- /* Copyright (C) 2001-2004 MySQL AB
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */
- #define MYSQL_CLIENT
- #include "client_priv.h"
- #include <my_time.h>
- #include "log_event.h"
- char server_version[SERVER_VERSION_LENGTH];
- ulong server_id = 0;
- // needed by net_serv.c
- ulong bytes_sent = 0L, bytes_received = 0L;
- ulong mysqld_net_retry_count = 10L;
- ulong open_files_limit;
- uint test_flags = 0;
- static uint opt_protocol= 0;
- static FILE *result_file;
- #ifndef DBUG_OFF
- static const char* default_dbug_option = "d:t:o,/tmp/mysqlbinlog.trace";
- #endif
- static const char *load_default_groups[]= { "mysqlbinlog","client",0 };
- void sql_print_error(const char *format, ...);
- static bool one_database=0, to_last_remote_log= 0, disable_log_bin= 0;
- static const char* database= 0;
- static my_bool force_opt= 0, short_form= 0, remote_opt= 0;
- static ulonglong offset = 0;
- static const char* host = 0;
- static int port = MYSQL_PORT;
- static const char* sock= 0;
- static const char* user = 0;
- static char* pass = 0;
- static ulonglong start_position, stop_position;
- #define start_position_mot ((my_off_t)start_position)
- #define stop_position_mot ((my_off_t)stop_position)
- static char *start_datetime_str, *stop_datetime_str;
- static my_time_t start_datetime= 0, stop_datetime= MY_TIME_T_MAX;
- static ulonglong rec_count= 0;
- static short binlog_flags = 0;
- static MYSQL* mysql = NULL;
- static const char* dirname_for_local_load= 0;
- static bool stop_passed= 0;
- static int dump_local_log_entries(const char* logname);
- static int dump_remote_log_entries(const char* logname);
- static int dump_log_entries(const char* logname);
- static int dump_remote_file(NET* net, const char* fname);
- static void die(const char* fmt, ...);
- static MYSQL* safe_connect();
- class Load_log_processor
- {
- char target_dir_name[FN_REFLEN];
- int target_dir_name_len;
- DYNAMIC_ARRAY file_names;
- /*
- Looking for new uniquie filename that doesn't exist yet by
- adding postfix -%x
- create_unique_file()
- filename buffer for filename
- file_name_end tail of buffer that should be changed
- should point to a memory enough to printf("-%x",..)
- values less than 0 - can't find new filename
- values great or equal 0 - created file with found filename
- */
- File create_unique_file(char *filename, char *file_name_end)
- {
- File res;
- /* If we have to try more than 1000 times, something is seriously wrong */
- for (uint version= 0; version<1000; version++)
- {
- sprintf(file_name_end,"-%x",version);
- if ((res= my_create(filename,0,
- return res;
- }
- return -1;
- }
- public:
- Load_log_processor() {}
- ~Load_log_processor()
- {
- destroy();
- delete_dynamic(&file_names);
- }
- int init()
- {
- return init_dynamic_array(&file_names,sizeof(Create_file_log_event*),
- 100,100 CALLER_INFO);
- }
- void init_by_dir_name(const char *dir)
- {
- target_dir_name_len= (convert_dirname(target_dir_name, dir, NullS) -
- target_dir_name);
- }
- void init_by_cur_dir()
- {
- if (my_getwd(target_dir_name,sizeof(target_dir_name),MYF(MY_WME)))
- exit(1);
- target_dir_name_len= strlen(target_dir_name);
- }
- void destroy()
- {
- Create_file_log_event **ptr= (Create_file_log_event**)file_names.buffer;
- Create_file_log_event **end= ptr + file_names.elements;
- for (; ptr<end; ptr++)
- {
- if (*ptr)
- {
- my_free((char*)(*ptr)->fname,MYF(MY_WME));
- delete *ptr;
- *ptr= 0;
- }
- }
- }
- Create_file_log_event *grab_event(uint file_id)
- {
- if (file_id >= file_names.elements)
- return 0;
- Create_file_log_event **ptr=
- (Create_file_log_event**)file_names.buffer + file_id;
- Create_file_log_event *res= *ptr;
- *ptr= 0;
- return res;
- }
- int process(Create_file_log_event *ce);
- int process(Append_block_log_event *ae);
- File prepare_new_file_for_old_format(Load_log_event *le, char *filename);
- int load_old_format_file(NET* net, const char *server_fname,
- uint server_fname_len, File file);
- };
- File Load_log_processor::prepare_new_file_for_old_format(Load_log_event *le,
- char *filename)
- {
- uint len;
- char *tail;
- File file;
- fn_format(filename, le->fname, target_dir_name, "", 1);
- len= strlen(filename);
- tail= filename + len;
- if ((file= create_unique_file(filename,tail)) < 0)
- {
- sql_print_error("Could not construct local filename %s",filename);
- return -1;
- }
- le->set_fname_outside_temp_buf(filename,len+strlen(tail));
- return file;
- }
- int Load_log_processor::load_old_format_file(NET* net, const char*server_fname,
- uint server_fname_len, File file)
- {
- char buf[FN_REFLEN+1];
- buf[0] = 0;
- memcpy(buf + 1, server_fname, server_fname_len + 1);
- if (my_net_write(net, buf, server_fname_len +2) || net_flush(net))
- {
- sql_print_error("Failed requesting the remote dump of %s", server_fname);
- return -1;
- }
- for (;;)
- {
- ulong packet_len = my_net_read(net);
- if (packet_len == 0)
- {
- if (my_net_write(net, "", 0) || net_flush(net))
- {
- sql_print_error("Failed sending the ack packet");
- return -1;
- }
- /*
- we just need to send something, as the server will read but
- not examine the packet - this is because mysql_load() sends
- an OK when it is done
- */
- break;
- }
- else if (packet_len == packet_error)
- {
- sql_print_error("Failed reading a packet during the dump of %s ",
- server_fname);
- return -1;
- }
- if (packet_len > UINT_MAX)
- {
- sql_print_error("Illegal length of packet read from net");
- return -1;
- }
- if (my_write(file, (byte*) net->read_pos,
- (uint) packet_len, MYF(MY_WME|MY_NABP)))
- return -1;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int Load_log_processor::process(Create_file_log_event *ce)
- {
- const char *bname= ce->fname+dirname_length(ce->fname);
- uint blen= ce->fname_len - (bname-ce->fname);
- uint full_len= target_dir_name_len + blen + 9 + 9 + 1;
- int error= 0;
- char *fname, *ptr;
- File file;
- DBUG_ENTER("Load_log_processor::process");
- if (set_dynamic(&file_names,(gptr)&ce,ce->file_id))
- {
- sql_print_error("Could not construct local filename %s%s",
- target_dir_name,bname);
- }
- if (!(fname= my_malloc(full_len,MYF(MY_WME))))
- memcpy(fname, target_dir_name, target_dir_name_len);
- ptr= fname + target_dir_name_len;
- memcpy(ptr,bname,blen);
- ptr+= blen;
- ptr+= my_sprintf(ptr,(ptr,"-%x",ce->file_id));
- if ((file= create_unique_file(fname,ptr)) < 0)
- {
- sql_print_error("Could not construct local filename %s%s",
- target_dir_name,bname);
- }
- ce->set_fname_outside_temp_buf(fname,strlen(fname));
- if (my_write(file,(byte*) ce->block,ce->block_len,MYF(MY_WME|MY_NABP)))
- error= -1;
- if (my_close(file, MYF(MY_WME)))
- error= -1;
- DBUG_RETURN(error);
- }
- int Load_log_processor::process(Append_block_log_event *ae)
- {
- DBUG_ENTER("Load_log_processor::process");
- Create_file_log_event* ce= ((ae->file_id < file_names.elements) ?
- *((Create_file_log_event**)file_names.buffer +
- ae->file_id) :
- 0);
- if (ce)
- {
- File file;
- int error= 0;
- if (((file= my_open(ce->fname,
- if (my_write(file,(byte*)ae->block,ae->block_len,MYF(MY_WME|MY_NABP)))
- error= -1;
- if (my_close(file,MYF(MY_WME)))
- error= -1;
- DBUG_RETURN(error);
- }
- /*
- There is no Create_file event (a bad binlog or a big
- --position). Assuming it's a big --position, we just do nothing and
- print a warning.
- */
- fprintf(stderr,"Warning: ignoring Append_block as there is no
- Create_file event for file_id: %un",ae->file_id);
- }
- Load_log_processor load_processor;
- /*
- 0 ok and continue
- 1 error and terminate
- -1 ok and terminate
- This function returns 0 even in some error cases. This should be changed.
- */
- int process_event(char *last_db, Log_event *ev, my_off_t pos, int old_format)
- {
- char ll_buff[21];
- DBUG_ENTER("process_event");
- if ((rec_count >= offset) &&
- ((my_time_t)(ev->when) >= start_datetime))
- {
- /*
- We have found an event after start_datetime, from now on print
- everything (in case the binlog has timestamps increasing and decreasing,
- we do this to avoid cutting the middle).
- */
- start_datetime= 0;
- offset= 0; // print everything and protect against cycling rec_count
- if (((my_time_t)(ev->when) >= stop_datetime)
- || (pos >= stop_position_mot))
- {
- stop_passed= 1; // skip all next binlogs
- }
- if (!short_form)
- fprintf(result_file, "# at %sn",llstr(pos,ll_buff));
- switch (ev->get_type_code()) {
- if (one_database)
- {
- const char * log_dbname = ((Query_log_event*)ev)->db;
- if ((log_dbname != NULL) && (strcmp(log_dbname, database)))
- goto end;
- }
- ev->print(result_file, short_form, last_db);
- break;
- {
- Create_file_log_event* ce= (Create_file_log_event*)ev;
- if (one_database)
- {
- /*
- We test if this event has to be ignored. If yes, we don't save
- this event; this will have the good side-effect of ignoring all
- related Append_block and Exec_load.
- Note that Load event from 3.23 is not tested.
- */
- const char * log_dbname = ce->db;
- if ((log_dbname != NULL) && (strcmp(log_dbname, database)))
- goto end; // Next event
- }
- /*
- We print the event, but with a leading '#': this is just to inform
- the user of the original command; the command we want to execute
- will be a derivation of this original command (we will change the
- filename and use LOCAL), prepared in the 'case EXEC_LOAD_EVENT'
- below.
- */
- ce->print(result_file, short_form, last_db, TRUE);
- if (!old_format)
- {
- if (load_processor.process(ce))
- break; // Error
- ev= 0;
- }
- break;
- }
- ev->print(result_file, short_form, last_db);
- if (load_processor.process((Append_block_log_event*) ev))
- break; // Error
- break;
- {
- ev->print(result_file, short_form, last_db);
- Execute_load_log_event *exv= (Execute_load_log_event*)ev;
- Create_file_log_event *ce= load_processor.grab_event(exv->file_id);
- /*
- if ce is 0, it probably means that we have not seen the Create_file
- event (a bad binlog, or most probably --position is after the
- Create_file event). Print a warning comment.
- */
- if (ce)
- {
- ce->print(result_file, short_form, last_db, TRUE);
- my_free((char*)ce->fname,MYF(MY_WME));
- delete ce;
- }
- else
- fprintf(stderr,"Warning: ignoring Exec_load as there is no
- Create_file event for file_id: %un",exv->file_id);
- break;
- }
- default:
- ev->print(result_file, short_form, last_db);
- }
- }
- end:
- rec_count++;
- if (ev)
- delete ev;
- }
- static struct my_option my_long_options[] =
- {
- #ifdef __NETWARE__
- {"auto-close", OPT_AUTO_CLOSE, "Auto close the screen on exit for Netware.",
- 0, 0, 0, GET_NO_ARG, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
- #endif
- #ifndef DBUG_OFF
- {"debug", '#', "Output debug log.", (gptr*) &default_dbug_option,
- (gptr*) &default_dbug_option, 0, GET_STR, OPT_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
- #endif
- {"database", 'd', "List entries for just this database (local log only).",
- (gptr*) &database, (gptr*) &database, 0, GET_STR_ALLOC, REQUIRED_ARG,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
- {"disable-log-bin", 'D', "Disable binary log. This is useful, if you "
- "enabled --to-last-log and are sending the output to the same MySQL server. "
- "This way you could avoid an endless loop. You would also like to use it "
- "when restoring after a crash to avoid duplication of the statements you "
- "already have. NOTE: you will need a SUPER privilege to use this option.",
- (gptr*) &disable_log_bin, (gptr*) &disable_log_bin, 0, GET_BOOL,
- NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
- {"force-read", 'f', "Force reading unknown binlog events.",
- (gptr*) &force_opt, (gptr*) &force_opt, 0, GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0,
- 0, 0},
- {"help", '?', "Display this help and exit.",
- 0, 0, 0, GET_NO_ARG, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
- {"host", 'h', "Get the binlog from server.", (gptr*) &host, (gptr*) &host,
- 0, GET_STR_ALLOC, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
- {"offset", 'o', "Skip the first N entries.", (gptr*) &offset, (gptr*) &offset,
- 0, GET_ULL, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
- {"password", 'p', "Password to connect to remote server.",
- 0, 0, 0, GET_STR, OPT_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
- {"port", 'P', "Use port to connect to the remote server.",
- (gptr*) &port, (gptr*) &port, 0, GET_INT, REQUIRED_ARG, MYSQL_PORT, 0, 0,
- 0, 0, 0},
- {"position", 'j', "Deprecated. Use --start-position instead.",
- (gptr*) &start_position, (gptr*) &start_position, 0, GET_ULL,
- /* COM_BINLOG_DUMP accepts only 4 bytes for the position */
- (ulonglong)(~(uint32)0), 0, 0, 0},
- {"protocol", OPT_MYSQL_PROTOCOL,
- "The protocol of connection (tcp,socket,pipe,memory).",
- 0, 0, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
- {"result-file", 'r', "Direct output to a given file.", 0, 0, 0, GET_STR,
- REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
- {"read-from-remote-server", 'R', "Read binary logs from a MySQL server",
- (gptr*) &remote_opt, (gptr*) &remote_opt, 0, GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0,
- 0, 0},
- {"open_files_limit", OPT_OPEN_FILES_LIMIT,
- "Used to reserve file descriptors for usage by this program",
- (gptr*) &open_files_limit, (gptr*) &open_files_limit, 0, GET_ULONG,
- {"short-form", 's', "Just show the queries, no extra info.",
- (gptr*) &short_form, (gptr*) &short_form, 0, GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0,
- 0, 0},
- {"socket", 'S', "Socket file to use for connection.",
- (gptr*) &sock, (gptr*) &sock, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0,
- 0, 0},
- {"start-datetime", OPT_START_DATETIME,
- "Start reading the binlog at first event having a datetime equal or "
- "posterior to the argument; the argument must be a date and time "
- "in the local time zone, in any format accepted by the MySQL server "
- "for DATETIME and TIMESTAMP types, for example: 2004-12-25 11:25:56 "
- "(you should probably use quotes for your shell to set it properly).",
- (gptr*) &start_datetime_str, (gptr*) &start_datetime_str,
- 0, GET_STR_ALLOC, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
- {"stop-datetime", OPT_STOP_DATETIME,
- "Stop reading the binlog at first event having a datetime equal or "
- "posterior to the argument; the argument must be a date and time "
- "in the local time zone, in any format accepted by the MySQL server "
- "for DATETIME and TIMESTAMP types, for example: 2004-12-25 11:25:56 "
- "(you should probably use quotes for your shell to set it properly).",
- (gptr*) &stop_datetime_str, (gptr*) &stop_datetime_str,
- 0, GET_STR_ALLOC, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
- {"start-position", OPT_START_POSITION,
- "Start reading the binlog at position N. Applies to the first binlog "
- "passed on the command line.",
- (gptr*) &start_position, (gptr*) &start_position, 0, GET_ULL,
- /* COM_BINLOG_DUMP accepts only 4 bytes for the position */
- (ulonglong)(~(uint32)0), 0, 0, 0},
- {"stop-position", OPT_STOP_POSITION,
- "Stop reading the binlog at position N. Applies to the last binlog "
- "passed on the command line.",
- (gptr*) &stop_position, (gptr*) &stop_position, 0, GET_ULL,
- REQUIRED_ARG, (ulonglong)(~(my_off_t)0), BIN_LOG_HEADER_SIZE,
- (ulonglong)(~(my_off_t)0), 0, 0, 0},
- {"to-last-log", 't', "Requires -R. Will not stop at the end of the
- requested binlog but rather continue printing until the end of the last
- binlog of the MySQL server. If you send the output to the same MySQL server,
- that may lead to an endless loop.",
- (gptr*) &to_last_remote_log, (gptr*) &to_last_remote_log, 0, GET_BOOL,
- NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
- {"user", 'u', "Connect to the remote server as username.",
- (gptr*) &user, (gptr*) &user, 0, GET_STR_ALLOC, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0,
- 0, 0},
- {"local-load", 'l', "Prepare local temporary files for LOAD DATA INFILE in the specified directory.",
- (gptr*) &dirname_for_local_load, (gptr*) &dirname_for_local_load, 0,
- GET_STR_ALLOC, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
- {"version", 'V', "Print version and exit.", 0, 0, 0, GET_NO_ARG, NO_ARG, 0,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
- {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, GET_NO_ARG, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
- };
- void sql_print_error(const char *format,...)
- {
- va_list args;
- va_start(args, format);
- fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: ");
- vfprintf(stderr, format, args);
- fprintf(stderr, "n");
- va_end(args);
- }
- static void cleanup()
- {
- my_free(pass,MYF(MY_ALLOW_ZERO_PTR));
- my_free((char*) database, MYF(MY_ALLOW_ZERO_PTR));
- my_free((char*) host, MYF(MY_ALLOW_ZERO_PTR));
- my_free((char*) user, MYF(MY_ALLOW_ZERO_PTR));
- my_free((char*) dirname_for_local_load, MYF(MY_ALLOW_ZERO_PTR));
- }
- static void die(const char* fmt, ...)
- {
- va_list args;
- va_start(args, fmt);
- fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: ");
- vfprintf(stderr, fmt, args);
- fprintf(stderr, "n");
- va_end(args);
- cleanup();
- my_end(0);
- exit(1);
- }
- #include <help_start.h>
- static void print_version()
- {
- printf("%s Ver 3.0 for %s at %sn", my_progname, SYSTEM_TYPE, MACHINE_TYPE);
- }
- static void usage()
- {
- print_version();
- puts("By Monty and Sasha, for your professional usen
- This software comes with NO WARRANTY: This is free software,n
- and you are welcome to modify and redistribute it under the GPL licensen");
- printf("
- Dumps a MySQL binary log in a format usable for viewing or for piping ton
- the mysql command line clientnn");
- printf("Usage: %s [options] log-filesn", my_progname);
- my_print_help(my_long_options);
- my_print_variables(my_long_options);
- }
- static my_time_t convert_str_to_timestamp(const char* str)
- {
- int was_cut;
- MYSQL_TIME l_time;
- long dummy_my_timezone;
- bool dummy_in_dst_time_gap;
- /* We require a total specification (date AND time) */
- if (str_to_datetime(str, strlen(str), &l_time, 0, &was_cut) !=
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "Incorrect date and time argument: %sn", str);
- exit(1);
- }
- /*
- Note that Feb 30th, Apr 31st cause no error messages and are mapped to
- the next existing day, like in mysqld. Maybe this could be changed when
- mysqld is changed too (with its "strict" mode?).
- */
- return
- my_system_gmt_sec(&l_time, &dummy_my_timezone, &dummy_in_dst_time_gap);
- }
- #include <help_end.h>
- extern "C" my_bool
- get_one_option(int optid, const struct my_option *opt __attribute__((unused)),
- char *argument)
- {
- bool tty_password=0;
- switch (optid) {
- #ifdef __NETWARE__
- setscreenmode(SCR_AUTOCLOSE_ON_EXIT);
- break;
- #endif
- #ifndef DBUG_OFF
- case '#':
- DBUG_PUSH(argument ? argument : default_dbug_option);
- break;
- #endif
- case 'd':
- one_database = 1;
- break;
- case 'p':
- if (argument)
- {
- my_free(pass,MYF(MY_ALLOW_ZERO_PTR));
- char *start=argument;
- pass= my_strdup(argument,MYF(MY_FAE));
- while (*argument) *argument++= 'x'; /* Destroy argument */
- if (*start)
- start[1]=0; /* Cut length of argument */
- }
- else
- tty_password=1;
- break;
- case 'r':
- if (!(result_file = my_fopen(argument, O_WRONLY | O_BINARY, MYF(MY_WME))))
- exit(1);
- break;
- case 'R':
- remote_opt= 1;
- break;
- {
- if ((opt_protocol= find_type(argument, &sql_protocol_typelib,0)) <= 0)
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "Unknown option to protocol: %sn", argument);
- exit(1);
- }
- break;
- }
- start_datetime= convert_str_to_timestamp(start_datetime_str);
- break;
- stop_datetime= convert_str_to_timestamp(stop_datetime_str);
- break;
- case 'V':
- print_version();
- exit(0);
- case '?':
- usage();
- exit(0);
- }
- if (tty_password)
- pass= get_tty_password(NullS);
- return 0;
- }
- static int parse_args(int *argc, char*** argv)
- {
- int ho_error;
- result_file = stdout;
- load_defaults("my",load_default_groups,argc,argv);
- if ((ho_error=handle_options(argc, argv, my_long_options, get_one_option)))
- exit(ho_error);
- return 0;
- }
- static MYSQL* safe_connect()
- {
- MYSQL *local_mysql= mysql_init(NULL);
- if (!local_mysql)
- die("Failed on mysql_init");
- if (opt_protocol)
- mysql_options(local_mysql, MYSQL_OPT_PROTOCOL, (char*) &opt_protocol);
- if (!mysql_real_connect(local_mysql, host, user, pass, 0, port, sock, 0))
- {
- char errmsg[256];
- strmake(errmsg, mysql_error(local_mysql), sizeof(errmsg)-1);
- mysql_close(local_mysql);
- die("failed on connect: %s", errmsg);
- }
- return local_mysql;
- }
- static int dump_log_entries(const char* logname)
- {
- return (remote_opt ? dump_remote_log_entries(logname) :
- dump_local_log_entries(logname));
- }
- static int check_master_version(MYSQL* mysql)
- {
- MYSQL_RES* res = 0;
- MYSQL_ROW row;
- const char* version;
- int old_format = 0;
- if (mysql_query(mysql, "SELECT VERSION()") ||
- !(res = mysql_store_result(mysql)))
- {
- char errmsg[256];
- strmake(errmsg, mysql_error(mysql), sizeof(errmsg)-1);
- mysql_close(mysql);
- die("Error checking master version: %s", errmsg);
- }
- if (!(row = mysql_fetch_row(res)))
- {
- mysql_free_result(res);
- mysql_close(mysql);
- die("Master returned no rows for SELECT VERSION()");
- return 1;
- }
- if (!(version = row[0]))
- {
- mysql_free_result(res);
- mysql_close(mysql);
- die("Master reported NULL for the version");
- }
- switch (*version) {
- case '3':
- old_format = 1;
- break;
- case '4':
- case '5':
- old_format = 0;
- break;
- default:
- sql_print_error("Master reported unrecognized MySQL version '%s'",
- version);
- mysql_free_result(res);
- mysql_close(mysql);
- return 1;
- }
- mysql_free_result(res);
- return old_format;
- }
- static int dump_remote_log_entries(const char* logname)
- {
- char buf[128];
- char last_db[FN_REFLEN+1] = "";
- ulong len;
- uint logname_len;
- NET* net;
- int old_format;
- int error= 0;
- my_off_t old_off= start_position_mot;
- char fname[FN_REFLEN+1];
- DBUG_ENTER("dump_remote_log_entries");
- /*
- Even if we already read one binlog (case of >=2 binlogs on command line),
- we cannot re-use the same connection as before, because it is now dead
- (COM_BINLOG_DUMP kills the thread when it finishes).
- */
- mysql= safe_connect();
- net= &mysql->net;
- old_format = check_master_version(mysql);
- /*
- COM_BINLOG_DUMP accepts only 4 bytes for the position, so we are forced to
- cast to uint32.
- */
- int4store(buf, (uint32)start_position);
- int2store(buf + BIN_LOG_HEADER_SIZE, binlog_flags);
- size_s tlen = strlen(logname);
- if (tlen > UINT_MAX)
- {
- fprintf(stderr,"Log name too longn");
- error= 1;
- goto err;
- }
- logname_len = (uint) tlen;
- int4store(buf + 6, 0);
- memcpy(buf + 10, logname, logname_len);
- if (simple_command(mysql, COM_BINLOG_DUMP, buf, logname_len + 10, 1))
- {
- fprintf(stderr,"Got fatal error sending the log dump commandn");
- error= 1;
- goto err;
- }
- for (;;)
- {
- const char *error_msg;
- len = net_safe_read(mysql);
- if (len == packet_error)
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "Got error reading packet from server: %sn",
- mysql_error(mysql));
- error= 1;
- goto err;
- }
- if (len < 8 && net->read_pos[0] == 254)
- break; // end of data
- DBUG_PRINT("info",( "len= %u, net->read_pos[5] = %dn",
- len, net->read_pos[5]));
- Log_event *ev = Log_event::read_log_event((const char*) net->read_pos + 1 ,
- len - 1, &error_msg, old_format);
- if (!ev)
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "Could not construct log event objectn");
- error= 1;
- goto err;
- }
- Log_event_type type= ev->get_type_code();
- if (!old_format || ( type != LOAD_EVENT && type != CREATE_FILE_EVENT))
- {
- if (ev->get_type_code() == ROTATE_EVENT)
- {
- Rotate_log_event *rev= (Rotate_log_event *)ev;
- /*
- mysqld is sending us all its binlogs after the requested one, but we
- don't want them.
