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Visual C++
- /* Copyright (C) 2003 MySQL AB
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */
- #include <NdbTick.h>
- #include <kernel_types.h>
- #include <ndb_version.h>
- #include "VMSignal.hpp"
- #include <RefConvert.hpp>
- #include <BlockNumbers.h>
- #include <GlobalSignalNumbers.h>
- #include "pc.hpp"
- #include <NodeInfo.hpp>
- #include <NodeState.hpp>
- #include "GlobalData.hpp"
- #include "LongSignal.hpp"
- #include <SignalLoggerManager.hpp>
- #include <Error.hpp>
- #include <ErrorReporter.hpp>
- #include <ErrorHandlingMacros.hpp>
- #include "DLList.hpp"
- #include "ArrayPool.hpp"
- #include "DLHashTable.hpp"
- #include "Callback.hpp"
- #include "SafeCounter.hpp"
- #include "MetaData.hpp"
- #include <mgmapi.h>
- #include <mgmapi_config_parameters.h>
- #include <mgmapi_config_parameters_debug.h>
- #include <kernel_config_parameters.h>
- #include <Configuration.hpp>
- #include <signaldata/ReadConfig.hpp>
- #include <signaldata/UpgradeStartup.hpp>
- /**
- * Something for filesystem access
- */
- struct NewBaseAddrBits /* 32 bits */
- {
- unsigned int q : 4; /* Highest index - 2log */
- /* Strings are treated as 16 bit indexed */
- /* variables with the number of characters in */
- /* index 0, byte 0 */
- unsigned int v : 3; /* Size in bits - 2log */
- unsigned int unused : 25 ;
- };
- typedef struct NewVar
- {
- Uint32 * WA;
- Uint32 nrr;
- Uint32 ClusterSize; /* Real Cluster size */
- NewBaseAddrBits bits;
- } NewVARIABLE; /* 128 bits */
- class SimulatedBlock {
- friend class SafeCounter;
- friend class SafeCounterManager;
- friend struct UpgradeStartup;
- public:
- friend class BlockComponent;
- virtual ~SimulatedBlock();
- protected:
- /**
- * Constructor
- */
- SimulatedBlock(BlockNumber blockNumber,
- const class Configuration & theConfiguration);
- /**********************************************************
- * Handling of execFunctions
- */
- typedef void (SimulatedBlock::* ExecFunction)(Signal* signal);
- void addRecSignalImpl(GlobalSignalNumber g, ExecFunction fun, bool f =false);
- void installSimulatedBlockFunctions();
- ExecFunction theExecArray[MAX_GSN+1];
- public:
- /**
- *
- */
- inline void executeFunction(GlobalSignalNumber gsn, Signal* signal);
- public:
- typedef void (SimulatedBlock::* CallbackFunction)(class Signal*,
- Uint32 callbackData,
- Uint32 returnCode);
- struct Callback {
- CallbackFunction m_callbackFunction;
- Uint32 m_callbackData;
- };
- protected:
- static Callback TheEmptyCallback;
- void execute(Signal* signal, Callback & c, Uint32 returnCode);
- /**********************************************************
- * Send signal - dialects
- */
- void sendSignal(BlockReference ref,
- GlobalSignalNumber gsn,
- Signal* signal,
- Uint32 length,
- JobBufferLevel jbuf ) const ;
- void sendSignal(NodeReceiverGroup rg,
- GlobalSignalNumber gsn,
- Signal* signal,
- Uint32 length,
- JobBufferLevel jbuf ) const ;
- void sendSignal(BlockReference ref,
- GlobalSignalNumber gsn,
- Signal* signal,
- Uint32 length,
- JobBufferLevel jbuf,
- LinearSectionPtr ptr[3],
- Uint32 noOfSections) const ;
- void sendSignal(NodeReceiverGroup rg,
- GlobalSignalNumber gsn,
- Signal* signal,
- Uint32 length,
- JobBufferLevel jbuf,
- LinearSectionPtr ptr[3],
- Uint32 noOfSections) const ;
- // Send multiple signal with delay. In this VM the jobbufffer level has
- // no effect on on delayed signals
- //
- void sendSignalWithDelay(BlockReference ref,
- GlobalSignalNumber gsn,
- Signal* signal,
- Uint32 delayInMilliSeconds,
- Uint32 length) const ;
- void EXECUTE_DIRECT(Uint32 block,
- Uint32 gsn,
- Signal* signal,
- Uint32 len);
- class SectionSegmentPool& getSectionSegmentPool();
- void releaseSections(Signal* signal);
- /**********************************************************
- * Fragmented signals
- */
- /**
- * Assemble fragments
- *
- * @return true if all fragments has arrived
- * false otherwise
- */
- bool assembleFragments(Signal * signal);
- void sendFragmentedSignal(BlockReference ref,
- GlobalSignalNumber gsn,
- Signal* signal,
- Uint32 length,
- JobBufferLevel jbuf,
- Callback & = TheEmptyCallback,
- Uint32 messageSize = 240);
- void sendFragmentedSignal(NodeReceiverGroup rg,
- GlobalSignalNumber gsn,
- Signal* signal,
- Uint32 length,
- JobBufferLevel jbuf,
- Callback & = TheEmptyCallback,
- Uint32 messageSize = 240);
- void sendFragmentedSignal(BlockReference ref,
- GlobalSignalNumber gsn,
- Signal* signal,
- Uint32 length,
- JobBufferLevel jbuf,
- LinearSectionPtr ptr[3],
- Uint32 noOfSections,
- Callback &,
- Uint32 messageSize = 240);
- void sendFragmentedSignal(NodeReceiverGroup rg,
- GlobalSignalNumber gsn,
- Signal* signal,
- Uint32 length,
- JobBufferLevel jbuf,
- LinearSectionPtr ptr[3],
- Uint32 noOfSections,
- Callback &,
- Uint32 messageSize = 240);
- /**********************************************************
- * Fragmented signals structures
- */
- /**
- * Struct used when assembling fragmented long signals at receiver side
- */
- struct FragmentInfo {
- FragmentInfo(Uint32 fragId, Uint32 sender);
- Uint32 m_senderRef;
- Uint32 m_fragmentId;
- Uint32 m_sectionPtrI[3];
- union {
- Uint32 nextPool;
- Uint32 nextHash;
- };
- Uint32 prevHash;
- inline bool equal(FragmentInfo & p) const {
- return m_senderRef == p.m_senderRef && m_fragmentId == p.m_fragmentId;
- }
- inline Uint32 hashValue() const {
- return m_senderRef + m_fragmentId ;
- }
- }; // sizeof() = 32 bytes
- /**
- * Struct used when sending fragmented signals
- */
- struct FragmentSendInfo {
- FragmentSendInfo();
- enum Status {
- SendNotComplete = 0,
- SendComplete = 1
- };
- Uint8 m_status;
- Uint8 m_prio;
- Uint16 m_fragInfo;
- Uint16 m_gsn;
- Uint16 m_messageSize; // Size of each fragment
- Uint32 m_fragmentId;
- union {
- Ptr<struct SectionSegment> m_segmented;
- LinearSectionPtr m_linear;
- } m_sectionPtr[3];
- LinearSectionPtr m_theDataSection;
- NodeReceiverGroup m_nodeReceiverGroup; // 3
- Callback m_callback;
- union {
- Uint32 nextPool;
- Uint32 nextList;
- };
- Uint32 prevList;
- };
- /**
- * setupFragmentSendInfo
- * Setup a struct to be used with sendSignalFragment
- * Used by sendFragmentedSignal
- */
- bool sendFirstFragment(FragmentSendInfo & info,
- NodeReceiverGroup rg,
- GlobalSignalNumber gsn,
- Signal* signal,
- Uint32 length,
- JobBufferLevel jbuf,
- LinearSectionPtr ptr[3],
- Uint32 noOfSections,
- Uint32 messageSize = 240);
- bool sendFirstFragment(FragmentSendInfo & info,
- NodeReceiverGroup rg,
- GlobalSignalNumber gsn,
- Signal* signal,
- Uint32 length,
- JobBufferLevel jbuf,
- Uint32 messageSize = 240);
- /**
- * Send signal fragment
- *
- * @see sendFragmentedSignal
- */
- void sendNextSegmentedFragment(Signal* signal, FragmentSendInfo & info);
- /**
- * Send signal fragment
- *
- * @see sendFragmentedSignal
- */
- void sendNextLinearFragment(Signal* signal, FragmentSendInfo & info);
- BlockNumber number() const;
- BlockReference reference() const;
- NodeId getOwnNodeId() const;
- /**
- * Refresh Watch Dog in initialising code
- *
- */
- void refresh_watch_dog();
- /**
- * Prog error
- * This function should be called when this node should be shutdown
- * If the cause of the shutdown is known use extradata to add an
- * errormessage describing the problem
- */
- void progError(int line, int err_code, const char* extradata=NULL) const ;
- private:
- void signal_error(Uint32, Uint32, Uint32, const char*, int) const ;
- const NodeId theNodeId;
- const BlockNumber theNumber;
- const BlockReference theReference;
- protected:
- NewVARIABLE* allocateBat(int batSize);
- void freeBat();
- static const NewVARIABLE* getBat (BlockNumber blockNo);
- static Uint16 getBatSize(BlockNumber blockNo);
- static BlockReference calcTcBlockRef (NodeId aNode);
- static BlockReference calcLqhBlockRef (NodeId aNode);
- static BlockReference calcAccBlockRef (NodeId aNode);
- static BlockReference calcTupBlockRef (NodeId aNode);
- static BlockReference calcTuxBlockRef (NodeId aNode);
- static BlockReference calcDihBlockRef (NodeId aNode);
- static BlockReference calcQmgrBlockRef (NodeId aNode);
- static BlockReference calcDictBlockRef (NodeId aNode);
- static BlockReference calcNdbCntrBlockRef (NodeId aNode);
- static BlockReference calcTrixBlockRef (NodeId aNode);
- static BlockReference calcBackupBlockRef (NodeId aNode);
- static BlockReference calcSumaBlockRef (NodeId aNode);
- static BlockReference calcApiClusterMgrBlockRef (NodeId aNode);
- /**
- * allocRecord
- * Allocates memory for the datastructures where ndb keeps the data
- *
- */
- void* allocRecord(const char * type, size_t s, size_t n, bool clear = true);
- /**
- * Deallocate record
- *
- * NOTE: Also resets pointer
- */
- void deallocRecord(void **, const char * type, size_t s, size_t n);
- /**
- * General info event (sent to cluster log)
- */
- void infoEvent(const char * msg, ...) const ;
- void warningEvent(const char * msg, ...) const ;
- /**
- * The configuration object
- */
- const class Configuration & theConfiguration;
- /**
- * Get node state
- */
- const NodeState & getNodeState() const;
- /**
- * Get node info
- */
- const NodeInfo & getNodeInfo(NodeId nodeId) const;
- NodeInfo & setNodeInfo(NodeId);
- private:
- NewVARIABLE* NewVarRef; /* New Base Address Table for block */
- Uint16 theBATSize; /* # entries in BAT */
- /**
- * Node state
- */
- NodeState theNodeState;
- void execNDB_TAMPER(Signal * signal);
- void execNODE_STATE_REP(Signal* signal);
- void execCHANGE_NODE_STATE_REQ(Signal* signal);
- void execSIGNAL_DROPPED_REP(Signal* signal);
- void execCONTINUE_FRAGMENTED(Signal* signal);
- Uint32 c_fragmentIdCounter;
- ArrayPool<FragmentInfo> c_fragmentInfoPool;
- DLHashTable<FragmentInfo> c_fragmentInfoHash;
- bool c_fragSenderRunning;
- ArrayPool<FragmentSendInfo> c_fragmentSendPool;
- DLList<FragmentSendInfo> c_linearFragmentSendList;
- DLList<FragmentSendInfo> c_segmentedFragmentSendList;
- public:
- class MutexManager {
- friend class Mutex;
- friend class SimulatedBlock;
- friend class DbUtil;
- public:
- MutexManager(class SimulatedBlock &);
- bool setSize(Uint32 maxNoOfActiveMutexes);
- Uint32 getSize() const ; // Get maxNoOfActiveMutexes
- private:
- /**
- * core interface
- */
- struct ActiveMutex {
- Uint32 m_gsn; // state
- Uint32 m_mutexId;
- Uint32 m_mutexKey;
- Callback m_callback;
- union {
- Uint32 nextPool;
- Uint32 nextList;
- };
- Uint32 prevList;
- };
- typedef Ptr<ActiveMutex> ActiveMutexPtr;
- bool seize(ActiveMutexPtr& ptr);
- void release(Uint32 activeMutexPtrI);
- void getPtr(ActiveMutexPtr& ptr);
- void create(Signal*, ActiveMutexPtr&);
- void destroy(Signal*, ActiveMutexPtr&);
- void lock(Signal*, ActiveMutexPtr&);
- void trylock(Signal*, ActiveMutexPtr&);
- void unlock(Signal*, ActiveMutexPtr&);
- private:
- void execUTIL_CREATE_LOCK_REF(Signal* signal);
- void execUTIL_CREATE_LOCK_CONF(Signal* signal);
- void execUTIL_DESTORY_LOCK_REF(Signal* signal);
- void execUTIL_DESTORY_LOCK_CONF(Signal* signal);
- void execUTIL_LOCK_REF(Signal* signal);
- void execUTIL_LOCK_CONF(Signal* signal);
- void execUTIL_UNLOCK_REF(Signal* signal);
- void execUTIL_UNLOCK_CONF(Signal* signal);
- SimulatedBlock & m_block;
- ArrayPool<ActiveMutex> m_mutexPool;
- DLList<ActiveMutex> m_activeMutexes;
- BlockReference reference() const;
- void progError(int line, int err_code, const char* extra = 0);
- };
- friend class MutexManager;
- MutexManager c_mutexMgr;
- void ignoreMutexUnlockCallback(Signal* signal, Uint32 ptrI, Uint32 retVal);
- SafeCounterManager c_counterMgr;
- private:
- void execUTIL_CREATE_LOCK_REF(Signal* signal);
- void execUTIL_CREATE_LOCK_CONF(Signal* signal);
- void execUTIL_DESTORY_LOCK_REF(Signal* signal);
- void execUTIL_DESTORY_LOCK_CONF(Signal* signal);
- void execUTIL_LOCK_REF(Signal* signal);
- void execUTIL_LOCK_CONF(Signal* signal);
- void execUTIL_UNLOCK_REF(Signal* signal);
- void execUTIL_UNLOCK_CONF(Signal* signal);
- void execREAD_CONFIG_REQ(Signal* signal);
- protected:
- void execUPGRADE(Signal* signal);
- void fsRefError(Signal* signal, Uint32 line, const char *msg);
- void execFSWRITEREF(Signal* signal);
- void execFSREADREF(Signal* signal);
- void execFSOPENREF(Signal* signal);
- void execFSCLOSEREF(Signal* signal);
- void execFSREMOVEREF(Signal* signal);
- void execFSSYNCREF(Signal* signal);
- void execFSAPPENDREF(Signal* signal);
- // Variable for storing inserted errors, see pc.H
- private:
- // Metadata common part shared by block instances
- MetaData::Common* c_ptrMetaDataCommon;
- public:
- void setMetaDataCommon(MetaData::Common* ptr) { c_ptrMetaDataCommon = ptr; }
- MetaData::Common* getMetaDataCommon() { return c_ptrMetaDataCommon; }
- #ifdef VM_TRACE_TIME
- public:
- void clearTimes();
- void printTimes(FILE * output);
- void addTime(Uint32 gsn, Uint64 time);
- void subTime(Uint32 gsn, Uint64 time);
- struct TimeTrace {
- Uint32 cnt;
- Uint64 sum, sub;
- } m_timeTrace[MAX_GSN+1];
- Uint32 m_currentGsn;
- #endif
- #ifdef VM_TRACE
- Ptr<void> **m_global_variables;
- void clear_global_variables();
- void init_globals_list(void ** tmp, size_t cnt);
- #endif
- };
- inline
- void
- SimulatedBlock::executeFunction(GlobalSignalNumber gsn, Signal* signal){
- ExecFunction f = theExecArray[gsn];
- if(gsn <= MAX_GSN && f != 0){
- #ifdef VM_TRACE
- clear_global_variables();
- #endif
- (this->*f)(signal);
- return;
- }
- /**
- * This point only passed if an error has occurred
- */
- char errorMsg[255];
- if (!(gsn <= MAX_GSN)) {
- BaseString::snprintf(errorMsg, 255, "Illegal signal received (GSN %d too high)", gsn);
- ERROR_SET(fatal, ERR_ERROR_PRGERR, errorMsg, errorMsg);
- }
- if (!(theExecArray[gsn] != 0)) {
- BaseString::snprintf(errorMsg, 255, "Illegal signal received (GSN %d not added)", gsn);
- ERROR_SET(fatal, ERR_ERROR_PRGERR, errorMsg, errorMsg);
- }
- ndbrequire(false);
- }
- inline
- void
- SimulatedBlock::execute(Signal* signal, Callback & c, Uint32 returnCode){
- CallbackFunction fun = c.m_callbackFunction;
- ndbrequire(fun != 0);
- c.m_callbackFunction = NULL;
- (this->*fun)(signal, c.m_callbackData, returnCode);
- }
- inline
- BlockNumber
- SimulatedBlock::number() const {
- return theNumber;
- }
- inline
- BlockReference
- SimulatedBlock::reference() const {
- return theReference;
- }
- inline
- NodeId
- SimulatedBlock::getOwnNodeId() const {
- return theNodeId;
- }
- inline
- BlockReference
- SimulatedBlock::calcTcBlockRef (NodeId aNodeId){
- return numberToRef(DBTC, aNodeId);
- }
- inline
- BlockReference
- SimulatedBlock::calcLqhBlockRef (NodeId aNodeId){
- return numberToRef(DBLQH, aNodeId);
- }
- inline
- BlockReference
- SimulatedBlock::calcAccBlockRef (NodeId aNodeId){
- return numberToRef(DBACC, aNodeId);
- }
- inline
- BlockReference
- SimulatedBlock::calcTupBlockRef (NodeId aNodeId){
- return numberToRef(DBTUP, aNodeId);
- }
- inline
- BlockReference
- SimulatedBlock::calcTuxBlockRef (NodeId aNodeId){
- return numberToRef(DBTUX, aNodeId);
- }
- inline
- BlockReference
- SimulatedBlock::calcDihBlockRef (NodeId aNodeId){
- return numberToRef(DBDIH, aNodeId);
- }
- inline
- BlockReference
- SimulatedBlock::calcDictBlockRef (NodeId aNodeId){
- return numberToRef(DBDICT, aNodeId);
- }
- inline
- BlockReference
- SimulatedBlock::calcQmgrBlockRef (NodeId aNodeId){
- return numberToRef(QMGR, aNodeId);
- }
- inline
- BlockReference
- SimulatedBlock::calcNdbCntrBlockRef (NodeId aNodeId){
- return numberToRef(NDBCNTR, aNodeId);
- }
- inline
- BlockReference
- SimulatedBlock::calcTrixBlockRef (NodeId aNodeId){
- return numberToRef(TRIX, aNodeId);
- }
- inline
- BlockReference
- SimulatedBlock::calcBackupBlockRef (NodeId aNodeId){
- return numberToRef(BACKUP, aNodeId);
- }
- inline
- BlockReference
- SimulatedBlock::calcSumaBlockRef (NodeId aNodeId){
- return numberToRef(SUMA, aNodeId);
- }
- inline
- BlockReference
- SimulatedBlock::calcApiClusterMgrBlockRef (NodeId aNodeId){
- return numberToRef(API_CLUSTERMGR, aNodeId);
- }
- inline
- const NodeState &
- SimulatedBlock::getNodeState() const {
- return theNodeState;
- }
- inline
- const NodeInfo &
- SimulatedBlock::getNodeInfo(NodeId nodeId) const {
- ndbrequire(nodeId > 0 && nodeId < MAX_NODES);
- return globalData.m_nodeInfo[nodeId];
- }
- inline
- void
- SimulatedBlock::EXECUTE_DIRECT(Uint32 block,
- Uint32 gsn,
- Signal* signal,
- Uint32 len){
- signal->setLength(len);
- #ifdef VM_TRACE
- if(globalData.testOn){
- signal->header.theVerId_signalNumber = gsn;
- signal->header.theReceiversBlockNumber = block;
- signal->header.theSendersBlockRef = reference();
- globalSignalLoggers.executeDirect(signal->header,
- 0, // in
- &signal->theData[0],
- globalData.ownId);
- }
- #endif
- SimulatedBlock* b = globalData.getBlock(block);
- #ifdef VM_TRACE_TIME
- Uint32 us1, us2;
- Uint64 ms1, ms2;
- NdbTick_CurrentMicrosecond(&ms1, &us1);
- Uint32 tGsn = m_currentGsn;
- b->m_currentGsn = gsn;
- #endif
- b->executeFunction(gsn, signal);
- #ifdef VM_TRACE_TIME
- NdbTick_CurrentMicrosecond(&ms2, &us2);
- Uint64 diff = ms2;
- diff -= ms1;
- diff *= 1000000;
- diff += us2;
- diff -= us1;
- b->addTime(gsn, diff);
- m_currentGsn = tGsn;
- subTime(tGsn, diff);
- #endif
- #ifdef VM_TRACE
- if(globalData.testOn){
- signal->header.theVerId_signalNumber = gsn;
- signal->header.theReceiversBlockNumber = block;
- signal->header.theSendersBlockRef = reference();
- globalSignalLoggers.executeDirect(signal->header,
- 1, // out
- &signal->theData[0],
- globalData.ownId);
- }
- #endif
- }
- #ifdef VM_TRACE_TIME
- inline
- void
- SimulatedBlock::addTime(Uint32 gsn, Uint64 time){
- m_timeTrace[gsn].cnt ++;
- m_timeTrace[gsn].sum += time;
- }
- inline
- void
- SimulatedBlock::subTime(Uint32 gsn, Uint64 time){
- m_timeTrace[gsn].sub += time;
- }
- #endif
- /**
- * Defines for backward compatiblility
- */
- typedef void (BLOCK::* ExecSignalLocal) (Signal* signal);
- typedef void (BLOCK::* BlockCallback)(Signal*, Uint32 callb, Uint32 retCode);
- inline CallbackFunction safe_cast(BlockCallback f){
- return static_cast<CallbackFunction>(f);
- }
- public:
- private:
- void addRecSignal(GlobalSignalNumber gsn, ExecSignalLocal f, bool force = false)
- void
- BLOCK::addRecSignal(GlobalSignalNumber gsn, ExecSignalLocal f, bool force){
- addRecSignalImpl(gsn, (ExecFunction)f, force);
- }
- #include "Mutex.hpp"
- #endif