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Visual C++
- #!@PERL@ -w
- use strict;
- use Getopt::Long;
- use DBI;
- =head1 NAME
- mysql_tableinfo - creates and populates information tables with
- This is version 1.1.
- =head1 SYNOPSIS
- mysql_tableinfo [OPTIONS] database_to_write [database_like_wild] [table_like_wild]
- Do not backquote (``) database_to_write,
- and do not quote ('') database_like_wild or table_like_wild
- Examples:
- mysql_tableinfo info
- mysql_tableinfo info this_db
- mysql_tableinfo info %a% b%
- mysql_tableinfo info --clear-only
- mysql_tableinfo info --col --idx --table-status
- =cut
- # Documentation continued at end of file
- sub usage {
- die @_,"nExecute 'perldoc $0' for documentationn";
- }
- my %opt = (
- 'user' => scalar getpwuid($>),
- 'host' => "localhost",
- 'prefix' => "", #to avoid 'use of uninitialized value...'
- );
- Getopt::Long::Configure(qw(no_ignore_case)); # disambuguate -p and -P
- GetOptions( %opt,
- "help",
- "user|u=s",
- "password|p=s",
- "host|h=s",
- "port|P=s",
- "socket|S=s",
- "tbl-status",
- "col",
- "idx",
- "clear",
- "clear-only",
- "prefix=s",
- "quiet|q",
- ) or usage("Invalid option");
- if ($opt{'help'}) {usage();}
- my ($db_to_write,$db_like_wild,$tbl_like_wild);
- if (@ARGV==0)
- {
- usage("Not enough arguments");
- }
- $db_to_write="`$ARGV[0]`"; shift @ARGV;
- $db_like_wild=($ARGV[0])?$ARGV[0]:"%"; shift @ARGV;
- $tbl_like_wild=($ARGV[0])?$ARGV[0]:"%"; shift @ARGV;
- if (@ARGV>0) { usage("Too many arguments"); }
- $0 = $1 if $0 =~ m:/([^/]+)$:;
- my $info_db="`".$opt{'prefix'}."db`";
- my $info_tbl="`".$opt{'prefix'}."tbl".
- (($opt{'tbl-status'})?"_status":"")."`";
- my $info_col="`".$opt{'prefix'}."col`";
- my $info_idx="`".$opt{'prefix'}."idx`";
- # --- connect to the database ---
- my $dsn = ";host=$opt{'host'}";
- $dsn .= ";port=$opt{'port'}" if $opt{'port'};
- $dsn .= ";mysql_socket=$opt{'socket'}" if $opt{'socket'};
- my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:mysql:$dsn;mysql_read_default_group=perl",
- $opt{'user'}, $opt{'password'},
- {
- RaiseError => 1,
- PrintError => 0,
- AutoCommit => 1,
- });
- $db_like_wild=$dbh->quote($db_like_wild);
- $tbl_like_wild=$dbh->quote($tbl_like_wild);
- #Ask
- if (!$opt{'quiet'})
- {
- print "n!! This program is doing to do:nn";
- print "**DROP** TABLE ...n" if ($opt{'clear'} or $opt{'clear-only'});
- print "**DELETE** FROM ... WHERE `Database` LIKE $db_like_wild AND `Table` LIKE $tbl_like_wild
- **INSERT** INTO ...
- on the following tables :n";
- foreach (($info_db, $info_tbl),
- (($opt{'col'})?$info_col:()),
- (($opt{'idx'})?$info_idx:()))
- {
- print(" $db_to_write.$_n");
- }
- print "nContinue (you can skip this confirmation step with --quiet) ? (y|n) [n]";
- if (<STDIN> !~ /^s*ys*$/i)
- {
- print "Nothing done!n";exit;
- }
- }
- if ($opt{'clear'} or $opt{'clear-only'})
- {
- #do not drop the $db_to_write database !
- foreach (($info_db, $info_tbl),
- (($opt{'col'})?$info_col:()),
- (($opt{'idx'})?$info_idx:()))
- {
- $dbh->do("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS $db_to_write.$_");
- }
- if ($opt{'clear-only'})
- {
- print "Wrote to database $db_to_write .n" unless ($opt{'quiet'});
- exit;
- }
- }
- my %sth;
- my %extra_col_desc;
- my %row;
- my %done_create_table;
- #create the $db_to_write database
- $dbh->do("CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS $db_to_write");
- $dbh->do("USE $db_to_write");
- #get databases
- $sth{'db'}=$dbh->prepare("SHOW DATABASES LIKE $db_like_wild");
- $sth{'db'}->execute;
- #create $info_db which will receive info about databases.
- #Ensure that the first column to be called "Database" (as SHOW DATABASES LIKE
- #returns a varying
- #column name (of the form "Database (%...)") which is not suitable)
- $extra_col_desc{'db'}=do_create_table("db",$info_db,undef,"`Database`");
- #we'll remember the type of the `Database` column (as returned by
- #SHOW DATABASES), which we will need when creating the next tables.
- #clear out-of-date info from this table
- $dbh->do("DELETE FROM $info_db WHERE `Database` LIKE $db_like_wild");
- while ($row{'db'}=$sth{'db'}->fetchrow_arrayref) #go through all databases
- {
- #insert the database name
- $dbh->do("INSERT INTO $info_db VALUES("
- .join(',' , ( map $dbh->quote($_), @{$row{'db'}} ) ).")" );
- #for each database, get tables
- $sth{'tbl'}=$dbh->prepare("SHOW TABLE"
- .( ($opt{'tbl-status'}) ?
- : "S" )
- ." from `$row{'db'}->[0]` LIKE $tbl_like_wild");
- $sth{'tbl'}->execute;
- unless ($done_create_table{$info_tbl})
- #tables must be created only once, and out-of-date info must be
- #cleared once
- {
- $done_create_table{$info_tbl}=1;
- $extra_col_desc{'tbl'}=
- do_create_table("tbl",$info_tbl,
- #add an extra column (database name) at the left
- #and ensure that the table name will be called "Table"
- #(this is unncessesary with
- #SHOW TABLE STATUS, but necessary with SHOW TABLES (which returns a column
- #named "Tables_in_..."))
- "`Database` ".$extra_col_desc{'db'},"`Table`");
- $dbh->do("DELETE FROM $info_tbl WHERE `Database` LIKE $db_like_wild AND `Table` LIKE $tbl_like_wild");
- }
- while ($row{'tbl'}=$sth{'tbl'}->fetchrow_arrayref)
- {
- $dbh->do("INSERT INTO $info_tbl VALUES("
- .$dbh->quote($row{'db'}->[0]).","
- .join(',' , ( map $dbh->quote($_), @{$row{'tbl'}} ) ).")");
- #for each table, get columns...
- if ($opt{'col'})
- {
- $sth{'col'}=$dbh->prepare("SHOW COLUMNS FROM `$row{'tbl'}->[0]` FROM `$row{'db'}->[0]`");
- $sth{'col'}->execute;
- unless ($done_create_table{$info_col})
- {
- $done_create_table{$info_col}=1;
- do_create_table("col",$info_col,
- "`Database` ".$extra_col_desc{'db'}.","
- ."`Table` ".$extra_col_desc{'tbl'}.","
- ."`Seq_in_table` BIGINT(3)");
- #We need to add a sequence number (1 for the first column of the table,
- #2 for the second etc) so that users are able to retrieve columns in order
- #if they want. This is not needed for INDEX
- #(where there is already Seq_in_index)
- $dbh->do("DELETE FROM $info_col WHERE `Database`
- LIKE $db_like_wild
- AND `Table` LIKE $tbl_like_wild");
- }
- my $col_number=0;
- while ($row{'col'}=$sth{'col'}->fetchrow_arrayref)
- {
- $dbh->do("INSERT INTO $info_col VALUES("
- .$dbh->quote($row{'db'}->[0]).","
- .$dbh->quote($row{'tbl'}->[0]).","
- .++$col_number.","
- .join(',' , ( map $dbh->quote($_), @{$row{'col'}} ) ).")");
- }
- }
- #and get index.
- if ($opt{'idx'})
- {
- $sth{'idx'}=$dbh->prepare("SHOW INDEX FROM `$row{'tbl'}->[0]` FROM `$row{'db'}->[0]`");
- $sth{'idx'}->execute;
- unless ($done_create_table{$info_idx})
- {
- $done_create_table{$info_idx}=1;
- do_create_table("idx",$info_idx,
- "`Database` ".$extra_col_desc{'db'});
- $dbh->do("DELETE FROM $info_idx WHERE `Database`
- LIKE $db_like_wild
- AND `Table` LIKE $tbl_like_wild");
- }
- while ($row{'idx'}=$sth{'idx'}->fetchrow_arrayref)
- {
- $dbh->do("INSERT INTO $info_idx VALUES("
- .$dbh->quote($row{'db'}->[0]).","
- .join(',' , ( map $dbh->quote($_), @{$row{'idx'}} ) ).")");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- print "Wrote to database $db_to_write .n" unless ($opt{'quiet'});
- exit;
- sub do_create_table
- {
- my ($sth_key,$target_tbl,$extra_col_desc,$first_col_name)=@_;
- my $create_table_query=$extra_col_desc;
- my ($i,$first_col_desc,$col_desc);
- for ($i=0;$i<$sth{$sth_key}->{NUM_OF_FIELDS};$i++)
- {
- if ($create_table_query) { $create_table_query.=", "; }
- $col_desc=$sth{$sth_key}->{mysql_type_name}->[$i];
- if ($col_desc =~ /char|int/i)
- {
- $col_desc.="($sth{$sth_key}->{PRECISION}->[$i])";
- }
- elsif ($col_desc =~ /decimal|numeric/i) #(never seen that)
- {
- $col_desc.=
- "($sth{$sth_key}->{PRECISION}->[$i],$sth{$sth_key}->{SCALE}->[$i])";
- }
- elsif ($col_desc !~ /date/i) #date and datetime are OK,
- #no precision or scale for them
- {
- warn "unexpected column type '$col_desc'
- (neither 'char','int','decimal|numeric')
- when creating $target_tbl, hope table creation will go OKn";
- }
- if ($i==0) {$first_col_desc=$col_desc};
- $create_table_query.=
- ( ($i==0 and $first_col_name) ?
- "$first_col_name " :"`$sth{$sth_key}->{NAME}->[$i]` " )
- .$col_desc;
- }
- if ($create_table_query)
- {
- $dbh->do("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS $target_tbl ($create_table_query)");
- }
- return $first_col_desc;
- }
- __END__
- mysql_tableinfo asks a MySQL server information about its
- databases, tables, table columns and index, and stores this
- in tables called `db`, `tbl` (or `tbl_status`), `col`, `idx`
- (with an optional prefix specified with --prefix).
- After that, you can query these information tables, for example
- to build your admin scripts with SQL queries, like
- SELECT CONCAT("CHECK TABLE ",`database`,".",`table`," EXTENDED;")
- FROM info.tbl WHERE ... ;
- as people usually do with some other RDBMS
- (note: to increase the speed of your queries on the info tables,
- you may add some index on them).
- The database_like_wild and table_like_wild instructs the program
- to gather information only about databases and tables
- whose names match these patterns. If the info
- tables already exist, their rows matching the patterns are simply
- deleted and replaced by the new ones. That is,
- old rows not matching the patterns are not touched.
- If the database_like_wild and table_like_wild arguments
- are not specified on the command-line they default to "%".
- The program :
- - does CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS database_to_write
- where database_to_write is the database name specified on the command-line.
- - does CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS database_to_write.`db`
- - fills database_to_write.`db` with the output of
- SHOW DATABASES LIKE database_like_wild
- - does CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS database_to_write.`tbl`
- (respectively database_to_write.`tbl_status`
- if the --tbl-status option is on)
- - for every found database,
- fills database_to_write.`tbl` (respectively database_to_write.`tbl_status`)
- with the output of
- SHOW TABLES FROM found_db LIKE table_like_wild
- (respectively SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM found_db LIKE table_like_wild)
- - if the --col option is on,
- * does CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS database_to_write.`col`
- * for every found table,
- fills database_to_write.`col` with the output of
- SHOW COLUMNS FROM found_tbl FROM found_db
- - if the --idx option is on,
- * does CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS database_to_write.`idx`
- * for every found table,
- fills database_to_write.`idx` with the output of
- SHOW INDEX FROM found_tbl FROM found_db
- Some options may modify this general scheme (see below).
- As mentioned, the contents of the info tables are the output of
- SHOW commands. In fact the contents are slightly more complete :
- - the `tbl` (or `tbl_status`) info table
- has an extra column which contains the database name,
- - the `col` info table
- has an extra column which contains the table name,
- and an extra column which contains, for each described column,
- the number of this column in the table owning it (this extra column
- is called `Seq_in_table`). `Seq_in_table` makes it possible for you
- to retrieve your columns in sorted order, when you are querying
- the `col` table.
- - the `index` info table
- has an extra column which contains the database name.
- Caution: info tables contain certain columns (e.g.
- Database, Table, Null...) whose names, as they are MySQL reserved words,
- need to be backquoted (`...`) when used in SQL statements.
- Caution: as information fetching and info tables filling happen at the
- same time, info tables may contain inaccurate information about
- themselves.
- =head1 OPTIONS
- =over 4
- =item --clear
- Does DROP TABLE on the info tables (only those that the program is
- going to fill, for example if you do not use --col it won't drop
- the `col` table) and processes normally. Does not drop database_to_write.
- =item --clear-only
- Same as --clear but exits after the DROPs.
- =item --col
- Adds columns information (into table `col`).
- =item --idx
- Adds index information (into table `idx`).
- =item --prefix prefix
- The info tables are named from the concatenation of prefix and,
- respectively, db, tbl (or tbl_status), col, idx. Do not quote ('')
- or backquote (``) prefix.
- =item -q, --quiet
- Does not warn you about what the script is going to do (DROP TABLE etc)
- and does not ask for a confirmation before starting.
- =item --tbl-status
- Instead of using SHOW TABLES, uses SHOW TABLE STATUS
- (much more complete information, but slower).
- =item --help
- Display helpscreen and exit
- =item -u, --user=#
- user for database login if not current user. Give a user
- who has sufficient privileges (CREATE, ...).
- =item -p, --password=#
- password to use when connecting to server
- =item -h, --host=#
- host to connect to
- =item -P, --port=#
- port to use when connecting to server
- =item -S, --socket=#
- UNIX domain socket to use when connecting to server
- =head1 WARRANTY
- This software is free and comes without warranty of any kind. You
- should never trust backup software without studying the code yourself.
- Study the code inside this script and only rely on it if I<you> believe
- that it does the right thing for you.
- Patches adding bug fixes, documentation and new features are welcome.
- =head1 TO DO
- Use extended inserts to be faster (for servers with many databases
- or tables). But to do that, must care about net-buffer-length.
- =head1 AUTHOR
- 2002-06-18 Guilhem Bichot (guilhem.bichot@mines-paris.org)
- And all the authors of mysqlhotcopy, which served as a model for
- the structure of the program.