- /******************************************************
- The database buffer replacement algorithm
- (c) 1995 Innobase Oy
- Created 11/5/1995 Heikki Tuuri
- *******************************************************/
- #include "buf0lru.h"
- #ifdef UNIV_NONINL
- #include "buf0lru.ic"
- #include "srv0srv.h" /* Needed to getsrv_print_innodb_monitor */
- #endif
- #include "ut0byte.h"
- #include "ut0lst.h"
- #include "ut0rnd.h"
- #include "sync0sync.h"
- #include "sync0rw.h"
- #include "hash0hash.h"
- #include "os0sync.h"
- #include "fil0fil.h"
- #include "btr0btr.h"
- #include "buf0buf.h"
- #include "buf0flu.h"
- #include "buf0rea.h"
- #include "btr0sea.h"
- #include "os0file.h"
- #include "log0recv.h"
- /* The number of blocks from the LRU_old pointer onward, including the block
- pointed to, must be 3/8 of the whole LRU list length, except that the
- tolerance defined below is allowed. Note that the tolerance must be small
- enough such that for even the BUF_LRU_OLD_MIN_LEN long LRU list, the
- LRU_old pointer is not allowed to point to either end of the LRU list. */
- /* The whole LRU list length is divided by this number to determine an
- initial segment in buf_LRU_get_recent_limit */
- /* If we switch on the InnoDB monitor because there are too few available
- frames in the buffer pool, we set this to TRUE */
- ibool buf_lru_switched_on_innodb_mon = FALSE;
- /**********************************************************************
- Takes a block out of the LRU list and page hash table and sets the block
- state to BUF_BLOCK_REMOVE_HASH. */
- static
- void
- buf_LRU_block_remove_hashed_page(
- /*=============================*/
- buf_block_t* block); /* in: block, must contain a file page and
- be in a state where it can be freed; there
- may or may not be a hash index to the page */
- /**********************************************************************
- Puts a file page whose has no hash index to the free list. */
- static
- void
- buf_LRU_block_free_hashed_page(
- /*===========================*/
- buf_block_t* block); /* in: block, must contain a file page and
- be in a state where it can be freed */
- /**********************************************************************
- Invalidates all pages belonging to a given tablespace when we are deleting
- the data file(s) of that tablespace. */
- void
- buf_LRU_invalidate_tablespace(
- /*==========================*/
- ulint id) /* in: space id */
- {
- buf_block_t* block;
- ulint page_no;
- ibool all_freed;
- scan_again:
- mutex_enter(&(buf_pool->mutex));
- all_freed = TRUE;
- block = UT_LIST_GET_LAST(buf_pool->LRU);
- while (block != NULL) {
- ut_a(block->state == BUF_BLOCK_FILE_PAGE);
- if (block->space == id
- && (block->buf_fix_count > 0 || block->io_fix != 0)) {
- /* We cannot remove this page during this scan yet;
- maybe the system is currently reading it in, or
- flushing the modifications to the file */
- all_freed = FALSE;
- goto next_page;
- }
- if (block->space == id) {
- #ifdef UNIV_DEBUG
- if (buf_debug_prints) {
- printf(
- "Dropping space %lu page %lun",
- (ulong) block->space,
- (ulong) block->offset);
- }
- #endif
- if (block->is_hashed) {
- page_no = block->offset;
- mutex_exit(&(buf_pool->mutex));
- /* Note that the following call will acquire
- an S-latch on the page */
- btr_search_drop_page_hash_when_freed(id,
- page_no);
- goto scan_again;
- }
- if (0 != ut_dulint_cmp(block->oldest_modification,
- ut_dulint_zero)) {
- /* Remove from the flush list of modified
- blocks */
- block->oldest_modification = ut_dulint_zero;
- UT_LIST_REMOVE(flush_list,
- buf_pool->flush_list, block);
- }
- /* Remove from the LRU list */
- buf_LRU_block_remove_hashed_page(block);
- buf_LRU_block_free_hashed_page(block);
- }
- next_page:
- block = UT_LIST_GET_PREV(LRU, block);
- }
- mutex_exit(&(buf_pool->mutex));
- if (!all_freed) {
- os_thread_sleep(20000);
- goto scan_again;
- }
- }
- /**********************************************************************
- Gets the minimum LRU_position field for the blocks in an initial segment
- (determined by BUF_LRU_INITIAL_RATIO) of the LRU list. The limit is not
- guaranteed to be precise, because the ulint_clock may wrap around. */
- ulint
- buf_LRU_get_recent_limit(void)
- /*==========================*/
- /* out: the limit; zero if could not determine it */
- {
- buf_block_t* block;
- ulint len;
- ulint limit;
- mutex_enter(&(buf_pool->mutex));
- len = UT_LIST_GET_LEN(buf_pool->LRU);
- if (len < BUF_LRU_OLD_MIN_LEN) {
- /* The LRU list is too short to do read-ahead */
- mutex_exit(&(buf_pool->mutex));
- return(0);
- }
- block = UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(buf_pool->LRU);
- limit = block->LRU_position - len / BUF_LRU_INITIAL_RATIO;
- mutex_exit(&(buf_pool->mutex));
- return(limit);
- }
- /**********************************************************************
- Look for a replaceable block from the end of the LRU list and put it to
- the free list if found. */
- ibool
- buf_LRU_search_and_free_block(
- /*==========================*/
- /* out: TRUE if freed */
- ulint n_iterations) /* in: how many times this has been called
- repeatedly without result: a high value means
- that we should search farther; if value is
- k < 10, then we only search k/10 * [number
- of pages in the buffer pool] from the end
- of the LRU list */
- {
- buf_block_t* block;
- ulint distance = 0;
- ibool freed;
- mutex_enter(&(buf_pool->mutex));
- freed = FALSE;
- block = UT_LIST_GET_LAST(buf_pool->LRU);
- while (block != NULL) {
- ut_a(block->in_LRU_list);
- if (buf_flush_ready_for_replace(block)) {
- if (buf_debug_prints) {
- fprintf(stderr,
- "Putting space %lu page %lu to free listn",
- (ulong) block->space,
- (ulong) block->offset);
- }
- buf_LRU_block_remove_hashed_page(block);
- mutex_exit(&(buf_pool->mutex));
- /* Remove possible adaptive hash index built on the
- page; in the case of AWE the block may not have a
- frame at all */
- if (block->frame) {
- btr_search_drop_page_hash_index(block->frame);
- }
- mutex_enter(&(buf_pool->mutex));
- ut_a(block->buf_fix_count == 0);
- buf_LRU_block_free_hashed_page(block);
- freed = TRUE;
- break;
- }
- block = UT_LIST_GET_PREV(LRU, block);
- distance++;
- if (!freed && n_iterations <= 10
- && distance > 100 + (n_iterations * buf_pool->curr_size)
- / 10) {
- buf_pool->LRU_flush_ended = 0;
- mutex_exit(&(buf_pool->mutex));
- return(FALSE);
- }
- }
- if (buf_pool->LRU_flush_ended > 0) {
- buf_pool->LRU_flush_ended--;
- }
- if (!freed) {
- buf_pool->LRU_flush_ended = 0;
- }
- mutex_exit(&(buf_pool->mutex));
- return(freed);
- }
- /**********************************************************************
- Tries to remove LRU flushed blocks from the end of the LRU list and put them
- to the free list. This is beneficial for the efficiency of the insert buffer
- operation, as flushed pages from non-unique non-clustered indexes are here
- taken out of the buffer pool, and their inserts redirected to the insert
- buffer. Otherwise, the flushed blocks could get modified again before read
- operations need new buffer blocks, and the i/o work done in flushing would be
- wasted. */
- void
- buf_LRU_try_free_flushed_blocks(void)
- /*=================================*/
- {
- mutex_enter(&(buf_pool->mutex));
- while (buf_pool->LRU_flush_ended > 0) {
- mutex_exit(&(buf_pool->mutex));
- buf_LRU_search_and_free_block(1);
- mutex_enter(&(buf_pool->mutex));
- }
- mutex_exit(&(buf_pool->mutex));
- }
- /**********************************************************************
- Returns TRUE if less than 15 % of the buffer pool is available. This can be
- used in heuristics to prevent huge transactions eating up the whole buffer
- pool for their locks. */
- ibool
- buf_LRU_buf_pool_running_out(void)
- /*==============================*/
- /* out: TRUE if less than 15 % of buffer pool
- left */
- {
- ibool ret = FALSE;
- mutex_enter(&(buf_pool->mutex));
- if (!recv_recovery_on && UT_LIST_GET_LEN(buf_pool->free)
- + UT_LIST_GET_LEN(buf_pool->LRU) < buf_pool->max_size / 7) {
- ret = TRUE;
- }
- mutex_exit(&(buf_pool->mutex));
- return(ret);
- }
- /**********************************************************************
- Returns a free block from buf_pool. The block is taken off the free list.
- If it is empty, blocks are moved from the end of the LRU list to the free
- list. */
- buf_block_t*
- buf_LRU_get_free_block(void)
- /*========================*/
- /* out: the free control block; also if AWE is
- used, it is guaranteed that the block has its
- page mapped to a frame when we return */
- {
- buf_block_t* block = NULL;
- ibool freed;
- ulint n_iterations = 1;
- ibool mon_value_was = FALSE;
- ibool started_monitor = FALSE;
- loop:
- mutex_enter(&(buf_pool->mutex));
- if (!recv_recovery_on && UT_LIST_GET_LEN(buf_pool->free)
- + UT_LIST_GET_LEN(buf_pool->LRU) < buf_pool->max_size / 10) {
- ut_print_timestamp(stderr);
- fprintf(stderr,
- " InnoDB: ERROR: over 9 / 10 of the buffer pool is occupied byn"
- "InnoDB: lock heaps or the adaptive hash index! Check that yourn"
- "InnoDB: transactions do not set too many row locks.n"
- "InnoDB: Your buffer pool size is %lu MB. Maybe you should maken"
- "InnoDB: the buffer pool bigger?n"
- "InnoDB: We intentionally generate a seg fault to print a stack tracen"
- "InnoDB: on Linux!n",
- (ulong)(buf_pool->curr_size / (1024 * 1024 / UNIV_PAGE_SIZE)));
- ut_error;
- } else if (!recv_recovery_on && UT_LIST_GET_LEN(buf_pool->free)
- + UT_LIST_GET_LEN(buf_pool->LRU) < buf_pool->max_size / 5) {
- if (!buf_lru_switched_on_innodb_mon) {
- /* Over 80 % of the buffer pool is occupied by lock
- heaps or the adaptive hash index. This may be a memory
- leak! */
- ut_print_timestamp(stderr);
- fprintf(stderr,
- " InnoDB: WARNING: over 4 / 5 of the buffer pool is occupied byn"
- "InnoDB: lock heaps or the adaptive hash index! Check that yourn"
- "InnoDB: transactions do not set too many row locks.n"
- "InnoDB: Your buffer pool size is %lu MB. Maybe you should maken"
- "InnoDB: the buffer pool bigger?n"
- "InnoDB: Starting the InnoDB Monitor to print diagnostics, includingn"
- "InnoDB: lock heap and hash index sizes.n",
- (ulong) (buf_pool->curr_size / (1024 * 1024 / UNIV_PAGE_SIZE)));
- buf_lru_switched_on_innodb_mon = TRUE;
- srv_print_innodb_monitor = TRUE;
- os_event_set(srv_lock_timeout_thread_event);
- }
- } else if (buf_lru_switched_on_innodb_mon) {
- /* Switch off the InnoDB Monitor; this is a simple way
- to stop the monitor if the situation becomes less urgent,
- but may also surprise users if the user also switched on the
- monitor! */
- buf_lru_switched_on_innodb_mon = FALSE;
- srv_print_innodb_monitor = FALSE;
- }
- /* If there is a block in the free list, take it */
- if (UT_LIST_GET_LEN(buf_pool->free) > 0) {
- block = UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(buf_pool->free);
- ut_a(block->in_free_list);
- UT_LIST_REMOVE(free, buf_pool->free, block);
- block->in_free_list = FALSE;
- ut_a(block->state != BUF_BLOCK_FILE_PAGE);
- ut_a(!block->in_LRU_list);
- if (srv_use_awe) {
- if (block->frame) {
- /* Remove from the list of mapped pages */
- UT_LIST_REMOVE(awe_LRU_free_mapped,
- buf_pool->awe_LRU_free_mapped, block);
- } else {
- /* We map the page to a frame; second param
- FALSE below because we do not want it to be
- added to the awe_LRU_free_mapped list */
- buf_awe_map_page_to_frame(block, FALSE);
- }
- }
- block->state = BUF_BLOCK_READY_FOR_USE;
- mutex_exit(&(buf_pool->mutex));
- if (started_monitor) {
- srv_print_innodb_monitor = mon_value_was;
- }
- return(block);
- }
- /* If no block was in the free list, search from the end of the LRU
- list and try to free a block there */
- mutex_exit(&(buf_pool->mutex));
- freed = buf_LRU_search_and_free_block(n_iterations);
- if (freed > 0) {
- goto loop;
- }
- if (n_iterations > 30) {
- ut_print_timestamp(stderr);
- fprintf(stderr,
- "InnoDB: Warning: difficult to find free blocks fromn"
- "InnoDB: the buffer pool (%lu search iterations)! Considern"
- "InnoDB: increasing the buffer pool size.n"
- "InnoDB: It is also possible that in your Unix versionn"
- "InnoDB: fsync is very slow, or completely frozen insiden"
- "InnoDB: the OS kernel. Then upgrading to a newer versionn"
- "InnoDB: of your operating system may help. Look at then"
- "InnoDB: number of fsyncs in diagnostic info below.n"
- "InnoDB: Pending flushes (fsync) log: %lu; buffer pool: %lun"
- "InnoDB: %lu OS file reads, %lu OS file writes, %lu OS fsyncsn"
- "InnoDB: Starting InnoDB Monitor to print furthern"
- "InnoDB: diagnostics to the standard output.n",
- (ulong) n_iterations,
- (ulong) fil_n_pending_log_flushes,
- (ulong) fil_n_pending_tablespace_flushes,
- (ulong) os_n_file_reads, (ulong) os_n_file_writes,
- (ulong) os_n_fsyncs);
- mon_value_was = srv_print_innodb_monitor;
- started_monitor = TRUE;
- srv_print_innodb_monitor = TRUE;
- os_event_set(srv_lock_timeout_thread_event);
- }
- /* No free block was found: try to flush the LRU list */
- buf_flush_free_margin();
- os_aio_simulated_wake_handler_threads();
- mutex_enter(&(buf_pool->mutex));
- if (buf_pool->LRU_flush_ended > 0) {
- /* We have written pages in an LRU flush. To make the insert
- buffer more efficient, we try to move these pages to the free
- list. */
- mutex_exit(&(buf_pool->mutex));
- buf_LRU_try_free_flushed_blocks();
- } else {
- mutex_exit(&(buf_pool->mutex));
- }
- if (n_iterations > 10) {
- os_thread_sleep(500000);
- }
- n_iterations++;
- goto loop;
- }
- /***********************************************************************
- Moves the LRU_old pointer so that the length of the old blocks list
- is inside the allowed limits. */
- void
- buf_LRU_old_adjust_len(void)
- /*========================*/
- {
- ulint old_len;
- ulint new_len;
- ut_a(buf_pool->LRU_old);
- ut_ad(mutex_own(&(buf_pool->mutex)));
- #endif /* UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG */
- ut_ad(3 * (BUF_LRU_OLD_MIN_LEN / 8) > BUF_LRU_OLD_TOLERANCE + 5);
- for (;;) {
- old_len = buf_pool->LRU_old_len;
- new_len = 3 * (UT_LIST_GET_LEN(buf_pool->LRU) / 8);
- ut_a(buf_pool->LRU_old->in_LRU_list);
- /* Update the LRU_old pointer if necessary */
- if (old_len < new_len - BUF_LRU_OLD_TOLERANCE) {
- buf_pool->LRU_old = UT_LIST_GET_PREV(LRU,
- buf_pool->LRU_old);
- (buf_pool->LRU_old)->old = TRUE;
- buf_pool->LRU_old_len++;
- } else if (old_len > new_len + BUF_LRU_OLD_TOLERANCE) {
- (buf_pool->LRU_old)->old = FALSE;
- buf_pool->LRU_old = UT_LIST_GET_NEXT(LRU,
- buf_pool->LRU_old);
- buf_pool->LRU_old_len--;
- } else {
- ut_a(buf_pool->LRU_old); /* Check that we did not
- fall out of the LRU list */
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- /***********************************************************************
- Initializes the old blocks pointer in the LRU list. This function should be
- called when the LRU list grows to BUF_LRU_OLD_MIN_LEN length. */
- static
- void
- buf_LRU_old_init(void)
- /*==================*/
- {
- buf_block_t* block;
- ut_a(UT_LIST_GET_LEN(buf_pool->LRU) == BUF_LRU_OLD_MIN_LEN);
- /* We first initialize all blocks in the LRU list as old and then use
- the adjust function to move the LRU_old pointer to the right
- position */
- block = UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(buf_pool->LRU);
- while (block != NULL) {
- ut_a(block->state == BUF_BLOCK_FILE_PAGE);
- ut_a(block->in_LRU_list);
- block->old = TRUE;
- block = UT_LIST_GET_NEXT(LRU, block);
- }
- buf_pool->LRU_old = UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(buf_pool->LRU);
- buf_pool->LRU_old_len = UT_LIST_GET_LEN(buf_pool->LRU);
- buf_LRU_old_adjust_len();
- }
- /**********************************************************************
- Removes a block from the LRU list. */
- void
- buf_LRU_remove_block(
- /*=================*/
- buf_block_t* block) /* in: control block */
- {
- ut_ad(buf_pool);
- ut_ad(block);
- ut_ad(mutex_own(&(buf_pool->mutex)));
- #endif /* UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG */
- ut_a(block->state == BUF_BLOCK_FILE_PAGE);
- ut_a(block->in_LRU_list);
- /* If the LRU_old pointer is defined and points to just this block,
- move it backward one step */
- if (block == buf_pool->LRU_old) {
- /* Below: the previous block is guaranteed to exist, because
- the LRU_old pointer is only allowed to differ by the
- tolerance value from strict 3/8 of the LRU list length. */
- buf_pool->LRU_old = UT_LIST_GET_PREV(LRU, block);
- (buf_pool->LRU_old)->old = TRUE;
- buf_pool->LRU_old_len++;
- ut_a(buf_pool->LRU_old);
- }
- /* Remove the block from the LRU list */
- UT_LIST_REMOVE(LRU, buf_pool->LRU, block);
- block->in_LRU_list = FALSE;
- if (srv_use_awe && block->frame) {
- /* Remove from the list of mapped pages */
- UT_LIST_REMOVE(awe_LRU_free_mapped,
- buf_pool->awe_LRU_free_mapped, block);
- }
- /* If the LRU list is so short that LRU_old not defined, return */
- if (UT_LIST_GET_LEN(buf_pool->LRU) < BUF_LRU_OLD_MIN_LEN) {
- buf_pool->LRU_old = NULL;
- return;
- }
- ut_ad(buf_pool->LRU_old);
- /* Update the LRU_old_len field if necessary */
- if (block->old) {
- buf_pool->LRU_old_len--;
- }
- /* Adjust the length of the old block list if necessary */
- buf_LRU_old_adjust_len();
- }
- /**********************************************************************
- Adds a block to the LRU list end. */
- void
- buf_LRU_add_block_to_end_low(
- /*=========================*/
- buf_block_t* block) /* in: control block */
- {
- buf_block_t* last_block;
- ut_ad(buf_pool);
- ut_ad(block);
- ut_ad(mutex_own(&(buf_pool->mutex)));
- #endif /* UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG */
- ut_a(block->state == BUF_BLOCK_FILE_PAGE);
- block->old = TRUE;
- last_block = UT_LIST_GET_LAST(buf_pool->LRU);
- if (last_block) {
- block->LRU_position = last_block->LRU_position;
- } else {
- block->LRU_position = buf_pool_clock_tic();
- }
- ut_a(!block->in_LRU_list);
- UT_LIST_ADD_LAST(LRU, buf_pool->LRU, block);
- block->in_LRU_list = TRUE;
- if (srv_use_awe && block->frame) {
- /* Add to the list of mapped pages */
- UT_LIST_ADD_LAST(awe_LRU_free_mapped,
- buf_pool->awe_LRU_free_mapped, block);
- }
- if (UT_LIST_GET_LEN(buf_pool->LRU) >= BUF_LRU_OLD_MIN_LEN) {
- buf_pool->LRU_old_len++;
- }
- if (UT_LIST_GET_LEN(buf_pool->LRU) > BUF_LRU_OLD_MIN_LEN) {
- ut_ad(buf_pool->LRU_old);
- /* Adjust the length of the old block list if necessary */
- buf_LRU_old_adjust_len();
- } else if (UT_LIST_GET_LEN(buf_pool->LRU) == BUF_LRU_OLD_MIN_LEN) {
- /* The LRU list is now long enough for LRU_old to become
- defined: init it */
- buf_LRU_old_init();
- }
- }
- /**********************************************************************
- Adds a block to the LRU list. */
- void
- buf_LRU_add_block_low(
- /*==================*/
- buf_block_t* block, /* in: control block */
- ibool old) /* in: TRUE if should be put to the old blocks
- in the LRU list, else put to the start; if the
- LRU list is very short, the block is added to
- the start, regardless of this parameter */
- {
- ulint cl;
- ut_ad(buf_pool);
- ut_ad(block);
- ut_ad(mutex_own(&(buf_pool->mutex)));
- #endif /* UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG */
- ut_a(block->state == BUF_BLOCK_FILE_PAGE);
- ut_a(!block->in_LRU_list);
- block->old = old;
- cl = buf_pool_clock_tic();
- if (srv_use_awe && block->frame) {
- /* Add to the list of mapped pages; for simplicity we always
- add to the start, even if the user would have set 'old'
- TRUE */
- UT_LIST_ADD_FIRST(awe_LRU_free_mapped,
- buf_pool->awe_LRU_free_mapped, block);
- }
- if (!old || (UT_LIST_GET_LEN(buf_pool->LRU) < BUF_LRU_OLD_MIN_LEN)) {
- UT_LIST_ADD_FIRST(LRU, buf_pool->LRU, block);
- block->LRU_position = cl;
- block->freed_page_clock = buf_pool->freed_page_clock;
- } else {
- UT_LIST_INSERT_AFTER(LRU, buf_pool->LRU, buf_pool->LRU_old,
- block);
- buf_pool->LRU_old_len++;
- /* We copy the LRU position field of the previous block
- to the new block */
- block->LRU_position = (buf_pool->LRU_old)->LRU_position;
- }
- block->in_LRU_list = TRUE;
- if (UT_LIST_GET_LEN(buf_pool->LRU) > BUF_LRU_OLD_MIN_LEN) {
- ut_ad(buf_pool->LRU_old);
- /* Adjust the length of the old block list if necessary */
- buf_LRU_old_adjust_len();
- } else if (UT_LIST_GET_LEN(buf_pool->LRU) == BUF_LRU_OLD_MIN_LEN) {
- /* The LRU list is now long enough for LRU_old to become
- defined: init it */
- buf_LRU_old_init();
- }
- }
- /**********************************************************************
- Adds a block to the LRU list. */
- void
- buf_LRU_add_block(
- /*==============*/
- buf_block_t* block, /* in: control block */
- ibool old) /* in: TRUE if should be put to the old
- blocks in the LRU list, else put to the start;
- if the LRU list is very short, the block is
- added to the start, regardless of this
- parameter */
- {
- buf_LRU_add_block_low(block, old);
- }
- /**********************************************************************
- Moves a block to the start of the LRU list. */
- void
- buf_LRU_make_block_young(
- /*=====================*/
- buf_block_t* block) /* in: control block */
- {
- buf_LRU_remove_block(block);
- buf_LRU_add_block_low(block, FALSE);
- }
- /**********************************************************************
- Moves a block to the end of the LRU list. */
- void
- buf_LRU_make_block_old(
- /*===================*/
- buf_block_t* block) /* in: control block */
- {
- buf_LRU_remove_block(block);
- buf_LRU_add_block_to_end_low(block);
- }
- /**********************************************************************
- Puts a block back to the free list. */
- void
- buf_LRU_block_free_non_file_page(
- /*=============================*/
- buf_block_t* block) /* in: block, must not contain a file page */
- {
- ut_ad(mutex_own(&(buf_pool->mutex)));
- #endif /* UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG */
- ut_ad(block);
- ut_a((block->state == BUF_BLOCK_MEMORY)
- || (block->state == BUF_BLOCK_READY_FOR_USE));
- ut_a(block->n_pointers == 0);
- ut_a(!block->in_free_list);
- block->state = BUF_BLOCK_NOT_USED;
- #ifdef UNIV_DEBUG
- /* Wipe contents of page to reveal possible stale pointers to it */
- memset(block->frame, '', UNIV_PAGE_SIZE);
- #endif
- UT_LIST_ADD_FIRST(free, buf_pool->free, block);
- block->in_free_list = TRUE;
- if (srv_use_awe && block->frame) {
- /* Add to the list of mapped pages */
- UT_LIST_ADD_FIRST(awe_LRU_free_mapped,
- buf_pool->awe_LRU_free_mapped, block);
- }
- }
- /**********************************************************************
- Takes a block out of the LRU list and page hash table and sets the block
- state to BUF_BLOCK_REMOVE_HASH. */
- static
- void
- buf_LRU_block_remove_hashed_page(
- /*=============================*/
- buf_block_t* block) /* in: block, must contain a file page and
- be in a state where it can be freed; there
- may or may not be a hash index to the page */
- {
- ut_ad(mutex_own(&(buf_pool->mutex)));
- #endif /* UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG */
- ut_ad(block);
- ut_a(block->state == BUF_BLOCK_FILE_PAGE);
- ut_a(block->io_fix == 0);
- ut_a(block->buf_fix_count == 0);
- ut_a(ut_dulint_cmp(block->oldest_modification, ut_dulint_zero) == 0);
- buf_LRU_remove_block(block);
- buf_pool->freed_page_clock += 1;
- /* Note that if AWE is enabled the block may not have a frame at all */
- buf_block_modify_clock_inc(block);
- if (block != buf_page_hash_get(block->space, block->offset)) {
- fprintf(stderr,
- "InnoDB: Error: page %lu %lu not found from the hash tablen",
- (ulong) block->space,
- (ulong) block->offset);
- if (buf_page_hash_get(block->space, block->offset)) {
- fprintf(stderr,
- "InnoDB: From hash table we find block %p of %lu %lu which is not %pn",
- buf_page_hash_get(block->space, block->offset),
- (ulong) buf_page_hash_get(block->space, block->offset)->space,
- (ulong) buf_page_hash_get(block->space, block->offset)->offset,
- block);
- }
- #ifdef UNIV_DEBUG
- buf_print();
- buf_LRU_print();
- buf_validate();
- buf_LRU_validate();
- #endif
- ut_a(0);
- }
- HASH_DELETE(buf_block_t, hash, buf_pool->page_hash,
- buf_page_address_fold(block->space, block->offset),
- block);
- block->state = BUF_BLOCK_REMOVE_HASH;
- }
- /**********************************************************************
- Puts a file page whose has no hash index to the free list. */
- static
- void
- buf_LRU_block_free_hashed_page(
- /*===========================*/
- buf_block_t* block) /* in: block, must contain a file page and
- be in a state where it can be freed */
- {
- ut_ad(mutex_own(&(buf_pool->mutex)));
- #endif /* UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG */
- ut_a(block->state == BUF_BLOCK_REMOVE_HASH);
- block->state = BUF_BLOCK_MEMORY;
- buf_LRU_block_free_non_file_page(block);
- }
- /**************************************************************************
- Validates the LRU list. */
- ibool
- buf_LRU_validate(void)
- /*==================*/
- {
- buf_block_t* block;
- ulint old_len;
- ulint new_len;
- ulint LRU_pos;
- ut_ad(buf_pool);
- mutex_enter(&(buf_pool->mutex));
- if (UT_LIST_GET_LEN(buf_pool->LRU) >= BUF_LRU_OLD_MIN_LEN) {
- ut_a(buf_pool->LRU_old);
- old_len = buf_pool->LRU_old_len;
- new_len = 3 * (UT_LIST_GET_LEN(buf_pool->LRU) / 8);
- ut_a(old_len >= new_len - BUF_LRU_OLD_TOLERANCE);
- ut_a(old_len <= new_len + BUF_LRU_OLD_TOLERANCE);
- }
- UT_LIST_VALIDATE(LRU, buf_block_t, buf_pool->LRU);
- block = UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(buf_pool->LRU);
- old_len = 0;
- while (block != NULL) {
- ut_a(block->state == BUF_BLOCK_FILE_PAGE);
- if (block->old) {
- old_len++;
- }
- if (buf_pool->LRU_old && (old_len == 1)) {
- ut_a(buf_pool->LRU_old == block);
- }
- LRU_pos = block->LRU_position;
- block = UT_LIST_GET_NEXT(LRU, block);
- if (block) {
- /* If the following assert fails, it may
- not be an error: just the buf_pool clock
- has wrapped around */
- ut_a(LRU_pos >= block->LRU_position);
- }
- }
- if (buf_pool->LRU_old) {
- ut_a(buf_pool->LRU_old_len == old_len);
- }
- UT_LIST_VALIDATE(free, buf_block_t, buf_pool->free);
- block = UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(buf_pool->free);
- while (block != NULL) {
- ut_a(block->state == BUF_BLOCK_NOT_USED);
- block = UT_LIST_GET_NEXT(free, block);
- }
- mutex_exit(&(buf_pool->mutex));
- return(TRUE);
- }
- /**************************************************************************
- Prints the LRU list. */
- void
- buf_LRU_print(void)
- /*===============*/
- {
- buf_block_t* block;
- buf_frame_t* frame;
- ulint len;
- ut_ad(buf_pool);
- mutex_enter(&(buf_pool->mutex));
- fprintf(stderr, "Pool ulint clock %lun", (ulong) buf_pool->ulint_clock);
- block = UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(buf_pool->LRU);
- len = 0;
- while (block != NULL) {
- fprintf(stderr, "BLOCK %lu ", (ulong) block->offset);
- if (block->old) {
- fputs("old ", stderr);
- }
- if (block->buf_fix_count) {
- fprintf(stderr, "buffix count %lu ",
- (ulong) block->buf_fix_count);
- }
- if (block->io_fix) {
- fprintf(stderr, "io_fix %lu ", (ulong) block->io_fix);
- }
- if (ut_dulint_cmp(block->oldest_modification,
- ut_dulint_zero) > 0) {
- fputs("modif. ", stderr);
- }
- frame = buf_block_get_frame(block);
- fprintf(stderr, "LRU pos %lu type %lu index id %lu ",
- (ulong) block->LRU_position,
- (ulong) fil_page_get_type(frame),
- (ulong) ut_dulint_get_low(btr_page_get_index_id(frame)));
- block = UT_LIST_GET_NEXT(LRU, block);
- if (++len == 10) {
- len = 0;
- putc('n', stderr);
- }
- }
- mutex_exit(&(buf_pool->mutex));
- }