- /* Copyright (C) 2003 MySQL AB
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */
- /* ***************************************************
- Perform benchmark of insert, update and delete transactions
- Arguments:
- -t Number of threads to start, default 1
- -o Number of loops per thread, default 100000
- * *************************************************** */
- #include <ndb_global.h>
- #include <NdbApi.hpp>
- #include <NdbTest.hpp>
- #include <NdbOut.hpp>
- #include <NdbThread.h>
- #include <NdbSleep.h>
- #include <NdbMain.h>
- #include <NdbTimer.hpp>
- #include <NdbTick.h>
- #include <random.h>
- #define MAX_TIMERS 4
- #define MAXSTRLEN 16
- #define MAXATTR 64
- #define MAXTABLES 64
- #define MAXTHREADS 256
- #define MAXATTRSIZE 8000
- #define START_TIMER NdbTimer timer; timer.doStart();
- #define STOP_TIMER timer.doStop();
- #define START_TIMER_TOP NdbTimer timer_top; timer_top.doStart();
- #define STOP_TIMER_TOP timer_top.doStop();
- void* ThreadExec(void*);
- struct ThreadNdb
- {
- int NoOfOps;
- int ThreadNo;
- Ndb* NdbRef;
- };
- static NdbThread* threadLife[MAXTHREADS];
- static unsigned int tNoOfThreads;
- static unsigned int tNoOfOpsPerExecute;
- static unsigned int tNoOfRecords;
- static unsigned int tNoOfOperations;
- static int ThreadReady[MAXTHREADS];
- static int ThreadStart[MAXTHREADS];
- NDB_COMMAND(benchronja, "benchronja", "benchronja", "benchronja", 65535){
- ndb_init();
- ThreadNdb tabThread[MAXTHREADS];
- int i = 0 ;
- int cont = 0 ;
- Ndb* pMyNdb = NULL ; //( "TEST_DB" );
- int tmp = 0 ;
- int nTest = 0 ;
- char inp[100] ;
- tNoOfThreads = 1; // Default Value
- tNoOfOpsPerExecute = 1; // Default Value
- tNoOfOperations = 100000; // Default Value
- tNoOfRecords = 500 ; // Default Value <epaulsa: changed from original 500,000 to match 'initronja's' default
- i = 1;
- while (argc > 1)
- {
- if (strcmp(argv[i], "-t") == 0){
- tNoOfThreads = atoi(argv[i+1]);
- if ((tNoOfThreads < 1) || (tNoOfThreads > MAXTHREADS)) goto error_input;
- }else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-o") == 0){
- tNoOfOperations = atoi(argv[i+1]);
- if (tNoOfOperations < 1) goto error_input;
- }else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-r") == 0){
- tNoOfRecords = atoi(argv[i+1]);
- if ((tNoOfRecords < 1) || (tNoOfRecords > 1000000000)) goto error_input;
- }else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-p") == 0){
- nTest = atoi(argv[i+1]) ;
- if (0 > nTest || 18 < nTest) goto error_input ;
- }else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-c") == 0){
- tNoOfOpsPerExecute = atoi(argv[i+1]);
- if ((tNoOfOpsPerExecute < 1) || (tNoOfOpsPerExecute > 1024)) goto error_input;
- }else{
- goto error_input;
- }
- argc -= 2;
- i = i + 2;
- }
- ndbout << "Initialisation started. " << endl;
- pMyNdb = new Ndb("TEST_DB") ;
- pMyNdb->init();
- ndbout << "Initialisation completed. " << endl;
- ndbout << endl << "Execute Ronja Benchmark" << endl;
- ndbout << " NdbAPI node with id = " << pMyNdb->getNodeId() << endl;
- ndbout << " " << tNoOfThreads << " thread(s) " << endl;
- ndbout << " " << tNoOfOperations << " transaction(s) per thread and round " << endl;
- if (pMyNdb->waitUntilReady(120) != 0) {
- ndbout << "Benchmark failed - NDB is not ready" << endl;
- delete pMyNdb ;
- return NDBT_ProgramExit(NDBT_FAILED);
- }//if
- NdbThread_SetConcurrencyLevel(2 + tNoOfThreads);
- for (i = 0; i < tNoOfThreads ; i++) {
- ThreadReady[i] = 0;
- ThreadStart[i] = 0;
- }//for
- for (i = 0; i < tNoOfThreads ; i++) {
- tabThread[i].ThreadNo = i;
- tabThread[i].NdbRef = NULL;
- tabThread[i].NoOfOps = tNoOfOperations;
- threadLife[i] = NdbThread_Create(ThreadExec,
- (void**)&tabThread[i],
- 32768,
- "RonjaThread",
- }//for
- cont = 1;
- while (cont) {
- NdbSleep_MilliSleep(10);
- cont = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < tNoOfThreads ; i++)
- if (!ThreadReady[i]) cont = 1;
- }//while
- ndbout << "All threads started" << endl;
- if(!nTest){
- for (;;){
- inp[0] = 0;
- ndbout << endl << "What to do next:" << endl;
- ndbout << "1 t=> Perform lookups in short table" << endl;
- ndbout << "2 t=> Perform lookups in long table" << endl;
- ndbout << "3 t=> Perform updates in short table" << endl;
- ndbout << "4 t=> Perform updates in long table" << endl;
- ndbout << "5 t=> Perform 50% lookups/50% updates in short table" << endl;
- ndbout << "6 t=> Perform 50% lookups/50% updates in long table" << endl;
- ndbout << "7 t=> Perform 80% lookups/20% updates in short table" << endl;
- ndbout << "8 t=> Perform 80% lookups/20% updates in long table" << endl;
- ndbout << "9 t=> Perform 25% lookups short/25% lookups long/25% updates short/25% updates long" << endl;
- ndbout << "10t=> Test bug with replicated interpreted updates, short table" << endl;
- ndbout << "11t=> Test interpreter functions, short table" << endl;
- ndbout << "12t=> Test bug with replicated interpreted updates, long table" << endl;
- ndbout << "13t=> Test interpreter functions, long table" << endl;
- ndbout << "14t=> Perform lookups in short table, no guess of TC" << endl;
- ndbout << "15t=> Perform lookups in long table, no guess of TC" << endl;
- ndbout << "16t=> Perform updates in short table, no guess of TC" << endl;
- ndbout << "17t=> Perform updates in long table, no guess of TC" << endl;
- ndbout << "18t=> Multi record updates of transactions" << endl;
- ndbout << "All other responses will exit" << endl;
- ndbout << "_____________________________" << endl << endl ;
- int inp_i = 0;
- do {
- inp[inp_i] = (char) fgetc(stdin);
- if (inp[inp_i] == 'n' || inp[inp_i] == EOF) {
- inp[inp_i] ='';
- break;
- }
- inp_i++;
- } while (inp[inp_i - 1] != 'n' && inp[inp_i - 1] != EOF);
- tmp = atoi(inp);
- if ((tmp > 18) || (tmp <= 0)) break;
- ndbout << "Starting test " << tmp << "..." << endl;
- for (i = 0; i < tNoOfThreads ; i++){ ThreadStart[i] = tmp; }
- cont = 1;
- while (cont) {
- NdbSleep_MilliSleep(10);
- cont = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < tNoOfThreads ; i++){
- if (!ThreadReady[i]) cont = 1;
- }
- }//while
- }//for(;;)
- }else{
- if(19 == nTest){
- ndbout << "Executing all 18 available tests..." << endl << endl;
- for (int count = 1; count < nTest; count++){
- ndbout << "Test " << count << endl ;
- ndbout << "------" << endl << endl ;
- for (i = 0; i < tNoOfThreads ; i++) { ThreadStart[i] = count ; }
- cont = 1;
- while (cont) {
- NdbSleep_MilliSleep(10);
- cont = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < tNoOfThreads ; i++){
- if (!ThreadReady[i]) cont = 1;
- }
- }
- }//for
- }else{
- ndbout << endl << "Executing test " << nTest << endl << endl;
- for (i = 0; i < tNoOfThreads ; i++) { ThreadStart[i] = nTest ; }
- cont = 1;
- while (cont) {
- NdbSleep_MilliSleep(10);
- cont = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < tNoOfThreads ; i++){
- if (!ThreadReady[i]) cont = 1;
- }
- }
- }//if(18 == nTest)
- } //if(!nTest)
- ndbout << "--------------------------------------------------" << endl;
- for (i = 0; i < tNoOfThreads ; i++) ThreadReady[i] = 0;
- // Signaling threads to stop
- for (i = 0; i < tNoOfThreads ; i++) ThreadStart[i] = 999;
- // Wait for threads to stop
- cont = 1;
- do {
- NdbSleep_MilliSleep(1);
- cont = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < tNoOfThreads ; i++){
- if (ThreadReady[i] == 0) cont = 1;
- }
- } while (cont == 1);
- delete pMyNdb ;
- ndbout << endl << "Ronja Benchmark completed" << endl;
- return NDBT_ProgramExit(NDBT_OK) ;
- error_input:
- ndbout << endl << " Ivalid parameter(s)" << endl;
- ndbout << " Usage: benchronja [-t threads][-r rec] [-o ops] [-c ops_per_exec] [-p test], where:" << endl;
- ndbout << " threads - the number of threads to start; default: 1" << endl;
- ndbout << " rec - the number of records in the tables; default: 500" << endl;
- ndbout << " ops - the number of operations per transaction; default: 100000" << endl;
- ndbout << " ops_per_exec - the number of operations per execution; default: 1" << endl ;
- ndbout << " test - the number of test to execute; 19 executes all available tests; default: 0"<< endl ;
- ndbout << " which enters a loop expecting manual input of test number to execute." << endl << endl ;
- delete pMyNdb ;
- return NDBT_ProgramExit(NDBT_WRONGARGS) ;
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////////
- void commitTrans(Ndb* aNdb, NdbConnection* aCon)
- {
- int ret = aCon->execute(Commit);
- assert (ret != -1);
- aNdb->closeTransaction(aCon);
- }
- void rollbackTrans(Ndb* aNdb, NdbConnection* aCon)
- {
- int ret = aCon->execute(Rollback);
- assert (ret != -1);
- aNdb->closeTransaction(aCon);
- }
- void updateNoCommit(NdbConnection* aCon, Uint32* flip, unsigned int key)
- {
- NdbOperation* theOperation;
- *flip = *flip + 1;
- theOperation = aCon->getNdbOperation("SHORT_REC");
- theOperation->updateTuple();
- theOperation->equal((Uint32)0, key);
- theOperation->setValue((Uint32)1, (char*)flip);
- int ret = aCon->execute(NoCommit);
- assert (ret != -1);
- }
- void updateNoCommitFail(NdbConnection* aCon, unsigned int key)
- {
- NdbOperation* theOperation;
- Uint32 flip = 0;
- theOperation = aCon->getNdbOperation("SHORT_REC");
- theOperation->updateTuple();
- theOperation->equal((Uint32)0, key);
- theOperation->setValue((Uint32)1, (char*)flip);
- int ret = aCon->execute(NoCommit);
- assert (ret == -1);
- }
- void deleteNoCommit(NdbConnection* aCon, Uint32* flip, unsigned int key)
- {
- NdbOperation* theOperation;
- *flip = 0;
- theOperation = aCon->getNdbOperation("SHORT_REC");
- theOperation->deleteTuple();
- theOperation->equal((Uint32)0, key);
