- /* Copyright (C) 2000 MySQL AB & MySQL Finland AB & TCX DataKonsult AB
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */
- /* Copy data from a textfile to table */
- #include "mysql_priv.h"
- #include <my_dir.h>
- #include <m_ctype.h>
- #include "sql_repl.h"
- class READ_INFO {
- File file;
- byte *buffer, /* Buffer for read text */
- *end_of_buff; /* Data in bufferts ends here */
- uint buff_length, /* Length of buffert */
- max_length; /* Max length of row */
- char *field_term_ptr,*line_term_ptr,*line_start_ptr,*line_start_end;
- uint field_term_length,line_term_length,enclosed_length;
- int field_term_char,line_term_char,enclosed_char,escape_char;
- int *stack,*stack_pos;
- bool found_end_of_line,start_of_line,eof;
- bool need_end_io_cache;
- IO_CACHE cache;
- NET *io_net;
- public:
- bool error,line_cuted,found_null,enclosed;
- byte *row_start, /* Found row starts here */
- *row_end; /* Found row ends here */
- CHARSET_INFO *read_charset;
- READ_INFO(File file,uint tot_length,CHARSET_INFO *cs,
- String &field_term,String &line_start,String &line_term,
- String &enclosed,int escape,bool get_it_from_net, bool is_fifo);
- int read_field();
- int read_fixed_length(void);
- int next_line(void);
- char unescape(char chr);
- int terminator(char *ptr,uint length);
- bool find_start_of_fields();
- /*
- We need to force cache close before destructor is invoked to log
- the last read block
- */
- void end_io_cache()
- {
- ::end_io_cache(&cache);
- need_end_io_cache = 0;
- }
- /*
- Either this method, or we need to make cache public
- Arg must be set from mysql_load() since constructor does not see
- either the table or THD value
- */
- void set_io_cache_arg(void* arg) { cache.arg = arg; }
- };
- static int read_fixed_length(THD *thd,COPY_INFO &info,TABLE *table,
- List<Item> &fields, READ_INFO &read_info,
- ulong skip_lines);
- static int read_sep_field(THD *thd,COPY_INFO &info,TABLE *table,
- List<Item> &fields, READ_INFO &read_info,
- String &enclosed, ulong skip_lines);
- int mysql_load(THD *thd,sql_exchange *ex,TABLE_LIST *table_list,
- List<Item> &fields, enum enum_duplicates handle_duplicates,
- bool ignore,
- bool read_file_from_client,thr_lock_type lock_type)
- {
- char name[FN_REFLEN];
- File file;
- TABLE *table;
- int error;
- String *field_term=ex->field_term,*escaped=ex->escaped;
- String *enclosed=ex->enclosed;
- bool is_fifo=0;
- LOAD_FILE_INFO lf_info;
- #endif
- char *db = table_list->db; // This is never null
- /*
- If path for file is not defined, we will use the current database.
- If this is not set, we will use the directory where the table to be
- loaded is located
- */
- char *tdb= thd->db ? thd->db : db; // Result is never null
- bool transactional_table, log_delayed;
- ulong skip_lines= ex->skip_lines;
- DBUG_ENTER("mysql_load");
- read_file_from_client = 0; //server is always in the same process
- #endif
- if (escaped->length() > 1 || enclosed->length() > 1)
- {
- MYF(0));
- }
- /*
- This needs to be done before external_lock
- */
- ha_enable_transaction(thd, FALSE);
- if (!(table = open_ltable(thd,table_list,lock_type)))
- transactional_table= table->file->has_transactions();
- log_delayed= (transactional_table || table->tmp_table);
- if (!fields.elements)
- {
- Field **field;
- for (field=table->field; *field ; field++)
- fields.push_back(new Item_field(*field));
- }
- else
- { // Part field list
- thd->dupp_field=0;
- if (setup_tables(table_list) ||
- setup_fields(thd, 0, table_list, fields, 1, 0, 0))
- if (thd->dupp_field)
- {
- my_error(ER_FIELD_SPECIFIED_TWICE, MYF(0), thd->dupp_field->field_name);
- }
- }
- uint tot_length=0;
- bool use_blobs=0,use_timestamp=0;
- List_iterator_fast<Item> it(fields);
- Item_field *field;
- while ((field=(Item_field*) it++))
- {
- if (field->field->flags & BLOB_FLAG)
- {
- use_blobs=1;
- tot_length+=256; // Will be extended if needed
- }
- else
- tot_length+=field->field->field_length;
- if (!field_term->length() && !(field->field->flags & NOT_NULL_FLAG))
- field->field->set_notnull();
- if (field->field == table->timestamp_field)
- use_timestamp=1;
- }
- if (use_blobs && !ex->line_term->length() && !field_term->length())
- {
- MYF(0));
- }
- /* We can't give an error in the middle when using LOCAL files */
- if (read_file_from_client && handle_duplicates == DUP_ERROR)
- ignore= 1;
- if (read_file_from_client)
- {
- (void)net_request_file(&thd->net,ex->file_name);
- file = -1;
- }
- else
- #endif
- {
- ex->file_name+=dirname_length(ex->file_name);
- #endif
- if (!dirname_length(ex->file_name))
- {
- strxnmov(name, FN_REFLEN, mysql_real_data_home, tdb, NullS);
- (void) fn_format(name, ex->file_name, name, "",
- }
- else
- {
- (void) fn_format(name, ex->file_name, mysql_real_data_home, "",
- #if !defined(__WIN__) && !defined(OS2) && ! defined(__NETWARE__)
- MY_STAT stat_info;
- if (!my_stat(name,&stat_info,MYF(MY_WME)))
- // if we are not in slave thread, the file must be:
- if (!thd->slave_thread &&
- !((stat_info.st_mode & S_IROTH) == S_IROTH && // readable by others
- #ifndef __EMX__
- (stat_info.st_mode & S_IFLNK) != S_IFLNK && // and not a symlink
- #endif
- ((stat_info.st_mode & S_IFREG) == S_IFREG ||
- (stat_info.st_mode & S_IFIFO) == S_IFIFO)))
- {
- my_error(ER_TEXTFILE_NOT_READABLE,MYF(0),name);
- }
- if ((stat_info.st_mode & S_IFIFO) == S_IFIFO)
- is_fifo = 1;
- #endif
- }
- if ((file=my_open(name,O_RDONLY,MYF(MY_WME))) < 0)
- }
- COPY_INFO info;
- bzero((char*) &info,sizeof(info));
- info.ignore= ignore;
- info.handle_duplicates=handle_duplicates;
- info.escape_char=escaped->length() ? (*escaped)[0] : INT_MAX;
- READ_INFO read_info(file,tot_length,thd->variables.collation_database,
- *field_term,*ex->line_start, *ex->line_term, *enclosed,
- info.escape_char, read_file_from_client, is_fifo);
- if (read_info.error)
- {
- if (file >= 0)
- my_close(file,MYF(0)); // no files in net reading
- DBUG_RETURN(-1); // Can't allocate buffers
- }
- if (mysql_bin_log.is_open())
- {
- lf_info.thd = thd;
- lf_info.ex = ex;
- lf_info.db = db;
- lf_info.table_name = table_list->real_name;
- lf_info.fields = &fields;
- lf_info.ignore= ignore;
- lf_info.handle_dup = handle_duplicates;
- lf_info.wrote_create_file = 0;
- lf_info.last_pos_in_file = HA_POS_ERROR;
- lf_info.log_delayed= log_delayed;
- read_info.set_io_cache_arg((void*) &lf_info);
- }
- #endif /*!EMBEDDED_LIBRARY*/
- restore_record(table,default_values);
- thd->count_cuted_fields= CHECK_FIELD_WARN; /* calc cuted fields */
- thd->cuted_fields=0L;
- /* Skip lines if there is a line terminator */
- if (ex->line_term->length())
- {
- /* ex->skip_lines needs to be preserved for logging */
- while (skip_lines > 0)
- {
- skip_lines--;
- if (read_info.next_line())
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!(error=test(read_info.error)))
- {
- if (use_timestamp)
- table->timestamp_field_type= TIMESTAMP_NO_AUTO_SET;
- table->next_number_field=table->found_next_number_field;
- if (ignore ||
- handle_duplicates == DUP_REPLACE)
- table->file->extra(HA_EXTRA_IGNORE_DUP_KEY);
- table->file->start_bulk_insert((ha_rows) 0);
- table->copy_blobs=1;
- if (!field_term->length() && !enclosed->length())
- error=read_fixed_length(thd,info,table,fields,read_info,
- skip_lines);
- else
- error=read_sep_field(thd,info,table,fields,read_info,*enclosed,
- skip_lines);
- if (table->file->end_bulk_insert())
- error=1; /* purecov: inspected */
- table->file->extra(HA_EXTRA_NO_IGNORE_DUP_KEY);
- table->next_number_field=0;
- }
- ha_enable_transaction(thd, TRUE);
- if (file >= 0)
- my_close(file,MYF(0));
- free_blobs(table); /* if pack_blob was used */
- table->copy_blobs=0;
- thd->count_cuted_fields= CHECK_FIELD_IGNORE;
- /*
- We must invalidate the table in query cache before binlog writing and
- ha_autocommit_...
- */
- query_cache_invalidate3(thd, table_list, 0);
- if (error)
- {
- if (transactional_table)
- ha_autocommit_or_rollback(thd,error);
- if (read_file_from_client)
- while (!read_info.next_line())
- ;
- if (mysql_bin_log.is_open())
- {
- /*
- Make sure last block (the one which caused the error) gets logged.
- This is needed because otherwise after write of
- (to the binlog, not to read_info (which is a cache))
- Delete_file_log_event the bad block will remain in read_info (because
- pre_read is not called at the end of the last block; remember pre_read
- is called whenever a new block is read from disk).
- At the end of mysql_load(), the destructor of read_info will call
- end_io_cache() which will flush read_info, so we will finally have
- this in the binlog:
- Append_block # The last successfull block
- Delete_file
- Append_block # The failing block
- which is nonsense.
- Or could also be (for a small file)
- Create_file # The failing block
- which is nonsense (Delete_file is not written in this case, because:
- Create_file has not been written, so Delete_file is not written, then
- when read_info is destroyed end_io_cache() is called which writes
- Create_file.
- */
- read_info.end_io_cache();
- /* If the file was not empty, wrote_create_file is true */
- if (lf_info.wrote_create_file)
- {
- Delete_file_log_event d(thd, db, log_delayed);
- mysql_bin_log.write(&d);
- }
- }
- #endif /*!EMBEDDED_LIBRARY*/
- error= -1; // Error on read
- goto err;
- }
- sprintf(name, ER(ER_LOAD_INFO), (ulong) info.records, (ulong) info.deleted,
- (ulong) (info.records - info.copied), (ulong) thd->cuted_fields);
- send_ok(thd,info.copied+info.deleted,0L,name);
- // on the slave thd->query is never initialized
- if (!thd->slave_thread)
- mysql_update_log.write(thd,thd->query,thd->query_length);
- if (!log_delayed)
- if (mysql_bin_log.is_open())
- {
- /*
- As already explained above, we need to call end_io_cache() or the last
- block will be logged only after Execute_load_log_event (which is wrong),
- when read_info is destroyed.
- */
- read_info.end_io_cache();
- if (lf_info.wrote_create_file)
- {
- Execute_load_log_event e(thd, db, log_delayed);
- mysql_bin_log.write(&e);
- }
- }
- #endif /*!EMBEDDED_LIBRARY*/
- if (transactional_table)
- error=ha_autocommit_or_rollback(thd,error);
- err:
- if (thd->lock)
- {
- mysql_unlock_tables(thd, thd->lock);
- thd->lock=0;
- }
- DBUG_RETURN(error);
- }
- /****************************************************************************
- ** Read of rows of fixed size + optional garage + optonal newline
- ****************************************************************************/
- static int
- read_fixed_length(THD *thd,COPY_INFO &info,TABLE *table,List<Item> &fields,
- READ_INFO &read_info, ulong skip_lines)
- {
- List_iterator_fast<Item> it(fields);
- Item_field *sql_field;
- ulonglong id;
- DBUG_ENTER("read_fixed_length");
- id= 0;
- /* No fields can be null in this format. mark all fields as not null */
- while ((sql_field= (Item_field*) it++))
- sql_field->field->set_notnull();
- while (!read_info.read_fixed_length())
- {
- if (thd->killed)
- {
- my_error(ER_SERVER_SHUTDOWN,MYF(0));
- }
- if (skip_lines)
- {
- /*
- We could implement this with a simple seek if:
- - We are not using DATA INFILE LOCAL
- - escape character is ""
- - line starting prefix is ""
- */
- skip_lines--;
- continue;
- }
- it.rewind();
- byte *pos=read_info.row_start;
- #ifdef HAVE_purify
- read_info.row_end[0]=0;
- #endif
- while ((sql_field= (Item_field*) it++))
- {
- Field *field= sql_field->field;
- if (pos == read_info.row_end)
- {
- thd->cuted_fields++; /* Not enough fields */
- push_warning_printf(thd, MYSQL_ERROR::WARN_LEVEL_WARN,
- ER(ER_WARN_TOO_FEW_RECORDS), thd->row_count);
- field->reset();
- }
- else
- {
- uint length;
- byte save_chr;
- if (field == table->next_number_field)
- table->auto_increment_field_not_null= TRUE;
- if ((length=(uint) (read_info.row_end-pos)) >
- field->field_length)
- length=field->field_length;
- save_chr=pos[length]; pos[length]=''; // Safeguard aganst malloc
- field->store((char*) pos,length,read_info.read_charset);
- pos[length]=save_chr;
- if ((pos+=length) > read_info.row_end)
- pos= read_info.row_end; /* Fills rest with space */
- }
- }
- if (pos != read_info.row_end)
- {
- thd->cuted_fields++; /* To long row */
- push_warning_printf(thd, MYSQL_ERROR::WARN_LEVEL_WARN,
- ER(ER_WARN_TOO_MANY_RECORDS), thd->row_count);
- }
- if (write_record(table,&info))
- /*
- If auto_increment values are used, save the first one
- for LAST_INSERT_ID() and for the binary/update log.
- We can't use insert_id() as we don't want to touch the
- last_insert_id_used flag.
- */
- if (!id && thd->insert_id_used)
- id= thd->last_insert_id;
- if (table->next_number_field)
- table->next_number_field->reset(); // Clear for next record
- if (read_info.next_line()) // Skip to next line
- break;
- if (read_info.line_cuted)
- {
- thd->cuted_fields++; /* To long row */
- push_warning_printf(thd, MYSQL_ERROR::WARN_LEVEL_WARN,
- ER(ER_WARN_TOO_MANY_RECORDS), thd->row_count);
- }
- thd->row_count++;
- }
- if (id && !read_info.error)
- thd->insert_id(id); // For binary/update log
- DBUG_RETURN(test(read_info.error));
- }
- static int
- read_sep_field(THD *thd,COPY_INFO &info,TABLE *table,
- List<Item> &fields, READ_INFO &read_info,
- String &enclosed, ulong skip_lines)
- {
- List_iterator_fast<Item> it(fields);
- Item_field *sql_field;
- uint enclosed_length;
- ulonglong id;
- DBUG_ENTER("read_sep_field");
- enclosed_length=enclosed.length();
- id= 0;
- for (;;it.rewind())
- {
- if (thd->killed)
- {
- my_error(ER_SERVER_SHUTDOWN,MYF(0));
- }
- while ((sql_field=(Item_field*) it++))
- {
- uint length;
- byte *pos;
- if (read_info.read_field())
- break;
- pos=read_info.row_start;
- length=(uint) (read_info.row_end-pos);
- Field *field=sql_field->field;
- if (!read_info.enclosed &&
- (enclosed_length && length == 4 && !memcmp(pos,"NULL",4)) ||
- (length == 1 && read_info.found_null))
- {
- field->reset();
- field->set_null();
- if (!field->maybe_null())
- {
- if (field->type() == FIELD_TYPE_TIMESTAMP)
- ((Field_timestamp*) field)->set_time();
- else if (field != table->next_number_field)
- field->set_warning((uint) MYSQL_ERROR::WARN_LEVEL_WARN,
- }
- continue;
- }
- if (field == table->next_number_field)
- table->auto_increment_field_not_null= TRUE;
- field->set_notnull();
- read_info.row_end[0]=0; // Safe to change end marker
- field->store((char*) read_info.row_start,length,read_info.read_charset);
- }
- if (read_info.error)
- break;
- if (skip_lines)
- {
- if (!--skip_lines)
- thd->cuted_fields= 0L; // Reset warnings
- continue;
- }
- if (sql_field)
- { // Last record
- if (sql_field == (Item_field*) fields.head())
- break;
- for (; sql_field ; sql_field=(Item_field*) it++)
- {
- sql_field->field->set_null();
- sql_field->field->reset();
- thd->cuted_fields++;
- push_warning_printf(thd, MYSQL_ERROR::WARN_LEVEL_WARN,
- ER(ER_WARN_TOO_FEW_RECORDS), thd->row_count);
- }
- }
- if (write_record(table,&info))
- /*
- If auto_increment values are used, save the first one
- for LAST_INSERT_ID() and for the binary/update log.
- We can't use insert_id() as we don't want to touch the
- last_insert_id_used flag.
- */
- if (!id && thd->insert_id_used)
- id= thd->last_insert_id;
- if (table->next_number_field)
- table->next_number_field->reset(); // Clear for next record
- if (read_info.next_line()) // Skip to next line
- break;
- if (read_info.line_cuted)
- {
- thd->cuted_fields++; /* To long row */
- push_warning_printf(thd, MYSQL_ERROR::WARN_LEVEL_WARN,
- thd->row_count);
- }
- thd->row_count++;
- }
- if (id && !read_info.error)
- thd->insert_id(id); // For binary/update log
- DBUG_RETURN(test(read_info.error));
- }
- /* Unescape all escape characters, mark N as null */
- char
- READ_INFO::unescape(char chr)
- {
- switch(chr) {
- case 'n': return 'n';
- case 't': return 't';
- case 'r': return 'r';
- case 'b': return 'b';
- case '0': return 0; // Ascii null
- case 'Z': return '32'; // Win32 end of file
- case 'N': found_null=1;
- /* fall through */
- default: return chr;
- }
- }
- /*
- Read a line using buffering
- If last line is empty (in line mode) then it isn't outputed
- */
- READ_INFO::READ_INFO(File file_par, uint tot_length, CHARSET_INFO *cs,
- String &field_term, String &line_start, String &line_term,
- String &enclosed_par, int escape, bool get_it_from_net,
- bool is_fifo)
- :file(file_par),escape_char(escape)
- {
- read_charset= cs;
- field_term_ptr=(char*) field_term.ptr();
- field_term_length= field_term.length();
- line_term_ptr=(char*) line_term.ptr();
- line_term_length= line_term.length();
- if (line_start.length() == 0)
- {
- line_start_ptr=0;
- start_of_line= 0;
- }
- else
- {
- line_start_ptr=(char*) line_start.ptr();
- line_start_end=line_start_ptr+line_start.length();
- start_of_line= 1;
- }
- /* If field_terminator == line_terminator, don't use line_terminator */
- if (field_term_length == line_term_length &&
- !memcmp(field_term_ptr,line_term_ptr,field_term_length))
- {
- line_term_length=0;
- line_term_ptr=(char*) "";
- }
- enclosed_char= (enclosed_length=enclosed_par.length()) ?
- (uchar) enclosed_par[0] : INT_MAX;
- field_term_char= field_term_length ? (uchar) field_term_ptr[0] : INT_MAX;
- line_term_char= line_term_length ? (uchar) line_term_ptr[0] : INT_MAX;
- error=eof=found_end_of_line=found_null=line_cuted=0;
- buff_length=tot_length;
- /* Set of a stack for unget if long terminators */
- uint length=max(field_term_length,line_term_length)+1;
- set_if_bigger(length,line_start.length());
- stack=stack_pos=(int*) sql_alloc(sizeof(int)*length);
- if (!(buffer=(byte*) my_malloc(buff_length+1,MYF(0))))
- error=1; /* purecov: inspected */
- else
- {
- end_of_buff=buffer+buff_length;
- if (init_io_cache(&cache,(get_it_from_net) ? -1 : file, 0,
- (get_it_from_net) ? READ_NET :
- (is_fifo ? READ_FIFO : READ_CACHE),0L,1,
- {
- my_free((gptr) buffer,MYF(0)); /* purecov: inspected */
- error=1;
- }
- else
- {
- /*
- init_io_cache() will not initialize read_function member
- if the cache is READ_NET. The reason is explained in
- mysys/mf_iocache.c. So we work around the problem with a
- manual assignment
- */
- need_end_io_cache = 1;
- if (get_it_from_net)
- cache.read_function = _my_b_net_read;
- if (mysql_bin_log.is_open())
- cache.pre_read = cache.pre_close =
- (IO_CACHE_CALLBACK) log_loaded_block;
- #endif
- }
- }
- }
- {
- if (!error)
- {
- if (need_end_io_cache)
- ::end_io_cache(&cache);
- my_free((gptr) buffer,MYF(0));
- error=1;
- }
- }
- #define GET (stack_pos != stack ? *--stack_pos : my_b_get(&cache))
- #define PUSH(A) *(stack_pos++)=(A)
- inline int READ_INFO::terminator(char *ptr,uint length)
- {
- int chr=0; // Keep gcc happy
- uint i;
- for (i=1 ; i < length ; i++)
- {
- if ((chr=GET) != *++ptr)
- {
- break;
- }
- }
- if (i == length)
- return 1;
- PUSH(chr);
- while (i-- > 1)
- PUSH((uchar) *--ptr);
- return 0;
- }
- int READ_INFO::read_field()
- {
- int chr,found_enclosed_char;
- byte *to,*new_buffer;
- found_null=0;
- if (found_end_of_line)
- return 1; // One have to call next_line
- /* Skip until we find 'line_start' */
- if (start_of_line)
- { // Skip until line_start
- start_of_line=0;
- if (find_start_of_fields())
- return 1;
- }
- if ((chr=GET) == my_b_EOF)
- {
- found_end_of_line=eof=1;
- return 1;
- }
- to=buffer;
- if (chr == enclosed_char)
- {
- found_enclosed_char=enclosed_char;
- *to++=(byte) chr; // If error
- }
- else
- {
- found_enclosed_char= INT_MAX;
- PUSH(chr);
- }
- for (;;)
- {
- while ( to < end_of_buff)
- {
- chr = GET;
- #ifdef USE_MB
- if ((my_mbcharlen(read_charset, chr) > 1) &&
- to+my_mbcharlen(read_charset, chr) <= end_of_buff)
- {
- uchar* p = (uchar*)to;
- *to++ = chr;
- int ml = my_mbcharlen(read_charset, chr);
- int i;
- for (i=1; i<ml; i++) {
- chr = GET;
- if (chr == my_b_EOF)
- goto found_eof;
- *to++ = chr;
- }
- if (my_ismbchar(read_charset,
- (const char *)p,
- (const char *)to))
- continue;
- for (i=0; i<ml; i++)
- PUSH((uchar) *--to);
- chr = GET;
- }
- #endif
- if (chr == my_b_EOF)
- goto found_eof;
- if (chr == escape_char)
- {
- if ((chr=GET) == my_b_EOF)
- {
- *to++= (byte) escape_char;
- goto found_eof;
- }
- /*
- When escape_char == enclosed_char, we treat it like we do for
- handling quotes in SQL parsing -- you can double-up the
- escape_char to include it literally, but it doesn't do escapes
- like n. This allows: LOAD DATA ... ENCLOSED BY '"' ESCAPED BY '"'
- with data like: "fie""ld1", "field2"
- */
- if (escape_char != enclosed_char || chr == escape_char)
- {
- *to++ = (byte) unescape((char) chr);
- continue;
- }
- PUSH(chr);
- chr= escape_char;
- }
- if (chr == line_term_char)
- #else
- if (chr == line_term_char && found_enclosed_char == INT_MAX)
- #endif
- {
- if (terminator(line_term_ptr,line_term_length))
- { // Maybe unexpected linefeed
- enclosed=0;
- found_end_of_line=1;
- row_start=buffer;
- row_end= to;
- return 0;
- }
- }
- if (chr == found_enclosed_char)
- {
- if ((chr=GET) == found_enclosed_char)
- { // Remove dupplicated
- *to++ = (byte) chr;
- continue;
- }
- // End of enclosed field if followed by field_term or line_term
- if (chr == my_b_EOF ||
- chr == line_term_char && terminator(line_term_ptr,
- line_term_length))
- { // Maybe unexpected linefeed
- enclosed=1;
- found_end_of_line=1;
- row_start=buffer+1;
- row_end= to;
- return 0;
- }
- if (chr == field_term_char &&
- terminator(field_term_ptr,field_term_length))
- {
- enclosed=1;
- row_start=buffer+1;
- row_end= to;
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- The string didn't terminate yet.
- Store back next character for the loop
- */
- PUSH(chr);
- /* copy the found term character to 'to' */
- chr= found_enclosed_char;
- }
- else if (chr == field_term_char && found_enclosed_char == INT_MAX)
- {
- if (terminator(field_term_ptr,field_term_length))
- {
- enclosed=0;
- row_start=buffer;
- row_end= to;
- return 0;
- }
- }
- *to++ = (byte) chr;
- }
- /*
- ** We come here if buffer is too small. Enlarge it and continue
- */
- if (!(new_buffer=(byte*) my_realloc((char*) buffer,buff_length+1+IO_SIZE,
- MYF(MY_WME))))
- return (error=1);
- to=new_buffer + (to-buffer);
- buffer=new_buffer;
- buff_length+=IO_SIZE;
- end_of_buff=buffer+buff_length;
- }
- found_eof:
- enclosed=0;
- found_end_of_line=eof=1;
- row_start=buffer;
- row_end=to;
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- Read a row with fixed length.
- The row may not be fixed size on disk if there are escape
- characters in the file.
- One can't use fixed length with multi-byte charset **
- 0 ok
- 1 error
- */
- int READ_INFO::read_fixed_length()
- {
- int chr;
- byte *to;
- if (found_end_of_line)
- return 1; // One have to call next_line
- if (start_of_line)
- { // Skip until line_start
- start_of_line=0;
- if (find_start_of_fields())
- return 1;
- }
- to=row_start=buffer;
- while (to < end_of_buff)
- {
- if ((chr=GET) == my_b_EOF)
- goto found_eof;
- if (chr == escape_char)
- {
- if ((chr=GET) == my_b_EOF)
- {
- *to++= (byte) escape_char;
- goto found_eof;
- }
- *to++ =(byte) unescape((char) chr);
- continue;
- }
- if (chr == line_term_char)
- {
- if (terminator(line_term_ptr,line_term_length))
- { // Maybe unexpected linefeed
- found_end_of_line=1;
- row_end= to;
- return 0;
- }
- }
- *to++ = (byte) chr;
- }
- row_end=to; // Found full line
- return 0;
- found_eof:
- found_end_of_line=eof=1;
- row_start=buffer;
- row_end=to;
- return to == buffer ? 1 : 0;
- }
- int READ_INFO::next_line()
- {
- line_cuted=0;
- start_of_line= line_start_ptr != 0;
- if (found_end_of_line || eof)
- {
- found_end_of_line=0;
- return eof;
- }
- found_end_of_line=0;
- if (!line_term_length)
- return 0; // No lines
- for (;;)
- {
- int chr = GET;
- #ifdef USE_MB
- if (my_mbcharlen(read_charset, chr) > 1)
- {
- for (int i=1;
- chr != my_b_EOF && i<my_mbcharlen(read_charset, chr);
- i++)
- chr = GET;
- if (chr == escape_char)
- continue;
- }
- #endif
- if (chr == my_b_EOF)
- {
- eof=1;
- return 1;
- }
- if (chr == escape_char)
- {
- line_cuted=1;
- if (GET == my_b_EOF)
- return 1;
- continue;
- }
- if (chr == line_term_char && terminator(line_term_ptr,line_term_length))
- return 0;
- line_cuted=1;
- }
- }
- bool READ_INFO::find_start_of_fields()
- {
- int chr;
- try_again:
- do
- {
- if ((chr=GET) == my_b_EOF)
- {
- found_end_of_line=eof=1;
- return 1;
- }
- } while ((char) chr != line_start_ptr[0]);
- for (char *ptr=line_start_ptr+1 ; ptr != line_start_end ; ptr++)
- {
- chr=GET; // Eof will be checked later
- if ((char) chr != *ptr)
- { // Can't be line_start
- PUSH(chr);
- while (--ptr != line_start_ptr)
- { // Restart with next char
- PUSH((uchar) *ptr);
- }
- goto try_again;
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }