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Visual C++
- /* Copyright (C) 2003 MySQL AB
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */
- /* ***************************************************
- Perform benchmark of insert, update and delete transactions
- Arguments:
- -t Number of threads to start, default 1
- -o Number of operations per loop, default 500
- -l Number of loops to run, default 1, 0=infinite
- -a Number of attributes, default 25
- -c Number of tables, default 1
- -s Size of each attribute, default 1 (Primary Key is always of size 1,
- independent of this value)
- -lkn Number of long primary keys, default 1
- -lks Size of each long primary key, default 1
- -simple Use simple read to read from database
- -dirty Use dirty read to read from database
- -write Use writeTuple in insert and update
- -stdtables Use standard table names
- -no_table_create Don't create tables in db
- -sleep Sleep a number of seconds before running the test, this
- can be used so that another flexBench have time to create tables
- -temp Use tables without logging
- -verify Verify inserts, updates and deletes
- -use_ndb Use NDB API, otherwise use mysql client
- #ifdef CEBIT_STAT
- -statserv host:port statistics server to report to
- -statfreq ops report every ops operations (default 100)
- #endif
- Returns:
- 0 - Test passed
- 1 - Test failed
- 2 - Invalid arguments
- * *************************************************** */
- #define USE_MYSQL
- #ifdef USE_MYSQL
- #include <mysql.h>
- #endif
- #include "NdbApi.hpp"
- #include <NdbMain.h>
- #include <NdbOut.hpp>
- #include <NdbSleep.h>
- #include <NdbTick.h>
- #include <NdbTimer.hpp>
- #include <NdbThread.h>
- #include <NdbAutoPtr.hpp>
- #include <NdbTest.hpp>
- #define MAXSTRLEN 16
- #define MAXATTR 64
- #define MAXTABLES 128
- #define MAXATTRSIZE 1000
- #define MAXNOLONGKEY 16 // Max number of long keys.
- #define MAXLONGKEYTOTALSIZE 1023 // words = 4092 bytes
- extern "C" { static void* flexBenchThread(void*); }
- static int readArguments(int argc, const char** argv);
- #ifdef USE_MYSQL
- static int createTables(MYSQL*);
- static int dropTables(MYSQL*);
- #endif
- static int createTables(Ndb*);
- static void sleepBeforeStartingTest(int seconds);
- static void input_error();
- enum StartType {
- stIdle,
- stInsert,
- stVerify,
- stRead,
- stUpdate,
- stDelete,
- stTryDelete,
- stVerifyDelete,
- stStop
- };
- struct ThreadData
- {
- int threadNo;
- NdbThread* threadLife;
- int threadReady;
- StartType threadStart;
- int threadResult;
- };
- static int tNodeId = 0 ;
- static char tableName[MAXTABLES][MAXSTRLEN+1];
- static char attrName[MAXATTR][MAXSTRLEN+1];
- static char** longKeyAttrName;
- // Program Parameters
- static int tNoOfLoops = 1;
- static int tAttributeSize = 1;
- static unsigned int tNoOfThreads = 1;
- static unsigned int tNoOfTables = 1;
- static unsigned int tNoOfAttributes = 25;
- static unsigned int tNoOfOperations = 500;
- static unsigned int tSleepTime = 0;
- static unsigned int tNoOfLongPK = 1;
- static unsigned int tSizeOfLongPK = 1;
- static unsigned int t_instances = 1;
- //Program Flags
- static int theSimpleFlag = 0;
- static int theDirtyFlag = 0;
- static int theWriteFlag = 0;
- static int theStdTableNameFlag = 0;
- static int theTableCreateFlag = 0;
- static bool theTempTable = false;
- static bool VerifyFlag = true;
- static bool useLongKeys = false;
- static bool verbose = false;
- #ifdef USE_MYSQL
- static bool use_ndb = false;
- static int engine_id = 0;
- static int sockets[16];
- static int n_sockets = 0;
- static char* engine[] =
- {
- " ENGINE = NDBCLUSTER ", // use default engine
- };
- #else
- static bool use_ndb = true;
- #endif
- static ErrorData theErrorData; // Part of flexBench-program
- #define START_TIMER { NdbTimer timer; timer.doStart();
- #define STOP_TIMER timer.doStop();
- #define PRINT_TIMER(text, trans, opertrans) timer.printTransactionStatistics(text, trans, opertrans); };
- #include <NdbTCP.h>
- #ifdef CEBIT_STAT
- #include <NdbMutex.h>
- static bool statEnable = false;
- static char statHost[100];
- static int statFreq = 100;
- static int statPort = 0;
- static int statSock = -1;
- static enum { statError = -1, statClosed, statOpen } statState;
- static NdbMutex statMutex = NDB_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
- #endif
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Statistical Reporting routines
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- #ifdef CEBIT_STAT
- // Experimental client-side statistic for CeBIT
- static void
- statReport(enum StartType st, int ops)
- {
- if (!statEnable)
- return;
- if (NdbMutex_Lock(&statMutex) < 0) {
- if (statState != statError) {
- ndbout_c("stat: lock mutex failed: %s", strerror(errno));
- statState = statError;
- }
- return;
- }
- static int nodeid;
- // open connection
- if (statState != statOpen) {
- char *p = getenv("NDB_NODEID"); // ndbnet sets NDB_NODEID
- nodeid = p == 0 ? 0 : atoi(p);
- if ((statSock = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0) {
- if (statState != statError) {
- ndbout_c("stat: create socket failed: %s", strerror(errno));
- statState = statError;
- }
- (void)NdbMutex_Unlock(&statMutex);
- return;
- }
- struct sockaddr_in saddr;
- memset(&saddr, 0, sizeof(saddr));
- saddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
- saddr.sin_port = htons(statPort);
- if (Ndb_getInAddr(&saddr.sin_addr, statHost) < 0) {
- if (statState != statError) {
- ndbout_c("stat: host %s not found", statHost);
- statState = statError;
- }
- (void)close(statSock);
- (void)NdbMutex_Unlock(&statMutex);
- return;
- }
- if (connect(statSock, (struct sockaddr *)&saddr, sizeof(saddr)) < 0) {
- if (statState != statError) {
- ndbout_c("stat: connect failed: %s", strerror(errno));
- statState = statError;
- }
- (void)close(statSock);
- (void)NdbMutex_Unlock(&statMutex);
- return;
- }
- statState = statOpen;
- ndbout_c("stat: connection to %s:%d opened", statHost, (int)statPort);
- }
- const char *text;
- switch (st) {
- case stInsert:
- text = "insert";
- break;
- case stVerify:
- text = "verify";
- break;
- case stRead:
- text = "read";
- break;
- case stUpdate:
- text = "update";
- break;
- case stDelete:
- text = "delete";
- break;
- case stVerifyDelete:
- text = "verifydelete";
- break;
- default:
- text = "unknown";
- break;
- }
- char buf[100];
- sprintf(buf, "%d %s %dn", nodeid, text, ops);
- int len = strlen(buf);
- // assume SIGPIPE already ignored
