- /* Copyright (C) 2003 MySQL AB
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */
- #ifndef ODBC_HANDLES_HandleBase_hpp
- #define ODBC_HANDLES_HandleBase_hpp
- #include <common/common.hpp>
- #include <common/OdbcData.hpp>
- #include <common/DiagArea.hpp>
- #include <common/AttrArea.hpp>
- /**
- * @class HandleBase
- * @brief Base class for handles
- *
- * Following types of handles exist:
- * - HandleRoot : root node
- * - HandleEnv : environment handle (SQLHENV)
- * - HandleDbc : connection handle (SQLHDBC)
- * - HandleStmt : statement handle (SQLHSTMT)
- * - HandleDesc : descriptor handle (SQLHDESC)
- */
- class HandleRoot;
- class HandleBase {
- public:
- HandleBase();
- virtual ~HandleBase() = 0;
- virtual HandleBase* getParent() = 0;
- virtual HandleRoot* getRoot() = 0;
- virtual OdbcHandle odbcHandle() = 0;
- void saveCtx(Ctx& ctx);
- // allocate and free handles
- virtual void sqlAllocHandle(Ctx& ctx, SQLSMALLINT childType, HandleBase** ppChild) = 0;
- virtual void sqlFreeHandle(Ctx& ctx, SQLSMALLINT childType, HandleBase* pChild) = 0;
- // get diagnostics
- void sqlGetDiagField(Ctx& ctx, SQLSMALLINT recNumber, SQLSMALLINT diagIdentifier, SQLPOINTER diagInfo, SQLSMALLINT bufferLength, SQLSMALLINT* stringLength);
- void sqlGetDiagRec(Ctx& ctx, SQLSMALLINT recNumber, SQLCHAR* sqlstate, SQLINTEGER* nativeError, SQLCHAR* messageText, SQLSMALLINT bufferLength, SQLSMALLINT* textLength);
- void sqlError(Ctx& ctx, SQLCHAR* sqlstate, SQLINTEGER* nativeError, SQLCHAR* messageText, SQLSMALLINT bufferLength, SQLSMALLINT* textLength); // odbc2.0
- // common code for attributes
- void baseSetHandleAttr(Ctx& ctx, AttrArea& attrArea, SQLINTEGER attribute, SQLPOINTER value, SQLINTEGER stringLength);
- void baseGetHandleAttr(Ctx& ctx, AttrArea& attrArea, SQLINTEGER attribute, SQLPOINTER value, SQLINTEGER bufferLength, SQLINTEGER* stringLength);
- void baseSetHandleOption(Ctx& ctx, AttrArea& attrArea, SQLUSMALLINT option, SQLUINTEGER value); // odbc2.0
- void baseGetHandleOption(Ctx& ctx, AttrArea& attrArea, SQLUSMALLINT option, SQLPOINTER value); // odbc2.0
- protected:
- Ctx* m_ctx; // saved from last ODBC function
- };
- inline
- HandleBase::HandleBase() :
- m_ctx(0)
- {
- }
- #endif