- /* Copyright (C) 2000 MySQL AB
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */
- /*
- Replace strings in textfile
- This program replaces strings in files or from stdin to stdout.
- It accepts a list of from-string/to-string pairs and replaces
- each occurrence of a from-string with the corresponding to-string.
- The first occurrence of a found string is matched. If there is more
- than one possibility for the string to replace, longer matches
- are preferred before shorter matches.
- Special characters in from string:
- ^ Match start of line.
- $ Match end of line.
- b Match space-character, start of line or end of line.
- For end b the next replace starts locking at the end space-character.
- An b alone or in a string matches only a space-character.
- r, t, v as in C.
- The programs make a DFA-state-machine of the strings and the speed isn't
- dependent on the count of replace-strings (only of the number of replaces).
- A line is assumed ending with n or .
- There are no limit exept memory on length of strings.
- Written by Monty.
- fill_buffer_retaining() is taken from gnu-grep and modified.
- */
- #define DONT_USE_RAID
- #include <my_global.h>
- #include <m_ctype.h>
- #include <my_sys.h>
- #include <m_string.h>
- #include <errno.h>
- #define PC_MALLOC 256 /* Bytes for pointers */
- #define PS_MALLOC 512 /* Bytes for data */
- typedef struct st_pointer_array { /* when using array-strings */
- TYPELIB typelib; /* Pointer to strings */
- byte *str; /* Strings is here */
- int7 *flag; /* Flag about each var. */
- uint array_allocs,max_count,length,max_length;
- #define SPACE_CHAR 256
- #define START_OF_LINE 257
- #define END_OF_LINE 258
- #define LAST_CHAR_CODE 259
- typedef struct st_replace {
- bool found;
- struct st_replace *next[256];
- typedef struct st_replace_found {
- bool found;
- char *replace_string;
- uint to_offset;
- int from_offset;
- #ifndef WORD_BIT
- #define WORD_BIT (8*sizeof(uint))
- #endif
- /* functions defined in this file */
- extern int main(int argc,char * *argv);
- static int static_get_options(int *argc,char * * *argv);
- static int get_replace_strings(int *argc,char * * *argv,
- POINTER_ARRAY *from_array,
- POINTER_ARRAY *to_array);
- int insert_pointer_name(POINTER_ARRAY *pa, my_string name);
- void free_pointer_array(POINTER_ARRAY *pa);
- static int convert_pipe(REPLACE *,FILE *,FILE *);
- static int convert_file(REPLACE *, my_string);
- REPLACE *init_replace(my_string *from, my_string *to,uint count, my_string
- word_end_chars);
- uint replace_strings(REPLACE *rep, my_string *start,uint *max_length,
- my_string from);
- static int initialize_buffer(void);
- static void reset_buffer(void);
- static void free_buffer(void);
- static int silent=0,verbose=0,updated=0;
- /* The main program */
- int main(argc,argv)
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- {
- int i,error;
- char word_end_chars[256],*pos;
- POINTER_ARRAY from,to;
- REPLACE *replace;
- MY_INIT(argv[0]);
- if (static_get_options(&argc,&argv))
- exit(1);
- if (get_replace_strings(&argc,&argv,&from,&to))
- exit(1);
- for (i=1,pos=word_end_chars ; i < 256 ; i++)
- if (my_isspace(&my_charset_latin1,i))
- *pos++=i;
- *pos=0;
- if (!(replace=init_replace((char**) from.typelib.type_names,
- (char**) to.typelib.type_names,
- (uint) from.typelib.count,word_end_chars)))
- exit(1);
- free_pointer_array(&from);
- free_pointer_array(&to);
- if (initialize_buffer())
- return 1;
- error=0;
- if (argc == 0)
- error=convert_pipe(replace,stdin,stdout);
- else
- {