- int ret = aCon->execute(NoCommit);
- assert (ret != -1);
- }
- void insertNoCommit(NdbConnection* aCon, Uint32* flip, unsigned int key)
- {
- NdbOperation* theOperation;
- Uint32 placeholder[100];
- *flip = *flip + 1;
- theOperation = aCon->getNdbOperation("SHORT_REC");
- theOperation->insertTuple();
- theOperation->equal((Uint32)0, key);
- theOperation->setValue((Uint32)1, (char*)flip);
- theOperation->setValue((Uint32)2, (char*)&placeholder[0]);
- theOperation->setValue((Uint32)3, (char*)&placeholder[0]);
- int ret = aCon->execute(NoCommit);
- assert (ret != -1);
- }
- void writeNoCommit(NdbConnection* aCon, Uint32* flip, unsigned int key)
- {
- NdbOperation* theOperation;
- Uint32 placeholder[100];
- *flip = *flip + 1;
- theOperation = aCon->getNdbOperation("SHORT_REC");
- theOperation->writeTuple();
- theOperation->equal((Uint32)0, key);
- theOperation->setValue((Uint32)1, (char*)flip);
- theOperation->setValue((Uint32)2, (char*)&placeholder[0]);
- theOperation->setValue((Uint32)3, (char*)&placeholder[0]);
- int ret = aCon->execute(NoCommit);
- assert (ret != -1);
- }
- void readNoCommit(NdbConnection* aCon, Uint32* flip, Uint32 key, int expected_ret)
- {
- NdbOperation* theOperation;
- Uint32 readFlip;
- theOperation = aCon->getNdbOperation("SHORT_REC");
- theOperation->readTuple();
- theOperation->equal((Uint32)0, key);
- theOperation->getValue((Uint32)1, (char*)&readFlip);
- int ret = aCon->execute(NoCommit);
- assert (ret == expected_ret);
- if (ret == 0)
- assert (*flip == readFlip);
- }
- void readDirtyNoCommit(NdbConnection* aCon, Uint32* flip, Uint32 key, int expected_ret)
- {
- NdbOperation* theOperation;
- Uint32 readFlip;
- theOperation = aCon->getNdbOperation("SHORT_REC");
- theOperation->committedRead();
- theOperation->equal((Uint32)0, key);
- theOperation->getValue((Uint32)1, (char*)&readFlip);
- int ret = aCon->execute(NoCommit);
- assert (ret == expected_ret);
- if (ret == 0)
- assert (*flip == readFlip);
- }
- void readVerify(Ndb* aNdb, Uint32* flip, Uint32 key, int expected_ret)
- {
- NdbConnection* theTransaction;
- theTransaction = aNdb->startTransaction();
- readNoCommit(theTransaction, flip, key, expected_ret);
- commitTrans(aNdb, theTransaction);
- }
- void readDirty(Ndb* aNdb, Uint32* flip, Uint32 key, int expected_ret)
- {
- NdbOperation* theOperation;
- NdbConnection* theTransaction;
- Uint32 readFlip;
- theTransaction = aNdb->startTransaction();
- theOperation = theTransaction->getNdbOperation("SHORT_REC");
- theOperation->committedRead();
- theOperation->equal((Uint32)0, key);
- theOperation->getValue((Uint32)1, (char*)&readFlip);
- int ret = theTransaction->execute(Commit);
- assert (ret == expected_ret);
- if (ret == 0)
- assert (*flip == readFlip);
- aNdb->closeTransaction(theTransaction);
- }
- int multiRecordTest(Ndb* aNdb, unsigned int key)
- {
- NdbConnection* theTransaction;
- Uint32 flip = 0;
- Uint32 save_flip;
- ndbout << "0" << endl;
- theTransaction = aNdb->startTransaction();
- updateNoCommit(theTransaction, &flip, key);
- readNoCommit(theTransaction, &flip, key, 0);
- updateNoCommit(theTransaction, &flip, key);
- readNoCommit(theTransaction, &flip, key, 0);
- commitTrans(aNdb, theTransaction);
- ndbout << "1 " << endl;
- readVerify(aNdb, &flip, key, 0);
- readDirty(aNdb, &flip, key, 0);
- save_flip = flip;
- ndbout << "1.1 " << endl;
- theTransaction = aNdb->startTransaction();
- deleteNoCommit(theTransaction, &flip, key);
- readNoCommit(theTransaction, &flip, key, -1);
- readDirty(aNdb, &save_flip, key, 0); // COMMITTED READ!!!
- readDirtyNoCommit(theTransaction, &flip, key, -1);
- ndbout << "1.2 " << endl;
- insertNoCommit(theTransaction, &flip, key);
- readNoCommit(theTransaction, &flip, key, 0);
- readDirtyNoCommit(theTransaction, &flip, key, 0);
- readDirty(aNdb, &save_flip, key, 0); // COMMITTED READ!!!
- ndbout << "1.3 " << endl;
- updateNoCommit(theTransaction, &flip, key);
- readNoCommit(theTransaction, &flip, key, 0);
- readDirtyNoCommit(theTransaction, &flip, key, 0);
- readDirty(aNdb, &save_flip, key, 0); // COMMITTED READ!!!
- ndbout << "1.4 " << endl;
- commitTrans(aNdb, theTransaction);
- ndbout << "2 " << endl;
- readDirty(aNdb, &flip, key, 0); // COMMITTED READ!!!
- readVerify(aNdb, &flip, key, 0);
- save_flip = flip;
- theTransaction = aNdb->startTransaction();
- deleteNoCommit(theTransaction, &flip, key);
- readDirty(aNdb, &save_flip, key, 0); // COMMITTED READ!!!
- readDirtyNoCommit(theTransaction, &flip, key, -1); // COMMITTED READ!!!
- readNoCommit(theTransaction, &flip, key, -1);
- insertNoCommit(theTransaction, &flip, key);
- readNoCommit(theTransaction, &flip, key, 0);
- updateNoCommit(theTransaction, &flip, key);
- readNoCommit(theTransaction, &flip, key, 0);
- readDirty(aNdb, &save_flip, key, 0); // COMMITTED READ!!!
- readDirtyNoCommit(theTransaction, &flip, key, 0); // COMMITTED READ!!!
- deleteNoCommit(theTransaction, &flip, key);
- readNoCommit(theTransaction, &flip, key, -1);
- readDirty(aNdb, &save_flip, key, 0); // COMMITTED READ!!!
- readDirtyNoCommit(theTransaction, &flip, key, -1);
- rollbackTrans(aNdb, theTransaction);
- ndbout << "3 " << endl;
- flip = save_flip;
- readDirty(aNdb, &save_flip, key, 0); // COMMITTED READ!!!
- readVerify(aNdb, &flip, key, 0);
- theTransaction = aNdb->startTransaction();
- updateNoCommit(theTransaction, &flip, key);
- readDirty(aNdb, &save_flip, key, 0); // COMMITTED READ!!!
- readDirtyNoCommit(theTransaction, &flip, key, 0);
- readNoCommit(theTransaction, &flip, key, 0);
- deleteNoCommit(theTransaction, &flip, key);
- readNoCommit(theTransaction, &flip, key, -1);
- readDirtyNoCommit(theTransaction, &flip, key, -1);
- readDirty(aNdb, &save_flip, key, 0); // COMMITTED READ!!!
- insertNoCommit(theTransaction, &flip, key);
- readNoCommit(theTransaction, &flip, key, 0);
- readDirtyNoCommit(theTransaction, &flip, key, 0);
- readDirty(aNdb, &save_flip, key, 0); // COMMITTED READ!!!
- updateNoCommit(theTransaction, &flip, key);
- readNoCommit(theTransaction, &flip, key, 0);
- readDirtyNoCommit(theTransaction, &flip, key, 0);
- readDirty(aNdb, &save_flip, key, 0); // COMMITTED READ!!!
- deleteNoCommit(theTransaction, &flip, key);
- readDirty(aNdb, &save_flip, key, 0); // COMMITTED READ!!!
- readNoCommit(theTransaction, &flip, key, -1);
- readDirtyNoCommit(theTransaction, &flip, key, -1);
- commitTrans(aNdb, theTransaction);
- ndbout << "4 " << endl;
- readVerify(aNdb, &flip, key, -1);
- theTransaction = aNdb->startTransaction();
- insertNoCommit(theTransaction, &flip, key);
- readDirty(aNdb, &save_flip, key, -1); // COMMITTED READ!!!
- readNoCommit(theTransaction, &flip, key, 0);
- readDirtyNoCommit(theTransaction, &flip, key, 0);
- deleteNoCommit(theTransaction, &flip, key);
- readDirty(aNdb, &save_flip, key, -1); // COMMITTED READ!!!
- readNoCommit(theTransaction, &flip, key, -1);
- readDirtyNoCommit(theTransaction, &flip, key, -1);
- insertNoCommit(theTransaction, &flip, key);
- readDirty(aNdb, &save_flip, key, -1); // COMMITTED READ!!!
- readNoCommit(theTransaction, &flip, key, 0);
- readDirtyNoCommit(theTransaction, &flip, key, 0);
- updateNoCommit(theTransaction, &flip, key);
- readDirty(aNdb, &save_flip, key, -1); // COMMITTED READ!!!
- readNoCommit(theTransaction, &flip, key, 0);
- readDirtyNoCommit(theTransaction, &flip, key, 0);
- deleteNoCommit(theTransaction, &flip, key);
- readDirty(aNdb, &save_flip, key, -1); // COMMITTED READ!!!
- readNoCommit(theTransaction, &flip, key, -1);
- readDirtyNoCommit(theTransaction, &flip, key, -1);
- commitTrans(aNdb, theTransaction);
- ndbout << "5 " << endl;
- readDirty(aNdb, &flip, key, -1); // COMMITTED READ!!!
- readVerify(aNdb, &flip, key, -1);
- theTransaction = aNdb->startTransaction();
- insertNoCommit(theTransaction, &flip, key);
- readDirty(aNdb, &flip, key, -1); // COMMITTED READ!!!
- readDirtyNoCommit(theTransaction, &flip, key, 0); // COMMITTED READ!!!
- commitTrans(aNdb, theTransaction);
- readDirty(aNdb, &flip, key, 0); // COMMITTED READ!!!
- ndbout << "6 " << endl;
- theTransaction = aNdb->startTransaction();
- deleteNoCommit(theTransaction, &flip, key);
- updateNoCommitFail(theTransaction, key);
- rollbackTrans(aNdb, theTransaction);
- return 0;
- }
- int lookup(Ndb* aNdb, unsigned int key, unsigned int long_short, int guess){
- int placeholder[500];
- unsigned int flip, count;
- int ret_value, i;
- NdbConnection* theTransaction;
- NdbOperation* theOperation;
- if ( !aNdb ) return -1 ;
- if (guess != 0)
- theTransaction = aNdb->startTransaction((Uint32)0, (const char*)&key, (Uint32)4);
- else
- theTransaction = aNdb->startTransaction();
- for (i = 0; i < tNoOfOpsPerExecute; i++) {
- if (long_short == 0)
- theOperation = theTransaction->getNdbOperation("SHORT_REC");
- else
- theOperation = theTransaction->getNdbOperation("LONG_REC");
- if (theOperation == NULL) {
- ndbout << "Table missing" << endl;
- aNdb->closeTransaction(theTransaction) ;
- return -1;
- }//if
- theOperation->simpleRead();
- theOperation->equal((Uint32)0, key);
- theOperation->getValue((Uint32)1, (char*)&flip);
- theOperation->getValue((Uint32)2, (char*)&count);
- if (theOperation->getValue((Uint32)3, (char*)&placeholder[0]) == NULL) {
- ndbout << "Error in definition phase = " << theTransaction->getNdbError() << endl;
- aNdb->closeTransaction(theTransaction);
- return -1;
- }//if
- }//for
- ret_value = theTransaction->execute(Commit);
- if (ret_value == -1)
- ndbout << "Error in lookup:" << theTransaction->getNdbError() << endl;
- aNdb->closeTransaction(theTransaction);
- return ret_value;
- }//lookup()
- int update(Ndb* aNdb, unsigned int key, unsigned int long_short, int guess)
- {
- int placeholder[500];
- int ret_value, i;
- unsigned int flip, count;
- NdbConnection* theTransaction;
- NdbOperation* theOperation;
- if ( !aNdb ) return -1 ;
- if (guess != 0)
- theTransaction = aNdb->startTransaction((Uint32)0, (const char*)&key, (Uint32)4);
- else
- theTransaction = aNdb->startTransaction();
- for (i = 0; i < tNoOfOpsPerExecute; i++) {
- if (long_short == 0)
- theOperation = theTransaction->getNdbOperation("SHORT_REC"); // Use table SHORT_REC
- else
- theOperation = theTransaction->getNdbOperation("LONG_REC"); // Use table LONG_REC
- if (theOperation == NULL) {
- ndbout << "Table missing" << endl;
- aNdb->closeTransaction(theTransaction) ;
- delete aNdb ;
- return -1;
- }//if
- theOperation->interpretedUpdateTuple(); // Send interpreted program to NDB kernel
- theOperation->equal((Uint32)0, key); // Search key
- theOperation->getValue((Uint32)1, (char*)&flip); // Read value of flip
- theOperation->getValue((Uint32)2, (char*)&count); // Read value of count
- theOperation->getValue((Uint32)3, (char*)&placeholder[0]); // Read value of placeholder
- theOperation->load_const_u32((Uint32)1, (Uint32)0); // Load register 1 with 0
- theOperation->read_attr((Uint32)1, (Uint32)2); // Read Flip value into register 2
- theOperation->branch_eq((Uint32)1, (Uint32)2, (Uint32)0); // If Flip (register 2) == 0 (register 1) goto label 0
- theOperation->branch_label((Uint32)1); // Goto label 1
- theOperation->def_label((Uint32)0); // Define label 0
- theOperation->load_const_u32((Uint32)1, (Uint32)1); // Load register 1 with 1
- theOperation->def_label((Uint32)1); // Define label 0
- theOperation->write_attr((Uint32)1, (Uint32)1); // Write 1 (register 1) into Flip
- ret_value = theOperation->incValue((Uint32)2, (Uint32)1); // Increment Count by 1
- if (ret_value == -1) {
- ndbout << "Error in definition phase " << endl;
- aNdb->closeTransaction(theTransaction);
- return ret_value;
- }//if
- }//for
- ret_value = theTransaction->execute(Commit); // Perform the actual read and update
- if (ret_value == -1) {
- ndbout << "Error in update:" << theTransaction->getNdbError() << endl;
- aNdb->closeTransaction(theTransaction); // < epaulsa
- return ret_value ;
- }//if
- aNdb->closeTransaction(theTransaction);
- return ret_value;
- }//update()
- int update_bug(Ndb* aNdb, unsigned int key, unsigned int long_short)
- {
- int placeholder[500];
- int ret_value, i;
- unsigned int flip, count;
- NdbConnection* theTransaction;
- NdbOperation* theOperation;
- if ( !aNdb ) return -1 ;
- theTransaction = aNdb->startTransaction();
- for (i = 0; i < tNoOfOpsPerExecute; i++) {
- if (long_short == 0)
- theOperation = theTransaction->getNdbOperation("SHORT_REC"); // Use table SHORT_REC
- else
- theOperation = theTransaction->getNdbOperation("LONG_REC"); // Use table LONG_REC
- if (theOperation == NULL) {
- ndbout << "Table missing" << endl;
- aNdb->closeTransaction(theTransaction) ;
- return -1;
- }//if
- theOperation->interpretedUpdateTuple(); // Send interpreted program to NDB kernel
- theOperation->equal((Uint32)0, key); // Search key
- theOperation->getValue((Uint32)1, (char*)&flip); // Read value of flip
- theOperation->getValue((Uint32)2, (char*)&count); // Read value of count
- theOperation->getValue((Uint32)3, (char*)&placeholder[0]); // Read value of placeholder
- theOperation->load_const_u32((Uint32)1, (Uint32)0); // Load register 1 with 0
- theOperation->read_attr((Uint32)1, (Uint32)2); // Read Flip value into register 2
- theOperation->branch_eq((Uint32)1, (Uint32)2, (Uint32)0); // If Flip (register 2) == 0 (register 1) goto label 0
- theOperation->branch_label((Uint32)1); // Goto label 1
- theOperation->def_label((Uint32)0); // Define label 0
- theOperation->load_const_u32((Uint32)1, (Uint32)1); // Load register 1 with 1
- theOperation->def_label((Uint32)1); // Define label 0
- theOperation->write_attr((Uint32)1, (Uint32)1); // Write 1 (register 1) into Flip
- ret_value = theOperation->incValue((Uint32)2, (Uint32)1); // Increment Count by 1
- if (ret_value == -1) {
- ndbout << "Error in definition phase " << endl;
- aNdb->closeTransaction(theTransaction);
- return ret_value;
- }//if
- }//for
- ret_value = theTransaction->execute(NoCommit); // Perform the actual read and update
- if (ret_value == -1) {
- ndbout << "Error in update:" << theTransaction->getNdbError() << endl;
- aNdb->closeTransaction(theTransaction);
- return ret_value ;
- }//if
- aNdb->closeTransaction(theTransaction);
- return ret_value;
- }//update_bug()
- int update_interpreter_test(Ndb* aNdb, unsigned int key, unsigned int long_short)
- {
- int placeholder[500];
- int ret_value, i;
- unsigned int flip, count;
- NdbConnection* theTransaction;
- NdbOperation* theOperation;
- Uint32 Tlabel = 0;
- if ( !aNdb ) return -1 ;
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Start the transaction and get a unique transaction id
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- theTransaction = aNdb->startTransaction();
- for (i = 0; i < tNoOfOpsPerExecute; i++) {
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Get the proper table object and load schema information if not already
- // present.
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- if (long_short == 0)
- theOperation = theTransaction->getNdbOperation("SHORT_REC"); // Use table SHORT_REC
- else
- theOperation = theTransaction->getNdbOperation("LONG_REC"); // Use table LONG_REC
- if (theOperation == NULL) {
- ndbout << "Table missing" << endl;
- aNdb->closeTransaction(theTransaction) ;
- return -1;
- }//if
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Define the operation type and the tuple key (primary key in this case).
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- theOperation->interpretedUpdateTuple(); // Send interpreted program to NDB kernel
- theOperation->equal((Uint32)0, key); // Search key
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Perform initial read of attributes before updating them
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- theOperation->getValue((Uint32)1, (char*)&flip); // Read value of flip
- theOperation->getValue((Uint32)2, (char*)&count); // Read value of count
- theOperation->getValue((Uint32)3, (char*)&placeholder[0]); // Read value of placeholder
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Test that the various branch operations can handle things correctly.
- // Test first 2 + 3 = 5 with 32 bit registers
- // Next test the same with 32 bit + 64 bit = 64
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- theOperation->load_const_u32((Uint32)4, (Uint32)0); // Load register 4 with 0
- theOperation->load_const_u32((Uint32)0, (Uint32)0);
- theOperation->load_const_u32((Uint32)1, (Uint32)3);
- theOperation->load_const_u32((Uint32)2, (Uint32)5);
- theOperation->load_const_u32((Uint32)3, (Uint32)1);
- theOperation->def_label(Tlabel++);
- theOperation->def_label(Tlabel++);
- theOperation->sub_reg((Uint32)2, (Uint32)3, (Uint32)2);
- theOperation->branch_ne((Uint32)2, (Uint32)0, (Uint32)0);
- theOperation->load_const_u32((Uint32)2, (Uint32)5);
- theOperation->sub_reg((Uint32)1, (Uint32)3, (Uint32)1);
- theOperation->branch_ne((Uint32)1, (Uint32)0, (Uint32)1);
- theOperation->load_const_u32((Uint32)1, (Uint32)2); // Load register 1 with 2
- theOperation->load_const_u32((Uint32)2, (Uint32)3); // Load register 2 with 3
- theOperation->add_reg((Uint32)1, (Uint32)2, (Uint32)1); // 2+3 = 5 into reg 1
- theOperation->load_const_u32((Uint32)2, (Uint32)5); // Load register 2 with 5
- theOperation->def_label(Tlabel++);
- theOperation->branch_eq((Uint32)1, (Uint32)2, Tlabel);
- theOperation->interpret_exit_nok((Uint32)6001);
- theOperation->def_label(Tlabel++);
- theOperation->branch_ne((Uint32)1, (Uint32)2, Tlabel);
- theOperation->branch_label(Tlabel + 1);
- theOperation->def_label(Tlabel++);
- theOperation->interpret_exit_nok((Uint32)6002);
- theOperation->def_label(Tlabel++);
- theOperation->branch_lt((Uint32)1, (Uint32)2, Tlabel);
- theOperation->branch_label(Tlabel + 1);
- theOperation->def_label(Tlabel++);
- theOperation->interpret_exit_nok((Uint32)6003);
- theOperation->def_label(Tlabel++);
- theOperation->branch_gt((Uint32)1, (Uint32)2, Tlabel);
- theOperation->branch_label(Tlabel + 1);
- theOperation->def_label(Tlabel++);
- theOperation->interpret_exit_nok((Uint32)6005);
- theOperation->def_label(Tlabel++);
- theOperation->branch_eq_null((Uint32)1, Tlabel);
- theOperation->branch_label(Tlabel + 1);
- theOperation->def_label(Tlabel++);
- theOperation->interpret_exit_nok((Uint32)6006);
- theOperation->def_label(Tlabel++);
- theOperation->branch_ne_null((Uint32)1,Tlabel);
- theOperation->interpret_exit_nok((Uint32)6007);
- theOperation->def_label(Tlabel++);
- theOperation->branch_ge((Uint32)1, (Uint32)2, Tlabel);
- theOperation->interpret_exit_nok((Uint32)6008);
- theOperation->def_label(Tlabel++);
- theOperation->branch_eq_null((Uint32)6,Tlabel);
- theOperation->interpret_exit_nok((Uint32)6009);
- theOperation->def_label(Tlabel++);
- theOperation->branch_ne_null((Uint32)6, Tlabel);
- theOperation->branch_label(Tlabel + 1);
- theOperation->def_label(Tlabel++);
- theOperation->interpret_exit_nok((Uint32)6010);
- theOperation->def_label(Tlabel++);
- theOperation->load_const_u32((Uint32)5, (Uint32)1);
- theOperation->add_reg((Uint32)4, (Uint32)5, (Uint32)4);
- theOperation->load_const_u32((Uint32)5, (Uint32)1);
- theOperation->branch_eq((Uint32)4, (Uint32)5, Tlabel);
- theOperation->load_const_u32((Uint32)5, (Uint32)2);
- theOperation->branch_eq((Uint32)4, (Uint32)5, (Tlabel + 1));
- theOperation->load_const_u32((Uint32)5, (Uint32)3);
