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Visual C++
- /* Copyright (C) 2003 MySQL AB
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */
- //#define DEBUG_ON
- #include <string.h>
- #include "userHandle.h"
- #include "userInterface.h"
- #include "macros.h"
- #include "ndb_schema.hpp"
- #include "ndb_error.hpp"
- #include <NdbApi.hpp>
- void
- userCheckpoint(UserHandle *uh){
- }
- inline
- NdbConnection *
- startTransaction(Ndb * pNDB, ServerId inServerId, const SubscriberNumber inNumber){
- const int keyDataLenBytes = sizeof(ServerId)+SUBSCRIBER_NUMBER_LENGTH;
- const int keyDataLen_64Words = keyDataLenBytes >> 3;
- Uint64 keyDataBuf[keyDataLen_64Words+1]; // The "+1" is for rounding...
- char * keyDataBuf_charP = (char *)&keyDataBuf[0];
- Uint32 * keyDataBuf_wo32P = (Uint32 *)&keyDataBuf[0];
- // Server Id comes first
- keyDataBuf_wo32P[0] = inServerId;
- // Then subscriber number
- memcpy(&keyDataBuf_charP[sizeof(ServerId)], inNumber, SUBSCRIBER_NUMBER_LENGTH);
- return pNDB->startTransaction(0, keyDataBuf_charP, keyDataLenBytes);
- }
- /**
- * Transaction 1 - T1
- *
- * Update location and changed by/time on a subscriber
- *
- * Input:
- * SubscriberNumber,
- * Location,
- * ChangedBy,
- * ChangedTime
- *
- * Output:
- */
- void
- userTransaction_T1(UserHandle * uh,
- SubscriberNumber number,
- Location new_location,
- ChangedBy changed_by,
- ChangedTime changed_time){
- Ndb * pNDB = uh->pNDB;
- DEBUG2("T1(%.*s):n", SUBSCRIBER_NUMBER_LENGTH, number);
- int check;
- NdbRecAttr * check2;
- NdbConnection * MyTransaction = pNDB->startTransaction();
- if (MyTransaction != NULL) {
- NdbOperation *MyOperation = MyTransaction->getNdbOperation(SUBSCRIBER_TABLE);
- if (MyOperation != NULL) {
- MyOperation->updateTuple();
- MyOperation->equal(IND_SUBSCRIBER_NUMBER,
- number);
- MyOperation->setValue(IND_SUBSCRIBER_LOCATION,
- (char *)&new_location);
- MyOperation->setValue(IND_SUBSCRIBER_CHANGED_BY,
- changed_by);
- changed_time);
- check = MyTransaction->execute( Commit );
- if (check != -1) {
- pNDB->closeTransaction(MyTransaction);
- return;
- } else {
- CHECK_MINUS_ONE(check, "T1: Commit",
- MyTransaction);
- }//if
- } else {
- CHECK_NULL(MyOperation, "T1: getNdbOperation", MyTransaction);
- }//if
- } else {
- error_handler("T1-1: startTranscation", pNDB->getNdbErrorString(), pNDB->getNdbError());
- }//if
- }
- /**
- * Transaction 2 - T2
- *
- * Read from Subscriber:
- *
- * Input:
- * SubscriberNumber
- *
- * Output:
- * Location
- * Changed by
- * Changed Timestamp
- * Name
- */
- void
- userTransaction_T2(UserHandle * uh,
- SubscriberNumber number,
- Location * readLocation,
- ChangedBy changed_by,
- ChangedTime changed_time,
- SubscriberName subscriberName){
- Ndb * pNDB = uh->pNDB;
- DEBUG2("T2(%.*s):n", SUBSCRIBER_NUMBER_LENGTH, number);
- int check;
- NdbRecAttr * check2;
- NdbConnection * MyTransaction = pNDB->startTransaction();
- if (MyTransaction == NULL)
- error_handler("T2-1: startTransaction", pNDB->getNdbErrorString(), pNDB->getNdbError());
- NdbOperation *MyOperation= MyTransaction->getNdbOperation(SUBSCRIBER_TABLE);
- CHECK_NULL(MyOperation, "T2: getNdbOperation",
- MyTransaction);
- MyOperation->readTuple();
- MyOperation->equal(IND_SUBSCRIBER_NUMBER,
- number);
- MyOperation->getValue(IND_SUBSCRIBER_LOCATION,
- (char *)readLocation);
- MyOperation->getValue(IND_SUBSCRIBER_CHANGED_BY,
- changed_by);
- changed_time);
- MyOperation->getValue(IND_SUBSCRIBER_NAME,
- subscriberName);
- check = MyTransaction->execute( Commit );
- CHECK_MINUS_ONE(check, "T2: Commit",
- MyTransaction);
- pNDB->closeTransaction(MyTransaction);
- }
- /**
- * Transaction 3 - T3
- *
- * Read session details
- *
- * Input:
- * SubscriberNumber
- * ServerId
- * ServerBit
- *
- * Output:
- * BranchExecuted
- * SessionDetails
- * ChangedBy
- * ChangedTime
- * Location
- */
- void
- userTransaction_T3(UserHandle * uh,
- SubscriberNumber inNumber,
- ServerId inServerId,
- ServerBit inServerBit,
- SessionDetails outSessionDetails,
- BranchExecuted * outBranchExecuted){
- Ndb * pNDB = uh->pNDB;
- char outChangedBy [sizeof(ChangedBy) +(4-(sizeof(ChangedBy) & 3))];
- char outChangedTime [sizeof(ChangedTime)+(4-(sizeof(ChangedTime) & 3))];
- Location outLocation;
- GroupId groupId;
- ActiveSessions sessions;
- Permission permission;
- SubscriberSuffix inSuffix;
- DEBUG3("T3(%.*s, %.2d): ", SUBSCRIBER_NUMBER_LENGTH, inNumber, inServerId);
- int check;
- NdbRecAttr * check2;
- NdbConnection * MyTransaction = startTransaction(pNDB, inServerId, inNumber);
- if (MyTransaction == NULL)
- error_handler("T3-1: startTranscation", pNDB->getNdbErrorString(), pNDB->getNdbError());
- NdbOperation *MyOperation= MyTransaction->getNdbOperation(SUBSCRIBER_TABLE);
- CHECK_NULL(MyOperation, "T3-1: getNdbOperation",
- MyTransaction);
- MyOperation->readTuple();
- MyOperation->equal(IND_SUBSCRIBER_NUMBER,
- inNumber);
- MyOperation->getValue(IND_SUBSCRIBER_LOCATION,
- (char *)&outLocation);
- MyOperation->getValue(IND_SUBSCRIBER_CHANGED_BY,
- outChangedBy);
- outChangedTime);
- MyOperation->getValue(IND_SUBSCRIBER_GROUP,
- (char *)&groupId);
- MyOperation->getValue(IND_SUBSCRIBER_SESSIONS,
- (char *)&sessions);
- check = MyTransaction->execute( NoCommit );
- CHECK_MINUS_ONE(check, "T3-1: NoCommit",
- MyTransaction);
- /* Operation 2 */
- MyOperation = MyTransaction->getNdbOperation(GROUP_TABLE);
- CHECK_NULL(MyOperation, "T3-2: getNdbOperation",
- MyTransaction);
- MyOperation->readTuple();
- MyOperation->equal(IND_GROUP_ID,
- (char*)&groupId);
- MyOperation->getValue(IND_GROUP_ALLOW_READ,
- (char *)&permission);
- check = MyTransaction->execute( NoCommit );
- CHECK_MINUS_ONE(check, "T3-2: NoCommit",
- MyTransaction);
- if(((permission & inServerBit) == inServerBit) &&
- ((sessions & inServerBit) == inServerBit)){
- memcpy(inSuffix,
- DEBUG2("reading(%.*s) - ", SUBSCRIBER_NUMBER_SUFFIX_LENGTH, inSuffix);
- /* Operation 3 */
- MyOperation = MyTransaction->getNdbOperation(SESSION_TABLE);
- CHECK_NULL(MyOperation, "T3-3: getNdbOperation",
- MyTransaction);
- MyOperation->simpleRead();
- MyOperation->equal(IND_SESSION_SUBSCRIBER,
- (char*)inNumber);
- MyOperation->equal(IND_SESSION_SERVER,
- (char*)&inServerId);
- MyOperation->getValue(IND_SESSION_DATA,
- (char *)outSessionDetails);
- /* Operation 4 */
- MyOperation = MyTransaction->getNdbOperation(SERVER_TABLE);
- CHECK_NULL(MyOperation, "T3-4: getNdbOperation",
- MyTransaction);
- MyOperation->interpretedUpdateTuple();
- MyOperation->equal(IND_SERVER_ID,
- (char*)&inServerId);
- (char*)inSuffix);
- MyOperation->incValue(IND_SERVER_READS, (uint32)1);
- (* outBranchExecuted) = 1;
- } else {
- (* outBranchExecuted) = 0;
- }
- DEBUG("commit...");
- check = MyTransaction->execute( Commit );
- CHECK_MINUS_ONE(check, "T3: Commit",
- MyTransaction);
- pNDB->closeTransaction(MyTransaction);
- DEBUG("donen");
- }
- /**
- * Transaction 4 - T4
- *
- * Create session
- *
- * Input:
- * SubscriberNumber
- * ServerId
- * ServerBit
- * SessionDetails,
- * DoRollback
- * Output:
- * ChangedBy
- * ChangedTime
- * Location
- * BranchExecuted
- */
- void
- userTransaction_T4(UserHandle * uh,
- SubscriberNumber inNumber,
- ServerId inServerId,
- ServerBit inServerBit,
- SessionDetails inSessionDetails,
- DoRollback inDoRollback,
- BranchExecuted * outBranchExecuted){
- Ndb * pNDB = uh->pNDB;
- char outChangedBy [sizeof(ChangedBy) +(4-(sizeof(ChangedBy) & 3))];
- char outChangedTime [sizeof(ChangedTime)+(4-(sizeof(ChangedTime) & 3))];
- Location outLocation;
- GroupId groupId;
- ActiveSessions sessions;
- Permission permission;
- SubscriberSuffix inSuffix;
- DEBUG3("T4(%.*s, %.2d): ", SUBSCRIBER_NUMBER_LENGTH, inNumber, inServerId);
- int check;
- NdbRecAttr * check2;
- NdbConnection * MyTransaction = startTransaction(pNDB, inServerId, inNumber);
- if (MyTransaction == NULL)
- error_handler("T4-1: startTranscation", pNDB->getNdbErrorString(), pNDB->getNdbError());
- NdbOperation *MyOperation= MyTransaction->getNdbOperation(SUBSCRIBER_TABLE);
- CHECK_NULL(MyOperation, "T4-1: getNdbOperation",
- MyTransaction);
- MyOperation->interpretedUpdateTuple();
- MyOperation->equal(IND_SUBSCRIBER_NUMBER,
- inNumber);
- MyOperation->getValue(IND_SUBSCRIBER_LOCATION,
- (char *)&outLocation);
- MyOperation->getValue(IND_SUBSCRIBER_CHANGED_BY,
- outChangedBy);
- outChangedTime);
- MyOperation->getValue(IND_SUBSCRIBER_GROUP,
- (char *)&groupId);
- MyOperation->getValue(IND_SUBSCRIBER_SESSIONS,
- (char *)&sessions);
- MyOperation->incValue(IND_SUBSCRIBER_SESSIONS,
- (uint32)inServerBit);
- check = MyTransaction->execute( NoCommit );
- /* Operation 2 */
- MyOperation = MyTransaction->getNdbOperation(GROUP_TABLE);
- CHECK_NULL(MyOperation, "T4-2: getNdbOperation",
- MyTransaction);
- MyOperation->readTuple();
- MyOperation->equal(IND_GROUP_ID,
- (char*)&groupId);
- MyOperation->getValue(IND_GROUP_ALLOW_INSERT,
- (char *)&permission);
- check = MyTransaction->execute( NoCommit );
- CHECK_MINUS_ONE(check, "T4-2: NoCommit",
- MyTransaction);
- if(((permission & inServerBit) == inServerBit) &&
- ((sessions & inServerBit) == 0)){
- memcpy(inSuffix,
- DEBUG2("inserting(%.*s) - ", SUBSCRIBER_NUMBER_SUFFIX_LENGTH, inSuffix);
- /* Operation 3 */
- MyOperation = MyTransaction->getNdbOperation(SESSION_TABLE);
- CHECK_NULL(MyOperation, "T4-3: getNdbOperation",
- MyTransaction);
- MyOperation->insertTuple();
- MyOperation->equal(IND_SESSION_SUBSCRIBER,
- (char*)inNumber);
- MyOperation->equal(IND_SESSION_SERVER,
- (char*)&inServerId);
- MyOperation->setValue(SESSION_DATA,
- (char *)inSessionDetails);
- /* Operation 4 */
- /* Operation 5 */
- MyOperation = MyTransaction->getNdbOperation(SERVER_TABLE);
- CHECK_NULL(MyOperation, "T4-5: getNdbOperation",
- MyTransaction);
- MyOperation->interpretedUpdateTuple();
- MyOperation->equal(IND_SERVER_ID,
- (char*)&inServerId);
- (char*)inSuffix);
- MyOperation->incValue(IND_SERVER_INSERTS, (uint32)1);
- (* outBranchExecuted) = 1;
- } else {
- (* outBranchExecuted) = 0;
- DEBUG1("%s", ((permission & inServerBit) ? "permission - " : "no permission - "));
- DEBUG1("%s", ((sessions & inServerBit) ? "in session - " : "no in session - "));
- }
- if(!inDoRollback && (* outBranchExecuted)){
- DEBUG("commitn");
- check = MyTransaction->execute( Commit );
- CHECK_MINUS_ONE(check, "T4: Commit",
- MyTransaction);
- } else {
- DEBUG("rollbackn");
- check = MyTransaction->execute(Rollback);
- CHECK_MINUS_ONE(check, "T4:Rollback",
- MyTransaction);
- }
- pNDB->closeTransaction(MyTransaction);
- }
- /**
- * Transaction 5 - T5
- *
- * Delete session
- *
- * Input:
- * SubscriberNumber
- * ServerId
- * ServerBit
- * DoRollback
- * Output:
- * ChangedBy
- * ChangedTime
- * Location
- * BranchExecuted
- */
- void
- userTransaction_T5(UserHandle * uh,
- SubscriberNumber inNumber,
- ServerId inServerId,
- ServerBit inServerBit,
- DoRollback inDoRollback,
- BranchExecuted * outBranchExecuted){
- Ndb * pNDB = uh->pNDB;
- DEBUG3("T5(%.*s, %.2d): ", SUBSCRIBER_NUMBER_LENGTH, inNumber, inServerId);
- NdbConnection * MyTransaction = 0;
- NdbOperation * MyOperation = 0;
- char outChangedBy [sizeof(ChangedBy) +(4-(sizeof(ChangedBy) & 3))];
- char outChangedTime [sizeof(ChangedTime)+(4-(sizeof(ChangedTime) & 3))];
- Location outLocation;
- GroupId groupId;
- ActiveSessions sessions;
- Permission permission;
- SubscriberSuffix inSuffix;
- int check;
- NdbRecAttr * check2;
- MyTransaction = pNDB->startTransaction();
- if (MyTransaction == NULL)
- error_handler("T5-1: startTranscation", pNDB->getNdbErrorString(), pNDB->getNdbError());
- MyOperation= MyTransaction->getNdbOperation(SUBSCRIBER_TABLE);
- CHECK_NULL(MyOperation, "T5-1: getNdbOperation",
- MyTransaction);
- MyOperation->interpretedUpdateTuple();
- MyOperation->equal(IND_SUBSCRIBER_NUMBER,
- inNumber);
- MyOperation->getValue(IND_SUBSCRIBER_LOCATION,
- (char *)&outLocation);
- MyOperation->getValue(IND_SUBSCRIBER_CHANGED_BY,
- &outChangedBy[0]);
- &outChangedTime[0]);
- MyOperation->getValue(IND_SUBSCRIBER_GROUP,
- (char *)&groupId);
- MyOperation->getValue(IND_SUBSCRIBER_SESSIONS,
- (char *)&sessions);
- MyOperation->subValue(IND_SUBSCRIBER_SESSIONS,
- (uint32)inServerBit);
- MyTransaction->execute( NoCommit );
- /* Operation 2 */
- MyOperation = MyTransaction->getNdbOperation(GROUP_TABLE);
- CHECK_NULL(MyOperation, "T5-2: getNdbOperation",
- MyTransaction);
- MyOperation->readTuple();
- MyOperation->equal(IND_GROUP_ID,
- (char*)&groupId);
- MyOperation->getValue(IND_GROUP_ALLOW_DELETE,
- (char *)&permission);
- check = MyTransaction->execute( NoCommit );
- CHECK_MINUS_ONE(check, "T5-2: NoCommit",
- MyTransaction);
- if(((permission & inServerBit) == inServerBit) &&
- ((sessions & inServerBit) == inServerBit)){
- memcpy(inSuffix,
- DEBUG2("deleting(%.*s) - ", SUBSCRIBER_NUMBER_SUFFIX_LENGTH, inSuffix);
- /* Operation 3 */
- MyOperation = MyTransaction->getNdbOperation(SESSION_TABLE);
- CHECK_NULL(MyOperation, "T5-3: getNdbOperation",
- MyTransaction);
- MyOperation->deleteTuple();
- MyOperation->equal(IND_SESSION_SUBSCRIBER,
- (char*)inNumber);
- MyOperation->equal(IND_SESSION_SERVER,
- (char*)&inServerId);
- /* Operation 4 */
- /* Operation 5 */
- MyOperation = MyTransaction->getNdbOperation(SERVER_TABLE);
- CHECK_NULL(MyOperation, "T5-5: getNdbOperation",
- MyTransaction);
- MyOperation->interpretedUpdateTuple();
- MyOperation->equal(IND_SERVER_ID,
- (char*)&inServerId);
- (char*)inSuffix);
- MyOperation->incValue(IND_SERVER_DELETES, (uint32)1);
- (* outBranchExecuted) = 1;
- } else {
- (* outBranchExecuted) = 0;
- DEBUG1("%s", ((permission & inServerBit) ? "permission - " : "no permission - "));
- DEBUG1("%s", ((sessions & inServerBit) ? "in session - " : "no in session - "));
- }
- if(!inDoRollback && (* outBranchExecuted)){
- DEBUG("commitn");
- check = MyTransaction->execute( Commit );
- CHECK_MINUS_ONE(check, "T5: Commit",
- MyTransaction);
- } else {
- DEBUG("rollbackn");
- check = MyTransaction->execute(Rollback);
- CHECK_MINUS_ONE(check, "T5:Rollback",
- MyTransaction);
- }
- pNDB->closeTransaction(MyTransaction);
- }