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Visual C++
- /* Copyright (C) 2003 MySQL AB
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */
- #include "Code_query_filter.hpp"
- #include "Code_query_join.hpp"
- #include "Code_query_scan.hpp"
- #include "Code_root.hpp"
- // Plan_query_filter
- Plan_query_filter::~Plan_query_filter()
- {
- }
- Plan_base*
- Plan_query_filter::analyze(Ctx& ctx, Ctl& ctl)
- {
- ctx_assert(m_query != 0);
- m_query->analyze(ctx, ctl);
- if (! ctx.ok())
- return 0;
- ctx_assert(m_pred != 0);
- m_pred->analyze(ctx, ctl);
- if (! ctx.ok())
- return 0;
- return this;
- }
- Exec_base*
- Plan_query_filter::codegen(Ctx& ctx, Ctl& ctl)
- {
- // generate code for the subquery
- ctx_assert(m_query != 0);
- Exec_query* execQuery = static_cast<Exec_query*>(m_query->codegen(ctx, ctl));
- if (! ctx.ok())
- return 0;
- ctx_assert(execQuery != 0);
- // create code for the predicate based on query code
- Exec_pred* execPred = 0;
- ctl.m_execQuery = execQuery;
- ctx_assert(m_topTable != 0);
- ctl.m_topTable = m_topTable;
- ctx_assert(m_pred != 0);
- execPred = static_cast<Exec_pred*>(m_pred->codegen(ctx, ctl));
- if (! ctx.ok())
- return 0;
- ctx_assert(execPred != 0);
- ctl.m_topTable = 0;
- // re-use SqlSpecs from subquery
- const Exec_query::Code& codeQuery = execQuery->getCode();
- const SqlSpecs& sqlSpecs = codeQuery.sqlSpecs();
- Exec_query_filter* exec = new Exec_query_filter(ctl.m_execRoot);
- ctl.m_execRoot->saveNode(exec);
- Exec_query_filter::Code& code = *new Exec_query_filter::Code(sqlSpecs);
- exec->setCode(code);
- exec->setQuery(execQuery);
- exec->setPred(execPred);
- return exec;
- }
- void
- Plan_query_filter::print(Ctx& ctx)
- {
- ctx.print(" [query_filter");
- Plan_base* a[] = { m_query, m_pred };
- printList(ctx, a, 2);
- ctx.print("]");
- }
- // Exec_query_filter
- Exec_query_filter::Code::~Code()
- {
- }
- Exec_query_filter::Data::~Data()
- {
- }
- Exec_query_filter::~Exec_query_filter()
- {
- }
- void
- Exec_query_filter::alloc(Ctx& ctx, Ctl& ctl)
- {
- // allocate the subquery
- ctx_assert(m_query != 0);
- m_query->alloc(ctx, ctl);
- if (! ctx.ok())
- return;
- // allocate the predicate
- ctl.m_query = m_query;
- ctx_assert(m_pred != 0);
- m_pred->alloc(ctx, ctl);
- if (! ctx.ok())
- return;
- // re-use SqlRow from subquery
- Exec_query::Data& dataQuery = m_query->getData();
- Data& data = *new Data(this, dataQuery.sqlRow());
- setData(data);
- }
- void
- Exec_query_filter::execImpl(Ctx& ctx, Ctl& ctl)
- {
- // execute subquery
- ctx_assert(m_query != 0);
- m_query->execute(ctx, ctl);
- }
- bool
- Exec_query_filter::fetchImpl(Ctx& ctx, Ctl& ctl)
- {
- // invoke fetch on subquery until predicate is true
- ctx_assert(m_query != 0);
- while (m_query->fetch(ctx, ctl)) {
- ctx_assert(m_pred != 0);
- m_pred->evaluate(ctx, ctl);
- if (! ctx.ok())
- return false;
- if (m_pred->getData().getValue() == Pred_value_true) {
- ctl.m_postEval = true;
- m_pred->evaluate(ctx, ctl);
- ctl.m_postEval = false;
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- void
- Exec_query_filter::close(Ctx& ctx)
- {
- ctx_assert(m_query != 0);
- m_query->close(ctx);
- ctx_assert(m_pred != 0);
- m_pred->close(ctx);
- }
- void
- Exec_query_filter::print(Ctx& ctx)
- {
- ctx.print(" [query_filter");
- Exec_base* a[] = { m_query, m_pred };
- printList(ctx, a, 2);
- ctx.print("]");
- }