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Visual C++
- /* Copyright (C) 2003 MySQL AB
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */
- #include <ndb_global.h>
- #include <TransporterCallback.hpp>
- #include <TransporterRegistry.hpp>
- #include <FastScheduler.hpp>
- #include <Emulator.hpp>
- #include <ErrorHandlingMacros.hpp>
- #include "LongSignal.hpp"
- #include <signaldata/EventReport.hpp>
- #include <signaldata/TestOrd.hpp>
- #include <signaldata/SignalDroppedRep.hpp>
- #include <signaldata/DisconnectRep.hpp>
- #include "VMSignal.hpp"
- #include <NdbOut.hpp>
- #include "DataBuffer.hpp"
- /**
- * The instance
- */
- SectionSegmentPool g_sectionSegmentPool;
- bool
- import(Ptr<SectionSegment> & first, const Uint32 * src, Uint32 len){
- /**
- * Dummy data used when setting prev.m_nextSegment for first segment of a
- * section
- */
- Uint32 dummyPrev[4];
- first.p = 0;
- if(g_sectionSegmentPool.seize(first)){
- ;
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- first.p->m_sz = len;
- first.p->m_ownerRef = 0;
- Ptr<SectionSegment> prevPtr = { (SectionSegment *)&dummyPrev[0], 0 };
- Ptr<SectionSegment> currPtr = first;
- while(len > SectionSegment::DataLength){
- prevPtr.p->m_nextSegment = currPtr.i;
- memcpy(&currPtr.p->theData[0], src, 4 * SectionSegment::DataLength);
- src += SectionSegment::DataLength;
- len -= SectionSegment::DataLength;
- prevPtr = currPtr;
- if(g_sectionSegmentPool.seize(currPtr)){
- ;
- } else {
- first.p->m_lastSegment = prevPtr.i;
- return false;
- }
- }
- first.p->m_lastSegment = currPtr.i;
- currPtr.p->m_nextSegment = RNIL;
- memcpy(&currPtr.p->theData[0], src, 4 * len);
- return true;
- }
- void
- linkSegments(Uint32 head, Uint32 tail){
- Ptr<SectionSegment> headPtr;
- g_sectionSegmentPool.getPtr(headPtr, head);
- Ptr<SectionSegment> tailPtr;
- g_sectionSegmentPool.getPtr(tailPtr, tail);
- Ptr<SectionSegment> oldTailPtr;
- g_sectionSegmentPool.getPtr(oldTailPtr, headPtr.p->m_lastSegment);
- headPtr.p->m_lastSegment = tailPtr.p->m_lastSegment;
- headPtr.p->m_sz += tailPtr.p->m_sz;
- oldTailPtr.p->m_nextSegment = tailPtr.i;
- }
- void
- copy(Uint32 * & insertPtr,
- class SectionSegmentPool & thePool, const SegmentedSectionPtr & _ptr){
- Uint32 len = _ptr.sz;
- SectionSegment * ptrP = _ptr.p;
- while(len > 60){
- memcpy(insertPtr, &ptrP->theData[0], 4 * 60);
- len -= 60;
- insertPtr += 60;
- ptrP = thePool.getPtr(ptrP->m_nextSegment);
- }
- memcpy(insertPtr, &ptrP->theData[0], 4 * len);
- insertPtr += len;
- }
- void
- copy(Uint32 * dst, SegmentedSectionPtr src){
- copy(dst, g_sectionSegmentPool, src);
- }
- void
- getSections(Uint32 secCount, SegmentedSectionPtr ptr[3]){
- Uint32 tSec0 = ptr[0].i;
- Uint32 tSec1 = ptr[1].i;
- Uint32 tSec2 = ptr[2].i;
- SectionSegment * p;
- switch(secCount){
- case 3:
- p = g_sectionSegmentPool.getPtr(tSec2);
- ptr[2].p = p;
- ptr[2].sz = p->m_sz;
- case 2:
- p = g_sectionSegmentPool.getPtr(tSec1);
- ptr[1].p = p;
- ptr[1].sz = p->m_sz;
- case 1:
- p = g_sectionSegmentPool.getPtr(tSec0);
- ptr[0].p = p;
- ptr[0].sz = p->m_sz;
- case 0:
- return;
- }
- char msg[40];
- sprintf(msg, "secCount=%d", secCount);
- ErrorReporter::handleAssert(msg, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- }
- void
- getSection(SegmentedSectionPtr & ptr, Uint32 i){
- ptr.i = i;
- SectionSegment * p = g_sectionSegmentPool.getPtr(i);
- ptr.p = p;
- ptr.sz = p->m_sz;
- }
- #define relSz(x) ((x + SectionSegment::DataLength - 1) / SectionSegment::DataLength)
- void
- release(SegmentedSectionPtr & ptr){
- g_sectionSegmentPool.releaseList(relSz(ptr.sz),
- ptr.i,
- ptr.p->m_lastSegment);
- }
- void
- releaseSections(Uint32 secCount, SegmentedSectionPtr ptr[3]){
- Uint32 tSec0 = ptr[0].i;
- Uint32 tSz0 = ptr[0].sz;
- Uint32 tSec1 = ptr[1].i;
- Uint32 tSz1 = ptr[1].sz;
- Uint32 tSec2 = ptr[2].i;
- Uint32 tSz2 = ptr[2].sz;
- switch(secCount){
- case 3:
- g_sectionSegmentPool.releaseList(relSz(tSz2), tSec2,
- ptr[2].p->m_lastSegment);
- case 2:
- g_sectionSegmentPool.releaseList(relSz(tSz1), tSec1,
- ptr[1].p->m_lastSegment);
- case 1:
- g_sectionSegmentPool.releaseList(relSz(tSz0), tSec0,
- ptr[0].p->m_lastSegment);
- case 0:
- return;
- }
- char msg[40];
- sprintf(msg, "secCount=%d", secCount);
- ErrorReporter::handleAssert(msg, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- }
- #include <DebuggerNames.hpp>
- void
- execute(void * callbackObj,
- SignalHeader * const header,
- Uint8 prio,
- Uint32 * const theData,
- LinearSectionPtr ptr[3]){
- const Uint32 secCount = header->m_noOfSections;
- const Uint32 length = header->theLength;
- ndbout_c("recv: %s(%d) from (%s, %d)",
- getSignalName(header->theVerId_signalNumber),
- header->theVerId_signalNumber,
- getBlockName(refToBlock(header->theSendersBlockRef)),
- refToNode(header->theSendersBlockRef));
- #endif
- bool ok = true;
- Ptr<SectionSegment> secPtr[3];
- switch(secCount){
- case 3:
- ok &= import(secPtr[2], ptr[2].p, ptr[2].sz);
- case 2:
- ok &= import(secPtr[1], ptr[1].p, ptr[1].sz);
- case 1:
- ok &= import(secPtr[0], ptr[0].p, ptr[0].sz);
- }
- /**
- * Check that we haven't received a too long signal
- */
- ok &= (length + secCount <= 25);
- Uint32 secPtrI[3];
- if(ok){
- /**
- * Normal path
- */
- secPtrI[0] = secPtr[0].i;
- secPtrI[1] = secPtr[1].i;
- secPtrI[2] = secPtr[2].i;
- globalScheduler.execute(header, prio, theData, secPtrI);
- return;
- }
- /**
- * Out of memory
- */
- for(Uint32 i = 0; i<secCount; i++){
- if(secPtr[i].p != 0){
- g_sectionSegmentPool.releaseList(relSz(ptr[i].sz), secPtr[i].i,
- secPtr[i].p->m_lastSegment);
- }
- }
- Uint32 gsn = header->theVerId_signalNumber;
- Uint32 len = header->theLength;
- Uint32 newLen= (len > 22 ? 22 : len);
- SignalDroppedRep * rep = (SignalDroppedRep*)theData;
- memmove(rep->originalData, theData, (4 * newLen));
- rep->originalGsn = gsn;
- rep->originalLength = len;
- rep->originalSectionCount = secCount;
- header->theVerId_signalNumber = GSN_SIGNAL_DROPPED_REP;
- header->theLength = newLen + 3;
- header->m_noOfSections = 0;
- globalScheduler.execute(header, prio, theData, secPtrI);
- }
- NdbOut &
- operator<<(NdbOut& out, const SectionSegment & ss){
- out << "[ last= " << ss.m_lastSegment << " next= " << ss.nextPool << " ]";
- return out;
- }
- void
- print(SectionSegment * s, Uint32 len, FILE* out){
- for(Uint32 i = 0; i<len; i++){
- fprintf(out, "H'0x%.8x ", s->theData[i]);
- if(((i + 1) % 6) == 0)
- fprintf(out, "n");
- }
- }
- void
- print(SegmentedSectionPtr ptr, FILE* out){
- ptr.p = g_sectionSegmentPool.getPtr(ptr.i);
- Uint32 len = ptr.p->m_sz;
- fprintf(out, "ptr.i = %d(%p) ptr.sz = %d(%d)n", ptr.i, ptr.p, len, ptr.sz);
- while(len > SectionSegment::DataLength){
- print(ptr.p, SectionSegment::DataLength, out);
- len -= SectionSegment::DataLength;
- fprintf(out, "ptr.i = %dn", ptr.p->m_nextSegment);
- ptr.p = g_sectionSegmentPool.getPtr(ptr.p->m_nextSegment);
- }
- print(ptr.p, len, out);
- fprintf(out, "n");
- }
- int
- checkJobBuffer() {
- /**
- * Check to see if jobbbuffers are starting to get full
- * and if so call doJob
- */
- return globalScheduler.checkDoJob();
- }
- void
- reportError(void * callbackObj, NodeId nodeId, TransporterError errorCode){
- char buf[255];
- sprintf(buf, "reportError (%d, 0x%x)", nodeId, errorCode);
