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Visual C++
- /* Copyright (C) 2003 MySQL AB
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */
- #include "NDBT_Test.hpp"
- #include "NDBT_ReturnCodes.h"
- #include "HugoTransactions.hpp"
- #include "UtilTransactions.hpp"
- #include "NdbRestarter.hpp"
- #include <Vector.hpp>
- #include "ScanFilter.hpp"
- #include "ScanInterpretTest.hpp"
- int runLoadTable(NDBT_Context* ctx, NDBT_Step* step){
- int records = ctx->getNumRecords();
- HugoTransactions hugoTrans(*ctx->getTab());
- if (hugoTrans.loadTable(GETNDB(step), records) != 0){
- return NDBT_FAILED;
- }
- return NDBT_OK;
- }
- int runClearTable(NDBT_Context* ctx, NDBT_Step* step){
- int records = ctx->getNumRecords();
- UtilTransactions utilTrans(*ctx->getTab());
- if (utilTrans.clearTable2(GETNDB(step), records) != 0){
- return NDBT_FAILED;
- }
- return NDBT_OK;
- }
- int runClearResTable(NDBT_Context* ctx, NDBT_Step* step){
- int records = ctx->getNumRecords();
- const NdbDictionary::Table* pResTab =
- GETNDB(step)->getDictionary()->getTable(ctx->getProperty("ResultTabName", "NULL"));
- UtilTransactions utilTrans(*pResTab);
- if (utilTrans.clearTable2(GETNDB(step), records) != 0){
- return NDBT_FAILED;
- }
- return NDBT_OK;
- }
- int runScanRead(NDBT_Context* ctx, NDBT_Step* step){
- int loops = ctx->getNumLoops();
- int records = ctx->getNumRecords();
- int parallelism = ctx->getProperty("Parallelism", 1);
- int i = 0;
- HugoTransactions hugoTrans(*ctx->getTab());
- while (i<loops) {
- g_info << i << ": ";
- if (hugoTrans.scanReadRecords(GETNDB(step), records, 0, parallelism) != 0){
- return NDBT_FAILED;
- }
- i++;
- }
- return NDBT_OK;
- }
- int runScanReadResTable(NDBT_Context* ctx, NDBT_Step* step){
- int records = ctx->getNumRecords();
- int parallelism = ctx->getProperty("Parallelism", 1);
- const NdbDictionary::Table* pResTab =
- NDBT_Table::discoverTableFromDb(GETNDB(step),
- ctx->getProperty("ResultTabName", "NULL"));
- HugoTransactions hugoTrans(*pResTab);
- if (hugoTrans.scanReadRecords(GETNDB(step), records, 0, parallelism) != 0){
- return NDBT_FAILED;
- }
- return NDBT_OK;
- }
- int runCreateResultTable(NDBT_Context* ctx, NDBT_Step* step){
- const NdbDictionary::Table* pTab = ctx->getTab();
- char newTabName[256];
- BaseString::snprintf(newTabName, 256, "%s_RES", pTab->getName());
- ctx->setProperty("ResultTabName", newTabName);
- NdbDictionary::Table resTab(* pTab);
- resTab.setName(newTabName);
- if (GETNDB(step)->getDictionary()->createTable(resTab) != 0){
- g_err << newTabName << " creation failed!"<< endl;
- return NDBT_FAILED;
- }else{
- g_info << newTabName << " created!"<< endl;
- return NDBT_OK;
- }
- }
- int scanWithFilter(NDBT_Context* ctx, NDBT_Step* step, ScanFilter& filt){
- int records = ctx->getNumRecords();
- const char* resTabName = ctx->getProperty("ResultTabName", "NULL");
- if (strcmp(resTabName, "NULL") == 0)
- return NDBT_FAILED;
- const NdbDictionary::Table* pTab = ctx->getTab();
- const NdbDictionary::Table* pResTab = NDBT_Table::discoverTableFromDb(GETNDB(step), resTabName);
- if (pResTab == NULL)
- return NDBT_FAILED;
- ScanInterpretTest interpretTest(*pTab, *pResTab);
- if (interpretTest.scanRead(GETNDB(step),
- records,
- 16,
- filt) != 0){
- return NDBT_FAILED;
- }
- return NDBT_OK;
- }
- int runScanLessThan(NDBT_Context* ctx, NDBT_Step* step){
- int records = ctx->getNumRecords();
- LessThanFilter filt(records);
- return scanWithFilter(ctx, step, filt);
- }
- int runScanEqual(NDBT_Context* ctx, NDBT_Step* step){
- EqualFilter filt;
- return scanWithFilter(ctx, step, filt);
- }
- int scanVerifyWithFilter(NDBT_Context* ctx, NDBT_Step* step, ScanFilter& filt){
- int records = ctx->getNumRecords();
- const char* resTabName = ctx->getProperty("ResultTabName", "NULL");
- if (strcmp(resTabName, "NULL") == 0)
- return NDBT_FAILED;
- const NdbDictionary::Table* pTab = ctx->getTab();
- const NdbDictionary::Table* pResTab = NDBT_Table::discoverTableFromDb(GETNDB(step), resTabName);
- if (pResTab == NULL)
- return NDBT_FAILED;
- ScanInterpretTest interpretTest(*pTab, *pResTab);
- if (interpretTest.scanReadVerify(GETNDB(step),
- records,
- 16,
- filt) != NDBT_OK){
- return NDBT_FAILED;
- }
- return NDBT_OK;
- }
- int runScanLessThanVerify(NDBT_Context* ctx, NDBT_Step* step){
- int records = ctx->getNumRecords();
- LessThanFilter filt(records);
- return scanVerifyWithFilter(ctx, step, filt);
- }
- int runScanEqualVerify(NDBT_Context* ctx, NDBT_Step* step){
- EqualFilter filt;
- return scanVerifyWithFilter(ctx, step, filt);
- }
- int runScanEqualLoop(NDBT_Context* ctx, NDBT_Step* step){
- int loops = ctx->getNumLoops();
- int l = 0;
- EqualFilter filt;
- while(l < loops){
- if (scanWithFilter(ctx, step, filt) != NDBT_OK)
- return NDBT_FAILED;
- if (runClearResTable(ctx, step) != NDBT_OK)
- return NDBT_FAILED;
- l++;
- }
- return NDBT_OK;
- }
- int runScanEqualVerifyLoop(NDBT_Context* ctx, NDBT_Step* step){
- int loops = ctx->getNumLoops();
- int l = 0;
- EqualFilter filt;
- while(l < loops){
- if (scanWithFilter(ctx, step, filt) != NDBT_OK)
- return NDBT_FAILED;
- if (scanVerifyWithFilter(ctx, step, filt) != NDBT_OK)
- return NDBT_FAILED;
- if (runClearResTable(ctx, step) != NDBT_OK)
- return NDBT_FAILED;
- l++;
- }
- return NDBT_OK;
- }
- int runScanLessThanLoop(NDBT_Context* ctx, NDBT_Step* step){
- int loops = ctx->getNumLoops();
- int records = ctx->getNumRecords();
- int l = 0;
- LessThanFilter filt(records);
- while(l < loops){
- if (scanWithFilter(ctx, step, filt) != NDBT_OK)
- return NDBT_FAILED;
- if (runClearResTable(ctx, step) != NDBT_OK)
- return NDBT_FAILED;
- l++;
- }
- return NDBT_OK;
- }
- NDBT_TESTSUITE(testScanInterpreter);
- TESTCASE("ScanLessThan",
- "Read all records in table TX with attrX less "
- "than a value and store the resultset in TX_RES."
- "Then compare records in TX_RES with records in TX."){
- // TABLE("T1");
- // TABLE("T2");
- INITIALIZER(runLoadTable);
- INITIALIZER(runCreateResultTable);
- STEP(runScanLessThan);
- VERIFIER(runScanLessThanVerify);
- FINALIZER(runClearTable);
- FINALIZER(runClearResTable);
- }
- TESTCASE("ScanEqual",
- "Read all records in table TX with attrX equal "
- "to a value and store the resultset in TX_RES."
- "Then compare records in TX_RES with records in TX."){
- // TABLE("T1");
- // TABLE("T2");
- INITIALIZER(runLoadTable);
- INITIALIZER(runCreateResultTable);
- STEP(runScanEqual);
- VERIFIER(runScanEqualVerify);
- FINALIZER(runClearTable);
- FINALIZER(runClearResTable);
- }
- TESTCASE("ScanEqualLoop",
- "Scan all records in TX equal to a value."
- "Do this loop number of times"){
- // TABLE("T1");
- // TABLE("T2");
- INITIALIZER(runLoadTable);
- INITIALIZER(runCreateResultTable);
- STEP(runScanEqualLoop);
- FINALIZER(runClearTable);
- FINALIZER(runClearResTable);
- }
- TESTCASE("ScanEqualVerifyLoop",
- "Scan all records in TX equal to a value."
- "Verify record in TX_RES table"
- "Do this loop number of times"){
- // TABLE("T1");
- // TABLE("T2");
- INITIALIZER(runLoadTable);
- INITIALIZER(runCreateResultTable);
- STEP(runScanEqualVerifyLoop);
- FINALIZER(runClearTable);
- FINALIZER(runClearResTable);
- }
- TESTCASE("ScanLessThanLoop",
- "Scan all records in TX less than a value."
- "Do this loop number of times"){
- // TABLE("T1");
- // TABLE("T2");
- INITIALIZER(runLoadTable);
- INITIALIZER(runCreateResultTable);
- STEP(runScanLessThanLoop);
- FINALIZER(runClearTable);
- FINALIZER(runClearResTable);
- }
- NDBT_TESTSUITE_END(testScanInterpreter);
- int main(int argc, const char** argv){
- ndb_init();
- return testScanInterpreter.execute(argc, argv);
- }