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- /* Copyright (C) 2003 MySQL AB
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */
- #ifndef USERHANDLE_H
- #define USERHANDLE_H
- /***************************************************************/
- /* I N C L U D E D F I L E S */
- /***************************************************************/
- #include "sql.h"
- #include "sqlext.h"
- #include "sqltypes.h"
- #include "testDefinitions.h"
- /***************************************************************
- * M A C R O S *
- ***************************************************************/
- /***************************************************************/
- /* C O N S T A N T S */
- /***************************************************************/
- /***************************************************************
- * D A T A S T R U C T U R E S *
- ***************************************************************/
- struct userHandle{
- SQLHENV henv;
- SQLHDBC hdbc;
- SQLHSTMT stmt;
- /*----------------*/
- /* Transaction T1 */
- /*----------------*/
- struct {
- SQLHSTMT stmt;
- struct {
- SubscriberNumber number;
- Location location;
- ChangedBy changedBy;
- ChangedTime changedTime;
- }values;
- }updateSubscriber;
- /*----------------*/
- /* Transaction T2 */
- /*----------------*/
- struct {
- SQLHSTMT stmt;
- struct {
- SubscriberNumber number;
- SubscriberName name;
- Location location;
- ChangedBy changedBy;
- ChangedTime changedTime;
- }values;
- }readSubscriber;
- /*----------------*/
- /* Transaction T3 */
- /*----------------*/
- struct {
- SQLHSTMT stmt;
- struct {
- GroupId groupId;
- Permission allowRead;
- }values;
- }readGroupAllowRead;
- struct {
- SQLHSTMT stmt;
- struct {
- SubscriberNumber number;
- ServerId serverId;
- SessionDetails details;
- }values;
- }readSessionDetails;
- struct {
- SQLHSTMT stmt;
- struct {
- ServerId serverId;
- SubscriberSuffix suffix;
- }values;
- }updateServerNoOfRead;
- /*----------------*/
- /* Transaction T4 */
- /*----------------*/
- struct {
- SQLHSTMT stmt;
- struct {
- GroupId groupId;
- Permission allowInsert;
- }values;
- }readGroupAllowInsert;
- struct {
- SQLHSTMT stmt;
- struct {
- SubscriberNumber number;
- ServerId serverId;
- SessionDetails details;
- }values;
- }insertSession;
- struct {
- SQLHSTMT stmt;
- struct {
- ServerId serverId;
- SubscriberSuffix suffix;
- }values;
- }updateServerNoOfInsert;
- /*----------------*/
- /* Transaction T5 */
- /*----------------*/
- struct {
- SQLHSTMT stmt;
- struct {
- GroupId groupId;
- Permission allowDelete;
- }values;
- }readGroupAllowDelete;
- struct {
- SQLHSTMT stmt;
- struct {
- SubscriberNumber number;
- ServerId serverId;
- }values;
- }deleteSession;
- struct {
- SQLHSTMT stmt;
- struct {
- ServerId serverId;
- SubscriberSuffix suffix;
- }values;
- }updateServerNoOfDelete;
- /*--------------------------*/
- /* Transaction T3 + T4 + T5 */
- /*--------------------------*/
- struct {
- SQLHSTMT stmt;
- struct {
- SubscriberNumber number;
- uint32 activeSessions;
- GroupId groupId;
- ChangedBy changedBy;
- ChangedTime changedTime;
- }values;
- }readSubscriberSession;
- struct {
- SQLHSTMT stmt;
- struct {
- SubscriberNumber number;
- uint32 activeSessions;
- }values;
- }updateSubscriberSession;
- };
- /***************************************************************
- * P U B L I C F U N C T I O N S *
- ***************************************************************/
- /***************************************************************
- * E X T E R N A L D A T A *
- ***************************************************************/
- #endif /* USERHANDLE_H */