- ndbout << buf << endl;
- #endif
- ErrorReporter::handleError(ecError,
- "Signal lost, send buffer full",
- __FILE__,
- NST_ErrorHandler);
- }
- if(errorCode == TE_SIGNAL_LOST){
- ErrorReporter::handleError(ecError,
- "Signal lost (unknown reason)",
- __FILE__,
- NST_ErrorHandler);
- }
- if(errorCode & 0x8000){
- reportDisconnect(callbackObj, nodeId, errorCode);
- }
- Signal signal;
- memset(&signal.header, 0, sizeof(signal.header));
- if(errorCode & 0x8000)
- signal.theData[0] = EventReport::TransporterError;
- else
- signal.theData[0] = EventReport::TransporterWarning;
- signal.theData[1] = nodeId;
- signal.theData[2] = errorCode;
- signal.header.theLength = 3;
- signal.header.theSendersSignalId = 0;
- signal.header.theSendersBlockRef = numberToRef(0, globalData.ownId);
- globalScheduler.execute(&signal, JBA, CMVMI, GSN_EVENT_REP);
- }
- /**
- * Report average send length in bytes (4096 last sends)
- */
- void
- reportSendLen(void * callbackObj,
- NodeId nodeId, Uint32 count, Uint64 bytes){
- Signal signal;
- memset(&signal.header, 0, sizeof(signal.header));
- signal.header.theLength = 3;
- signal.header.theSendersSignalId = 0;
- signal.header.theSendersBlockRef = numberToRef(0, globalData.ownId);
- signal.theData[0] = EventReport::SendBytesStatistic;
- signal.theData[1] = nodeId;
- signal.theData[2] = (bytes/count);
- globalScheduler.execute(&signal, JBA, CMVMI, GSN_EVENT_REP);
- }
- /**
- * Report average receive length in bytes (4096 last receives)
- */
- void
- reportReceiveLen(void * callbackObj,
- NodeId nodeId, Uint32 count, Uint64 bytes){
- Signal signal;
- memset(&signal.header, 0, sizeof(signal.header));
- signal.header.theLength = 3;
- signal.header.theSendersSignalId = 0;
- signal.header.theSendersBlockRef = numberToRef(0, globalData.ownId);
- signal.theData[0] = EventReport::ReceiveBytesStatistic;
- signal.theData[1] = nodeId;
- signal.theData[2] = (bytes/count);
- globalScheduler.execute(&signal, JBA, CMVMI, GSN_EVENT_REP);
- }
- /**
- * Report connection established
- */
- void
- reportConnect(void * callbackObj, NodeId nodeId){
- Signal signal;
- memset(&signal.header, 0, sizeof(signal.header));
- signal.header.theLength = 1;
- signal.header.theSendersSignalId = 0;
- signal.header.theSendersBlockRef = numberToRef(0, globalData.ownId);
- signal.theData[0] = nodeId;
- globalScheduler.execute(&signal, JBA, CMVMI, GSN_CONNECT_REP);
- }
- /**
- * Report connection broken
- */
- void
- reportDisconnect(void * callbackObj, NodeId nodeId, Uint32 errNo){
- Signal signal;
- memset(&signal.header, 0, sizeof(signal.header));
- signal.header.theLength = DisconnectRep::SignalLength;
- signal.header.theSendersSignalId = 0;
- signal.header.theSendersBlockRef = numberToRef(0, globalData.ownId);
- signal.header.theTrace = TestOrd::TraceDisconnect;
- DisconnectRep * const rep = (DisconnectRep *)&signal.theData[0];
- rep->nodeId = nodeId;
- rep->err = errNo;
- globalScheduler.execute(&signal, JBA, CMVMI, GSN_DISCONNECT_REP);
- }
- void
- SignalLoggerManager::printSegmentedSection(FILE * output,
- const SignalHeader & sh,
- const SegmentedSectionPtr ptr[3],
- unsigned i)
- {
- fprintf(output, "SECTION %u type=segmented", i);
- if (i >= 3) {
- fprintf(output, " *** invalid ***n");
- return;
- }
- const Uint32 len = ptr[i].sz;
- SectionSegment * ssp = ptr[i].p;
- Uint32 pos = 0;
- fprintf(output, " size=%un", (unsigned)len);
- while (pos < len) {
- if (pos > 0 && pos % SectionSegment::DataLength == 0) {
- ssp = g_sectionSegmentPool.getPtr(ssp->m_nextSegment);
- }
- printDataWord(output, pos, ssp->theData[pos % SectionSegment::DataLength]);
- }
- if (len > 0)
- putc('n', output);
- }