- /************************************************************************
- The memory management
- (c) 1994, 1995 Innobase Oy
- Created 6/8/1994 Heikki Tuuri
- *************************************************************************/
- #include "mem0dbg.ic"
- #include "mem0pool.h"
- /*******************************************************************
- Creates a memory heap block where data can be allocated. */
- mem_block_t*
- mem_heap_create_block(
- /*==================*/
- /* out, own: memory heap block,
- NULL if did not succeed */
- mem_heap_t* heap, /* in: memory heap or NULL if first block
- should be created */
- ulint n, /* in: number of bytes needed for user data, or
- if init_block is not NULL, its size in bytes */
- void* init_block, /* in: init block in fast create,
- type must be MEM_HEAP_DYNAMIC */
- ulint type, /* in: type of heap: MEM_HEAP_DYNAMIC or
- const char* file_name,/* in: file name where created */
- ulint line); /* in: line where created */
- /**********************************************************************
- Frees a block from a memory heap. */
- void
- mem_heap_block_free(
- /*================*/
- mem_heap_t* heap, /* in: heap */
- mem_block_t* block); /* in: block to free */
- /**********************************************************************
- Frees the free_block field from a memory heap. */
- void
- mem_heap_free_block_free(
- /*=====================*/
- mem_heap_t* heap); /* in: heap */
- /*******************************************************************
- Adds a new block to a memory heap. */
- mem_block_t*
- mem_heap_add_block(
- /*===============*/
- /* out: created block, NULL if did not
- succeed */
- mem_heap_t* heap, /* in: memory heap */
- ulint n); /* in: number of bytes user needs */
- void
- mem_block_set_len(mem_block_t* block, ulint len)
- {
- ut_ad(len > 0);
- block->len = len;
- }
- ulint
- mem_block_get_len(mem_block_t* block)
- {
- return(block->len);
- }
- void
- mem_block_set_type(mem_block_t* block, ulint type)
- {
- ut_ad((type == MEM_HEAP_DYNAMIC) || (type == MEM_HEAP_BUFFER)
- block->type = type;
- }
- ulint
- mem_block_get_type(mem_block_t* block)
- {
- return(block->type);
- }
- void
- mem_block_set_free(mem_block_t* block, ulint free)
- {
- ut_ad(free > 0);
- ut_ad(free <= mem_block_get_len(block));
- block->free = free;
- }
- ulint
- mem_block_get_free(mem_block_t* block)
- {
- return(block->free);
- }
- void
- mem_block_set_start(mem_block_t* block, ulint start)
- {
- ut_ad(start > 0);
- block->start = start;
- }
- ulint
- mem_block_get_start(mem_block_t* block)
- {
- return(block->start);
- }
- /*******************************************************************
- Allocates n bytes of memory from a memory heap. */
- void*
- mem_heap_alloc(
- /*===========*/
- /* out: allocated storage */
- mem_heap_t* heap, /* in: memory heap */
- ulint n) /* in: number of bytes; if the heap is allowed
- to grow into the buffer pool, this must be
- {
- mem_block_t* block;
- void* buf;
- ulint free;
- ut_ad(mem_heap_check(heap));
- block = UT_LIST_GET_LAST(heap->base);
- ut_ad(!(block->type & MEM_HEAP_BUFFER) || (n <= MEM_MAX_ALLOC_IN_BUF));
- /* Check if there is enough space in block. If not, create a new
- block to the heap */
- if (mem_block_get_len(block)
- < mem_block_get_free(block) + MEM_SPACE_NEEDED(n)) {
- block = mem_heap_add_block(heap, n);
- if (block == NULL) {
- return(NULL);
- }
- }
- free = mem_block_get_free(block);
- buf = (byte*)block + free;
- mem_block_set_free(block, free + MEM_SPACE_NEEDED(n));
- /* In the debug version write debugging info to the field */
- mem_field_init((byte*)buf, n);
- /* Advance buf to point at the storage which will be given to the
- caller */
