- /* Copyright (C) 2004 MySQL AB & MySQL Finland AB & TCX DataKonsult AB
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */
- #include <my_time.h>
- #include <m_string.h>
- #include <m_ctype.h>
- /* Windows version of localtime_r() is declared in my_ptrhead.h */
- #include <my_pthread.h>
- ulonglong log_10_int[20]=
- {
- 1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000UL, 100000UL, 1000000UL, 10000000UL,
- ULL(100000000), ULL(1000000000), ULL(10000000000), ULL(100000000000),
- ULL(1000000000000), ULL(10000000000000), ULL(100000000000000),
- ULL(1000000000000000), ULL(10000000000000000), ULL(100000000000000000),
- ULL(1000000000000000000), ULL(10000000000000000000)
- };
- /* Position for YYYY-DD-MM HH-MM-DD.FFFFFF AM in default format */
- static uchar internal_format_positions[]=
- {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, (uchar) 255};
- static char time_separator=':';
- static ulong const days_at_timestart=719528; /* daynr at 1970.01.01 */
- uchar days_in_month[]= {31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 0};
- /*
- Offset of system time zone from UTC in seconds used to speed up
- work of my_system_gmt_sec() function.
- */
- static long my_time_zone=0;
- /*
- Convert a timestamp string to a MYSQL_TIME value.
- str_to_datetime()
- str String to parse
- length Length of string
- l_time Date is stored here
- flags Bitmap of following items
- TIME_FUZZY_DATE Set if we should allow partial dates
- TIME_DATETIME_ONLY Set if we only allow full datetimes.
- was_cut Set to 1 if value was cut during conversion or to 0
- otherwise.
- At least the following formats are recogniced (based on number of digits)
- YYYYMMDDTHHMMSS where T is a the character T (ISO8601)
- Also dates where all parts are zero are allowed
- The second part may have an optional .###### fraction part.
- This function should work with a format position vector as long as the
- following things holds:
- - All date are kept together and all time parts are kept together
- - Date and time parts must be separated by blank
- - Second fractions must come after second part and be separated
- by a '.'. (The second fractions are optional)
- - AM/PM must come after second fractions (or after seconds if no fractions)
- - Year must always been specified.
- - If time is before date, then we will use datetime format only if
- the argument consist of two parts, separated by space.
- Otherwise we will assume the argument is a date.
- - The hour part must be specified in hour-minute-second order.
- MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_NONE String wasn't a timestamp, like
- [DD [HH:[MM:[SS]]]].fraction.
- l_time is not changed.
- MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_DATE DATE string (YY MM and DD parts ok)
- MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_ERROR Timestamp with wrong values.
- All elements in l_time is set to 0
- */
- #define MAX_DATE_PARTS 8
- enum enum_mysql_timestamp_type
- str_to_datetime(const char *str, uint length, MYSQL_TIME *l_time,
- uint flags, int *was_cut)
- {
- uint field_length, year_length, digits, i, number_of_fields;
- uint date[MAX_DATE_PARTS], date_len[MAX_DATE_PARTS];
- uint add_hours= 0, start_loop;
- ulong not_zero_date, allow_space;
- bool is_internal_format;
- const char *pos, *last_field_pos;
- const char *end=str+length;
- const uchar *format_position;
- bool found_delimitier= 0, found_space= 0;
- uint frac_pos, frac_len;
- DBUG_ENTER("str_to_datetime");
- DBUG_PRINT("ENTER",("str: %.*s",length,str));
- LINT_INIT(field_length);
- LINT_INIT(year_length);
- LINT_INIT(last_field_pos);
- *was_cut= 0;
- /* Skip space at start */
- for (; str != end && my_isspace(&my_charset_latin1, *str) ; str++)
- ;
- if (str == end || ! my_isdigit(&my_charset_latin1, *str))
- {
- *was_cut= 1;
- }
- is_internal_format= 0;
- /* This has to be changed if want to activate different timestamp formats */
- format_position= internal_format_positions;
- /*
- Calculate number of digits in first part.
- If length= 8 or >= 14 then year is of format YYYY.
- */
- for (pos=str;
- pos != end && (my_isdigit(&my_charset_latin1,*pos) || *pos == 'T');
- pos++)
- ;
- digits= (uint) (pos-str);
- start_loop= 0; /* Start of scan loop */
- date_len[format_position[0]]= 0; /* Length of year field */
- if (pos == end)
- {
- /* Found date in internal format (only numbers like YYYYMMDD) */
- year_length= (digits == 4 || digits == 8 || digits >= 14) ? 4 : 2;
- field_length= year_length;
- is_internal_format= 1;
- format_position= internal_format_positions;
- }
- else
- {
- if (format_position[0] >= 3) /* If year is after HHMMDD */
- {
- /*
- If year is not in first part then we have to determinate if we got
- a date field or a datetime field.
- We do this by checking if there is two numbers separated by
- space in the input.
- */
- while (pos < end && !my_isspace(&my_charset_latin1, *pos))
- pos++;
- while (pos < end && !my_isdigit(&my_charset_latin1, *pos))
- pos++;
- if (pos == end)
- {
- if (flags & TIME_DATETIME_ONLY)
- {
- *was_cut= 1;
- DBUG_RETURN(MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_NONE); /* Can't be a full datetime */
- }
- /* Date field. Set hour, minutes and seconds to 0 */
- date[0]= date[1]= date[2]= date[3]= date[4]= 0;
- start_loop= 5; /* Start with first date part */
- }
- }
- field_length= format_position[0] == 0 ? 4 : 2;
- }
- /*
- Only allow space in the first "part" of the datetime field and:
- - after days, part seconds
- - before and after AM/PM (handled by code later)
- 2003-03-03 20:00:20 AM
- 20:00:20.000000 AM 03-03-2000
- */
- i= max((uint) format_position[0], (uint) format_position[1]);
- set_if_bigger(i, (uint) format_position[2]);
- allow_space= ((1 << i) | (1 << format_position[6]));
- allow_space&= (1 | 2 | 4 | 8);
- not_zero_date= 0;
- for (i = start_loop;
- i < MAX_DATE_PARTS-1 && str != end &&
- my_isdigit(&my_charset_latin1,*str);
- i++)
- {
- const char *start= str;
- ulong tmp_value= (uint) (uchar) (*str++ - '0');
- while (str != end && my_isdigit(&my_charset_latin1,str[0]) &&
- (!is_internal_format || --field_length))
- {
- tmp_value=tmp_value*10 + (ulong) (uchar) (*str - '0');
- str++;
- }
- date_len[i]= (uint) (str - start);
- if (tmp_value > 999999) /* Impossible date part */
- {
- *was_cut= 1;
- }
- date[i]=tmp_value;
- not_zero_date|= tmp_value;
- /* Length of next field */
- field_length= format_position[i+1] == 0 ? 4 : 2;
- if ((last_field_pos= str) == end)
- {
- i++; /* Register last found part */
- break;
- }
- /* Allow a 'T' after day to allow CCYYMMDDT type of fields */
- if (i == format_position[2] && *str == 'T')
- {
- str++; /* ISO8601: CCYYMMDDThhmmss */
- continue;
- }
- if (i == format_position[5]) /* Seconds */
- {
- if (*str == '.') /* Followed by part seconds */
- {
- str++;
- field_length= 6; /* 6 digits */
- }
- continue;
- /* No part seconds */
- date[++i]= 0;
- }
- while (str != end &&
- (my_ispunct(&my_charset_latin1,*str) ||
- my_isspace(&my_charset_latin1,*str)))
- {
- if (my_isspace(&my_charset_latin1,*str))
- {
- if (!(allow_space & (1 << i)))
- {
- *was_cut= 1;
- }
- found_space= 1;
- }
- str++;
- found_delimitier= 1; /* Should be a 'normal' date */
- }
- /* Check if next position is AM/PM */
- if (i == format_position[6]) /* Seconds, time for AM/PM */
- {
- i++; /* Skip AM/PM part */
- if (format_position[7] != 255) /* If using AM/PM */
- {
- if (str+2 <= end && (str[1] == 'M' || str[1] == 'm'))
- {
- if (str[0] == 'p' || str[0] == 'P')
- add_hours= 12;
- else if (str[0] != 'a' || str[0] != 'A')
- continue; /* Not AM/PM */
- str+= 2; /* Skip AM/PM */
- /* Skip space after AM/PM */
- while (str != end && my_isspace(&my_charset_latin1,*str))
- str++;
- }
- }
- }
- last_field_pos= str;
- }
- if (found_delimitier && !found_space && (flags & TIME_DATETIME_ONLY))
- {
- *was_cut= 1;
- DBUG_RETURN(MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_NONE); /* Can't be a datetime */
- }
- str= last_field_pos;
- number_of_fields= i - start_loop;
- while (i < MAX_DATE_PARTS)
- {
- date_len[i]= 0;
- date[i++]= 0;
- }
- if (!is_internal_format)
- {
- year_length= date_len[(uint) format_position[0]];
- if (!year_length) /* Year must be specified */
- {
- *was_cut= 1;
- }
- l_time->year= date[(uint) format_position[0]];
- l_time->month= date[(uint) format_position[1]];
- l_time->day= date[(uint) format_position[2]];
- l_time->hour= date[(uint) format_position[3]];
- l_time->minute= date[(uint) format_position[4]];
- l_time->second= date[(uint) format_position[5]];
- frac_pos= (uint) format_position[6];
- frac_len= date_len[frac_pos];
- if (frac_len < 6)
- date[frac_pos]*= (uint) log_10_int[6 - frac_len];
- l_time->second_part= date[frac_pos];
- if (format_position[7] != (uchar) 255)
- {
- if (l_time->hour > 12)
- {
- *was_cut= 1;
- goto err;
- }
- l_time->hour= l_time->hour%12 + add_hours;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- l_time->year= date[0];
- l_time->month= date[1];
- l_time->day= date[2];
- l_time->hour= date[3];
- l_time->minute= date[4];
- l_time->second= date[5];
- if (date_len[6] < 6)
- date[6]*= (uint) log_10_int[6 - date_len[6]];
- l_time->second_part=date[6];
- }
- l_time->neg= 0;
- if (year_length == 2 && not_zero_date)
- l_time->year+= (l_time->year < YY_PART_YEAR ? 2000 : 1900);
- if (number_of_fields < 3 ||
- l_time->year > 9999 || l_time->month > 12 ||
- l_time->day > 31 || l_time->hour > 23 ||
- l_time->minute > 59 || l_time->second > 59 ||
- (!(flags & TIME_FUZZY_DATE) && (l_time->month == 0 || l_time->day == 0)))
- {
- /* Only give warning for a zero date if there is some garbage after */
- if (!not_zero_date) /* If zero date */
- {
- for (; str != end ; str++)
- {
- if (!my_isspace(&my_charset_latin1, *str))
- {
- not_zero_date= 1; /* Give warning */
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (not_zero_date)
- *was_cut= 1;
- goto err;
- }
- l_time->time_type= (number_of_fields <= 3 ?
- for (; str != end ; str++)
- {
- if (!my_isspace(&my_charset_latin1,*str))
- {
- *was_cut= 1;
- break;
- }
- }
- DBUG_RETURN(l_time->time_type=
- (number_of_fields <= 3 ? MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_DATE :
- err:
- bzero((char*) l_time, sizeof(*l_time));
- }
- /*
- Convert a time string to a TIME struct.
- str_to_time()
- str A string in full TIMESTAMP format or
- [-] DAYS [H]H:MM:SS, [H]H:MM:SS, [M]M:SS, [H]HMMSS,
- [M]MSS or [S]S
- There may be an optional [.second_part] after seconds
- length Length of str
- l_time Store result here
- was_cut Set to 1 if value was cut during conversion or to 0
- otherwise.
- Because of the extra days argument, this function can only
- work with times where the time arguments are in the above order.
- 0 ok
- 1 error
- */
- bool str_to_time(const char *str, uint length, MYSQL_TIME *l_time,
- int *was_cut)
- {
- long date[5],value;
- const char *end=str+length, *end_of_days;
- bool found_days,found_hours;
- uint state;
- l_time->neg=0;
- *was_cut= 0;
- for (; str != end && my_isspace(&my_charset_latin1,*str) ; str++)
- length--;
- if (str != end && *str == '-')
- {
- l_time->neg=1;
- str++;
- length--;
- }
- if (str == end)
- return 1;
- /* Check first if this is a full TIMESTAMP */
- if (length >= 12)
- { /* Probably full timestamp */
- enum enum_mysql_timestamp_type
- res= str_to_datetime(str, length, l_time,
- if ((int) res >= (int) MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_ERROR)
- return res == MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_ERROR;
- /* We need to restore was_cut flag since str_to_datetime can modify it */
- *was_cut= 0;
- }
- /* Not a timestamp. Try to get this as a DAYS_TO_SECOND string */
- for (value=0; str != end && my_isdigit(&my_charset_latin1,*str) ; str++)
- value=value*10L + (long) (*str - '0');
- /* Skip all space after 'days' */
- end_of_days= str;
- for (; str != end && my_isspace(&my_charset_latin1, str[0]) ; str++)
- ;
- LINT_INIT(state);
- found_days=found_hours=0;
- if ((uint) (end-str) > 1 && str != end_of_days &&
- my_isdigit(&my_charset_latin1, *str))
- { /* Found days part */
- date[0]= value;
- state= 1; /* Assume next is hours */
- found_days= 1;
- }
- else if ((end-str) > 1 && *str == time_separator &&
- my_isdigit(&my_charset_latin1, str[1]))
- {
- date[0]=0; /* Assume we found hours */
- date[1]=value;
- state=2;
- found_hours=1;
- str++; /* skip ':' */
- }
- else
- {
- /* String given as one number; assume HHMMSS format */
- date[0]= 0;
- date[1]= value/10000;
- date[2]= value/100 % 100;
- date[3]= value % 100;
- state=4;
- goto fractional;
- }
- /* Read hours, minutes and seconds */
- for (;;)
- {
- for (value=0; str != end && my_isdigit(&my_charset_latin1,*str) ; str++)
- value=value*10L + (long) (*str - '0');
- date[state++]=value;
- if (state == 4 || (end-str) < 2 || *str != time_separator ||
- !my_isdigit(&my_charset_latin1,str[1]))
- break;
- str++; /* Skip time_separator (':') */
- }
- if (state != 4)
- { /* Not HH:MM:SS */
- /* Fix the date to assume that seconds was given */
- if (!found_hours && !found_days)
- {
- bmove_upp((char*) (date+4), (char*) (date+state),
- sizeof(long)*(state-1));
- bzero((char*) date, sizeof(long)*(4-state));
- }
- else
- bzero((char*) (date+state), sizeof(long)*(4-state));
- }
- fractional:
- /* Get fractional second part */
- if ((end-str) >= 2 && *str == '.' && my_isdigit(&my_charset_latin1,str[1]))
- {
- uint field_length=5;
- str++; value=(uint) (uchar) (*str - '0');
- while (++str != end &&
- my_isdigit(&my_charset_latin1,str[0]) &&
- field_length--)
- value=value*10 + (uint) (uchar) (*str - '0');
- if (field_length)
- value*= (long) log_10_int[field_length];
- date[4]=value;
- }
- else
- date[4]=0;
- if (internal_format_positions[7] != 255)
- {
- /* Read a possible AM/PM */
- while (str != end && my_isspace(&my_charset_latin1, *str))
- str++;
- if (str+2 <= end && (str[1] == 'M' || str[1] == 'm'))
- {
- if (str[0] == 'p' || str[0] == 'P')
- {
- str+= 2;
- date[1]= date[1]%12 + 12;
- }
- else if (str[0] == 'a' || str[0] == 'A')
- str+=2;
- }
- }
- /* Some simple checks */
- if (date[2] >= 60 || date[3] >= 60)
- {
- *was_cut= 1;
- return 1;
- }
- l_time->year= 0; /* For protocol::store_time */
- l_time->month= 0;
- l_time->day= date[0];
- l_time->hour= date[1];
- l_time->minute= date[2];
- l_time->second= date[3];
- l_time->second_part= date[4];
- l_time->time_type= MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_TIME;
- /* Check if there is garbage at end of the TIME specification */
- if (str != end)
- {
- do
- {
- if (!my_isspace(&my_charset_latin1,*str))
- {
- *was_cut= 1;
- break;
- }
- } while (++str != end);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- Prepare offset of system time zone from UTC for my_system_gmt_sec() func.
- init_time()
- */
- void init_time(void)
- {
- time_t seconds;
- struct tm *l_time,tm_tmp;
- MYSQL_TIME my_time;
- bool not_used;
- seconds= (time_t) time((time_t*) 0);
- localtime_r(&seconds,&tm_tmp);
- l_time= &tm_tmp;
- my_time_zone= 3600; /* Comp. for -3600 in my_gmt_sec */
- my_time.year= (uint) l_time->tm_year+1900;
- my_time.month= (uint) l_time->tm_mon+1;
- (uint) l_time->tm_mday;
- my_time.hour= (uint) l_time->tm_hour;
- my_time.minute= (uint) l_time->tm_min;
- my_time.second= (uint) l_time->tm_sec;
- my_system_gmt_sec(&my_time, &my_time_zone, ¬_used); /* Init my_time_zone */
- }
- /* Calculate nr of day since year 0 in new date-system (from 1615) */
- long calc_daynr(uint year,uint month,uint day)
- {
- long delsum;
- int temp;
- DBUG_ENTER("calc_daynr");
- if (year == 0 && month == 0 && day == 0)
- DBUG_RETURN(0); /* Skip errors */
- if (year < 200)
- {
- if ((year=year+1900) < 1900+YY_PART_YEAR)
- year+=100;
- }
- delsum= (long) (365L * year+ 31*(month-1) +day);
- if (month <= 2)
- year--;
- else
- delsum-= (long) (month*4+23)/10;
- temp=(int) ((year/100+1)*3)/4;
- DBUG_PRINT("exit",("year: %d month: %d day: %d -> daynr: %ld",
- year+(month <= 2),month,day,delsum+year/4-temp));
- DBUG_RETURN(delsum+(int) year/4-temp);
- } /* calc_daynr */
- /*
- Convert time in MYSQL_TIME representation in system time zone to its
- my_time_t form (number of seconds in UTC since begginning of Unix Epoch).
- my_system_gmt_sec()
- t - time value to be converted
- my_timezone - pointer to long where offset of system time zone
- from UTC will be stored for caching
- in_dst_time_gap - set to true if time falls into spring time-gap
- The idea is to cache the time zone offset from UTC (including daylight
- saving time) for the next call to make things faster. But currently we
- just calculate this offset during startup (by calling init_time()
- function) and use it all the time.
- Time value provided should be legal time value (e.g. '2003-01-01 25:00:00'
- is not allowed).
- Time in UTC seconds since Unix Epoch representation.
- */
- my_time_t
- my_system_gmt_sec(const MYSQL_TIME *t, long *my_timezone, bool *in_dst_time_gap)
- {
- uint loop;
- time_t tmp;
- struct tm *l_time,tm_tmp;
- long diff, current_timezone;
- /*
- Calculate the gmt time based on current time and timezone
- The -1 on the end is to ensure that if have a date that exists twice
- (like 2002-10-27 02:00:0 MET), we will find the initial date.
- By doing -3600 we will have to call localtime_r() several times, but
- I couldn't come up with a better way to get a repeatable result :(
- We can't use mktime() as it's buggy on many platforms and not thread safe.
- Note: this code assumes that our time_t estimation is not too far away
- from real value (we assume that localtime_r(tmp) will return something
- within 24 hrs from t) which is probably true for all current time zones.
- */
- tmp=(time_t) (((calc_daynr((uint) t->year,(uint) t->month,(uint) t->day) -
- (long) days_at_timestart)*86400L + (long) t->hour*3600L +
- (long) (t->minute*60 + t->second)) + (time_t) my_time_zone -
- 3600);
- current_timezone= my_time_zone;
- localtime_r(&tmp,&tm_tmp);
- l_time=&tm_tmp;
- for (loop=0;
- loop < 2 &&
- (t->hour != (uint) l_time->tm_hour ||
- t->minute != (uint) l_time->tm_min ||
- t->second != (uint) l_time->tm_sec);
- loop++)
- { /* One check should be enough ? */
- /* Get difference in days */
- int days= t->day - l_time->tm_mday;
- if (days < -1)
- days= 1; /* Month has wrapped */
- else if (days > 1)
- days= -1;
- diff=(3600L*(long) (days*24+((int) t->hour - (int) l_time->tm_hour)) +
- (long) (60*((int) t->minute - (int) l_time->tm_min)) +
- (long) ((int) t->second - (int) l_time->tm_sec));
- current_timezone+= diff+3600; /* Compensate for -3600 above */
- tmp+= (time_t) diff;
- localtime_r(&tmp,&tm_tmp);
- l_time=&tm_tmp;
- }
- /*
- Fix that if we are in the non existing daylight saving time hour
- we move the start of the next real hour.
- This code doesn't handle such exotical thing as time-gaps whose length
- is more than one hour or non-integer (latter can theoretically happen
- if one of seconds will be removed due leap correction, or because of
- general time correction like it happened for Africa/Monrovia time zone
- in year 1972).
- */
- if (loop == 2 && t->hour != (uint) l_time->tm_hour)
- {
- int days= t->day - l_time->tm_mday;
- if (days < -1)
- days=1; /* Month has wrapped */
- else if (days > 1)
- days= -1;
- diff=(3600L*(long) (days*24+((int) t->hour - (int) l_time->tm_hour))+
- (long) (60*((int) t->minute - (int) l_time->tm_min)) +
- (long) ((int) t->second - (int) l_time->tm_sec));
- if (diff == 3600)
- tmp+=3600 - t->minute*60 - t->second; /* Move to next hour */
- else if (diff == -3600)
- tmp-=t->minute*60 + t->second; /* Move to previous hour */
- *in_dst_time_gap= 1;
- }
- *my_timezone= current_timezone;
- return (my_time_t) tmp;
- } /* my_system_gmt_sec */
- /* Set MYSQL_TIME structure to 0000-00-00 00:00:00.000000 */
- void set_zero_time(MYSQL_TIME *tm, enum enum_mysql_timestamp_type time_type)
- {
- bzero((void*) tm, sizeof(*tm));
- tm->time_type= time_type;
- }
- /*
- Functions to convert time/date/datetime value to a string,
- using default format.
- This functions don't check that given TIME structure members are
- in valid range. If they are not, return value won't reflect any
- valid date either. Additionally, make_time doesn't take into
- account time->day member: it's assumed that days have been converted
- to hours already.
- number of characters written to 'to'
- */
- int my_time_to_str(const MYSQL_TIME *l_time, char *to)
- {
- uint extra_hours= 0;
- return my_sprintf(to, (to, "%s%02d:%02d:%02d",
- (l_time->neg ? "-" : ""),
- extra_hours+ l_time->hour,
- l_time->minute,
- l_time->second));
- }
- int my_date_to_str(const MYSQL_TIME *l_time, char *to)
- {
- return my_sprintf(to, (to, "%04d-%02d-%02d",
- l_time->year,
- l_time->month,
- l_time->day));
- }
- int my_datetime_to_str(const MYSQL_TIME *l_time, char *to)
- {
- return my_sprintf(to, (to, "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d",
- l_time->year,
- l_time->month,
- l_time->day,
- l_time->hour,
- l_time->minute,
- l_time->second));
- }
- /*
- Convert struct DATE/TIME/DATETIME value to string using built-in
- MySQL time conversion formats.
- my_TIME_to_string()
- The string must have at least MAX_DATE_STRING_REP_LENGTH bytes reserved.
- */
- int my_TIME_to_str(const MYSQL_TIME *l_time, char *to)
- {
- switch (l_time->time_type) {
- return my_datetime_to_str(l_time, to);
- return my_date_to_str(l_time, to);
- return my_time_to_str(l_time, to);
- to[0]='';
- return 0;
- default:
- return 0;
- }
- }