- /* Copyright (C) 2000 MySQL AB & MySQL Finland AB & TCX DataKonsult AB
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */
- /*****************************************************************************
- **
- ** This file implements classes defined in sql_class.h
- ** Especially the classes to handle a result from a select
- **
- *****************************************************************************/
- #pragma implementation // gcc: Class implementation
- #endif
- #include "mysql_priv.h"
- #include <m_ctype.h>
- #include <sys/stat.h>
- #include <thr_alarm.h>
- #ifdef __WIN__
- #include <io.h>
- #endif
- #include <mysys_err.h>
- /*
- The following is used to initialise Table_ident with a internal
- table name
- */
- char internal_table_name[2]= "*";
- /*****************************************************************************
- ** Instansiate templates
- *****************************************************************************/
- #ifdef __GNUC__
- /* Used templates */
- template class List<Key>;
- template class List_iterator<Key>;
- template class List<key_part_spec>;
- template class List_iterator<key_part_spec>;
- template class List<Alter_drop>;
- template class List_iterator<Alter_drop>;
- template class List<Alter_column>;
- template class List_iterator<Alter_column>;
- #endif
- /****************************************************************************
- ** User variables
- ****************************************************************************/
- extern "C" byte *get_var_key(user_var_entry *entry, uint *length,
- my_bool not_used __attribute__((unused)))
- {
- *length=(uint) entry->name.length;
- return (byte*) entry->name.str;
- }
- extern "C" void free_user_var(user_var_entry *entry)
- {
- char *pos= (char*) entry+ALIGN_SIZE(sizeof(*entry));
- if (entry->value && entry->value != pos)
- my_free(entry->value, MYF(0));
- my_free((char*) entry,MYF(0));
- }
- bool key_part_spec::operator==(const key_part_spec& other) const
- {
- return length == other.length && !strcmp(field_name, other.field_name);
- }
- /*
- Test if a foreign key (= generated key) is a prefix of the given key
- (ignoring key name, key type and order of columns)
- This is only used to test if an index for a FOREIGN KEY exists
- We only compare field names
- 0 Generated key is a prefix of other key
- 1 Not equal
- */
- bool foreign_key_prefix(Key *a, Key *b)
- {
- /* Ensure that 'a' is the generated key */
- if (a->generated)
- {
- if (b->generated && a->columns.elements > b->columns.elements)
- swap_variables(Key*, a, b); // Put shorter key in 'a'
- }
- else
- {
- if (!b->generated)
- return TRUE; // No foreign key
- swap_variables(Key*, a, b); // Put generated key in 'a'
- }
- /* Test if 'a' is a prefix of 'b' */
- if (a->columns.elements > b->columns.elements)
- return TRUE; // Can't be prefix
- List_iterator<key_part_spec> col_it1(a->columns);
- List_iterator<key_part_spec> col_it2(b->columns);
- const key_part_spec *col1, *col2;
- while ((col1= col_it1++))
- {
- bool found= 0;
- col_it2.rewind();
- while ((col2= col_it2++))
- {
- if (*col1 == *col2)
- {
- found= TRUE;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!found)
- return TRUE; // Error
- }
- return FALSE; // Is prefix
- #else
- while ((col1= col_it1++))
- {
- col2= col_it2++;
- if (!(*col1 == *col2))
- return TRUE;
- }
- return FALSE; // Is prefix
- #endif
- }
- /****************************************************************************
- ** Thread specific functions
- ****************************************************************************/
- THD::THD()
- :user_time(0), global_read_lock(0), is_fatal_error(0),
- last_insert_id_used(0),
- insert_id_used(0), rand_used(0), time_zone_used(0),
- in_lock_tables(0), bootstrap(0)
- {
- current_arena= this;
- host= user= priv_user= db= ip=0;
- host_or_ip= "connecting host";
- locked=some_tables_deleted=no_errors=password= 0;
- killed=0;
- query_start_used= 0;
- count_cuted_fields= CHECK_FIELD_IGNORE;
- db_length= col_access= 0;
- query_error= tmp_table_used= 0;
- next_insert_id=last_insert_id=0;
- open_tables= temporary_tables= handler_tables= derived_tables= 0;
- hash_clear(&handler_tables_hash);
- tmp_table=0;
- lock=locked_tables=0;
- used_tables=0;
- cuted_fields= sent_row_count= 0L;
- limit_found_rows= 0;
- statement_id_counter= 0UL;
- // Must be reset to handle error with THD's created for init of mysqld
- lex->current_select= 0;
- start_time=(time_t) 0;
- current_linfo = 0;
- slave_thread = 0;
- variables.pseudo_thread_id= 0;
- one_shot_set= 0;
- file_id = 0;
- query_id= 0;
- warn_id= 0;
- db_charset= global_system_variables.collation_database;
- mysys_var=0;
- #ifndef DBUG_OFF
- dbug_sentry=THD_SENTRY_MAGIC;
- #endif
- net.vio=0;
- #endif
- net.last_error[0]=0; // If error on boot
- client_capabilities= 0; // minimalistic client
- ull=0;
- system_thread=cleanup_done=0;
- peer_port= 0; // For SHOW PROCESSLIST
- transaction.changed_tables = 0;
- #ifdef __WIN__
- real_id = 0;
- #endif
- active_vio = 0;
- #endif
- pthread_mutex_init(&LOCK_delete, MY_MUTEX_INIT_FAST);
- /* Variables with default values */
- proc_info="login";
- where="field list";
- server_id = ::server_id;
- slave_net = 0;
- command=COM_CONNECT;
- db_access=NO_ACCESS;
- #endif
- version=refresh_version; // For boot
- *scramble= '';
- init();
- /* Initialize sub structures */
- init_sql_alloc(&warn_root, WARN_ALLOC_BLOCK_SIZE, WARN_ALLOC_PREALLOC_SIZE);
- user_connect=(USER_CONN *)0;
- hash_init(&user_vars, &my_charset_bin, USER_VARS_HASH_SIZE, 0, 0,
- (hash_get_key) get_var_key,
- (hash_free_key) free_user_var,0);
- /* For user vars replication*/
- if (opt_bin_log)
- my_init_dynamic_array(&user_var_events,
- 16,
- 16);
- else
- bzero((char*) &user_var_events, sizeof(user_var_events));
- /* Protocol */
- protocol= &protocol_simple; // Default protocol
- protocol_simple.init(this);
- protocol_prep.init(this);
- tablespace_op=FALSE;
- bzero((char*) &transaction,sizeof(transaction));
- /*
- Binlog is always open (if needed) before a THD is created (including
- bootstrap).