- buf = (byte*)buf + MEM_FIELD_HEADER_SIZE;
- #endif
- memset(buf, '', n);
- #endif
- return(buf);
- }
- /*********************************************************************
- Returns a pointer to the heap top. */
- byte*
- mem_heap_get_heap_top(
- /*==================*/
- /* out: pointer to the heap top */
- mem_heap_t* heap) /* in: memory heap */
- {
- mem_block_t* block;
- byte* buf;
- ut_ad(mem_heap_check(heap));
- block = UT_LIST_GET_LAST(heap->base);
- buf = (byte*)block + mem_block_get_free(block);
- return(buf);
- }
- /*********************************************************************
- Frees the space in a memory heap exceeding the pointer given. The
- pointer must have been acquired from mem_heap_get_heap_top. The first
- memory block of the heap is not freed. */
- void
- mem_heap_free_heap_top(
- /*===================*/
- mem_heap_t* heap, /* in: heap from which to free */
- byte* old_top)/* in: pointer to old top of heap */
- {
- mem_block_t* block;
- mem_block_t* prev_block;
- ibool error;
- ulint total_size;
- ulint size;
- #endif
- ut_ad(mem_heap_check(heap));
- /* Validate the heap and get its total allocated size */
- mem_heap_validate_or_print(heap, NULL, FALSE, &error, &total_size,
- ut_a(!error);
- /* Get the size below top pointer */
- mem_heap_validate_or_print(heap, old_top, FALSE, &error, &size, NULL,
- NULL);
- ut_a(!error);
- #endif
- block = UT_LIST_GET_LAST(heap->base);
- while (block != NULL) {
- if (((byte*)block + mem_block_get_free(block) >= old_top)
- && ((byte*)block <= old_top)) {
- /* Found the right block */
- break;
- }
- /* Store prev_block value before freeing the current block
- (the current block will be erased in freeing) */
- prev_block = UT_LIST_GET_PREV(list, block);
- mem_heap_block_free(heap, block);
- block = prev_block;
- }
- ut_ad(block);
- /* Set the free field of block */
- mem_block_set_free(block, old_top - (byte*)block);
- ut_ad(mem_block_get_start(block) <= mem_block_get_free(block));
- /* In the debug version erase block from top up */
- mem_erase_buf(old_top, (byte*)block + block->len - old_top);
- /* Update allocated memory count */
- mutex_enter(&mem_hash_mutex);
- mem_current_allocated_memory -= (total_size - size);
- mutex_exit(&mem_hash_mutex);
- #endif
- /* If free == start, we may free the block if it is not the first
- one */
- if ((heap != block) && (mem_block_get_free(block) ==
- mem_block_get_start(block))) {
- mem_heap_block_free(heap, block);
- }
- }
- /*********************************************************************
- Empties a memory heap. The first memory block of the heap is not freed. */
- void
- mem_heap_empty(
- /*===========*/
- mem_heap_t* heap) /* in: heap to empty */
- {
- mem_heap_free_heap_top(heap, (byte*)heap + mem_block_get_start(heap));
- if (heap->free_block) {
- mem_heap_free_block_free(heap);
- }
- }
- /*********************************************************************
- Returns a pointer to the topmost element in a memory heap. The size of the
- element must be given. */
- void*
- mem_heap_get_top(
- /*=============*/
- /* out: pointer to the topmost element */
- mem_heap_t* heap, /* in: memory heap */
- ulint n) /* in: size of the topmost element */
- {
- mem_block_t* block;
- void* buf;
- ut_ad(mem_heap_check(heap));
- block = UT_LIST_GET_LAST(heap->base);
- buf = (byte*)block + mem_block_get_free(block) - MEM_SPACE_NEEDED(n);
- ut_ad(mem_block_get_start(block) <=(ulint)((byte*)buf - (byte*)block));
- /* In the debug version, advance buf to point at the storage which
- was given to the caller in the allocation*/
- buf = (byte*)buf + MEM_FIELD_HEADER_SIZE;
- /* Check that the field lengths agree */
- ut_ad(n == (ulint)mem_field_header_get_len(buf));
- #endif
- return(buf);
- }
- /*********************************************************************
- Frees the topmost element in a memory heap. The size of the element must be
- given. */
- void
- mem_heap_free_top(
- /*==============*/
- mem_heap_t* heap, /* in: memory heap */
- ulint n) /* in: size of the topmost element */
- {
- mem_block_t* block;
- ut_ad(mem_heap_check(heap));
- block = UT_LIST_GET_LAST(heap->base);
- /* Subtract the free field of block */
- mem_block_set_free(block, mem_block_get_free(block)
- ut_ad(mem_block_get_start(block) <= mem_block_get_free(block));
- /* In the debug version check the consistency, and erase field */
- mem_field_erase((byte*)block + mem_block_get_free(block), n);
- #endif
- /* If free == start, we may free the block if it is not the first
- one */
- if ((heap != block) && (mem_block_get_free(block) ==
- mem_block_get_start(block))) {
- mem_heap_block_free(heap, block);
- }
- }
- /*********************************************************************
- NOTE: Use the corresponding macros instead of this function. Creates a
- memory heap which allocates memory from dynamic space. For debugging
- purposes, takes also the file name and line as argument in the debug
- version. */
- mem_heap_t*
- mem_heap_create_func(
- /*=================*/
- /* out, own: memory heap */
- ulint n, /* in: desired start block size,
- this means that a single user buffer
- of size n will fit in the block,
- 0 creates a default size block;
- if init_block is not NULL, n tells
- its size in bytes */
- void* init_block, /* in: if very fast creation is
- wanted, the caller can reserve some
- memory from its stack, for example,
- and pass it as the the initial block
- to the heap: then no OS call of malloc
- is needed at the creation. CAUTION:
- the caller must make sure the initial
- block is not unintentionally erased
- (if allocated in the stack), before
- the memory heap is explicitly freed. */
- ulint type, /* in: MEM_HEAP_DYNAMIC
- const char* file_name, /* in: file name where created */
- ulint line /* in: line where created */
- )
- {
- mem_block_t* block;
- if (n > 0) {
- block = mem_heap_create_block(NULL, n, init_block, type,
- file_name, line);
- } else {
- block = mem_heap_create_block(NULL, MEM_BLOCK_START_SIZE,
- init_block, type, file_name, line);
- }
- ut_ad(block);
- UT_LIST_INIT(block->base);
- /* Add the created block itself as the first block in the list */
- UT_LIST_ADD_FIRST(list, block->base, block);
- if (block == NULL) {
- return(block);
- }
- mem_hash_insert(block, file_name, line);
- #endif
- return(block);
- }
- /*********************************************************************
- NOTE: Use the corresponding macro instead of this function. Frees the space
- occupied by a memory heap. In the debug version erases the heap memory
- blocks. */
- void
- mem_heap_free_func(
- /*===============*/
- mem_heap_t* heap, /* in, own: heap to be freed */
- const char* file_name __attribute__((unused)),
- /* in: file name where freed */
- ulint line __attribute__((unused)))
- {
- mem_block_t* block;
- mem_block_t* prev_block;
- ut_ad(mem_heap_check(heap));
- block = UT_LIST_GET_LAST(heap->base);
- /* In the debug version remove the heap from the hash table of heaps
- and check its consistency */
- mem_hash_remove(heap, file_name, line);
- #endif
- if (heap->free_block) {
- mem_heap_free_block_free(heap);
- }
- while (block != NULL) {
- /* Store the contents of info before freeing current block
- (it is erased in freeing) */
- prev_block = UT_LIST_GET_PREV(list, block);
- mem_heap_block_free(heap, block);
- block = prev_block;
- }
- }
- /*******************************************************************
- NOTE: Use the corresponding macro instead of this function.
- Allocates a single buffer of memory from the dynamic memory of
- the C compiler. Is like malloc of C. The buffer must be freed
- with mem_free. */
- void*
- mem_alloc_func(
- /*===========*/
- /* out, own: free storage, NULL
- if did not succeed */
- ulint n, /* in: desired number of bytes */
- const char* file_name, /* in: file name where created */
- ulint line /* in: line where created */
- )
- {
- mem_heap_t* heap;
- void* buf;
- heap = mem_heap_create_func(n, NULL, MEM_HEAP_DYNAMIC, file_name,
- line);
- if (heap == NULL) {
- return(NULL);
- }
- /* Note that as we created the first block in the heap big enough
- for the buffer requested by the caller, the buffer will be in the
- first block and thus we can calculate the pointer to the heap from
- the pointer to the buffer when we free the memory buffer. */
- buf = mem_heap_alloc(heap, n);
- ut_a((byte*)heap == (byte*)buf - MEM_BLOCK_HEADER_SIZE
- return(buf);
- }
- /*******************************************************************
- NOTE: Use the corresponding macro instead of this function. Frees a single
- buffer of storage from the dynamic memory of the C compiler. Similar to the
- free of C. */
- void
- mem_free_func(
- /*==========*/
- void* ptr, /* in, own: buffer to be freed */
- const char* file_name, /* in: file name where created */
- ulint line /* in: line where created */
- )
- {
- mem_heap_t* heap;
- heap = (mem_heap_t*)((byte*)ptr - MEM_BLOCK_HEADER_SIZE
- mem_heap_free_func(heap, file_name, line);
- }
- /*********************************************************************
- Returns the space in bytes occupied by a memory heap. */
- ulint
- mem_heap_get_size(
- /*==============*/
- mem_heap_t* heap) /* in: heap */
- {
- mem_block_t* block;
- ulint size = 0;
- ut_ad(mem_heap_check(heap));
- block = heap;
- while (block != NULL) {
- size += mem_block_get_len(block);
- block = UT_LIST_GET_NEXT(list, block);
- }
- if (heap->free_block) {
- size += UNIV_PAGE_SIZE;
- }
- return(size);
- }
- /**************************************************************************
- Duplicates a NUL-terminated string. */
- char*
- mem_strdup(
- /*=======*/
- /* out, own: a copy of the string,
- must be deallocated with mem_free */
- const char* str) /* in: string to be copied */
- {
- ulint len = strlen(str) + 1;
- return(memcpy(mem_alloc(len), str, len));
- }
- /**************************************************************************
- Makes a NUL-terminated copy of a nonterminated string. */
- char*
- mem_strdupl(
- /*========*/
- /* out, own: a copy of the string,
- must be deallocated with mem_free */
- const char* str, /* in: string to be copied */
- ulint len) /* in: length of str, in bytes */
- {
- char* s = mem_alloc(len + 1);
- s[len] = 0;
- return(memcpy(s, str, len));
- }
- /**************************************************************************
- Makes a NUL-terminated quoted copy of a NUL-terminated string. */
- char*
- mem_strdupq(
- /*========*/
- /* out, own: a quoted copy of the string,
- must be deallocated with mem_free */
- const char* str, /* in: string to be copied */
- char q) /* in: quote character */
- {
- char* dst;
- char* d;
- const char* s = str;
- size_t len = strlen(str) + 3;
- /* calculate the number of quote characters in the string */
- while((s = strchr(s, q)) != NULL) {
- s++;
- len++;
- }
- /* allocate the quoted string, and copy it */
- d = dst = mem_alloc(len);
- *d++ = q;
- s = str;
- while(*s) {
- if ((*d++ = *s++) == q) {
- *d++ = q;
- }
- }
- *d++ = q;
- *d++ = '';
- ut_ad(len == d - dst);
- return(dst);
- }
- /**************************************************************************
- Makes a NUL-terminated copy of a nonterminated string,
- allocated from a memory heap. */
- char*
- mem_heap_strdupl(
- /*=============*/
- /* out, own: a copy of the string */
- mem_heap_t* heap, /* in: memory heap where string is allocated */
- const char* str, /* in: string to be copied */
- ulint len) /* in: length of str, in bytes */
- {
- char* s = mem_heap_alloc(heap, len + 1);
- s[len] = 0;
- return(memcpy(s, str, len));
- }