- /* Copyright (C) 2003 MySQL AB
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */
- /*
- * testOIBasic - ordered index test
- */
- #include <ndb_global.h>
- #include <NdbMain.h>
- #include <NdbOut.hpp>
- #include <NdbApi.hpp>
- #include <NdbTest.hpp>
- #include <NdbMutex.h>
- #include <NdbCondition.h>
- #include <NdbThread.h>
- #include <NdbTick.h>
- #include <my_sys.h>
- // options
- struct Opt {
- // common options
- unsigned m_batch;
- const char* m_bound;
- const char* m_case;
- bool m_core;
- const char* m_csname;
- int m_die;
- bool m_dups;
- NdbDictionary::Object::FragmentType m_fragtype;
- unsigned m_subsubloop;
- const char* m_index;
- unsigned m_loop;
- bool m_msglock;
- bool m_nologging;
- bool m_noverify;
- unsigned m_pctnull;
- unsigned m_rows;
- unsigned m_samples;
- unsigned m_scanbat;
- unsigned m_scanpar;
- unsigned m_scanstop;
- unsigned m_seed;
- unsigned m_subloop;
- const char* m_table;
- unsigned m_threads;
- int m_v;
- Opt() :
- m_batch(32),
- m_bound("01234"),
- m_case(0),
- m_core(false),
- m_csname("latin1_bin"),
- m_cs(0),
- m_die(0),
- m_dups(false),
- m_fragtype(NdbDictionary::Object::FragUndefined),
- m_subsubloop(4),
- m_index(0),
- m_loop(1),
- m_msglock(true),
- m_nologging(false),
- m_noverify(false),
- m_pctnull(10),
- m_rows(1000),
- m_samples(0),
- m_scanbat(0),
- m_scanpar(0),
- m_scanstop(0),
- m_seed(0),
- m_subloop(4),
- m_table(0),
- m_threads(10),
- m_v(1) {
- }
- };
- static Opt g_opt;
- static void printcases();
- static void printtables();
- static void
- printhelp()
- {
- Opt d;
- ndbout
- << "usage: testOIbasic [options]" << endl
- << " -batch N pk operations in batch [" << d.m_batch << "]" << endl
- << " -bound xyz use only these bound types 0-4 [" << d.m_bound << "]" << endl
- << " -case abc only given test cases (letters a-z)" << endl
- << " -core core dump on error [" << d.m_core << "]" << endl
- << " -csname S charset (collation) of non-pk char column [" << d.m_csname << "]" << endl
- << " -die nnn exit immediately on NDB error code nnn" << endl
- << " -dups allow duplicate tuples from index scan [" << d.m_dups << "]" << endl
- << " -fragtype T fragment type single/small/medium/large" << endl
- << " -index xyz only given index numbers (digits 1-9)" << endl
- << " -loop N loop count full suite 0=forever [" << d.m_loop << "]" << endl
- << " -nologging create tables in no-logging mode" << endl
- << " -noverify skip index verifications" << endl
- << " -pctnull N pct NULL values in nullable column [" << d.m_pctnull << "]" << endl
- << " -rows N rows per thread [" << d.m_rows << "]" << endl
- << " -samples N samples for some timings (0=all) [" << d.m_samples << "]" << endl
- << " -scanbat N scan batch per fragment (ignored by ndb api) [" << d.m_scanbat << "]" << endl
- << " -scanpar N scan parallelism [" << d.m_scanpar << "]" << endl
- << " -seed N srandom seed 0=loop number[" << d.m_seed << "]" << endl
- << " -subloop N subtest loop count [" << d.m_subloop << "]" << endl
- << " -table xyz only given table numbers (digits 1-9)" << endl
- << " -threads N number of threads [" << d.m_threads << "]" << endl
- << " -vN verbosity [" << d.m_v << "]" << endl
- << " -h or -help print this help text" << endl
- ;
- printcases();
- printtables();
- }
- // not yet configurable
- static const bool g_store_null_key = true;
- // compare NULL like normal value (NULL < not NULL, NULL == NULL)
- static const bool g_compare_null = true;
- // log and error macros
- static NdbMutex *ndbout_mutex= NULL;
- static unsigned getthrno();
- static const char*
- getthrstr()
- {
- static char buf[20];
- unsigned n = getthrno();
- if (n == (unsigned)-1)
- strcpy(buf, "");
- else {
- unsigned m =
- g_opt.m_threads < 10 ? 1 :
- g_opt.m_threads < 100 ? 2 : 3;
- sprintf(buf, "[%0*u] ", m, n);
- }
- return buf;
- }
- #define LLN(n, s)
- do {
- if ((n) > g_opt.m_v) break;
- if (g_opt.m_msglock) NdbMutex_Lock(ndbout_mutex);
- ndbout << getthrstr() << s << endl;
- if (g_opt.m_msglock) NdbMutex_Unlock(ndbout_mutex);
- } while(0)
- #define LL0(s) LLN(0, s)
- #define LL1(s) LLN(1, s)
- #define LL2(s) LLN(2, s)
- #define LL3(s) LLN(3, s)
- #define LL4(s) LLN(4, s)
- #define LL5(s) LLN(5, s)
- // following check a condition and return -1 on failure
- #undef CHK // simple check
- #undef CHKTRY // check with action on fail
- #undef CHKCON // print NDB API errors on failure
- #define CHK(x) CHKTRY(x, ;)
- #define CHKTRY(x, act)
- do {
- if (x) break;
- LL0("line " << __LINE__ << ": " << #x << " failed");
- if (g_opt.m_core) abort();
- act;
- return -1;
- } while (0)
- #define CHKCON(x, con)
- do {
- if (x) break;
- LL0("line " << __LINE__ << ": " << #x << " failed");
- (con).printerror(ndbout);
- if (g_opt.m_core) abort();
- return -1;
- } while (0)
- // method parameters base class
- class Thr;
- class Con;
- class Tab;
- class Set;
- class Tmr;
- struct Par : public Opt {
- unsigned m_no;
- Con* m_con;
- Con& con() const { assert(m_con != 0); return *m_con; }
- const Tab* m_tab;
- const Tab& tab() const { assert(m_tab != 0); return *m_tab; }
- Set* m_set;
- Set& set() const { assert(m_set != 0); return *m_set; }
- Tmr* m_tmr;
- Tmr& tmr() const { assert(m_tmr != 0); return *m_tmr; }
- unsigned m_lno;
- unsigned m_slno;
- unsigned m_totrows;
- // value calculation
- unsigned m_range;
- unsigned m_pctrange;
- // choice of key
- bool m_randomkey;
- // do verify after read
- bool m_verify;
- // deadlock possible
- bool m_deadlock;
- // abort percentabge
- unsigned m_abortpct;
- // timer location
- Par(const Opt& opt) :
- Opt(opt),
- m_no(0),
- m_con(0),
- m_tab(0),
- m_set(0),
- m_tmr(0),
- m_lno(0),
- m_slno(0),
- m_totrows(m_threads * m_rows),
- m_range(m_rows),
- m_pctrange(0),
- m_randomkey(false),
- m_verify(false),
- m_deadlock(false),
- m_abortpct(0) {
- }
- };
- static bool
- usetable(unsigned i)
- {
- return g_opt.m_table == 0 || strchr(g_opt.m_table, '1' + i) != 0;
- }
- static bool
- useindex(unsigned i)
- {
- return g_opt.m_index == 0 || strchr(g_opt.m_index, '1' + i) != 0;
- }
- static unsigned
- thrrow(Par par, unsigned j)
- {
- return par.m_threads * j + par.m_no;
- }
- static bool
- isthrrow(Par par, unsigned i)
- {
- return i % par.m_threads == par.m_no;
- }
- // timer
- struct Tmr {
- void clr();
- void on();
- void off(unsigned cnt = 0);
- const char* time();
- const char* pct(const Tmr& t1);
- const char* over(const Tmr& t1);
- NDB_TICKS m_on;
- unsigned m_ms;
- unsigned m_cnt;
- char m_time[100];
- char m_text[100];
- Tmr() { clr(); }
- };
- void
- Tmr::clr()
- {
- m_on = m_ms = m_cnt = m_time[0] = m_text[0] = 0;
- }
- void
- Tmr::on()
- {
- assert(m_on == 0);
- m_on = NdbTick_CurrentMillisecond();
- }
- void
- Tmr::off(unsigned cnt)
- {
- NDB_TICKS off = NdbTick_CurrentMillisecond();
- assert(m_on != 0 && off >= m_on);
- m_ms += off - m_on;
- m_cnt += cnt;
- m_on = 0;
- }
- const char*
- Tmr::time()
- {
- if (m_cnt == 0) {
- sprintf(m_time, "%u ms", m_ms);
- } else {
- sprintf(m_time, "%u ms per %u ( %u ms per 1000 )", m_ms, m_cnt, (1000 * m_ms) / m_cnt);
- }
- return m_time;
- }
- const char*
- Tmr::pct(const Tmr& t1)
- {
- if (0 < t1.m_ms) {
- sprintf(m_text, "%u pct", (100 * m_ms) / t1.m_ms);
- } else {
- sprintf(m_text, "[cannot measure]");
- }
- return m_text;
- }
- const char*
- Tmr::over(const Tmr& t1)
- {
- if (0 < t1.m_ms) {
- if (t1.m_ms <= m_ms)
- sprintf(m_text, "%u pct", (100 * (m_ms - t1.m_ms)) / t1.m_ms);
- else
- sprintf(m_text, "-%u pct", (100 * (t1.m_ms - m_ms)) / t1.m_ms);
- } else {
- sprintf(m_text, "[cannot measure]");
- }
- return m_text;
- }
- // list of ints
- struct Lst {
- Lst();
- unsigned m_arr[1000];
- unsigned m_cnt;
- void push(unsigned i);
- unsigned cnt() const;
- void reset();
- };
- Lst::Lst() :
- m_cnt(0)
- {
- }
- void
- Lst::push(unsigned i)
- {
- assert(m_cnt < sizeof(m_arr)/sizeof(m_arr[0]));
- m_arr[m_cnt++] = i;
- }
- unsigned
- Lst::cnt() const
- {
- return m_cnt;
- }
- void
- Lst::reset()
- {
- m_cnt = 0;
- }
- // tables and indexes
- // Col - table column
- struct Col {
- unsigned m_num;
- const char* m_name;
- bool m_pk;
- NdbDictionary::Column::Type m_type;
- unsigned m_length;
- bool m_nullable;
- void verify(const void* addr) const;
- };
- void
- Col::verify(const void* addr) const
- {
- switch (m_type) {
- case NdbDictionary::Column::Unsigned:
- break;
- case NdbDictionary::Column::Varchar:
- {
- const unsigned char* p = (const unsigned char*)addr;
- unsigned n = (p[0] << 8) | p[1];
- assert(n <= m_length);
- unsigned i;
- for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
- assert(p[2 + i] != 0);
- }
- for (i = n; i < m_length; i++) {
- assert(p[2 + i] == 0);
- }
- }
- break;
- default:
- assert(false);
- break;
- }
- }
- static NdbOut&
- operator<<(NdbOut& out, const Col& col)
- {
- out << "col " << col.m_num;
- out << " " << col.m_name;
- switch (col.m_type) {
- case NdbDictionary::Column::Unsigned:
- out << " unsigned";
- break;
- case NdbDictionary::Column::Varchar:
- out << " varchar(" << col.m_length << ")";
- break;
- default:
- out << "type" << (int)col.m_type;
- assert(false);
- break;
- }
- out << (col.m_pk ? " pk" : "");
- out << (col.m_nullable ? " nullable" : "");
- return out;
- }
- // ICol - index column
- struct ICol {
- unsigned m_num;
- struct Col m_col;
- };
- // ITab - index
- struct ITab {
- const char* m_name;
- unsigned m_icols;
- const ICol* m_icol;
- };
- static NdbOut&
- operator<<(NdbOut& out, const ITab& itab)
- {
- out << "itab " << itab.m_name << " " << itab.m_icols;
- for (unsigned k = 0; k < itab.m_icols; k++) {
- out << endl;
- out << "icol " << k << " " << itab.m_icol[k].m_col;
- }
- return out;
- }