- */
- if (opt_using_transactions && mysql_bin_log.is_open())
- {
- if (open_cached_file(&transaction.trans_log,
- mysql_tmpdir, LOG_PREFIX, binlog_cache_size,
- killed=1;
- transaction.trans_log.end_of_file= max_binlog_cache_size;
- }
- #endif
- init_sql_alloc(&transaction.mem_root, ALLOC_ROOT_MIN_BLOCK_SIZE, 0);
- {
- ulong tmp=sql_rnd_with_mutex();
- randominit(&rand, tmp + (ulong) &rand, tmp + (ulong) ::query_id);
- }
- }
- /*
- Init common variables that has to be reset on start and on change_user
- */
- void THD::init(void)
- {
- pthread_mutex_lock(&LOCK_global_system_variables);
- variables= global_system_variables;
- variables.time_format= date_time_format_copy((THD*) 0,
- variables.time_format);
- variables.date_format= date_time_format_copy((THD*) 0,
- variables.date_format);
- variables.datetime_format= date_time_format_copy((THD*) 0,
- variables.datetime_format);
- variables.ndb_use_transactions= 1;
- #endif
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_global_system_variables);
- options= thd_startup_options;
- open_options=ha_open_options;
- update_lock_default= (variables.low_priority_updates ?
- session_tx_isolation= (enum_tx_isolation) variables.tx_isolation;
- warn_list.empty();
- bzero((char*) warn_count, sizeof(warn_count));
- total_warn_count= 0;
- update_charset();
- }
- /*
- Init THD for query processing.
- This has to be called once before we call mysql_parse.
- See also comments in sql_class.h.
- */
- void THD::init_for_queries()
- {
- ha_enable_transaction(this,TRUE);
- reset_root_defaults(mem_root, variables.query_alloc_block_size,
- variables.query_prealloc_size);
- reset_root_defaults(&transaction.mem_root,
- variables.trans_alloc_block_size,
- variables.trans_prealloc_size);
- }
- /*
- Do what's needed when one invokes change user
- change_user()
- Reset all resources that are connection specific
- */
- void THD::change_user(void)
- {
- cleanup();
- cleanup_done= 0;
- init();
- stmt_map.reset();
- hash_init(&user_vars, &my_charset_bin, USER_VARS_HASH_SIZE, 0, 0,
- (hash_get_key) get_var_key,
- (hash_free_key) free_user_var, 0);
- }
- /* Do operations that may take a long time */
- void THD::cleanup(void)
- {
- DBUG_ENTER("THD::cleanup");
- ha_rollback(this);
- if (locked_tables)
- {
- lock=locked_tables; locked_tables=0;
- close_thread_tables(this);
- }
- mysql_ha_flush(this, (TABLE_LIST*) 0,
- hash_free(&handler_tables_hash);
- delete_dynamic(&user_var_events);
- hash_free(&user_vars);
- close_temporary_tables(this);
- my_free((char*) variables.time_format, MYF(MY_ALLOW_ZERO_PTR));
- my_free((char*) variables.date_format, MYF(MY_ALLOW_ZERO_PTR));
- my_free((char*) variables.datetime_format, MYF(MY_ALLOW_ZERO_PTR));
- if (global_read_lock)
- unlock_global_read_lock(this);
- if (ull)
- {
- pthread_mutex_lock(&LOCK_user_locks);
- item_user_lock_release(ull);
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_user_locks);
- ull= 0;
- }
- cleanup_done=1;
- }
- THD::~THD()
- {
- /* Ensure that no one is using THD */
- pthread_mutex_lock(&LOCK_delete);
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_delete);
- /* Close connection */
- if (net.vio)
- {
- vio_delete(net.vio);
- net_end(&net);
- }
- #endif
- if (!cleanup_done)
- cleanup();
- if (opt_using_transactions)
- {
- close_cached_file(&transaction.trans_log);
- ha_close_connection(this);
- }
- #endif
- DBUG_PRINT("info", ("freeing host"));
- if (host != my_localhost) // If not pointer to constant
- safeFree(host);
- if (user != delayed_user)
- safeFree(user);
- safeFree(ip);
- safeFree(db);
- free_root(&warn_root,MYF(0));
- free_root(&transaction.mem_root,MYF(0));
- mysys_var=0; // Safety (shouldn't be needed)
- pthread_mutex_destroy(&LOCK_delete);
- #ifndef DBUG_OFF
- dbug_sentry = THD_SENTRY_GONE;
- #endif
- /* Reset stmt_backup.mem_root to not double-free memory from thd.mem_root */
- clear_alloc_root(&stmt_backup.main_mem_root);
- }
- void THD::awake(bool prepare_to_die)
- {
- safe_mutex_assert_owner(&LOCK_delete);
- if (prepare_to_die)
- killed = 1;
- thr_alarm_kill(real_id);
- close_active_vio();
- #endif
- if (mysys_var)
- {
- pthread_mutex_lock(&mysys_var->mutex);
- if (!system_thread) // Don't abort locks
- mysys_var->abort=1;
- /*
- This broadcast could be up in the air if the victim thread
- exits the cond in the time between read and broadcast, but that is
- ok since all we want to do is to make the victim thread get out
- of waiting on current_cond.
- If we see a non-zero current_cond: it cannot be an old value (because
- then exit_cond() should have run and it can't because we have mutex); so
- it is the true value but maybe current_mutex is not yet non-zero (we're
- in the middle of enter_cond() and there is a "memory order
- inversion"). So we test the mutex too to not lock 0.
- Note that there is a small chance we fail to kill. If victim has locked
- current_mutex, but hasn't yet entered enter_cond() (which means that
- current_cond and current_mutex are 0), then the victim will not get
- a signal and it may wait "forever" on the cond (until
- we issue a second KILL or the status it's waiting for happens).
- It's true that we have set its thd->killed but it may not
- see it immediately and so may have time to reach the cond_wait().
- */
- if (mysys_var->current_cond && mysys_var->current_mutex)
- {
- pthread_mutex_lock(mysys_var->current_mutex);
- pthread_cond_broadcast(mysys_var->current_cond);
- pthread_mutex_unlock(mysys_var->current_mutex);
- }
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&mysys_var->mutex);
- }
- }
- /*
- Remember the location of thread info, the structure needed for
- sql_alloc() and the structure for the net buffer
- */
- bool THD::store_globals()
- {
- if (my_pthread_setspecific_ptr(THR_THD, this) ||
- my_pthread_setspecific_ptr(THR_MALLOC, &mem_root))
- return 1;
- mysys_var=my_thread_var;
- dbug_thread_id=my_thread_id();
- /*
- By default 'slave_proxy_id' is 'thread_id'. They may later become different
- if this is the slave SQL thread.
- */
- variables.pseudo_thread_id= thread_id;
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- Convert a string to another character set
- convert_string()
- to Store new allocated string here
- to_cs New character set for allocated string
- from String to convert
- from_length Length of string to convert
- from_cs Original character set
- to will be 0-terminated to make it easy to pass to system funcs
- 0 ok
- 1 End of memory.
- In this case to->str will point to 0 and to->length will be 0.
- */
- bool THD::convert_string(LEX_STRING *to, CHARSET_INFO *to_cs,
- const char *from, uint from_length,
- CHARSET_INFO *from_cs)
- {
- DBUG_ENTER("convert_string");
- size_s new_length= to_cs->mbmaxlen * from_length;
- uint dummy_errors;
- if (!(to->str= alloc(new_length+1)))
- {
- to->length= 0; // Safety fix
- }
- to->length= copy_and_convert((char*) to->str, new_length, to_cs,
- from, from_length, from_cs, &dummy_errors);
- to->str[to->length]=0; // Safety
- }
- /*
- Convert string from source character set to target character set inplace.
- THD::convert_string
- Convert string using convert_buffer - buffer for character set
- conversion shared between all protocols.
- 0 ok
- !0 out of memory
- */
- bool THD::convert_string(String *s, CHARSET_INFO *from_cs, CHARSET_INFO *to_cs)
- {
- uint dummy_errors;
- if (convert_buffer.copy(s->ptr(), s->length(), from_cs, to_cs, &dummy_errors))
- return TRUE;
- /* If convert_buffer >> s copying is more efficient long term */
- if (convert_buffer.alloced_length() >= convert_buffer.length() * 2 ||
- !s->is_alloced())
- {
- return s->copy(convert_buffer);
- }
- s->swap(convert_buffer);
- return FALSE;
- }
- /*
- Update some cache variables when character set changes
- */
- void THD::update_charset()
- {
- uint32 not_used;
- charset_is_system_charset= !String::needs_conversion(0,charset(),
- system_charset_info,
- ¬_used);
- charset_is_collation_connection=
- !String::needs_conversion(0,charset(),variables.collation_connection,
- ¬_used);
- }
- /* routings to adding tables to list of changed in transaction tables */
- inline static void list_include(CHANGED_TABLE_LIST** prev,
- CHANGED_TABLE_LIST* new_table)
- {
- if (new_table)
- {
- *prev = new_table;
- (*prev)->next = curr;
- }
- }
- /* add table to list of changed in transaction tables */
- void THD::add_changed_table(TABLE *table)
- {
- DBUG_ENTER("THD::add_changed_table(table)");
- table->file->has_transactions());
- add_changed_table(table->table_cache_key, table->key_length);
- }
- void THD::add_changed_table(const char *key, long key_length)
- {
- DBUG_ENTER("THD::add_changed_table(key)");
- CHANGED_TABLE_LIST **prev_changed = &transaction.changed_tables;
- CHANGED_TABLE_LIST *curr = transaction.changed_tables;
- for (; curr; prev_changed = &(curr->next), curr = curr->next)
- {
- int cmp = (long)curr->key_length - (long)key_length;
- if (cmp < 0)
- {
- list_include(prev_changed, curr, changed_table_dup(key, key_length));
- DBUG_PRINT("info",
- ("key_length %u %u", key_length, (*prev_changed)->key_length));
- }
- else if (cmp == 0)
- {
- cmp = memcmp(curr->key, key, curr->key_length);
- if (cmp < 0)
- {
- list_include(prev_changed, curr, changed_table_dup(key, key_length));
- DBUG_PRINT("info",
- ("key_length %u %u", key_length,
- (*prev_changed)->key_length));
- }
- else if (cmp == 0)
- {
- DBUG_PRINT("info", ("already in list"));
- }
- }
- }
- *prev_changed = changed_table_dup(key, key_length);
- DBUG_PRINT("info", ("key_length %u %u", key_length,
- (*prev_changed)->key_length));
- }
- CHANGED_TABLE_LIST* THD::changed_table_dup(const char *key, long key_length)
- {
- CHANGED_TABLE_LIST* new_table =
- key_length + 1);
- if (!new_table)
- {
- ALIGN_SIZE(sizeof(TABLE_LIST)) + key_length + 1);
- killed= 1;
- return 0;
- }
- new_table->key = (char *) (((byte*)new_table)+
- new_table->next = 0;
- new_table->key_length = key_length;
- ::memcpy(new_table->key, key, key_length);
- return new_table;
- }
- int THD::send_explain_fields(select_result *result)
- {
- List<Item> field_list;
- Item *item;
- CHARSET_INFO *cs= system_charset_info;
- field_list.push_back(new Item_return_int("id",3, MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG));
- field_list.push_back(new Item_empty_string("select_type", 19, cs));
- field_list.push_back(item= new Item_empty_string("table", NAME_LEN, cs));
- item->maybe_null= 1;
- field_list.push_back(item= new Item_empty_string("type", 10, cs));
- item->maybe_null= 1;
- field_list.push_back(item=new Item_empty_string("possible_keys",
- item->maybe_null=1;
- field_list.push_back(item=new Item_empty_string("key", NAME_LEN, cs));
- item->maybe_null=1;
- field_list.push_back(item=new Item_return_int("key_len",3,
- item->maybe_null=1;
- field_list.push_back(item=new Item_empty_string("ref",
- item->maybe_null=1;
- field_list.push_back(item= new Item_return_int("rows", 10,
- item->maybe_null= 1;
- field_list.push_back(new Item_empty_string("Extra", 255, cs));
- return (result->send_fields(field_list,1));
- }
- void THD::close_active_vio()
- {
- DBUG_ENTER("close_active_vio");
- safe_mutex_assert_owner(&LOCK_delete);
- if (active_vio)
- {
- vio_close(active_vio);
- active_vio = 0;
- }
- #endif
- }
- #endif
- struct Item_change_record: public ilink
- {
- Item **place;
- Item *old_value;
- /* Placement new was hidden by `new' in ilink (TODO: check): */
- static void *operator new(size_t size, void *mem) { return mem; }
- static void operator delete(void *ptr, size_t size) {}
- static void operator delete(void *ptr, void *mem) { /* never called */ }
- };
- /*
- Register an item tree tree transformation, performed by the query
- optimizer. We need a pointer to runtime_memroot because it may be !=
- thd->mem_root (due to possible set_n_backup_item_arena called for thd).
- */
- void THD::nocheck_register_item_tree_change(Item **place, Item *old_value,
- MEM_ROOT *runtime_memroot)
- {
- Item_change_record *change;
- /*
- Now we use one node per change, which adds some memory overhead,
- but still is rather fast as we use alloc_root for allocations.
- A list of item tree changes of an average query should be short.
- */
- void *change_mem= alloc_root(runtime_memroot, sizeof(*change));
- if (change_mem == 0)
- {
- fatal_error();
- return;
- }
- change= new (change_mem) Item_change_record;
- change->place= place;
- change->old_value= old_value;
- change_list.append(change);
- }
- void THD::rollback_item_tree_changes()
- {
- I_List_iterator<Item_change_record> it(change_list);
- Item_change_record *change;
- while ((change= it++))
- *change->place= change->old_value;
- /* We can forget about changes memory: it's allocated in runtime memroot */
- change_list.empty();
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- ** Functions to provide a interface to select results
- *****************************************************************************/
- select_result::select_result()
- {
- thd=current_thd;
- }
- void select_result::send_error(uint errcode,const char *err)
- {
- ::send_error(thd, errcode, err);
- }
- void select_result::cleanup()
- {
- /* do nothing */
- }
- static String default_line_term("n",default_charset_info);
- static String default_escaped("\",default_charset_info);
- static String default_field_term("t",default_charset_info);
- sql_exchange::sql_exchange(char *name,bool flag)
- :file_name(name), opt_enclosed(0), dumpfile(flag), skip_lines(0)
- {
- field_term= &default_field_term;
- enclosed= line_start= &my_empty_string;
- line_term= &default_line_term;
- escaped= &default_escaped;
- }
- bool select_send::send_fields(List<Item> &list,uint flag)
- {
- return thd->protocol->send_fields(&list,flag);
- }
- /* Send data to client. Returns 0 if ok */
- bool select_send::send_data(List<Item> &items)
- {
- if (unit->offset_limit_cnt)
- { // using limit offset,count
- unit->offset_limit_cnt--;
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- We may be passing the control from mysqld to the client: release the
- InnoDB adaptive hash S-latch to avoid thread deadlocks if it was reserved
- by thd
- */
- if (thd->transaction.all.innobase_tid)
- ha_release_temporary_latches(thd);
- #endif
- List_iterator_fast<Item> li(items);
- Protocol *protocol= thd->protocol;
- char buff[MAX_FIELD_WIDTH];
- String buffer(buff, sizeof(buff), &my_charset_bin);
- DBUG_ENTER("send_data");
- protocol->prepare_for_resend();
- Item *item;
- while ((item=li++))
- {
- if (item->send(protocol, &buffer))
- {
- protocol->free(); // Free used buffer
- break;
- }
- }
- thd->sent_row_count++;
- if (!thd->vio_ok())
- if (!thd->net.report_error)
- DBUG_RETURN(protocol->write());
- }
- bool select_send::send_eof()
- {
- /* We may be passing the control from mysqld to the client: release the
- InnoDB adaptive hash S-latch to avoid thread deadlocks if it was reserved
- by thd */
- if (thd->transaction.all.innobase_tid)
- ha_release_temporary_latches(thd);
- #endif
- /* Unlock tables before sending packet to gain some speed */
- if (thd->lock)
- {
- mysql_unlock_tables(thd, thd->lock);
- thd->lock=0;
- }
- if (!thd->net.report_error)
- {
- ::send_eof(thd);
- return 0;
- }
- else
- return 1;
- }
- /************************************************************************
- Handling writing to file
- ************************************************************************/
- void select_to_file::send_error(uint errcode,const char *err)
- {
- ::send_error(thd,errcode,err);
- if (file > 0)
- {
- (void) end_io_cache(&cache);
- (void) my_close(file,MYF(0));
- (void) my_delete(path,MYF(0)); // Delete file on error
- file= -1;
- }
- }
- bool select_to_file::send_eof()
- {
- int error= test(end_io_cache(&cache));
- if (my_close(file,MYF(MY_WME)))
- error= 1;
- if (!error)
- ::send_ok(thd,row_count);
- file= -1;
- return error;
- }
- void select_to_file::cleanup()
- {
- /* In case of error send_eof() may be not called: close the file here. */
- if (file >= 0)
- {
- (void) end_io_cache(&cache);
- (void) my_close(file,MYF(0));
- file= -1;
- }
- path[0]= '';
- row_count= 0;
- }
- select_to_file::~select_to_file()
- {
- if (file >= 0)
- { // This only happens in case of error
- (void) end_io_cache(&cache);
- (void) my_close(file,MYF(0));
- file= -1;
- }
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- ** Export of select to textfile
- ***************************************************************************/
- select_export::~select_export()
- {
- thd->sent_row_count=row_count;
- }
- /*
- Create file with IO cache
- create_file()
- thd Thread handle
- path File name
- exchange Excange class
- cache IO cache
- >= 0 File handle
- -1 Error
- */
- static File create_file(THD *thd, char *path, sql_exchange *exchange,
- IO_CACHE *cache)
- {
- File file;
- uint option= MY_UNPACK_FILENAME;
- option|= MY_REPLACE_DIR; // Force use of db directory
- #endif
- if (!dirname_length(exchange->file_name))
- {
- strxnmov(path, FN_REFLEN, mysql_real_data_home, thd->db ? thd->db : "", NullS);
- (void) fn_format(path, exchange->file_name, path, "", option);
- }
- else
- (void) fn_format(path, exchange->file_name, mysql_real_data_home, "", option);
- if (!access(path, F_OK))
- {
- my_error(ER_FILE_EXISTS_ERROR, MYF(0), exchange->file_name);
- return -1;
- }
- /* Create the file world readable */
- if ((file= my_create(path, 0666, O_WRONLY|O_EXCL, MYF(MY_WME))) < 0)
- return file;
- #ifdef HAVE_FCHMOD
- (void) fchmod(file, 0666); // Because of umask()
- #else
- (void) chmod(path, 0666);
- #endif
- if (init_io_cache(cache, file, 0L, WRITE_CACHE, 0L, 1, MYF(MY_WME)))
- {
- my_close(file, MYF(0));
- my_delete(path, MYF(0)); // Delete file on error, it was just created
- return -1;
- }
- return file;
- }
- int
- select_export::prepare(List<Item> &list, SELECT_LEX_UNIT *u)
- {
- bool blob_flag=0;
- unit= u;
- if ((uint) strlen(exchange->file_name) + NAME_LEN >= FN_REFLEN)
- strmake(path,exchange->file_name,FN_REFLEN-1);
- if ((file= create_file(thd, path, exchange, &cache)) < 0)
- return 1;
- /* Check if there is any blobs in data */
- {
- List_iterator_fast<Item> li(list);
- Item *item;
- while ((item=li++))
- {
- if (item->max_length >= MAX_BLOB_WIDTH)
- {
- blob_flag=1;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- field_term_length=exchange->field_term->length();
- if (!exchange->line_term->length())
- exchange->line_term=exchange->field_term; // Use this if it exists
- field_sep_char= (exchange->enclosed->length() ? (*exchange->enclosed)[0] :
- field_term_length ? (*exchange->field_term)[0] : INT_MAX);
- escape_char= (exchange->escaped->length() ? (*exchange->escaped)[0] : -1);
- line_sep_char= (exchange->line_term->length() ?
- (*exchange->line_term)[0] : INT_MAX);
- if (!field_term_length)
- exchange->opt_enclosed=0;
- if (!exchange->enclosed->length())
- exchange->opt_enclosed=1; // A little quicker loop
- fixed_row_size= (!field_term_length && !exchange->enclosed->length() &&
- !blob_flag);
- return 0;
- }
- bool select_export::send_data(List<Item> &items)
- {
- DBUG_ENTER("send_data");
- char buff[MAX_FIELD_WIDTH],null_buff[2],space[MAX_FIELD_WIDTH];
- bool space_inited=0;
- String tmp(buff,sizeof(buff),&my_charset_bin),*res;
- tmp.length(0);
- if (unit->offset_limit_cnt)
- { // using limit offset,count
- unit->offset_limit_cnt--;
- }
- row_count++;
- Item *item;
- char *buff_ptr=buff;
- uint used_length=0,items_left=items.elements;
- List_iterator_fast<Item> li(items);
- if (my_b_write(&cache,(byte*) exchange->line_start->ptr(),
- exchange->line_start->length()))
- goto err;
- while ((item=li++))
- {
- Item_result result_type=item->result_type();
- res=item->str_result(&tmp);
- if (res && (!exchange->opt_enclosed || result_type == STRING_RESULT))
- {
- if (my_b_write(&cache,(byte*) exchange->enclosed->ptr(),
- exchange->enclosed->length()))
- goto err;
- }
- if (!res)
- { // NULL
- if (!fixed_row_size)
- {
- if (escape_char != -1) // Use N syntax
- {
- null_buff[0]=escape_char;
- null_buff[1]='N';
- if (my_b_write(&cache,(byte*) null_buff,2))
- goto err;
- }
- else if (my_b_write(&cache,(byte*) "NULL",4))
- goto err;
- }
- else
- {
- used_length=0; // Fill with space
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (fixed_row_size)
- used_length=min(res->length(),item->max_length);
- else
- used_length=res->length();
- if (result_type == STRING_RESULT && escape_char != -1)
- {
- char *pos,*start,*end;
- for (start=pos=(char*) res->ptr(),end=pos+used_length ;
- pos != end ;
- pos++)
- {
- #ifdef USE_MB
- CHARSET_INFO *res_charset=res->charset();
- if (use_mb(res_charset))
- {
- int l;
- if ((l=my_ismbchar(res_charset, pos, end)))
- {
- pos += l-1;
- continue;
- }
- }
- #endif
- if ((int) *pos == escape_char || (int) *pos == field_sep_char ||
- (int) *pos == line_sep_char || !*pos)
- {
- char tmp_buff[2];
- tmp_buff[0]= escape_char;
- tmp_buff[1]= *pos ? *pos : '0';
- if (my_b_write(&cache,(byte*) start,(uint) (pos-start)) ||
- my_b_write(&cache,(byte*) tmp_buff,2))
- goto err;
- start=pos+1;
- }
- }
- if (my_b_write(&cache,(byte*) start,(uint) (pos-start)))
- goto err;
- }
- else if (my_b_write(&cache,(byte*) res->ptr(),used_length))
- goto err;
- }
- if (fixed_row_size)
- { // Fill with space
- if (item->max_length > used_length)
- {
- /* QQ: Fix by adding a my_b_fill() function */
- if (!space_inited)
- {
- space_inited=1;
- bfill(space,sizeof(space),' ');
- }
- uint length=item->max_length-used_length;
- for (; length > sizeof(space) ; length-=sizeof(space))
- {
- if (my_b_write(&cache,(byte*) space,sizeof(space)))
- goto err;
- }
- if (my_b_write(&cache,(byte*) space,length))
- goto err;
- }
- }
- buff_ptr=buff; // Place separators here
- if (res && (!exchange->opt_enclosed || result_type == STRING_RESULT))
- {
- memcpy(buff_ptr,exchange->enclosed->ptr(),exchange->enclosed->length());
- buff_ptr+=exchange->enclosed->length();
- }
- if (--items_left)
- {
- memcpy(buff_ptr,exchange->field_term->ptr(),field_term_length);
- buff_ptr+=field_term_length;
- }
- if (my_b_write(&cache,(byte*) buff,(uint) (buff_ptr-buff)))
- goto err;
- }
- if (my_b_write(&cache,(byte*) exchange->line_term->ptr(),
- exchange->line_term->length()))
- goto err;
- err:
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- ** Dump of select to a binary file
- ***************************************************************************/
- int
- select_dump::prepare(List<Item> &list __attribute__((unused)),
- {
- unit= u;
- return (int) ((file= create_file(thd, path, exchange, &cache)) < 0);
- }
- bool select_dump::send_data(List<Item> &items)
- {
- List_iterator_fast<Item> li(items);
- char buff[MAX_FIELD_WIDTH];
- String tmp(buff,sizeof(buff),&my_charset_bin),*res;
- tmp.length(0);
- Item *item;
- DBUG_ENTER("send_data");
- if (unit->offset_limit_cnt)
- { // using limit offset,count
- unit->offset_limit_cnt--;
- }
- if (row_count++ > 1)
- {
- my_error(ER_TOO_MANY_ROWS, MYF(0));
- goto err;
- }
- while ((item=li++))
- {
- res=item->str_result(&tmp);
- if (!res) // If NULL
- {
- if (my_b_write(&cache,(byte*) "",1))
- goto err;
- }
- else if (my_b_write(&cache,(byte*) res->ptr(),res->length()))
- {
- my_error(ER_ERROR_ON_WRITE,MYF(0), path, my_errno);
- goto err;
- }
- }
- err:
- }
- select_subselect::select_subselect(Item_subselect *item_arg)
- {
- item= item_arg;
- }
- bool select_singlerow_subselect::send_data(List<Item> &items)
- {
- DBUG_ENTER("select_singlerow_subselect::send_data");
- Item_singlerow_subselect *it= (Item_singlerow_subselect *)item;
- if (it->assigned())
- {
- }
- if (unit->offset_limit_cnt)
- { // Using limit offset,count
- unit->offset_limit_cnt--;
- }
- List_iterator_fast<Item> li(items);
- Item *val_item;
- for (uint i= 0; (val_item= li++); i++)
- it->store(i, val_item);
- it->assigned(1);
- }
- void select_max_min_finder_subselect::cleanup()
- {
- DBUG_ENTER("select_max_min_finder_subselect::cleanup");
- cache= 0;
- }
- bool select_max_min_finder_subselect::send_data(List<Item> &items)
- {
- DBUG_ENTER("select_max_min_finder_subselect::send_data");
- Item_maxmin_subselect *it= (Item_maxmin_subselect *)item;
- List_iterator_fast<Item> li(items);
- Item *val_item= li++;
- it->register_value();
- if (it->assigned())
- {
- cache->store(val_item);
- if ((this->*op)())
- it->store(0, cache);
- }
- else
- {
- if (!cache)
- {
- cache= Item_cache::get_cache(val_item->result_type());
- switch (val_item->result_type())
- {
- op= &select_max_min_finder_subselect::cmp_real;
- break;
- case INT_RESULT:
- op= &select_max_min_finder_subselect::cmp_int;
- break;
- op= &select_max_min_finder_subselect::cmp_str;
- break;
- case ROW_RESULT:
- // This case should never be choosen
- op= 0;
- }
- }
- cache->store(val_item);
- it->store(0, cache);
- }
- it->assigned(1);
- }
- bool select_max_min_finder_subselect::cmp_real()
- {
- Item *maxmin= ((Item_singlerow_subselect *)item)->el(0);
- double val1= cache->val(), val2= maxmin->val();
- if (fmax)
- return (cache->null_value && !maxmin->null_value) ||
- (!cache->null_value && !maxmin->null_value &&
- val1 > val2);
- else
- return (maxmin->null_value && !cache->null_value) ||
- (!cache->null_value && !maxmin->null_value &&
- val1 < val2);
- }
- bool select_max_min_finder_subselect::cmp_int()
- {
- Item *maxmin= ((Item_singlerow_subselect *)item)->el(0);
- longlong val1= cache->val_int(), val2= maxmin->val_int();
- if (fmax)
- return (cache->null_value && !maxmin->null_value) ||
- (!cache->null_value && !maxmin->null_value &&
- val1 > val2);
- else
- return (maxmin->null_value && !cache->null_value) ||
- (!cache->null_value && !maxmin->null_value &&
- val1 < val2);
- }
- bool select_max_min_finder_subselect::cmp_str()
- {
- String *val1, *val2, buf1, buf2;
- Item *maxmin= ((Item_singlerow_subselect *)item)->el(0);
- /*
- as far as both operand is Item_cache buf1 & buf2 will not be used,
- but added for safety
- */
- val1= cache->val_str(&buf1);
- val2= maxmin->val_str(&buf1);
- if (fmax)
- return (cache->null_value && !maxmin->null_value) ||
- (!cache->null_value && !maxmin->null_value &&
- sortcmp(val1, val2, cache->collation.collation) > 0) ;
- else
- return (maxmin->null_value && !cache->null_value) ||
- (!cache->null_value && !maxmin->null_value &&
- sortcmp(val1, val2, cache->collation.collation) < 0);
- }
- bool select_exists_subselect::send_data(List<Item> &items)
- {
- DBUG_ENTER("select_exists_subselect::send_data");
- Item_exists_subselect *it= (Item_exists_subselect *)item;
- if (unit->offset_limit_cnt)
- { // Using limit offset,count
- unit->offset_limit_cnt--;
- }
- it->value= 1;
- it->assigned(1);
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- Dump of select to variables
- ***************************************************************************/
- int select_dumpvar::prepare(List<Item> &list, SELECT_LEX_UNIT *u)
- {
- List_iterator_fast<Item> li(list);
- List_iterator_fast<LEX_STRING> gl(var_list);
- Item *item;
- if (var_list.elements != list.elements)
- {
- return 1;
- }
- unit=u;
- while ((item=li++))
- {
- ls= gl++;
- Item_func_set_user_var *xx = new Item_func_set_user_var(*ls,item);
- /*
- Item_func_set_user_var can't substitute something else on its place =>
- 0 can be passed as last argument (reference on item)
- */
- xx->fix_fields(thd,(TABLE_LIST*) thd->lex->select_lex.table_list.first,
- 0);
- xx->fix_length_and_dec();
- vars.push_back(xx);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- void select_dumpvar::cleanup()
- {
- vars.empty();
- row_count=0;
- }
- /*
- Create arena for already constructed THD.
- Item_arena()
- thd - thread for which arena is created
- Create arena for already existing THD using its variables as parameters
- for memory root initialization.
- */
- Item_arena::Item_arena(THD* thd)
- :free_list(0), mem_root(&main_mem_root),
- {
- init_sql_alloc(&main_mem_root,
- thd->variables.query_alloc_block_size,
- thd->variables.query_prealloc_size);
- }
- /*
- Create arena and optionally initialize memory root.
- Item_arena()
- init_mem_root - whenever we need to initialize memory root
- Create arena and optionally initialize memory root with minimal
- possible parameters.
- We use this constructor when arena is part of THD, but reinitialize
- its memory root in THD::init_for_queries() before execution of real
- statements.
- */
- Item_arena::Item_arena(bool init_mem_root)
- :free_list(0), mem_root(&main_mem_root),
- {
- if (init_mem_root)
- init_sql_alloc(&main_mem_root, ALLOC_ROOT_MIN_BLOCK_SIZE, 0);
- }
- Item_arena::Type Item_arena::type() const
- {
- DBUG_ASSERT("Item_arena::type()" == "abstract");
- return STATEMENT;
- }
- /*
- Statement functions
- */
- Statement::Statement(THD *thd)
- :Item_arena(thd),
- id(++thd->statement_id_counter),
- set_query_id(1),
- allow_sum_func(0),
- lex(&main_lex),
- query(0),
- query_length(0)
- {
- name.str= NULL;
- }
- /*
- This constructor is called when statement is a subobject of THD:
- Some variables are initialized in THD::init due to locking problems
- This statement object will be used to
- */
- Statement::Statement()
- :Item_arena((bool)TRUE),
- id(0),
- set_query_id(1),
- allow_sum_func(0), /* initialized later */
- lex(&main_lex),
- query(0), /* these two are set */
- query_length(0) /* in alloc_query() */
- {
- }
- Item_arena::Type Statement::type() const
- {
- return STATEMENT;
- }
- void Statement::set_statement(Statement *stmt)
- {
- id= stmt->id;
- set_query_id= stmt->set_query_id;
- allow_sum_func= stmt->allow_sum_func;
- lex= stmt->lex;
- query= stmt->query;
- query_length= stmt->query_length;
- }
- void
- Statement::set_n_backup_statement(Statement *stmt, Statement *backup)
- {
- backup->set_statement(this);
- set_statement(stmt);
- }
- void Statement::restore_backup_statement(Statement *stmt, Statement *backup)
- {
- stmt->set_statement(this);
- set_statement(backup);
- }
- void THD::end_statement()
- {
- /* Cleanup SQL processing state to resuse this statement in next query. */
- lex_end(lex);
- delete lex->result;
- lex->result= 0;
- free_items(free_list);
- free_list= 0;
- /*
- Don't free mem_root, as mem_root is freed in the end of dispatch_command
- (once for any command).
- */
- }
- void Item_arena::set_n_backup_item_arena(Item_arena *set, Item_arena *backup)
- {
- DBUG_ENTER("Item_arena::set_n_backup_item_arena");
- backup->set_item_arena(this);
- set_item_arena(set);
- }
- void Item_arena::restore_backup_item_arena(Item_arena *set, Item_arena *backup)
- {
- DBUG_ENTER("Item_arena::restore_backup_item_arena");
- set->set_item_arena(this);
- set_item_arena(backup);
- /*
- Reset backup mem_root to avoid its freeing.
- Since Item_arena's mem_root is freed only when it is part of Statement
- we need this only if we use some Statement's arena as backup storage.
- But we do this only with THD::stmt_backup and this Statement is specially
- handled in this respect. So this code is not really needed now.
- */
- clear_alloc_root(&backup->mem_root);
- #endif
- }
- void Item_arena::set_item_arena(Item_arena *set)
- {
- mem_root= set->mem_root;
- free_list= set->free_list;
- state= set->state;
- }
- Statement::~Statement()
- {
- free_root(&main_mem_root, MYF(0));
- }
- static byte *
- get_statement_id_as_hash_key(const byte *record, uint *key_length,
- my_bool not_used __attribute__((unused)))
- {
- const Statement *statement= (const Statement *) record;
- *key_length= sizeof(statement->id);
- return (byte *) &((const Statement *) statement)->id;
- }
- static void delete_statement_as_hash_key(void *key)
- {
- delete (Statement *) key;
- }
- static byte *get_stmt_name_hash_key(Statement *entry, uint *length,
- my_bool not_used __attribute__((unused)))
- {
- *length=(uint) entry->name.length;
- return (byte*) entry->name.str;
- }
- Statement_map::Statement_map() :
- last_found_statement(0)
- {
- enum
- {
- };
- hash_init(&st_hash, &my_charset_bin, START_STMT_HASH_SIZE, 0, 0,
- get_statement_id_as_hash_key,
- delete_statement_as_hash_key, MYF(0));
- hash_init(&names_hash, system_charset_info, START_NAME_HASH_SIZE, 0, 0,
- (hash_get_key) get_stmt_name_hash_key,
- NULL,MYF(0));
- }
- int Statement_map::insert(Statement *statement)
- {
- int rc= my_hash_insert(&st_hash, (byte *) statement);
- if (rc == 0)
- last_found_statement= statement;
- if (statement->name.str)
- {
- /*
- If there is a statement with the same name, remove it. It is ok to
- remove old and fail to insert new one at the same time.
- */
- Statement *old_stmt;
- if ((old_stmt= find_by_name(&statement->name)))
- erase(old_stmt);
- if ((rc= my_hash_insert(&names_hash, (byte*)statement)))
- hash_delete(&st_hash, (byte*)statement);
- }
- return rc;
- }
- bool select_dumpvar::send_data(List<Item> &items)
- {
- List_iterator_fast<Item_func_set_user_var> li(vars);
- Item_func_set_user_var *xx;
- DBUG_ENTER("send_data");
- if (unit->offset_limit_cnt)
- { // Using limit offset,count
- unit->offset_limit_cnt--;
- }
- if (row_count++)
- {
- my_error(ER_TOO_MANY_ROWS, MYF(0));
- }
- while ((xx=li++))
- {
- xx->check();
- xx->update();
- }
- }
- bool select_dumpvar::send_eof()
- {
- if (row_count)
- {
- ::send_ok(thd,row_count);
- return 0;
- }
- else
- {
- my_error(ER_EMPTY_QUERY,MYF(0));
- return 1;
- }
- }
- /****************************************************************************
- ****************************************************************************/
- void TMP_TABLE_PARAM::init()
- {
- field_count= sum_func_count= func_count= hidden_field_count= 0;
- group_parts= group_length= group_null_parts= 0;
- quick_group= 1;
- }