- theOperation->branch_eq((Uint32)4, (Uint32)5, (Tlabel + 2));
- theOperation->load_const_u32((Uint32)5, (Uint32)4);
- theOperation->branch_eq((Uint32)4, (Uint32)5, (Tlabel + 3));
- theOperation->branch_label(Tlabel + 4);
- theOperation->def_label(Tlabel++);
- theOperation->load_const_u32((Uint32)1, (Uint32)200000);
- theOperation->load_const_u32((Uint32)2, (Uint32)300000);
- theOperation->add_reg((Uint32)1, (Uint32)2, (Uint32)1);
- theOperation->load_const_u32((Uint32)2, (Uint32)500000);
- theOperation->branch_label((Uint32)2);
- theOperation->def_label(Tlabel++);
- theOperation->load_const_u32((Uint32)1, (Uint32)200000);
- theOperation->load_const_u32((Uint32)2, (Uint32)300000);
- theOperation->add_reg((Uint32)1, (Uint32)2, (Uint32)1);
- theOperation->load_const_u32((Uint32)2, (Uint32)500000);
- theOperation->branch_label((Uint32)2);
- theOperation->def_label(Tlabel++);
- theOperation->load_const_u32((Uint32)1, (Uint32)2);
- Uint64 x = 0;
- theOperation->load_const_u64((Uint32)2, (Uint64)(x - 1));
- theOperation->add_reg((Uint32)1, (Uint32)2, (Uint32)1);
- theOperation->load_const_u32((Uint32)2, (Uint32)1);
- theOperation->branch_label((Uint32)2);
- theOperation->def_label(Tlabel++);
- theOperation->load_const_u32((Uint32)1, (Uint32)2);
- theOperation->load_const_u64((Uint32)2, (Uint64)(x - 1));
- theOperation->add_reg((Uint32)1, (Uint32)2, (Uint32)1);
- theOperation->load_const_u64((Uint32)2, (Uint64)1);
- theOperation->branch_label((Uint32)2);
- theOperation->def_label(Tlabel++);
- theOperation->read_attr((Uint32)1, (Uint32)2);
- theOperation->branch_eq((Uint32)1, (Uint32)2, Tlabel);
- theOperation->load_const_u32((Uint32)1, (Uint32)0);
- theOperation->branch_label(Tlabel + 1);
- theOperation->def_label(Tlabel++);
- theOperation->load_const_u32((Uint32)1, (Uint32)1);
- theOperation->def_label(Tlabel++);
- theOperation->write_attr((Uint32)1, (Uint32)1);
- ret_value = theOperation->incValue((Uint32)2, (Uint32)1);
- if (ret_value == -1) {
- ndbout << "Error in definition phase " << endl;
- ndbout << "Error = " << theOperation->getNdbError() << " on line = " << theOperation->getNdbErrorLine() << endl;
- aNdb->closeTransaction(theTransaction);
- return ret_value;
- }//if
- }//for
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ret_value = theTransaction->execute(Commit); // Perform the actual read and update
- if (ret_value == -1) {
- ndbout << "Error in update:" << theTransaction->getNdbError() << endl;
- aNdb->closeTransaction(theTransaction); // < epaulsa
- return ret_value ;
- }//if
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- aNdb->closeTransaction(theTransaction);
- return ret_value;
- }//update_interpreter_test()
- void* ThreadExec(void* ThreadData){
- ThreadNdb* tabThread = (ThreadNdb*)ThreadData;
- Ndb* pMyNdb = NULL ;
- myRandom48Init(NdbTick_CurrentMillisecond());
- int Tsuccess = 0 ;
- int check = 0 ;
- int loop_count_ops = 0;
- int count, i, Ti;
- int tType = 0 ;
- int remType = 0 ;
- unsigned int thread_no = 0 ;
- unsigned long total_milliseconds;
- unsigned int key = 0 ;
- unsigned int prob = 0 ;
- unsigned long transaction_time = 0 ;
- unsigned long transaction_max_time = 0 ;
- unsigned long min_time, max_time[MAX_TIMERS];
- double mean_time, mean_square_time, std_time;
- thread_no = tabThread->ThreadNo;
- pMyNdb = tabThread->NdbRef;
- if (!pMyNdb) {
- pMyNdb = new Ndb( "TEST_DB" );
- pMyNdb->init();
- }//if
- for (;;){
- min_time = 0xFFFFFFFF;
- //for (Ti = 0; Ti < MAX_TIMERS ; Ti++) max_time[Ti] = 0;
- memset(&max_time, 0, sizeof max_time) ;
- mean_time = 0;
- mean_square_time = 0;
- ThreadReady[thread_no] = 1;
- while (!ThreadStart[thread_no]){
- NdbSleep_MilliSleep(1);
- }
- // Check if signal to exit is received
- if (ThreadStart[thread_no] == 999){
- delete pMyNdb;
- pMyNdb = NULL ;
- ThreadReady[thread_no] = 1;
- return 0 ;
- }//if
- tType = ThreadStart[thread_no];
- remType = tType;
- ThreadStart[thread_no] = 0;
- ThreadReady[thread_no] = 0 ;
- // Start transaction, type of transaction
- // is received in the array ThreadStart
- loop_count_ops = tNoOfOperations;
- for (count=0 ; count < loop_count_ops ; count++) {
- Tsuccess = 0;
- //----------------------------------------------------
- // Generate a random key between 0 and tNoOfRecords - 1
- //----------------------------------------------------
- key = myRandom48(tNoOfRecords);
- //----------------------------------------------------
- // Start time measurement of transaction.
- //----------------------------------------------------
- //do {
- switch (remType){
- case 1:
- //----------------------------------------------------
- // Only lookups in short record table
- //----------------------------------------------------
- Tsuccess = lookup(pMyNdb, key, 0, 1);
- break;
- case 2:
- //----------------------------------------------------
- // Only lookups in long record table
- //----------------------------------------------------
- Tsuccess = lookup(pMyNdb, key, 1, 1);
- break;
- case 3:
- //----------------------------------------------------
- // Only updates in short record table
- //----------------------------------------------------
- Tsuccess = update(pMyNdb, key, 0, 1);
- break;
- case 4:
- //----------------------------------------------------
- // Only updates in long record table
- //----------------------------------------------------
- Tsuccess = update(pMyNdb, key, 1, 1);
- break;
- case 5:
- //----------------------------------------------------
- // 50% read/50 % update in short record table
- //----------------------------------------------------
- prob = myRandom48(100);
- if (prob < 50)
- Tsuccess = update(pMyNdb, key, 0, 1);
- else
- Tsuccess = lookup(pMyNdb, key, 0, 1);
- break;
- case 6:
- //----------------------------------------------------
- // 50% read/50 % update in long record table
- //----------------------------------------------------
- prob = myRandom48(100);
- if (prob < 50)
- Tsuccess = update(pMyNdb, key, 1, 1);
- else
- Tsuccess = lookup(pMyNdb, key, 1, 1);
- break;
- case 7:
- //----------------------------------------------------
- // 80 read/20 % update in short record table
- //----------------------------------------------------
- prob = myRandom48(100);
- if (prob < 20)
- Tsuccess = update(pMyNdb, key, 0, 1);
- else
- Tsuccess = lookup(pMyNdb, key, 0, 1);
- break;
- case 8:
- //----------------------------------------------------
- // 80 read/20 % update in long record table
- //----------------------------------------------------
- prob = myRandom48(100);
- if (prob < 20)
- Tsuccess = update(pMyNdb, key, 1, 1);
- else
- Tsuccess = lookup(pMyNdb, key, 1, 1);
- break;
- case 9:
- //----------------------------------------------------
- // 25 read short/25 % read long/25 % update short/25 % update long
- //----------------------------------------------------
- prob = myRandom48(100);
- if (prob < 25)
- Tsuccess = update(pMyNdb, key, 0, 1);
- else if (prob < 50)
- Tsuccess = update(pMyNdb, key, 1, 1);
- else if (prob < 75)
- Tsuccess = lookup(pMyNdb, key, 0, 1);
- else
- Tsuccess = lookup(pMyNdb, key, 1, 1);
- break;
- case 10:
- //----------------------------------------------------
- // Test bug with replicated interpreted update, short table
- //----------------------------------------------------
- Tsuccess = update_bug(pMyNdb, key, 0);
- break;
- case 11:
- //----------------------------------------------------
- // Test interpreter functions, short table
- //----------------------------------------------------
- Tsuccess = update_interpreter_test(pMyNdb, key, 0);
- break;
- case 12:
- //----------------------------------------------------
- // Test bug with replicated interpreted update, long table
- //----------------------------------------------------
- Tsuccess = update_bug(pMyNdb, key, 1);
- break;
- case 13:
- //----------------------------------------------------
- // Test interpreter functions, long table
- //----------------------------------------------------
- Tsuccess = update_interpreter_test(pMyNdb, key, 1);
- break;
- case 14:
- //----------------------------------------------------
- // Only lookups in short record table
- //----------------------------------------------------
- Tsuccess = lookup(pMyNdb, key, 0, 0);
- break;
- case 15:
- //----------------------------------------------------
- // Only lookups in long record table
- //----------------------------------------------------
- Tsuccess = lookup(pMyNdb, key, 1, 0);
- break;
- case 16:
- //----------------------------------------------------
- // Only updates in short record table
- //----------------------------------------------------
- Tsuccess = update(pMyNdb, key, 0, 0);
- break;
- case 17:
- //----------------------------------------------------
- // Only updates in long record table
- //----------------------------------------------------
- Tsuccess = update(pMyNdb, key, 1, 0);
- break;
- case 18:
- Tsuccess = multiRecordTest(pMyNdb, key);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }//switch
- //} while (0);//
- if(-1 == Tsuccess) {
- NDBT_ProgramExit(NDBT_FAILED);
- exit(-1);
- } // for
- //----------------------------------------------------
- // Stop time measurement of transaction.
- //----------------------------------------------------
- transaction_time = (unsigned long)timer.elapsedTime() ;//stopTimer(&theStartTime);
- //----------------------------------------------------
- // Perform calculations of time measurements.
- //----------------------------------------------------
- transaction_max_time = transaction_time;
- for (Ti = 0; Ti < MAX_TIMERS; Ti++) {
- if (transaction_max_time > max_time[Ti]) {
- Uint32 tmp = max_time[Ti];
- max_time[Ti] = transaction_max_time;
- transaction_max_time = tmp;
- }//if
- }//if
- if (transaction_time < min_time) min_time = transaction_time;
- mean_time = (double)transaction_time + mean_time;
- mean_square_time = (double)(transaction_time * transaction_time) + mean_square_time;
- }//for
- //----------------------------------------------------
- // Calculate mean and standard deviation
- //----------------------------------------------------
- total_milliseconds = (unsigned long)timer_top.elapsedTime() ;//stopTimer(&total_time);
- mean_time = mean_time / loop_count_ops;
- mean_square_time = mean_square_time / loop_count_ops;
- std_time = sqrt(mean_square_time - (mean_time * mean_time));
- //----------------------------------------------------
- // Report statistics
- //----------------------------------------------------
- ndbout << "Thread = " << thread_no << " reporting:" << endl ;
- ndbout << "------------------------------" << endl ;
- ndbout << "Total time is " << (unsigned int)(total_milliseconds /1000);
- ndbout << " seconds and " << (unsigned int)(total_milliseconds % 1000);
- ndbout << " milliseconds" << endl;
- ndbout << "Minimum time = " << (unsigned int)min_time << " milliseconds" << endl;
- for (Ti = 0; Ti < MAX_TIMERS; Ti++) {
- ndbout << "Maximum timer " << Ti << " = " << (unsigned int)max_time[Ti] << " milliseconds" << endl;
- ndbout << "Mean time = " << (unsigned int)mean_time << " milliseconds" << endl;
- ndbout << "Standard deviation on time = " << (unsigned int)std_time;
- ndbout << " milliseconds" << endl << endl ;
- }//for
- ndbout << endl ;
- } // for(;;)
- delete pMyNdb ;
- return 0 ;
- }