- if (write(statSock, buf, len) != len) {
- if (statState != statError) {
- ndbout_c("stat: write failed: %s", strerror(errno));
- statState = statError;
- }
- (void)close(statSock);
- (void)NdbMutex_Unlock(&statMutex);
- return;
- }
- (void)NdbMutex_Unlock(&statMutex);
- }
- #endif // CEBIT_STAT
- static void
- resetThreads(ThreadData* pt){
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < tNoOfThreads; i++){
- pt[i].threadReady = 0;
- pt[i].threadResult = 0;
- pt[i].threadStart = stIdle;
- }
- }
- static int
- checkThreadResults(ThreadData* pt){
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < tNoOfThreads; i++){
- if(pt[i].threadResult != 0){
- ndbout_c("Thread%d reported fatal error %d", i, pt[i].threadResult);
- return -1;
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- static
- void
- waitForThreads(ThreadData* pt)
- {
- int cont = 1;
- while (cont){
- NdbSleep_MilliSleep(100);
- cont = 0;
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < tNoOfThreads; i++){
- if (pt[i].threadReady == 0)
- cont = 1;
- }
- }
- }
- static void
- tellThreads(ThreadData* pt, StartType what)
- {
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < tNoOfThreads; i++)
- pt[i].threadStart = what;
- }
- NDB_COMMAND(flexBench, "flexBench", "flexBench", "flexbench", 65535)
- {
- ndb_init();
- ThreadData* pThreadsData;
- int tLoops = 0;
- int returnValue = NDBT_OK;
- if (readArguments(argc, argv) != 0){
- input_error();
- return NDBT_ProgramExit(NDBT_WRONGARGS);
- }
- NdbAutoPtr<char> p10;
- if(useLongKeys){
- int e1 = sizeof(char*) * tNoOfLongPK;
- int e2_1 = strlen("KEYATTR ") + 1;
- int e2 = e2_1 * tNoOfLongPK;
- char *tmp = (char *) malloc(e1 + e2);
- p10.reset(tmp);
- longKeyAttrName = (char **) tmp;
- tmp += e1;
- for (Uint32 i = 0; i < tNoOfLongPK; i++) {
- // longKeyAttrName[i] = (char *) malloc(strlen("KEYATTR ") + 1);
- longKeyAttrName[i] = tmp;
- tmp += e2_1;
- memset(longKeyAttrName[i], 0, e2_1);
- sprintf(longKeyAttrName[i], "KEYATTR%i", i);
- }
- }
- NdbAutoObjArrayPtr<ThreadData>
- p12( pThreadsData = new ThreadData[tNoOfThreads] );
- ndbout << endl << "FLEXBENCH - Starting normal mode" << endl;
- ndbout << "Perform benchmark of insert, update and delete transactions"<< endl;
- ndbout << " " << tNoOfThreads << " thread(s) " << endl;
- ndbout << " " << tNoOfLoops << " iterations " << endl;
- ndbout << " " << tNoOfTables << " table(s) and " << 1 << " operation(s) per transaction " <<endl;
- ndbout << " " << tNoOfAttributes << " attributes per table " << endl;
- ndbout << " " << tNoOfOperations << " transaction(s) per thread and round " << endl;
- ndbout << " " << tAttributeSize << " is the number of 32 bit words per attribute "<< endl;
- ndbout << " " << "Table(s) without logging: " << (Uint32)theTempTable << endl;
- if(useLongKeys)
- ndbout << " " << "Using long keys with " << tNoOfLongPK << " keys a' " <<
- tSizeOfLongPK * 4 << " bytes each." << endl;
- ndbout << " " << "Verification is " ;
- if(VerifyFlag) {
- ndbout << "enabled" << endl ;
- }else{
- ndbout << "disabled" << endl ;
- }
- if (use_ndb) {
- ndbout << "Use NDB API with NdbPool in this test case" << endl;
- ndbout << "Pool size = " << t_instances << endl;
- } else {
- ndbout << "Use mysql client with " << engine[engine_id];
- ndbout << " as engine" << endl;
- }
- theErrorData.printSettings(ndbout);
- NdbThread_SetConcurrencyLevel(tNoOfThreads + 2);
- #ifdef USE_MYSQL
- MYSQL mysql;
- if (!use_ndb) {
- if ( mysql_thread_safe() == 0 ) {
- ndbout << "Not thread safe mysql library..." << endl;
- return NDBT_ProgramExit(NDBT_FAILED);
- }
- ndbout << "Connecting to MySQL..." <<endl;
- mysql_init(&mysql);
- {
- int the_socket = sockets[0];
- char the_socket_name[1024];
- sprintf(the_socket_name, "%s%u%s", "/tmp/mysql.",the_socket,".sock");
- // sprintf(the_socket_name, "%s", "/tmp/mysql.sock");
- ndbout << the_socket_name << endl;
- if ( mysql_real_connect(&mysql,
- "localhost",
- "root",
- "",
- "test",
- the_socket,
- the_socket_name,
- 0) == NULL ) {
- ndbout << "Connect failed" <<endl;
- returnValue = NDBT_FAILED;
- }
- }
- if(returnValue == NDBT_OK){
- mysql_set_server_option(&mysql, MYSQL_OPTION_MULTI_STATEMENTS_ON);
- if (createTables(&mysql) != 0){
- returnValue = NDBT_FAILED;
- }
- }
- }
- #endif
- if (use_ndb) {
- Uint32 ndb_id = 0;
- if (!create_instance(t_instances, 1, t_instances)) {
- ndbout << "Creation of the NdbPool failed" << endl;
- returnValue = NDBT_FAILED;
- } else {
- Ndb* pNdb = get_ndb_object(ndb_id, "test", "def");
- if (pNdb == NULL) {
- ndbout << "Failed to get a NDB object" << endl;
- returnValue = NDBT_FAILED;
- } else {
- tNodeId = pNdb->getNodeId();
- ndbout << " NdbAPI node with id = " << tNodeId << endl;
- ndbout << endl;
- ndbout << "Waiting for ndb to become ready..." <<endl;
- if (pNdb->waitUntilReady(2000) != 0){
- ndbout << "NDB is not ready" << endl;
- ndbout << "Benchmark failed!" << endl;
- returnValue = NDBT_FAILED;
- }
- if(returnValue == NDBT_OK){
- if (createTables(pNdb) != 0){
- returnValue = NDBT_FAILED;
- }
- }
- return_ndb_object(pNdb, ndb_id);
- }
- }
- }
- if(returnValue == NDBT_OK){
- sleepBeforeStartingTest(tSleepTime);
- /****************************************************************
- * Create threads. *
- ****************************************************************/
- resetThreads(pThreadsData);
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < tNoOfThreads; i++){
- pThreadsData[i].threadNo = i;
- pThreadsData[i].threadLife = NdbThread_Create(flexBenchThread,
- (void**)&pThreadsData[i],
- 32768,
- "flexBenchThread",
- }
- waitForThreads(pThreadsData);
- ndbout << endl << "All threads started" << endl << endl;
- /****************************************************************
- * Execute program. *
- ****************************************************************/
- for(;;){
- int loopCount = tLoops + 1;
- ndbout << endl << "Loop # " << loopCount << endl << endl;
- /****************************************************************
- * Perform inserts. *
- ****************************************************************/
- // Reset and start timer
- // Give insert-command to all threads
- resetThreads(pThreadsData);
- tellThreads(pThreadsData, stInsert);
- waitForThreads(pThreadsData);
- if (checkThreadResults(pThreadsData) != 0){
- ndbout << "Error: Threads failed in performing insert" << endl;
- returnValue = NDBT_FAILED;
- break;
- }
- // stop timer and print results.
