlog_file_info*) a)->filenr -
- ((struct isamlog_file_info*) b)->filenr);
- }
- /* ARGSUSED */
- static int test_if_open (struct isamlog_file_info *key,
- element_count count __attribute__((unused)),
- struct test_if_open_param *param)
- {
- if (!strcmp(key->name,param->name) && key->id > param->max_id)
- param->max_id=key->id;
- return 0;
- }
- static void fix_blob_pointers( N_INFO *info, byte *record)
- {
- byte *pos;
- N_BLOB *blob,*end;
- pos=record+info->s->base.reclength;
- for (end=info->blobs+info->s->base.blobs, blob= info->blobs;
- blob != end ;
- blob++)
- {
- bmove(record+blob->offset+blob->pack_length,&pos,sizeof(char*));
- pos+=_calc_blob_length(blob->pack_length,record+blob->offset);
- }
- }
- static uint set_maximum_open_files(uint maximum_files)
- {
- #if defined(HAVE_GETRUSAGE) && defined(RLIMIT_NOFILE)
- struct rlimit rlimit;
- int old_max;
- if (maximum_files > MY_NFILE)
- maximum_files=MY_NFILE; /* Don't crash my_open */
- if (!getrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE,&rlimit))
- {
- old_max=rlimit.rlim_max;
- if (maximum_files && (int) maximum_files > old_max)
- rlimit.rlim_max=maximum_files;
- rlimit.rlim_cur=rlimit.rlim_max;
- if (setrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE,&rlimit))
- {
- if (old_max != (int) maximum_files)
- { /* Set as much as we can */
- rlimit.rlim_max=rlimit.rlim_cur=old_max;
- setrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE,&rlimit);
- }
- }
- getrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE,&rlimit); /* Read if broken setrlimit */
- if (maximum_files && maximum_files < rlimit.rlim_cur)
- VOID(fprintf(stderr,"Warning: Error from setrlimit: Max open files is %dn",old_max));
- return rlimit.rlim_cur;
- }
- #endif
- return min(maximum_files,MY_NFILE);
- }
- /* close the file with hasn't been accessed for the longest time */
- /* ARGSUSED */
- static int test_when_accessed (struct isamlog_file_info *key,
- element_count count __attribute__((unused)),
- struct st_access_param *access_param)
- {
- if (key->accessed < access_param->min_accessed && ! key->closed)
- {
- access_param->min_accessed=key->accessed;
- access_param->found=key;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- static void file_info_free(struct isamlog_file_info *fileinfo)
- {
- DBUG_ENTER("file_info_free");
- if (update)
- {
- if (!fileinfo->closed)
- VOID(nisam_close(fileinfo->isam));
- if (fileinfo->record)
- my_free(fileinfo->record,MYF(0));
- }
- my_free(fileinfo->name,MYF(0));
- my_free(fileinfo->show_name,MYF(0));
- }
- static int close_some_file(TREE *tree)
- {
- struct st_access_param access_param;
- access_param.min_accessed=LONG_MAX;
- access_param.found=0;
- VOID(tree_walk(tree,(tree_walk_action) test_when_accessed,
- (void*) &access_param,left_root_right));
- if (!access_param.found)
- return 1; /* No open file that is possibly to close */
- if (nisam_close(access_param.found->isam))
- return 1;
- access_param.found->closed=1;
- return 0;
- }
- static int reopen_closed_file(TREE *tree, struct isamlog_file_info *fileinfo)
- {
- char name[FN_REFLEN];
- if (close_some_file(tree))
- return 1; /* No file to close */
- strmov(name,fileinfo->show_name);
- if (fileinfo->id > 1)
- *strrchr(name,'<')=''; /* Remove "<id>" */
- if (!(fileinfo->isam= nisam_open(name,O_RDWR,HA_OPEN_WAIT_IF_LOCKED)))
- return 1;
- fileinfo->closed=0;
- re_open_count++;
- return 0;
- }
- /* Try to find record with uniq key */
- static int find_record_with_key(struct isamlog_file_info *file_info,
- byte *record)
- {
- uint key;
- N_INFO *info=file_info->isam;
- uchar tmp_key[N_MAX_KEY_BUFF];
- for (key=0 ; key < info->s->state.keys ; key++)
- {
- if (info->s->keyinfo[key].base.flag & HA_NOSAME)
- {
- VOID(_nisam_make_key(info,key,tmp_key,record,0L));
- return nisam_rkey(info,file_info->record,(int) key,(char*) tmp_key,0,
- }
- }
- return 1;
- }
- static void printf_log(const char *format,...)
- {
- char llbuff[21];
- va_list args;
- va_start(args,format);
- if (verbose > 2)
- printf("%9s:",llstr(isamlog_filepos,llbuff));
- if (verbose > 1)
- printf("%5ld ",isamlog_process); /* Write process number */
- (void) vprintf((char*) format,args);
- putchar('n');
- va_end(args);
- }
- static bool cmp_filename(struct isamlog_file_info *file_info,my_string name)
- {
- if (!file_info)
- return 1;
- return strcmp(file_info->name,name) ? 1 : 0;
- }