- while (argc--)
- {
- error=convert_file(replace,*(argv++));
- }
- }
- free_buffer();
- exit(error ? 2 : 0);
- return 0; /* No compiler warning */
- } /* main */
- /* reads options */
- /* Initiates DEBUG - but no debugging here ! */
- static int static_get_options(argc,argv)
- register int *argc;
- register char **argv[];
- {
- int help,version,opt;
- char *pos;
- silent=verbose=help=0;
- while (--*argc > 0 && *(pos = *(++*argv)) == '-' && pos[1] != '-') {
- while (*++pos)
- {
- version=0;
- switch((opt= *pos)) {
- case 's':
- silent=1;
- break;
- case 'v':
- verbose=1;
- break;
- case '#':
- DBUG_PUSH (++pos);
- pos= (char*) " "; /* Skip rest of arguments */
- break;
- case 'V':
- version=1;
- case 'I':
- case '?':
- help=1; /* Help text written */
- printf("%s Ver 1.3 for %s at %sn",my_progname,SYSTEM_TYPE,
- if (version)
- break;
- puts("This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software,nand you are welcome to modify and redistribute it under the GPL licensen");
- puts("This program replaces strings in files or from stdin to stdout.n"
- "It accepts a list of from-string/to-string pairs and replacesn"
- "each occurrence of a from-string with the corresponding to-string.n"
- "The first occurrence of a found string is matched. If there isn"
- "more than one possibility for the string to replace, longern"
- "matches are preferred before shorter matches.nn"
- "A from-string can contain these special characters:n"
- " \^ Match start of line.n"
- " \$ Match end of line.n"
- " \b Match space-character, start of line or end of line.n"
- " For a end \b the next replace starts locking at the endn"
- " space-character. A \b alone in a string matches only an"
- " space-character.n");
- printf("Usage: %s [-?svIV] from to from to ... -- [files]n", my_progname);
- puts("or");
- printf("Usage: %s [-?svIV] from to from to ... < fromfile > tofilen", my_progname);
- puts("");
- puts("Options: -? or -I "Info" -s "silent" -v "verbose"");
- break;
- default:
- fprintf(stderr,"illegal option: -%cn",*pos);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (*argc == 0)
- {
- if (!help)
- my_message(0,"No replace options given",MYF(ME_BELL));
- exit(0); /* Don't use as pipe */
- }
- return(0);
- } /* static_get_options */
- static int get_replace_strings(argc,argv,from_array,to_array)
- register int *argc;
- register char **argv[];
- POINTER_ARRAY *from_array,*to_array;
- {
- char *pos;
- bzero((char*) from_array,sizeof(from_array[0]));
- bzero((char*) to_array,sizeof(to_array[0]));
- while (*argc > 0 && (*(pos = *(*argv)) != '-' || pos[1] != '-' || pos[2]))
- {
- insert_pointer_name(from_array,pos);
- (*argc)--;
- (*argv)++;
- if (!*argc || !strcmp(**argv,"--"))
- {
- my_message(0,"No to-string for last from-string",MYF(ME_BELL));
- return 1;
- }
- insert_pointer_name(to_array,**argv);
- (*argc)--;
- (*argv)++;
- }
- if (*argc)
- { /* Skip "--" argument */
- (*argc)--;
- (*argv)++;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int insert_pointer_name(reg1 POINTER_ARRAY *pa,my_string name)
- {
- uint i,length,old_count;
- byte *new_pos;
- const char **new_array;
- DBUG_ENTER("insert_pointer_name");
- if (! pa->typelib.count)
- {
- if (!(pa->typelib.type_names=(const char **)
- (sizeof(my_string)+sizeof(*pa->flag))*
- (sizeof(my_string)+sizeof(*pa->flag))),MYF(MY_WME))))
- if (!(pa->str= (byte*) my_malloc((uint) (PS_MALLOC-MALLOC_OVERHEAD),
- MYF(MY_WME))))
- {
- my_free((gptr) pa->typelib.type_names,MYF(0));
- }
- pa->max_count=(PC_MALLOC-MALLOC_OVERHEAD)/(sizeof(byte*)+
- sizeof(*pa->flag));
- pa->flag= (int7*) (pa->typelib.type_names+pa->max_count);
- pa->length=0;
- pa->array_allocs=1;
- }
- length=(uint) strlen(name)+1;
- if (pa->length+length >= pa->max_length)
- {
- pa->max_length=(pa->length+length+MALLOC_OVERHEAD+PS_MALLOC-1)/PS_MALLOC;
- pa->max_length=pa->max_length*PS_MALLOC-MALLOC_OVERHEAD;
- if (!(new_pos= (byte*) my_realloc((gptr) pa->str,
- (uint) pa->max_length,
- MYF(MY_WME))))
- if (new_pos != pa->str)
- {
- my_ptrdiff_t diff=PTR_BYTE_DIFF(new_pos,pa->str);
- for (i=0 ; i < pa->typelib.count ; i++)
- pa->typelib.type_names[i]= ADD_TO_PTR(pa->typelib.type_names[i],diff,
- char*);
- pa->str=new_pos;
- }
- }
- if (pa->typelib.count >= pa->max_count-1)
- {
- int len;
- pa->array_allocs++;
- len=(PC_MALLOC*pa->array_allocs - MALLOC_OVERHEAD);
- if (!(new_array=(const char **) my_realloc((gptr) pa->typelib.type_names,
- (uint) len/
- (sizeof(byte*)+sizeof(*pa->flag))*
- (sizeof(byte*)+sizeof(*pa->flag)),
- MYF(MY_WME))))
- pa->typelib.type_names=new_array;
- old_count=pa->max_count;
- pa->max_count=len/(sizeof(byte*) + sizeof(*pa->flag));
- pa->flag= (int7*) (pa->typelib.type_names+pa->max_count);
- memcpy((byte*) pa->flag,(my_string) (pa->typelib.type_names+old_count),
- old_count*sizeof(*pa->flag));
- }
- pa->flag[pa->typelib.count]=0; /* Reset flag */
- pa->typelib.type_names[pa->typelib.count++]= pa->str+pa->length;
- pa->typelib.type_names[pa->typelib.count]= NullS; /* Put end-mark */
- VOID(strmov(pa->str+pa->length,name));
- pa->length+=length;
- } /* insert_pointer_name */
- /* free pointer array */
- void free_pointer_array(pa)
- reg1 POINTER_ARRAY *pa;
- {
- if (pa->typelib.count)
- {
- pa->typelib.count=0;
- my_free((gptr) pa->typelib.type_names,MYF(0));
- pa->typelib.type_names=0;
- my_free((gptr) pa->str,MYF(0));
- }
- return;
- } /* free_pointer_array */
- /* Code for replace rutines */
- #define SET_MALLOC_HUNC 64
- typedef struct st_rep_set {
- uint *bits; /* Pointer to used sets */
- short next[LAST_CHAR_CODE]; /* Pointer to next sets */
- uint found_len; /* Best match to date */
- int found_offset;
- uint table_offset;
- uint size_of_bits; /* For convinience */
- } REP_SET;
- typedef struct st_rep_sets {
- uint count; /* Number of sets */
- uint extra; /* Extra sets in buffer */
- uint invisible; /* Sets not chown */
- uint size_of_bits;
- REP_SET *set,*set_buffer;
- uint *bit_buffer;
- typedef struct st_found_set {
- uint table_offset;
- int found_offset;
- typedef struct st_follow {
- int chr;
- uint table_offset;
- uint len;
- static int init_sets(REP_SETS *sets,uint states);
- static REP_SET *make_new_set(REP_SETS *sets);
- static void make_sets_invisible(REP_SETS *sets);
- static void free_last_set(REP_SETS *sets);
- static void free_sets(REP_SETS *sets);
- static void internal_set_bit(REP_SET *set, uint bit);
- static void internal_clear_bit(REP_SET *set, uint bit);
- static void or_bits(REP_SET *to,REP_SET *from);
- static void copy_bits(REP_SET *to,REP_SET *from);
- static int cmp_bits(REP_SET *set1,REP_SET *set2);
- static int get_next_bit(REP_SET *set,uint lastpos);
- static int find_set(REP_SETS *sets,REP_SET *find);
- static int find_found(FOUND_SET *found_set,uint table_offset,
- int found_offset);
- static uint start_at_word(my_string pos);
- static uint end_of_word(my_string pos);
- static uint replace_len(my_string pos);
- static uint found_sets=0;
- /* Init a replace structure for further calls */
- REPLACE *init_replace(my_string *from, my_string *to,uint count,
- my_string word_end_chars)
- {
- uint i,j,states,set_nr,len,result_len,max_length,found_end,bits_set,bit_nr;
- int used_sets,chr,default_state;
- char used_chars[LAST_CHAR_CODE],is_word_end[256];
- my_string pos,to_pos,*to_array;
- REP_SETS sets;
- REP_SET *set,*start_states,*word_states,*new_set;
- FOLLOWS *follow,*follow_ptr;
- REPLACE *replace;
- FOUND_SET *found_set;
- REPLACE_STRING *rep_str;
- DBUG_ENTER("init_replace");
- /* Count number of states */
- for (i=result_len=max_length=0 , states=2 ; i < count ; i++)
- {
- len=replace_len(from[i]);
- if (!len)
- {
- errno=EINVAL;
- my_message(0,"No to-string for last from-string",MYF(ME_BELL));
- }
- states+=len+1;
- result_len+=(uint) strlen(to[i])+1;
- if (len > max_length)
- max_length=len;
- }
- bzero((char*) is_word_end,sizeof(is_word_end));
- for (i=0 ; word_end_chars[i] ; i++)
- is_word_end[(uchar) word_end_chars[i]]=1;
- if (init_sets(&sets,states))
- found_sets=0;
- if (!(found_set= (FOUND_SET*) my_malloc(sizeof(FOUND_SET)*max_length*count,
- MYF(MY_WME))))
- {
- free_sets(&sets);
- }
- VOID(make_new_set(&sets)); /* Set starting set */
- make_sets_invisible(&sets); /* Hide previus sets */
- used_sets=-1;
- word_states=make_new_set(&sets); /* Start of new word */
- start_states=make_new_set(&sets); /* This is first state */
- if (!(follow=(FOLLOWS*) my_malloc((states+2)*sizeof(FOLLOWS),MYF(MY_WME))))
- {
- free_sets(&sets);
- my_free((gptr) found_set,MYF(0));
- }
- /* Init follow_ptr[] */
- for (i=0, states=1, follow_ptr=follow+1 ; i < count ; i++)
- {
- if (from[i][0] == '\' && from[i][1] == '^')
- {
- internal_set_bit(start_states,states+1);
- if (!from[i][2])
- {
- start_states->table_offset=i;
- start_states->found_offset=1;
- }
- }
- else if (from[i][0] == '\' && from[i][1] == '$')
- {
- internal_set_bit(start_states,states);
- internal_set_bit(word_states,states);
- if (!from[i][2] && start_states->table_offset == (uint) ~0)
- {
- start_states->table_offset=i;
- start_states->found_offset=0;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- internal_set_bit(word_states,states);
- if (from[i][0] == '\' && (from[i][1] == 'b' && from[i][2]))
- internal_set_bit(start_states,states+1);
- else
- internal_set_bit(start_states,states);
- }
- for (pos=from[i], len=0; *pos ; pos++)
- {
- if (*pos == '\' && *(pos+1))
- {
- pos++;
- switch (*pos) {
- case 'b':
- follow_ptr->chr = SPACE_CHAR;
- break;
- case '^':
- follow_ptr->chr = START_OF_LINE;
- break;
- case '$':
- follow_ptr->chr = END_OF_LINE;
- break;
- case 'r':
- follow_ptr->chr = 'r';
- break;
- case 't':
- follow_ptr->chr = 't';
- break;
- case 'v':
- follow_ptr->chr = 'v';
- break;
- default:
- follow_ptr->chr = (uchar) *pos;
- break;
- }
- }
- else
- follow_ptr->chr= (uchar) *pos;
- follow_ptr->table_offset=i;
- follow_ptr->len= ++len;
- follow_ptr++;
- }
- follow_ptr->chr=0;
- follow_ptr->table_offset=i;
- follow_ptr->len=len;
- follow_ptr++;
- states+=(uint) len+1;
- }
- for (set_nr=0,pos=0 ; set_nr < sets.count ; set_nr++)
- {
- set=sets.set+set_nr;
- default_state= 0; /* Start from beginning */
- /* If end of found-string not found or start-set with current set */
- for (i= (uint) ~0; (i=get_next_bit(set,i)) ;)
- {
- if (!follow[i].chr)
- {
- if (! default_state)
- default_state= find_found(found_set,set->table_offset,
- set->found_offset+1);
- }
- }
- copy_bits(sets.set+used_sets,set); /* Save set for changes */
- if (!default_state)
- or_bits(sets.set+used_sets,sets.set); /* Can restart from start */
- /* Find all chars that follows current sets */
- bzero((char*) used_chars,sizeof(used_chars));
- for (i= (uint) ~0; (i=get_next_bit(sets.set+used_sets,i)) ;)
- {
- used_chars[follow[i].chr]=1;
- if ((follow[i].chr == SPACE_CHAR && !follow[i+1].chr &&
- follow[i].len > 1) || follow[i].chr == END_OF_LINE)
- used_chars[0]=1;
- }
- /* Mark word_chars used if b is in state */
- if (used_chars[SPACE_CHAR])
- for (pos= word_end_chars ; *pos ; pos++)
- used_chars[(int) (uchar) *pos] = 1;
- /* Handle other used characters */
- for (chr= 0 ; chr < 256 ; chr++)
- {
- if (! used_chars[chr])
- set->next[chr]= chr ? default_state : -1;
- else
- {
- new_set=make_new_set(&sets);
- set=sets.set+set_nr; /* if realloc */
- new_set->table_offset=set->table_offset;
- new_set->found_len=set->found_len;
- new_set->found_offset=set->found_offset+1;
- found_end=0;
- for (i= (uint) ~0 ; (i=get_next_bit(sets.set+used_sets,i)) ; )
- {
- if (!follow[i].chr || follow[i].chr == chr ||
- (follow[i].chr == SPACE_CHAR &&
- (is_word_end[chr] ||
- (!chr && follow[i].len > 1 && ! follow[i+1].chr))) ||
- (follow[i].chr == END_OF_LINE && ! chr))
- {
- if ((! chr || (follow[i].chr && !follow[i+1].chr)) &&
- follow[i].len > found_end)
- found_end=follow[i].len;
- if (chr && follow[i].chr)
- internal_set_bit(new_set,i+1); /* To next set */
- else
- internal_set_bit(new_set,i);
- }
- }
- if (found_end)
- {
- new_set->found_len=0; /* Set for testing if first */
- bits_set=0;
- for (i= (uint) ~0; (i=get_next_bit(new_set,i)) ;)
- {
- if ((follow[i].chr == SPACE_CHAR ||
- follow[i].chr == END_OF_LINE) && ! chr)
- bit_nr=i+1;
- else
- bit_nr=i;
- if (follow[bit_nr-1].len < found_end ||
- (new_set->found_len &&
- (chr == 0 || !follow[bit_nr].chr)))
- internal_clear_bit(new_set,i);
- else
- {
- if (chr == 0 || !follow[bit_nr].chr)
- { /* best match */
- new_set->table_offset=follow[bit_nr].table_offset;
- if (chr || (follow[i].chr == SPACE_CHAR ||
- follow[i].chr == END_OF_LINE))
- new_set->found_offset=found_end; /* New match */
- new_set->found_len=found_end;
- }
- bits_set++;
- }
- }
- if (bits_set == 1)
- {
- set->next[chr] = find_found(found_set,
- new_set->table_offset,
- new_set->found_offset);
- free_last_set(&sets);
- }
- else
- set->next[chr] = find_set(&sets,new_set);
- }
- else
- set->next[chr] = find_set(&sets,new_set);
- }
- }
- }
- /* Alloc replace structure for the replace-state-machine */
- if ((replace=(REPLACE*) my_malloc(sizeof(REPLACE)*(sets.count)+
- sizeof(REPLACE_STRING)*(found_sets+1)+
- sizeof(my_string)*count+result_len,
- {
- rep_str=(REPLACE_STRING*) (replace+sets.count);
- to_array=(my_string*) (rep_str+found_sets+1);
- to_pos=(my_string) (to_array+count);
- for (i=0 ; i < count ; i++)
- {
- to_array[i]=to_pos;
- to_pos=strmov(to_pos,to[i])+1;
- }
- rep_str[0].found=1;
- rep_str[0].replace_string=0;
- for (i=1 ; i <= found_sets ; i++)
- {
- pos=from[found_set[i-1].table_offset];
- rep_str[i].found= !bcmp(pos,"\^",3) ? 2 : 1;
- rep_str[i].replace_string=to_array[found_set[i-1].table_offset];
- rep_str[i].to_offset=found_set[i-1].found_offset-start_at_word(pos);
- rep_str[i].from_offset=found_set[i-1].found_offset-replace_len(pos)+
- end_of_word(pos);
- }
- for (i=0 ; i < sets.count ; i++)
- {
- for (j=0 ; j < 256 ; j++)
- if (sets.set[i].next[j] >= 0)
- replace[i].next[j]=replace+sets.set[i].next[j];
- else
- replace[i].next[j]=(REPLACE*) (rep_str+(-sets.set[i].next[j]-1));
- }
- }
- my_free((gptr) follow,MYF(0));
- free_sets(&sets);
- my_free((gptr) found_set,MYF(0));
- DBUG_PRINT("exit",("Replace table has %d states",sets.count));
- DBUG_RETURN(replace);
- }
- static int init_sets(REP_SETS *sets,uint states)
- {
- bzero((char*) sets,sizeof(*sets));
- sets->size_of_bits=((states+7)/8);
- if (!(sets->set_buffer=(REP_SET*) my_malloc(sizeof(REP_SET)*SET_MALLOC_HUNC,
- MYF(MY_WME))))
- return 1;
- if (!(sets->bit_buffer=(uint*) my_malloc(sizeof(uint)*sets->size_of_bits*
- {
- my_free((gptr) sets->set,MYF(0));
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /* Make help sets invisible for nicer codeing */
- static void make_sets_invisible(REP_SETS *sets)
- {
- sets->invisible=sets->count;
- sets->set+=sets->count;
- sets->count=0;
- }
- static REP_SET *make_new_set(REP_SETS *sets)
- {
- uint i,count,*bit_buffer;
- REP_SET *set;
- if (sets->extra)
- {
- sets->extra--;
- set=sets->set+ sets->count++;
- bzero((char*) set->bits,sizeof(uint)*sets->size_of_bits);
- bzero((char*) &set->next[0],sizeof(set->next[0])*LAST_CHAR_CODE);
- set->found_offset=0;
- set->found_len=0;
- set->table_offset= (uint) ~0;
- set->size_of_bits=sets->size_of_bits;
- return set;
- }
- count=sets->count+sets->invisible+SET_MALLOC_HUNC;
- if (!(set=(REP_SET*) my_realloc((gptr) sets->set_buffer,
- sizeof(REP_SET)*count,
- MYF(MY_WME))))
- return 0;
- sets->set_buffer=set;
- sets->set=set+sets->invisible;
- if (!(bit_buffer=(uint*) my_realloc((gptr) sets->bit_buffer,
- (sizeof(uint)*sets->size_of_bits)*count,
- MYF(MY_WME))))
- return 0;
- sets->bit_buffer=bit_buffer;
- for (i=0 ; i < count ; i++)
- {
- sets->set_buffer[i].bits=bit_buffer;
- bit_buffer+=sets->size_of_bits;
- }
- sets->extra=SET_MALLOC_HUNC;
- return make_new_set(sets);
- }
- static void free_last_set(REP_SETS *sets)
- {
- sets->count--;
- sets->extra++;
- return;
- }
- static void free_sets(REP_SETS *sets)
- {
- my_free((gptr)sets->set_buffer,MYF(0));
- my_free((gptr)sets->bit_buffer,MYF(0));
- return;
- }
- static void internal_set_bit(REP_SET *set, uint bit)
- {
- set->bits[bit / WORD_BIT] |= 1 << (bit % WORD_BIT);
- return;
- }
- static void internal_clear_bit(REP_SET *set, uint bit)
- {
- set->bits[bit / WORD_BIT] &= ~ (1 << (bit % WORD_BIT));
- return;
- }
- static void or_bits(REP_SET *to,REP_SET *from)
- {
- reg1 uint i;
- for (i=0 ; i < to->size_of_bits ; i++)
- to->bits[i]|=from->bits[i];
- return;
- }
- static void copy_bits(REP_SET *to,REP_SET *from)
- {
- memcpy((byte*) to->bits,(byte*) from->bits,
- (size_t) (sizeof(uint) * to->size_of_bits));
- }
- static int cmp_bits(REP_SET *set1,REP_SET *set2)
- {
- return bcmp((byte*) set1->bits,(byte*) set2->bits,
- sizeof(uint) * set1->size_of_bits);
- }
- /* Get next set bit from set. */
- static int get_next_bit(REP_SET *set,uint lastpos)
- {
- uint pos,*start,*end,bits;
- start=set->bits+ ((lastpos+1) / WORD_BIT);
- end=set->bits + set->size_of_bits;
- bits=start[0] & ~((1 << ((lastpos+1) % WORD_BIT)) -1);
- while (! bits && ++start < end)
- bits=start[0];
- if (!bits)
- return 0;
- pos=(uint) (start-set->bits)*WORD_BIT;
- while (! (bits & 1))
- {
- bits>>=1;
- pos++;
- }
- return pos;
- }
- /* find if there is a same set in sets. If there is, use it and
- free given set, else put in given set in sets and return it's
- position */
- static int find_set(REP_SETS *sets,REP_SET *find)
- {
- uint i;
- for (i=0 ; i < sets->count-1 ; i++)
- {
- if (!cmp_bits(sets->set+i,find))
- {
- free_last_set(sets);
- return i;
- }
- }
- return i; /* return new postion */
- }
- /* find if there is a found_set with same table_offset & found_offset
- If there is return offset to it, else add new offset and return pos.
- Pos returned is -offset-2 in found_set_structure because it's is
- saved in set->next and set->next[] >= 0 points to next set and
- set->next[] == -1 is reserved for end without replaces.
- */
- static int find_found(FOUND_SET *found_set,uint table_offset, int found_offset)
- {
- int i;
- for (i=0 ; (uint) i < found_sets ; i++)
- if (found_set[i].table_offset == table_offset &&
- found_set[i].found_offset == found_offset)
- return -i-2;
- found_set[i].table_offset=table_offset;
- found_set[i].found_offset=found_offset;
- found_sets++;
- return -i-2; /* return new postion */
- }
- /* Return 1 if regexp starts with b or ends with b*/
- static uint start_at_word(my_string pos)
- {
- return (((!bcmp(pos,"\b",2) && pos[2]) || !bcmp(pos,"\^",2)) ? 1 : 0);
- }
- static uint end_of_word(my_string pos)
- {
- my_string end=strend(pos);
- return ((end > pos+2 && !bcmp(end-2,"\b",2)) ||
- (end >= pos+2 && !bcmp(end-2,"\$",2))) ?
- 1 : 0;
- }
- static uint replace_len(my_string str)
- {
- uint len=0;
- while (*str)
- {
- if (str[0] == '\' && str[1])
- str++;
- str++;
- len++;
- }
- return len;
- }
- /* The actual loop */
- uint replace_strings(REPLACE *rep, my_string *start,uint *max_length, my_string from)
- {
- reg1 REPLACE *rep_pos;
- reg2 REPLACE_STRING *rep_str;
- my_string to,end,pos,new;
- end=(to= *start) + *max_length-1;
- rep_pos=rep+1;
- for(;;)
- {
- while (!rep_pos->found)
- {
- rep_pos= rep_pos->next[(uchar) *from];
- if (to == end)
- {
- (*max_length)+=8192;
- if (!(new=my_realloc(*start,*max_length,MYF(MY_WME))))
- return (uint) -1;
- to=new+(to - *start);
- end=(*start=new)+ *max_length-1;
- }
- *to++= *from++;
- }
- if (!(rep_str = ((REPLACE_STRING*) rep_pos))->replace_string)
- return (uint) (to - *start)-1;
- updated=1; /* Some my_string is replaced */
- to-=rep_str->to_offset;
- for (pos=rep_str->replace_string; *pos ; pos++)
- {
- if (to == end)
- {
- (*max_length)*=2;
- if (!(new=my_realloc(*start,*max_length,MYF(MY_WME))))
- return (uint) -1;
- to=new+(to - *start);
- end=(*start=new)+ *max_length-1;
- }
- *to++= *pos;
- }
- if (!*(from-=rep_str->from_offset) && rep_pos->found != 2)
- return (uint) (to - *start);
- rep_pos=rep;
- }
- }
- static char *buffer; /* The buffer itself, grown as needed. */
- static int bufbytes; /* Number of bytes in the buffer. */
- static int bufread,my_eof; /* Number of bytes to get with each read(). */
- static uint bufalloc;
- static char *out_buff;
- static uint out_length;
- static int initialize_buffer()
- {
- bufread = 8192;
- bufalloc = bufread + bufread / 2;
- if (!(buffer = my_malloc(bufalloc+1,MYF(MY_WME))))
- return 1;
- bufbytes=my_eof=0;
- out_length=bufread;
- if (!(out_buff=my_malloc(out_length,MYF(MY_WME))))
- return(1);
- return 0;
- }
- static void reset_buffer()
- {
- bufbytes=my_eof=0;
- }
- static void free_buffer()
- {
- my_free(buffer,MYF(MY_WME));
- my_free(out_buff,MYF(MY_WME));
- }
- /*
- Fill the buffer retaining the last n bytes at the beginning of the
- newly filled buffer (for backward context). Returns the number of new
- bytes read from disk.
- */
- static int fill_buffer_retaining(fd,n)
- File fd;
- int n;
- {
- int i;
- /* See if we need to grow the buffer. */
- if ((int) bufalloc - n <= bufread)
- {
- while ((int) bufalloc - n <= bufread)
- {
- bufalloc *= 2;
- bufread *= 2;
- }
- buffer = my_realloc(buffer, bufalloc+1, MYF(MY_WME));
- if (! buffer)
- return(-1);
- }
- /* Shift stuff down. */
- bmove(buffer,buffer+bufbytes-n,(uint) n);
- bufbytes = n;
- if (my_eof)
- return 0;
- /* Read in new stuff. */
- if ((i=(int) my_read(fd, buffer + bufbytes, (uint) bufread,MYF(MY_WME))) < 0)
- return -1;
- /* Kludge to pretend every nonempty file ends with a newline. */
- if (i == 0 && bufbytes > 0 && buffer[bufbytes - 1] != 'n')
- {
- my_eof = i = 1;
- buffer[bufbytes] = 'n';
- }
- bufbytes += i;
- return i;
- }
- /* Return 0 if convert is ok */
- /* Global variable update is set if something was changed */
- static int convert_pipe(rep,in,out)
- REPLACE *rep;
- FILE *in,*out;
- {
- int retain,error;
- uint length;
- char save_char,*end_of_line,*start_of_line;
- DBUG_ENTER("convert_pipe");
- updated=retain=0;
- reset_buffer();
- while ((error=fill_buffer_retaining(fileno(in),retain)) > 0)
- {
- end_of_line=buffer ;
- buffer[bufbytes]=0; /* Sentinel */
- for (;;)
- {
- start_of_line=end_of_line;
- while (end_of_line[0] != 'n' && end_of_line[0])
- end_of_line++;
- if (end_of_line == buffer+bufbytes)
- {
- retain= (int) (end_of_line - start_of_line);
- break; /* No end of line,
- }
- save_char=end_of_line[0];
- end_of_line[0]=0;
- end_of_line++;
- if ((length=replace_strings(rep,&out_buff,&out_length,start_of_line)) ==
- (uint) -1)
- return 1;
- if (!my_eof)
- out_buff[length++]=save_char; /* Don't write added newline */
- if (my_fwrite(out,out_buff,length,MYF(MY_WME | MY_NABP)))
- }
- }
- DBUG_RETURN(error);
- }
- static int convert_file(rep,name)
- REPLACE *rep;
- my_string name;
- {
- int error;
- FILE *in,*out;
- char dir_buff[FN_REFLEN],*tempname;
- DBUG_ENTER("convert_file");
- if (!(in=my_fopen(name,O_RDONLY,MYF(MY_WME))))
- dirname_part(dir_buff,name);
- tempname=my_tempnam(dir_buff,"PR",MYF(MY_WME));
- if (!(out=my_fopen(tempname,(int) (O_WRONLY | O_CREAT),
- MYF(MY_WME))))
- {
- (*free)(tempname);
- my_fclose(in,MYF(0));
- }
- error=convert_pipe(rep,in,out);
- my_fclose(in,MYF(0)); my_fclose(out,MYF(0));
- if (updated && ! error)
- my_redel(name,tempname,MYF(MY_WME | MY_LINK_WARNING));
- else
- my_delete(tempname,MYF(MY_WME));
- (*free)(tempname);
- if (!silent && ! error)
- {
- if (updated)
- printf("%s convertedn",name);
- else if (verbose)
- printf("%s left unchangedn",name);
- }
- DBUG_RETURN(error);
- }