- // Tab - table
- struct Tab {
- const char* m_name;
- unsigned m_cols;
- const Col* m_col;
- unsigned m_itabs;
- const ITab* m_itab;
- };
- static NdbOut&
- operator<<(NdbOut& out, const Tab& tab)
- {
- out << "tab " << tab.m_name << " " << tab.m_cols;
- for (unsigned k = 0; k < tab.m_cols; k++) {
- out << endl;
- out << tab.m_col[k];
- }
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < tab.m_itabs; i++) {
- if (! useindex(i))
- continue;
- out << endl;
- out << tab.m_itab[i];
- }
- return out;
- }
- // tt1 + tt1x1 tt1x2 tt1x3 tt1x4 tt1x5
- static const Col
- tt1col[] = {
- { 0, "A", 1, NdbDictionary::Column::Unsigned, 1, 0 },
- { 1, "B", 0, NdbDictionary::Column::Unsigned, 1, 1 },
- { 2, "C", 0, NdbDictionary::Column::Unsigned, 1, 1 },
- { 3, "D", 0, NdbDictionary::Column::Unsigned, 1, 1 },
- { 4, "E", 0, NdbDictionary::Column::Unsigned, 1, 1 }
- };
- static const ICol
- tt1x1col[] = {
- { 0, tt1col[0] }
- };
- static const ICol
- tt1x2col[] = {
- { 0, tt1col[1] }
- };
- static const ICol
- tt1x3col[] = {
- { 0, tt1col[1] },
- { 1, tt1col[2] }
- };
- static const ICol
- tt1x4col[] = {
- { 0, tt1col[3] },
- { 1, tt1col[2] },
- { 2, tt1col[1] }
- };
- static const ICol
- tt1x5col[] = {
- { 0, tt1col[1] },
- { 1, tt1col[4] },
- { 2, tt1col[2] },
- { 3, tt1col[3] }
- };
- static const ITab
- tt1x1 = {
- "TT1X1", 1, tt1x1col
- };
- static const ITab
- tt1x2 = {
- "TT1X2", 1, tt1x2col
- };
- static const ITab
- tt1x3 = {
- "TT1X3", 2, tt1x3col
- };
- static const ITab
- tt1x4 = {
- "TT1X4", 3, tt1x4col
- };
- static const ITab
- tt1x5 = {
- "TT1X5", 4, tt1x5col
- };
- static const ITab
- tt1itab[] = {
- tt1x1,
- tt1x2,
- tt1x3,
- tt1x4,
- tt1x5
- };
- static const Tab
- tt1 = {
- "TT1", 5, tt1col, 5, tt1itab
- };
- // tt2 + tt2x1 tt2x2 tt2x3 tt2x4 tt2x5
- static const Col
- tt2col[] = {
- { 0, "A", 1, NdbDictionary::Column::Unsigned, 1, 0 },
- { 1, "B", 0, NdbDictionary::Column::Unsigned, 1, 1 },
- { 2, "C", 0, NdbDictionary::Column::Varchar, 20, 1 },
- { 3, "D", 0, NdbDictionary::Column::Varchar, 5, 1 },
- { 4, "E", 0, NdbDictionary::Column::Varchar, 5, 1 }
- };
- static const ICol
- tt2x1col[] = {
- { 0, tt2col[0] }
- };
- static const ICol
- tt2x2col[] = {
- { 0, tt2col[1] },
- { 1, tt2col[2] }
- };
- static const ICol
- tt2x3col[] = {
- { 0, tt2col[2] },
- { 1, tt2col[1] }
- };
- static const ICol
- tt2x4col[] = {
- { 0, tt2col[3] },
- { 1, tt2col[4] }
- };
- static const ICol
- tt2x5col[] = {
- { 0, tt2col[4] },
- { 1, tt2col[3] },
- { 2, tt2col[2] },
- { 3, tt2col[1] }
- };
- static const ITab
- tt2x1 = {
- "TT2X1", 1, tt2x1col
- };
- static const ITab
- tt2x2 = {
- "TT2X2", 2, tt2x2col
- };
- static const ITab
- tt2x3 = {
- "TT2X3", 2, tt2x3col
- };
- static const ITab
- tt2x4 = {
- "TT2X4", 2, tt2x4col
- };
- static const ITab
- tt2x5 = {
- "TT2X5", 4, tt2x5col
- };
- static const ITab
- tt2itab[] = {
- tt2x1,
- tt2x2,
- tt2x3,
- tt2x4,
- tt2x5
- };
- static const Tab
- tt2 = {
- "TT2", 5, tt2col, 5, tt2itab
- };
- // all tables
- static const Tab
- tablist[] = {
- tt1,
- tt2
- };
- static const unsigned
- tabcount = sizeof(tablist) / sizeof(tablist[0]);
- // connections
- static Ndb_cluster_connection* g_ncc = 0;
- struct Con {
- Ndb* m_ndb;
- NdbDictionary::Dictionary* m_dic;
- NdbConnection* m_tx;
- NdbOperation* m_op;
- NdbScanOperation* m_scanop;
- NdbIndexScanOperation* m_indexscanop;
- NdbResultSet* m_resultset;
- enum ScanMode { ScanNo = 0, Committed, Latest, Exclusive };
- ScanMode m_scanmode;
- enum ErrType { ErrNone = 0, ErrDeadlock, ErrNospace, ErrOther };
- ErrType m_errtype;
- Con() :
- m_ndb(0), m_dic(0), m_tx(0), m_op(0),
- m_scanop(0), m_indexscanop(0), m_resultset(0), m_scanmode(ScanNo), m_errtype(ErrNone) {}
- ~Con() {
- if (m_tx != 0)
- closeTransaction();
- }
- int connect();
- void connect(const Con& con);
- void disconnect();
- int startTransaction();
- int getNdbOperation(const Tab& tab);
- int getNdbScanOperation(const Tab& tab);
- int getNdbScanOperation(const ITab& itab, const Tab& tab);
- int equal(int num, const char* addr);
- int getValue(int num, NdbRecAttr*& rec);
- int setValue(int num, const char* addr);
- int setBound(int num, int type, const void* value);
- int execute(ExecType t);
- int execute(ExecType t, bool& deadlock, bool& nospace);
- int openScanRead(unsigned scanbat, unsigned scanpar);
- int openScanExclusive(unsigned scanbat, unsigned scanpar);
- int executeScan();
- int nextScanResult(bool fetchAllowed);
- int nextScanResult(bool fetchAllowed, bool& deadlock);
- int updateScanTuple(Con& con2);
- int deleteScanTuple(Con& con2);
- void closeScan();
- void closeTransaction();
- void printerror(NdbOut& out);
- };
- int
- Con::connect()
- {
- assert(m_ndb == 0);
- m_ndb = new Ndb(g_ncc, "TEST_DB");
- CHKCON(m_ndb->init() == 0, *this);
- CHKCON(m_ndb->waitUntilReady(30) == 0, *this);
- m_tx = 0, m_op = 0;
- return 0;
- }
- void
- Con::connect(const Con& con)
- {
- assert(m_ndb == 0);
- m_ndb = con.m_ndb;
- }
- void
- Con::disconnect()
- {
- delete m_ndb;
- m_ndb = 0, m_dic = 0, m_tx = 0, m_op = 0;
- }
- int
- Con::startTransaction()
- {
- assert(m_ndb != 0);
- if (m_tx != 0)
- closeTransaction();
- CHKCON((m_tx = m_ndb->startTransaction()) != 0, *this);
- return 0;
- }
- int
- Con::getNdbOperation(const Tab& tab)
- {
- assert(m_tx != 0);
- CHKCON((m_op = m_tx->getNdbOperation(tab.m_name)) != 0, *this);
- return 0;
- }
- int
- Con::getNdbScanOperation(const Tab& tab)
- {
- assert(m_tx != 0);
- CHKCON((m_op = m_scanop = m_tx->getNdbScanOperation(tab.m_name)) != 0, *this);
- return 0;
- }
- int
- Con::getNdbScanOperation(const ITab& itab, const Tab& tab)
- {
- assert(m_tx != 0);
- CHKCON((m_op = m_scanop = m_indexscanop = m_tx->getNdbIndexScanOperation(itab.m_name, tab.m_name)) != 0, *this);
- return 0;
- }
- int
- Con::equal(int num, const char* addr)
- {
- assert(m_tx != 0 && m_op != 0);
- CHKCON(m_op->equal(num, addr) == 0, *this);
- return 0;
- }
- int
- Con::getValue(int num, NdbRecAttr*& rec)
- {
- assert(m_tx != 0 && m_op != 0);
- CHKCON((rec = m_op->getValue(num, 0)) != 0, *this);
- return 0;
- }
- int
- Con::setValue(int num, const char* addr)
- {
- assert(m_tx != 0 && m_op != 0);
- CHKCON(m_op->setValue(num, addr) == 0, *this);
- return 0;
- }
- int
- Con::setBound(int num, int type, const void* value)
- {
- assert(m_tx != 0 && m_op != 0);
- CHKCON(m_indexscanop->setBound(num, type, value) == 0, *this);
- return 0;
- }
- int
- Con::execute(ExecType t)
- {
- assert(m_tx != 0);
- CHKCON(m_tx->execute(t) == 0, *this);
- return 0;
- }
- int
- Con::execute(ExecType t, bool& deadlock, bool& nospace)
- {
- int ret = execute(t);
- if (ret != 0 && deadlock && m_errtype == ErrDeadlock) {
- LL3("caught deadlock");
- ret = 0;
- } else {
- deadlock = false;
- }
- if (ret != 0 && nospace && m_errtype == ErrNospace) {
- LL3("caught nospace");
- ret = 0;
- } else {
- nospace = false;
- }
- CHK(ret == 0);
- return 0;
- }
- int
- Con::openScanRead(unsigned scanbat, unsigned scanpar)
- {
- assert(m_tx != 0 && m_op != 0);
- NdbOperation::LockMode lm = NdbOperation::LM_Read;
- CHKCON((m_resultset = m_scanop->readTuples(lm, scanbat, scanpar)) != 0, *this);
- return 0;
- }
- int
- Con::openScanExclusive(unsigned scanbat, unsigned scanpar)
- {
- assert(m_tx != 0 && m_op != 0);
- NdbOperation::LockMode lm = NdbOperation::LM_Exclusive;
- CHKCON((m_resultset = m_scanop->readTuples(lm, scanbat, scanpar)) != 0, *this);
- return 0;
- }
- int
- Con::executeScan()
- {
- CHKCON(m_tx->execute(NoCommit) == 0, *this);
- return 0;
- }
- int
- Con::nextScanResult(bool fetchAllowed)
- {
- int ret;
- assert(m_resultset != 0);
- CHKCON((ret = m_resultset->nextResult(fetchAllowed)) != -1, *this);
- assert(ret == 0 || ret == 1 || (! fetchAllowed && ret == 2));
- return ret;
- }
- int
- Con::nextScanResult(bool fetchAllowed, bool& deadlock)
- {
- int ret = nextScanResult(fetchAllowed);
- if (ret == -1) {
- if (deadlock && m_errtype == ErrDeadlock) {
- LL3("caught deadlock");
- ret = 0;
- }
- } else {
- deadlock = false;
- }
- CHK(ret == 0 || ret == 1 || (! fetchAllowed && ret == 2));
- return ret;
- }
- int
- Con::updateScanTuple(Con& con2)
- {
- assert(con2.m_tx != 0);
- CHKCON((con2.m_op = m_resultset->updateTuple(con2.m_tx)) != 0, *this);
- return 0;
- }
- int
- Con::deleteScanTuple(Con& con2)
- {
- assert(con2.m_tx != 0);
- CHKCON(m_resultset->deleteTuple(con2.m_tx) == 0, *this);
- return 0;
- }
- void
- Con::closeScan()
- {
- assert(m_resultset != 0);
- m_resultset->close();
- m_scanop = 0, m_indexscanop = 0, m_resultset = 0;
- }
- void
- Con::closeTransaction()
- {
- assert(m_ndb != 0 && m_tx != 0);
- m_ndb->closeTransaction(m_tx);
- m_tx = 0, m_op = 0;
- m_scanop = 0, m_indexscanop = 0, m_resultset = 0;
- }
- void
- Con::printerror(NdbOut& out)
- {
- m_errtype = ErrOther;
- unsigned any = 0;
- int code;
- int die = 0;
- if (m_ndb) {
- if ((code = m_ndb->getNdbError().code) != 0) {
- LL0(++any << " ndb: error " << m_ndb->getNdbError());
- die += (code == g_opt.m_die);
- }
- if (m_dic && (code = m_dic->getNdbError().code) != 0) {
- LL0(++any << " dic: error " << m_dic->getNdbError());
- die += (code == g_opt.m_die);
- }
- if (m_tx) {
- if ((code = m_tx->getNdbError().code) != 0) {
- LL0(++any << " con: error " << m_tx->getNdbError());
- die += (code == g_opt.m_die);
- if (code == 266 || code == 274 || code == 296 || code == 297 || code == 499)
- m_errtype = ErrDeadlock;
- if (code == 826 || code == 827 || code == 902)
- m_errtype = ErrNospace;
- }
- if (m_op && m_op->getNdbError().code != 0) {
- LL0(++any << " op : error " << m_op->getNdbError());
- die += (code == g_opt.m_die);
- }
- }
- }
- if (! any) {
- LL0("failed but no NDB error code");
- }
- if (die) {
- if (g_opt.m_core)
- abort();
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- // dictionary operations
- static int
- invalidateindex(Par par, const ITab& itab)
- {
- Con& con = par.con();
- const Tab& tab = par.tab();
- con.m_ndb->getDictionary()->invalidateIndex(itab.m_name, tab.m_name);
- return 0;
- }
- static int
- invalidateindex(Par par)
- {
- Con& con = par.con();
- const Tab& tab = par.tab();
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < tab.m_itabs; i++) {
- if (! useindex(i))
- continue;
- const ITab& itab = tab.m_itab[i];
- invalidateindex(par, itab);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- static int
- invalidatetable(Par par)
- {
- Con& con = par.con();
- const Tab& tab = par.tab();
- invalidateindex(par);
- con.m_ndb->getDictionary()->invalidateTable(tab.m_name);
- return 0;
- }
- static int
- droptable(Par par)
- {
- Con& con = par.con();
- const Tab& tab = par.tab();
- con.m_dic = con.m_ndb->getDictionary();
- if (con.m_dic->getTable(tab.m_name) == 0) {
- // how to check for error
- LL4("no table " << tab.m_name);
- } else {
- LL3("drop table " << tab.m_name);
- CHKCON(con.m_dic->dropTable(tab.m_name) == 0, con);
- }
- con.m_dic = 0;
- return 0;
- }
- static int
- createtable(Par par)
- {
- Con& con = par.con();
- const Tab& tab = par.tab();
- LL3("create table " << tab.m_name);
- LL4(tab);
- NdbDictionary::Table t(tab.m_name);
- if (par.m_fragtype != NdbDictionary::Object::FragUndefined) {
- t.setFragmentType(par.m_fragtype);
- }
- if (par.m_nologging) {
- t.setLogging(false);
- }
- for (unsigned k = 0; k < tab.m_cols; k++) {
- const Col& col = tab.m_col[k];
- NdbDictionary::Column c(col.m_name);
- c.setType(col.m_type);
- c.setLength(col.m_length);
- c.setPrimaryKey(col.m_pk);
- c.setNullable(col.m_nullable);
- if (c.getCharset()) { // test if char type
- if (! col.m_pk)
- c.setCharset(par.m_cs);
- }
- t.addColumn(c);
- }
- con.m_dic = con.m_ndb->getDictionary();
- CHKCON(con.m_dic->createTable(t) == 0, con);
- con.m_dic = 0;
- return 0;
- }
- static int
- dropindex(Par par, const ITab& itab)
- {
- Con& con = par.con();
- const Tab& tab = par.tab();
- con.m_dic = con.m_ndb->getDictionary();
- if (con.m_dic->getIndex(itab.m_name, tab.m_name) == 0) {
- // how to check for error
- LL4("no index " << itab.m_name);
- } else {
- LL3("drop index " << itab.m_name);
- CHKCON(con.m_dic->dropIndex(itab.m_name, tab.m_name) == 0, con);
- }
- con.m_dic = 0;
- return 0;
- }
- static int
- dropindex(Par par)
- {
- const Tab& tab = par.tab();
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < tab.m_itabs; i++) {
- if (! useindex(i))
- continue;
- const ITab& itab = tab.m_itab[i];
- CHK(dropindex(par, itab) == 0);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- static int
- createindex(Par par, const ITab& itab)
- {
- Con& con = par.con();
- const Tab& tab = par.tab();
- LL3("create index " << itab.m_name);
- LL4(itab);
- NdbDictionary::Index x(itab.m_name);
- x.setTable(tab.m_name);
- x.setType(NdbDictionary::Index::OrderedIndex);
- x.setLogging(false);
- for (unsigned k = 0; k < itab.m_icols; k++) {
- const Col& col = itab.m_icol[k].m_col;
- x.addColumnName(col.m_name);
- }
- con.m_dic = con.m_ndb->getDictionary();
- CHKCON(con.m_dic->createIndex(x) == 0, con);
- con.m_dic = 0;
- return 0;
- }
- static int
- createindex(Par par)
- {
- const Tab& tab = par.tab();
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < tab.m_itabs; i++) {
- if (! useindex(i))
- continue;
- const ITab& itab = tab.m_itab[i];
- CHK(createindex(par, itab) == 0);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- // data sets
- static unsigned
- urandom(unsigned n)
- {
- if (n == 0)
- return 0;
- unsigned i = random() % n;
- return i;
- }
- static int
- irandom(unsigned n)
- {
- if (n == 0)
- return 0;
- int i = random() % n;
- if (random() & 0x1)
- i = -i;
- return i;
- }
- static bool
- randompct(unsigned pct)
- {
- if (pct == 0)
- return false;
- if (pct >= 100)
- return true;
- return urandom(100) < pct;
- }
- // Val - typed column value
- struct Val {
- const Col& m_col;
- union {
- Uint32 m_uint32;
- char* m_varchar;
- };
- Val(const Col& col);
- ~Val();
- void copy(const Val& val2);
- void copy(const void* addr);
- const void* dataaddr() const;
- bool m_null;
- int setval(Par par) const;
- void calc(Par par, unsigned i);
- int verify(const Val& val2) const;
- int cmp(const Val& val2) const;
- private:
- Val& operator=(const Val& val2);
- };
- static NdbOut&
- operator<<(NdbOut& out, const Val& val);
- Val::Val(const Col& col) :
- m_col(col)
- {
- switch (col.m_type) {
- case NdbDictionary::Column::Unsigned:
- break;
- case NdbDictionary::Column::Varchar:
- m_varchar = new char [2 + col.m_length];
- break;
- default:
- assert(false);
- break;
- }
- }
- Val::~Val()
- {
- const Col& col = m_col;
- switch (col.m_type) {
- case NdbDictionary::Column::Unsigned:
- break;
- case NdbDictionary::Column::Varchar:
- delete [] m_varchar;
- break;
- default:
- assert(false);
- break;
- }
- }
- void
- Val::copy(const Val& val2)
- {
- const Col& col = m_col;
- const Col& col2 = val2.m_col;
- assert(col.m_type == col2.m_type && col.m_length == col2.m_length);
- if (val2.m_null) {
- m_null = true;
- return;
- }
- copy(val2.dataaddr());
- }
- void
- Val::copy(const void* addr)
- {
- const Col& col = m_col;
- switch (col.m_type) {
- case NdbDictionary::Column::Unsigned:
- m_uint32 = *(const Uint32*)addr;
- break;
- case NdbDictionary::Column::Varchar:
- memcpy(m_varchar, addr, 2 + col.m_length);
- break;
- default:
- assert(false);
- break;
- }
- m_null = false;
- }
- const void*
- Val::dataaddr() const
- {
- const Col& col = m_col;
- switch (col.m_type) {
- case NdbDictionary::Column::Unsigned:
- return &m_uint32;
- case NdbDictionary::Column::Varchar:
- return m_varchar;
- default:
- break;
- }
- assert(false);
- return 0;
- }
- int
- Val::setval(Par par) const
- {
- Con& con = par.con();
- const Col& col = m_col;
- const char* addr = (const char*)dataaddr();
- if (m_null)
- addr = 0;
- if (col.m_pk)
- CHK(con.equal(col.m_num, addr) == 0);
- else
- CHK(con.setValue(col.m_num, addr) == 0);
- LL5("setval [" << m_col << "] " << *this);
- return 0;
- }
- void
- Val::calc(Par par, unsigned i)
- {
- const Col& col = m_col;
- m_null = false;
- if (col.m_pk) {
- m_uint32 = i;
- return;
- }
- if (col.m_nullable && urandom(100) < par.m_pctnull) {
- m_null = true;
- return;
- }
- unsigned v = par.m_range + irandom((par.m_pctrange * par.m_range) / 100);
- switch (col.m_type) {
- case NdbDictionary::Column::Unsigned:
- m_uint32 = v;
- break;
- case NdbDictionary::Column::Varchar:
- {
- unsigned n = 0;
- while (n < col.m_length) {
- if (urandom(1 + col.m_length) == 0) {
- // nice distribution on lengths
- break;
- }
- m_varchar[2 + n++] = 'a' + urandom((par.m_pctrange * 10) / 100);
- }
- m_varchar[0] = (n >> 8);
- m_varchar[1] = (n & 0xff);
- while (n < col.m_length) {
- m_varchar[2 + n++] = 0;
- }
- }
- break;
- default:
- assert(false);
- break;
- }
- // verify format
- col.verify(dataaddr());
- }
- int
- Val::verify(const Val& val2) const
- {
- CHK(cmp(val2) == 0);
- return 0;
- }
- int
- Val::cmp(const Val& val2) const
- {
- const Col& col = m_col;
- const Col& col2 = val2.m_col;
- assert(col.m_type == col2.m_type && col.m_length == col2.m_length);
- if (m_null || val2.m_null) {
- if (! m_null)
- return +1;
- if (! val2.m_null)
- return -1;
- return 0;
- }
- // verify data formats
- col.verify(dataaddr());
- col.verify(val2.dataaddr());
- // compare
- switch (col.m_type) {
- case NdbDictionary::Column::Unsigned:
- if (m_uint32 < val2.m_uint32)
- return -1;
- if (m_uint32 > val2.m_uint32)
- return +1;
- return 0;
- case NdbDictionary::Column::Varchar:
- return memcmp(&m_varchar[2], &val2.m_varchar[2], col.m_length);
- default:
- break;
- }
- assert(false);
- return 0;
- }
- static NdbOut&
- operator<<(NdbOut& out, const Val& val)
- {
- const Col& col = val.m_col;
- if (val.m_null) {
- out << "NULL";
- return out;
- }
- switch (col.m_type) {
- case NdbDictionary::Column::Unsigned:
- out << val.m_uint32;
- break;
- case NdbDictionary::Column::Varchar:
- {
- char buf[8000];
- unsigned n = (val.m_varchar[0] << 8) | val.m_varchar[1];
- assert(n <= col.m_length);
- sprintf(buf, "'%.*s'[%d]", n, &val.m_varchar[2], n);
- out << buf;
- }
- break;
- default:
- out << "type" << col.m_type;
- assert(false);
- break;
- }
- return out;
- }
- // Row - table tuple
- struct Row {
- const Tab& m_tab;
- Val** m_val;
- bool m_exist;
- enum Op { NoOp = 0, ReadOp, InsOp, UpdOp, DelOp };
- Op m_pending;
- Row(const Tab& tab);
- ~Row();
- void copy(const Row& row2);
- void calc(Par par, unsigned i);
- int verify(const Row& row2) const;
- int insrow(Par par);
- int updrow(Par par);
- int delrow(Par par);
- int selrow(Par par);
- int setrow(Par par);
- int cmp(const Row& row2) const;
- private:
- Row& operator=(const Row& row2);
- };
- Row::Row(const Tab& tab) :
- m_tab(tab)
- {
- m_val = new Val* [tab.m_cols];
- for (unsigned k = 0; k < tab.m_cols; k++) {
- const Col& col = tab.m_col[k];
- m_val[k] = new Val(col);
- }
- m_exist = false;
- m_pending = NoOp;
- }
- Row::~Row()
- {
- const Tab& tab = m_tab;
- for (unsigned k = 0; k < tab.m_cols; k++) {
- delete m_val[k];
- }
- delete [] m_val;
- }
- void
- Row::copy(const Row& row2)
- {
- const Tab& tab = m_tab;
- assert(&tab == &row2.m_tab);
- for (unsigned k = 0; k < tab.m_cols; k++) {
- Val& val = *m_val[k];
- const Val& val2 = *row2.m_val[k];
- val.copy(val2);
- }
- }
- void
- Row::calc(Par par, unsigned i)
- {
- const Tab& tab = m_tab;
- for (unsigned k = 0; k < tab.m_cols; k++) {
- Val& val = *m_val[k];
- val.calc(par, i);
- }
- }
- int
- Row::verify(const Row& row2) const
- {
- const Tab& tab = m_tab;
- assert(&tab == &row2.m_tab && m_exist && row2.m_exist);
- for (unsigned k = 0; k < tab.m_cols; k++) {
- const Val& val = *m_val[k];
- const Val& val2 = *row2.m_val[k];
- CHK(val.verify(val2) == 0);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int
- Row::insrow(Par par)
- {
- Con& con = par.con();
- const Tab& tab = m_tab;
- assert(! m_exist);
- CHK(con.getNdbOperation(tab) == 0);
- CHKCON(con.m_op->insertTuple() == 0, con);
- for (unsigned k = 0; k < tab.m_cols; k++) {
- const Val& val = *m_val[k];
- CHK(val.setval(par) == 0);
- }
- m_pending = InsOp;
- return 0;
- }
- int
- Row::updrow(Par par)
- {
- Con& con = par.con();
- const Tab& tab = m_tab;
- assert(m_exist);
- CHK(con.getNdbOperation(tab) == 0);
- CHKCON(con.m_op->updateTuple() == 0, con);
- for (unsigned k = 0; k < tab.m_cols; k++) {
- const Val& val = *m_val[k];
- CHK(val.setval(par) == 0);
- }
- m_pending = UpdOp;
- return 0;
- }
- int
- Row::delrow(Par par)
- {
- Con& con = par.con();
- const Tab& tab = m_tab;
- assert(m_exist);
- CHK(con.getNdbOperation(m_tab) == 0);
- CHKCON(con.m_op->deleteTuple() == 0, con);
- for (unsigned k = 0; k < tab.m_cols; k++) {
- const Val& val = *m_val[k];
- const Col& col = val.m_col;
- if (col.m_pk)
- CHK(val.setval(par) == 0);
- }
- m_pending = DelOp;
- return 0;
- }
- int
- Row::selrow(Par par)
- {
- Con& con = par.con();
- const Tab& tab = m_tab;
- CHK(con.getNdbOperation(m_tab) == 0);
- CHKCON(con.m_op->readTuple() == 0, con);
- for (unsigned k = 0; k < tab.m_cols; k++) {
- const Val& val = *m_val[k];
- const Col& col = val.m_col;
- if (col.m_pk)
- CHK(val.setval(par) == 0);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int
- Row::setrow(Par par)
- {
- Con& con = par.con();
- const Tab& tab = m_tab;
- for (unsigned k = 0; k < tab.m_cols; k++) {
- const Val& val = *m_val[k];
- const Col& col = val.m_col;
- if (! col.m_pk)
- CHK(val.setval(par) == 0);
- }
- m_pending = UpdOp;
- return 0;
- }
- int
- Row::cmp(const Row& row2) const
- {
- const Tab& tab = m_tab;
- assert(&tab == &row2.m_tab);
- int c = 0;
- for (unsigned k = 0; k < tab.m_cols; k++) {
- const Val& val = *m_val[k];
- const Val& val2 = *row2.m_val[k];
- if ((c = val.cmp(val2)) != 0)
- break;
- }
- return c;
- }
- static NdbOut&
- operator<<(NdbOut& out, const Row& row)
- {
- const Tab& tab = row.m_tab;
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < tab.m_cols; i++) {
- if (i > 0)
- out << " ";
- out << *row.m_val[i];
- }
- out << " [exist=" << row.m_exist;
- if (row.m_pending)
- out << " pending=" << row.m_pending;
- out << "]";
- return out;
- }
- // Set - set of table tuples
- struct Set {
- const Tab& m_tab;
- unsigned m_rows;
- Row** m_row;
- Row** m_saverow;
- Row* m_keyrow;
- NdbRecAttr** m_rec;
- Set(const Tab& tab, unsigned rows);
- ~Set();
- void reset();
- unsigned count() const;
- // row methods
- bool exist(unsigned i) const;
- Row::Op pending(unsigned i) const;
- void notpending(unsigned i, ExecType et = Commit);
- void notpending(const Lst& lst, ExecType et = Commit);
- void calc(Par par, unsigned i);
- int insrow(Par par, unsigned i);
- int updrow(Par par, unsigned i);
- int delrow(Par par, unsigned i);
- int selrow(Par par, unsigned i);
- int setrow(Par par, unsigned i);
- int getval(Par par);
- int getkey(Par par, unsigned* i);
- int putval(unsigned i, bool force);
- // set methods
- int verify(const Set& set2) const;
- void savepoint();
- void commit();
- void rollback();
- // protect structure
- NdbMutex* m_mutex;
- void lock() {
- NdbMutex_Lock(m_mutex);
- }
- void unlock() {
- NdbMutex_Unlock(m_mutex);
- }
- private:
- Set& operator=(const Set& set2);
- };
- Set::Set(const Tab& tab, unsigned rows) :
- m_tab(tab)
- {
- m_rows = rows;
- m_row = new Row* [m_rows];
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_rows; i++) {
- // allocate on need to save space
- m_row[i] = 0;
- }
- m_saverow = 0;
- m_keyrow = new Row(tab);
- m_rec = new NdbRecAttr* [tab.m_cols];
- for (unsigned k = 0; k < tab.m_cols; k++) {
- m_rec[k] = 0;
- }
- m_mutex = NdbMutex_Create();
- assert(m_mutex != 0);
- }
- Set::~Set()
- {
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_rows; i++) {
- delete m_row[i];
- if (m_saverow != 0)
- delete m_saverow[i];
- }
- delete [] m_row;
- delete [] m_saverow;
- delete m_keyrow;
- delete [] m_rec;
- NdbMutex_Destroy(m_mutex);
- }
- void
- Set::reset()
- {
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_rows; i++) {
- if (m_row[i] != 0) {
- Row& row = *m_row[i];
- row.m_exist = false;
- }
- }
- }
- unsigned
- Set::count() const
- {
- unsigned count = 0;
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_rows; i++) {
- if (m_row[i] != 0) {
- Row& row = *m_row[i];
- if (row.m_exist)
- count++;
- }
- }
- return count;
- }
- bool
- Set::exist(unsigned i) const
- {
- assert(i < m_rows);
- if (m_row[i] == 0) // not allocated => not exist
- return false;
- return m_row[i]->m_exist;
- }
- Row::Op
- Set::pending(unsigned i) const
- {
- assert(i < m_rows);
- if (m_row[i] == 0) // not allocated => not pending
- return Row::NoOp;
- return m_row[i]->m_pending;
- }
- void
- Set::calc(Par par, unsigned i)
- {
- const Tab& tab = m_tab;
- if (m_row[i] == 0)
- m_row[i] = new Row(tab);
- Row& row = *m_row[i];
- // value generation parameters
- par.m_pctrange = 40;
- row.calc(par, i);
- }
- int
- Set::insrow(Par par, unsigned i)
- {
- assert(m_row[i] != 0);
- Row& row = *m_row[i];
- CHK(row.insrow(par) == 0);
- return 0;
- }
- int
- Set::updrow(Par par, unsigned i)
- {
- assert(m_row[i] != 0);
- Row& row = *m_row[i];
- CHK(row.updrow(par) == 0);
- return 0;
- }
- int
- Set::delrow(Par par, unsigned i)
- {
- assert(m_row[i] != 0);
- Row& row = *m_row[i];
- CHK(row.delrow(par) == 0);
- return 0;
- }
- int
- Set::selrow(Par par, unsigned i)
- {
- Con& con = par.con();
- m_keyrow->calc(par, i);
- CHK(m_keyrow->selrow(par) == 0);
- CHK(getval(par) == 0);
- return 0;
- }
- int
- Set::setrow(Par par, unsigned i)
- {
- Con& con = par.con();
- assert(m_row[i] != 0);
- CHK(m_row[i]->setrow(par) == 0);
- return 0;
- }
- int
- Set::getval(Par par)
- {
- Con& con = par.con();
- const Tab& tab = m_tab;
- for (unsigned k = 0; k < tab.m_cols; k++) {
- CHK(con.getValue(k, m_rec[k]) == 0);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int
- Set::getkey(Par par, unsigned* i)
- {
- assert(m_rec[0] != 0);
- const char* aRef0 = m_rec[0]->aRef();
- Uint32 key = *(const Uint32*)aRef0;
- CHK(key < m_rows);
- *i = key;
- return 0;
- }
- int
- Set::putval(unsigned i, bool force)
- {
- const Tab& tab = m_tab;
- if (m_row[i] == 0)
- m_row[i] = new Row(tab);
- Row& row = *m_row[i];
- CHK(! row.m_exist || force);
- for (unsigned k = 0; k < tab.m_cols; k++) {
- Val& val = *row.m_val[k];
- NdbRecAttr* rec = m_rec[k];
- assert(rec != 0);
- if (rec->isNULL()) {
- val.m_null = true;
- continue;
- }
- const char* aRef = m_rec[k]->aRef();
- val.copy(aRef);
- val.m_null = false;
- }
- if (! row.m_exist)
- row.m_exist = true;
- return 0;
- }
- void
- Set::notpending(unsigned i, ExecType et)
- {
- assert(m_row[i] != 0);
- Row& row = *m_row[i];
- if (et == Commit) {
- if (row.m_pending == Row::InsOp)
- row.m_exist = true;
- if (row.m_pending == Row::DelOp)
- row.m_exist = false;
- } else {
- if (row.m_pending == Row::InsOp)
- row.m_exist = false;
- if (row.m_pending == Row::DelOp)
- row.m_exist = true;
- }
- row.m_pending = Row::NoOp;
- }
- void
- Set::notpending(const Lst& lst, ExecType et)
- {
- for (unsigned j = 0; j < lst.m_cnt; j++) {
- unsigned i = lst.m_arr[j];
- notpending(i, et);
- }
- }
- int
- Set::verify(const Set& set2) const
- {
- const Tab& tab = m_tab;
- assert(&tab == &set2.m_tab && m_rows == set2.m_rows);
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_rows; i++) {
- CHK(exist(i) == set2.exist(i));
- if (! exist(i))
- continue;
- Row& row = *m_row[i];
- Row& row2 = *set2.m_row[i];
- CHK(row.verify(row2) == 0);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- void
- Set::savepoint()
- {
- const Tab& tab = m_tab;
- assert(m_saverow == 0);
- m_saverow = new Row* [m_rows];
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_rows; i++) {
- if (m_row[i] == 0)
- m_saverow[i] = 0;
- else {
- m_saverow[i] = new Row(tab);
- m_saverow[i]->copy(*m_row[i]);
- }
- }
- }
- void
- Set::commit()
- {
- delete [] m_saverow;
- m_saverow = 0;
- }
- void
- Set::rollback()
- {
- assert(m_saverow != 0);
- m_row = m_saverow;
- m_saverow = 0;
- }
- static NdbOut&
- operator<<(NdbOut& out, const Set& set)
- {
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < set.m_rows; i++) {
- const Row& row = *set.m_row[i];
- if (i > 0)
- out << endl;
- out << row;
- }
- return out;
- }
- // BVal - range scan bound
- struct BVal : public Val {
- const ICol& m_icol;
- int m_type;
- BVal(const ICol& icol);
- int setbnd(Par par) const;
- };
- BVal::BVal(const ICol& icol) :
- Val(icol.m_col),
- m_icol(icol)
- {
- }
- int
- BVal::setbnd(Par par) const
- {
- Con& con = par.con();
- assert(g_compare_null || ! m_null);
- const char* addr = ! m_null ? (const char*)dataaddr() : 0;
- const ICol& icol = m_icol;
- CHK(con.setBound(icol.m_num, m_type, addr) == 0);
- return 0;
- }
- static NdbOut&
- operator<<(NdbOut& out, const BVal& bval)
- {
- const ICol& icol = bval.m_icol;
- const Col& col = icol.m_col;
- const Val& val = bval;
- out << "type " << bval.m_type;
- out << " icol " << icol.m_num;
- out << " col " << col.m_name << "(" << col.m_num << ")";
- out << " value " << val;
- return out;
- }
- // BSet - set of bounds
- struct BSet {
- const Tab& m_tab;
- const ITab& m_itab;
- unsigned m_alloc;
- unsigned m_bvals;
- BVal** m_bval;
- BSet(const Tab& tab, const ITab& itab, unsigned rows);
- ~BSet();
- void reset();
- void calc(Par par);
- void calcpk(Par par, unsigned i);
- int setbnd(Par par) const;
- void filter(const Set& set, Set& set2) const;
- };
- BSet::BSet(const Tab& tab, const ITab& itab, unsigned rows) :
- m_tab(tab),
- m_itab(itab),
- m_alloc(2 * itab.m_icols),
- m_bvals(0)
- {
- m_bval = new BVal* [m_alloc];
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_alloc; i++) {
- m_bval[i] = 0;
- }
- }
- BSet::~BSet()
- {
- delete [] m_bval;
- }
- void
- BSet::reset()
- {
- while (m_bvals > 0) {
- unsigned i = --m_bvals;
- delete m_bval[i];
- m_bval[i] = 0;
- }
- }
- void
- BSet::calc(Par par)
- {
- const ITab& itab = m_itab;
- reset();
- for (unsigned k = 0; k < itab.m_icols; k++) {
- const ICol& icol = itab.m_icol[k];
- const Col& col = icol.m_col;
- for (unsigned i = 0; i <= 1; i++) {
- if (urandom(10) == 0)
- return;
- assert(m_bvals < m_alloc);
- BVal& bval = *new BVal(icol);
- m_bval[m_bvals++] = &bval;
- bval.m_null = false;
- unsigned sel;
- do {
- // equality bound only on i==0
- sel = urandom(5 - i);
- } while (strchr(par.m_bound, '0' + sel) == 0);
- if (sel < 2)
- bval.m_type = 0 | (1 << i);
- else if (sel < 4)
- bval.m_type = 1 | (1 << i);
- else
- bval.m_type = 4;
- if (k + 1 < itab.m_icols)
- bval.m_type = 4;
- // value generation parammeters
- if (! g_compare_null)
- par.m_pctnull = 0;
- par.m_pctrange = 50; // bit higher
- do {
- bval.calc(par, 0);
- if (i == 1) {
- assert(m_bvals >= 2);
- const BVal& bv1 = *m_bval[m_bvals - 2];
- const BVal& bv2 = *m_bval[m_bvals - 1];
- if (bv1.cmp(bv2) > 0 && urandom(100) != 0)
- continue;
- }
- } while (0);
- // equality bound only once
- if (bval.m_type == 4)
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- void
- BSet::calcpk(Par par, unsigned i)
- {
- const ITab& itab = m_itab;
- reset();
- for (unsigned k = 0; k < itab.m_icols; k++) {
- const ICol& icol = itab.m_icol[k];
- const Col& col = icol.m_col;
- assert(col.m_pk);
- assert(m_bvals < m_alloc);
- BVal& bval = *new BVal(icol);
- m_bval[m_bvals++] = &bval;
- bval.m_type = 4;
- bval.calc(par, i);
- }
- }
- int
- BSet::setbnd(Par par) const
- {
- if (m_bvals != 0) {
- unsigned p1 = urandom(m_bvals);
- unsigned p2 = 10009; // prime
- // random order
- for (unsigned j = 0; j < m_bvals; j++) {
- unsigned k = p1 + p2 * j;
- const BVal& bval = *m_bval[k % m_bvals];
- CHK(bval.setbnd(par) == 0);
- }
- // duplicate
- if (urandom(5) == 0) {
- unsigned k = urandom(m_bvals);
- const BVal& bval = *m_bval[k];
- CHK(bval.setbnd(par) == 0);
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- void
- BSet::filter(const Set& set, Set& set2) const
- {
- const Tab& tab = m_tab;
- const ITab& itab = m_itab;
- assert(&tab == &set2.m_tab && set.m_rows == set2.m_rows);
- assert(set2.count() == 0);
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < set.m_rows; i++) {
- if (! set.exist(i))
- continue;
- const Row& row = *set.m_row[i];
- if (! g_store_null_key) {
- bool ok1 = false;
- for (unsigned k = 0; k < itab.m_icols; k++) {
- const ICol& icol = itab.m_icol[k];
- const Col& col = icol.m_col;
- const Val& val = *row.m_val[col.m_num];
- if (! val.m_null) {
- ok1 = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (! ok1)
- continue;
- }
- bool ok2 = true;
- for (unsigned j = 0; j < m_bvals; j++) {
- const BVal& bval = *m_bval[j];
- const ICol& icol = bval.m_icol;
- const Col& col = icol.m_col;
- const Val& val = *row.m_val[col.m_num];
- int ret = bval.cmp(val);
- if (bval.m_type == 0)
- ok2 = (ret <= 0);
- else if (bval.m_type == 1)
- ok2 = (ret < 0);
- else if (bval.m_type == 2)
- ok2 = (ret >= 0);
- else if (bval.m_type == 3)
- ok2 = (ret > 0);
- else if (bval.m_type == 4)
- ok2 = (ret == 0);
- else {
- assert(false);
- }
- if (! ok2)
- break;
- }
- if (! ok2)
- continue;
- if (set2.m_row[i] == 0)
- set2.m_row[i] = new Row(tab);
- Row& row2 = *set2.m_row[i];
- assert(! row2.m_exist);
- row2.copy(row);
- row2.m_exist = true;
- }
- }
- static NdbOut&
- operator<<(NdbOut& out, const BSet& bset)
- {
- out << "bounds=" << bset.m_bvals;
- for (unsigned j = 0; j < bset.m_bvals; j++) {
- out << endl;
- const BVal& bval = *bset.m_bval[j];
- out << "bound " << j << ": " << bval;
- }
- return out;
- }
- // pk operations
- static int
- pkinsert(Par par)
- {
- Con& con = par.con();
- Set& set = par.set();
- LL3("pkinsert");
- CHK(con.startTransaction() == 0);
- Lst lst;
- for (unsigned j = 0; j < par.m_rows; j++) {
- unsigned j2 = ! par.m_randomkey ? j : urandom(par.m_rows);
- unsigned i = thrrow(par, j2);
- set.lock();
- if (set.exist(i) || set.pending(i)) {
- set.unlock();
- continue;
- }
- set.calc(par, i);
- CHK(set.insrow(par, i) == 0);
- set.unlock();
- LL4("pkinsert " << i << ": " << *set.m_row[i]);
- lst.push(i);
- if (lst.cnt() == par.m_batch) {
- bool deadlock = par.m_deadlock;
- bool nospace = true;
- ExecType et = randompct(par.m_abortpct) ? Rollback : Commit;
- CHK(con.execute(et, deadlock, nospace) == 0);
- con.closeTransaction();
- if (deadlock) {
- LL1("pkinsert: stop on deadlock");
- return 0;
- }
- if (nospace) {
- LL1("pkinsert: cnt=" << j << " stop on nospace");
- return 0;
- }
- set.lock();
- set.notpending(lst, et);
- set.unlock();
- lst.reset();
- CHK(con.startTransaction() == 0);
- }
- }
- if (lst.cnt() != 0) {
- bool deadlock = par.m_deadlock;
- bool nospace = true;
- ExecType et = randompct(par.m_abortpct) ? Rollback : Commit;
- CHK(con.execute(et, deadlock, nospace) == 0);
- con.closeTransaction();
- if (deadlock) {
- LL1("pkinsert: stop on deadlock");
- return 0;
- }
- if (nospace) {
- LL1("pkinsert: end: stop on nospace");
- return 0;
- }
- set.lock();
- set.notpending(lst, et);
- set.unlock();
- return 0;
- }
- con.closeTransaction();
- return 0;
- }
- static int
- pkupdate(Par par)
- {
- Con& con = par.con();
- Set& set = par.set();
- LL3("pkupdate");
- CHK(con.startTransaction() == 0);
- Lst lst;
- bool deadlock = false;
- bool nospace = false;
- for (unsigned j = 0; j < par.m_rows; j++) {
- unsigned j2 = ! par.m_randomkey ? j : urandom(par.m_rows);
- unsigned i = thrrow(par, j2);
- set.lock();
- if (! set.exist(i) || set.pending(i)) {
- set.unlock();
- continue;
- }
- set.calc(par, i);
- CHK(set.updrow(par, i) == 0);
- set.unlock();
- LL4("pkupdate " << i << ": " << *set.m_row[i]);
- lst.push(i);
- if (lst.cnt() == par.m_batch) {
- deadlock = par.m_deadlock;
- nospace = true;
- ExecType et = randompct(par.m_abortpct) ? Rollback : Commit;
- CHK(con.execute(et, deadlock, nospace) == 0);
- if (deadlock) {
- LL1("pkupdate: stop on deadlock");
- break;
- }
- if (nospace) {
- LL1("pkupdate: cnt=" << j << " stop on nospace");
- break;
- }
- con.closeTransaction();
- set.lock();
- set.notpending(lst, et);
- set.unlock();
- lst.reset();
- CHK(con.startTransaction() == 0);
- }
- }
- if (! deadlock && ! nospace && lst.cnt() != 0) {
- deadlock = par.m_deadlock;
- nospace = true;
- ExecType et = randompct(par.m_abortpct) ? Rollback : Commit;
- CHK(con.execute(et, deadlock, nospace) == 0);
- if (deadlock) {
- LL1("pkupdate: stop on deadlock");
- } else if (nospace) {
- LL1("pkupdate: end: stop on nospace");
- } else {
- set.lock();
- set.notpending(lst, et);
- set.unlock();
- }
- }
- con.closeTransaction();
- return 0;
- }
- static int
- pkdelete(Par par)
- {
- Con& con = par.con();
- Set& set = par.set();
- LL3("pkdelete");
- CHK(con.startTransaction() == 0);
- Lst lst;
- bool deadlock = false;
- bool nospace = false;
- for (unsigned j = 0; j < par.m_rows; j++) {
- unsigned j2 = ! par.m_randomkey ? j : urandom(par.m_rows);
- unsigned i = thrrow(par, j2);
- set.lock();
- if (! set.exist(i) || set.pending(i)) {
- set.unlock();
- continue;
- }
- CHK(set.delrow(par, i) == 0);
- set.unlock();
- LL4("pkdelete " << i << ": " << *set.m_row[i]);
- lst.push(i);
- if (lst.cnt() == par.m_batch) {
- deadlock = par.m_deadlock;
- nospace = true;
- ExecType et = randompct(par.m_abortpct) ? Rollback : Commit;
- CHK(con.execute(et, deadlock, nospace) == 0);
- if (deadlock) {
- LL1("pkdelete: stop on deadlock");
- break;
- }
- con.closeTransaction();
- set.lock();
- set.notpending(lst, et);
- set.unlock();
- lst.reset();
- CHK(con.startTransaction() == 0);
- }
- }
- if (! deadlock && ! nospace && lst.cnt() != 0) {
- deadlock = par.m_deadlock;
- nospace = true;
- ExecType et = randompct(par.m_abortpct) ? Rollback : Commit;
- CHK(con.execute(et, deadlock, nospace) == 0);
- if (deadlock) {
- LL1("pkdelete: stop on deadlock");
- } else {
- set.lock();
- set.notpending(lst, et);
- set.unlock();
- }
- }
- con.closeTransaction();
- return 0;
- }
- static int
- pkread(Par par)
- {
- Con& con = par.con();
- const Tab& tab = par.tab();
- Set& set = par.set();
- LL3((par.m_verify ? "pkverify " : "pkread ") << tab.m_name);
- // expected
- const Set& set1 = set;
- Set set2(tab, set.m_rows);
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < set.m_rows; i++) {
- set.lock();
- if (! set.exist(i) || set.pending(i)) {
- set.unlock();
- continue;
- }
- set.unlock();
- CHK(con.startTransaction() == 0);
- CHK(set2.selrow(par, i) == 0);
- CHK(con.execute(Commit) == 0);
- unsigned i2 = (unsigned)-1;
- CHK(set2.getkey(par, &i2) == 0 && i == i2);
- CHK(set2.putval(i, false) == 0);
- LL4("row " << set2.count() << ": " << *set2.m_row[i]);
- con.closeTransaction();
- }
- if (par.m_verify)
- CHK(set1.verify(set2) == 0);
- return 0;
- }
- static int
- pkreadfast(Par par, unsigned count)
- {
- Con& con = par.con();
- const Tab& tab = par.tab();
- const Set& set = par.set();
- LL3("pkfast " << tab.m_name);
- Row keyrow(tab);
- // not batched on purpose
- for (unsigned j = 0; j < count; j++) {
- unsigned i = urandom(set.m_rows);
- assert(set.exist(i));
- CHK(con.startTransaction() == 0);
- // define key
- keyrow.calc(par, i);
- CHK(keyrow.selrow(par) == 0);
- NdbRecAttr* rec;
- // get 1st column
- CHK(con.getValue((Uint32)0, rec) == 0);
- CHK(con.execute(Commit) == 0);
- con.closeTransaction();
- }
- return 0;
- }
- // scan read
- static int
- scanreadtable(Par par)
- {
- Con& con = par.con();
- const Tab& tab = par.tab();
- const Set& set = par.set();
- // expected
- const Set& set1 = set;
- LL3((par.m_verify ? "scanverify " : "scanread ") << tab.m_name);
- Set set2(tab, set.m_rows);
- CHK(con.startTransaction() == 0);
- CHK(con.getNdbScanOperation(tab) == 0);
- CHK(con.openScanRead(par.m_scanbat, par.m_scanpar) == 0);
- set2.getval(par);
- CHK(con.executeScan() == 0);
- while (1) {
- int ret;
- CHK((ret = con.nextScanResult(true)) == 0 || ret == 1);
- if (ret == 1)
- break;
- unsigned i = (unsigned)-1;
- CHK(set2.getkey(par, &i) == 0);
- CHK(set2.putval(i, false) == 0);
- LL4("row " << set2.count() << ": " << *set2.m_row[i]);
- }
- con.closeTransaction();
- if (par.m_verify)
- CHK(set1.verify(set2) == 0);
- return 0;
- }
- static int
- scanreadtablefast(Par par, unsigned countcheck)
- {
- Con& con = par.con();
- const Tab& tab = par.tab();
- const Set& set = par.set();
- LL3("scanfast " << tab.m_name);
- CHK(con.startTransaction() == 0);
- CHK(con.getNdbScanOperation(tab) == 0);
- CHK(con.openScanRead(par.m_scanbat, par.m_scanpar) == 0);
- // get 1st column
- NdbRecAttr* rec;
- CHK(con.getValue((Uint32)0, rec) == 0);
- CHK(con.executeScan() == 0);
- unsigned count = 0;
- while (1) {
- int ret;
- CHK((ret = con.nextScanResult(true)) == 0 || ret == 1);
- if (ret == 1)
- break;
- count++;
- }
- con.closeTransaction();
- CHK(count == countcheck);
- return 0;
- }
- static int
- scanreadindex(Par par, const ITab& itab, const BSet& bset)
- {
- Con& con = par.con();
- const Tab& tab = par.tab();
- const Set& set = par.set();
- // expected
- Set set1(tab, set.m_rows);
- bset.filter(set, set1);
- LL3((par.m_verify ? "scanverify " : "scanread ") << itab.m_name << " bounds=" << bset.m_bvals);
- LL4(bset);
- Set set2(tab, set.m_rows);
- CHK(con.startTransaction() == 0);
- CHK(con.getNdbScanOperation(itab, tab) == 0);
- CHK(con.openScanRead(par.m_scanbat, par.m_scanpar) == 0);
- CHK(bset.setbnd(par) == 0);
- set2.getval(par);
- CHK(con.executeScan() == 0);
- while (1) {
- int ret;
- CHK((ret = con.nextScanResult(true)) == 0 || ret == 1);
- if (ret == 1)
- break;
- unsigned i = (unsigned)-1;
- CHK(set2.getkey(par, &i) == 0);
- LL4("key " << i);
- CHK(set2.putval(i, par.m_dups) == 0);
- LL4("row " << set2.count() << ": " << *set2.m_row[i]);
- }
- con.closeTransaction();
- if (par.m_verify)
- CHK(set1.verify(set2) == 0);
- return 0;
- }
- static int
- scanreadindexfast(Par par, const ITab& itab, const BSet& bset, unsigned countcheck)
- {
- Con& con = par.con();
- const Tab& tab = par.tab();
- const Set& set = par.set();
- LL3("scanfast " << itab.m_name << " bounds=" << bset.m_bvals);
- LL4(bset);
- CHK(con.startTransaction() == 0);
- CHK(con.getNdbScanOperation(itab, tab) == 0);
- CHK(con.openScanRead(par.m_scanbat, par.m_scanpar) == 0);
- CHK(bset.setbnd(par) == 0);
- // get 1st column
- NdbRecAttr* rec;
- CHK(con.getValue((Uint32)0, rec) == 0);
- CHK(con.executeScan() == 0);
- unsigned count = 0;
- while (1) {
- int ret;
- CHK((ret = con.nextScanResult(true)) == 0 || ret == 1);
- if (ret == 1)
- break;
- count++;
- }
- con.closeTransaction();
- CHK(count == countcheck);
- return 0;
- }
- static int
- scanreadindex(Par par, const ITab& itab)
- {
- const Tab& tab = par.tab();
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < par.m_subsubloop; i++) {
- BSet bset(tab, itab, par.m_rows);
- bset.calc(par);
- CHK(scanreadindex(par, itab, bset) == 0);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- static int
- scanreadindex(Par par)
- {
- const Tab& tab = par.tab();
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < tab.m_itabs; i++) {
- if (! useindex(i))
- continue;
- const ITab& itab = tab.m_itab[i];
- CHK(scanreadindex(par, itab) == 0);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- static int
- scanreadall(Par par)
- {
- if (par.m_no < 11)
- CHK(scanreadtable(par) == 0);
- CHK(scanreadindex(par) == 0);
- return 0;
- }
- // timing scans
- static int
- timescantable(Par par)
- {
- par.tmr().on();
- CHK(scanreadtablefast(par, par.m_totrows) == 0);
- par.tmr().off(par.set().m_rows);
- return 0;
- }
- static int
- timescanpkindex(Par par)
- {
- const Tab& tab = par.tab();
- const ITab& itab = tab.m_itab[0]; // 1st index is on PK
- BSet bset(tab, itab, par.m_rows);
- par.tmr().on();
- CHK(scanreadindexfast(par, itab, bset, par.m_totrows) == 0);
- par.tmr().off(par.set().m_rows);
- return 0;
- }
- static int
- timepkreadtable(Par par)
- {
- par.tmr().on();
- unsigned count = par.m_samples;
- if (count == 0)
- count = par.m_totrows;
- CHK(pkreadfast(par, count) == 0);
- par.tmr().off(count);
- return 0;
- }
- static int
- timepkreadindex(Par par)
- {
- const Tab& tab = par.tab();
- const ITab& itab = tab.m_itab[0]; // 1st index is on PK
- BSet bset(tab, itab, par.m_rows);
- unsigned count = par.m_samples;
- if (count == 0)
- count = par.m_totrows;
- par.tmr().on();
- for (unsigned j = 0; j < count; j++) {
- unsigned i = urandom(par.m_totrows);
- bset.calcpk(par, i);
- CHK(scanreadindexfast(par, itab, bset, 1) == 0);
- }
- par.tmr().off(count);
- return 0;
- }
- // scan update
- static int
- scanupdatetable(Par par)
- {
- Con& con = par.con();
- const Tab& tab = par.tab();
- Set& set = par.set();
- LL3("scan update " << tab.m_name);
- Set set2(tab, set.m_rows);
- CHK(con.startTransaction() == 0);
- CHK(con.getNdbScanOperation(tab) == 0);
- CHK(con.openScanExclusive(par.m_scanbat, par.m_scanpar) == 0);
- set2.getval(par);
- CHK(con.executeScan() == 0);
- unsigned count = 0;
- // updating trans
- Con con2;
- con2.connect(con);
- CHK(con2.startTransaction() == 0);
- Lst lst;
- bool deadlock = false;
- while (1) {
- int ret;
- deadlock = par.m_deadlock;
- CHK((ret = con.nextScanResult(true, deadlock)) == 0 || ret == 1);
- if (ret == 1)
- break;
- if (deadlock) {
- LL1("scanupdatetable: stop on deadlock");
- break;
- }
- if (par.m_scanstop != 0 && urandom(par.m_scanstop) == 0) {
- con.closeScan();
- break;
- }
- do {
- unsigned i = (unsigned)-1;
- CHK(set2.getkey(par, &i) == 0);
- const Row& row = *set.m_row[i];
- set.lock();
- if (! set.exist(i) || set.pending(i)) {
- LL4("scan update " << tab.m_name << ": skip: " << row);
- } else {
- CHKTRY(set2.putval(i, false) == 0, set.unlock());
- CHKTRY(con.updateScanTuple(con2) == 0, set.unlock());
- Par par2 = par;
- par2.m_con = &con2;
- set.calc(par, i);
- CHKTRY(set.setrow(par2, i) == 0, set.unlock());
- LL4("scan update " << tab.m_name << ": " << row);
- lst.push(i);
- }
- set.unlock();
- if (lst.cnt() == par.m_batch) {
- CHK(con2.execute(Commit) == 0);
- con2.closeTransaction();
- set.lock();
- set.notpending(lst);
- set.unlock();
- count += lst.cnt();
- lst.reset();
- CHK(con2.startTransaction() == 0);
- }
- CHK((ret = con.nextScanResult(false)) == 0 || ret == 1 || ret == 2);
- if (ret == 2 && lst.cnt() != 0) {
- CHK(con2.execute(Commit) == 0);
- con2.closeTransaction();
- set.lock();
- set.notpending(lst);
- set.unlock();
- count += lst.cnt();
- lst.reset();
- CHK(con2.startTransaction() == 0);
- }
- } while (ret == 0);
- if (ret == 1)
- break;
- }
- con2.closeTransaction();
- LL3("scan update " << tab.m_name << " rows updated=" << count);
- con.closeTransaction();
- return 0;
- }
- static int
- scanupdateindex(Par par, const ITab& itab, const BSet& bset)
- {
- Con& con = par.con();
- const Tab& tab = par.tab();
- Set& set = par.set();
- LL3("scan update " << itab.m_name);
- Set set2(tab, set.m_rows);
- CHK(con.startTransaction() == 0);
- CHK(con.getNdbScanOperation(itab, tab) == 0);
- CHK(con.openScanExclusive(par.m_scanbat, par.m_scanpar) == 0);
- CHK(bset.setbnd(par) == 0);
- set2.getval(par);
- CHK(con.executeScan() == 0);
- unsigned count = 0;
- // updating trans
- Con con2;
- con2.connect(con);
- CHK(con2.startTransaction() == 0);
- Lst lst;
- bool deadlock = false;
- while (1) {
- int ret;
- deadlock = par.m_deadlock;
- CHK((ret = con.nextScanResult(true, deadlock)) == 0 || ret == 1);
- if (ret == 1)
- break;
- if (deadlock) {
- LL1("scanupdateindex: stop on deadlock");
- break;
- }
- if (par.m_scanstop != 0 && urandom(par.m_scanstop) == 0) {
- con.closeScan();
- break;
- }
- do {
- unsigned i = (unsigned)-1;
- CHK(set2.getkey(par, &i) == 0);
- const Row& row = *set.m_row[i];
- set.lock();
- if (! set.exist(i) || set.pending(i)) {
- LL4("scan update " << itab.m_name << ": skip: " << row);
- } else {
- CHKTRY(set2.putval(i, par.m_dups) == 0, set.unlock());
- CHKTRY(con.updateScanTuple(con2) == 0, set.unlock());
- Par par2 = par;
- par2.m_con = &con2;
- set.calc(par, i);
- CHKTRY(set.setrow(par2, i) == 0, set.unlock());
- LL4("scan update " << itab.m_name << ": " << row);
- lst.push(i);
- }
- set.unlock();
- if (lst.cnt() == par.m_batch) {
- CHK(con2.execute(Commit) == 0);
- con2.closeTransaction();
- set.lock();
- set.notpending(lst);
- set.unlock();
- count += lst.cnt();
- lst.reset();
- CHK(con2.startTransaction() == 0);
- }
- CHK((ret = con.nextScanResult(false)) == 0 || ret == 1 || ret == 2);
- if (ret == 2 && lst.cnt() != 0) {
- CHK(con2.execute(Commit) == 0);
- con2.closeTransaction();
- set.lock();
- set.notpending(lst);
- set.unlock();
- count += lst.cnt();
- lst.reset();
- CHK(con2.startTransaction() == 0);
- }
- } while (ret == 0);
- }
- con2.closeTransaction();
- LL3("scan update " << itab.m_name << " rows updated=" << count);
- con.closeTransaction();
- return 0;
- }
- static int
- scanupdateindex(Par par, const ITab& itab)
- {
- const Tab& tab = par.tab();
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < par.m_subsubloop; i++) {
- BSet bset(tab, itab, par.m_rows);
- bset.calc(par);
- CHK(scanupdateindex(par, itab, bset) == 0);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- static int
- scanupdateindex(Par par)
- {
- const Tab& tab = par.tab();
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < tab.m_itabs; i++) {
- if (! useindex(i))
- continue;
- const ITab& itab = tab.m_itab[i];
- CHK(scanupdateindex(par, itab) == 0);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- static int
- scanupdateall(Par par)
- {
- CHK(scanupdatetable(par) == 0);
- CHK(scanupdateindex(par) == 0);
- return 0;
- }
- // medium level routines
- static int
- readverify(Par par)
- {
- if (par.m_noverify)
- return 0;
- par.m_verify = true;
- if (par.m_abortpct != 0) {
- LL2("skip verify in this version"); // implement in 5.0 version
- par.m_verify = false;
- }
- CHK(pkread(par) == 0);
- CHK(scanreadall(par) == 0);
- return 0;
- }
- static int
- readverifyfull(Par par)
- {
- if (par.m_noverify)
- return 0;
- par.m_verify = true;
- if (par.m_no == 0)
- CHK(scanreadtable(par) == 0);
- else {
- const Tab& tab = par.tab();
- unsigned i = par.m_no;
- if (i <= tab.m_itabs && useindex(i)) {
- const ITab& itab = tab.m_itab[i - 1];
- BSet bset(tab, itab, par.m_rows);
- CHK(scanreadindex(par, itab, bset) == 0);
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- static int
- pkops(Par par)
- {
- par.m_randomkey = true;
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < par.m_subsubloop; i++) {
- unsigned sel = urandom(10);
- if (par.m_slno % 2 == 0) {
- // favor insert
- if (sel < 8) {
- CHK(pkinsert(par) == 0);
- } else if (sel < 9) {
- CHK(pkupdate(par) == 0);
- } else {
- CHK(pkdelete(par) == 0);
- }
- } else {
- // favor delete
- if (sel < 1) {
- CHK(pkinsert(par) == 0);
- } else if (sel < 2) {
- CHK(pkupdate(par) == 0);
- } else {
- CHK(pkdelete(par) == 0);
- }
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- static int
- pkupdatescanread(Par par)
- {
- par.m_dups = true;
- unsigned sel = urandom(10);
- if (sel < 5) {
- CHK(pkupdate(par) == 0);
- } else if (sel < 6) {
- par.m_verify = false;
- CHK(scanreadtable(par) == 0);
- } else {
- par.m_verify = false;
- CHK(scanreadindex(par) == 0);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- static int
- mixedoperations(Par par)
- {
- par.m_dups = true;
- par.m_deadlock = true;
- par.m_scanstop = par.m_totrows; // randomly close scans
- unsigned sel = urandom(10);
- if (sel < 2) {
- CHK(pkdelete(par) == 0);
- } else if (sel < 4) {
- CHK(pkupdate(par) == 0);
- } else if (sel < 6) {
- CHK(scanupdatetable(par) == 0);
- } else {
- CHK(scanupdateindex(par) == 0);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- static int
- pkupdateindexbuild(Par par)
- {
- if (par.m_no == 0) {
- CHK(createindex(par) == 0);
- } else {
- par.m_randomkey = true;
- CHK(pkupdate(par) == 0);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- // threads
- typedef int (*TFunc)(Par par);
- enum TMode { ST = 1, MT = 2 };
- extern "C" { static void* runthread(void* arg); }
- struct Thr {
- enum State { Wait, Start, Stop, Stopped, Exit };
- State m_state;
- Par m_par;
- Uint64 m_id;
- NdbThread* m_thread;
- NdbMutex* m_mutex;
- NdbCondition* m_cond;
- TFunc m_func;
- int m_ret;
- void* m_status;
- Thr(Par par, unsigned n);
- ~Thr();
- int run();
- void start();
- void stop();
- void stopped();
- void exit();
- //
- void lock() {
- NdbMutex_Lock(m_mutex);
- }
- void unlock() {
- NdbMutex_Unlock(m_mutex);
- }
- void wait() {
- NdbCondition_Wait(m_cond, m_mutex);
- }
- void signal() {
- NdbCondition_Signal(m_cond);
- }
- void join() {
- NdbThread_WaitFor(m_thread, &m_status);
- m_thread = 0;
- }
- };
- Thr::Thr(Par par, unsigned n) :
- m_state(Wait),
- m_par(par),
- m_id(0),
- m_thread(0),
- m_mutex(0),
- m_cond(0),
- m_func(0),
- m_ret(0),
- m_status(0)
- {
- m_par.m_no = n;
- char buf[10];
- sprintf(buf, "thr%03u", par.m_no);
- const char* name = strcpy(new char[10], buf);
- // mutex
- m_mutex = NdbMutex_Create();
- m_cond = NdbCondition_Create();
- assert(m_mutex != 0 && m_cond != 0);
- // run
- const unsigned stacksize = 256 * 1024;
- m_thread = NdbThread_Create(runthread, (void**)this, stacksize, name, prio);
- }
- Thr::~Thr()
- {
- if (m_thread != 0) {
- NdbThread_Destroy(&m_thread);
- m_thread = 0;
- }
- if (m_cond != 0) {
- NdbCondition_Destroy(m_cond);
- m_cond = 0;
- }
- if (m_mutex != 0) {
- NdbMutex_Destroy(m_mutex);
- m_mutex = 0;
- }
- }
- static void*
- runthread(void* arg)
- {
- Thr& thr = *(Thr*)arg;
- thr.m_id = (Uint64)pthread_self();
- if (thr.run() < 0) {
- LL1("exit on error");
- } else {
- LL4("exit ok");
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int
- Thr::run()
- {
- LL4("run");
- Con con;
- CHK(con.connect() == 0);
- m_par.m_con = &con;
- LL4("connected");
- while (1) {
- lock();
- while (m_state != Start && m_state != Exit) {
- LL4("wait");
- wait();
- }
- if (m_state == Exit) {
- LL4("exit");
- unlock();
- break;
- }
- LL4("start");
- assert(m_state == Start);
- m_ret = (*m_func)(m_par);
- m_state = Stopped;
- LL4("stop");
- signal();
- unlock();
- CHK(m_ret == 0);
- }
- con.disconnect();
- return 0;
- }
- void
- Thr::start()
- {
- lock();
- m_state = Start;
- signal();
- unlock();
- }
- void
- Thr::stop()
- {
- lock();
- m_state = Stop;
- signal();
- unlock();
- }
- void
- Thr::stopped()
- {
- lock();
- while (m_state != Stopped)
- wait();
- m_state = Wait;
- unlock();
- }
- void
- Thr::exit()
- {
- lock();
- m_state = Exit;
- signal();
- unlock();
- }
- // test run
- static Thr** g_thrlist = 0;
- static unsigned
- getthrno()
- {
- if (g_thrlist != 0) {
- Uint64 id = (Uint64)pthread_self();
- for (unsigned n = 0; n < g_opt.m_threads; n++) {
- if (g_thrlist[n] != 0) {
- const Thr& thr = *g_thrlist[n];
- if (thr.m_id == id)
- return thr.m_par.m_no;
- }
- }
- }
- return (unsigned)-1;
- }
- static int
- runstep(Par par, const char* fname, TFunc func, unsigned mode)
- {
- LL2(fname);
- const int threads = (mode & ST ? 1 : par.m_threads);
- int n;
- for (n = 0; n < threads; n++) {
- LL4("start " << n);
- Thr& thr = *g_thrlist[n];
- Par oldpar = thr.m_par;
- // update parameters
- thr.m_par = par;
- thr.m_par.m_no = oldpar.m_no;
- thr.m_par.m_con = oldpar.m_con;
- thr.m_func = func;
- thr.start();
- }
- unsigned errs = 0;
- for (n = threads - 1; n >= 0; n--) {
- LL4("stop " << n);
- Thr& thr = *g_thrlist[n];
- thr.stopped();
- if (thr.m_ret != 0)
- errs++;
- }
- CHK(errs == 0);
- return 0;
- }
- #define RUNSTEP(par, func, mode) CHK(runstep(par, #func, func, mode) == 0)
- static int
- tbuild(Par par)
- {
- RUNSTEP(par, droptable, ST);
- RUNSTEP(par, createtable, ST);
- RUNSTEP(par, invalidatetable, MT);
- for (par.m_slno = 0; par.m_slno < par.m_subloop; par.m_slno++) {
- if (par.m_slno % 2 == 0) {
- RUNSTEP(par, createindex, ST);
- RUNSTEP(par, invalidateindex, MT);
- RUNSTEP(par, pkinsert, MT);
- } else {
- RUNSTEP(par, pkinsert, MT);
- RUNSTEP(par, createindex, ST);
- RUNSTEP(par, invalidateindex, MT);
- }
- RUNSTEP(par, pkupdate, MT);
- RUNSTEP(par, readverifyfull, MT);
- RUNSTEP(par, pkdelete, MT);
- RUNSTEP(par, readverifyfull, MT);
- RUNSTEP(par, dropindex, ST);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- static int
- tpkops(Par par)
- {
- RUNSTEP(par, droptable, ST);
- RUNSTEP(par, createtable, ST);
- RUNSTEP(par, invalidatetable, MT);
- RUNSTEP(par, createindex, ST);
- RUNSTEP(par, invalidateindex, MT);
- for (par.m_slno = 0; par.m_slno < par.m_subloop; par.m_slno++) {
- RUNSTEP(par, pkops, MT);
- LL2("rows=" << par.set().count());
- RUNSTEP(par, readverifyfull, MT);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- static int
- tpkopsread(Par par)
- {
- RUNSTEP(par, droptable, ST);
- RUNSTEP(par, createtable, ST);
- RUNSTEP(par, invalidatetable, MT);
- RUNSTEP(par, pkinsert, MT);
- RUNSTEP(par, createindex, ST);
- RUNSTEP(par, invalidateindex, MT);
- RUNSTEP(par, readverify, ST);
- for (par.m_slno = 0; par.m_slno < par.m_subloop; par.m_slno++) {
- RUNSTEP(par, pkupdatescanread, MT);
- RUNSTEP(par, readverify, ST);
- }
- RUNSTEP(par, pkdelete, MT);
- RUNSTEP(par, readverify, ST);
- return 0;
- }
- static int
- tmixedops(Par par)
- {
- RUNSTEP(par, droptable, ST);
- RUNSTEP(par, createtable, ST);
- RUNSTEP(par, invalidatetable, MT);
- RUNSTEP(par, pkinsert, MT);
- RUNSTEP(par, createindex, ST);
- RUNSTEP(par, invalidateindex, MT);
- RUNSTEP(par, readverify, ST);
- for (par.m_slno = 0; par.m_slno < par.m_subloop; par.m_slno++) {
- RUNSTEP(par, mixedoperations, MT);
- RUNSTEP(par, readverify, ST);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- static int
- tbusybuild(Par par)
- {
- RUNSTEP(par, droptable, ST);
- RUNSTEP(par, createtable, ST);
- RUNSTEP(par, invalidatetable, MT);
- RUNSTEP(par, pkinsert, MT);
- for (par.m_slno = 0; par.m_slno < par.m_subloop; par.m_slno++) {
- RUNSTEP(par, pkupdateindexbuild, MT);
- RUNSTEP(par, invalidateindex, MT);
- RUNSTEP(par, readverify, ST);
- RUNSTEP(par, dropindex, ST);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- static int
- trollback(Par par)
- {
- par.m_abortpct = 50;
- RUNSTEP(par, droptable, ST);
- RUNSTEP(par, createtable, ST);
- RUNSTEP(par, invalidatetable, MT);
- RUNSTEP(par, pkinsert, MT);
- RUNSTEP(par, createindex, ST);
- RUNSTEP(par, invalidateindex, MT);
- RUNSTEP(par, readverify, ST);
- for (par.m_slno = 0; par.m_slno < par.m_subloop; par.m_slno++) {
- RUNSTEP(par, mixedoperations, MT);
- RUNSTEP(par, readverify, ST);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- static int
- ttimebuild(Par par)
- {
- Tmr t1;
- RUNSTEP(par, droptable, ST);
- RUNSTEP(par, createtable, ST);
- RUNSTEP(par, invalidatetable, MT);
- for (par.m_slno = 0; par.m_slno < par.m_subloop; par.m_slno++) {
- RUNSTEP(par, pkinsert, MT);
- t1.on();
- RUNSTEP(par, createindex, ST);
- t1.off(par.m_totrows);
- RUNSTEP(par, invalidateindex, MT);
- RUNSTEP(par, dropindex, ST);
- }
- LL1("build index - " << t1.time());
- return 0;
- }
- static int
- ttimemaint(Par par)
- {
- Tmr t1, t2;
- RUNSTEP(par, droptable, ST);
- RUNSTEP(par, createtable, ST);
- RUNSTEP(par, invalidatetable, MT);
- for (par.m_slno = 0; par.m_slno < par.m_subloop; par.m_slno++) {
- RUNSTEP(par, pkinsert, MT);
- t1.on();
- RUNSTEP(par, pkupdate, MT);
- t1.off(par.m_totrows);
- RUNSTEP(par, createindex, ST);
- RUNSTEP(par, invalidateindex, MT);
- t2.on();
- RUNSTEP(par, pkupdate, MT);
- t2.off(par.m_totrows);
- RUNSTEP(par, dropindex, ST);
- }
- LL1("update - " << t1.time());
- LL1("update indexed - " << t2.time());
- LL1("overhead - " << t2.over(t1));
- return 0;
- }
- static int
- ttimescan(Par par)
- {
- Tmr t1, t2;
- RUNSTEP(par, droptable, ST);
- RUNSTEP(par, createtable, ST);
- RUNSTEP(par, invalidatetable, MT);
- for (par.m_slno = 0; par.m_slno < par.m_subloop; par.m_slno++) {
- RUNSTEP(par, pkinsert, MT);
- RUNSTEP(par, createindex, ST);
- par.m_tmr = &t1;
- RUNSTEP(par, timescantable, ST);
- par.m_tmr = &t2;
- RUNSTEP(par, timescanpkindex, ST);
- RUNSTEP(par, dropindex, ST);
- }
- LL1("full scan table - " << t1.time());
- LL1("full scan PK index - " << t2.time());
- LL1("overhead - " << t2.over(t1));
- return 0;
- }
- static int
- ttimepkread(Par par)
- {
- Tmr t1, t2;
- RUNSTEP(par, droptable, ST);
- RUNSTEP(par, createtable, ST);
- RUNSTEP(par, invalidatetable, MT);
- for (par.m_slno = 0; par.m_slno < par.m_subloop; par.m_slno++) {
- RUNSTEP(par, pkinsert, MT);
- RUNSTEP(par, createindex, ST);
- par.m_tmr = &t1;
- RUNSTEP(par, timepkreadtable, ST);
- par.m_tmr = &t2;
- RUNSTEP(par, timepkreadindex, ST);
- RUNSTEP(par, dropindex, ST);
- }
- LL1("pk read table - " << t1.time());
- LL1("pk read PK index - " << t2.time());
- LL1("overhead - " << t2.over(t1));
- return 0;
- }
- static int
- tdrop(Par par)
- {
- RUNSTEP(par, droptable, ST);
- return 0;
- }
- struct TCase {
- const char* m_name;
- TFunc m_func;
- const char* m_desc;
- TCase(const char* name, TFunc func, const char* desc) :
- m_name(name),
- m_func(func),
- m_desc(desc) {
- }
- };
- static const TCase
- tcaselist[] = {
- TCase("a", tbuild, "index build"),
- // "b" in 5.0
- TCase("c", tpkops, "pk operations"),
- TCase("d", tpkopsread, "pk operations and scan reads"),
- TCase("e", tmixedops, "pk operations and scan operations"),
- TCase("f", tbusybuild, "pk operations and index build"),
- TCase("g", trollback, "operations with random rollbacks"),
- TCase("t", ttimebuild, "time index build"),
- TCase("u", ttimemaint, "time index maintenance"),
- TCase("v", ttimescan, "time full scan table vs index on pk"),
- TCase("w", ttimepkread, "time pk read table vs index on pk"),
- TCase("z", tdrop, "drop test tables")
- };
- static const unsigned
- tcasecount = sizeof(tcaselist) / sizeof(tcaselist[0]);
- static void
- printcases()
- {
- ndbout << "test cases:" << endl;
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < tcasecount; i++) {
- const TCase& tcase = tcaselist[i];
- ndbout << " " << tcase.m_name << " - " << tcase.m_desc << endl;
- }
- }
- static void
- printtables()
- {
- ndbout << "tables and indexes (X1 is on table PK):" << endl;
- for (unsigned j = 0; j < tabcount; j++) {
- const Tab& tab = tablist[j];
- ndbout << " " << tab.m_name;
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < tab.m_itabs; i++) {
- const ITab& itab = tab.m_itab[i];
- ndbout << " " << itab.m_name;
- }
- ndbout << endl;
- }
- }
- static int
- runtest(Par par)
- {
- LL1("start");
- if (par.m_seed != 0)
- srandom(par.m_seed);
- assert(par.m_csname != 0);
- CHK((cs = get_charset_by_name(par.m_csname, MYF(0))) != 0 || (cs = get_charset_by_csname(par.m_csname, MY_CS_PRIMARY, MYF(0))) != 0);
- par.m_cs = cs;
- Con con;
- CHK(con.connect() == 0);
- par.m_con = &con;
- g_thrlist = new Thr* [par.m_threads];
- unsigned n;
- for (n = 0; n < par.m_threads; n++) {
- g_thrlist[n] = 0;
- }
- for (n = 0; n < par.m_threads; n++) {
- g_thrlist[n] = new Thr(par, n);
- Thr& thr = *g_thrlist[n];
- assert(thr.m_thread != 0);
- }
- for (par.m_lno = 0; par.m_loop == 0 || par.m_lno < par.m_loop; par.m_lno++) {
- LL1("loop " << par.m_lno);
- if (par.m_seed == 0)
- srandom(par.m_lno);
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < tcasecount; i++) {
- const TCase& tcase = tcaselist[i];
- if (par.m_case != 0 && strchr(par.m_case, tcase.m_name[0]) == 0)
- continue;
- LL1("case " << tcase.m_name << " - " << tcase.m_desc);
- for (unsigned j = 0; j < tabcount; j++) {
- if (! usetable(j))
- continue;
- const Tab& tab = tablist[j];
- par.m_tab = &tab;
- delete par.m_set;
- par.m_set = new Set(tab, par.m_totrows);
- LL1("table " << tab.m_name);
- CHK(tcase.m_func(par) == 0);
- }
- }
- }
- for (n = 0; n < par.m_threads; n++) {
- Thr& thr = *g_thrlist[n];
- thr.exit();
- }
- for (n = 0; n < par.m_threads; n++) {
- Thr& thr = *g_thrlist[n];
- thr.join();
- delete &thr;
- }
- delete [] g_thrlist;
- g_thrlist = 0;
- con.disconnect();
- LL1("done");
- return 0;
- }
- NDB_COMMAND(testOIBasic, "testOIBasic", "testOIBasic", "testOIBasic", 65535)
- {
- ndb_init();
- if (ndbout_mutex == NULL)
- ndbout_mutex= NdbMutex_Create();
- while (++argv, --argc > 0) {
- const char* arg = argv[0];
- if (*arg != '-') {
- ndbout << "testOIBasic: unknown argument " << arg;
- goto usage;
- }
- if (strcmp(arg, "-batch") == 0) {
- if (++argv, --argc > 0) {
- g_opt.m_batch = atoi(argv[0]);
- continue;
- }
- }
- if (strcmp(arg, "-bound") == 0) {
- if (++argv, --argc > 0) {
- const char* p = argv[0];
- if (strlen(p) != 0 && strlen(p) == strspn(p, "01234")) {
- g_opt.m_bound = strdup(p);
- continue;
- }
- }
- }
- if (strcmp(arg, "-case") == 0) {
- if (++argv, --argc > 0) {
- g_opt.m_case = strdup(argv[0]);
- continue;
- }
- }
- if (strcmp(arg, "-core") == 0) {
- g_opt.m_core = true;
- continue;
- }
- if (strcmp(arg, "-csname") == 0) {
- if (++argv, --argc > 0) {
- g_opt.m_csname = strdup(argv[0]);
- continue;
- }
- }
- if (strcmp(arg, "-die") == 0) {
- if (++argv, --argc > 0) {
- g_opt.m_die = atoi(argv[0]);
- continue;
- }
- }
- if (strcmp(arg, "-dups") == 0) {
- g_opt.m_dups = true;
- continue;
- }
- if (strcmp(arg, "-fragtype") == 0) {
- if (++argv, --argc > 0) {
- if (strcmp(argv[0], "single") == 0) {
- g_opt.m_fragtype = NdbDictionary::Object::FragSingle;
- continue;
- }
- if (strcmp(argv[0], "small") == 0) {
- g_opt.m_fragtype = NdbDictionary::Object::FragAllSmall;
- continue;
- }
- if (strcmp(argv[0], "medium") == 0) {
- g_opt.m_fragtype = NdbDictionary::Object::FragAllMedium;
- continue;
- }
- if (strcmp(argv[0], "large") == 0) {
- g_opt.m_fragtype = NdbDictionary::Object::FragAllLarge;
- continue;
- }
- }
- }
- if (strcmp(arg, "-index") == 0) {
- if (++argv, --argc > 0) {
- g_opt.m_index = strdup(argv[0]);
- continue;
- }
- }
- if (strcmp(arg, "-loop") == 0) {
- if (++argv, --argc > 0) {
- g_opt.m_loop = atoi(argv[0]);
- continue;
- }
- }
- if (strcmp(arg, "-nologging") == 0) {
- g_opt.m_nologging = true;
- continue;
- }
- if (strcmp(arg, "-noverify") == 0) {
- g_opt.m_noverify = true;
- continue;
- }
- if (strcmp(arg, "-pctnull") == 0) {
- if (++argv, --argc > 0) {
- g_opt.m_pctnull = atoi(argv[0]);
- continue;
- }
- }
- if (strcmp(arg, "-rows") == 0) {
- if (++argv, --argc > 0) {
- g_opt.m_rows = atoi(argv[0]);
- continue;
- }
- }
- if (strcmp(arg, "-samples") == 0) {
- if (++argv, --argc > 0) {
- g_opt.m_samples = atoi(argv[0]);
- continue;
- }
- }
- if (strcmp(arg, "-scanbat") == 0) {
- if (++argv, --argc > 0) {
- g_opt.m_scanbat = atoi(argv[0]);
- continue;
- }
- }
- if (strcmp(arg, "-scanpar") == 0) {
- if (++argv, --argc > 0) {
- g_opt.m_scanpar = atoi(argv[0]);
- continue;
- }
- }
- if (strcmp(arg, "-seed") == 0) {
- if (++argv, --argc > 0) {
- g_opt.m_seed = atoi(argv[0]);
- continue;
- }
- }
- if (strcmp(arg, "-subloop") == 0) {
- if (++argv, --argc > 0) {
- g_opt.m_subloop = atoi(argv[0]);
- continue;
- }
- }
- if (strcmp(arg, "-table") == 0) {
- if (++argv, --argc > 0) {
- g_opt.m_table = strdup(argv[0]);
- continue;
- }
- }
- if (strcmp(arg, "-threads") == 0) {
- if (++argv, --argc > 0) {
- g_opt.m_threads = atoi(argv[0]);
- continue;
- }
- }
- if (strcmp(arg, "-v") == 0) {
- if (++argv, --argc > 0) {
- g_opt.m_v = atoi(argv[0]);
- continue;
- }
- }
- if (strncmp(arg, "-v", 2) == 0 && isdigit(arg[2])) {
- g_opt.m_v = atoi(&arg[2]);
- continue;
- }
- if (strcmp(arg, "-h") == 0 || strcmp(arg, "-help") == 0) {
- printhelp();
- goto wrongargs;
- }
- ndbout << "testOIBasic: unknown option " << arg;
- goto usage;
- }
- {
- Par par(g_opt);
- g_ncc = new Ndb_cluster_connection();
- if (g_ncc->connect(30) != 0 || runtest(par) < 0)
- goto failed;
- delete g_ncc;
- g_ncc = 0;
- }
- // always exit with NDBT code
- ok:
- return NDBT_ProgramExit(NDBT_OK);
- failed:
- return NDBT_ProgramExit(NDBT_FAILED);
- usage:
- ndbout << " (use -h for help)" << endl;
- wrongargs:
- return NDBT_ProgramExit(NDBT_WRONGARGS);
- }
- // vim: set sw=2 et: