- /* Copyright (C) 2000-2004 MySQL AB
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation.
- There are special exceptions to the terms and conditions of the GPL as it
- is applied to this software. View the full text of the exception in file
- EXCEPTIONS-CLIENT in the directory of this software distribution.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */
- #include <my_global.h>
- #include <my_sys.h>
- #include <my_time.h>
- #include <mysys_err.h>
- #include <m_string.h>
- #include <m_ctype.h>
- #include "mysql.h"
- #include "mysql_version.h"
- #include "mysqld_error.h"
- #include "errmsg.h"
- #include <violite.h>
- #include <sys/stat.h>
- #include <signal.h>
- #include <time.h>
- #ifdef HAVE_PWD_H
- #include <pwd.h>
- #endif
- #if !defined(MSDOS) && !defined(__WIN__)
- #include <sys/socket.h>
- #include <netinet/in.h>
- #include <arpa/inet.h>
- #include <netdb.h>
- #ifdef HAVE_SELECT_H
- #include <select.h>
- #endif
- #include <sys/select.h>
- #endif
- #endif /* !defined(MSDOS) && !defined(__WIN__) */
- #ifdef HAVE_POLL
- #include <sys/poll.h>
- #endif
- #ifdef HAVE_SYS_UN_H
- #include <sys/un.h>
- #endif
- #if defined(THREAD) && !defined(__WIN__)
- #include <my_pthread.h> /* because of signal() */
- #endif
- #ifndef INADDR_NONE
- #define INADDR_NONE -1
- #endif
- #include <sql_common.h>
- #include "client_settings.h"
- #undef net_buffer_length
- #undef max_allowed_packet
- ulong net_buffer_length=8192;
- ulong max_allowed_packet= 1024L*1024L*1024L;
- ulong net_read_timeout= CLIENT_NET_READ_TIMEOUT;
- ulong net_write_timeout= CLIENT_NET_WRITE_TIMEOUT;
- #undef net_flush
- my_bool net_flush(NET *net);
- #endif
- #if defined(MSDOS) || defined(__WIN__)
- /* socket_errno is defined in my_global.h for all platforms */
- #define perror(A)
- #else
- #include <errno.h>
- #define SOCKET_ERROR -1
- #endif /* __WIN__ */
- /*
- If allowed through some configuration, then this needs to
- be changed
- */
- #define MAX_LONG_DATA_LENGTH 8192
- #define unsigned_field(A) ((A)->flags & UNSIGNED_FLAG)
- static void append_wild(char *to,char *end,const char *wild);
- sig_handler pipe_sig_handler(int sig);
- static my_bool mysql_client_init= 0;
- static my_bool org_my_init_done= 0;
- /*
- Initialize the MySQL client library
- mysql_server_init()
- Should be called before doing any other calls to the MySQL
- client library to initialize thread specific variables etc.
- It's called by mysql_init() to ensure that things will work for
- old not threaded applications that doesn't call mysql_server_init()
- directly.
- 0 ok
- 1 could not initialize environment (out of memory or thread keys)
- */
- int STDCALL mysql_server_init(int argc __attribute__((unused)),
- char **argv __attribute__((unused)),
- char **groups __attribute__((unused)))
- {
- int result= 0;
- if (!mysql_client_init)
- {
- mysql_client_init=1;
- org_my_init_done=my_init_done;
- if (my_init()) /* Will init threads */
- return 1;
- init_client_errs();
- if (!mysql_port)
- {
- mysql_port = MYSQL_PORT;
- #ifndef MSDOS
- {
- struct servent *serv_ptr;
- char *env;
- if ((serv_ptr = getservbyname("mysql", "tcp")))
- mysql_port = (uint) ntohs((ushort) serv_ptr->s_port);
- if ((env = getenv("MYSQL_TCP_PORT")))
- mysql_port =(uint) atoi(env);
- }
- #endif
- }
- if (!mysql_unix_port)
- {
- char *env;
- #ifdef __WIN__
- mysql_unix_port = (char*) MYSQL_NAMEDPIPE;
- #else
- mysql_unix_port = (char*) MYSQL_UNIX_ADDR;
- #endif
- if ((env = getenv("MYSQL_UNIX_PORT")))
- mysql_unix_port = env;
- }
- mysql_debug(NullS);
- #if defined(SIGPIPE) && !defined(__WIN__) && !defined(__NETWARE__)
- (void) signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);
- #endif
- if (argc > -1)
- result= init_embedded_server(argc, argv, groups);
- #endif
- }
- #ifdef THREAD
- else
- result= (int)my_thread_init(); /* Init if new thread */
- #endif
- return result;
- }
- void STDCALL mysql_server_end()
- {
- end_embedded_server();
- #endif
- /* If library called my_init(), free memory allocated by it */
- if (!org_my_init_done)
- {
- my_end(0);
- #ifndef THREAD
- /* Remove TRACING, if enabled by mysql_debug() */
- #endif
- }
- else
- mysql_thread_end();
- free_charsets();
- mysql_client_init= org_my_init_done= 0;
- if (stderror_file)
- {
- fclose(stderror_file);
- stderror_file= 0;
- }
- #endif
- }
- static MYSQL_PARAMETERS mysql_internal_parameters=
- {&max_allowed_packet, &net_buffer_length};
- MYSQL_PARAMETERS *STDCALL mysql_get_parameters(void)
- {
- return &mysql_internal_parameters;
- }
- my_bool STDCALL mysql_thread_init()
- {
- #ifdef THREAD
- return my_thread_init();
- #else
- return 0;
- #endif
- }
- void STDCALL mysql_thread_end()
- {
- #ifdef THREAD
- my_thread_end();
- #endif
- }
- /*
- Let the user specify that we don't want SIGPIPE; This doesn't however work
- with threaded applications as we can have multiple read in progress.
- */
- static MYSQL* spawn_init(MYSQL* parent, const char* host,
- unsigned int port,
- const char* user,
- const char* passwd);
- /*
- Expand wildcard to a sql string
- */
- static void
- append_wild(char *to, char *end, const char *wild)
- {
- end-=5; /* Some extra */
- if (wild && wild[0])
- {
- to=strmov(to," like '");
- while (*wild && to < end)
- {
- if (*wild == '\' || *wild == ''')
- *to++='\';
- *to++= *wild++;
- }
- if (*wild) /* Too small buffer */
- *to++='%'; /* Nicer this way */
- to[0]=''';
- to[1]=0;
- }
- }
- /**************************************************************************
- Init debugging if MYSQL_DEBUG environment variable is found
- **************************************************************************/
- void STDCALL
- mysql_debug(const char *debug __attribute__((unused)))
- {
- #ifndef DBUG_OFF
- char *env;
- if (_db_on_)
- return; /* Already using debugging */
- if (debug)
- {
- DBUG_PUSH(debug);
- }
- else if ((env = getenv("MYSQL_DEBUG")))
- {
- DBUG_PUSH(env);
- #if !defined(_WINVER) && !defined(WINVER)
- puts("n-------------------------------------------------------");
- puts("MYSQL_DEBUG found. libmysql started with the following:");
- puts(env);
- puts("-------------------------------------------------------n");
- #else
- {
- char buff[80];
- buff[sizeof(buff)-1]= 0;
- strxnmov(buff,sizeof(buff)-1,"libmysql: ", env, NullS);
- MessageBox((HWND) 0,"Debugging variable MYSQL_DEBUG used",buff,MB_OK);
- }
- #endif
- }
- #endif
- }
- /**************************************************************************
- Close the server connection if we get a SIGPIPE
- **************************************************************************/
- sig_handler
- pipe_sig_handler(int sig __attribute__((unused)))
- {
- DBUG_PRINT("info",("Hit by signal %d",sig));
- (void) signal(SIGPIPE,pipe_sig_handler);
- #endif
- }
- /* perform query on master */
- my_bool STDCALL mysql_master_query(MYSQL *mysql, const char *q,
- unsigned long length)
- {
- DBUG_ENTER("mysql_master_query");
- if (mysql_master_send_query(mysql, q, length))
- DBUG_RETURN((*mysql->methods->read_query_result)(mysql));
- }
- my_bool STDCALL mysql_master_send_query(MYSQL *mysql, const char *q,
- unsigned long length)
- {
- MYSQL *master = mysql->master;
- DBUG_ENTER("mysql_master_send_query");
- if (!master->net.vio && !mysql_real_connect(master,0,0,0,0,0,0,0))
- mysql->last_used_con = master;
- DBUG_RETURN(simple_command(master, COM_QUERY, q, length, 1));
- }
- /* perform query on slave */
- my_bool STDCALL mysql_slave_query(MYSQL *mysql, const char *q,
- unsigned long length)
- {
- DBUG_ENTER("mysql_slave_query");
- if (mysql_slave_send_query(mysql, q, length))
- DBUG_RETURN((*mysql->methods->read_query_result)(mysql));
- }
- my_bool STDCALL mysql_slave_send_query(MYSQL *mysql, const char *q,
- unsigned long length)
- {
- MYSQL* last_used_slave, *slave_to_use = 0;
- DBUG_ENTER("mysql_slave_send_query");
- if ((last_used_slave = mysql->last_used_slave))
- slave_to_use = last_used_slave->next_slave;
- else
- slave_to_use = mysql->next_slave;
- /*
- Next_slave is always safe to use - we have a circular list of slaves
- if there are no slaves, mysql->next_slave == mysql
- */
- mysql->last_used_con = mysql->last_used_slave = slave_to_use;
- if (!slave_to_use->net.vio && !mysql_real_connect(slave_to_use, 0,0,0,
- 0,0,0,0))
- DBUG_RETURN(simple_command(slave_to_use, COM_QUERY, q, length, 1));
- }
- /* enable/disable parsing of all queries to decide
- if they go on master or slave */
- void STDCALL mysql_enable_rpl_parse(MYSQL* mysql)
- {
- mysql->options.rpl_parse = 1;
- }
- void STDCALL mysql_disable_rpl_parse(MYSQL* mysql)
- {
- mysql->options.rpl_parse = 0;
- }
- /* get the value of the parse flag */
- int STDCALL mysql_rpl_parse_enabled(MYSQL* mysql)
- {
- return mysql->options.rpl_parse;
- }
- /* enable/disable reads from master */
- void STDCALL mysql_enable_reads_from_master(MYSQL* mysql)
- {
- mysql->options.no_master_reads = 0;
- }
- void STDCALL mysql_disable_reads_from_master(MYSQL* mysql)
- {
- mysql->options.no_master_reads = 1;
- }
- /* get the value of the master read flag */
- my_bool STDCALL mysql_reads_from_master_enabled(MYSQL* mysql)
- {
- return !(mysql->options.no_master_reads);
- }
- /*
- We may get an error while doing replication internals.
- In this case, we add a special explanation to the original
- error
- */
- static void expand_error(MYSQL* mysql, int error)
- {
- char tmp[MYSQL_ERRMSG_SIZE];
- char *p;
- uint err_length;
- strmake(tmp, mysql->net.last_error, MYSQL_ERRMSG_SIZE-1);
- p = strmake(mysql->net.last_error, ER(error), MYSQL_ERRMSG_SIZE-1);
- err_length= (uint) (p - mysql->net.last_error);
- strmake(p, tmp, MYSQL_ERRMSG_SIZE-1 - err_length);
- mysql->net.last_errno = error;
- }
- /*
- This function assumes we have just called SHOW SLAVE STATUS and have
- read the given result and row
- */
- static my_bool get_master(MYSQL* mysql, MYSQL_RES* res, MYSQL_ROW row)
- {
- MYSQL* master;
- DBUG_ENTER("get_master");
- if (mysql_num_fields(res) < 3)
- DBUG_RETURN(1); /* safety */
- /* use the same username and password as the original connection */
- if (!(master = spawn_init(mysql, row[0], atoi(row[2]), 0, 0)))
- mysql->master = master;
- }
- /*
- Assuming we already know that mysql points to a master connection,
- retrieve all the slaves
- */
- static my_bool get_slaves_from_master(MYSQL* mysql)
- {
- MYSQL_RES* res = 0;
- MYSQL_ROW row;
- my_bool error = 1;
- int has_auth_info;
- int port_ind;
- DBUG_ENTER("get_slaves_from_master");
- if (!mysql->net.vio && !mysql_real_connect(mysql,0,0,0,0,0,0,0))
- {
- expand_error(mysql, CR_PROBE_MASTER_CONNECT);
- }
- if (mysql_query(mysql, "SHOW SLAVE HOSTS") ||
- !(res = mysql_store_result(mysql)))
- {
- expand_error(mysql, CR_PROBE_SLAVE_HOSTS);
- }
- switch (mysql_num_fields(res)) {
- case 5:
- has_auth_info = 0;
- port_ind=2;
- break;
- case 7:
- has_auth_info = 1;
- port_ind=4;
- break;
- default:
- goto err;
- }
- while ((row = mysql_fetch_row(res)))
- {
- MYSQL* slave;
- const char* tmp_user, *tmp_pass;
- if (has_auth_info)
- {
- tmp_user = row[2];
- tmp_pass = row[3];
- }
- else
- {
- tmp_user = mysql->user;
- tmp_pass = mysql->passwd;
- }
- if (!(slave = spawn_init(mysql, row[1], atoi(row[port_ind]),
- tmp_user, tmp_pass)))
- goto err;
- /* Now add slave into the circular linked list */
- slave->next_slave = mysql->next_slave;
- mysql->next_slave = slave;
- }
- error = 0;
- err:
- if (res)
- mysql_free_result(res);
- DBUG_RETURN(error);
- }
- my_bool STDCALL mysql_rpl_probe(MYSQL* mysql)
- {
- MYSQL_RES *res= 0;
- MYSQL_ROW row;
- my_bool error= 1;
- DBUG_ENTER("mysql_rpl_probe");
- /*
- First determine the replication role of the server we connected to
- the most reliable way to do this is to run SHOW SLAVE STATUS and see
- if we have a non-empty master host. This is still not fool-proof -
- it is not a sin to have a master that has a dormant slave thread with
- a non-empty master host. However, it is more reliable to check
- for empty master than whether the slave thread is actually running
- */
- if (mysql_query(mysql, "SHOW SLAVE STATUS") ||
- !(res = mysql_store_result(mysql)))
- {
- expand_error(mysql, CR_PROBE_SLAVE_STATUS);
- }
- row= mysql_fetch_row(res);
- /*
- Check master host for emptiness/NULL
- For MySQL 4.0 it's enough to check for row[0]
- */
- if (row && row[0] && *(row[0]))
- {
- /* this is a slave, ask it for the master */
- if (get_master(mysql, res, row) || get_slaves_from_master(mysql))
- goto err;
- }
- else
- {
- mysql->master = mysql;
- if (get_slaves_from_master(mysql))
- goto err;
- }
- error = 0;
- err:
- if (res)
- mysql_free_result(res);
- DBUG_RETURN(error);
- }
- /*
- Make a not so fool-proof decision on where the query should go, to
- the master or the slave. Ideally the user should always make this
- decision himself with mysql_master_query() or mysql_slave_query().
- However, to be able to more easily port the old code, we support the
- option of an educated guess - this should work for most applications,
- however, it may make the wrong decision in some particular cases. If
- that happens, the user would have to change the code to call
- mysql_master_query() or mysql_slave_query() explicitly in the place
- where we have made the wrong decision
- */
- enum mysql_rpl_type
- STDCALL mysql_rpl_query_type(const char* q, int len)
- {
- const char *q_end= q + len;
- for (; q < q_end; ++q)
- {
- char c;
- if (my_isalpha(&my_charset_latin1, (c= *q)))
- {
- switch (my_tolower(&my_charset_latin1,c)) {
- case 'i': /* insert */
- case 'u': /* update or unlock tables */
- case 'l': /* lock tables or load data infile */
- case 'd': /* drop or delete */
- case 'a': /* alter */
- case 'c': /* create or check */
- return my_tolower(&my_charset_latin1,q[1]) == 'h' ? MYSQL_RPL_ADMIN :
- case 's': /* select or show */
- return my_tolower(&my_charset_latin1,q[1]) == 'h' ? MYSQL_RPL_ADMIN :
- case 'f': /* flush */
- case 'r': /* repair */
- case 'g': /* grant */
- default:
- }
- }
- }
- return MYSQL_RPL_MASTER; /* By default, send to master */
- }
- /**************************************************************************
- Connect to sql server
- If host == 0 then use localhost
- **************************************************************************/
- mysql_connect(MYSQL *mysql,const char *host,
- const char *user, const char *passwd)
- {
- MYSQL *res;
- mysql=mysql_init(mysql); /* Make it thread safe */
- {
- DBUG_ENTER("mysql_connect");
- if (!(res=mysql_real_connect(mysql,host,user,passwd,NullS,0,NullS,0)))
- {
- if (mysql->free_me)
- my_free((gptr) mysql,MYF(0));
- }
- }
- }
- #endif
- /**************************************************************************
- Change user and database
- **************************************************************************/
- int cli_read_change_user_result(MYSQL *mysql, char *buff, const char *passwd)
- {
- NET *net= &mysql->net;
- ulong pkt_length;
- pkt_length= net_safe_read(mysql);
- if (pkt_length == packet_error)
- return 1;
- if (pkt_length == 1 && net->read_pos[0] == 254 &&
- mysql->server_capabilities & CLIENT_SECURE_CONNECTION)
- {
- /*
- By sending this very specific reply server asks us to send scrambled
- password in old format. The reply contains scramble_323.
- */
- scramble_323(buff, mysql->scramble, passwd);
- if (my_net_write(net, buff, SCRAMBLE_LENGTH_323 + 1) || net_flush(net))
- {
- net->last_errno= CR_SERVER_LOST;
- strmov(net->sqlstate, unknown_sqlstate);
- strmov(net->last_error,ER(net->last_errno));
- return 1;
- }
- /* Read what server thinks about out new auth message report */
- if (net_safe_read(mysql) == packet_error)
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- my_bool STDCALL mysql_change_user(MYSQL *mysql, const char *user,
- const char *passwd, const char *db)
- {
- char buff[512],*end=buff;
- int rc;
- DBUG_ENTER("mysql_change_user");
- if (!user)
- user="";
- if (!passwd)
- passwd="";
- /* Store user into the buffer */
- end=strmov(end,user)+1;
- /* write scrambled password according to server capabilities */
- if (passwd[0])
- {
- if (mysql->server_capabilities & CLIENT_SECURE_CONNECTION)
- {
- scramble(end, mysql->scramble, passwd);
- }
- else
- {
- scramble_323(end, mysql->scramble, passwd);
- end+= SCRAMBLE_LENGTH_323 + 1;
- }
- }
- else
- *end++= ''; /* empty password */
- /* Add database if needed */
- end= strmov(end, db ? db : "") + 1;
- /* Write authentication package */
- simple_command(mysql,COM_CHANGE_USER, buff,(ulong) (end-buff),1);
- rc= (*mysql->methods->read_change_user_result)(mysql, buff, passwd);
- /*
- The server will close all statements no matter was the attempt
- to change user successful or not.
- */
- mysql_detach_stmt_list(&mysql->stmts);
- if (rc == 0)
- {
- /* Free old connect information */
- my_free(mysql->user,MYF(MY_ALLOW_ZERO_PTR));
- my_free(mysql->passwd,MYF(MY_ALLOW_ZERO_PTR));
- my_free(mysql->db,MYF(MY_ALLOW_ZERO_PTR));
- /* alloc new connect information */
- mysql->user= my_strdup(user,MYF(MY_WME));
- mysql->passwd=my_strdup(passwd,MYF(MY_WME));
- mysql->db= db ? my_strdup(db,MYF(MY_WME)) : 0;
- }
- }
- #if defined(HAVE_GETPWUID) && defined(NO_GETPWUID_DECL)
- struct passwd *getpwuid(uid_t);
- char* getlogin(void);
- #endif
- #if defined(__NETWARE__)
- /* Default to value of USER on NetWare, if unset use "UNKNOWN_USER" */
- void read_user_name(char *name)
- {
- char *str=getenv("USER");
- strmake(name, str ? str : "UNKNOWN_USER", USERNAME_LENGTH);
- }
- #elif !defined(MSDOS) && ! defined(VMS) && !defined(__WIN__) && !defined(OS2)
- void read_user_name(char *name)
- {
- DBUG_ENTER("read_user_name");
- if (geteuid() == 0)
- (void) strmov(name,"root"); /* allow use of surun */
- else
- {
- struct passwd *skr;
- const char *str;
- if ((str=getlogin()) == NULL)
- {
- if ((skr=getpwuid(geteuid())) != NULL)
- str=skr->pw_name;
- else if (!(str=getenv("USER")) && !(str=getenv("LOGNAME")) &&
- !(str=getenv("LOGIN")))
- }
- (void) strmake(name,str,USERNAME_LENGTH);
- (void) cuserid(name);
- #else
- strmov(name,"UNKNOWN_USER");
- #endif
- }
- }
- #else /* If MSDOS || VMS */
- void read_user_name(char *name)
- {
- char *str=getenv("USER"); /* ODBC will send user variable */
- strmake(name,str ? str : "ODBC", USERNAME_LENGTH);
- }
- #endif
- my_bool handle_local_infile(MYSQL *mysql, const char *net_filename)
- {
- my_bool result= 1;
- uint packet_length=MY_ALIGN(mysql->net.max_packet-16,IO_SIZE);
- NET *net= &mysql->net;
- int readcount;
- void *li_ptr; /* pass state to local_infile functions */
- char *buf; /* buffer to be filled by local_infile_read */
- struct st_mysql_options *options= &mysql->options;
- DBUG_ENTER("handle_local_infile");
- /* check that we've got valid callback functions */
- if (!(options->local_infile_init &&
- options->local_infile_read &&
- options->local_infile_end &&
- options->local_infile_error))
- {
- /* if any of the functions is invalid, set the default */
- mysql_set_local_infile_default(mysql);
- }
- /* copy filename into local memory and allocate read buffer */
- if (!(buf=my_malloc(packet_length, MYF(0))))
- {
- strmov(net->sqlstate, unknown_sqlstate);
- strmov(net->last_error, ER(net->last_errno=CR_OUT_OF_MEMORY));
- }
- /* initialize local infile (open file, usually) */
- if ((*options->local_infile_init)(&li_ptr, net_filename,
- options->local_infile_userdata))
- {
- my_net_write(net,"",0); /* Server needs one packet */
- net_flush(net);
- strmov(net->sqlstate, unknown_sqlstate);
- net->last_errno= (*options->local_infile_error)(li_ptr,
- net->last_error,
- sizeof(net->last_error)-1);
- goto err;
- }
- /* read blocks of data from local infile callback */
- while ((readcount =
- (*options->local_infile_read)(li_ptr, buf,
- packet_length)) > 0)
- {
- if (my_net_write(net,buf,readcount))
- {
- DBUG_PRINT("error",
- ("Lost connection to MySQL server during LOAD DATA of local file"));
- strmov(net->sqlstate, unknown_sqlstate);
- net->last_errno=CR_SERVER_LOST;
- strmov(net->last_error,ER(net->last_errno));
- goto err;
- }
- }
- /* Send empty packet to mark end of file */
- if (my_net_write(net,"",0) || net_flush(net))
- {
- strmov(net->sqlstate, unknown_sqlstate);
- net->last_errno=CR_SERVER_LOST;
- sprintf(net->last_error,ER(net->last_errno),errno);
- goto err;
- }
- if (readcount < 0)
- {
- net->last_errno= (*options->local_infile_error)(li_ptr,
- net->last_error,
- sizeof(net->last_error)-1);
- goto err;
- }
- result=0; /* Ok */
- err:
- /* free up memory allocated with _init, usually */
- (*options->local_infile_end)(li_ptr);
- my_free(buf, MYF(0));
- DBUG_RETURN(result);
- }
- /****************************************************************************
- Default handlers for LOAD LOCAL INFILE
- ****************************************************************************/
- typedef struct st_default_local_infile
- {
- int fd;
- int error_num;
- const char *filename;
- char error_msg[LOCAL_INFILE_ERROR_LEN];
- } default_local_infile_data;
- /*
- Open file for LOAD LOCAL INFILE
- default_local_infile_init()
- ptr Store pointer to internal data here
- filename File name to open. This may be in unix format !
- Even if this function returns an error, the load data interface
- guarantees that default_local_infile_end() is called.
- 0 ok
- 1 error
- */
- static int default_local_infile_init(void **ptr, const char *filename,
- void *userdata __attribute__ ((unused)))
- {
- default_local_infile_data *data;
- char tmp_name[FN_REFLEN];
- if (!(*ptr= data= ((default_local_infile_data *)
- my_malloc(sizeof(default_local_infile_data), MYF(0)))))
- return 1; /* out of memory */
- data->error_msg[0]= 0;
- data->error_num= 0;
- data->filename= filename;
- fn_format(tmp_name, filename, "", "", MY_UNPACK_FILENAME);
- if ((data->fd = my_open(tmp_name, O_RDONLY, MYF(0))) < 0)
- {
- data->error_num= my_errno;
- my_snprintf(data->error_msg, sizeof(data->error_msg)-1,
- EE(EE_FILENOTFOUND), tmp_name, data->error_num);
- return 1;
- }
- return 0; /* ok */
- }
- /*
- Read data for LOAD LOCAL INFILE
- default_local_infile_read()
- ptr Points to handle allocated by _init
- buf Read data here
- buf_len Ammount of data to read
- > 0 number of bytes read
- == 0 End of data
- < 0 Error
- */
- static int default_local_infile_read(void *ptr, char *buf, uint buf_len)
- {
- int count;
- default_local_infile_data*data = (default_local_infile_data *) ptr;
- if ((count= (int) my_read(data->fd, (byte *) buf, buf_len, MYF(0))) < 0)
- {
- data->error_num= EE_READ; /* the errmsg for not entire file read */
- my_snprintf(data->error_msg, sizeof(data->error_msg)-1,
- data->filename, my_errno);
- }
- return count;
- }
- /*
- Read data for LOAD LOCAL INFILE
- default_local_infile_end()
- ptr Points to handle allocated by _init
- May be NULL if _init failed!
- */
- static void default_local_infile_end(void *ptr)
- {
- default_local_infile_data *data= (default_local_infile_data *) ptr;
- if (data) /* If not error on open */
- {
- if (data->fd >= 0)
- my_close(data->fd, MYF(MY_WME));
- my_free(ptr, MYF(MY_WME));
- }
- }
- /*
- Return error from LOAD LOCAL INFILE
- default_local_infile_end()
- ptr Points to handle allocated by _init
- May be NULL if _init failed!
- error_msg Store error text here
- error_msg_len Max lenght of error_msg
- error message number
- */
- static int
- default_local_infile_error(void *ptr, char *error_msg, uint error_msg_len)
- {
- default_local_infile_data *data = (default_local_infile_data *) ptr;
- if (data) /* If not error on open */
- {
- strmake(error_msg, data->error_msg, error_msg_len);
- return data->error_num;
- }
- /* This can only happen if we got error on malloc of handle */
- strmov(error_msg, ER(CR_OUT_OF_MEMORY));
- return CR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
- }
- void
- mysql_set_local_infile_handler(MYSQL *mysql,
- int (*local_infile_init)(void **, const char *,
- void *),
- int (*local_infile_read)(void *, char *, uint),
- void (*local_infile_end)(void *),
- int (*local_infile_error)(void *, char *, uint),
- void *userdata)
- {
- mysql->options.local_infile_init= local_infile_init;
- mysql->options.local_infile_read= local_infile_read;
- mysql->options.local_infile_end= local_infile_end;
- mysql->options.local_infile_error= local_infile_error;
- mysql->options.local_infile_userdata = userdata;
- }
- void mysql_set_local_infile_default(MYSQL *mysql)
- {
- mysql->options.local_infile_init= default_local_infile_init;
- mysql->options.local_infile_read= default_local_infile_read;
- mysql->options.local_infile_end= default_local_infile_end;
- mysql->options.local_infile_error= default_local_infile_error;
- }
- /**************************************************************************
- Do a query. If query returned rows, free old rows.
- Read data by mysql_store_result or by repeat call of mysql_fetch_row
- **************************************************************************/
- mysql_query(MYSQL *mysql, const char *query)
- {
- return mysql_real_query(mysql,query, (uint) strlen(query));
- }
- static MYSQL* spawn_init(MYSQL* parent, const char* host,
- unsigned int port, const char* user,
- const char* passwd)
- {
- MYSQL* child;
- DBUG_ENTER("spawn_init");
- if (!(child= mysql_init(0)))
- child->options.user= my_strdup((user) ? user :
- (parent->user ? parent->user :
- parent->options.user), MYF(0));
- child->options.password= my_strdup((passwd) ? passwd :
- (parent->passwd ?
- parent->passwd :
- parent->options.password), MYF(0));
- child->options.port= port;
- child-> my_strdup((host) ? host :
- (parent->host ?
- parent->host :
- parent->, MYF(0));
- if (parent->db)
- child->options.db= my_strdup(parent->db, MYF(0));
- else if (parent->options.db)
- child->options.db= my_strdup(parent->options.db, MYF(0));
- /*
- rpl_pivot is set to 1 in mysql_init(); Reset it as we are not doing
- replication here
- */
- child->rpl_pivot= 0;
- DBUG_RETURN(child);
- }
- int
- STDCALL mysql_set_master(MYSQL* mysql, const char* host,
- unsigned int port, const char* user,
- const char* passwd)
- {
- if (mysql->master != mysql && !mysql->master->rpl_pivot)
- mysql_close(mysql->master);
- if (!(mysql->master = spawn_init(mysql, host, port, user, passwd)))
- return 1;
- return 0;
- }
- int
- STDCALL mysql_add_slave(MYSQL* mysql, const char* host,
- unsigned int port,
- const char* user,
- const char* passwd)
- {
- MYSQL* slave;
- if (!(slave = spawn_init(mysql, host, port, user, passwd)))
- return 1;
- slave->next_slave = mysql->next_slave;
- mysql->next_slave = slave;
- return 0;
- }
- /**************************************************************************
- Return next field of the query results
- **************************************************************************/
- mysql_fetch_field(MYSQL_RES *result)
- {
- if (result->current_field >= result->field_count)
- return(NULL);
- return &result->fields[result->current_field++];
- }
- /**************************************************************************
- Get column lengths of the current row
- If one uses mysql_use_result, res->lengths contains the length information,
- else the lengths are calculated from the offset between pointers.
- **************************************************************************/
- ulong * STDCALL
- mysql_fetch_lengths(MYSQL_RES *res)
- {
- MYSQL_ROW column;
- if (!(column=res->current_row))
- return 0; /* Something is wrong */
- if (res->data)
- (*res->methods->fetch_lengths)(res->lengths, column, res->field_count);
- return res->lengths;
- }
- /**************************************************************************
- Move to a specific row and column
- **************************************************************************/
- void STDCALL
- mysql_data_seek(MYSQL_RES *result, my_ulonglong row)
- {
- MYSQL_ROWS *tmp=0;
- DBUG_PRINT("info",("mysql_data_seek(%ld)",(long) row));
- if (result->data)
- for (tmp=result->data->data; row-- && tmp ; tmp = tmp->next) ;
- result->current_row=0;
- result->data_cursor = tmp;
- }
- /*************************************************************************
- put the row or field cursor one a position one got from mysql_row_tell()
- This doesn't restore any data. The next mysql_fetch_row or
- mysql_fetch_field will return the next row or field after the last used
- *************************************************************************/
- mysql_row_seek(MYSQL_RES *result, MYSQL_ROW_OFFSET row)
- {
- MYSQL_ROW_OFFSET return_value=result->data_cursor;
- result->current_row= 0;
- result->data_cursor= row;
- return return_value;
- }
- mysql_field_seek(MYSQL_RES *result, MYSQL_FIELD_OFFSET field_offset)
- {
- MYSQL_FIELD_OFFSET return_value=result->current_field;
- result->current_field=field_offset;
- return return_value;
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- List all databases
- *****************************************************************************/
- mysql_list_dbs(MYSQL *mysql, const char *wild)
- {
- char buff[255];
- DBUG_ENTER("mysql_list_dbs");
- append_wild(strmov(buff,"show databases"),buff+sizeof(buff),wild);
- if (mysql_query(mysql,buff))
- DBUG_RETURN (mysql_store_result(mysql));
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- List all tables in a database
- If wild is given then only the tables matching wild is returned
- *****************************************************************************/
- mysql_list_tables(MYSQL *mysql, const char *wild)
- {
- char buff[255];
- DBUG_ENTER("mysql_list_tables");
- append_wild(strmov(buff,"show tables"),buff+sizeof(buff),wild);
- if (mysql_query(mysql,buff))
- DBUG_RETURN (mysql_store_result(mysql));
- }
- MYSQL_FIELD *cli_list_fields(MYSQL *mysql)
- {
- MYSQL_DATA *query;
- if (!(query= cli_read_rows(mysql,(MYSQL_FIELD*) 0,
- protocol_41(mysql) ? 8 : 6)))
- return NULL;
- mysql->field_count= (uint) query->rows;
- return unpack_fields(query,&mysql->field_alloc,
- mysql->field_count, 1, mysql->server_capabilities);
- }
- /**************************************************************************
- List all fields in a table
- If wild is given then only the fields matching wild is returned
- Instead of this use query:
- show fields in 'table' like "wild"
- **************************************************************************/
- mysql_list_fields(MYSQL *mysql, const char *table, const char *wild)
- {
- MYSQL_RES *result;
- MYSQL_FIELD *fields;
- char buff[257],*end;
- DBUG_ENTER("mysql_list_fields");
- DBUG_PRINT("enter",("table: '%s' wild: '%s'",table,wild ? wild : ""));
- end=strmake(strmake(buff, table,128)+1,wild ? wild : "",128);
- free_old_query(mysql);
- if (simple_command(mysql,COM_FIELD_LIST,buff,(ulong) (end-buff),1) ||
- !(fields= (*mysql->methods->list_fields)(mysql)))
- if (!(result = (MYSQL_RES *) my_malloc(sizeof(MYSQL_RES),
- result->methods= mysql->methods;
- result->field_alloc=mysql->field_alloc;
- mysql->fields=0;
- result->field_count = mysql->field_count;
- result->fields= fields;
- result->eof=1;
- DBUG_RETURN(result);
- }
- /* List all running processes (threads) in server */
- mysql_list_processes(MYSQL *mysql)
- {
- MYSQL_DATA *fields;
- uint field_count;
- uchar *pos;
- DBUG_ENTER("mysql_list_processes");
- LINT_INIT(fields);
- if (simple_command(mysql,COM_PROCESS_INFO,0,0,0))
- free_old_query(mysql);
- pos=(uchar*) mysql->net.read_pos;
- field_count=(uint) net_field_length(&pos);
- if (!(fields = (*mysql->methods->read_rows)(mysql,(MYSQL_FIELD*) 0,
- protocol_41(mysql) ? 7 : 5)))
- if (!(mysql->fields=unpack_fields(fields,&mysql->field_alloc,field_count,0,
- mysql->server_capabilities)))
- mysql->status=MYSQL_STATUS_GET_RESULT;
- mysql->field_count=field_count;
- DBUG_RETURN(mysql_store_result(mysql));
- }
- mysql_create_db(MYSQL *mysql, const char *db)
- {
- DBUG_ENTER("mysql_createdb");
- DBUG_PRINT("enter",("db: %s",db));
- DBUG_RETURN(simple_command(mysql,COM_CREATE_DB,db, (ulong) strlen(db),0));
- }
- mysql_drop_db(MYSQL *mysql, const char *db)
- {
- DBUG_ENTER("mysql_drop_db");
- DBUG_PRINT("enter",("db: %s",db));
- DBUG_RETURN(simple_command(mysql,COM_DROP_DB,db,(ulong) strlen(db),0));
- }
- #endif
- mysql_shutdown(MYSQL *mysql, enum mysql_enum_shutdown_level shutdown_level)
- {
- uchar level[1];
- DBUG_ENTER("mysql_shutdown");
- level[0]= (uchar) shutdown_level;
- DBUG_RETURN(simple_command(mysql, COM_SHUTDOWN, (char *)level, 1, 0));
- }
- mysql_refresh(MYSQL *mysql,uint options)
- {
- uchar bits[1];
- DBUG_ENTER("mysql_refresh");
- bits[0]= (uchar) options;
- DBUG_RETURN(simple_command(mysql,COM_REFRESH,(char*) bits,1,0));
- }
- mysql_kill(MYSQL *mysql,ulong pid)
- {
- char buff[4];
- DBUG_ENTER("mysql_kill");
- int4store(buff,pid);
- DBUG_RETURN(simple_command(mysql,COM_PROCESS_KILL,buff,sizeof(buff),0));
- }
- mysql_set_server_option(MYSQL *mysql, enum enum_mysql_set_option option)
- {
- char buff[2];
- DBUG_ENTER("mysql_set_server_option");
- int2store(buff, (uint) option);
- DBUG_RETURN(simple_command(mysql, COM_SET_OPTION, buff, sizeof(buff), 0));
- }
- mysql_dump_debug_info(MYSQL *mysql)
- {
- DBUG_ENTER("mysql_dump_debug_info");
- DBUG_RETURN(simple_command(mysql,COM_DEBUG,0,0,0));
- }
- const char *cli_read_statistics(MYSQL *mysql)
- {
- mysql->net.read_pos[mysql->packet_length]=0; /* End of stat string */
- if (!mysql->net.read_pos[0])
- {
- strmov(mysql->net.sqlstate, unknown_sqlstate);
- mysql->net.last_errno=CR_WRONG_HOST_INFO;
- strmov(mysql->net.last_error, ER(mysql->net.last_errno));
- return mysql->net.last_error;
- }
- return (char*) mysql->net.read_pos;
- }
- const char * STDCALL
- mysql_stat(MYSQL *mysql)
- {
- DBUG_ENTER("mysql_stat");
- if (simple_command(mysql,COM_STATISTICS,0,0,0))
- return mysql->net.last_error;
- DBUG_RETURN((*mysql->methods->read_statistics)(mysql));
- }
- mysql_ping(MYSQL *mysql)
- {
- DBUG_ENTER("mysql_ping");
- DBUG_RETURN(simple_command(mysql,COM_PING,0,0,0));
- }
- const char * STDCALL
- mysql_get_server_info(MYSQL *mysql)
- {
- return((char*) mysql->server_version);
- }
- /*
- Get version number for server in a form easy to test on
- mysql_get_server_version()
- mysql Connection
- 4.1.0-alfa -> 40100
- We will ensure that a newer server always has a bigger number.
- Signed number > 323000
- */
- ulong STDCALL
- mysql_get_server_version(MYSQL *mysql)
- {
- uint major, minor, version;
- char *pos= mysql->server_version, *end_pos;
- major= (uint) strtoul(pos, &end_pos, 10); pos=end_pos+1;
- minor= (uint) strtoul(pos, &end_pos, 10); pos=end_pos+1;
- version= (uint) strtoul(pos, &end_pos, 10);
- return (ulong) major*10000L+(ulong) (minor*100+version);
- }
- const char * STDCALL
- mysql_get_host_info(MYSQL *mysql)
- {
- return(mysql->host_info);
- }
- uint STDCALL
- mysql_get_proto_info(MYSQL *mysql)
- {
- return (mysql->protocol_version);
- }
- const char * STDCALL
- mysql_get_client_info(void)
- {
- return (char*) MYSQL_SERVER_VERSION;
- }
- ulong STDCALL mysql_get_client_version(void)
- {
- }
- my_bool STDCALL mysql_eof(MYSQL_RES *res)
- {
- return res->eof;
- }
- MYSQL_FIELD * STDCALL mysql_fetch_field_direct(MYSQL_RES *res,uint fieldnr)
- {
- return &(res)->fields[fieldnr];
- }
- MYSQL_FIELD * STDCALL mysql_fetch_fields(MYSQL_RES *res)
- {
- return (res)->fields;
- }
- {
- return res->data_cursor;
- }
- {
- return (res)->current_field;
- }
- /* MYSQL */
- unsigned int STDCALL mysql_field_count(MYSQL *mysql)
- {
- return mysql->last_used_con->field_count;
- }
- my_ulonglong STDCALL mysql_affected_rows(MYSQL *mysql)
- {
- return mysql->last_used_con->affected_rows;
- }
- my_ulonglong STDCALL mysql_insert_id(MYSQL *mysql)
- {
- return mysql->last_used_con->insert_id;
- }
- const char *STDCALL mysql_sqlstate(MYSQL *mysql)
- {
- return mysql->net.sqlstate;
- }
- uint STDCALL mysql_warning_count(MYSQL *mysql)
- {
- return mysql->warning_count;
- }
- const char *STDCALL mysql_info(MYSQL *mysql)
- {
- return mysql->info;
- }
- ulong STDCALL mysql_thread_id(MYSQL *mysql)
- {
- return (mysql)->thread_id;
- }
- const char * STDCALL mysql_character_set_name(MYSQL *mysql)
- {
- return mysql->charset->csname;
- }
- int STDCALL mysql_set_character_set(MYSQL *mysql, const char *cs_name)
- {
- struct charset_info_st *cs;
- const char *save_csdir= charsets_dir;
- if (mysql->options.charset_dir)
- charsets_dir= mysql->options.charset_dir;
- if (strlen(cs_name) < MY_CS_NAME_SIZE &&
- (cs= get_charset_by_csname(cs_name, MY_CS_PRIMARY, MYF(0))))
- {
- char buff[MY_CS_NAME_SIZE + 10];
- charsets_dir= save_csdir;
- sprintf(buff, "SET NAMES %s", cs_name);
- if (!mysql_query(mysql, buff))
- {
- mysql->charset= cs;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- char cs_dir_name[FN_REFLEN];
- get_charsets_dir(cs_dir_name);
- mysql->net.last_errno= CR_CANT_READ_CHARSET;
- strmov(mysql->net.sqlstate, unknown_sqlstate);
- my_snprintf(mysql->net.last_error, sizeof(mysql->net.last_error) - 1,
- ER(mysql->net.last_errno), cs_name, cs_dir_name);
- }
- charsets_dir= save_csdir;
- return mysql->net.last_errno;
- }
- uint STDCALL mysql_thread_safe(void)
- {
- #ifdef THREAD
- return 1;
- #else
- return 0;
- #endif
- }
- my_bool STDCALL mysql_embedded(void)
- {
- return 1;
- #else
- return 0;
- #endif
- }
- /****************************************************************************
- Some support functions
- ****************************************************************************/
- /*
- Functions called my my_net_init() to set some application specific variables
- */
- void my_net_local_init(NET *net)
- {
- net->max_packet= (uint) net_buffer_length;
- net->read_timeout= (uint) net_read_timeout;
- net->write_timeout=(uint) net_write_timeout;
- net->retry_count= 1;
- net->max_packet_size= max(net_buffer_length, max_allowed_packet);
- }
- /*
- This function is used to create HEX string that you
- can use in a SQL statement in of the either ways:
- INSERT INTO blob_column VALUES (0xAABBCC); (any MySQL version)
- INSERT INTO blob_column VALUES (X'AABBCC'); (4.1 and higher)
- The string in "from" is encoded to a HEX string.
- The result is placed in "to" and a terminating null byte is appended.
- The string pointed to by "from" must be "length" bytes long.
- You must allocate the "to" buffer to be at least length*2+1 bytes long.
- Each character needs two bytes, and you need room for the terminating
- null byte. When mysql_hex_string() returns, the contents of "to" will
- be a null-terminated string. The return value is the length of the
- encoded string, not including the terminating null character.
- The return value does not contain any leading 0x or a leading X' and
- trailing '. The caller must supply whichever of those is desired.
- */
- ulong STDCALL
- mysql_hex_string(char *to, const char *from, ulong length)
- {
- char *to0= to;
- const char *end;
- for (end= from + length; from < end; from++)
- {
- *to++= _dig_vec_upper[((unsigned char) *from) >> 4];
- *to++= _dig_vec_upper[((unsigned char) *from) & 0x0F];
- }
- *to= '';
- return (ulong) (to-to0);
- }
- /*
- Add escape characters to a string (blob?) to make it suitable for a insert
- to should at least have place for length*2+1 chars
- Returns the length of the to string
- */
- ulong STDCALL
- mysql_escape_string(char *to,const char *from,ulong length)
- {
- return escape_string_for_mysql(default_charset_info, to, from, length);
- }
- ulong STDCALL
- mysql_real_escape_string(MYSQL *mysql, char *to,const char *from,
- ulong length)
- {
- return escape_string_for_mysql(mysql->charset, to, from, length);
- }
- char * STDCALL
- mysql_odbc_escape_string(MYSQL *mysql,
- char *to, ulong to_length,
- const char *from, ulong from_length,
- void *param,
- char * (*extend_buffer)
- (void *, char *, ulong *))
- {
- char *to_end=to+to_length-5;
- const char *end;
- #ifdef USE_MB
- my_bool use_mb_flag=use_mb(mysql->charset);
- #endif
- for (end=from+from_length; from != end ; from++)
- {
- if (to >= to_end)
- {
- to_length = (ulong) (end-from)+512; /* We want this much more */
- if (!(to=(*extend_buffer)(param, to, &to_length)))
- return to;
- to_end=to+to_length-5;
- }
- #ifdef USE_MB
- {
- int l;
- if (use_mb_flag && (l = my_ismbchar(mysql->charset, from, end)))
- {
- while (l--)
- *to++ = *from++;
- from--;
- continue;
- }
- }
- #endif
- switch (*from) {
- case 0: /* Must be escaped for 'mysql' */
- *to++= '\';
- *to++= '0';
- break;
- case 'n': /* Must be escaped for logs */
- *to++= '\';
- *to++= 'n';
- break;
- case 'r':
- *to++= '\';
- *to++= 'r';
- break;
- case '\':
- *to++= '\';
- *to++= '\';
- break;
- case ''':
- *to++= '\';
- *to++= ''';
- break;
- case '"': /* Better safe than sorry */
- *to++= '\';
- *to++= '"';
- break;
- case '32': /* This gives problems on Win32 */
- *to++= '\';
- *to++= 'Z';
- break;
- default:
- *to++= *from;
- }
- }
- return to;
- }
- void STDCALL
- myodbc_remove_escape(MYSQL *mysql,char *name)
- {
- char *to;
- #ifdef USE_MB
- my_bool use_mb_flag=use_mb(mysql->charset);
- char *end;
- LINT_INIT(end);
- if (use_mb_flag)
- for (end=name; *end ; end++) ;
- #endif
- for (to=name ; *name ; name++)
- {
- #ifdef USE_MB
- int l;
- if (use_mb_flag && (l = my_ismbchar( mysql->charset, name , end ) ) )
- {
- while (l--)
- *to++ = *name++;
- name--;
- continue;
- }
- #endif
- if (*name == '\' && name[1])
- name++;
- *to++= *name;
- }
- *to=0;
- }
- /********************************************************************
- Implementation of new client API for 4.1 version.
- mysql_stmt_* are real prototypes used by applications.
- To make API work in embedded library all functions performing
- real I/O are prefixed with 'cli_' (abbreviated from 'Call Level
- Interface'). This functions are invoked via pointers set in
- MYSQL::methods structure. Embedded counterparts, prefixed with
- 'emb_' reside in libmysqld/
- *********************************************************************/
- /******************* Declarations ***********************************/
- /*
- These functions are called by function pointer MYSQL_STMT::read_row_func.
- Each function corresponds to one of the read methods:
- - mysql_stmt_fetch without prior mysql_stmt_store_result,
- - mysql_stmt_fetch when result is stored,
- - mysql_stmt_fetch when there are no rows (always returns MYSQL_NO_DATA)
- */
- static int stmt_read_row_unbuffered(MYSQL_STMT *stmt, unsigned char **row);
- static int stmt_read_row_buffered(MYSQL_STMT *stmt, unsigned char **row);
- static int stmt_read_row_no_data(MYSQL_STMT *stmt, unsigned char **row);
- /*
- This function is used in mysql_stmt_store_result if
- STMT_ATTR_UPDATE_MAX_LENGTH attribute is set.
- */
- static void stmt_update_metadata(MYSQL_STMT *stmt, MYSQL_ROWS *data);
- /*
- values stored in network buffer.
- */
- /* 1 (length) + 2 (year) + 1 (month) + 1 (day) */
- /*
- 1 (length) + 1 (is negative) + 4 (day count) + 1 (hour)
- + 1 (minute) + 1 (seconds) + 4 (microseconds)
- */
- #define MAX_TIME_REP_LENGTH 13
- /*
- 1 (length) + 2 (year) + 1 (month) + 1 (day) +
- 1 (hour) + 1 (minute) + 1 (second) + 4 (microseconds)
- */
- /**************** Misc utility functions ****************************/
- /*
- Reallocate the NET package to have at least length bytes available.
- my_realloc_str()
- net The NET structure to modify.
- length Ensure that net->buff has space for at least
- this number of bytes.
- 0 Success.
- 1 Error, i.e. out of memory or requested packet size is bigger
- than max_allowed_packet. The error code is stored in net->last_errno.
- */
- static my_bool my_realloc_str(NET *net, ulong length)
- {
- ulong buf_length= (ulong) (net->write_pos - net->buff);
- my_bool res=0;
- DBUG_ENTER("my_realloc_str");
- if (buf_length + length > net->max_packet)
- {
- res= net_realloc(net, buf_length + length);
- net->write_pos= net->buff+ buf_length;
- }
- }
- /* Clear possible error statee of struct NET */
- static void net_clear_error(NET *net)
- {
- if (net->last_errno)
- {
- net->last_errno= 0;
- net->last_error[0]= '';
- strmov(net->sqlstate, not_error_sqlstate);
- }
- }
- static void stmt_clear_error(MYSQL_STMT *stmt)
- {
- if (stmt->last_errno)
- {
- stmt->last_errno= 0;
- stmt->last_error[0]= '';
- strmov(stmt->sqlstate, not_error_sqlstate);
- }
- }
- /*
- Set statement error code, sqlstate, and error message
- from given errcode and sqlstate.
- */
- static void set_stmt_error(MYSQL_STMT * stmt, int errcode,
- const char *sqlstate)
- {
- DBUG_ENTER("set_stmt_error");
- DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("error: %d '%s'", errcode, ER(errcode)));
- DBUG_ASSERT(stmt != 0);
- stmt->last_errno= errcode;
- strmov(stmt->last_error, ER(errcode));
- strmov(stmt->sqlstate, sqlstate);
- }
- /*
- Set statement error code, sqlstate, and error message.
- */
- void set_stmt_errmsg(MYSQL_STMT * stmt, const char *err, int errcode,
- const char *sqlstate)
- {
- DBUG_ENTER("set_stmt_errmsg");
- DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("error: %d/%s '%s'", errcode, sqlstate, err));
- DBUG_ASSERT(stmt != 0);
- stmt->last_errno= errcode;
- if (err && err[0])
- strmov(stmt->last_error, err);
- strmov(stmt->sqlstate, sqlstate);
- }
- /*
- Read and unpack server reply to COM_PREPARE command (sent from
- mysql_stmt_prepare).
- cli_read_prepare_result()
- mysql connection handle
- stmt statement handle
- 0 ok
- 1 error
- */
- my_bool cli_read_prepare_result(MYSQL *mysql, MYSQL_STMT *stmt)
- {
- uchar *pos;
- uint field_count, param_count;
- MYSQL_DATA *fields_data;
- DBUG_ENTER("read_prepare_result");
- mysql= mysql->last_used_con;
- if (net_safe_read(mysql) == packet_error)
- pos= (uchar*) mysql->net.read_pos;
- stmt->stmt_id= uint4korr(pos+1); pos+= 5;
- /* Number of columns in result set */
- field_count= uint2korr(pos); pos+= 2;
- /* Number of placeholders in the statement */
- param_count= uint2korr(pos); pos+= 2;
- if (param_count != 0)
- {
- MYSQL_DATA *param_data;
- /* skip parameters data: we don't support it yet */
- if (!(param_data= (*mysql->methods->read_rows)(mysql, (MYSQL_FIELD*)0, 7)))
- free_rows(param_data);
- }
- if (field_count != 0)
- {
- if (!(mysql->server_status & SERVER_STATUS_AUTOCOMMIT))
- mysql->server_status|= SERVER_STATUS_IN_TRANS;
- mysql->extra_info= net_field_length_ll(&pos);
- if (!(fields_data= (*mysql->methods->read_rows)(mysql,(MYSQL_FIELD*)0,7)))
- if (!(stmt->fields= unpack_fields(fields_data,&stmt->mem_root,
- field_count,0,
- mysql->server_capabilities)))
- }
- stmt->field_count= (uint) field_count;
- stmt->param_count= (ulong) param_count;
- mysql->warning_count= 0;
- }
- /*
- Allocate memory and init prepared statement structure.
- mysql_stmt_init()
- mysql connection handle
- This is an entry point of the new API. Returned handle stands for
- a server-side prepared statement. Memory for this structure (~700
- bytes) is allocated using 'malloc'. Once created, the handle can be
- reused many times. Created statement handle is bound to connection
- handle provided to this call: its lifetime is limited by lifetime
- of connection.
- 'mysql_stmt_init()' is a pure local call, server side structure is
- created only in mysql_stmt_prepare.
- Next steps you may want to make:
- - set a statement attribute (mysql_stmt_attr_set()),
- - prepare statement handle with a query (mysql_stmt_prepare()),
- - close statement handle and free its memory (mysql_stmt_close()),
- - reset statement with mysql_stmt_reset() (a no-op which will
- just return).
- Behaviour of the rest of API calls on this statement is not defined yet
- (though we're working on making each wrong call sequence return
- error).
- statement structure upon success and NULL if out of
- memory
- */
- mysql_stmt_init(MYSQL *mysql)
- {
- MYSQL_STMT *stmt;
- DBUG_ENTER("mysql_stmt_init");
- if (!(stmt= (MYSQL_STMT *) my_malloc(sizeof(MYSQL_STMT),
- {
- set_mysql_error(mysql, CR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, unknown_sqlstate);
- }
- init_alloc_root(&stmt->mem_root, 2048, 2048);
- init_alloc_root(&stmt->result.alloc, 4096, 4096);
- stmt->result.alloc.min_malloc= sizeof(MYSQL_ROWS);
- mysql->stmts= list_add(mysql->stmts, &stmt->list);
- stmt-> stmt;
- stmt->state= MYSQL_STMT_INIT_DONE;
- stmt->mysql= mysql;
- stmt->read_row_func= stmt_read_row_no_data;
- /* The rest of statement members was bzeroed inside malloc */
- DBUG_RETURN(stmt);
- }
- /*
- Prepare server side statement with query.
- mysql_stmt_prepare()
- stmt statement handle
- query statement to prepare
- length statement length
- Associate statement with statement handle. This is done both on
- client and server sides. At this point the server parses given query
- and creates an internal structure to represent it.
- Next steps you may want to make:
- - find out if this statement returns a result set by
- calling mysql_stmt_field_count(), and get result set metadata
- with mysql_stmt_result_metadata(),
- - if query contains placeholders, bind input parameters to placeholders
- using mysql_stmt_bind_param(),
- - otherwise proceed directly to mysql_stmt_execute().
- - if this is a re-prepare of the statement, first close previous data
- structure on the server and free old statement data
- - then send the query to server and get back number of placeholders,
- number of columns in result set (if any), and result set metadata.
- At the same time allocate memory for input and output parameters
- to have less checks in mysql_stmt_bind_{param, result}.
- 0 success
- !0 error
- */
- mysql_stmt_prepare(MYSQL_STMT *stmt, const char *query, ulong length)
- {
- MYSQL *mysql= stmt->mysql;
- DBUG_ENTER("mysql_stmt_prepare");
- if (!mysql)
- {
- /* mysql can be reset in mysql_close called from mysql_reconnect */
- set_stmt_error(stmt, CR_SERVER_LOST, unknown_sqlstate);
- }
- if ((int) stmt->state > (int) MYSQL_STMT_INIT_DONE)
- {
- /* This is second prepare with another statement */
- char buff[MYSQL_STMT_HEADER]; /* 4 bytes - stmt id */
- mysql_stmt_free_result(stmt);
- /*
- These members must be reset for API to
- function in case of error or misuse.
- */
- stmt->bind_param_done= stmt->bind_result_done= FALSE;
- stmt->param_count= stmt->field_count= 0;
- stmt->last_errno= 0;
- stmt->last_error[0]= '';
- free_root(&stmt->mem_root, MYF(MY_KEEP_PREALLOC));
- int4store(buff, stmt->stmt_id);
- /*
- If there was a 'use' result from another statement, or from
- mysql_use_result it won't be freed in mysql_stmt_free_result and
- we should get 'Commands out of sync' here.
- */
- if (simple_command(mysql, COM_CLOSE_STMT, buff, 4, 1))
- {
- set_stmt_errmsg(stmt, mysql->net.last_error, mysql->net.last_errno,
- mysql->net.sqlstate);
- }
- stmt->state= MYSQL_STMT_INIT_DONE;
- }
- if (simple_command(mysql, COM_PREPARE, query, length, 1))
- {
- set_stmt_errmsg(stmt, mysql->net.last_error, mysql->net.last_errno,
- mysql->net.sqlstate);
- }
- if ((*mysql->methods->read_prepare_result)(mysql, stmt))
- {
- set_stmt_errmsg(stmt, mysql->net.last_error, mysql->net.last_errno,
- mysql->net.sqlstate);
- }
- /*
- alloc_root will return valid address even in case when param_count
- and field_count are zero. Thus we should never rely on stmt->bind
- or stmt->params when checking for existence of placeholders or
- result set.
- */
- if (!(stmt->params= (MYSQL_BIND *) alloc_root(&stmt->mem_root,
- sizeof(MYSQL_BIND)*
- (stmt->param_count +
- stmt->field_count))))
- {
- set_stmt_error(stmt, CR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, unknown_sqlstate);
- }
- stmt->bind= stmt->params + stmt->param_count;
- DBUG_PRINT("info", ("Parameter count: %ld", stmt->param_count));
- }
- /*
- Get result set metadata from reply to mysql_stmt_execute.
- This is used mainly for SHOW commands, as metadata for these
- commands is sent only with result set.
- To be removed when all commands will fully support prepared mode.
- */
- static unsigned int alloc_stmt_fields(MYSQL_STMT *stmt)
- {
- MYSQL_FIELD *fields, *field, *end;
- MEM_ROOT *alloc= &stmt->mem_root;
- MYSQL *mysql= stmt->mysql->last_used_con;
- stmt->field_count= mysql->field_count;
- /*
- Get the field information for non-select statements
- like SHOW and DESCRIBE commands
- */
- if (!(stmt->fields= (MYSQL_FIELD *) alloc_root(alloc,
- sizeof(MYSQL_FIELD) *
- stmt->field_count)) ||
- !(stmt->bind= (MYSQL_BIND *) alloc_root(alloc,
- sizeof(MYSQL_BIND) *
- stmt->field_count)))
- return 0;
- for (fields= mysql->fields, end= fields+stmt->field_count,
- field= stmt->fields;
- field && fields < end; fields++, field++)
- {
- field->db = strdup_root(alloc,fields->db);
- field->table = strdup_root(alloc,fields->table);
- field->org_table= strdup_root(alloc,fields->org_table);
- field->name = strdup_root(alloc,fields->name);
- field->org_name = strdup_root(alloc,fields->org_name);
- field->charsetnr= fields->charsetnr;
- field->length = fields->length;
- field->type = fields->type;
- field->flags = fields->flags;
- field->decimals = fields->decimals;
- field->def = fields->def ? strdup_root(alloc,fields->def): 0;
- field->max_length= 0;
- }
- return stmt->field_count;
- }
- /*
- Update result set columns metadata if it was sent again in
- reply to COM_EXECUTE.
- */
- static void update_stmt_fields(MYSQL_STMT *stmt)
- {
- MYSQL_FIELD *field= stmt->mysql->fields;
- MYSQL_FIELD *field_end= field + stmt->field_count;
- MYSQL_FIELD *stmt_field= stmt->fields;
- DBUG_ASSERT(stmt->field_count == stmt->mysql->field_count);
- for (; field < field_end; ++field, ++stmt_field)
- {
- stmt_field->charsetnr= field->charsetnr;
- stmt_field->length = field->length;
- stmt_field->type = field->type;
- stmt_field->flags = field->flags;
- stmt_field->decimals = field->decimals;
- }
- }
- /*
- Returns prepared statement metadata in the form of a result set.
- mysql_stmt_result_metadata()
- stmt statement handle
- This function should be used after mysql_stmt_execute().
- You can safely check that prepared statement has a result set by calling
- mysql_stmt_field_count(): if number of fields is not zero, you can call
- this function to get fields metadata.
- Next steps you may want to make:
- - find out number of columns in result set by calling
- mysql_num_fields(res) (the same value is returned by
- mysql_stmt_field_count())
- - fetch metadata for any column with mysql_fetch_field,
- mysql_fetch_field_direct, mysql_fetch_fields, mysql_field_seek.
- - free returned MYSQL_RES structure with mysql_free_result.
- - proceed to binding of output parameters.
- NULL statement contains no result set or out of memory.
- In the latter case you can retreive error message
- with mysql_stmt_error.
- MYSQL_RES a result set with no rows
- */
- mysql_stmt_result_metadata(MYSQL_STMT *stmt)
- {
- MYSQL_RES *result;
- DBUG_ENTER("mysql_stmt_result_metadata");
- /*
- stmt->fields is only defined if stmt->field_count is not null;
- stmt->field_count is initialized in prepare.
- */
- if (!stmt->field_count)
- if (!(result=(MYSQL_RES*) my_malloc(sizeof(*result),
- {
- set_stmt_error(stmt, CR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, unknown_sqlstate);
- }
- result->methods= stmt->mysql->methods;
- result->eof= 1; /* Marker for buffered */
- result->fields= stmt->fields;
- result->field_count= stmt->field_count;
- /* The rest of members of 'result' was bzeroed inside malloc */
- DBUG_RETURN(result);
- }
- /*
- Returns parameter columns meta information in the form of
- result set.
- mysql_stmt_param_metadata()
- stmt statement handle
- This function can be called after you prepared the statement handle
- with mysql_stmt_prepare().
- XXX: not implemented yet.
- MYSQL_RES on success, 0 if there is no metadata.
- Currently this function always returns 0.
- */
- mysql_stmt_param_metadata(MYSQL_STMT *stmt)
- {
- DBUG_ENTER("mysql_stmt_param_metadata");
- if (!stmt->param_count)
- /*
- TODO: Fix this when server sends the information.
- Till then keep a dummy prototype.
- */
- }
- /* Store type of parameter in network buffer. */
- static void store_param_type(char **pos, MYSQL_BIND *param)
- {
- uint typecode= param->buffer_type | (param->is_unsigned ? 32768 : 0);
- int2store(*pos, typecode);
- *pos+= 2;
- }
- /*
- Functions to store parameter data in network packet.
- store_param_xxx()
- net MySQL NET connection
- param MySQL bind param
- These funtions are invoked from mysql_stmt_execute() by
- MYSQL_BIND::store_param_func pointer. This pointer is set once per
- many executions in mysql_stmt_bind_param(). The caller must ensure
- that network buffer have enough capacity to store parameter
- (MYSQL_BIND::buffer_length contains needed number of bytes).
- */
- static void store_param_tinyint(NET *net, MYSQL_BIND *param)
- {
- *(net->write_pos++)= *(uchar *) param->buffer;
- }
- static void store_param_short(NET *net, MYSQL_BIND *param)
- {
- short value= *(short*) param->buffer;
- int2store(net->write_pos,value);
- net->write_pos+=2;
- }
- static void store_param_int32(NET *net, MYSQL_BIND *param)
- {
- int32 value= *(int32*) param->buffer;
- int4store(net->write_pos,value);
- net->write_pos+=4;
- }
- static void store_param_int64(NET *net, MYSQL_BIND *param)
- {
- longlong value= *(longlong*) param->buffer;
- int8store(net->write_pos,value);
- net->write_pos+= 8;
- }
- static void store_param_float(NET *net, MYSQL_BIND *param)
- {
- float value= *(float*) param->buffer;
- float4store(net->write_pos, value);
- net->write_pos+= 4;
- }
- static void store_param_double(NET *net, MYSQL_BIND *param)
- {
- double value= *(double*) param->buffer;
- float8store(net->write_pos, value);
- net->write_pos+= 8;
- }
- static void store_param_time(NET *net, MYSQL_BIND *param)
- {
- MYSQL_TIME *tm= (MYSQL_TIME *) param->buffer;
- char buff[MAX_TIME_REP_LENGTH], *pos;
- uint length;
- pos= buff+1;
- pos[0]= tm->neg ? 1: 0;
- int4store(pos+1, tm->day);
- pos[5]= (uchar) tm->hour;
- pos[6]= (uchar) tm->minute;
- pos[7]= (uchar) tm->second;
- int4store(pos+8, tm->second_part);
- if (tm->second_part)
- length= 12;
- else if (tm->hour || tm->minute || tm->second || tm->day)
- length= 8;
- else
- length= 0;
- buff[0]= (char) length++;
- memcpy((char *)net->write_pos, buff, length);
- net->write_pos+= length;
- }
- static void net_store_datetime(NET *net, MYSQL_TIME *tm)
- {
- char buff[MAX_DATETIME_REP_LENGTH], *pos;
- uint length;
- pos= buff+1;
- int2store(pos, tm->year);
- pos[2]= (uchar) tm->month;
- pos[3]= (uchar) tm->day;
- pos[4]= (uchar) tm->hour;
- pos[5]= (uchar) tm->minute;
- pos[6]= (uchar) tm->second;
- int4store(pos+7, tm->second_part);
- if (tm->second_part)
- length= 11;
- else if (tm->hour || tm->minute || tm->second)
- length= 7;
- else if (tm->year || tm->month || tm->day)
- length= 4;
- else
- length= 0;
- buff[0]= (char) length++;
- memcpy((char *)net->write_pos, buff, length);
- net->write_pos+= length;
- }
- static void store_param_date(NET *net, MYSQL_BIND *param)
- {
- MYSQL_TIME *tm= (MYSQL_TIME *) param->buffer;
- tm->hour= tm->minute= tm->second= 0;
- tm->second_part= 0;
- net_store_datetime(net, tm);
- }
- static void store_param_datetime(NET *net, MYSQL_BIND *param)
- {
- MYSQL_TIME *tm= (MYSQL_TIME *) param->buffer;
- net_store_datetime(net, tm);
- }
- static void store_param_str(NET *net, MYSQL_BIND *param)
- {
- /* param->length is always set in mysql_stmt_bind_param */
- ulong length= *param->length;
- char *to= (char *) net_store_length((char *) net->write_pos, length);
- memcpy(to, param->buffer, length);
- net->write_pos= (uchar*) to+length;
- }
- /*
- Mark if the parameter is NULL.
- store_param_null()
- net MySQL NET connection
- param MySQL bind param
- A data package starts with a string of bits where we set a bit
- if a parameter is NULL. Unlike bit string in result set row, here
- we don't have reserved bits for OK/error packet.
- */
- static void store_param_null(NET *net, MYSQL_BIND *param)
- {
- uint pos= param->param_number;
- net->buff[pos/8]|= (uchar) (1 << (pos & 7));
- }
- /*
- Store one parameter in network packet: data is read from
- client buffer and saved in network packet by means of one
- of store_param_xxxx functions.
- */
- static my_bool store_param(MYSQL_STMT *stmt, MYSQL_BIND *param)
- {
- NET *net= &stmt->mysql->net;
- DBUG_ENTER("store_param");
- DBUG_PRINT("enter",("type: %d, buffer:%lx, length: %lu is_null: %d",
- param->buffer_type,
- param->buffer ? param->buffer : "0", *param->length,
- *param->is_null));
- if (*param->is_null)
- store_param_null(net, param);
- else
- {
- /*
- Param->length should ALWAYS point to the correct length for the type
- Either to the length pointer given by the user or param->buffer_length
- */
- if ((my_realloc_str(net, *param->length)))
- {
- set_stmt_error(stmt, net->last_errno, unknown_sqlstate);
- }
- (*param->store_param_func)(net, param);
- }
- }
- /*
- Auxilary function to send COM_EXECUTE packet to server and read reply.
- Used from cli_stmt_execute, which is in turn used by mysql_stmt_execute.
- */
- static my_bool execute(MYSQL_STMT *stmt, char *packet, ulong length)
- {
- MYSQL *mysql= stmt->mysql;
- NET *net= &mysql->net;
- char buff[4 /* size of stmt id */ +
- 5 /* execution flags */];
- DBUG_ENTER("execute");
- DBUG_PRINT("enter",("packet: %s, length :%d",packet ? packet :" ", length));
- mysql->last_used_con= mysql;
- int4store(buff, stmt->stmt_id); /* Send stmt id to server */
- buff[4]= (char) 0; /* no flags */
- int4store(buff+5, 1); /* iteration count */
- if (cli_advanced_command(mysql, COM_EXECUTE, buff, sizeof(buff),
- packet, length, 1) ||
- (*mysql->methods->read_query_result)(mysql))
- {
- set_stmt_errmsg(stmt, net->last_error, net->last_errno, net->sqlstate);
- }
- stmt->affected_rows= mysql->affected_rows;
- stmt->insert_id= mysql->insert_id;
- }
- int cli_stmt_execute(MYSQL_STMT *stmt)
- {
- DBUG_ENTER("cli_stmt_execute");
- if (stmt->param_count)
- {
- NET *net= &stmt->mysql->net;
- MYSQL_BIND *param, *param_end;
- char *param_data;
- ulong length;
- uint null_count;
- my_bool result;
- if (!stmt->bind_param_done)
- {
- set_stmt_error(stmt, CR_PARAMS_NOT_BOUND, unknown_sqlstate);
- }
- if (stmt->mysql->status != MYSQL_STATUS_READY)
- {
- set_stmt_error(stmt, CR_COMMANDS_OUT_OF_SYNC, unknown_sqlstate);
- }
- net_clear(net); /* Sets net->write_pos */
- /* Reserve place for null-marker bytes */
- null_count= (stmt->param_count+7) /8;
- if (my_realloc_str(net, null_count + 1))
- {
- set_stmt_error(stmt, net->last_errno, unknown_sqlstate);
- }
- bzero((char*) net->write_pos, null_count);
- net->write_pos+= null_count;
- param_end= stmt->params + stmt->param_count;
- /* In case if buffers (type) altered, indicate to server */
- *(net->write_pos)++= (uchar) stmt->send_types_to_server;
- if (stmt->send_types_to_server)
- {
- if (my_realloc_str(net, 2 * stmt->param_count))
- {
- set_stmt_error(stmt, net->last_errno, unknown_sqlstate);
- }
- /*
- Store types of parameters in first in first package
- that is sent to the server.
- */
- for (param= stmt->params; param < param_end ; param++)
- store_param_type((char**) &net->write_pos, param);
- }
- for (param= stmt->params; param < param_end; param++)
- {
- /* check if mysql_stmt_send_long_data() was used */
- if (param->long_data_used)
- param->long_data_used= 0; /* Clear for next execute call */
- else if (store_param(stmt, param))
- }
- length= (ulong) (net->write_pos - net->buff);
- /* TODO: Look into avoding the following memdup */
- if (!(param_data= my_memdup((const char*) net->buff, length, MYF(0))))
- {
- set_stmt_error(stmt, CR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, unknown_sqlstate);
- }
- result= execute(stmt, param_data, length);
- stmt->send_types_to_server=0;
- my_free(param_data, MYF(MY_WME));
- DBUG_RETURN(result);
- }
- DBUG_RETURN((int) execute(stmt,0,0));
- }
- /*
- Read one row from buffered result set. Result set is created by prior
- call to mysql_stmt_store_result().
- stmt_read_row_buffered()
- 0 - success; *row is set to valid row pointer (row data
- is stored in result set buffer)
- MYSQL_NO_DATA - end of result set. *row is set to NULL
- */
- static int stmt_read_row_buffered(MYSQL_STMT *stmt, unsigned char **row)
- {
- if (stmt->data_cursor)
- {
- *row= (uchar *) stmt->data_cursor->data;
- stmt->data_cursor= stmt->data_cursor->next;
- return 0;
- }
- *row= 0;
- return MYSQL_NO_DATA;
- }
- /*
- Read one row from network: unbuffered non-cursor fetch.
- If last row was read, or error occured, erase this statement
- from record pointing to object unbuffered fetch is performed from.
- stmt_read_row_unbuffered()
- stmt statement handle
- row pointer to write pointer to row data;
- 0 - success; *row contains valid address of a row;
- row data is stored in network buffer
- 1 - error; error code is written to
- stmt->last_{errno,error}; *row is not changed
- MYSQL_NO_DATA - end of file was read from network;
- *row is set to NULL
- */
- static int stmt_read_row_unbuffered(MYSQL_STMT *stmt, unsigned char **row)
- {
- int rc= 1;
- MYSQL *mysql= stmt->mysql;
- /*
- This function won't be called if stmt->field_count is zero
- or execution wasn't done: this is ensured by mysql_stmt_execute.
- */
- if (!mysql)
- {
- set_stmt_error(stmt, CR_SERVER_LOST, unknown_sqlstate);
- return 1;
- }
- if (mysql->status != MYSQL_STATUS_GET_RESULT)
- {
- set_stmt_error(stmt, stmt->unbuffered_fetch_cancelled ?
- unknown_sqlstate);
- goto error;
- }
- if ((*mysql->methods->unbuffered_fetch)(mysql, (char**) row))
- {
- set_stmt_errmsg(stmt, mysql->net.last_error, mysql->net.last_errno,
- mysql->net.sqlstate);
- /*
- If there was an error, there are no more pending rows:
- reset statement status to not hang up in following
- mysql_stmt_close (it will try to flush result set before
- closing the statement).
- */
- mysql->status= MYSQL_STATUS_READY;
- goto error;
- }
- if (!*row)
- {
- mysql->status= MYSQL_STATUS_READY;
- goto error;
- }
- return 0;
- error:
- if (mysql->unbuffered_fetch_owner == &stmt->unbuffered_fetch_cancelled)
- mysql->unbuffered_fetch_owner= 0;
- return rc;
- }
- /*
- Default read row function to not SIGSEGV in client in
- case of wrong sequence of API calls.
- */
- static int
- stmt_read_row_no_data(MYSQL_STMT *stmt __attribute__((unused)),
- unsigned char **row __attribute__((unused)))
- {
- if ((int) stmt->state < (int) MYSQL_STMT_PREPARE_DONE)
- {
- set_stmt_error(stmt, CR_NO_PREPARE_STMT, unknown_sqlstate);
- return 1;
- }
- return MYSQL_NO_DATA;
- }
- /*
- Get/set statement attributes
- mysql_stmt_attr_get()
- mysql_stmt_attr_set()
- attr_type statement attribute
- value casted to const void * pointer to value.
- 0 success
- !0 wrong attribute type
- */
- my_bool STDCALL mysql_stmt_attr_set(MYSQL_STMT *stmt,
- enum enum_stmt_attr_type attr_type,
- const void *value)
- {
- switch (attr_type) {
- stmt->update_max_length= value ? *(const my_bool*) value : 0;
- break;
- default:
- return TRUE;
- }
- return FALSE;
- }
- my_bool STDCALL mysql_stmt_attr_get(MYSQL_STMT *stmt,
- enum enum_stmt_attr_type attr_type,
- void *value)
- {
- switch (attr_type) {
- *(unsigned long *) value= stmt->update_max_length;
- break;
- default:
- return TRUE;
- }
- return FALSE;
- }
- /*
- Send placeholders data to server (if there are placeholders)
- and execute prepared statement.
- mysql_stmt_execute()
- stmt statement handle. The handle must be created
- with mysql_stmt_init() and prepared with
- mysql_stmt_prepare(). If there are placeholders
- in the statement they must be bound to local
- variables with mysql_stmt_bind_param().
- This function will automatically flush pending result
- set (if there is one), send parameters data to the server
- and read result of statement execution.
- If previous result set was cached with mysql_stmt_store_result()
- it will also be freed in the beginning of this call.
- The server can return 3 types of responses to this command:
- - error, can be retrieved with mysql_stmt_error()
- - ok, no result set pending. In this case we just update
- stmt->insert_id and stmt->affected_rows.
- - the query returns a result set: there could be 0 .. N
- rows in it. In this case the server can also send updated
- result set metadata.
- Next steps you may want to make:
- - find out if there is result set with mysql_stmt_field_count().
- If there is one:
- - optionally, cache entire result set on client to unblock
- connection with mysql_stmt_store_result()
- - bind client variables to result set columns and start read rows
- with mysql_stmt_fetch().
- - reset statement with mysql_stmt_reset() or close it with
- mysql_stmt_close()
- Otherwise:
- - find out last insert id and number of affected rows with
- mysql_stmt_insert_id(), mysql_stmt_affected_rows()
- 0 success
- 1 error, message can be retrieved with mysql_stmt_error().
- */
- int STDCALL mysql_stmt_execute(MYSQL_STMT *stmt)
- {
- MYSQL *mysql= stmt->mysql;
- DBUG_ENTER("mysql_stmt_execute");
- if (!mysql)
- {
- set_stmt_error(stmt, CR_SERVER_LOST, unknown_sqlstate);
- }
- mysql_stmt_free_result(stmt);
- /*
- No need to check for stmt->state: if the statement wasn't
- prepared we'll get 'unknown statement handler' error from server.
- */
- if (mysql->methods->stmt_execute(stmt))
- if (mysql->field_count)
- {
- /* Server has sent result set metadata */
- if (stmt->field_count == 0)
- {
- /*
- This is 'SHOW'/'EXPLAIN'-like query. Current implementation of
- prepared statements can't send result set metadata for these queries
- on prepare stage. Read it now.
- */
- alloc_stmt_fields(stmt);
- }
- else
- {
- /*
- Update result set metadata if it for some reason changed between
- prepare and execute, i.e.:
- - in case of 'SELECT ?' we don't know column type unless data was
- supplied to mysql_stmt_execute, so updated column type is sent
- now.
- - if data dictionary changed between prepare and execute, for
- example a table used in the query was altered.
- Note, that now (4.1.3) we always send metadata in reply to
- COM_EXECUTE (even if it is not necessary), so either this or
- previous branch always works.
- TODO: send metadata only when it's really necessary and add a warning
- 'Metadata changed' when it's sent twice.
- */
- update_stmt_fields(stmt);
- }
- }
- if (stmt->field_count)
- {
- stmt->mysql->unbuffered_fetch_owner= &stmt->unbuffered_fetch_cancelled;
- stmt->unbuffered_fetch_cancelled= FALSE;
- stmt->read_row_func= stmt_read_row_unbuffered;
- }
- }
- /*
- Return total parameters count in the statement
- */
- ulong STDCALL mysql_stmt_param_count(MYSQL_STMT * stmt)
- {
- DBUG_ENTER("mysql_stmt_param_count");
- DBUG_RETURN(stmt->param_count);
- }
- /*
- Return total affected rows from the last statement
- */
- my_ulonglong STDCALL mysql_stmt_affected_rows(MYSQL_STMT *stmt)
- {
- return stmt->affected_rows;
- }
- /*
- Returns the number of result columns for the most recent query
- run on this statement.
- */
- unsigned int STDCALL mysql_stmt_field_count(MYSQL_STMT *stmt)
- {
- return stmt->field_count;
- }
- /*
- Return last inserted id for auto_increment columns.
- mysql_stmt_insert_id()
- stmt statement handle
- Current implementation of this call has a caveat: stmt->insert_id is
- unconditionally updated from mysql->insert_id in the end of each
- mysql_stmt_execute(). This works OK if mysql->insert_id contains new
- value (sent in reply to mysql_stmt_execute()), otherwise stmt->insert_id
- value gets undefined, as it's updated from some arbitrary value saved in
- connection structure during some other call.
- */
- my_ulonglong STDCALL mysql_stmt_insert_id(MYSQL_STMT *stmt)
- {
- return stmt->insert_id;
- }
- static my_bool int_is_null_true= 1; /* Used for MYSQL_TYPE_NULL */
- static my_bool int_is_null_false= 0;
- /*
- Set up input data buffers for a statement.
- mysql_stmt_bind_param()
- stmt statement handle
- The statement must be prepared with mysql_stmt_prepare().
- bind Array of mysql_stmt_param_count() bind parameters.
- This function doesn't check that size of this argument
- is >= mysql_stmt_field_count(): it's user's responsibility.
- Use this call after mysql_stmt_prepare() to bind user variables to
- placeholders.
- Each element of bind array stands for a placeholder. Placeholders
- are counted from 0. For example statement
- 'INSERT INTO t (a, b) VALUES (?, ?)'
- contains two placeholders, and for such statement you should supply
- bind array of two elements (MYSQL_BIND bind[2]).
- By properly initializing bind array you can bind virtually any
- C language type to statement's placeholders:
- First, it's strongly recommended to always zero-initialize entire
- bind structure before setting its members. This will both shorten
- your application code and make it robust to future extensions of
- MYSQL_BIND structure.
- Then you need to assign typecode of your application buffer to
- MYSQL_BIND::buffer_type. The following typecodes with their
- correspondence to C language types are supported:
- MYSQL_TYPE_TINY for 8-bit integer variables. Normally it's
- 'signed char' and 'unsigned char';
- MYSQL_TYPE_SHORT for 16-bit signed and unsigned variables. This
- is usually 'short' and 'unsigned short';
- MYSQL_TYPE_LONG for 32-bit signed and unsigned variables. It
- corresponds to 'int' and 'unsigned int' on
- vast majority of platforms. On IA-32 and some
- other 32-bit systems you can also use 'long'
- here;
- MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG 64-bit signed or unsigned integer. Stands for
- '[unsigned] long long' on most platforms;
- MYSQL_TYPE_FLOAT 32-bit floating point type, 'float' on most
- systems;
- MYSQL_TYPE_DOUBLE 64-bit floating point type, 'double' on most
- systems;
- MYSQL_TYPE_TIME broken-down time stored in MYSQL_TIME
- structure
- MYSQL_TYPE_DATE date stored in MYSQL_TIME structure
- MYSQL_TYPE_DATETIME datetime stored in MYSQL_TIME structure See
- more on how to use these types for sending
- dates and times below;
- MYSQL_TYPE_STRING character string, assumed to be in
- character-set-client. If character set of
- client is not equal to character set of
- column, value for this placeholder will be
- converted to destination character set before
- insert.
- MYSQL_TYPE_BLOB sequence of bytes. This sequence is assumed to
- be in binary character set (which is the same
- as no particular character set), and is never
- converted to any other character set. See also
- notes about supplying string/blob length
- below.
- MYSQL_TYPE_NULL special typecode for binding nulls.
- These C/C++ types are not supported yet by the API: long double,
- bool.
- As you can see from the list above, it's responsibility of
- application programmer to ensure that chosen typecode properly
- corresponds to host language type. For example on all platforms
- where we build MySQL packages (as of MySQL 4.1.4) int is a 32-bit
- type. So for int you can always assume that proper typecode is
- MYSQL_TYPE_LONG (however queer it sounds, the name is legacy of the
- old MySQL API). In contrary sizeof(long) can be 4 or 8 8-bit bytes,
- depending on platform.
- TODO: provide client typedefs for each integer and floating point
- typecode, i. e. int8, uint8, float32, etc.
- Once typecode was set, it's necessary to assign MYSQL_BIND::buffer
- to point to the buffer of given type. Finally, additional actions
- may be taken for some types or use cases:
- Binding integer types.
- For integer types you might also need to set MYSQL_BIND::is_unsigned
- member. Set it to TRUE when binding unsigned char, unsigned short,
- unsigned int, unsigned long, unsigned long long.
- Binding floating point types.
- For floating point types you just need to set
- MYSQL_BIND::buffer_type and MYSQL_BIND::buffer. The rest of the
- members should be zero-initialized.
- Binding NULLs.
- You might have a column always NULL, never NULL, or sometimes NULL.
- For an always NULL column set MYSQL_BIND::buffer_type to
- MYSQL_TYPE_NULL. The rest of the members just need to be
- zero-initialized. For never NULL columns set MYSQL_BIND::is_null to
- 0, or this has already been done if you zero-initialized the entire
- structure. If you set MYSQL_TYPE::is_null to point to an
- application buffer of type 'my_bool', then this buffer will be
- checked on each execution: this way you can set the buffer to TRUE,
- or any non-0 value for NULLs, and to FALSE or 0 for not NULL data.
- Binding text strings and sequences of bytes.
- For strings, in addition to MYSQL_BIND::buffer_type and
- MYSQL_BIND::buffer you need to set MYSQL_BIND::length or
- MYSQL_BIND::buffer_length.
- If 'length' is set, 'buffer_length' is ignored. 'buffer_length'
- member should be used when size of string doesn't change between
- executions. If you want to vary buffer length for each value, set
- 'length' to point to an application buffer of type 'unsigned long'
- and set this long to length of the string before each
- mysql_stmt_execute().
- Binding dates and times.
- For binding dates and times prepared statements API provides clients
- with MYSQL_TIME structure. A pointer to instance of this structure
- should be assigned to MYSQL_BIND::buffer whenever MYSQL_TYPE_TIME,
- MYSQL_TYPE_DATE, MYSQL_TYPE_DATETIME typecodes are used. When
- typecode is MYSQL_TYPE_TIME, only members 'hour', 'minute', 'second'
- and 'neg' (is time offset negative) are used. These members only
- will be sent to the server.
- MYSQL_TYPE_DATE implies use of 'year', 'month', 'day', 'neg'.
- MYSQL_TYPE_DATETIME utilizes both parts of MYSQL_TIME structure.
- You don't have to set MYSQL_TIME::time_type member: it's not used
- when sending data to the server, typecode information is enough.
- 'second_part' member can hold microsecond precision of time value,
- but now it's only supported on protocol level: you can't store
- microsecond in a column, or use in temporal calculations. However,
- if you send a time value with microsecond part for 'SELECT ?',
- statement, you'll get it back unchanged from the server.
- Data conversion.
- If conversion from host language type to data representation,
- corresponding to SQL type, is required it's done on the server.
- Data truncation is possible when conversion is lossy. For example,
- if you supply MYSQL_TYPE_DATETIME value out of valid SQL type
- TIMESTAMP range, the same conversion will be applied as if this
- value would have been sent as string in the old protocol.
- TODO: document how the server will behave in case of truncation/data
- loss.
- After variables were bound, you can repeatedly set/change their
- values and mysql_stmt_execute() the statement.
- See also: mysql_stmt_send_long_data() for sending long text/blob
- data in pieces, examples in tests/mysql_client_test.c.
- Next steps you might want to make:
- - execute statement with mysql_stmt_execute(),
- - reset statement using mysql_stmt_reset() or reprepare it with
- another query using mysql_stmt_prepare()
- - close statement with mysql_stmt_close().
- The function copies given bind array to internal storage of the
- statement, and sets up typecode-specific handlers to perform
- serialization of bound data. This means that although you don't need
- to call this routine after each assignment to bind buffers, you
- need to call it each time you change parameter typecodes, or other
- members of MYSQL_BIND array.
- This is a pure local call. Data types of client buffers are sent
- along with buffers' data at first execution of the statement.
- 0 success
- 1 error, can be retrieved with mysql_stmt_error.
- */
- my_bool STDCALL mysql_stmt_bind_param(MYSQL_STMT *stmt, MYSQL_BIND *bind)
- {
- uint count=0;
- MYSQL_BIND *param, *end;
- DBUG_ENTER("mysql_stmt_bind_param");
- if (!stmt->param_count)
- {
- if ((int) stmt->state < (int) MYSQL_STMT_PREPARE_DONE)
- {
- set_stmt_error(stmt, CR_NO_PREPARE_STMT, unknown_sqlstate);
- }
- }
- /* Allocated on prepare */
- memcpy((char*) stmt->params, (char*) bind,
- sizeof(MYSQL_BIND) * stmt->param_count);
- for (param= stmt->params, end= param+stmt->param_count;
- param < end ;
- param++)
- {
- param->param_number= count++;
- param->long_data_used= 0;
- /* If param->is_null is not set, then the value can never be NULL */
- if (!param->is_null)
- param->is_null= &int_is_null_false;
- /* Setup data copy functions for the different supported types */
- switch (param->buffer_type) {
- param->is_null= &int_is_null_true;
- break;
- /* Force param->length as this is fixed for this type */
- param->length= ¶m->buffer_length;
- param->buffer_length= 1;
- param->store_param_func= store_param_tinyint;
- break;
- param->length= ¶m->buffer_length;
- param->buffer_length= 2;
- param->store_param_func= store_param_short;
- break;
- param->length= ¶m->buffer_length;
- param->buffer_length= 4;
- param->store_param_func= store_param_int32;
- break;
- param->length= ¶m->buffer_length;
- param->buffer_length= 8;
- param->store_param_func= store_param_int64;
- break;
- param->length= ¶m->buffer_length;
- param->buffer_length= 4;
- param->store_param_func= store_param_float;
- break;
- param->length= ¶m->buffer_length;
- param->buffer_length= 8;
- param->store_param_func= store_param_double;
- break;
- param->store_param_func= store_param_time;
- param->buffer_length= MAX_TIME_REP_LENGTH;
- break;
- param->store_param_func= store_param_date;
- param->buffer_length= MAX_DATE_REP_LENGTH;
- break;
- param->store_param_func= store_param_datetime;
- param->buffer_length= MAX_DATETIME_REP_LENGTH;
- break;
- param->store_param_func= store_param_str;
- /*
- For variable length types user must set either length or
- buffer_length.
- */
- break;
- default:
- strmov(stmt->sqlstate, unknown_sqlstate);
- sprintf(stmt->last_error,
- ER(stmt->last_errno= CR_UNSUPPORTED_PARAM_TYPE),
- param->buffer_type, count);
- }
- /*
- If param->length is not given, change it to point to buffer_length.
- This way we can always use *param->length to get the length of data
- */
- if (!param->length)
- param->length= ¶m->buffer_length;
- }
- /* We have to send/resend type information to MySQL */
- stmt->send_types_to_server= TRUE;
- stmt->bind_param_done= TRUE;
- }
- /********************************************************************
- Long data implementation
- *********************************************************************/
- /*
- Send long data in pieces to the server
- mysql_stmt_send_long_data()
- stmt Statement handler
- param_number Parameter number (0 - N-1)
- data Data to send to server
- length Length of data to send (may be 0)
- This call can be used repeatedly to send long data in pieces
- for any string/binary placeholder. Data supplied for
- a placeholder is saved at server side till execute, and then
- used instead of value from MYSQL_BIND object. More precisely,
- if long data for a parameter was supplied, MYSQL_BIND object
- corresponding to this parameter is not sent to server. In the
- end of execution long data states of placeholders are reset,
- so next time values of such placeholders will be taken again
- from MYSQL_BIND array.
- The server does not reply to this call: if there was an error
- in data handling (which now only can happen if server run out
- of memory) it would be returned in reply to
- mysql_stmt_execute().
- You should choose type of long data carefully if you care
- about character set conversions performed by server when the
- statement is executed. No conversion is performed at all for
- MYSQL_TYPE_BLOB and other binary typecodes. For
- MYSQL_TYPE_STRING and the rest of text placeholders data is
- converted from client character set to character set of
- connection. If these character sets are different, this
- conversion may require additional memory at server, equal to
- total size of supplied pieces.
- 0 ok
- 1 error
- */
- my_bool STDCALL
- mysql_stmt_send_long_data(MYSQL_STMT *stmt, uint param_number,
- const char *data, ulong length)
- {
- MYSQL_BIND *param;
- DBUG_ENTER("mysql_stmt_send_long_data");
- DBUG_ASSERT(stmt != 0);
- DBUG_PRINT("enter",("param no : %d, data : %lx, length : %ld",
- param_number, data, length));
- /*
- We only need to check for stmt->param_count, if it's not null
- prepare was done.
- */
- if (param_number >= stmt->param_count)
- {
- set_stmt_error(stmt, CR_INVALID_PARAMETER_NO, unknown_sqlstate);
- }
- param= stmt->params+param_number;
- if (param->buffer_type < MYSQL_TYPE_TINY_BLOB ||
- param->buffer_type > MYSQL_TYPE_STRING)
- {
- /* Long data handling should be used only for string/binary types */
- strmov(stmt->sqlstate, unknown_sqlstate);
- sprintf(stmt->last_error, ER(stmt->last_errno= CR_INVALID_BUFFER_USE),
- param->param_number);
- }
- /*
- Send long data packet if there is data or we're sending long data
- for the first time.
- */
- if (length || param->long_data_used == 0)
- {
- MYSQL *mysql= stmt->mysql;
- /* Packet header: stmt id (4 bytes), param no (2 bytes) */
- int4store(buff, stmt->stmt_id);
- int2store(buff + 4, param_number);
- param->long_data_used= 1;
- /*
- Note that we don't get any ok packet from the server in this case
- This is intentional to save bandwidth.
- */
- if ((*mysql->methods->advanced_command)(mysql, COM_LONG_DATA, buff,
- sizeof(buff), data, length, 1))
- {
- set_stmt_errmsg(stmt, mysql->net.last_error,
- mysql->net.last_errno, mysql->net.sqlstate);
- }
- }
- }
- /********************************************************************
- Fetch and conversion of result set rows (binary protocol).
- *********************************************************************/
- /*
- Read date, (time, datetime) value from network buffer and store it
- in MYSQL_TIME structure.
- read_binary_{date,time,datetime}()
- tm MYSQL_TIME structure to fill
- pos pointer to current position in network buffer.
- These functions increase pos to point to the beginning of the
- next column.
- Auxiliary functions to read time (date, datetime) values from network
- buffer and store in MYSQL_TIME structure. Jointly used by conversion
- and no-conversion fetching.
- */
- static void read_binary_time(MYSQL_TIME *tm, uchar **pos)
- {
- /* net_field_length will set pos to the first byte of data */
- uint length= net_field_length(pos);
- if (length)
- {
- uchar *to= *pos;
- tm->neg= (bool) to[0];
- tm->day= (ulong) sint4korr(to+1);
- tm->hour= (uint) to[5];
- tm->minute= (uint) to[6];
- tm->second= (uint) to[7];
- tm->second_part= (length > 8) ? (ulong) sint4korr(to+8) : 0;
- tm->year= tm->month= 0;
- if (tm->day)
- {
- /* Convert days to hours at once */
- tm->hour+= tm->day*24;
- tm->day= 0;
- }
- tm->time_type= MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_TIME;
- *pos+= length;
- }
- else
- set_zero_time(tm, MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_TIME);
- }
- static void read_binary_datetime(MYSQL_TIME *tm, uchar **pos)
- {
- uint length= net_field_length(pos);
- if (length)
- {
- uchar *to= *pos;
- tm->neg= 0;
- tm->year= (uint) sint2korr(to);
- tm->month= (uint) to[2];
- tm->day= (uint) to[3];
- if (length > 4)
- {
- tm->hour= (uint) to[4];
- tm->minute= (uint) to[5];
- tm->second= (uint) to[6];
- }
- else
- tm->hour= tm->minute= tm->second= 0;
- tm->second_part= (length > 7) ? (ulong) sint4korr(to+7) : 0;
- *pos+= length;
- }
- else
- set_zero_time(tm, MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_DATETIME);
- }
- static void read_binary_date(MYSQL_TIME *tm, uchar **pos)
- {
- uint length= net_field_length(pos);
- if (length)
- {
- uchar *to= *pos;
- tm->year = (uint) sint2korr(to);
- tm->month= (uint) to[2];
- tm->day= (uint) to[3];
- tm->hour= tm->minute= tm->second= 0;
- tm->second_part= 0;
- tm->neg= 0;
- tm->time_type= MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_DATE;
- *pos+= length;
- }
- else
- set_zero_time(tm, MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_DATE);
- }
- /*
- Convert string to supplied buffer of any type.
- fetch_string_with_conversion()
- param output buffer descriptor
- value column data
- length data length
- */
- static void fetch_string_with_conversion(MYSQL_BIND *param, char *value,
- uint length)
- {
- char *buffer= (char *)param->buffer;
- int err= 0;
- /*
- This function should support all target buffer types: the rest
- of conversion functions can delegate conversion to it.
- */
- switch(param->buffer_type) {
- case MYSQL_TYPE_NULL: /* do nothing */
- break;
- {
- uchar data= (uchar) my_strntol(&my_charset_latin1, value, length, 10,
- NULL, &err);
- *buffer= data;
- break;
- }
- {
- short data= (short) my_strntol(&my_charset_latin1, value, length, 10,
- NULL, &err);
- shortstore(buffer, data);
- break;
- }
- {
- int32 data= (int32)my_strntol(&my_charset_latin1, value, length, 10,
- NULL, &err);
- longstore(buffer, data);
- break;
- }
- {
- longlong data= my_strntoll(&my_charset_latin1, value, length, 10,
- NULL, &err);
- longlongstore(buffer, data);
- break;
- }
- {
- char *end_not_used;
- float data = (float) my_strntod(&my_charset_latin1, value, length,
- &end_not_used, &err);
- floatstore(buffer, data);
- break;
- }
- {
- char *end_not_used;
- double data= my_strntod(&my_charset_latin1, value, length, &end_not_used,
- &err);
- doublestore(buffer, data);
- break;
- }
- {
- MYSQL_TIME *tm= (MYSQL_TIME *)buffer;
- str_to_time(value, length, tm, &err);
- break;
- }
- {
- MYSQL_TIME *tm= (MYSQL_TIME *)buffer;
- str_to_datetime(value, length, tm, 0, &err);
- break;
- }
- default:
- {
- /*
- Copy column data to the buffer taking into account offset,
- data length and buffer length.
- */
- char *start= value + param->offset;
- char *end= value + length;
- ulong copy_length;
- if (start < end)
- {
- copy_length= end - start;
- /* We've got some data beyond offset: copy up to buffer_length bytes */
- if (param->buffer_length)
- memcpy(buffer, start, min(copy_length, param->buffer_length));
- }
- else
- copy_length= 0;
- if (copy_length < param->buffer_length)
- buffer[copy_length]= '';
- /*
- param->length will always contain length of entire column;
- number of copied bytes may be way different:
- */
- *param->length= length;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- Convert integer value to client buffer of any type.
- fetch_long_with_conversion()
- param output buffer descriptor
- field column metadata
- value column data
- */
- static void fetch_long_with_conversion(MYSQL_BIND *param, MYSQL_FIELD *field,
- longlong value)
- {
- char *buffer= (char *)param->buffer;
- uint field_is_unsigned= field->flags & UNSIGNED_FLAG;
- switch (param->buffer_type) {
- case MYSQL_TYPE_NULL: /* do nothing */
- break;
- *(uchar *)param->buffer= (uchar) value;
- break;
- shortstore(buffer, value);
- break;
- longstore(buffer, value);
- break;
- longlongstore(buffer, value);
- break;
- {
- float data= field_is_unsigned ? (float) ulonglong2double(value) :
- (float) value;
- floatstore(buffer, data);
- break;
- }
- {
- double data= field_is_unsigned ? ulonglong2double(value) :
- (double) value;
- doublestore(buffer, data);
- break;
- }
- default:
- {
- char buff[22]; /* Enough for longlong */
- char *end= longlong10_to_str(value, buff, field_is_unsigned ? 10: -10);
- /* Resort to string conversion which supports all typecodes */
- uint length= (uint) (end-buff);
- if (field->flags & ZEROFILL_FLAG && length < field->length &&
- field->length < 21)
- {
- bmove_upp((char*) buff+field->length,buff+length, length);
- bfill((char*) buff, field->length - length,'0');
- length= field->length;
- }
- fetch_string_with_conversion(param, buff, length);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- Convert double/float column to supplied buffer of any type.
- fetch_float_with_conversion()
- param output buffer descriptor
- field column metadata
- value column data
- width default number of significant digits used when converting
- float/double to string
- */
- static void fetch_float_with_conversion(MYSQL_BIND *param, MYSQL_FIELD *field,
- double value, int width)
- {
- char *buffer= (char *)param->buffer;
- switch (param->buffer_type) {
- case MYSQL_TYPE_NULL: /* do nothing */
- break;
- *buffer= (uchar)value;
- break;
- shortstore(buffer, (short)value);
- break;
- longstore(buffer, (long)value);
- break;
- {
- longlong val= (longlong) value;
- longlongstore(buffer, val);
- break;
- }
- {
- float data= (float) value;
- floatstore(buffer, data);
- break;
- }
- {
- doublestore(buffer, value);
- break;
- }
- default:
- {
- /*
- Resort to fetch_string_with_conversion: this should handle
- floating point -> string conversion nicely, honor all typecodes
- and param->offset possibly set in mysql_stmt_fetch_column
- */
- char *end;
- /* TODO: move this to a header shared between client and server. */
- #define NOT_FIXED_DEC 31
- if (field->decimals >= NOT_FIXED_DEC)
- #undef NOT_FIXED_DEC
- {
- /*
- The 14 below is to ensure that the server and client has the same
- precisions. This will ensure that on the same machine you get the
- same value as a string independent of the protocol you use.
- */
- sprintf(buff, "%-*.*g", (int) min(sizeof(buff)-1,
- param->buffer_length),
- min(14,width), value);
- end= strcend(buff, ' ');
- *end= 0;
- }
- else
- {
- sprintf(buff, "%.*f", (int) field->decimals, value);
- end= strend(buff);
- }
- fetch_string_with_conversion(param, buff, (uint) (end - buff));
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- Fetch time/date/datetime to supplied buffer of any type
- param output buffer descriptor
- time column data
- */
- static void fetch_datetime_with_conversion(MYSQL_BIND *param,
- MYSQL_TIME *time)
- {
- switch (param->buffer_type) {
- case MYSQL_TYPE_NULL: /* do nothing */
- break;
- /* XXX: should we copy only relevant members here? */
- *(MYSQL_TIME *)(param->buffer)= *time;
- break;
- default:
- {
- /*
- Convert time value to string and delegate the rest to
- fetch_string_with_conversion:
- */
- uint length= my_TIME_to_str(time, buff);
- /* Resort to string conversion */
- fetch_string_with_conversion(param, (char *)buff, length);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- Fetch and convert result set column to output buffer.
- fetch_result_with_conversion()
- param output buffer descriptor
- field column metadata
- row points to a column of result set tuple in binary format
- This is a fallback implementation of column fetch used
- if column and output buffer types do not match.
- Increases tuple pointer to point at the next column within the
- tuple.
- */
- static void fetch_result_with_conversion(MYSQL_BIND *param, MYSQL_FIELD *field,
- uchar **row)
- {
- enum enum_field_types field_type= field->type;
- uint field_is_unsigned= field->flags & UNSIGNED_FLAG;
- switch (field_type) {
- {
- uchar value= **row;
- /* sic: we need to cast to 'signed char' as 'char' may be unsigned */
- longlong data= field_is_unsigned ? (longlong) value :
- (longlong) (signed char) value;
- fetch_long_with_conversion(param, field, data);
- *row+= 1;
- break;
- }
- {
- short value= sint2korr(*row);
- longlong data= field_is_unsigned ? (longlong) (unsigned short) value :
- (longlong) value;
- fetch_long_with_conversion(param, field, data);
- *row+= 2;
- break;
- }
- case MYSQL_TYPE_INT24: /* mediumint is sent as 4 bytes int */
- {
- int32 value= sint4korr(*row);
- longlong data= field_is_unsigned ? (longlong) (uint32) value :
- (longlong) value;
- fetch_long_with_conversion(param, field, data);
- *row+= 4;
- break;
- }
- {
- longlong value= (longlong)sint8korr(*row);
- fetch_long_with_conversion(param, field, value);
- *row+= 8;
- break;
- }
- {
- float value;
- float4get(value,*row);
- fetch_float_with_conversion(param, field, value, FLT_DIG);
- *row+= 4;
- break;
- }
- {
- double value;
- float8get(value,*row);
- fetch_float_with_conversion(param, field, value, DBL_DIG);
- *row+= 8;
- break;
- }
- {
- read_binary_date(&tm, row);
- fetch_datetime_with_conversion(param, &tm);
- break;
- }
- {
- read_binary_time(&tm, row);
- fetch_datetime_with_conversion(param, &tm);
- break;
- }
- {
- read_binary_datetime(&tm, row);
- fetch_datetime_with_conversion(param, &tm);
- break;
- }
- default:
- {
- ulong length= net_field_length(row);
- fetch_string_with_conversion(param, (char*) *row, length);
- *row+= length;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- Functions to fetch data to application buffers without conversion.
- All functions have the following characteristics:
- fetch_result_xxx()
- param MySQL bind param
- pos Row value
- These are no-conversion functions, used in binary protocol to store
- rows in application buffers. A function used only if type of binary data
- is compatible with type of application buffer.
- none
- */
- static void fetch_result_tinyint(MYSQL_BIND *param, uchar **row)
- {
- *(uchar *)param->buffer= **row;
- (*row)++;
- }
- static void fetch_result_short(MYSQL_BIND *param, uchar **row)
- {
- short value = (short)sint2korr(*row);
- shortstore(param->buffer, value);
- *row+= 2;
- }
- static void fetch_result_int32(MYSQL_BIND *param, uchar **row)
- {
- int32 value= (int32)sint4korr(*row);
- longstore(param->buffer, value);
- *row+= 4;
- }
- static void fetch_result_int64(MYSQL_BIND *param, uchar **row)
- {
- longlong value= (longlong)sint8korr(*row);
- longlongstore(param->buffer, value);
- *row+= 8;
- }
- static void fetch_result_float(MYSQL_BIND *param, uchar **row)
- {
- float value;
- float4get(value,*row);
- floatstore(param->buffer, value);
- *row+= 4;
- }
- static void fetch_result_double(MYSQL_BIND *param, uchar **row)
- {
- double value;
- float8get(value,*row);
- doublestore(param->buffer, value);
- *row+= 8;
- }
- static void fetch_result_time(MYSQL_BIND *param, uchar **row)
- {
- MYSQL_TIME *tm= (MYSQL_TIME *)param->buffer;
- read_binary_time(tm, row);
- }
- static void fetch_result_date(MYSQL_BIND *param, uchar **row)
- {
- MYSQL_TIME *tm= (MYSQL_TIME *)param->buffer;
- read_binary_date(tm, row);
- }
- static void fetch_result_datetime(MYSQL_BIND *param, uchar **row)
- {
- MYSQL_TIME *tm= (MYSQL_TIME *)param->buffer;
- read_binary_datetime(tm, row);
- }
- static void fetch_result_bin(MYSQL_BIND *param, uchar **row)
- {
- ulong length= net_field_length(row);
- ulong copy_length= min(length, param->buffer_length);
- memcpy(param->buffer, (char *)*row, copy_length);
- *param->length= length;
- *row+= length;
- }
- static void fetch_result_str(MYSQL_BIND *param, uchar **row)
- {
- ulong length= net_field_length(row);
- ulong copy_length= min(length, param->buffer_length);
- memcpy(param->buffer, (char *)*row, copy_length);
- /* Add an end null if there is room in the buffer */
- if (copy_length != param->buffer_length)
- ((uchar *)param->buffer)[copy_length]= '';
- *param->length= length; /* return total length */
- *row+= length;
- }
- /*
- functions to calculate max lengths for strings during
- mysql_stmt_store_result()
- */
- static void skip_result_fixed(MYSQL_BIND *param,
- MYSQL_FIELD *field __attribute__((unused)),
- uchar **row)
- {
- (*row)+= param->pack_length;
- }
- static void skip_result_with_length(MYSQL_BIND *param __attribute__((unused)),
- MYSQL_FIELD *field __attribute__((unused)),
- uchar **row)
- {
- ulong length= net_field_length(row);
- (*row)+= length;
- }
- static void skip_result_string(MYSQL_BIND *param __attribute__((unused)),
- MYSQL_FIELD *field,
- uchar **row)
- {
- ulong length= net_field_length(row);
- (*row)+= length;
- if (field->max_length < length)
- field->max_length= length;
- }
- /*
- Setup the bind buffers for resultset processing
- */
- my_bool STDCALL mysql_stmt_bind_result(MYSQL_STMT *stmt, MYSQL_BIND *bind)
- {
- MYSQL_BIND *param, *end;
- MYSQL_FIELD *field;
- ulong bind_count= stmt->field_count;
- uint param_count= 0;
- DBUG_ENTER("mysql_stmt_bind_result");
- DBUG_PRINT("enter",("field_count: %d", bind_count));
- if (!bind_count)
- {
- int errorcode= (int) stmt->state < (int) MYSQL_STMT_PREPARE_DONE ?
- set_stmt_error(stmt, errorcode, unknown_sqlstate);
- }
- /*
- We only need to check that stmt->field_count - if it is not null
- stmt->bind was initialized in mysql_stmt_prepare
- stmt->bind overlaps with bind if mysql_stmt_bind_param
- is called from mysql_stmt_store_result.
- */
- if (stmt->bind != bind)
- memcpy((char*) stmt->bind, (char*) bind, sizeof(MYSQL_BIND) * bind_count);
- for (param= stmt->bind, end= param + bind_count, field= stmt->fields ;
- param < end ;
- param++, field++)
- {
- DBUG_PRINT("info",("buffer_type: %u field_type: %u",
- (uint) param->buffer_type, (uint) field->type));
- /*
- Set param->is_null to point to a dummy variable if it's not set.
- This is to make the execute code easier
- */
- if (!param->is_null)
- param->is_null= ¶m->internal_is_null;
- if (!param->length)
- param->length= ¶m->internal_length;
- param->param_number= param_count++;
- param->offset= 0;
- /* Setup data copy functions for the different supported types */
- switch (param->buffer_type) {
- case MYSQL_TYPE_NULL: /* for dummy binds */
- *param->length= 0;
- break;
- param->fetch_result= fetch_result_tinyint;
- *param->length= 1;
- break;
- param->fetch_result= fetch_result_short;
- *param->length= 2;
- break;
- case MYSQL_TYPE_INT24:
- param->fetch_result= fetch_result_int32;
- *param->length= 4;
- break;
- param->fetch_result= fetch_result_int64;
- *param->length= 8;
- break;
- param->fetch_result= fetch_result_float;
- *param->length= 4;
- break;
- param->fetch_result= fetch_result_double;
- *param->length= 8;
- break;
- param->fetch_result= fetch_result_time;
- *param->length= sizeof(MYSQL_TIME);
- break;
- param->fetch_result= fetch_result_date;
- *param->length= sizeof(MYSQL_TIME);
- break;
- param->fetch_result= fetch_result_datetime;
- *param->length= sizeof(MYSQL_TIME);
- break;
- DBUG_ASSERT(param->buffer_length != 0);
- param->fetch_result= fetch_result_bin;
- break;
- DBUG_ASSERT(param->buffer_length != 0);
- param->fetch_result= fetch_result_str;
- break;
- default:
- strmov(stmt->sqlstate, unknown_sqlstate);
- sprintf(stmt->last_error,
- ER(stmt->last_errno= CR_UNSUPPORTED_PARAM_TYPE),
- param->buffer_type, param_count);
- }
- /* Setup skip_result functions (to calculate max_length) */
- param->skip_result= skip_result_fixed;
- switch (field->type) {
- case MYSQL_TYPE_NULL: /* for dummy binds */
- param->pack_length= 0;
- field->max_length= 0;
- break;
- param->pack_length= 1;
- field->max_length= 4; /* as in '-127' */
- break;
- param->pack_length= 2;
- field->max_length= 6; /* as in '-32767' */
- break;
- case MYSQL_TYPE_INT24:
- field->max_length= 9; /* as in '16777216' or in '-8388607' */
- param->pack_length= 4;
- break;
- field->max_length= 11; /* '-2147483647' */
- param->pack_length= 4;
- break;
- field->max_length= 21; /* '18446744073709551616' */
- param->pack_length= 8;
- break;
- param->pack_length= 4;
- field->max_length= MAX_DOUBLE_STRING_REP_LENGTH;
- break;
- param->pack_length= 8;
- field->max_length= MAX_DOUBLE_STRING_REP_LENGTH;
- break;
- param->skip_result= skip_result_with_length;
- field->max_length= MAX_DATE_STRING_REP_LENGTH;
- break;
- param->skip_result= skip_result_string;
- break;
- default:
- strmov(stmt->sqlstate, unknown_sqlstate);
- sprintf(stmt->last_error,
- ER(stmt->last_errno= CR_UNSUPPORTED_PARAM_TYPE),
- field->type, param_count);
- }
- }
- stmt->bind_result_done= TRUE;
- }
- /*
- Fetch row data to bind buffers
- */
- static int stmt_fetch_row(MYSQL_STMT *stmt, uchar *row)
- {
- MYSQL_BIND *bind, *end;
- MYSQL_FIELD *field;
- uchar *null_ptr, bit;
- /*
- Precondition: if stmt->field_count is zero or row is NULL, read_row_*
- function must return no data.
- */
- DBUG_ASSERT(stmt->field_count);
- if (!stmt->bind_result_done)
- {
- /* If output parameters were not bound we should just return success */
- return 0;
- }
- null_ptr= row;
- row+= (stmt->field_count+9)/8; /* skip null bits */
- bit= 4; /* first 2 bits are reserved */
- /* Copy complete row to application buffers */
- for (bind= stmt->bind, end= bind + stmt->field_count, field= stmt->fields ;
- bind < end ;
- bind++, field++)
- {
- if (*null_ptr & bit)
- {
- /*
- We should set both inter_buffer and is_null to be able to see
- nulls in mysql_stmt_fetch_column. This is because is_null may point
- to user data which can be overwritten between mysql_stmt_fetch and
- mysql_stmt_fetch_column, and in this case nullness of column will be
- lost. See mysql_stmt_fetch_column for details.
- */
- bind->inter_buffer= NULL;
- *bind->is_null= 1;
- }
- else
- {
- *bind->is_null= 0;
- bind->inter_buffer= row;
- if (field->type == bind->buffer_type)
- (*bind->fetch_result)(bind, &row);
- else
- fetch_result_with_conversion(bind, field, &row);
- }
- if (!((bit<<=1) & 255))
- {
- bit= 1; /* To next byte */
- null_ptr++;
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int cli_unbuffered_fetch(MYSQL *mysql, char **row)
- {
- if (packet_error == net_safe_read(mysql))
- return 1;
- *row= ((mysql->net.read_pos[0] == 254) ? NULL :
- (char*) (mysql->net.read_pos+1));
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- Fetch and return row data to bound buffers, if any
- */
- int STDCALL mysql_stmt_fetch(MYSQL_STMT *stmt)
- {
- int rc;
- uchar *row;
- DBUG_ENTER("mysql_stmt_fetch");
- if ((rc= (*stmt->read_row_func)(stmt, &row)) ||
- (rc= stmt_fetch_row(stmt, row)))
- {
- stmt->state= MYSQL_STMT_PREPARE_DONE; /* XXX: this is buggy */
- stmt->read_row_func= stmt_read_row_no_data;
- }
- else
- {
- /* This is to know in mysql_stmt_fetch_column that data was fetched */
- stmt->state= MYSQL_STMT_FETCH_DONE;
- }
- }
- /*
- Fetch data for one specified column data
- mysql_stmt_fetch_column()
- stmt Prepared statement handler
- bind Where data should be placed. Should be filled in as
- when calling mysql_stmt_bind_result()
- column Column to fetch (first column is 0)
- ulong offset Offset in result data (to fetch blob in pieces)
- This is normally 0
- 0 ok
- 1 error
- */
- int STDCALL mysql_stmt_fetch_column(MYSQL_STMT *stmt, MYSQL_BIND *bind,
- uint column, ulong offset)
- {
- MYSQL_BIND *param= stmt->bind+column;
- DBUG_ENTER("mysql_stmt_fetch_column");
- if ((int) stmt->state < (int) MYSQL_STMT_FETCH_DONE)
- {
- set_stmt_error(stmt, CR_NO_DATA, unknown_sqlstate);
- return 1;
- }
- if (column >= stmt->field_count)
- {
- set_stmt_error(stmt, CR_INVALID_PARAMETER_NO, unknown_sqlstate);
- }
- if (param->inter_buffer)
- {
- MYSQL_FIELD *field= stmt->fields+column;
- uchar *row= param->inter_buffer;
- bind->offset= offset;
- if (bind->is_null)
- *bind->is_null= 0;
- if (bind->length) /* Set the length if non char/binary types */
- *bind->length= *param->length;
- else
- bind->length= ¶m->internal_length; /* Needed for fetch_result() */
- fetch_result_with_conversion(bind, field, &row);
- }
- else
- {
- if (bind->is_null)
- *bind->is_null= 1;
- }
- }
- /*
- Read all rows of data from server (binary format)
- */
- int cli_read_binary_rows(MYSQL_STMT *stmt)
- {
- ulong pkt_len;
- uchar *cp;
- MYSQL *mysql= stmt->mysql;
- MYSQL_DATA *result= &stmt->result;
- MYSQL_ROWS *cur, **prev_ptr= &result->data;
- NET *net = &mysql->net;
- DBUG_ENTER("cli_read_binary_rows");
- mysql= mysql->last_used_con;
- while ((pkt_len= net_safe_read(mysql)) != packet_error)
- {
- cp= net->read_pos;
- if (cp[0] != 254 || pkt_len >= 8)
- {
- if (!(cur= (MYSQL_ROWS*) alloc_root(&result->alloc,
- sizeof(MYSQL_ROWS) + pkt_len - 1)))
- {
- set_stmt_error(stmt, CR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, unknown_sqlstate);
- goto err;
- }
- cur->data= (MYSQL_ROW) (cur+1);
- *prev_ptr= cur;
- prev_ptr= &cur->next;
- memcpy((char *) cur->data, (char *) cp+1, pkt_len-1);
- cur->length= pkt_len; /* To allow us to do sanity checks */
- result->rows++;
- }
- else
- {
- /* end of data */
- *prev_ptr= 0;
- mysql->warning_count= uint2korr(cp+1);
- mysql->server_status= uint2korr(cp+3);
- DBUG_PRINT("info",("status: %u warning_count: %u",
- mysql->server_status, mysql->warning_count));
- }
- }
- set_stmt_errmsg(stmt, net->last_error, net->last_errno, net->sqlstate);
- err:
- }
- /*
- Update meta data for statement
- stmt_update_metadata()
- stmt Statement handler
- row Binary data
- Only updates MYSQL_FIELD->max_length for strings
- */
- static void stmt_update_metadata(MYSQL_STMT *stmt, MYSQL_ROWS *data)
- {
- MYSQL_BIND *bind, *end;
- MYSQL_FIELD *field;
- uchar *null_ptr, bit;
- uchar *row= (uchar*) data->data;
- #ifndef DBUG_OFF
- uchar *row_end= row + data->length;
- #endif
- null_ptr= row;
- row+= (stmt->field_count+9)/8; /* skip null bits */
- bit= 4; /* first 2 bits are reserved */
- /* Go through all fields and calculate metadata */
- for (bind= stmt->bind, end= bind + stmt->field_count, field= stmt->fields ;
- bind < end ;
- bind++, field++)
- {
- if (!(*null_ptr & bit))
- (*bind->skip_result)(bind, field, &row);
- DBUG_ASSERT(row <= row_end);
- if (!((bit<<=1) & 255))
- {
- bit= 1; /* To next byte */
- null_ptr++;
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- Store or buffer the binary results to stmt
- */
- int STDCALL mysql_stmt_store_result(MYSQL_STMT *stmt)
- {
- MYSQL *mysql= stmt->mysql;
- MYSQL_DATA *result= &stmt->result;
- DBUG_ENTER("mysql_stmt_store_result");
- mysql= mysql->last_used_con;
- if (!stmt->field_count)
- if ((int) stmt->state < (int) MYSQL_STMT_EXECUTE_DONE ||
- mysql->status != MYSQL_STATUS_GET_RESULT)
- {
- set_stmt_error(stmt, CR_COMMANDS_OUT_OF_SYNC, unknown_sqlstate);
- }
- if (result->data)
- {
- free_root(&result->alloc, MYF(MY_KEEP_PREALLOC));
- result->data= NULL;
- result->rows= 0;
- stmt->data_cursor= NULL;
- }
- if (stmt->update_max_length && !stmt->bind_result_done)
- {
- /*
- We must initalize the bind structure to be able to calculate
- max_length
- */
- MYSQL_BIND *bind, *end;
- MYSQL_FIELD *field;
- bzero((char*) stmt->bind, sizeof(*stmt->bind)* stmt->field_count);
- for (bind= stmt->bind, end= bind + stmt->field_count, field= stmt->fields;
- bind < end ;
- bind++, field++)
- {
- bind->buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_NULL;
- bind->buffer_length=1;
- }
- if (mysql_stmt_bind_result(stmt, stmt->bind))
- stmt->bind_result_done= 0; /* No normal bind done */
- }
- if ((*mysql->methods->read_binary_rows)(stmt))
- {
- free_root(&result->alloc, MYF(MY_KEEP_PREALLOC));
- result->data= NULL;
- result->rows= 0;
- mysql->status= MYSQL_STATUS_READY;
- }
- if (stmt->update_max_length)
- {
- MYSQL_ROWS *cur= result->data;
- for(; cur; cur=cur->next)
- stmt_update_metadata(stmt, cur);
- }
- stmt->data_cursor= result->data;
- mysql->affected_rows= stmt->affected_rows= result->rows;
- stmt->read_row_func= stmt_read_row_buffered;
- mysql->unbuffered_fetch_owner= 0; /* set in stmt_execute */
- mysql->status= MYSQL_STATUS_READY; /* server is ready */
- DBUG_RETURN(0); /* Data buffered, must be fetched with mysql_stmt_fetch() */
- }
- /*
- Seek to desired row in the statement result set
- */
- mysql_stmt_row_seek(MYSQL_STMT *stmt, MYSQL_ROW_OFFSET row)
- {
- MYSQL_ROW_OFFSET offset= stmt->data_cursor;
- DBUG_ENTER("mysql_stmt_row_seek");
- stmt->data_cursor= row;
- DBUG_RETURN(offset);
- }
- /*
- Return the current statement row cursor position
- */
- mysql_stmt_row_tell(MYSQL_STMT *stmt)
- {
- DBUG_ENTER("mysql_stmt_row_tell");
- DBUG_RETURN(stmt->data_cursor);
- }
- /*
- Move the stmt result set data cursor to specified row
- */
- void STDCALL
- mysql_stmt_data_seek(MYSQL_STMT *stmt, my_ulonglong row)
- {
- MYSQL_ROWS *tmp= stmt->;
- DBUG_ENTER("mysql_stmt_data_seek");
- DBUG_PRINT("enter",("row id to seek: %ld",(long) row));
- for (; tmp && row; --row, tmp= tmp->next)
- ;
- stmt->data_cursor= tmp;
- if (!row && tmp)
- {
- /* Rewind the counter */
- stmt->read_row_func= stmt_read_row_buffered;
- }
- }
- /*
- Return total rows the current statement result set
- */
- my_ulonglong STDCALL mysql_stmt_num_rows(MYSQL_STMT *stmt)
- {
- DBUG_ENTER("mysql_stmt_num_rows");
- DBUG_RETURN(stmt->result.rows);
- }
- my_bool STDCALL mysql_stmt_free_result(MYSQL_STMT *stmt)
- {
- MYSQL_DATA *result= &stmt->result;
- DBUG_ENTER("mysql_stmt_free_result");
- DBUG_ASSERT(stmt != 0);
- if ((int) stmt->state > (int) MYSQL_STMT_INIT_DONE)
- {
- MYSQL *mysql= stmt->mysql;
- if (result->data)
- {
- /* Result buffered */
- free_root(&result->alloc, MYF(MY_KEEP_PREALLOC));
- result->data= NULL;
- result->rows= 0;
- stmt->data_cursor= NULL;
- }
- if (mysql && stmt->field_count &&
- (int) stmt->state > (int) MYSQL_STMT_PREPARE_DONE)
- {
- if (mysql->unbuffered_fetch_owner == &stmt->unbuffered_fetch_cancelled)
- mysql->unbuffered_fetch_owner= 0;
- if (mysql->status != MYSQL_STATUS_READY)
- {
- /* There is a result set and it belongs to this statement */
- (*mysql->methods->flush_use_result)(mysql);
- mysql->status= MYSQL_STATUS_READY;
- }
- }
- stmt->read_row_func= stmt_read_row_no_data;
- }
- }
- /********************************************************************
- statement error handling and close
- *********************************************************************/
- /*
- Close the statement handle by freeing all alloced resources
- mysql_stmt_close()
- stmt Statement handle
- 0 ok
- 1 error
- */
- my_bool STDCALL mysql_stmt_close(MYSQL_STMT *stmt)
- {
- MYSQL *mysql= stmt->mysql;
- int rc= 0;
- DBUG_ENTER("mysql_stmt_close");
- free_root(&stmt->result.alloc, MYF(0));
- free_root(&stmt->mem_root, MYF(0));
- if (mysql)
- {
- mysql->stmts= list_delete(mysql->stmts, &stmt->list);
- /*
- Clear NET error state: if the following commands come through
- successfully, connection will still be usable for other commands.
- */
- net_clear_error(&mysql->net);
- if ((int) stmt->state > (int) MYSQL_STMT_INIT_DONE)
- {
- char buff[MYSQL_STMT_HEADER]; /* 4 bytes - stmt id */
- if (mysql->unbuffered_fetch_owner == &stmt->unbuffered_fetch_cancelled)
- mysql->unbuffered_fetch_owner= 0;
- if (mysql->status != MYSQL_STATUS_READY)
- {
- /*
- Flush result set of the connection. If it does not belong
- to this statement, set a warning.
- */
- (*mysql->methods->flush_use_result)(mysql);
- if (mysql->unbuffered_fetch_owner)
- *mysql->unbuffered_fetch_owner= TRUE;
- mysql->status= MYSQL_STATUS_READY;
- }
- int4store(buff, stmt->stmt_id);
- if ((rc= simple_command(mysql, COM_CLOSE_STMT, buff, 4, 1)))
- {
- set_stmt_errmsg(stmt, mysql->net.last_error, mysql->net.last_errno,
- mysql->net.sqlstate);
- }
- }
- }
- my_free((gptr) stmt, MYF(MY_WME));
- DBUG_RETURN(test(rc));
- }
- /*
- Reset the statement buffers in server
- */
- my_bool STDCALL mysql_stmt_reset(MYSQL_STMT *stmt)
- {
- char buff[MYSQL_STMT_HEADER]; /* packet header: 4 bytes for stmt id */
- MYSQL *mysql;
- MYSQL_BIND *param, *param_end;
- DBUG_ENTER("mysql_stmt_reset");
- DBUG_ASSERT(stmt != 0);
- /* If statement hasnt been prepared there is nothing to reset */
- if ((int) stmt->state < (int) MYSQL_STMT_PREPARE_DONE)
- mysql= stmt->mysql->last_used_con;
- int4store(buff, stmt->stmt_id); /* Send stmt id to server */
- if ((*mysql->methods->advanced_command)(mysql, COM_RESET_STMT, buff,
- sizeof(buff), 0, 0, 0))
- {
- set_stmt_errmsg(stmt, mysql->net.last_error, mysql->net.last_errno,
- mysql->net.sqlstate);
- }
- /* Clear long_data_used for next call (as we do in mysql_stmt_execute() */
- for (param= stmt->params, param_end= param + stmt->param_count;
- param < param_end;
- param++)
- param->long_data_used= 0;
- stmt_clear_error(stmt);
- }
- /*
- Return statement error code
- */
- uint STDCALL mysql_stmt_errno(MYSQL_STMT * stmt)
- {
- DBUG_ENTER("mysql_stmt_errno");
- DBUG_RETURN(stmt->last_errno);
- }
- const char *STDCALL mysql_stmt_sqlstate(MYSQL_STMT * stmt)
- {
- DBUG_ENTER("mysql_stmt_sqlstate");
- DBUG_RETURN(stmt->sqlstate);
- }
- /*
- Return statement error message
- */
- const char *STDCALL mysql_stmt_error(MYSQL_STMT * stmt)
- {
- DBUG_ENTER("mysql_stmt_error");
- DBUG_RETURN(stmt->last_error);
- }
- /********************************************************************
- Transactional APIs
- *********************************************************************/
- /*
- Commit the current transaction
- */
- my_bool STDCALL mysql_commit(MYSQL * mysql)
- {
- DBUG_ENTER("mysql_commit");
- DBUG_RETURN((my_bool) mysql_real_query(mysql, "commit", 6));
- }
- /*
- Rollback the current transaction
- */
- my_bool STDCALL mysql_rollback(MYSQL * mysql)
- {
- DBUG_ENTER("mysql_rollback");
- DBUG_RETURN((my_bool) mysql_real_query(mysql, "rollback", 8));
- }
- /*
- Set autocommit to either true or false
- */
- my_bool STDCALL mysql_autocommit(MYSQL * mysql, my_bool auto_mode)
- {
- DBUG_ENTER("mysql_autocommit");
- DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("mode : %d", auto_mode));
- if (auto_mode) /* set to true */
- DBUG_RETURN((my_bool) mysql_real_query(mysql, "set autocommit=1", 16));
- DBUG_RETURN((my_bool) mysql_real_query(mysql, "set autocommit=0", 16));
- }
- /********************************************************************
- Multi query execution + SPs APIs
- *********************************************************************/
- /*
- Returns true/false to indicate whether any more query results exist
- to be read using mysql_next_result()
- */
- my_bool STDCALL mysql_more_results(MYSQL *mysql)
- {
- my_bool res;
- DBUG_ENTER("mysql_more_results");
- res= ((mysql->last_used_con->server_status & SERVER_MORE_RESULTS_EXISTS) ?
- 1: 0);
- DBUG_PRINT("exit",("More results exists ? %d", res));
- }
- /*
- Reads and returns the next query results
- */
- int STDCALL mysql_next_result(MYSQL *mysql)
- {
- DBUG_ENTER("mysql_next_result");
- if (mysql->status != MYSQL_STATUS_READY)
- {
- strmov(mysql->net.sqlstate, unknown_sqlstate);
- strmov(mysql->net.last_error,
- ER(mysql->net.last_errno=CR_COMMANDS_OUT_OF_SYNC));
- }
- mysql->net.last_error[0]= 0;
- mysql->net.last_errno= 0;
- strmov(mysql->net.sqlstate, not_error_sqlstate);
- mysql->affected_rows= ~(my_ulonglong) 0;
- if (mysql->last_used_con->server_status & SERVER_MORE_RESULTS_EXISTS)
- DBUG_RETURN((*mysql->methods->next_result)(mysql));
- DBUG_RETURN(-1); /* No more results */
- }
- MYSQL_RES * STDCALL mysql_use_result(MYSQL *mysql)
- {
- return (*mysql->methods->use_result)(mysql);
- }
- my_bool STDCALL mysql_read_query_result(MYSQL *mysql)
- {
- return (*mysql->methods->read_query_result)(mysql);
- }