- PRINT_TIMER("insert", tNoOfOperations*tNoOfThreads, tNoOfTables);
- /****************************************************************
- * Verify inserts. *
- ****************************************************************/
- if (VerifyFlag) {
- resetThreads(pThreadsData);
- ndbout << "Verifying inserts...t" ;
- tellThreads(pThreadsData, stVerify);
- waitForThreads(pThreadsData);
- if (checkThreadResults(pThreadsData) != 0){
- ndbout << "Error: Threads failed while verifying inserts" << endl;
- returnValue = NDBT_FAILED;
- break;
- }else{
- ndbout << "ttOK" << endl << endl ;
- }
- }
- /****************************************************************
- * Perform read. *
- ****************************************************************/
- // Reset and start timer
- // Give read-command to all threads
- resetThreads(pThreadsData);
- tellThreads(pThreadsData, stRead);
- waitForThreads(pThreadsData);
- if (checkThreadResults(pThreadsData) != 0){
- ndbout << "Error: Threads failed in performing read" << endl;
- returnValue = NDBT_FAILED;
- break;
- }
- // stop timer and print results.
- PRINT_TIMER("read", tNoOfOperations*tNoOfThreads, tNoOfTables);
- /****************************************************************
- * Perform update. *
- ****************************************************************/
- // Reset and start timer
- // Give update-command to all threads
- resetThreads(pThreadsData);
- tellThreads(pThreadsData, stUpdate);
- waitForThreads(pThreadsData);
- if (checkThreadResults(pThreadsData) != 0){
- ndbout << "Error: Threads failed in performing update" << endl;
- returnValue = NDBT_FAILED;
- break;
- }
- // stop timer and print results.
- PRINT_TIMER("update", tNoOfOperations*tNoOfThreads, tNoOfTables);
- /****************************************************************
- * Verify updates. *
- ****************************************************************/
- if (VerifyFlag) {
- resetThreads(pThreadsData);
- ndbout << "Verifying updates...t" ;
- tellThreads(pThreadsData, stVerify);
- waitForThreads(pThreadsData);
- if (checkThreadResults(pThreadsData) != 0){
- ndbout << "Error: Threads failed while verifying updates" << endl;
- returnValue = NDBT_FAILED;
- break;
- }else{
- ndbout << "ttOK" << endl << endl ;
- }
- }
- /****************************************************************
- * Perform read. *
- ****************************************************************/
- // Reset and start timer
- // Give read-command to all threads
- resetThreads(pThreadsData);
- tellThreads(pThreadsData, stRead);
- waitForThreads(pThreadsData);
- if (checkThreadResults(pThreadsData) != 0){
- ndbout << "Error: Threads failed in performing read" << endl;
- returnValue = NDBT_FAILED;
- break;
- }
- // stop timer and print results.
- PRINT_TIMER("read", tNoOfOperations*tNoOfThreads, tNoOfTables);
- /****************************************************************
- * Perform delete. *
- ****************************************************************/
- // Reset and start timer
- // Give delete-command to all threads
- resetThreads(pThreadsData);
- tellThreads(pThreadsData, stDelete);
- waitForThreads(pThreadsData);
- if (checkThreadResults(pThreadsData) != 0){
- ndbout << "Error: Threads failed in performing delete" << endl;
- returnValue = NDBT_FAILED;
- break;
- }
- // stop timer and print results.
- PRINT_TIMER("delete", tNoOfOperations*tNoOfThreads, tNoOfTables);
- /****************************************************************
- * Verify deletes. *
- ****************************************************************/
- if (VerifyFlag) {
- resetThreads(pThreadsData);
- ndbout << "Verifying tuple deletion..." ;
- tellThreads(pThreadsData, stVerifyDelete);
- waitForThreads(pThreadsData);
- if (checkThreadResults(pThreadsData) != 0){
- ndbout << "Error: Threads failed in verifying deletes" << endl;
- returnValue = NDBT_FAILED;
- break;
- }else{
- ndbout << "ttOK" << endl << endl ;
- }
- }
- ndbout << "--------------------------------------------------" << endl;
- tLoops++;
- if ( 0 != tNoOfLoops && tNoOfLoops <= tLoops )
- break;
- theErrorData.printErrorCounters();
- }
- resetThreads(pThreadsData);
- tellThreads(pThreadsData, stStop);
- waitForThreads(pThreadsData);
- void * tmp;
- for(Uint32 i = 0; i<tNoOfThreads; i++){
- NdbThread_WaitFor(pThreadsData[i].threadLife, &tmp);
- NdbThread_Destroy(&pThreadsData[i].threadLife);
- }
- }
- #ifdef USE_MYSQL
- if (!use_ndb) {
- dropTables(&mysql);
- mysql_close(&mysql);
- }
- #endif
- if (use_ndb) {
- drop_instance();
- }
- theErrorData.printErrorCounters();
- return NDBT_ProgramExit(returnValue);
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////////
- unsigned long get_hash(unsigned long * hash_key, int len)
- {
- unsigned long hash_value = 147;
- unsigned h_key;
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
- {
- h_key = hash_key[i];
- hash_value = (hash_value << 5) + hash_value + (h_key & 255);
- hash_value = (hash_value << 5) + hash_value + ((h_key >> 8) & 255);
- hash_value = (hash_value << 5) + hash_value + ((h_key >> 16) & 255);
- hash_value = (hash_value << 5) + hash_value + ((h_key >> 24) & 255);
- }
- return hash_value;
- }
- // End of warming up phase
- static void* flexBenchThread(void* pArg)
- {
- ThreadData* pThreadData = (ThreadData*)pArg;
- unsigned int threadNo, threadBase;
- Ndb* pNdb = NULL ;
- Uint32 ndb_id = 0;
- NdbConnection *pTrans = NULL ;
- NdbOperation** pOps = NULL ;
- StartType tType ;
- StartType tSaveType ;
- NdbRecAttr* tTmp = NULL ;
- int* attrValue = NULL ;
- int* attrRefValue = NULL ;
- int check = 0 ;
- int loopCountOps, loopCountTables, loopCountAttributes;
- int tAttemptNo = 0;
- int tRetryAttempts = 20;
- int tResult = 0;
- int tSpecialTrans = 0;
- int nRefLocalOpOffset = 0 ;
- int nReadBuffSize =
- tNoOfTables * tNoOfAttributes * sizeof(int) * tAttributeSize ;
- int nRefBuffSize =
- tNoOfOperations * tNoOfAttributes * sizeof(int) * tAttributeSize ;
- unsigned*** longKeyAttrValue = NULL;
- threadNo = pThreadData->threadNo ;
- #ifdef USE_MYSQL
- MYSQL mysql;
- int the_socket = sockets[threadNo % n_sockets];
- char the_socket_name[1024];
- //sprintf(the_socket_name, "%s", "/tmp/mysql.sock");
- sprintf(the_socket_name, "%s%u%s", "/tmp/mysql.",the_socket,".sock");
- if (!use_ndb) {
- ndbout << the_socket_name << endl;
- ndbout << "Thread connecting to MySQL... " << endl;
- mysql_init(&mysql);
- if ( mysql_real_connect(&mysql,
- "localhost",
- "root",
- "",
- "test",
- the_socket,
- the_socket_name,
- 0) == NULL ) {
- ndbout << "failed" << endl;
- return 0;
- }
- ndbout << "ok" << endl;
- int r;
- if (tNoOfTables > 1)
- r = mysql_autocommit(&mysql, 0);
- else
- r = mysql_autocommit(&mysql, 1);
- if (r) {
- ndbout << "autocommit on/off failed" << endl;
- return 0;
- }
- }
- #endif
- NdbAutoPtr<int> p00( attrValue= (int*)malloc(nReadBuffSize) ) ;
- NdbAutoPtr<int> p01( attrRefValue= (int*)malloc(nRefBuffSize) );
- if (use_ndb) {
- pOps = (NdbOperation**)malloc(tNoOfTables*sizeof(NdbOperation*)) ;
- }
- NdbAutoPtr<NdbOperation*> p02( pOps );
- if( !attrValue || !attrRefValue ||
- ( use_ndb && ( !pOps) ) ){
- // Check allocations to make sure we got all the memory we asked for
- ndbout << "One or more memory allocations failed when starting thread #";
- ndbout << threadNo << endl ;
- ndbout << "Thread #" << threadNo << " will now exit" << endl ;
- tResult = 13 ;
- return 0;
- }
- if (use_ndb) {
- pNdb = get_ndb_object(ndb_id, "test", "def");
- if (pNdb == NULL) {
- ndbout << "Failed to get an NDB object" << endl;
- ndbout << "Thread #" << threadNo << " will now exit" << endl ;
- tResult = 13;
- return 0;
- }
- pNdb->waitUntilReady();
- return_ndb_object(pNdb, ndb_id);
- pNdb = NULL;
- }
- // To make sure that two different threads doesn't operate on the same record
- // Calculate an "unique" number to use as primary key
- threadBase = (threadNo * 2000000) + (tNodeId * 260000000);
- NdbAutoPtr<char> p22;
- if(useLongKeys){
- // Allocate and populate the longkey array.
- int e1 = sizeof(unsigned**) * tNoOfOperations;
- int e2 = sizeof(unsigned*) * tNoOfLongPK * tNoOfOperations;
- int e3 = sizeof(unsigned) * tSizeOfLongPK * tNoOfLongPK * tNoOfOperations;
- char* tmp;
- p22.reset(tmp = (char*)malloc(e1+e2+e3));
- longKeyAttrValue = (unsigned ***) tmp;
- tmp += e1;
- for (Uint32 n = 0; n < tNoOfOperations; n++) {
- longKeyAttrValue[n] = (unsigned **) tmp;
- tmp += sizeof(unsigned*) * tNoOfLongPK;
- }
- for (Uint32 n = 0; n < tNoOfOperations; n++){
- for (Uint32 i = 0; i < tNoOfLongPK ; i++) {
- longKeyAttrValue[n][i] = (unsigned *) tmp;
- tmp += sizeof(unsigned) * tSizeOfLongPK;
- memset(longKeyAttrValue[n][i], 0, sizeof(unsigned) * tSizeOfLongPK);
- for(Uint32 j = 0; j < tSizeOfLongPK; j++) {
- // Repeat the unique value to fill up the long key.
- longKeyAttrValue[n][i][j] = threadBase + n;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- int nRefOpOffset = 0 ;
- //Assign reference attribute values to memory
- for(Uint32 ops = 1 ; ops < tNoOfOperations ; ops++){
- // Calculate offset value before going into the next loop
- nRefOpOffset = tAttributeSize*tNoOfAttributes*(ops-1) ;
- for(Uint32 a = 0 ; a < tNoOfAttributes ; a++){
- *(int*)&attrRefValue[nRefOpOffset + tAttributeSize*a] =
- (int)(threadBase + ops + a) ;
- }
- }
- #ifdef CEBIT_STAT
- // ops not yet reported
- int statOps = 0;
- #endif
- #ifdef USE_MYSQL
- // temporary buffer to store prepared statement text
- char buf[2048];
- MYSQL_STMT** prep_read = NULL;
- MYSQL_STMT** prep_delete = NULL;
- MYSQL_STMT** prep_update = NULL;
- MYSQL_STMT** prep_insert = NULL;
- MYSQL_BIND* bind_delete = NULL;
- MYSQL_BIND* bind_read = NULL;
- MYSQL_BIND* bind_update = NULL;
- MYSQL_BIND* bind_insert = NULL;
- int* mysql_data = NULL;
- NdbAutoPtr<char> p21;
- if (!use_ndb) {
- // data array to which prepared statements are bound
- char* tmp;
- int e1 = sizeof(int)*tAttributeSize*tNoOfAttributes;
- int e2 = sizeof(MYSQL_BIND)*tNoOfAttributes;
- int e3 = sizeof(MYSQL_BIND)*tNoOfAttributes;
- int e4 = sizeof(MYSQL_BIND)*tNoOfAttributes;
- int e5 = sizeof(MYSQL_BIND)*1;
- int e6 = sizeof(MYSQL_STMT*)*tNoOfTables;
- int e7 = sizeof(MYSQL_STMT*)*tNoOfTables;
- int e8 = sizeof(MYSQL_STMT*)*tNoOfTables;
- int e9 = sizeof(MYSQL_STMT*)*tNoOfTables;
- p21.reset(tmp = (char*)malloc(e1+e2+e3+e4+e5+e6+e7+e8+e9));
- mysql_data = (int*)tmp; tmp += e1;
- bind_insert = (MYSQL_BIND*)tmp; tmp += e2;
- bind_update = (MYSQL_BIND*)tmp; tmp += e3;
- bind_read = (MYSQL_BIND*)tmp; tmp += e4;
- bind_delete = (MYSQL_BIND*)tmp; tmp += e5;
- prep_insert = (MYSQL_STMT**)tmp; tmp += e6;
- prep_update = (MYSQL_STMT**)tmp; tmp += e7;
- prep_read = (MYSQL_STMT**)tmp; tmp += e8;
- prep_delete = (MYSQL_STMT**)tmp;
- for (Uint32 ca = 0; ca < tNoOfAttributes; ca++){
- MYSQL_BIND& bi = bind_insert[ca];
- bi.buffer_type = MYSQL_TYPE_LONG;
- bi.buffer = (char*)&mysql_data[ca*tAttributeSize];
- bi.buffer_length = 0;
- bi.length = NULL;
- bi.is_null = NULL;
- }//for
- for (Uint32 ca = 0; ca < tNoOfAttributes; ca++){
- MYSQL_BIND& bi = bind_update[ca];
- bi.buffer_type = MYSQL_TYPE_LONG;
- if ( ca == tNoOfAttributes-1 ) // the primary key comes last in statement
- bi.buffer = (char*)&mysql_data[0];
- else
- bi.buffer = (char*)&mysql_data[(ca+1)*tAttributeSize];
- bi.buffer_length = 0;
- bi.length = NULL;
- bi.is_null = NULL;
- }//for
- for (Uint32 ca = 0; ca < tNoOfAttributes; ca++){
- MYSQL_BIND& bi = bind_read[ca];
- bi.buffer_type = MYSQL_TYPE_LONG;
- bi.buffer = (char*)&mysql_data[ca*tAttributeSize];
- bi.buffer_length = 4;
- bi.length = NULL;
- bi.is_null = NULL;
- }//for
- for (Uint32 ca = 0; ca < 1; ca++){
- MYSQL_BIND& bi = bind_delete[ca];
- bi.buffer_type = MYSQL_TYPE_LONG;
- bi.buffer = (char*)&mysql_data[ca*tAttributeSize];
- bi.buffer_length = 0;
- bi.length = NULL;
- bi.is_null = NULL;
- }//for
- for (Uint32 i = 0; i < tNoOfTables; i++) {
- int pos = 0;
- pos += sprintf(buf+pos, "%s%s%s",
- tableName[i],
- " VALUES(");
- pos += sprintf(buf+pos, "%s", "?");
- for (Uint32 j = 1; j < tNoOfAttributes; j++) {
- pos += sprintf(buf+pos, "%s", ",?");
- }
- pos += sprintf(buf+pos, "%s", ")");
- if (verbose)
- ndbout << buf << endl;
- prep_insert[i] = mysql_prepare(&mysql, buf, pos);
- if (prep_insert[i] == 0) {
- ndbout << "mysql_prepare: " << mysql_error(&mysql) << endl;
- return 0;
- }
- if (mysql_bind_param(prep_insert[i], bind_insert)) {
- ndbout << "mysql_bind_param: " << mysql_error(&mysql) << endl;
- return 0;
- }
- }
- for (Uint32 i = 0; i < tNoOfTables; i++) {
- int pos = 0;
- pos += sprintf(buf+pos, "%s%s%s",
- "UPDATE ",
- tableName[i],
- " SET ");
- for (Uint32 j = 1; j < tNoOfAttributes; j++) {
- if (j != 1)
- pos += sprintf(buf+pos, "%s", ",");
- pos += sprintf(buf+pos, "%s%s", attrName[j],"=?");
- }
- pos += sprintf(buf+pos, "%s%s%s", " WHERE ", attrName[0], "=?");
- if (verbose)
- ndbout << buf << endl;
- prep_update[i] = mysql_prepare(&mysql, buf, pos);
- if (prep_update[i] == 0) {
- ndbout << "mysql_prepare: " << mysql_error(&mysql) << endl;
- return 0;
- }
- if (mysql_bind_param(prep_update[i], bind_update)) {
- ndbout << "mysql_bind_param: " << mysql_error(&mysql) << endl;
- return 0;
- }
- }
- for (Uint32 i = 0; i < tNoOfTables; i++) {
- int pos = 0;
- pos += sprintf(buf+pos, "%s", "SELECT ");
- for (Uint32 j = 1; j < tNoOfAttributes; j++) {
- if (j != 1)
- pos += sprintf(buf+pos, "%s", ",");
- pos += sprintf(buf+pos, "%s", attrName[j]);
- }
- pos += sprintf(buf+pos, "%s%s%s%s%s",
- " FROM ",
- tableName[i],
- " WHERE ",
- attrName[0],
- "=?");
- if (verbose)
- ndbout << buf << endl;
- prep_read[i] = mysql_prepare(&mysql, buf, pos);
- if (prep_read[i] == 0) {
- ndbout << "mysql_prepare: " << mysql_error(&mysql) << endl;
- return 0;
- }
- if (mysql_bind_param(prep_read[i], bind_read)) {
- ndbout << "mysql_bind_param: " << mysql_error(&mysql) << endl;
- return 0;
- }
- if (mysql_bind_result(prep_read[i], &bind_read[1])) {
- ndbout << "mysql_bind_result: " << mysql_error(&mysql) << endl;
- return 0;
- }
- }
- for (Uint32 i = 0; i < tNoOfTables; i++) {
- int pos = 0;
- pos += sprintf(buf+pos, "%s%s%s%s%s",
- tableName[i],
- " WHERE ",
- attrName[0],
- "=?");
- if (verbose)
- ndbout << buf << endl;
- prep_delete[i] = mysql_prepare(&mysql, buf, pos);
- if (prep_delete[i] == 0) {
- ndbout << "mysql_prepare: " << mysql_error(&mysql) << endl;
- return 0;
- }
- if (mysql_bind_param(prep_delete[i], bind_delete)) {
- ndbout << "mysql_bind_param: " << mysql_error(&mysql) << endl;
- return 0;
- }
- }
- }
- #endif
- for (;;) {
- pThreadData->threadResult = tResult; // Report error to main thread,
- // normally tResult is set to 0
- pThreadData->threadReady = 1;
- while (pThreadData->threadStart == stIdle){
- NdbSleep_MilliSleep(100);
- }//while
- // Check if signal to exit is received
- if (pThreadData->threadStart == stStop){
- pThreadData->threadReady = 1;
- // ndbout_c("Thread%d is stopping", threadNo);
- // In order to stop this thread, the main thread has signaled
- // stStop, break out of the for loop so that destructors
- // and the proper exit functions are called
- break;
- }//if
- tType = pThreadData->threadStart;
- tSaveType = tType;
- pThreadData->threadStart = stIdle;
- // Start transaction, type of transaction
- // is received in the array ThreadStart
- loopCountOps = tNoOfOperations;
- loopCountTables = tNoOfTables;
- loopCountAttributes = tNoOfAttributes;
- for (int count = 1; count < loopCountOps && tResult == 0;){
- if (use_ndb) {
- pNdb = get_ndb_object(ndb_id, "test", "def");
- if (pNdb == NULL) {
- ndbout << "Could not get Ndb object in thread" << threadNo;
- ndbout << endl;
- tResult = 1; //Indicate fatal error
- break;
- }
- pTrans = pNdb->startTransaction();
- if (pTrans == NULL) {
- // This is a fatal error, abort program
- ndbout << "Could not start transaction in thread" << threadNo;
- ndbout << endl;
- ndbout << pNdb->getNdbError() << endl;
- tResult = 1; // Indicate fatal error
- break; // Break out of for loop
- }
- }
- // Calculate the current operation offset in the reference array
- nRefLocalOpOffset = tAttributeSize*tNoOfAttributes*(count - 1) ;
- int* tmpAttrRefValue = attrRefValue + nRefLocalOpOffset;
- for (int countTables = 0;
- countTables < loopCountTables && tResult == 0;
- countTables++) {
- int nTableOffset = tAttributeSize *
- loopCountAttributes *
- countTables ;
- int* tmpAttrValue = attrValue + nTableOffset;
- if (use_ndb) {
- pOps[countTables] = pTrans->getNdbOperation(tableName[countTables]);
- if (pOps[countTables] == NULL) {
- // This is a fatal error, abort program
- ndbout << "getNdbOperation: " << pTrans->getNdbError();
- tResult = 2; // Indicate fatal error
- break;
- }//if
- switch (tType) {
- case stInsert: // Insert case
- if (theWriteFlag == 1 && theDirtyFlag == 1)
- pOps[countTables]->dirtyWrite();
- else if (theWriteFlag == 1)
- pOps[countTables]->writeTuple();
- else
- pOps[countTables]->insertTuple();
- break;
- case stRead: // Read Case
- if (theSimpleFlag == 1)
- pOps[countTables]->simpleRead();
- else if (theDirtyFlag == 1)
- pOps[countTables]->dirtyRead();
- else
- pOps[countTables]->readTuple();
- break;
- case stUpdate: // Update Case
- if (theWriteFlag == 1 && theDirtyFlag == 1)
- pOps[countTables]->dirtyWrite();
- else if (theWriteFlag == 1)
- pOps[countTables]->writeTuple();
- else if (theDirtyFlag == 1)
- pOps[countTables]->dirtyUpdate();
- else
- pOps[countTables]->updateTuple();
- break;
- case stDelete: // Delete Case
- pOps[countTables]->deleteTuple();
- break;
- case stVerify:
- pOps[countTables]->readTuple();
- break;
- case stVerifyDelete:
- pOps[countTables]->readTuple();
- break;
- default:
- assert(false);
- }//switch
- if(useLongKeys){
- // Loop the equal call so the complete key is send to the kernel.
- for(Uint32 i = 0; i < tNoOfLongPK; i++)
- pOps[countTables]->equal(longKeyAttrName[i],
- (char *)longKeyAttrValue[count - 1][i],
- tSizeOfLongPK*4);
- }
- else
- pOps[countTables]->equal((char*)attrName[0],
- (char*)&tmpAttrRefValue[0]);
- if (tType == stInsert) {
- for (int ca = 1; ca < loopCountAttributes; ca++){
- pOps[countTables]->setValue((char*)attrName[ca],
- (char*)&tmpAttrRefValue[tAttributeSize*ca]);
- }//for
- } else if (tType == stUpdate) {
- for (int ca = 1; ca < loopCountAttributes; ca++){
- int* tmp = (int*)&tmpAttrRefValue[tAttributeSize*ca];
- if (countTables == 0)
- (*tmp)++;
- pOps[countTables]->setValue((char*)attrName[ca],(char*)tmp);
- }//for
- } else if (tType == stRead || stVerify == tType) {
- for (int ca = 1; ca < loopCountAttributes; ca++) {
- tTmp =
- pOps[countTables]->getValue((char*)attrName[ca],
- (char*)&tmpAttrValue[tAttributeSize*ca]);
- }//for
- } else if (stVerifyDelete == tType) {
- if(useLongKeys){
- tTmp = pOps[countTables]->getValue(longKeyAttrName[0],
- (char*)&tmpAttrValue[0]);
- } else {
- tTmp = pOps[countTables]->getValue((char*)attrName[0],
- (char*)&tmpAttrValue[0]);
- }
- }//if
- } else { // !use_ndb
- #ifndef USE_MYSQL
- assert(false);
- #else
- switch (tType)
- {
- case stInsert:
- for (int ca = 0; ca < loopCountAttributes; ca++){
- mysql_data[ca] = tmpAttrRefValue[tAttributeSize*ca];
- }//for
- if (mysql_execute(prep_insert[countTables])) {
- ndbout << tableName[countTables];
- ndbout << " mysql_execute: " << mysql_error(&mysql) << endl;
- tResult = 1 ;
- }
- break;
- case stUpdate: // Update Case
- mysql_data[0] = tmpAttrRefValue[0];
- for (int ca = 1; ca < loopCountAttributes; ca++){
- int* tmp = (int*)&tmpAttrRefValue[tAttributeSize*ca];
- if (countTables == 0)
- (*tmp)++;
- mysql_data[ca] = *tmp;
- }//for
- if (mysql_execute(prep_update[countTables])) {
- ndbout << tableName[countTables];
- ndbout << " mysql_execute: " << mysql_error(&mysql) << endl;
- tResult = 2 ;
- }
- break;
- case stVerify:
- case stRead: // Read Case
- mysql_data[0] = tmpAttrRefValue[0];
- if (mysql_execute(prep_read[countTables])) {
- ndbout << tableName[countTables];
- ndbout << " mysql_execute: " << mysql_error(&mysql) << endl;
- tResult = 3 ;
- break;
- }
- if (mysql_stmt_store_result(prep_read[countTables])) {
- ndbout << tableName[countTables];
- ndbout << " mysql_stmt_store_result: "
- << mysql_error(&mysql) << endl;
- tResult = 4 ;
- break;
- }
- {
- int rows= 0;
- int r;
- while ( (r= mysql_fetch(prep_read[countTables])) == 0 ){
- rows++;
- }
- if ( r == 1 ) {
- ndbout << tableName[countTables];
- ndbout << " mysql_fetch: " << mysql_error(&mysql) << endl;
- tResult = 5 ;
- break;
- }
- if ( rows != 1 ) {
- ndbout << tableName[countTables];
- ndbout << " mysql_fetch: rows = " << rows << endl;
- tResult = 6 ;
- break;
- }
- }
- {
- for (int ca = 1; ca < loopCountAttributes; ca++) {
- tmpAttrValue[tAttributeSize*ca] = mysql_data[ca];
- }
- }
- break;
- case stDelete: // Delete Case
- mysql_data[0] = tmpAttrRefValue[0];
- if (mysql_execute(prep_delete[countTables])) {
- ndbout << tableName[countTables];
- ndbout << " mysql_execute: " << mysql_error(&mysql) << endl;
- tResult = 7 ;
- break;
- }
- break;
- case stVerifyDelete:
- {
- sprintf(buf, "%s%s%s",
- "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ",tableName[countTables],";");
- if (mysql_query(&mysql, buf)) {
- ndbout << buf << endl;
- ndbout << "Error: " << mysql_error(&mysql) << endl;
- tResult = 8 ;
- break;
- }
- MYSQL_RES *res = mysql_store_result(&mysql);
- if ( res == NULL ) {
- ndbout << "mysql_store_result: "
- << mysql_error(&mysql) << endl
- << "errno: " << mysql_errno(&mysql) << endl;
- tResult = 9 ;
- break;
- }
- int num_fields = mysql_num_fields(res);
- int num_rows = mysql_num_rows(res);
- if ( num_rows != 1 || num_fields != 1 ) {
- ndbout << tableName[countTables];
- ndbout << " mysql_store_result: num_rows = " << num_rows
- << " num_fields = " << num_fields << endl;
- tResult = 10 ;
- break;
- }
- MYSQL_ROW row = mysql_fetch_row(res);
- if ( row == NULL ) {
- ndbout << "mysql_fetch_row: "
- << mysql_error(&mysql) << endl;
- tResult = 11 ;
- break;
- }
- if ( *(char*)row[0] != '0' ) {
- ndbout << tableName[countTables];
- ndbout << " mysql_fetch_row: value = "
- << (char*)(row[0]) << endl;
- tResult = 12 ;
- break;
- }
- mysql_free_result(res);
- }
- break;
- default:
- assert(false);
- }
- #endif
- }
- }//for Tables loop
- if (tResult != 0)
- break;
- if (use_ndb){
- check = pTrans->execute(Commit);
- } else {
- #ifdef USE_MYSQL
- if (tNoOfTables > 1)
- if (mysql_commit(&mysql)) {
- ndbout << " mysql_commit: " << mysql_error(&mysql) << endl;
- tResult = 13;
- } else
- check = 0;
- #endif
- }
- if (use_ndb) {
- // Decide what kind of error this is
- if ((tSpecialTrans == 1) &&
- (check == -1)) {
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- // A special transaction have been executed, change to check = 0 in
- // certain situations.
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- switch (tType) {
- case stInsert: // Insert case
- if (630 == pTrans->getNdbError().code ) {
- check = 0;
- ndbout << "Insert with 4007 was successful" << endl;
- }//if
- break;
- case stDelete: // Delete Case
- if (626 == pTrans->getNdbError().code ) {
- check = 0;
- ndbout << "Delete with 4007 was successful" << endl;
- }//if
- break;
- default:
- assert(false);
- }//switch
- }//if
- tSpecialTrans = 0;
- if (check == -1) {
- if ((stVerifyDelete == tType) &&
- (626 == pTrans->getNdbError().code)) {
- // ----------------------------------------------
- // It's good news - the deleted tuple is gone,
- // so reset "check" flag
- // ----------------------------------------------
- check = 0 ;
- } else {
- int retCode =
- theErrorData.handleErrorCommon(pTrans->getNdbError());
- if (retCode == 1) {
- ndbout_c("execute: %d, %d, %s", count, tType,
- pTrans->getNdbError().message );
- ndbout_c("Error code = %d", pTrans->getNdbError().code );
- tResult = 20;
- } else if (retCode == 2) {
- ndbout << "4115 should not happen in flexBench" << endl;
- tResult = 20;
- } else if (retCode == 3) {
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- // We are not certain if the transaction was successful or not.
- // We must reexecute but might very well find that the transaction
- // actually was updated. Updates and Reads are no problem here. Inserts
- // will not cause a problem if error code 630 arrives. Deletes will
- // not cause a problem if 626 arrives.
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- if ((tType == stInsert) || (tType == stDelete)) {
- tSpecialTrans = 1;
- }//if
- }//if
- }//if
- }//if
- // Check if retries should be made
- if (check == -1 && tResult == 0) {
- if (tAttemptNo < tRetryAttempts){
- tAttemptNo++;
- } else {
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Too many retries have been made, report error and break out of loop
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- ndbout << "Thread" << threadNo;
- ndbout << ": too many errors reported" << endl;
- tResult = 10;
- break;
- }//if
- }//if
- }
- if (check == 0){
- // Go to the next record
- count++;
- tAttemptNo = 0;
- #ifdef CEBIT_STAT
- // report successful ops
- if (statEnable) {
- statOps += loopCountTables;
- if (statOps >= statFreq) {
- statReport(tType, statOps);
- statOps = 0;
- }//if
- }//if
- #endif
- }//if
- if (stVerify == tType && 0 == check){
- int nTableOffset = 0 ;
- for (int a = 1 ; a < loopCountAttributes ; a++){
- for (int tables = 0 ; tables < loopCountTables ; tables++){
- nTableOffset = tables*loopCountAttributes*tAttributeSize;
- int ov =*(int*)&attrValue[nTableOffset + tAttributeSize*a];
- int nv =*(int*)&tmpAttrRefValue[tAttributeSize*a];
- if (ov != nv){
- ndbout << "Error in verify ";
- ndbout << "pk = " << tmpAttrRefValue[0] << ":" << endl;
- ndbout << "attrValue[" << nTableOffset + tAttributeSize*a << "] = " << ov << endl ;
- ndbout << "attrRefValue[" << nRefLocalOpOffset + tAttributeSize*a << "]" << nv << endl ;
- tResult = 11 ;
- break ;
- }//if
- }//for
- }//for
- }// if(stVerify ... )
- if (use_ndb) {
- pNdb->closeTransaction(pTrans);
- return_ndb_object(pNdb, ndb_id);
- pNdb = NULL;
- }
- }// operations loop
- #ifdef CEBIT_STAT
- // report remaining successful ops
- if (statEnable) {
- if (statOps > 0) {
- statReport(tType, statOps);
- statOps = 0;
- }//if
- }//if
- #endif
- if (pNdb) {
- pNdb->closeTransaction(pTrans);
- return_ndb_object(pNdb, ndb_id);
- pNdb = NULL;
- }
- }
- #ifdef USE_MYSQL
- if (!use_ndb) {
- mysql_close(&mysql);
- for (Uint32 i = 0; i < tNoOfTables; i++) {
- mysql_stmt_close(prep_insert[i]);
- mysql_stmt_close(prep_update[i]);
- mysql_stmt_close(prep_delete[i]);
- mysql_stmt_close(prep_read[i]);
- }
- }
- #endif
- if (use_ndb && pNdb) {
- ndbout << "I got here " << endl;
- return_ndb_object(pNdb, ndb_id);
- }
- return NULL;
- }
- static int readArguments(int argc, const char** argv)
- {
- int i = 1;
- while (argc > 1){
- if (strcmp(argv[i], "-t") == 0){
- tNoOfThreads = atoi(argv[i+1]);
- if ((tNoOfThreads < 1))
- return -1;
- argc -= 1;
- i++;
- }else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-o") == 0){
- tNoOfOperations = atoi(argv[i+1]);
- if (tNoOfOperations < 1)
- return -1;;
- argc -= 1;
- i++;
- }else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-a") == 0){
- tNoOfAttributes = atoi(argv[i+1]);
- if ((tNoOfAttributes < 2) || (tNoOfAttributes > MAXATTR))
- return -1;
- argc -= 1;
- i++;
- }else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-c") == 0){
- tNoOfTables = atoi(argv[i+1]);
- if ((tNoOfTables < 1) || (tNoOfTables > MAXTABLES))
- return -1;
- argc -= 1;
- i++;
- }else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-stdtables") == 0){
- theStdTableNameFlag = 1;
- }else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-l") == 0){
- tNoOfLoops = atoi(argv[i+1]);
- if ((tNoOfLoops < 0) || (tNoOfLoops > 100000))
- return -1;
- argc -= 1;
- i++;
- }else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-pool_size") == 0){
- t_instances = atoi(argv[i+1]);
- if ((t_instances < 1) || (t_instances > 240))
- return -1;
- argc -= 1;
- i++;
- #ifdef USE_MYSQL
- }else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-engine") == 0){
- engine_id = atoi(argv[i+1]);
- if ((engine_id < 0) || (engine_id > 3))
- return -1;
- argc -= 1;
- i++;
- }else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-socket") == 0){
- sockets[n_sockets] = atoi(argv[i+1]);
- if (sockets[n_sockets] <= 0)
- return -1;
- n_sockets++;
- argc -= 1;
- i++;
- }else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-use_ndb") == 0){
- use_ndb = true;
- #endif
- }else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-s") == 0){
- tAttributeSize = atoi(argv[i+1]);
- if ((tAttributeSize < 1) || (tAttributeSize > MAXATTRSIZE))
- return -1;
- argc -= 1;
- i++;
- }else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-lkn") == 0){
- tNoOfLongPK = atoi(argv[i+1]);
- useLongKeys = true;
- if ((tNoOfLongPK < 1) || (tNoOfLongPK > MAXNOLONGKEY) ||
- ndbout << "Argument -lkn is not in the proper range." << endl;
- return -1;
- }
- argc -= 1;
- i++;
- }else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-lks") == 0){
- tSizeOfLongPK = atoi(argv[i+1]);
- useLongKeys = true;
- if ((tSizeOfLongPK < 1) || (tNoOfLongPK * tSizeOfLongPK) > MAXLONGKEYTOTALSIZE){
- ndbout << "Argument -lks is not in the proper range 1 to " <<
- return -1;
- }
- argc -= 1;
- i++;
- }else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-simple") == 0){
- theSimpleFlag = 1;
- }else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-write") == 0){
- theWriteFlag = 1;
- }else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-dirty") == 0){
- theDirtyFlag = 1;
- }else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-sleep") == 0){
- tSleepTime = atoi(argv[i+1]);
- if ((tSleepTime < 1) || (tSleepTime > 3600))
- return -1;
- argc -= 1;
- i++;
- }else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-no_table_create") == 0){
- theTableCreateFlag = 1;
- }else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-temp") == 0){
- theTempTable = true;
- }else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-noverify") == 0){
- VerifyFlag = false ;
- }else if (theErrorData.parseCmdLineArg(argv, i) == true){
- ; //empty, updated in errorArg(..)
- }else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-verify") == 0){
- VerifyFlag = true ;
- #ifdef CEBIT_STAT
- }else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-statserv") == 0){
- if (! (argc > 2))
- return -1;
- const char *p = argv[i+1];
- const char *q = strrchr(p, ':');
- if (q == 0)
- return -1;
- BaseString::snprintf(statHost, sizeof(statHost), "%.*s", q-p, p);
- statPort = atoi(q+1);
- statEnable = true;
- argc -= 1;
- i++;
- }else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-statfreq") == 0){
- if (! (argc > 2))
- return -1;
- statFreq = atoi(argv[i+1]);
- if (statFreq < 1)
- return -1;
- argc -= 1;
- i++;
- #endif
- }else{
- return -1;
- }
- argc -= 1;
- i++;
- }
- #ifdef USE_MYSQL
- if (n_sockets == 0) {
- n_sockets = 1;
- sockets[0] = 3306;
- }
- #endif
- return 0;
- }
- static void sleepBeforeStartingTest(int seconds){
- if (seconds > 0){
- ndbout << "Sleeping(" <<seconds << ")...";
- NdbSleep_SecSleep(seconds);
- ndbout << " done!" << endl;
- }
- }
- #ifdef USE_MYSQL
- static int
- dropTables(MYSQL* mysqlp){
- char buf[2048];
- for(unsigned i = 0; i < tNoOfTables; i++){
- int pos = 0;
- ndbout << "Dropping " << tableName[i] << "... ";
- pos += sprintf(buf+pos, "%s", "DROP TABLE ");
- pos += sprintf(buf+pos, "%s%s", tableName[i], ";");
- if (verbose)
- ndbout << endl << buf << endl;
- if (mysql_query(mysqlp, buf) != 0){
- ndbout << "Failed!"<<endl
- <<mysql_error(mysqlp)<<endl
- <<buf<<endl;
- } else
- ndbout << "OK!" << endl;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- #endif
- #ifdef USE_MYSQL
- static int
- createTables(MYSQL* mysqlp){
- for (Uint32 i = 0; i < tNoOfAttributes; i++){
- BaseString::snprintf(attrName[i], MAXSTRLEN, "COL%d", i);
- }
- // Note! Uses only uppercase letters in table name's
- // so that we can look at the tables with SQL
- for (Uint32 i = 0; i < tNoOfTables; i++){
- if (theStdTableNameFlag == 0){
- BaseString::snprintf(tableName[i], MAXSTRLEN, "TAB%d_%d", i,
- (int)(NdbTick_CurrentMillisecond() / 1000));
- } else {
- BaseString::snprintf(tableName[i], MAXSTRLEN, "TAB%d", i);
- }
- }
- char buf[2048];
- for(unsigned i = 0; i < tNoOfTables; i++){
- int pos = 0;
- ndbout << "Creating " << tableName[i] << "... ";
- pos += sprintf(buf+pos, "%s", "CREATE TABLE ");
- pos += sprintf(buf+pos, "%s%s", tableName[i], " ");
- if(useLongKeys){
- for(Uint32 i = 0; i < tNoOfLongPK; i++) {
- }
- } else {
- pos += sprintf(buf+pos, "%s%s%s",
- "(", attrName[0], " int unsigned primary key");
- }
- for (unsigned j = 1; j < tNoOfAttributes; j++)
- pos += sprintf(buf+pos, "%s%s%s", ",", attrName[j], " int unsigned");
- pos += sprintf(buf+pos, "%s%s%s", ")", engine[engine_id], ";");
- if (verbose)
- ndbout << endl << buf << endl;
- if (mysql_query(mysqlp, buf) != 0)
- return -1;
- ndbout << "done" << endl;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- #endif
- static int
- createTables(Ndb* pMyNdb){
- for (Uint32 i = 0; i < tNoOfAttributes; i++){
- BaseString::snprintf(attrName[i], MAXSTRLEN, "COL%d", i);
- }
- // Note! Uses only uppercase letters in table name's
- // so that we can look at the tables with SQL
- for (Uint32 i = 0; i < tNoOfTables; i++){
- if (theStdTableNameFlag == 0){
- BaseString::snprintf(tableName[i], MAXSTRLEN, "TAB%d_%d", i,
- (int)(NdbTick_CurrentMillisecond() / 1000));
- } else {
- BaseString::snprintf(tableName[i], MAXSTRLEN, "TAB%d", i);
- }
- }
- for(unsigned i = 0; i < tNoOfTables; i++){
- ndbout << "Creating " << tableName[i] << "... ";
- NdbDictionary::Table tmpTable(tableName[i]);
- tmpTable.setStoredTable(!theTempTable);
- if(useLongKeys){
- for(Uint32 i = 0; i < tNoOfLongPK; i++) {
- NdbDictionary::Column col(longKeyAttrName[i]);
- col.setType(NdbDictionary::Column::Unsigned);
- col.setLength(tSizeOfLongPK);
- col.setPrimaryKey(true);
- tmpTable.addColumn(col);
- }
- } else {
- NdbDictionary::Column col(attrName[0]);
- col.setType(NdbDictionary::Column::Unsigned);
- col.setLength(1);
- col.setPrimaryKey(true);
- tmpTable.addColumn(col);
- }
- NdbDictionary::Column col;
- col.setType(NdbDictionary::Column::Unsigned);
- col.setLength(tAttributeSize);
- for (unsigned j = 1; j < tNoOfAttributes; j++){
- col.setName(attrName[j]);
- tmpTable.addColumn(col);
- }
- if(pMyNdb->getDictionary()->createTable(tmpTable) == -1){
- return -1;
- }
- ndbout << "done" << endl;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- static void input_error(){
- ndbout << endl << "Invalid argument!" << endl;
- ndbout << endl << "Arguments:" << endl;
- ndbout << " -t Number of threads to start, default 1" << endl;
- ndbout << " -o Number of operations per loop, default 500" << endl;
- ndbout << " -l Number of loops to run, default 1, 0=infinite" << endl;
- ndbout << " -a Number of attributes, default 25" << endl;
- ndbout << " -c Number of tables, default 1" << endl;
- ndbout << " -s Size of each attribute, default 1 (Primary Key is always of size 1," << endl;
- ndbout << " independent of this value)" << endl;
- ndbout << " -lkn Number of long primary keys, default 1" << endl;
- ndbout << " -lks Size of each long primary key, default 1" << endl;
- ndbout << " -simple Use simple read to read from database" << endl;
- ndbout << " -dirty Use dirty read to read from database" << endl;
- ndbout << " -write Use writeTuple in insert and update" << endl;
- ndbout << " -stdtables Use standard table names" << endl;
- ndbout << " -no_table_create Don't create tables in db" << endl;
- ndbout << " -sleep Sleep a number of seconds before running the test, this" << endl;
- ndbout << " can be used so that another flexBench have time to create tables" << endl;
- ndbout << " -temp Use tables without logging" << endl;
- ndbout << " -verify Verify inserts, updates and deletes" << endl ;
- ndbout << " -use_ndb Use NDB API (otherwise use mysql client)" << endl ;
- ndbout << " -pool_size Number of Ndb objects in pool" << endl ;
- theErrorData.printCmdLineArgs(ndbout);
- ndbout << endl <<"Returns:" << endl;
- ndbout << "t 0 - Test passed" << endl;
- ndbout << "t 1 - Test failed" << endl;
- ndbout << "t 2 - Invalid arguments" << endl << endl;
- }
- // vim: set sw=2: