- /* Copyright (C) 2004 MySQL AB
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */
- /*
- Most of the following code and structures were derived from
- public domain code from
- (We will refer to this code as to elsie-code further.)
- */
- /*
- We should not include mysql_priv.h in mysql_tzinfo_to_sql utility since
- it creates unsolved link dependencies on some platforms.
- */
- #pragma implementation // gcc: Class implementation
- #endif
- #include <my_global.h>
- #if !defined(TZINFO2SQL) && !defined(TESTTIME)
- #include "mysql_priv.h"
- #else
- #include <my_time.h>
- #include "tztime.h"
- #include <my_sys.h>
- #endif
- #include "tzfile.h"
- #include <m_string.h>
- #include <my_dir.h>
- /*
- Now we don't use abbreviations in server but we will do this in future.
- */
- #if defined(TZINFO2SQL) || defined(TESTTIME)
- #define ABBR_ARE_USED
- #else
- #if !defined(DBUG_OFF)
- /* Let use abbreviations for debug purposes */
- #undef ABBR_ARE_USED
- #define ABBR_ARE_USED
- #endif /* !defined(DBUG_OFF) */
- #endif /* defined(TZINFO2SQL) || defined(TESTTIME) */
- /* Structure describing local time type (e.g. Moscow summer time (MSD)) */
- typedef struct ttinfo
- {
- long tt_gmtoff; // Offset from UTC in seconds
- uint tt_isdst; // Is daylight saving time or not. Used to set tm_isdst
- #ifdef ABBR_ARE_USED
- uint tt_abbrind; // Index of start of abbreviation for this time type.
- #endif
- /*
- We don't use tt_ttisstd and tt_ttisgmt members of original elsie-code
- struct since we don't support POSIX-style TZ descriptions in variables.
- */
- /* Structure describing leap-second corrections. */
- typedef struct lsinfo
- {
- my_time_t ls_trans; // Transition time
- long ls_corr; // Correction to apply
- } LS_INFO;
- /*
- Structure with information describing ranges of my_time_t shifted to local
- time (my_time_t + offset). Used for local TIME -> my_time_t conversion.
- See comments for TIME_to_gmt_sec() for more info.
- */
- typedef struct revtinfo
- {
- long rt_offset; // Offset of local time from UTC in seconds
- uint rt_type; // Type of period 0 - Normal period. 1 - Spring time-gap
- #ifdef TZNAME_MAX
- #endif
- #ifndef TZNAME_MAX
- #define MY_TZNAME_MAX 255
- #endif
- /*
- Structure which fully describes time zone which is
- described in our db or in zoneinfo files.
- */
- typedef struct st_time_zone_info
- {
- uint leapcnt; // Number of leap-second corrections
- uint timecnt; // Number of transitions between time types
- uint typecnt; // Number of local time types
- uint charcnt; // Number of characters used for abbreviations
- uint revcnt; // Number of transition descr. for TIME->my_time_t conversion
- /* The following are dynamical arrays are allocated in MEM_ROOT */
- my_time_t *ats; // Times of transitions between time types
- unsigned char *types; // Local time types for transitions
- TRAN_TYPE_INFO *ttis; // Local time types descriptions
- #ifdef ABBR_ARE_USED
- /* Storage for local time types abbreviations. They are stored as ASCIIZ */
- char *chars;
- #endif
- /*
- Leap seconds corrections descriptions, this array is shared by
- all time zones who use leap seconds.
- */
- LS_INFO *lsis;
- /*
- Starting points and descriptions of shifted my_time_t (my_time_t + offset)
- ranges on which shifted my_time_t -> my_time_t mapping is linear or undefined.
- Used for tm -> my_time_t conversion.
- */
- my_time_t *revts;
- REVT_INFO *revtis;
- /*
- Time type which is used for times smaller than first transition or if
- there are no transitions at all.
- */
- TRAN_TYPE_INFO *fallback_tti;
- static my_bool prepare_tz_info(TIME_ZONE_INFO *sp, MEM_ROOT *storage);
- #if defined(TZINFO2SQL) || defined(TESTTIME)
- /*
- Load time zone description from zoneinfo (TZinfo) file.
- tz_load()
- name - path to zoneinfo file
- sp - TIME_ZONE_INFO structure to fill
- 0 - Ok
- 1 - Error
- */
- static my_bool
- tz_load(const char *name, TIME_ZONE_INFO *sp, MEM_ROOT *storage)
- {
- char *p;
- int read_from_file;
- uint i;
- FILE *file;
- if (!(file= my_fopen(name, O_RDONLY|O_BINARY, MYF(MY_WME))))
- return 1;
- {
- union
- {
- struct tzhead tzhead;
- char buf[sizeof(struct tzhead) + sizeof(my_time_t) * TZ_MAX_TIMES +
- #ifdef ABBR_ARE_USED
- max(TZ_MAX_CHARS + 1, (2 * (MY_TZNAME_MAX + 1))) +
- #endif
- sizeof(LS_INFO) * TZ_MAX_LEAPS];
- } u;
- uint ttisstdcnt;
- uint ttisgmtcnt;
- char *tzinfo_buf;
- read_from_file= my_fread(file, u.buf, sizeof(u.buf), MYF(MY_WME));
- if (my_fclose(file, MYF(MY_WME)) != 0)
- return 1;
- if (read_from_file < (int)sizeof(struct tzhead))
- return 1;
- ttisstdcnt= int4net(u.tzhead.tzh_ttisgmtcnt);
- ttisgmtcnt= int4net(u.tzhead.tzh_ttisstdcnt);
- sp->leapcnt= int4net(u.tzhead.tzh_leapcnt);
- sp->timecnt= int4net(u.tzhead.tzh_timecnt);
- sp->typecnt= int4net(u.tzhead.tzh_typecnt);
- sp->charcnt= int4net(u.tzhead.tzh_charcnt);
- p= u.tzhead.tzh_charcnt + sizeof u.tzhead.tzh_charcnt;
- if (sp->leapcnt > TZ_MAX_LEAPS ||
- sp->typecnt == 0 || sp->typecnt > TZ_MAX_TYPES ||
- sp->timecnt > TZ_MAX_TIMES ||
- sp->charcnt > TZ_MAX_CHARS ||
- (ttisstdcnt != sp->typecnt && ttisstdcnt != 0) ||
- (ttisgmtcnt != sp->typecnt && ttisgmtcnt != 0))
- return 1;
- if ((uint)(read_from_file - (p - u.buf)) <
- sp->timecnt * 4 + /* ats */
- sp->timecnt + /* types */
- sp->typecnt * (4 + 2) + /* ttinfos */
- sp->charcnt + /* chars */
- sp->leapcnt * (4 + 4) + /* lsinfos */
- ttisstdcnt + /* ttisstds */
- ttisgmtcnt) /* ttisgmts */
- return 1;
- if (!(tzinfo_buf= (char *)alloc_root(storage,
- ALIGN_SIZE(sp->timecnt *
- sizeof(my_time_t)) +
- ALIGN_SIZE(sp->timecnt) +
- ALIGN_SIZE(sp->typecnt *
- sizeof(TRAN_TYPE_INFO)) +
- #ifdef ABBR_ARE_USED
- ALIGN_SIZE(sp->charcnt) +
- #endif
- sp->leapcnt * sizeof(LS_INFO))))
- return 1;
- sp->ats= (my_time_t *)tzinfo_buf;
- tzinfo_buf+= ALIGN_SIZE(sp->timecnt * sizeof(my_time_t));
- sp->types= (unsigned char *)tzinfo_buf;
- tzinfo_buf+= ALIGN_SIZE(sp->timecnt);
- sp->ttis= (TRAN_TYPE_INFO *)tzinfo_buf;
- tzinfo_buf+= ALIGN_SIZE(sp->typecnt * sizeof(TRAN_TYPE_INFO));
- #ifdef ABBR_ARE_USED
- sp->chars= tzinfo_buf;
- tzinfo_buf+= ALIGN_SIZE(sp->charcnt);
- #endif
- sp->lsis= (LS_INFO *)tzinfo_buf;
- for (i= 0; i < sp->timecnt; i++, p+= 4)
- sp->ats[i]= int4net(p);
- for (i= 0; i < sp->timecnt; i++)
- {
- sp->types[i]= (unsigned char) *p++;
- if (sp->types[i] >= sp->typecnt)
- return 1;
- }
- for (i= 0; i < sp->typecnt; i++)
- {
- TRAN_TYPE_INFO * ttisp;
- ttisp= &sp->ttis[i];
- ttisp->tt_gmtoff= int4net(p);
- p+= 4;
- ttisp->tt_isdst= (unsigned char) *p++;
- if (ttisp->tt_isdst != 0 && ttisp->tt_isdst != 1)
- return 1;
- ttisp->tt_abbrind= (unsigned char) *p++;
- if (ttisp->tt_abbrind > sp->charcnt)
- return 1;
- }
- for (i= 0; i < sp->charcnt; i++)
- sp->chars[i]= *p++;
- sp->chars[i]= ''; /* ensure '' at end */
- for (i= 0; i < sp->leapcnt; i++)
- {
- LS_INFO *lsisp;
- lsisp= &sp->lsis[i];
- lsisp->ls_trans= int4net(p);
- p+= 4;
- lsisp->ls_corr= int4net(p);
- p+= 4;
- }
- /*
- Since we don't support POSIX style TZ definitions in variables we
- don't read further like glibc or elsie code.
- */
- }
- return prepare_tz_info(sp, storage);
- }
- #endif /* defined(TZINFO2SQL) || defined(TESTTIME) */
- /*
- Finish preparation of time zone description for use in TIME_to_gmt_sec()
- and gmt_sec_to_TIME() functions.
- prepare_tz_info()
- sp - pointer to time zone description
- storage - pointer to MEM_ROOT where arrays for map allocated
- First task of this function is to find fallback time type which will
- be used if there are no transitions or we have moment in time before
- any transitions.
- Second task is to build "shifted my_time_t" -> my_time_t map used in
- TIME -> my_time_t conversion.
- Note: See description of TIME_to_gmt_sec() function first.
- In order to perform TIME -> my_time_t conversion we need to build table
- which defines "shifted by tz offset and leap seconds my_time_t" ->
- my_time_t function wich is almost the same (except ranges of ambiguity)
- as reverse function to piecewise linear function used for my_time_t ->
- "shifted my_time_t" conversion and which is also specified as table in
- zoneinfo file or in our db (It is specified as start of time type ranges
- and time type offsets). So basic idea is very simple - let us iterate
- through my_time_t space from one point of discontinuity of my_time_t ->
- "shifted my_time_t" function to another and build our approximation of
- reverse function. (Actually we iterate through ranges on which
- my_time_t -> "shifted my_time_t" is linear function).
- 0 Ok
- 1 Error
- */
- static my_bool
- prepare_tz_info(TIME_ZONE_INFO *sp, MEM_ROOT *storage)
- {
- my_time_t cur_t= MY_TIME_T_MIN;
- my_time_t cur_l, end_t, end_l;
- my_time_t cur_max_seen_l= MY_TIME_T_MIN;
- long cur_offset, cur_corr, cur_off_and_corr;
- uint next_trans_idx, next_leap_idx;
- uint i;
- /*
- Temporary arrays where we will store tables. Needed because
- we don't know table sizes ahead. (Well we can estimate their
- upper bound but this will take extra space.)
- */
- my_time_t revts[TZ_MAX_REV_RANGES];
- LINT_INIT(end_l);
- /*
- Let us setup fallback time type which will be used if we have not any
- transitions or if we have moment of time before first transition.
- We will find first non-DST local time type and use it (or use first
- local time type if all of them are DST types).
- */
- for (i= 0; i < sp->typecnt && sp->ttis[i].tt_isdst; i++)
- /* no-op */ ;
- if (i == sp->typecnt)
- i= 0;
- sp->fallback_tti= &(sp->ttis[i]);
- /*
- Let us build shifted my_time_t -> my_time_t map.
- */
- sp->revcnt= 0;
- /* Let us find initial offset */
- if (sp->timecnt == 0 || cur_t < sp->ats[0])
- {
- /*
- If we have not any transitions or t is before first transition we are using
- already found fallback time type which index is already in i.
- */
- next_trans_idx= 0;
- }
- else
- {
- /* cur_t == sp->ats[0] so we found transition */
- i= sp->types[0];
- next_trans_idx= 1;
- }
- cur_offset= sp->ttis[i].tt_gmtoff;
- /* let us find leap correction... unprobable, but... */
- for (next_leap_idx= 0; next_leap_idx < sp->leapcnt &&
- cur_t >= sp->lsis[next_leap_idx].ls_trans;
- ++next_leap_idx)
- continue;
- if (next_leap_idx > 0)
- cur_corr= sp->lsis[next_leap_idx - 1].ls_corr;
- else
- cur_corr= 0;
- /* Iterate trough t space */
- while (sp->revcnt < TZ_MAX_REV_RANGES - 1)
- {
- cur_off_and_corr= cur_offset - cur_corr;
- /*
- We assuming that cur_t could be only overflowed downwards,
- we also assume that end_t won't be overflowed in this case.
- */
- if (cur_off_and_corr < 0 &&
- cur_t < MY_TIME_T_MIN - cur_off_and_corr)
- cur_t= MY_TIME_T_MIN - cur_off_and_corr;
- cur_l= cur_t + cur_off_and_corr;
- /*
- Let us choose end_t as point before next time type change or leap
- second correction.
- */
- end_t= min((next_trans_idx < sp->timecnt) ? sp->ats[next_trans_idx] - 1:
- (next_leap_idx < sp->leapcnt) ?
- sp->lsis[next_leap_idx].ls_trans - 1: MY_TIME_T_MAX);
- /*
- again assuming that end_t can be overlowed only in positive side
- we also assume that end_t won't be overflowed in this case.
- */
- if (cur_off_and_corr > 0 &&
- end_t > MY_TIME_T_MAX - cur_off_and_corr)
- end_t= MY_TIME_T_MAX - cur_off_and_corr;
- end_l= end_t + cur_off_and_corr;
- if (end_l > cur_max_seen_l)
- {
- /* We want special handling in the case of first range */
- if (cur_max_seen_l == MY_TIME_T_MIN)
- {
- revts[sp->revcnt]= cur_l;
- revtis[sp->revcnt].rt_offset= cur_off_and_corr;
- revtis[sp->revcnt].rt_type= 0;
- sp->revcnt++;
- cur_max_seen_l= end_l;
- }
- else
- {
- if (cur_l > cur_max_seen_l + 1)
- {
- /* We have a spring time-gap and we are not at the first range */
- revts[sp->revcnt]= cur_max_seen_l + 1;
- revtis[sp->revcnt].rt_offset= revtis[sp->revcnt-1].rt_offset;
- revtis[sp->revcnt].rt_type= 1;
- sp->revcnt++;
- if (sp->revcnt == TZ_MAX_TIMES + TZ_MAX_LEAPS + 1)
- break; /* That was too much */
- cur_max_seen_l= cur_l - 1;
- }
- /* Assume here end_l > cur_max_seen_l (because end_l>=cur_l) */
- revts[sp->revcnt]= cur_max_seen_l + 1;
- revtis[sp->revcnt].rt_offset= cur_off_and_corr;
- revtis[sp->revcnt].rt_type= 0;
- sp->revcnt++;
- cur_max_seen_l= end_l;
- }
- }
- if (end_t == MY_TIME_T_MAX ||
- (cur_off_and_corr > 0) &&
- (end_t >= MY_TIME_T_MAX - cur_off_and_corr))
- /* end of t space */
- break;
- cur_t= end_t + 1;
- /*
- Let us find new offset and correction. Because of our choice of end_t
- cur_t can only be point where new time type starts or/and leap
- correction is performed.
- */
- if (sp->timecnt != 0 && cur_t >= sp->ats[0]) /* else reuse old offset */
- if (next_trans_idx < sp->timecnt &&
- cur_t == sp->ats[next_trans_idx])
- {
- /* We are at offset point */
- cur_offset= sp->ttis[sp->types[next_trans_idx]].tt_gmtoff;
- ++next_trans_idx;
- }
- if (next_leap_idx < sp->leapcnt &&
- cur_t == sp->lsis[next_leap_idx].ls_trans)
- {
- /* we are at leap point */
- cur_corr= sp->lsis[next_leap_idx].ls_corr;
- ++next_leap_idx;
- }
- }
- /* check if we have had enough space */
- if (sp->revcnt == TZ_MAX_REV_RANGES - 1)
- return 1;
- /* set maximum end_l as finisher */
- revts[sp->revcnt]= end_l;
- /* Allocate arrays of proper size in sp and copy result there */
- if (!(sp->revts= (my_time_t *)alloc_root(storage,
- sizeof(my_time_t) * (sp->revcnt + 1))) ||
- !(sp->revtis= (REVT_INFO *)alloc_root(storage,
- sizeof(REVT_INFO) * sp->revcnt)))
- return 1;
- memcpy(sp->revts, revts, sizeof(my_time_t) * (sp->revcnt + 1));
- memcpy(sp->revtis, revtis, sizeof(REVT_INFO) * sp->revcnt);
- return 0;
- }
- #if !defined(TZINFO2SQL)
- static const uint mon_lengths[2][MONS_PER_YEAR]=
- {
- { 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 },
- { 31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 }
- };
- static const uint mon_starts[2][MONS_PER_YEAR]=
- {
- { 0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334 },
- { 0, 31, 60, 91, 121, 152, 182, 213, 244, 274, 305, 335 }
- };
- static const uint year_lengths[2]=
- {
- };
- #define LEAPS_THRU_END_OF(y) ((y) / 4 - (y) / 100 + (y) / 400)
- /*
- Converts time from my_time_t representation (seconds in UTC since Epoch)
- to broken down representation using given local time zone offset.
- sec_to_TIME()
- tmp - pointer to structure for broken down representation
- t - my_time_t value to be converted
- offset - local time zone offset
- Convert my_time_t with offset to TIME struct. Differs from timesub
- (from elsie code) because doesn't contain any leap correction and
- TM_GMTOFF and is_dst setting and contains some MySQL specific
- initialization. Funny but with removing of these we almost have
- glibc's offtime function.
- */
- static void
- sec_to_TIME(TIME * tmp, my_time_t t, long offset)
- {
- long days;
- long rem;
- int y;
- int yleap;
- const uint *ip;
- days= t / SECS_PER_DAY;
- rem= t % SECS_PER_DAY;
- /*
- We do this as separate step after dividing t, because this
- allows us handle times near my_time_t bounds without overflows.
- */
- rem+= offset;
- while (rem < 0)
- {
- rem+= SECS_PER_DAY;
- days--;
- }
- while (rem >= SECS_PER_DAY)
- {
- rem -= SECS_PER_DAY;
- days++;
- }
- tmp->hour= (uint)(rem / SECS_PER_HOUR);
- rem= rem % SECS_PER_HOUR;
- tmp->minute= (uint)(rem / SECS_PER_MIN);
- /*
- A positive leap second requires a special
- representation. This uses "... ??:59:60" et seq.
- */
- tmp->second= (uint)(rem % SECS_PER_MIN);
- while (days < 0 || days >= (long)year_lengths[yleap= isleap(y)])
- {
- int newy;
- newy= y + days / DAYS_PER_NYEAR;
- if (days < 0)
- newy--;
- days-= (newy - y) * DAYS_PER_NYEAR +
- LEAPS_THRU_END_OF(newy - 1) -
- y= newy;
- }
- tmp->year= y;
- ip= mon_lengths[yleap];
- for (tmp->month= 0; days >= (long) ip[tmp->month]; tmp->month++)
- days= days - (long) ip[tmp->month];
- tmp->month++;
- tmp->day= (uint)(days + 1);
- /* filling MySQL specific TIME members */
- tmp->neg= 0; tmp->second_part= 0;
- }
- /*
- Find time range wich contains given my_time_t value
- find_time_range()
- t - my_time_t value for which we looking for range
- range_boundaries - sorted array of range starts.
- higher_bound - number of ranges
- Performs binary search for range which contains given my_time_t value.
- It has sense if number of ranges is greater than zero and my_time_t value
- is greater or equal than beginning of first range. It also assumes that
- t belongs to some range specified or end of last is MY_TIME_T_MAX.
- With this localtime_r on real data may takes less time than with linear
- search (I've seen 30% speed up).
- Index of range to which t belongs
- */
- static uint
- find_time_range(my_time_t t, const my_time_t *range_boundaries,
- uint higher_bound)
- {
- uint i, lower_bound= 0;
- /*
- Function will work without this assertion but result would be meaningless.
- */
- DBUG_ASSERT(higher_bound > 0 && t >= range_boundaries[0]);
- /*
- Do binary search for minimal interval which contain t. We preserve:
- range_boundaries[lower_bound] <= t < range_boundaries[higher_bound]
- invariant and decrease this higher_bound - lower_bound gap twice
- times on each step.
- */
- while (higher_bound - lower_bound > 1)
- {
- i= (lower_bound + higher_bound) >> 1;
- if (range_boundaries[i] <= t)
- lower_bound= i;
- else
- higher_bound= i;
- }
- return lower_bound;
- }
- /*
- Find local time transition for given my_time_t.
- find_transition_type()
- t - my_time_t value to be converted
- sp - pointer to struct with time zone description
- Pointer to structure in time zone description describing
- local time type for given my_time_t.
- */
- static
- const TRAN_TYPE_INFO *
- find_transition_type(my_time_t t, const TIME_ZONE_INFO *sp)
- {
- if (unlikely(sp->timecnt == 0 || t < sp->ats[0]))
- {
- /*
- If we have not any transitions or t is before first transition let
- us use fallback time type.
- */
- return sp->fallback_tti;
- }
- /*
- Do binary search for minimal interval between transitions which
- contain t. With this localtime_r on real data may takes less
- time than with linear search (I've seen 30% speed up).
- */
- return &(sp->ttis[sp->types[find_time_range(t, sp->ats, sp->timecnt)]]);
- }
- /*
- Converts time in my_time_t representation (seconds in UTC since Epoch) to
- broken down TIME representation in local time zone.
- gmt_sec_to_TIME()
- tmp - pointer to structure for broken down represenatation
- sec_in_utc - my_time_t value to be converted
- sp - pointer to struct with time zone description
- We can improve this function by creating joined array of transitions and
- leap corrections. This will require adding extra field to TRAN_TYPE_INFO
- for storing number of "extra" seconds to minute occured due to correction
- (60th and 61st second, look how we calculate them as "hit" in this
- function).
- Under realistic assumptions about frequency of transitions the same array
- can be used fot TIME -> my_time_t conversion. For this we need to
- implement tweaked binary search which will take into account that some
- TIME has two matching my_time_t ranges and some of them have none.
- */
- static void
- gmt_sec_to_TIME(TIME *tmp, my_time_t sec_in_utc, const TIME_ZONE_INFO *sp)
- {
- const TRAN_TYPE_INFO *ttisp;
- const LS_INFO *lp;
- long corr= 0;
- int hit= 0;
- int i;
- /*
- Find proper transition (and its local time type) for our sec_in_utc value.
- Funny but again by separating this step in function we receive code
- which very close to glibc's code. No wonder since they obviously use
- the same base and all steps are sensible.
- */
- ttisp= find_transition_type(sec_in_utc, sp);
- /*
- Let us find leap correction for our sec_in_utc value and number of extra
- secs to add to this minute.
- This loop is rarely used because most users will use time zones without
- leap seconds, and even in case when we have such time zone there won't
- be many iterations (we have about 22 corrections at this moment (2004)).
- */
- for ( i= sp->leapcnt; i-- > 0; )
- {
- lp= &sp->lsis[i];
- if (sec_in_utc >= lp->ls_trans)
- {
- if (sec_in_utc == lp->ls_trans)
- {
- hit= ((i == 0 && lp->ls_corr > 0) ||
- lp->ls_corr > sp->lsis[i - 1].ls_corr);
- if (hit)
- {
- while (i > 0 &&
- sp->lsis[i].ls_trans == sp->lsis[i - 1].ls_trans + 1 &&
- sp->lsis[i].ls_corr == sp->lsis[i - 1].ls_corr + 1)
- {
- hit++;
- i--;
- }
- }
- }
- corr= lp->ls_corr;
- break;
- }
- }
- sec_to_TIME(tmp, sec_in_utc, ttisp->tt_gmtoff - corr);
- tmp->second+= hit;
- }
- /*
- Converts local time in broken down representation to local
- time zone analog of my_time_t represenation.
- sec_since_epoch()
- year, mon, mday, hour, min, sec - broken down representation.
- Converts time in broken down representation to my_time_t representation
- ignoring time zone. Note that we cannot convert back some valid _local_
- times near ends of my_time_t range because of my_time_t overflow. But we
- ignore this fact now since MySQL will never pass such argument.
- Seconds since epoch time representation.
- */
- static my_time_t
- sec_since_epoch(int year, int mon, int mday, int hour, int min ,int sec)
- {
- /*
- It turns out that only whenever month is normalized or unnormalized
- plays role.
- */
- DBUG_ASSERT(mon > 0 && mon < 13);
- long days= year * DAYS_PER_NYEAR - EPOCH_YEAR * DAYS_PER_NYEAR +
- LEAPS_THRU_END_OF(year - 1) -
- days+= mon_starts[isleap(year)][mon - 1];
- #else
- long norm_month= (mon - 1) % MONS_PER_YEAR;
- long a_year= year + (mon - 1)/MONS_PER_YEAR - (int)(norm_month < 0);
- long days= a_year * DAYS_PER_NYEAR - EPOCH_YEAR * DAYS_PER_NYEAR +
- LEAPS_THRU_END_OF(a_year - 1) -
- days+= mon_starts[isleap(a_year)]
- [norm_month + (norm_month < 0 ? MONS_PER_YEAR : 0)];
- #endif
- days+= mday - 1;
- return ((days * HOURS_PER_DAY + hour) * MINS_PER_HOUR + min) *
- SECS_PER_MIN + sec;
- }
- /*
- Converts local time in broken down TIME representation to my_time_t
- representation.
- TIME_to_gmt_sec()
- t - pointer to structure for broken down represenatation
- sp - pointer to struct with time zone description
- in_dst_time_gap - pointer to bool which is set to true if datetime
- value passed doesn't really exist (i.e. falls into
- spring time-gap) and is not touched otherwise.
- This is mktime analog for MySQL. It is essentially different
- from mktime (or hypotetical my_mktime) because:
- - It has no idea about tm_isdst member so if it
- has two answers it will give the smaller one
- - If we are in spring time gap then it will return
- beginning of the gap
- - It can give wrong results near the ends of my_time_t due to
- overflows, but we are safe since in MySQL we will never
- call this function for such dates (its restriction for year
- between 1970 and 2038 gives us several days of reserve).
- - By default it doesn't support un-normalized input. But if
- sec_since_epoch() function supports un-normalized dates
- then this function should handle un-normalized input right,
- altough it won't normalize structure TIME.
- Traditional approach to problem of conversion from broken down
- representation to time_t is iterative. Both elsie's and glibc
- implementation try to guess what time_t value should correspond to
- this broken-down value. They perform localtime_r function on their
- guessed value and then calculate the difference and try to improve
- their guess. Elsie's code guesses time_t value in bit by bit manner,
- Glibc's code tries to add difference between broken-down value
- corresponding to guess and target broken-down value to current guess.
- It also uses caching of last found correction... So Glibc's approach
- is essentially faster but introduces some undetermenism (in case if
- is_dst member of broken-down representation (tm struct) is not known
- and we have two possible answers).
- We use completely different approach. It is better since it is both
- faster than iterative implementations and fully determenistic. If you
- look at my_time_t to TIME conversion then you'll find that it consist
- of two steps:
- The first is calculating shifted my_time_t value and the second - TIME
- calculation from shifted my_time_t value (well it is a bit simplified
- picture). The part in which we are interested in is my_time_t -> shifted
- my_time_t conversion. It is piecewise linear function which is defined
- by combination of transition times as break points and times offset
- as changing function parameter. The possible inverse function for this
- converison would be ambiguos but with MySQL's restrictions we can use
- some function which is the same as inverse function on unambigiuos
- ranges and coincides with one of branches of inverse function in
- other ranges. Thus we just need to build table which will determine
- this shifted my_time_t -> my_time_t conversion similar to existing
- (my_time_t -> shifted my_time_t table). We do this in
- prepare_tz_info function.
- If we can even more improve this function. For doing this we will need to
- build joined map of transitions and leap corrections for gmt_sec_to_TIME()
- function (similar to revts/revtis). Under realistic assumptions about
- frequency of transitions we can use the same array for TIME_to_gmt_sec().
- We need to implement special version of binary search for this. Such step
- will be beneficial to CPU cache since we will decrease data-set used for
- conversion twice.
- Seconds in UTC since Epoch.
- 0 in case of error.
- */
- static my_time_t
- TIME_to_gmt_sec(const TIME *t, const TIME_ZONE_INFO *sp, bool *in_dst_time_gap)
- {
- my_time_t local_t;
- uint saved_seconds;
- uint i;
- DBUG_ENTER("TIME_to_gmt_sec");
- /* We need this for correct leap seconds handling */
- if (t->second < SECS_PER_MIN)
- saved_seconds= 0;
- else
- saved_seconds= t->second;
- /*
- NOTE If we want to convert full my_time_t range without MySQL
- restrictions we should catch overflow here somehow.
- */
- local_t= sec_since_epoch(t->year, t->month, t->day,
- t->hour, t->minute,
- saved_seconds ? 0 : t->second);
- /* We have at least one range */
- DBUG_ASSERT(sp->revcnt >= 1);
- if (local_t < sp->revts[0] || local_t > sp->revts[sp->revcnt])
- {
- /*
- This means that source time can't be represented as my_time_t due to
- limited my_time_t range.
- */
- }
- /* binary search for our range */
- i= find_time_range(local_t, sp->revts, sp->revcnt);
- if (sp->revtis[i].rt_type)
- {
- /*
- Oops! We are in spring time gap.
- May be we should return error here?
- Now we are returning my_time_t value corresponding to the
- beginning of the gap.
- */
- *in_dst_time_gap= 1;
- DBUG_RETURN(sp->revts[i] - sp->revtis[i].rt_offset + saved_seconds);
- }
- else
- DBUG_RETURN(local_t - sp->revtis[i].rt_offset + saved_seconds);
- }
- /*
- End of elsie derived code.
- */
- #endif /* !defined(TZINFO2SQL) */
- #if !defined(TESTTIME) && !defined(TZINFO2SQL)
- /*
- String with names of SYSTEM time zone.
- */
- static const String tz_SYSTEM_name("SYSTEM", 6, &my_charset_latin1);
- /*
- Instance of this class represents local time zone used on this system
- (specified by TZ environment variable or via any other system mechanism).
- It uses system functions (localtime_r, my_system_gmt_sec) for conversion
- and is always available. Because of this it is used by default - if there
- were no explicit time zone specified. On the other hand because of this
- conversion methods provided by this class is significantly slower and
- possibly less multi-threaded-friendly than corresponding Time_zone_db
- methods so the latter should be preffered there it is possible.
- */
- class Time_zone_system : public Time_zone
- {
- public:
- virtual my_time_t TIME_to_gmt_sec(const TIME *t,
- bool *in_dst_time_gap) const;
- virtual void gmt_sec_to_TIME(TIME *tmp, my_time_t t) const;
- virtual const String * get_name() const;
- };
- /*
- Converts local time in system time zone in TIME representation
- to its my_time_t representation.
- TIME_to_gmt_sec()
- t - pointer to TIME structure with local time in
- broken-down representation.
- in_dst_time_gap - pointer to bool which is set to true if datetime
- value passed doesn't really exist (i.e. falls into
- spring time-gap) and is not touched otherwise.
- This method uses system function (localtime_r()) for conversion
- local time in system time zone in TIME structure to its my_time_t
- representation. Unlike the same function for Time_zone_db class
- it it won't handle unnormalized input properly. Still it will
- return lowest possible my_time_t in case of ambiguity or if we
- provide time corresponding to the time-gap.
- You should call init_time() function before using this function.
- Corresponding my_time_t value or 0 in case of error
- */
- my_time_t
- Time_zone_system::TIME_to_gmt_sec(const TIME *t, bool *in_dst_time_gap) const
- {
- long not_used;
- return my_system_gmt_sec(t, ¬_used, in_dst_time_gap);
- }
- /*
- Converts time from UTC seconds since Epoch (my_time_t) representation
- to system local time zone broken-down representation.
- gmt_sec_to_TIME()
- tmp - pointer to TIME structure to fill-in
- t - my_time_t value to be converted
- We assume that value passed to this function will fit into time_t range
- supported by localtime_r. This conversion is putting restriction on
- TIMESTAMP range in MySQL. If we can get rid of SYSTEM time zone at least
- for interaction with client then we can extend TIMESTAMP range down to
- the 1902 easily.
- */
- void
- Time_zone_system::gmt_sec_to_TIME(TIME *tmp, my_time_t t) const
- {
- struct tm tmp_tm;
- time_t tmp_t= (time_t)t;
- localtime_r(&tmp_t, &tmp_tm);
- localtime_to_TIME(tmp, &tmp_tm);
- }
- /*
- Get name of time zone
- get_name()
- Name of time zone as String
- */
- const String *
- Time_zone_system::get_name() const
- {
- return &tz_SYSTEM_name;
- }
- /*
- Instance of this class represents UTC time zone. It uses system gmtime_r
- function for conversions and is always available. It is used only for
- my_time_t -> TIME conversions in various UTC_... functions, it is not
- intended for TIME -> my_time_t conversions and shouldn't be exposed to user.
- */
- class Time_zone_utc : public Time_zone
- {
- public:
- virtual my_time_t TIME_to_gmt_sec(const TIME *t,
- bool *in_dst_time_gap) const;
- virtual void gmt_sec_to_TIME(TIME *tmp, my_time_t t) const;
- virtual const String * get_name() const;
- };
- /*
- Convert UTC time from TIME representation to its my_time_t representation.
- TIME_to_gmt_sec()
- t - pointer to TIME structure with local time
- in broken-down representation.
- in_dst_time_gap - pointer to bool which is set to true if datetime
- value passed doesn't really exist (i.e. falls into
- spring time-gap) and is not touched otherwise.
- Since Time_zone_utc is used only internally for my_time_t -> TIME
- conversions, this function of Time_zone interface is not implemented for
- this class and should not be called.
- 0
- */
- my_time_t
- Time_zone_utc::TIME_to_gmt_sec(const TIME *t, bool *in_dst_time_gap) const
- {
- /* Should be never called */
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- Converts time from UTC seconds since Epoch (my_time_t) representation
- to broken-down representation (also in UTC).
- gmt_sec_to_TIME()
- tmp - pointer to TIME structure to fill-in
- t - my_time_t value to be converted
- See note for apropriate Time_zone_system method.
- */
- void
- Time_zone_utc::gmt_sec_to_TIME(TIME *tmp, my_time_t t) const
- {
- struct tm tmp_tm;
- time_t tmp_t= (time_t)t;
- gmtime_r(&tmp_t, &tmp_tm);
- localtime_to_TIME(tmp, &tmp_tm);
- }
- /*
- Get name of time zone
- get_name()
- Since Time_zone_utc is used only internally by SQL's UTC_* functions it
- is not accessible directly, and hence this function of Time_zone
- interface is not implemented for this class and should not be called.
- 0
- */
- const String *
- Time_zone_utc::get_name() const
- {
- /* Should be never called */
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- Instance of this class represents some time zone which is
- described in mysql.time_zone family of tables.
- */
- class Time_zone_db : public Time_zone
- {
- public:
- Time_zone_db(TIME_ZONE_INFO *tz_info_arg, const String * tz_name_arg);
- virtual my_time_t TIME_to_gmt_sec(const TIME *t,
- bool *in_dst_time_gap) const;
- virtual void gmt_sec_to_TIME(TIME *tmp, my_time_t t) const;
- virtual const String * get_name() const;
- private:
- TIME_ZONE_INFO *tz_info;
- const String *tz_name;
- };
- /*
- Initializes object representing time zone described by mysql.time_zone
- tables.
- Time_zone_db()
- tz_info_arg - pointer to TIME_ZONE_INFO structure which is filled
- according to db or other time zone description
- (for example by my_tz_init()).
- Several Time_zone_db instances can share one
- TIME_ZONE_INFO structure.
- tz_name_arg - name of time zone.
- */
- Time_zone_db::Time_zone_db(TIME_ZONE_INFO *tz_info_arg,
- const String *tz_name_arg):
- tz_info(tz_info_arg), tz_name(tz_name_arg)
- {
- }
- /*
- Converts local time in time zone described from TIME
- representation to its my_time_t representation.
- TIME_to_gmt_sec()
- t - pointer to TIME structure with local time
- in broken-down representation.
- in_dst_time_gap - pointer to bool which is set to true if datetime
- value passed doesn't really exist (i.e. falls into
- spring time-gap) and is not touched otherwise.
- Please see ::TIME_to_gmt_sec for function description and
- parameter restrictions.
- Corresponding my_time_t value or 0 in case of error
- */
- my_time_t
- Time_zone_db::TIME_to_gmt_sec(const TIME *t, bool *in_dst_time_gap) const
- {
- return ::TIME_to_gmt_sec(t, tz_info, in_dst_time_gap);
- }
- /*
- Converts time from UTC seconds since Epoch (my_time_t) representation
- to local time zone described in broken-down representation.
- gmt_sec_to_TIME()
- tmp - pointer to TIME structure to fill-in
- t - my_time_t value to be converted
- */
- void
- Time_zone_db::gmt_sec_to_TIME(TIME *tmp, my_time_t t) const
- {
- ::gmt_sec_to_TIME(tmp, t, tz_info);
- }
- /*
- Get name of time zone
- get_name()
- Name of time zone as ASCIIZ-string
- */
- const String *
- Time_zone_db::get_name() const
- {
- return tz_name;
- }
- /*
- Instance of this class represents time zone which
- was specified as offset from UTC.
- */
- class Time_zone_offset : public Time_zone
- {
- public:
- Time_zone_offset(long tz_offset_arg);
- virtual my_time_t TIME_to_gmt_sec(const TIME *t,
- bool *in_dst_time_gap) const;
- virtual void gmt_sec_to_TIME(TIME *tmp, my_time_t t) const;
- virtual const String * get_name() const;
- /*
- This have to be public because we want to be able to access it from
- my_offset_tzs_get_key() function
- */
- long offset;
- private:
- /* Extra reserve because of snprintf */
- char name_buff[7+16];
- String name;
- };
- /*
- Initializes object representing time zone described by its offset from UTC.
- Time_zone_offset()
- tz_offset_arg - offset from UTC in seconds.
- Positive for direction to east.
- */
- Time_zone_offset::Time_zone_offset(long tz_offset_arg):
- offset(tz_offset_arg)
- {
- uint hours= abs((int)(offset / SECS_PER_HOUR));
- uint minutes= abs((int)(offset % SECS_PER_HOUR / SECS_PER_MIN));
- ulong length= my_snprintf(name_buff, sizeof(name_buff), "%s%02d:%02d",
- (offset>=0) ? "+" : "-", hours, minutes);
- name.set(name_buff, length, &my_charset_latin1);
- }
- /*
- Converts local time in time zone described as offset from UTC
- from TIME representation to its my_time_t representation.
- TIME_to_gmt_sec()
- t - pointer to TIME structure with local time
- in broken-down representation.
- in_dst_time_gap - pointer to bool which should be set to true if
- datetime value passed doesn't really exist
- (i.e. falls into spring time-gap) and is not
- touched otherwise.
- It is not really used in this class.
- Corresponding my_time_t value or 0 in case of error
- */
- my_time_t
- Time_zone_offset::TIME_to_gmt_sec(const TIME *t, bool *in_dst_time_gap) const
- {
- return sec_since_epoch(t->year, t->month, t->day,
- t->hour, t->minute, t->second) -
- offset;
- }
- /*
- Converts time from UTC seconds since Epoch (my_time_t) representation
- to local time zone described as offset from UTC and in broken-down
- representation.
- gmt_sec_to_TIME()
- tmp - pointer to TIME structure to fill-in
- t - my_time_t value to be converted
- */
- void
- Time_zone_offset::gmt_sec_to_TIME(TIME *tmp, my_time_t t) const
- {
- sec_to_TIME(tmp, t, offset);
- }
- /*
- Get name of time zone
- get_name()
- Name of time zone as pointer to String object
- */
- const String *
- Time_zone_offset::get_name() const
- {
- return &name;
- }
- static Time_zone_utc tz_UTC;
- static Time_zone_system tz_SYSTEM;
- Time_zone *my_tz_UTC= &tz_UTC;
- Time_zone *my_tz_SYSTEM= &tz_SYSTEM;
- static HASH tz_names;
- static HASH offset_tzs;
- static MEM_ROOT tz_storage;
- /*
- These mutex protects offset_tzs and tz_storage.
- These protection needed only when we are trying to set
- time zone which is specified as offset, and searching for existing
- time zone in offset_tzs or creating if it didn't existed before in
- tz_storage. So contention is low.
- */
- static pthread_mutex_t tz_LOCK;
- static bool tz_inited= 0;
- /*
- This two static variables are inteded for holding info about leap seconds
- shared by all time zones.
- */
- static uint tz_leapcnt= 0;
- static LS_INFO *tz_lsis= 0;
- /*
- Shows whenever we have found time zone tables during start-up.
- Used for avoiding of putting those tables to global table list
- for queries that use time zone info.
- */
- static bool time_zone_tables_exist= 1;
- typedef struct st_tz_names_entry: public Sql_alloc
- {
- String name;
- Time_zone *tz;
- /*
- We are going to call both of these functions from C code so
- they should obey C calling conventions.
- */
- extern "C" byte* my_tz_names_get_key(TZ_NAMES_ENTRY *entry, uint *length,
- my_bool not_used __attribute__((unused)))
- {
- *length= entry->name.length();
- return (byte*) entry->name.ptr();
- }
- extern "C" byte* my_offset_tzs_get_key(Time_zone_offset *entry, uint *length,
- my_bool not_used __attribute__((unused)))
- {
- *length= sizeof(long);
- return (byte*) &entry->offset;
- }
- /*
- Prepare table list with time zone related tables from preallocated array.
- tz_init_table_list()
- tz_tabs - pointer to preallocated array of 4 TABLE_LIST objects.
- This function prepares list of TABLE_LIST objects which can be used
- for opening of time zone tables from preallocated array.
- */
- void
- tz_init_table_list(TABLE_LIST *tz_tabs)
- {
- bzero(tz_tabs, sizeof(TABLE_LIST) * 4);
- tz_tabs[0].alias= tz_tabs[0].real_name= (char*)"time_zone_name";
- tz_tabs[1].alias= tz_tabs[1].real_name= (char*)"time_zone";
- tz_tabs[2].alias= tz_tabs[2].real_name= (char*)"time_zone_transition_type";
- tz_tabs[3].alias= tz_tabs[3].real_name= (char*)"time_zone_transition";
- tz_tabs[0].next= tz_tabs+1;
- tz_tabs[1].next= tz_tabs+2;
- tz_tabs[2].next= tz_tabs+3;
- tz_tabs[0].lock_type= tz_tabs[1].lock_type= tz_tabs[2].lock_type=
- tz_tabs[3].lock_type= TL_READ;
- tz_tabs[0].db= tz_tabs[1].db= tz_tabs[2].db= tz_tabs[3].db= (char *)"mysql";
- }
- /*
- Create table list with time zone related tables.
- my_tz_get_table_list()
- thd - current thread object
- This function creates list of TABLE_LIST objects allocated in thd's
- memroot, which can be used for opening of time zone tables.
- my_tz_check_n_skip_implicit_tables() function depends on fact that
- elements of list created are allocated as TABLE_LIST[4] array.
- Returns pointer to first TABLE_LIST object, (could be 0 if time zone
- tables don't exist) and &fake_time_zone_tables_list in case of error.
- */
- my_tz_get_table_list(THD *thd)
- {
- TABLE_LIST *tz_tabs;
- if (!time_zone_tables_exist)
- return 0;
- if (!(tz_tabs= (TABLE_LIST *)thd->alloc(sizeof(TABLE_LIST) * 4)))
- return &fake_time_zone_tables_list;
- tz_init_table_list(tz_tabs);
- return tz_tabs;
- }
- /*
- Initialize time zone support infrastructure.
- my_tz_init()
- thd - current thread object
- default_tzname - default time zone or 0 if none.
- bootstrap - indicates whenever we are in bootstrap mode
- This function will init memory structures needed for time zone support,
- it will register mandatory SYSTEM time zone in them. It will try to open
- mysql.time_zone* tables and load information about default time zone and
- information which further will be shared among all time zones loaded.
- If system tables with time zone descriptions don't exist it won't fail
- (unless default_tzname is time zone from tables). If bootstrap parameter
- is true then this routine assumes that we are in bootstrap mode and won't
- load time zone descriptions unless someone specifies default time zone
- which is supposedly stored in those tables.
- It'll also set default time zone if it is specified.
- 0 - ok
- 1 - Error
- */
- my_bool
- my_tz_init(THD *org_thd, const char *default_tzname, my_bool bootstrap)
- {
- THD *thd;
- TABLE_LIST *tables= 0;
- TABLE_LIST tables_buff[5];
- TABLE *table;
- TZ_NAMES_ENTRY *tmp_tzname;
- my_bool return_val= 1;
- int res;
- uint counter;
- DBUG_ENTER("my_tz_init");
- /*
- To be able to run this from boot, we allocate a temporary THD
- */
- if (!(thd= new THD))
- thd->store_globals();
- /* Init all memory structures that require explicit destruction */
- if (hash_init(&tz_names, &my_charset_latin1, 20,
- 0, 0, (hash_get_key)my_tz_names_get_key, 0, 0))
- {
- sql_print_error("Fatal error: OOM while initializing time zones");
- goto end;
- }
- if (hash_init(&offset_tzs, &my_charset_latin1, 26, 0, 0,
- (hash_get_key)my_offset_tzs_get_key, 0, 0))
- {
- sql_print_error("Fatal error: OOM while initializing time zones");
- hash_free(&tz_names);
- goto end;
- }
- init_alloc_root(&tz_storage, 32 * 1024, 0);
- VOID(pthread_mutex_init(&tz_LOCK, MY_MUTEX_INIT_FAST));
- tz_inited= 1;
- /* Add 'SYSTEM' time zone to tz_names hash */
- if (!(tmp_tzname= new (&tz_storage) TZ_NAMES_ENTRY()))
- {
- sql_print_error("Fatal error: OOM while initializing time zones");
- goto end_with_cleanup;
- }
- tmp_tzname->name.set("SYSTEM", 6, &my_charset_latin1);
- tmp_tzname->tz= my_tz_SYSTEM;
- if (my_hash_insert(&tz_names, (const byte *)tmp_tzname))
- {
- sql_print_error("Fatal error: OOM while initializing time zones");
- goto end_with_cleanup;
- }
- if (bootstrap)
- {
- /* If we are in bootstrap mode we should not load time zone tables */
- return_val= time_zone_tables_exist= 0;
- goto end_with_setting_default_tz;
- }
- /*
- After this point all memory structures are inited and we even can live
- without time zone description tables. Now try to load information about
- leap seconds shared by all time zones.
- */
- thd->db= my_strdup("mysql",MYF(0));
- thd->db_length= 5; // Safety
- bzero((char*) &tables_buff, sizeof(TABLE_LIST));
- tables_buff[0].alias= tables_buff[0].real_name=
- (char*)"time_zone_leap_second";
- tables_buff[0].lock_type= TL_READ;
- tables_buff[0].db= thd->db;
- tables_buff[0].next= tables_buff + 1;
- /* Fill TABLE_LIST for rest of the time zone describing tables */
- tz_init_table_list(tables_buff + 1);
- if (open_tables(thd, tables_buff, &counter) ||
- lock_tables(thd, tables_buff, counter))
- {
- sql_print_warning("Can't open and lock time zone table: %s "
- "trying to live without them", thd->net.last_error);
- /* We will try emulate that everything is ok */
- return_val= time_zone_tables_exist= 0;
- goto end_with_setting_default_tz;
- }
- tables= tables_buff + 1;
- /*
- Now we are going to load leap seconds descriptions that are shared
- between all time zones that use them. We are using index for getting
- records in proper order. Since we share the same MEM_ROOT between
- all time zones we just allocate enough memory for it first.
- */
- if (!(tz_lsis= (LS_INFO*) alloc_root(&tz_storage,
- sizeof(LS_INFO) * TZ_MAX_LEAPS)))
- {
- sql_print_error("Fatal error: Out of memory while loading "
- "mysql.time_zone_leap_second table");
- goto end_with_close;
- }
- table= tables_buff[0].table;
- /*
- It is OK to ignore ha_index_init()/ha_index_end() return values since
- mysql.time_zone* tables are MyISAM and these operations always succeed
- for MyISAM.
- */
- (void)table->file->ha_index_init(0);
- tz_leapcnt= 0;
- res= table->file->index_first(table->record[0]);
- while (!res)
- {
- if (tz_leapcnt + 1 > TZ_MAX_LEAPS)
- {
- sql_print_error("Fatal error: While loading mysql.time_zone_leap_second"
- " table: too much leaps");
- table->file->ha_index_end();
- goto end_with_close;
- }
- tz_lsis[tz_leapcnt].ls_trans= (my_time_t)table->field[0]->val_int();
- tz_lsis[tz_leapcnt].ls_corr= (long)table->field[1]->val_int();
- tz_leapcnt++;
- DBUG_PRINT("info",
- ("time_zone_leap_second table: tz_leapcnt=%u tt_time=%lld offset=%ld",
- tz_leapcnt, (longlong)tz_lsis[tz_leapcnt-1].ls_trans,
- tz_lsis[tz_leapcnt-1].ls_corr));
- res= table->file->index_next(table->record[0]);
- }
- (void)table->file->ha_index_end();
- if (res != HA_ERR_END_OF_FILE)
- {
- sql_print_error("Fatal error: Error while loading "
- "mysql.time_zone_leap_second table");
- goto end_with_close;
- }
- /*
- Loading of info about leap seconds succeeded
- */
- return_val= 0;
- end_with_setting_default_tz:
- /* If we have default time zone try to load it */
- if (default_tzname)
- {
- String tmp_tzname(default_tzname, &my_charset_latin1);
- if (!(global_system_variables.time_zone= my_tz_find(&tmp_tzname, tables)))
- {
- sql_print_error("Fatal error: Illegal or unknown default time zone '%s'",
- default_tzname);
- return_val= 1;
- }
- }
- end_with_close:
- thd->version--; /* Force close to free memory */
- close_thread_tables(thd);
- end_with_cleanup:
- /* if there were error free time zone describing structs */
- if (return_val)
- my_tz_free();
- end:
- delete thd;
- if (org_thd)
- org_thd->store_globals(); /* purecov: inspected */
- else
- {
- /* Remember that we don't have a THD */
- my_pthread_setspecific_ptr(THR_THD, 0);
- my_pthread_setspecific_ptr(THR_MALLOC, 0);
- }
- DBUG_RETURN(return_val);
- }
- /*
- Free resources used by time zone support infrastructure.
- my_tz_free()
- */
- void my_tz_free()
- {
- if (tz_inited)
- {
- tz_inited= 0;
- VOID(pthread_mutex_destroy(&tz_LOCK));
- hash_free(&offset_tzs);
- hash_free(&tz_names);
- free_root(&tz_storage, MYF(0));
- }
- }
- /*
- Load time zone description from system tables.
- tz_load_from_open_tables()
- tz_name - name of time zone that should be loaded.
- tz_tables - list of tables from which time zone description
- should be loaded
- This function will try to load information about time zone specified
- from the list of the already opened and locked tables (first table in
- tz_tables should be time_zone_name, next time_zone, then
- time_zone_transition_type and time_zone_transition should be last).
- It will also update information in hash used for time zones lookup.
- Returns pointer to newly created Time_zone object or 0 in case of error.
- */
- static Time_zone*
- tz_load_from_open_tables(const String *tz_name, TABLE_LIST *tz_tables)
- {
- TABLE *table= 0;
- TIME_ZONE_INFO *tz_info;
- TZ_NAMES_ENTRY *tmp_tzname;
- Time_zone *return_val= 0;
- int res;
- uint tzid, ttid;
- my_time_t ttime;
- char buff[MAX_FIELD_WIDTH];
- String abbr(buff, sizeof(buff), &my_charset_latin1);
- char *alloc_buff, *tz_name_buff;
- /*
- Temporary arrays that are used for loading of data for filling
- TIME_ZONE_INFO structure
- */
- my_time_t ats[TZ_MAX_TIMES];
- unsigned char types[TZ_MAX_TIMES];
- #ifdef ABBR_ARE_USED
- char chars[max(TZ_MAX_CHARS + 1, (2 * (MY_TZNAME_MAX + 1)))];
- #endif
- DBUG_ENTER("tz_load_from_open_tables");
- /* Prepare tz_info for loading also let us make copy of time zone name */
- if (!(alloc_buff= alloc_root(&tz_storage, sizeof(TIME_ZONE_INFO) +
- tz_name->length() + 1)))
- {
- sql_print_error("Out of memory while loading time zone description");
- return 0;
- }
- tz_info= (TIME_ZONE_INFO *)alloc_buff;
- bzero(tz_info, sizeof(TIME_ZONE_INFO));
- tz_name_buff= alloc_buff + sizeof(TIME_ZONE_INFO);
- /*
- By writing zero to the end we guarantee that we can call ptr()
- instead of c_ptr() for time zone name.
- */
- strmake(tz_name_buff, tz_name->ptr(), tz_name->length());
- /*
- Let us find out time zone id by its name (there is only one index
- and it is specifically for this purpose).
- */
- table= tz_tables->table;
- tz_tables= tz_tables->next;
- table->field[0]->store(tz_name->ptr(), tz_name->length(), &my_charset_latin1);
- /*
- It is OK to ignore ha_index_init()/ha_index_end() return values since
- mysql.time_zone* tables are MyISAM and these operations always succeed
- for MyISAM.
- */
- (void)table->file->ha_index_init(0);
- if (table->file->index_read(table->record[0], (byte*)table->field[0]->ptr,
- {
- #ifdef EXTRA_DEBUG
- /*
- Most probably user has mistyped time zone name, so no need to bark here
- unless we need it for debugging.
- */
- sql_print_error("Can't find description of time zone '%s'", tz_name_buff);
- #endif
- goto end;
- }
- tzid= (uint)table->field[1]->val_int();
- (void)table->file->ha_index_end();
- /*
- Now we need to lookup record in mysql.time_zone table in order to
- understand whenever this timezone uses leap seconds (again we are
- using the only index in this table).
- */
- table= tz_tables->table;
- tz_tables= tz_tables->next;
- table->field[0]->store((longlong)tzid);
- (void)table->file->ha_index_init(0);
- if (table->file->index_read(table->record[0], (byte*)table->field[0]->ptr,
- {
- sql_print_error("Can't find description of time zone '%u'", tzid);
- goto end;
- }
- /* If Uses_leap_seconds == 'Y' */
- if (table->field[1]->val_int() == 1)
- {
- tz_info->leapcnt= tz_leapcnt;
- tz_info->lsis= tz_lsis;
- }
- (void)table->file->ha_index_end();
- /*
- Now we will iterate through records for out time zone in
- mysql.time_zone_transition_type table. Because we want records
- only for our time zone guess what are we doing?
- Right - using special index.
- */
- table= tz_tables->table;
- tz_tables= tz_tables->next;
- table->field[0]->store((longlong)tzid);
- (void)table->file->ha_index_init(0);
- // FIXME Is there any better approach than explicitly specifying 4 ???
- res= table->file->index_read(table->record[0], (byte*)table->field[0]->ptr,
- while (!res)
- {
- ttid= (uint)table->field[1]->val_int();
- if (ttid >= TZ_MAX_TYPES)
- {
- sql_print_error("Error while loading time zone description from "
- "mysql.time_zone_transition_type table: too big "
- "transition type id");
- goto end;
- }
- ttis[ttid].tt_gmtoff= (long)table->field[2]->val_int();
- ttis[ttid].tt_isdst= (table->field[3]->val_int() > 0);
- #ifdef ABBR_ARE_USED
- // FIXME should we do something with duplicates here ?
- table->field[4]->val_str(&abbr, &abbr);
- if (tz_info->charcnt + abbr.length() + 1 > sizeof(chars))
- {
- sql_print_error("Error while loading time zone description from "
- "mysql.time_zone_transition_type table: not enough "
- "room for abbreviations");
- goto end;
- }
- ttis[ttid].tt_abbrind= tz_info->charcnt;
- memcpy(chars + tz_info->charcnt, abbr.ptr(), abbr.length());
- tz_info->charcnt+= abbr.length();
- chars[tz_info->charcnt]= 0;
- tz_info->charcnt++;
- DBUG_PRINT("info",
- ("time_zone_transition_type table: tz_id=%u tt_id=%u tt_gmtoff=%ld "
- "abbr='%s' tt_isdst=%u", tzid, ttid, ttis[ttid].tt_gmtoff,
- chars + ttis[ttid].tt_abbrind, ttis[ttid].tt_isdst));
- #else
- DBUG_PRINT("info",
- ("time_zone_transition_type table: tz_id=%u tt_id=%u tt_gmtoff=%ld "
- "tt_isdst=%u", tzid, ttid, ttis[ttid].tt_gmtoff, ttis[ttid].tt_isdst));
- #endif
- /* ttid is increasing because we are reading using index */
- DBUG_ASSERT(ttid >= tz_info->typecnt);
- tz_info->typecnt= ttid + 1;
- res= table->file->index_next_same(table->record[0],
- (byte*)table->field[0]->ptr, 4);
- }
- if (res != HA_ERR_END_OF_FILE)
- {
- sql_print_error("Error while loading time zone description from "
- "mysql.time_zone_transition_type table");
- goto end;
- }
- (void)table->file->ha_index_end();
- /*
- At last we are doing the same thing for records in
- mysql.time_zone_transition table. Here we additionaly need records
- in ascending order by index scan also satisfies us.
- */
- table= tz_tables->table;
- table->field[0]->store((longlong)tzid);
- (void)table->file->ha_index_init(0);
- // FIXME Is there any better approach than explicitly specifying 4 ???
- res= table->file->index_read(table->record[0], (byte*)table->field[0]->ptr,
- while (!res)
- {
- ttime= (my_time_t)table->field[1]->val_int();
- ttid= (uint)table->field[2]->val_int();
- if (tz_info->timecnt + 1 > TZ_MAX_TIMES)
- {
- sql_print_error("Error while loading time zone description from "
- "mysql.time_zone_transition table: "
- "too much transitions");
- goto end;
- }
- if (ttid + 1 > tz_info->typecnt)
- {
- sql_print_error("Error while loading time zone description from "
- "mysql.time_zone_transition table: "
- "bad transition type id");
- goto end;
- }
- ats[tz_info->timecnt]= ttime;
- types[tz_info->timecnt]= ttid;
- tz_info->timecnt++;
- DBUG_PRINT("info",
- ("time_zone_transition table: tz_id=%u tt_time=%lld tt_id=%u",
- tzid, (longlong)ttime, ttid));
- res= table->file->index_next_same(table->record[0],
- (byte*)table->field[0]->ptr, 4);
- }
- /*
- We have to allow HA_ERR_KEY_NOT_FOUND because some time zones
- for example UTC have no transitons.
- */
- if (res != HA_ERR_END_OF_FILE && res != HA_ERR_KEY_NOT_FOUND)
- {
- sql_print_error("Error while loading time zone description from "
- "mysql.time_zone_transition table");
- goto end;
- }
- (void)table->file->ha_index_end();
- table= 0;
- /*
- Now we will allocate memory and init TIME_ZONE_INFO structure.
- */
- if (!(alloc_buff= alloc_root(&tz_storage,
- ALIGN_SIZE(sizeof(my_time_t) *
- tz_info->timecnt) +
- ALIGN_SIZE(tz_info->timecnt) +
- #ifdef ABBR_ARE_USED
- ALIGN_SIZE(tz_info->charcnt) +
- #endif
- sizeof(TRAN_TYPE_INFO) * tz_info->typecnt)))
- {
- sql_print_error("Out of memory while loading time zone description");
- goto end;
- }
- tz_info->ats= (my_time_t *)alloc_buff;
- memcpy(tz_info->ats, ats, tz_info->timecnt * sizeof(my_time_t));
- alloc_buff+= ALIGN_SIZE(sizeof(my_time_t) * tz_info->timecnt);
- tz_info->types= (unsigned char *)alloc_buff;
- memcpy(tz_info->types, types, tz_info->timecnt);
- alloc_buff+= ALIGN_SIZE(tz_info->timecnt);
- #ifdef ABBR_ARE_USED
- tz_info->chars= alloc_buff;
- memcpy(tz_info->chars, chars, tz_info->charcnt);
- alloc_buff+= ALIGN_SIZE(tz_info->charcnt);
- #endif
- tz_info->ttis= (TRAN_TYPE_INFO *)alloc_buff;
- memcpy(tz_info->ttis, ttis, tz_info->typecnt * sizeof(TRAN_TYPE_INFO));
- /*
- Let us check how correct our time zone description and build
- reversed map. We don't check for tz->timecnt < 1 since it ok for GMT.
- */
- if (tz_info->typecnt < 1)
- {
- sql_print_error("loading time zone without transition types");
- goto end;
- }
- if (prepare_tz_info(tz_info, &tz_storage))
- {
- sql_print_error("Unable to build mktime map for time zone");
- goto end;
- }
- if (!(tmp_tzname= new (&tz_storage) TZ_NAMES_ENTRY()) ||
- !(tmp_tzname->tz= new (&tz_storage) Time_zone_db(tz_info,
- &(tmp_tzname->name))) ||
- (tmp_tzname->name.set(tz_name_buff, tz_name->length(),
- &my_charset_latin1),
- my_hash_insert(&tz_names, (const byte *)tmp_tzname)))
- {
- sql_print_error("Out of memory while loading time zone");
- goto end;
- }
- /*
- Loading of time zone succeeded
- */
- return_val= tmp_tzname->tz;
- end:
- if (table)
- (void)table->file->ha_index_end();
- DBUG_RETURN(return_val);
- }
- /*
- Parse string that specifies time zone as offset from UTC.
- str_to_offset()
- str - pointer to string which contains offset
- length - length of string
- offset - out parameter for storing found offset in seconds.
- This function parses string which contains time zone offset
- in form similar to '+10:00' and converts found value to
- seconds from UTC form (east is positive).
- 0 - Ok
- 1 - String doesn't contain valid time zone offset
- */
- my_bool
- str_to_offset(const char *str, uint length, long *offset)
- {
- const char *end= str + length;
- my_bool negative;
- ulong number_tmp;
- long offset_tmp;
- if (length < 4)
- return 1;
- if (*str == '+')
- negative= 0;
- else if (*str == '-')
- negative= 1;
- else
- return 1;
- str++;
- number_tmp= 0;
- while (str < end && my_isdigit(&my_charset_latin1, *str))
- {
- number_tmp= number_tmp*10 + *str - '0';
- str++;
- }
- if (str + 1 >= end || *str != ':')
- return 1;
- str++;
- offset_tmp = number_tmp * MINS_PER_HOUR; number_tmp= 0;
- while (str < end && my_isdigit(&my_charset_latin1, *str))
- {
- number_tmp= number_tmp * 10 + *str - '0';
- str++;
- }
- if (str != end)
- return 1;
- offset_tmp= (offset_tmp + number_tmp) * SECS_PER_MIN;
- if (negative)
- offset_tmp= -offset_tmp;
- /*
- Check if offset is in range prescribed by standard
- (from -12:59 to 13:00).
- */
- if (number_tmp > 59 || offset_tmp < -13 * SECS_PER_HOUR + 1 ||
- offset_tmp > 13 * SECS_PER_HOUR)
- return 1;
- *offset= offset_tmp;
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- Get Time_zone object for specified time zone.
- my_tz_find()
- name - time zone specification
- tz_tables - list of opened'n'locked time zone describing tables
- This function checks if name is one of time zones described in db,
- predefined SYSTEM time zone or valid time zone specification as
- offset from UTC (In last case it will create proper Time_zone_offset
- object if there were not any.). If name is ok it returns corresponding
- Time_zone object.
- Clients of this function are not responsible for releasing resources
- occupied by returned Time_zone object so they can just forget pointers
- to Time_zone object if they are not needed longer.
- Other important property of this function: if some Time_zone found once
- it will be for sure found later, so this function can also be used for
- checking if proper Time_zone object exists (and if there will be error
- it will be reported during first call).
- If name pointer is 0 then this function returns 0 (this allows to pass 0
- values as parameter without additional external check and this property
- is used by @@time_zone variable handling code).
- It will perform lookup in system tables (mysql.time_zone*) if needed
- using tz_tables as list of already opened tables (for info about this
- list look at tz_load_from_open_tables() description). It won't perform
- such lookup if no time zone describing tables were found during server
- start up.
- Pointer to corresponding Time_zone object. 0 - in case of bad time zone
- specification or other error.
- */
- Time_zone *
- my_tz_find(const String * name, TABLE_LIST *tz_tables)
- {
- TZ_NAMES_ENTRY *tmp_tzname;
- Time_zone *result_tz= 0;
- long offset;
- DBUG_ENTER("my_tz_find");
- DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("time zone name='%s'",
- name ? ((String *)name)->c_ptr() : "NULL"));
- DBUG_ASSERT(!time_zone_tables_exist || tz_tables);
- if (!name)
- VOID(pthread_mutex_lock(&tz_LOCK));
- if (!str_to_offset(name->ptr(), name->length(), &offset))
- {
- if (!(result_tz= (Time_zone_offset *)hash_search(&offset_tzs,
- (const byte *)&offset,
- sizeof(long))))
- {
- DBUG_PRINT("info", ("Creating new Time_zone_offset object"));
- if (!(result_tz= new (&tz_storage) Time_zone_offset(offset)) ||
- my_hash_insert(&offset_tzs, (const byte *) result_tz))
- {
- result_tz= 0;
- sql_print_error("Fatal error: Out of memory "
- "while setting new time zone");
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- result_tz= 0;
- if ((tmp_tzname= (TZ_NAMES_ENTRY *)hash_search(&tz_names,
- (const byte *)name->ptr(),
- name->length())))
- result_tz= tmp_tzname->tz;
- else if (time_zone_tables_exist)
- result_tz= tz_load_from_open_tables(name, tz_tables);
- }
- VOID(pthread_mutex_unlock(&tz_LOCK));
- DBUG_RETURN(result_tz);
- }
- #endif /* !defined(TESTTIME) && !defined(TZINFO2SQL) */
- #ifdef TZINFO2SQL
- /*
- This code belongs to mysql_tzinfo_to_sql converter command line utility.
- This utility should be used by db admin for populating mysql.time_zone
- tables.
- */
- /*
- Print info about time zone described by TIME_ZONE_INFO struct as
- SQL statements populating mysql.time_zone* tables.
- print_tz_as_sql()
- tz_name - name of time zone
- sp - structure describing time zone
- */
- void
- print_tz_as_sql(const char* tz_name, const TIME_ZONE_INFO *sp)
- {
- uint i;
- /* Here we assume that all time zones have same leap correction tables */
- printf("INSERT INTO time_zone (Use_leap_seconds) VALUES ('%s');n",
- sp->leapcnt ? "Y" : "N");
- printf("SET @time_zone_id= LAST_INSERT_ID();n");
- printf("INSERT INTO time_zone_name (Name, Time_zone_id) VALUES
- ('%s', @time_zone_id);n", tz_name);
- if (sp->timecnt)
- {
- printf("INSERT INTO time_zone_transition
- (Time_zone_id, Transition_time, Transition_type_id) VALUESn");
- for (i= 0; i < sp->timecnt; i++)
- printf("%s(@time_zone_id, %ld, %u)n", (i == 0 ? " " : ","), sp->ats[i],
- (uint)sp->types[i]);
- printf(";n");
- }
- printf("INSERT INTO time_zone_transition_type
- (Time_zone_id, Transition_type_id, Offset, Is_DST, Abbreviation) VALUESn");
- for (i= 0; i < sp->typecnt; i++)
- printf("%s(@time_zone_id, %u, %ld, %d, '%s')n", (i == 0 ? " " : ","), i,
- sp->ttis[i].tt_gmtoff, sp->ttis[i].tt_isdst,
- sp->chars + sp->ttis[i].tt_abbrind);
- printf(";n");
- }
- /*
- Print info about leap seconds in time zone as SQL statements
- populating mysql.time_zone_leap_second table.
- print_tz_leaps_as_sql()
- sp - structure describing time zone
- */
- void
- print_tz_leaps_as_sql(const TIME_ZONE_INFO *sp)
- {
- uint i;
- /*
- We are assuming that there are only one list of leap seconds
- For all timezones.
- */
- printf("TRUNCATE TABLE time_zone_leap_second;n");
- if (sp->leapcnt)
- {
- printf("INSERT INTO time_zone_leap_second
- (Transition_time, Correction) VALUESn");
- for (i= 0; i < sp->leapcnt; i++)
- printf("%s(%ld, %ld)n", (i == 0 ? " " : ","),
- sp->lsis[i].ls_trans, sp->lsis[i].ls_corr);
- printf(";n");
- }
- printf("ALTER TABLE time_zone_leap_second ORDER BY Transition_time;n");
- }
- /*
- Some variables used as temporary or as parameters
- in recursive scan_tz_dir() code.
- */
- TIME_ZONE_INFO tz_info;
- MEM_ROOT tz_storage;
- char fullname[FN_REFLEN + 1];
- char *root_name_end;
- /*
- Recursively scan zoneinfo directory and print all found time zone
- descriptions as SQL.
- scan_tz_dir()
- name_end - pointer to end of path to directory to be searched.
- This auxiliary recursive function also uses several global
- variables as in parameters and for storing temporary values.
- fullname - path to directory that should be scanned.
- root_name_end - pointer to place in fullname where part with
- path to initial directory ends.
- current_tz_id - last used time zone id
- 0 - Ok, 1 - Fatal error
- */
- my_bool
- scan_tz_dir(char * name_end)
- {
- MY_DIR *cur_dir;
- char *name_end_tmp;
- uint i;
- if (!(cur_dir= my_dir(fullname, MYF(MY_WANT_STAT))))
- return 1;
- name_end= strmake(name_end, "/", FN_REFLEN - (name_end - fullname));
- for (i= 0; i < cur_dir->number_off_files; i++)
- {
- if (cur_dir->dir_entry[i].name[0] != '.')
- {
- name_end_tmp= strmake(name_end, cur_dir->dir_entry[i].name,
- FN_REFLEN - (name_end - fullname));
- if (MY_S_ISDIR(cur_dir->dir_entry[i].mystat->st_mode))
- {
- if (scan_tz_dir(name_end_tmp))
- {
- my_dirend(cur_dir);
- return 1;
- }
- }
- else if (MY_S_ISREG(cur_dir->dir_entry[i].mystat->st_mode))
- {
- init_alloc_root(&tz_storage, 32768, 0);
- if (!tz_load(fullname, &tz_info, &tz_storage))
- print_tz_as_sql(root_name_end + 1, &tz_info);
- else
- fprintf(stderr,
- "Warning: Unable to load '%s' as time zone. Skipping it.n",
- fullname);
- free_root(&tz_storage, MYF(0));
- }
- else
- fprintf(stderr, "Warning: '%s' is not regular file or directoryn",
- fullname);
- }
- }
- my_dirend(cur_dir);
- return 0;
- }
- int
- main(int argc, char **argv)
- {
- MY_INIT(argv[0]);
- if (argc != 2 && argc != 3)
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "Usage:n");
- fprintf(stderr, " %s timezonedirn", argv[0]);
- fprintf(stderr, " %s timezonefile timezonenamen", argv[0]);
- fprintf(stderr, " %s --leap timezonefilen", argv[0]);
- return 1;
- }
- if (argc == 2)
- {
- root_name_end= strmake(fullname, argv[1], FN_REFLEN);
- printf("TRUNCATE TABLE time_zone;n");
- printf("TRUNCATE TABLE time_zone_name;n");
- printf("TRUNCATE TABLE time_zone_transition;n");
- printf("TRUNCATE TABLE time_zone_transition_type;n");
- if (scan_tz_dir(root_name_end))
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "There were fatal errors during processing "
- "of zoneinfo directoryn");
- return 1;
- }
- printf("ALTER TABLE time_zone_transition "
- "ORDER BY Time_zone_id, Transition_time;n");
- printf("ALTER TABLE time_zone_transition_type "
- "ORDER BY Time_zone_id, Transition_type_id;n");
- }
- else
- {
- init_alloc_root(&tz_storage, 32768, 0);
- if (strcmp(argv[1], "--leap") == 0)
- {
- if (tz_load(argv[2], &tz_info, &tz_storage))
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "Problems with zoneinfo file '%s'n", argv[2]);
- return 1;
- }
- print_tz_leaps_as_sql(&tz_info);
- }
- else
- {
- if (tz_load(argv[1], &tz_info, &tz_storage))
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "Problems with zoneinfo file '%s'n", argv[2]);
- return 1;
- }
- print_tz_as_sql(argv[2], &tz_info);
- }
- free_root(&tz_storage, MYF(0));
- }
- return 0;
- }
- #endif /* defined(TZINFO2SQL) */
- #ifdef TESTTIME
- /*
- Some simple brute-force test wich allowed to catch a pair of bugs.
- Also can provide interesting facts about system's time zone support
- implementation.
- */
- #ifndef CHAR_BIT
- #define CHAR_BIT 8
- #endif
- #ifndef TYPE_BIT
- #define TYPE_BIT(type) (sizeof (type) * CHAR_BIT)
- #endif
- #ifndef TYPE_SIGNED
- #define TYPE_SIGNED(type) (((type) -1) < 0)
- #endif
- my_bool
- is_equal_TIME_tm(const TIME* time_arg, const struct tm * tm_arg)
- {
- return (time_arg->year == (uint)tm_arg->tm_year+TM_YEAR_BASE) &&
- (time_arg->month == (uint)tm_arg->tm_mon+1) &&
- (time_arg->day == (uint)tm_arg->tm_mday) &&
- (time_arg->hour == (uint)tm_arg->tm_hour) &&
- (time_arg->minute == (uint)tm_arg->tm_min) &&
- (time_arg->second == (uint)tm_arg->tm_sec) &&
- time_arg->second_part == 0;
- }
- int
- main(int argc, char **argv)
- {
- my_bool localtime_negative;
- TIME_ZONE_INFO tz_info;
- struct tm tmp;
- TIME time_tmp;
- time_t t, t1, t2;
- char fullname[FN_REFLEN+1];
- char *str_end;
- long not_used;
- bool not_used_2;
- MEM_ROOT tz_storage;
- MY_INIT(argv[0]);
- init_alloc_root(&tz_storage, 32768, 0);
- /* let us set some well known timezone */
- setenv("TZ", "MET", 1);
- tzset();
- /* Some initial time zone related system info */
- printf("time_t: %s %u bitn", TYPE_SIGNED(time_t) ? "signed" : "unsigned",
- (uint)TYPE_BIT(time_t));
- if (TYPE_SIGNED(time_t))
- {
- t= -100;
- localtime_negative= test(localtime_r(&t, &tmp) != 0);
- printf("localtime_r %s negative params
- (time_t=%d is %d-%d-%d %d:%d:%d)n",
- (localtime_negative ? "supports" : "doesn't support"), (int)t,
- TM_YEAR_BASE + tmp.tm_year, tmp.tm_mon + 1, tmp.tm_mday,
- tmp.tm_hour, tmp.tm_min, tmp.tm_sec);
- printf("mktime %s negative results (%d)n",
- (t == mktime(&tmp) ? "doesn't support" : "supports"),
- (int)mktime(&tmp));
- }
- tmp.tm_year= 103; tmp.tm_mon= 2; tmp.tm_mday= 30;
- tmp.tm_hour= 2; tmp.tm_min= 30; tmp.tm_sec= 0; tmp.tm_isdst= -1;
- t= mktime(&tmp);
- printf("mktime returns %s for spring time gap (%d)n",
- (t != (time_t)-1 ? "something" : "error"), (int)t);
- tmp.tm_year= 103; tmp.tm_mon= 8; tmp.tm_mday= 1;
- tmp.tm_hour= 0; tmp.tm_min= 0; tmp.tm_sec= 0; tmp.tm_isdst= 0;
- t= mktime(&tmp);
- printf("mktime returns %s for non existing date (%d)n",
- (t != (time_t)-1 ? "something" : "error"), (int)t);
- tmp.tm_year= 103; tmp.tm_mon= 8; tmp.tm_mday= 1;
- tmp.tm_hour= 25; tmp.tm_min=0; tmp.tm_sec=0; tmp.tm_isdst=1;
- t= mktime(&tmp);
- printf("mktime %s unnormalized input (%d)n",
- (t != (time_t)-1 ? "handles" : "doesn't handle"), (int)t);
- tmp.tm_year= 103; tmp.tm_mon= 9; tmp.tm_mday= 26;
- tmp.tm_hour= 0; tmp.tm_min= 30; tmp.tm_sec= 0; tmp.tm_isdst= 1;
- mktime(&tmp);
- tmp.tm_hour= 2; tmp.tm_isdst= -1;
- t= mktime(&tmp);
- tmp.tm_hour= 4; tmp.tm_isdst= 0;
- mktime(&tmp);
- tmp.tm_hour= 2; tmp.tm_isdst= -1;
- t1= mktime(&tmp);
- printf("mktime is %s (%d %d)n",
- (t == t1 ? "determenistic" : "is non-determenistic"),
- (int)t, (int)t1);
- /* Let us load time zone description */
- str_end= strmake(fullname, TZDIR, FN_REFLEN);
- strmake(str_end, "/MET", FN_REFLEN - (str_end - fullname));
- if (tz_load(fullname, &tz_info, &tz_storage))
- {
- printf("Unable to load time zone info from '%s'n", fullname);
- free_root(&tz_storage, MYF(0));
- return 1;
- }
- printf("Testing our implementationn");
- if (TYPE_SIGNED(time_t) && localtime_negative)
- {
- for (t= -40000; t < 20000; t++)
- {
- localtime_r(&t, &tmp);
- gmt_sec_to_TIME(&time_tmp, (my_time_t)t, &tz_info);
- if (!is_equal_TIME_tm(&time_tmp, &tmp))
- {
- printf("Problem with negative time_t = %dn", (int)t);
- free_root(&tz_storage, MYF(0));
- return 1;
- }
- }
- printf("gmt_sec_to_TIME = localtime for time_t in [-40000,20000) rangen");
- }
- for (t= 1000000000; t < 1100000000; t+= 13)
- {
- localtime_r(&t,&tmp);
- gmt_sec_to_TIME(&time_tmp, (my_time_t)t, &tz_info);
- if (!is_equal_TIME_tm(&time_tmp, &tmp))
- {
- printf("Problem with time_t = %dn", (int)t);
- free_root(&tz_storage, MYF(0));
- return 1;
- }
- }
- printf("gmt_sec_to_TIME = localtime for time_t in [1000000000,1100000000) rangen");
- init_time();
- /*
- Be careful here! my_system_gmt_sec doesn't fully handle unnormalized
- dates.
- */
- for (time_tmp.year= 1980; time_tmp.year < 2010; time_tmp.year++)
- for (time_tmp.month= 1; time_tmp.month < 13; time_tmp.month++)
- for ( 1;
- < mon_lengths[isleap(time_tmp.year)][time_tmp.month-1];
- for (time_tmp.hour= 0; time_tmp.hour < 24; time_tmp.hour++)
- for (time_tmp.minute= 0; time_tmp.minute < 60; time_tmp.minute+= 5)
- for (time_tmp.second=0; time_tmp.second<60; time_tmp.second+=25)
- {
- t= (time_t)my_system_gmt_sec(&time_tmp, ¬_used, ¬_used_2);
- t1= (time_t)TIME_to_gmt_sec(&time_tmp, &tz_info, ¬_used_2);
- if (t != t1)
- {
- /*
- We need special handling during autumn since my_system_gmt_sec
- prefers greater time_t values (in MET) for ambiguity.
- And BTW that is a bug which should be fixed !!!
- */
- tmp.tm_year= time_tmp.year - TM_YEAR_BASE;
- tmp.tm_mon= time_tmp.month - 1;
- tmp.tm_mday=;
- tmp.tm_hour= time_tmp.hour;
- tmp.tm_min= time_tmp.minute;
- tmp.tm_sec= time_tmp.second;
- tmp.tm_isdst= 1;
- t2= mktime(&tmp);
- if (t1 == t2)
- continue;
- printf("Problem: %u/%u/%u %u:%u:%u with times t=%d, t1=%dn",
- time_tmp.year, time_tmp.month,,
- time_tmp.hour, time_tmp.minute, time_tmp.second,
- (int)t,(int)t1);
- free_root(&tz_storage, MYF(0));
- return 1;
- }
- }
- printf("TIME_to_gmt_sec = my_system_gmt_sec for test rangen");
- free_root(&tz_storage, MYF(0));
- return 0;
- }
- #endif /* defined(TESTTIME) */