- If this is a fake Rotate event, and not about our log, we can stop
- transfer. If this a real Rotate event (so it's not about our log,
- it's in our log describing the next log), we print it (because it's
- part of our log) and then we will stop when we receive the fake one
- soon.
- This is suitable for binlogs, not relay logs (but for now we don't
- read relay logs remotely because the server is not able to do
- that). If one day we read relay logs remotely, then we will have a
- problem with the detection below: relay logs contain Rotate events
- which are about the binlogs, so which would trigger the end-detection
- below.
- */
- if (rev->when == 0)
- {
- if (!to_last_remote_log)
- {
- if ((rev->ident_len != logname_len) ||
- memcmp(rev->new_log_ident, logname, logname_len))
- {
- error= 0;
- goto err;
- }
- /*
- Otherwise, this is a fake Rotate for our log, at the very
- beginning for sure. Skip it, because it was not in the original
- log. If we are running with to_last_remote_log, we print it,
- because it serves as a useful marker between binlogs then.
- */
- continue;
- }
- len= 1; // fake Rotate, so don't increment old_off
- }
- }
- if ((error= process_event(last_db,ev,old_off,old_format)))
- {
- error= ((error < 0) ? 0 : 1);
- goto err;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- Load_log_event *le= (Load_log_event*)ev;
- const char *old_fname= le->fname;
- uint old_len= le->fname_len;
- File file;
- if ((file= load_processor.prepare_new_file_for_old_format(le,fname)) < 0)
- {
- error= 1;
- goto err;
- }
- if ((error= process_event(last_db,ev,old_off,old_format)))
- {
- my_close(file,MYF(MY_WME));
- error= ((error < 0) ? 0 : 1);
- goto err;
- }
- if (load_processor.load_old_format_file(net,old_fname,old_len,file))
- {
- my_close(file,MYF(MY_WME));
- error= 1;
- goto err;
- }
- my_close(file,MYF(MY_WME));
- }
- /*
- Let's adjust offset for remote log as for local log to produce
- similar text.
- */
- old_off+= len-1;
- }
- err:
- mysql_close(mysql);
- DBUG_RETURN(error);
- }
- static int check_header(IO_CACHE* file)
- {
- byte header[BIN_LOG_HEADER_SIZE];
- byte buf[PROBE_HEADER_LEN];
- int old_format=0;
- DBUG_ENTER("check_header");
- my_off_t pos = my_b_tell(file);
- my_b_seek(file, (my_off_t)0);
- if (my_b_read(file, header, sizeof(header)))
- die("Failed reading header; Probably an empty file");
- if (memcmp(header, BINLOG_MAGIC, sizeof(header)))
- die("File is not a binary log file");
- if (!my_b_read(file, buf, sizeof(buf)))
- {
- if (buf[4] == START_EVENT)
- {
- uint event_len;
- event_len = uint4korr(buf + EVENT_LEN_OFFSET);
- old_format = (event_len < (LOG_EVENT_HEADER_LEN + START_HEADER_LEN));
- }
- }
- my_b_seek(file, pos);
- DBUG_RETURN(old_format);
- }
- static int dump_local_log_entries(const char* logname)
- {
- File fd = -1;
- IO_CACHE cache,*file= &cache;
- char last_db[FN_REFLEN+1];
- byte tmp_buff[BIN_LOG_HEADER_SIZE];
- bool old_format = 0;
- int error= 0;
- last_db[0]= 0;
- if (logname && logname[0] != '-')
- {
- if ((fd = my_open(logname, O_RDONLY | O_BINARY, MYF(MY_WME))) < 0)
- return 1;
- if (init_io_cache(file, fd, 0, READ_CACHE, start_position_mot, 0,
- {
- my_close(fd, MYF(MY_WME));
- exit(1);
- }
- old_format = check_header(file);
- }
- else
- {
- if (init_io_cache(file, fileno(result_file), 0, READ_CACHE, (my_off_t) 0,
- return 1;
- old_format = check_header(file);
- if (start_position)
- {
- /* skip 'start_position' characters from stdout */
- byte buff[IO_SIZE];
- my_off_t length,tmp;
- for (length= start_position_mot ; length > 0 ; length-=tmp)
- {
- tmp=min(length,sizeof(buff));
- if (my_b_read(file, buff, (uint) tmp))
- {
- error= 1;
- goto end;
- }
- }
- }
- file->pos_in_file= start_position_mot;
- file->seek_not_done=0;
- }
- if (!start_position)
- {
- // Skip header
- if (my_b_read(file, tmp_buff, BIN_LOG_HEADER_SIZE))
- {
- error= 1;
- goto end;
- }
- }
- for (;;)
- {
- char llbuff[21];
- my_off_t old_off = my_b_tell(file);
- Log_event* ev = Log_event::read_log_event(file, old_format);
- if (!ev)
- {
- if (file->error)
- {
- fprintf(stderr,
- "Could not read entry at offset %s:"
- "Error in log format or read errorn",
- llstr(old_off,llbuff));
- error= 1;
- }
- // file->error == 0 means EOF, that's OK, we break in this case
- break;
- }
- if ((error= process_event(last_db,ev,old_off,false)))
- {
- if (error < 0)
- error= 0;
- break;
- }
- }
- end:
- if (fd >= 0)
- my_close(fd, MYF(MY_WME));
- end_io_cache(file);
- return error;
- }
- int main(int argc, char** argv)
- {
- static char **defaults_argv;
- int exit_value= 0;
- ulonglong save_stop_position;
- MY_INIT(argv[0]);
- DBUG_ENTER("main");
- DBUG_PROCESS(argv[0]);
- init_time(); // for time functions
- parse_args(&argc, (char***)&argv);
- defaults_argv=argv;
- if (!argc)
- {
- usage();
- free_defaults(defaults_argv);
- exit(1);
- }
- my_set_max_open_files(open_files_limit);
- MY_TMPDIR tmpdir;
- tmpdir.list= 0;
- if (!dirname_for_local_load)
- {
- if (init_tmpdir(&tmpdir, 0))
- exit(1);
- dirname_for_local_load= my_strdup(my_tmpdir(&tmpdir), MY_WME);
- }
- if (load_processor.init())
- exit(1);
- if (dirname_for_local_load)
- load_processor.init_by_dir_name(dirname_for_local_load);
- else
- load_processor.init_by_cur_dir();
- fprintf(result_file,
- "/*!40019 SET @@session.max_insert_delayed_threads=0*/;n");
- if (disable_log_bin)
- fprintf(result_file,
- "/*!32316 SET @OLD_SQL_LOG_BIN=@@SQL_LOG_BIN, SQL_LOG_BIN=0*/;n");
- for (save_stop_position= stop_position, stop_position= ~(my_off_t)0 ;
- (--argc >= 0) && !stop_passed ; )
- {
- if (argc == 0) // last log, --stop-position applies
- stop_position= save_stop_position;
- if (dump_log_entries(*(argv++)))
- {
- exit_value=1;
- break;
- }
- // For next log, --start-position does not apply
- start_position= BIN_LOG_HEADER_SIZE;
- }
- if (disable_log_bin)
- fprintf(result_file, "/*!32316 SET SQL_LOG_BIN=@OLD_SQL_LOG_BIN*/;n");
- if (tmpdir.list)
- free_tmpdir(&tmpdir);
- if (result_file != stdout)
- my_fclose(result_file, MYF(0));
- cleanup();
- free_defaults(defaults_argv);
- my_free_open_file_info();
- my_end(0);
- exit(exit_value);
- DBUG_RETURN(exit_value); // Keep compilers happy
- }
- /*
- We must include this here as it's compiled with different options for
- the server
- */
- #ifdef __WIN__
- #include "log_event.cpp"
- #else
- #include ""
- #endif