- /* Copyright (C) 2003 MySQL AB
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */
- /* **************************************************************** */
- /* */
- /* S E R V . T C P */
- /* * This is an example program that demonstrates the use of */
- /* stream sockets as an IPC mechanism. This contains the server, */
- /* and is intended to operate in conjunction with the client */
- /* program found in client.tcp. Together, these two programs */
- /* demonstrate many of the features of sockets, as well as good */
- /* conventions for using these features. */
- /* * This program provides a service called "example". In order for*/
- /* it to function, an entry for it needs to exist in the */
- /* ./etc/services file. The port address for this service can be */
- /* any port number that is likely to be unused, such as 22375, */
- /* for example. The host on which the client will be running */
- /* must also have the same entry (same port number) in its */
- /* ./etc/services file. */
- /* **************************************************************** */
- #include <ndb_global.h>
- /******** NDB INCLUDE ******/
- #include <NdbApi.hpp>
- /***************************/
- /*#include <sys/shm.h>*/
- #include <pthread.h>
- #include <sys/sem.h>
- #include <sys/shm.h>
- #include <netinet/in.h>
- #include <signal.h>
- #include <netdb.h>
- #include <time.h>
- #include <synch.h>
- #include <sched.h>
- extern "C" {
- #include "utv.h"
- #include "vcdrfunc.h"
- #include "bcd.h"
- }
- #ifndef TESTLEV
- #define TESTLEV
- #endif
- //#define DEBUG
- //#define MYDEBUG
- //#define SETDBG
- //#define ops_before_exe 64
- #define MAXOPSEXEC 1024
- /* Used in nanosleep */
- /**** NDB ********/
- static int bTestPassed;
- void create_table(Ndb* pMyNdb);
- void error_handler(const char* errorText);
- /*****************/
- static struct timespec tmspec1;
- static int server(long int);
- /* Function for initiating the cdr-area and make it clean for ongoing calls */
- static int s; /* connected socket descriptor */
- static int ls; /* listen socket descriptor */
- static struct hostent *hp; /* pointer to host info for remote host */
- static struct servent *sp; /* pointer to service information */
- struct linger linger; /* allow a lingering, graceful close; */
- /* used when setting SO_LINGER */
- static struct sockaddr_in myaddr_in; /* for local socket address */
- static struct sockaddr_in peeraddr_in; /* for peer socket address */
- static FILE *fi; /* Log output */
- static char temp[600]="";
- static int ops_before_exe = 1; /* Number of operations per execute, default is 1,
- but it can be changed with the -o parameter. */
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------
- M A I N
- * This routine starts the server. It forks, leaving the child
- to do all the work, so it does not have to be run in the
- background. It sets up the listen socket, and for each incoming
- connection, it forks a child process to process the data. It
- will loop forever, until killed by a signal.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /****** NDB *******/
- static char *tableName = "VWTABLE";
- /******************/
- #include <iostream>
- using namespace std;
- int main(int argc, const char** argv)
- {
- ndb_init();
- /******** NDB ***********/
- /*
- Ndb MyNdb( "TEST_DB" );
- int tTableId;
- */
- /************************/
- char tmpbuf[400];
- /* Loop and status variables */
- int i,j,found;
- /* Used by the server */
- int addrlen;
- /* return code used with functions */
- int rc;
- i = 1;
- while (argc > 1)
- {
- if (strcmp(argv[i], "-o") == 0)
- {
- ops_before_exe = atoi(argv[i+1]);
- if ((ops_before_exe < 1) || (ops_before_exe > MAXOPSEXEC))
- {
- cout << "Number of operations per execute must be at least 1, and at most " << MAXOPSEXEC << endl;
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- cout << "Invalid parameter!" << endl << "Look in cdrserver.C for more info." << endl;
- exit(1);
- }
- argc -= 2;
- i = i + 2;
- }
- /* Setup log handling */
- logname(temp,"Cdrserver","Mother","");
- puts(temp);
- fi=fopen(temp,"w");
- if (fi == NULL)
- {
- perror(argv[0]);
- }
- m2log(fi,"Initiation of program");
- /***** NDB ******/
- /*
- MyNdb.init();
- if (MyNdb.waitUntilReady(30) != 0)
- {
- puts("Not ready");
- exit(-1);
- }
- tTableId = MyNdb.getTable()->openTable(tableName);
- if (tTableId == -1)
- {
- printf("%d: Creating table",getpid());
- create_table(&MyNdb);
- }
- else printf("%d: Table already create",getpid());
- */
- /****************/
- /* clear out address structures */
- memset ((char *)&myaddr_in, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
- memset ((char *)&peeraddr_in, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
- m2log(fi,"Socket setup starting");
- /* Set up address structure for the listen socket. */
- myaddr_in.sin_family = AF_INET;
- /* The server should listen on the wildcard address, */
- /* rather than its own internet address. This is */
- /* generally good practice for servers, because on */
- /* systems which are connected to more than one */
- /* network at once will be able to have one server */
- /* listening on all networks at once. Even when the */
- /* host is connected to only one network, this is good */
- /* practice, because it makes the server program more */
- /* portable. */
- myaddr_in.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
- /* Find the information for the "cdrserver" server */
- /* in order to get the needed port number. */
- sp = getservbyname ("cdrserver", "tcp");
- if (sp == NULL) {
- m2log(fi,"Service cdrserver not found in /etc/services");
- m2log(fi,"Terminating.");
- }
- myaddr_in.sin_port = sp->s_port;
- /* Create the listen socket.i */
- ls = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
- if (ls == -1) {
- m2log(fi,"Unable to create socket");
- m2log(fi,"Terminating.");
- }
- printf("Socket createdn");
- printf("Wait..........n");
- /* Bind the listen address to the socket. */
- if (bind(ls,(struct sockaddr*)&myaddr_in, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)) == -1) {
- m2log(fi,"Unable to bind address");
- m2log(fi,"Terminating.");
- }
- /* Initiate the listen on the socket so remote users */
- /* can connect. The listen backlog is set to 5, which */
- /* is the largest currently supported. */
- if (listen(ls, 5) == -1) {
- m2log(fi,"Unable to listen on socket");
- m2log(fi,"Terminating.");
- }
- /* Now, all the initialization of the server is */
- /* complete, and any user errors will have already */
- /* been detected. Now we can fork the daemon and */
- /* return to the user. We need to do a setpgrp */
- /* so that the daemon will no longer be associated */
- /* with the user's control terminal. This is done */
- /* before the fork, so that the child will not be */
- /* a process group leader. Otherwise, if the child */
- /* were to open a terminal, it would become associated */
- /* with that terminal as its control terminal. It is */
- /* always best for the parent to do the setpgrp. */
- m2log(fi,"Socket setup completed");
- m2log(fi,"Start server");
- setpgrp();
- /* Initiate the tmspec struct for use with nanosleep() */
- tmspec1.tv_sec = 0;
- tmspec1.tv_nsec = 1;
- printf("Waiting for client to connect.........n");
- printf("Donen");
- switch (fork()) {
- case -1: /* Unable to fork, for some reason. */
- m2log(fi,"Failed to start server");
- m2log(fi,"Terminating.");
- fclose(fi);
- perror(argv[0]);
- fprintf(stderr, "%s: unable to fork daemonn", argv[0]);
- break;
- case 0: /* The child process (daemon) comes here. */
- m2log(fi,"Server started");
- /* Close stdin and stderr so that they will not */
- /* be kept open. Stdout is assumed to have been */
- /* redirected to some logging file, or /dev/null. */
- /* From now on, the daemon will not report any */
- /* error messages. This daemon will loop forever, */
- /* waiting for connections and forking a child */
- /* server to handle each one. */
- close((int)stdin);
- close((int)stderr);
- /* Set SIGCLD to SIG_IGN, in order to prevent */
- /* the accumulation of zombies as each child */
- /* terminates. This means the daemon does not */
- /* have to make wait calls to clean them up. */
- signal(SIGCLD, SIG_IGN);
- for(EVER) {
- if ((checkchangelog(fi,temp))==0)
- m2log(fi,"Waiting for connection");
- /* Note that addrlen is passed as a pointer */
- /* so that the accept call can return the */
- /* size of the returned address. */
- addrlen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);
- /* This call will block until a new */
- /* connection arrives. Then, it will */
- /* return the address of the connecting */
- /* peer, and a new socket descriptor, s, */
- /* for that connection. */
- s = accept(ls,(struct sockaddr*) &peeraddr_in, &addrlen);
- #ifdef MYDEBUG
- puts("accepted");
- #endif
- if ((checkchangelog(fi,temp))==0)
- m2log(fi,"Connection attempt from a client");
- if ((checkchangelog(fi,temp))==0)
- m2log(fi,"Start communication server");
- if ( s == -1) exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
- switch (fork()) {
- case -1: /* Can't fork, just exit. */
- if ((checkchangelog(fi,temp))==0)
- m2log(fi,"Start communication server failed.");
- break;
- case 0: /* Child process comes here. */
- /* Get clients adress and save it in the info area */
- /* Keep track of how many times the client connects to the server */
- printf("Connect attempt from client %un",peeraddr_in.sin_addr.s_addr);
- server(peeraddr_in.sin_addr.s_addr);
- break;
- default: /* Daemon process comes here. */
- /* The daemon needs to remember */
- /* to close the new accept socket */
- /* after forking the child. This */
- /* prevents the daemon from running */
- /* out of file descriptor space. It */
- /* also means that when the server */
- /* closes the socket, that it will */
- /* allow the socket to be destroyed */
- /* since it will be the last close. */
- close(s);
- break;
- }
- }
- default: /* Parent process comes here. */
- }
- return EXIT_SUCCESS;
- }
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------
- S E R V E R
- * This is the actual server routine that the daemon forks to
- handle each individual connection. Its purpose is to receive
- the request packets from the remote client, process them,
- and return the results to the client. It will also write some
- logging information to stdout.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- server(long int servernum)
- {
- /******** NDB ***********/
- Ndb MyNdb( "TEST_DB" );
- int tTableId;
- NdbConnection *MyTransaction;
- NdbOperation *MyOperation;
- int check;
- int c1 = 0;
- int c2 = 0;
- int c3 = 0;
- int c4 = 0;
- int act_index = 0;
- /************************/
- register unsigned int reqcnt; /* keeps count of number of requests */
- register unsigned int i; /* Loop counters */
- register int x;
- register short done; /* Loop variable */
- short int found;
- /* The server index number */
- int thisServer;
- /* Variables used to keep track of some statistics */
- time_t ourtime;
- time_t tmptime;
- int tmpvalue;
- long int tmptransfer;
- long int transfer;
- int ops = 0;
- /* Variables used by the server */
- char buf[400]; /* This example uses 10 byte messages. */
- char *inet_ntoa();
- char *hostname; /* points to the remote host's name string */
- int len;
- int rcvbuf_size;
- long ctid;
- unsigned char uc;
- /* Variables used by the logging facilitiy */
- char msg[600];
- char crap[600];
- char lognamn[600];
- FILE *log;
- /* scheduling parameter for pthread */
- struct sched_param param1,param2,param3;
- /* Header information */
- /* cdrtype not used */
- /*short cdrtype; */ /* 1 CDR Typ */
- short cdrlen; /* 2 CDR recored length in bytes excluding CDR type */
- short cdrsubtype; /* 1 CDR subtype */
- unsigned int cdrid; /* 8 CDR unique number of each call */
- unsigned int cdrtime; /* 4 CDR Time in seconds */
- short cdrmillisec; /* 2 CDR Milliseconds */
- short cdrstatus; /* 1 CDR For future use */
- short cdrequipeid; /* 1 CDR Equipment id */
- int cdrreserved1; /* 4 CDR For future use */
- /* Defined or calculated for each record */
- int cdrrestlen; /* Unprocessed data left in record in bytes */
- /* Gemensamma datatyper */
- unsigned short parmtype_prev; /* 1 Parameter type */
- unsigned short parmtype; /* 1 Parameter type */
- unsigned short parmlen; /* 1 Parameter type */
- int rc; /* return code for functions */
- /* Attribute object used with threads */
- pthread_attr_t attr1;
- pthread_attr_t attr2;
- pthread_attr_t attr3;
- struct cdr_record *tmpcdrptr,*ftest;
- void *dat;
- int error_from_client = 0;
- /* Konstanter */
- const int headerlen = 24; /* Length of header record */
- parmtype_prev = 99;
- reqcnt = 0;
- /* Close the listen socket inherited from the daemon. */
- close(ls);
- printf("Use the readinfo program to get information about server statusnn");
- if((checkchangelog(fi,temp))==0)
- c2log(fi,"Communication server started");
- /* Look up the host information for the remote host */
- /* that we have connected with. Its internet address */
- /* was returned by the accept call, in the main */
- /* daemon loop above. */
- hp=gethostbyaddr((char *) &peeraddr_in.sin_addr,sizeof(struct in_addr),peeraddr_in.sin_family);
- if (hp == NULL) {
- /* The information is unavailable for the remote */
- /* host. Just format its internet address to be */
- /* printed out in the logging information. The */
- /* address will be shown in "internet dot format". */
- /*
- hostname = inet_ntoa(peeraddr_in.sin_addr);
- */
- sprintf(hostname,"Test");
- logname(lognamn,"Cdrserver","Child",hostname);
- }
- else {
- hostname = hp->h_name; /* point to host's name */
- logname(lognamn,"Cdrserver","Child",hostname);
- }
- log=fopen(lognamn,"w");
- if (log == NULL)
- {
- perror(hostname);
- }
- n2log(log,"Setup in progress");
- /* Log a startup message. */
- /* The port number must be converted first to host byte */
- /* order before printing. On most hosts, this is not */
- /* necessary, but the ntohs() call is included here so */
- /* that this program could easily be ported to a host */
- /* that does require it. */
- BaseString::snprintf(msg,sizeof(msg),"Startup from %s port %u",hostname,ntohs(peeraddr_in.sin_port));
- if ((checkchangelog(fi,temp))==0)
- c2log(fi,msg);
- n2log(log,msg);
- BaseString::snprintf(msg,sizeof(msg),"For further information, see log(%s)",lognamn);
- if ((checkchangelog(fi,temp))==0)
- c2log(fi,msg);
- /* Set the socket for a lingering, graceful close. */
- /* This will cause a final close of this socket to wait until */
- /* all * data sent on it has been received by the remote host. */
- linger.l_onoff =1;
- linger.l_linger =0;
- if (setsockopt(s, SOL_SOCKET, SO_LINGER,(const char*)&linger,sizeof(linger)) == -1) {
- BaseString::snprintf(msg,sizeof(msg),"Setting SO_LINGER, l_onoff=%d, l_linger=%d",linger.l_onoff,linger.l_linger);
- if ((checkchangelog(log,lognamn))==0)
- n2log(log,msg);
- goto errout;
- }
- /* Set the socket for a lingering, graceful close. */
- /* This will cause a final close of this socket to wait until all * data sent */
- /* on it has been received by the remote host. */
- rcvbuf_size=64*1024;
- if (setsockopt(s, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF,(const char*) &rcvbuf_size,sizeof(rcvbuf_size)) == -1) {
- BaseString::snprintf(msg,sizeof(msg),"Setting SO_RCVBUF = %d",rcvbuf_size);
- if ((checkchangelog(log,lognamn))==0)
- n2log(log,msg);
- goto errout;
- }
- /* Set nodelay on socket */
- n2log(log,"Port setup complete");
- /* Go into a loop, receiving requests from the remote */
- /* client. After the client has sent the last request, */
- /* it will do a shutdown for sending, which will cause */
- /* an end-of-file condition to appear on this end of the */
- /* connection. After all of the client's requests have */
- /* been received, the next recv call will return zero */
- /* bytes, signalling an end-of-file condition. This is */
- /* how the server will know that no more requests will */
- /* follow, and the loop will be exited. */
- n2log(log,"Setup completed");
- /* Fetch the process id for the server */
- /* Inititate the variables used for counting transfer rates and rec/sec */
- tmpvalue = 0;
- tmptime = 0;
- tmptransfer = 0;
- transfer = 0;
- printf("Client %s connectednStarting to process the datann",hostname);
- tmpcdrptr = (struct cdr_record*)malloc(sizeof(struct cdr_record));
- /***** NDB ******/
- MyNdb.init();
- if (MyNdb.waitUntilReady(30) != 0)
- {
- puts("Not ready");
- exit(-1);
- }
- tTableId = MyNdb.getTable()->openTable(tableName);
- if (tTableId == -1)
- {
- printf("%d: Creating table",getpid());
- create_table(&MyNdb);
- }
- else printf("%d: Table already created",getpid());
- /****************/
- while (len = recv(s,buf,headerlen,MSG_WAITALL)) {
- if (len == -1) {
- snprintf(msg,sizeof(msg),"Error from recv");
- if ((checkchangelog(log,lognamn))==0)
- n2log(log,msg);
- goto errout; /* error from recv */
- }
- /* The reason this while loop exists is that there */
- /* is a remote possibility of the above recv returning */
- /* less than 10 bytes. This is because a recv returns */
- /* as soon as there is some data, and will not wait for */
- /* all of the requested data to arrive. Since 10 bytes */
- /* is relatively small compared to the allowed TCP */
- /* packet sizes, a partial receive is unlikely. If */
- /* this example had used 2048 bytes requests instead, */
- /* a partial receive would be far more likely. */
- /* This loop will keep receiving until all 10 bytes */
- /* have been received, thus guaranteeing that the */
- /* next recv at the top of the loop will start at */
- /* the begining of the next request. */
- for (;len < headerlen;) {
- x = recv(s,buf,(headerlen-len),0);
- if (x == -1) {
- snprintf(msg,sizeof(msg),"Error from recv");
- if ((checkchangelog(log,lognamn))==0)
- n2log(log,msg);
- goto errout; /* error from recv */
- }
- len=len+x;
- }
- if (ops == 0) {
- MyTransaction = MyNdb.startTransaction();
- if (MyTransaction == NULL)
- error_handler(MyNdb.getNdbErrorString());
- }//if
- MyOperation = MyTransaction->getNdbOperation(tableName);
- if (MyOperation == NULL)
- error_handler(MyTransaction->getNdbErrorString());
- /*------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* Parse header of CDR records */
- /*------------------------------------------------------*/
- /*------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* 1. Type of cdr */
- /*------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* Not used for the moment
- cdrtype=(char)buf[0];
- */
- /*------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* 2. Total length of CDR */
- /*------------------------------------------------------*/
- swab(buf+1,buf+1,2);
- memcpy(&cdrlen,buf+1,2);
- /*------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* 3. Partial type of CDR */
- /*------------------------------------------------------*/
- cdrsubtype=(char)buf[3];
- switch (cdrsubtype)
- {
- case 0:
- c1++;
- tmpcdrptr->CallAttemptState = 1;
- check = MyOperation->insertTuple();
- break;
- case 1:
- c2++;
- tmpcdrptr->CallAttemptState = 2;
- check = MyOperation->updateTuple();
- break;
- case 2:
- c3++;
- tmpcdrptr->CallAttemptState = 3;
- check = MyOperation->deleteTuple();
- break;
- case 3:
- c4++;
- tmpcdrptr->CallAttemptState = 4;
- check = MyOperation->deleteTuple();
- break;
- if (check == -1)
- error_handler(MyTransaction->getNdbErrorString());
- }
- /*cdrsubtype=(cdrsubtype << 24) >> 24;*/
- /*------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* 4. ID number */
- /*------------------------------------------------------*/
- /*swab(buf+4,buf+4,4);*/ /* ABCD -> BADC */
- /*
- swab(buf+4,buf+4,4);
- swab(buf+5,buf+5,2);
- swab(buf+6,buf+6,2);
- swab(buf+4,buf+4,2);
- swab(buf+5,buf+5,2);
- */
- memcpy(&cdrid,buf+4,4);
- tmpcdrptr->CallIdentificationNumber = cdrid;
- #ifdef SETDBG
- puts("CIN");
- #endif
- check = MyOperation->equal("CIN",(char*)&cdrid);
- if (check == -1)
- error_handler(MyTransaction->getNdbErrorString());
- #ifdef SETDBG
- puts("CAS");
- #endif
- if (cdrsubtype < 2)
- {
- check = MyOperation->setValue("CAS",(char*)&cdrsubtype);
- if (check == -1)
- error_handler(MyTransaction->getNdbErrorString());
- }
- /*------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* 5. Time stamp */
- /*------------------------------------------------------*/
- swab(buf+12,buf+12,4);
- swab(buf+13,buf+13,2);
- swab(buf+14,buf+14,2);
- swab(buf+12,buf+12,2);
- swab(buf+13,buf+13,2);
- memcpy(&cdrtime,buf+12,4);
- switch (cdrsubtype)
- {
- case 0:
- #ifdef SETDBG
- puts("START_TIME");
- #endif
- check = MyOperation->setValue("START_TIME",(char*)&cdrtime);
- break;
- case 1:
- #ifdef SETDBG
- puts("Start1");
- #endif
- check = MyOperation->setValue("StartOfCharge",(char*)&cdrtime);
- break;
- case 2:
- #ifdef SETDBG
- puts("Start2");
- #endif
- /*
- check = MyOperation->setValue("StopOfCharge",(char*)&cdrtime);
- */
- check = 0;
- break;
- if (check == -1)
- error_handler(MyTransaction->getNdbErrorString());
- }
- /*------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* 6. Milliseconds */
- /*------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* Not used by application
- swab(buf+16,buf+16,2);
- memcpy(&cdrmillisec,buf+16,2);
- */
- /*------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* 7. CDR status reserverd for future use */
- /*------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* Not used by application
- memcpy(&cdrstatus,buf+18,1);
- */
- /*------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* 8. CDR equipe id, number of sending equipement */
- /*------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* Not used by application
- memcpy(&cdrequipeid,buf+19,1);
- */
- /*cdrequipeid=(cdrequipeid << 24) >> 24;*/
- /*------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* 9. CDR reserverd for furter use */
- /*------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* Not used by applikation
- swab(buf+20,buf+20,4);
- swab(buf+21,buf+21,2);
- swab(buf+22,buf+22,2);
- swab(buf+20,buf+20,2);
- swab(buf+21,buf+21,2);
- memcpy(&cdrreserved1,buf+20,4);
- */
- /*------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* calculate length of datapart in record */
- /* Formula recordlength-headerlen-1 */
- /*------------------------------------------------------*/
- cdrrestlen=cdrlen-(headerlen-1);
- /*------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* Finished with header */
- /*------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* Read remaining cdr data into buffer for furter */
- /* handling. */
- /*------------------------------------------------------*/
- len = recv(s,buf,cdrrestlen,MSG_WAITALL);
- if (len == -1) {
- snprintf(msg,sizeof(msg),"Error from recv");
- if ((checkchangelog(log,lognamn))==0)
- n2log(log,msg);
- goto errout; /* error from recv */
- }
- for (;len<cdrrestlen;) {
- x = recv(s,buf,len-cdrrestlen,0);
- if (x == -1) {
- snprintf(msg,sizeof(msg),"Error from recv");
- if ((checkchangelog(log,lognamn))==0)
- n2log(log,msg);
- goto errout; /* error from recv */
- }
- len=len+x;
- }
- done=FALSE;
- /* Count the transfer/sec */
- tmptransfer += cdrlen;
- if (cdrsubtype > 1)
- {
- #ifdef SETDBG
- puts("Going to execute");
- #endif
- ops++;
- if (ops == ops_before_exe) {
- ops = 0;
- check = MyTransaction->execute(Commit, CommitAsMuchAsPossible);
- if ((check == -1) && (MyTransaction->getNdbError() != 0))
- error_handler(MyTransaction->getNdbErrorString());
- MyNdb.closeTransaction(MyTransaction);
- #ifdef SETDBG
- puts("Transaction closed");
- #endif
- }//if
- reqcnt++;
- continue;
- }
- for (x=0;x<=cdrrestlen && !done && cdrrestlen > 1;) {
- uc=buf[x];
- parmtype=uc;
- /*parmtype=(parmtype << 24) >> 24;*/ /* Modified in sun worked in hp */
- parmlen = buf[x+1];
- /*parmlen =(parmlen << 24) >> 24;*/
- x+=2;
- switch (parmtype) {
- case 4: /* Called party number */
- bcd_decode2(parmlen,&buf[x],crap);
- tmpcdrptr->BSubscriberNumberLength = (char)parmlen;
- strcpy(tmpcdrptr->BSubscriberNumber,crap);
- tmpcdrptr->BSubscriberNumber[parmlen] = '';
- x=x+(parmlen/2);
- if (parmlen % 2) x++;
- tmpcdrptr->USED_FIELDS |= B_BSubscriberNumber;
- #ifdef SETDBG
- puts("BNumber");
- #endif
- check = MyOperation->setValue("BNumber",(char*)&tmpcdrptr->BSubscriberNumber);
- if (check == -1)
- error_handler(MyTransaction->getNdbErrorString());
- break;
- case 9: /* Calling Partys cataegory */
- if (parmlen != 1) printf("ERROR: Calling partys category has wrong length %dn",parmlen);
- else tmpcdrptr->ACategory=(char)buf[x];
- x+=parmlen;
- tmpcdrptr->USED_FIELDS |= B_ACategory;
- #ifdef SETDBG
- puts("ACategory");
- #endif
- check = MyOperation->setValue("ACategory",(char*)&tmpcdrptr->ACategory);
- if (check == -1)
- error_handler(MyTransaction->getNdbErrorString());
- break;
- case 10: /* Calling Party Number */
- bcd_decode2(parmlen,&buf[x],crap);
- tmpcdrptr->ASubscriberNumberLength = (char)parmlen;
- strcpy(tmpcdrptr->ASubscriberNumber,crap);
- tmpcdrptr->ASubscriberNumber[parmlen] = '';
- x=x+(parmlen/2);
- if (parmlen % 2) x++;
- tmpcdrptr->USED_FIELDS |= B_ASubscriberNumber;
- #ifdef SETDBG
- puts("ANumber");
- #endif
- check = MyOperation->setValue("ANumber",(char*)&tmpcdrptr->ASubscriberNumber);
- if (check == -1)
- error_handler(MyTransaction->getNdbErrorString());
- break;
- case 11: /* Redirecting number */
- bcd_decode2(parmlen,&buf[x],crap);
- strcpy(tmpcdrptr->RedirectingNumber,crap);
- x=x+(parmlen/2);
- if (parmlen % 2) x++;
- tmpcdrptr->USED_FIELDS |= B_RedirectingNumber;
- #ifdef SETDBG
- puts("RNumber");
- #endif
- check = MyOperation->setValue("RNumber",(char*)&tmpcdrptr->RedirectingNumber);
- if (check == -1)
- error_handler(MyTransaction->getNdbErrorString());
- break;
- case 17: /* Called partys category */
- if (parmlen != 1) printf("ERROR: Called partys category has wrong length %dn",parmlen);
- else tmpcdrptr->EndOfSelectionInformation=(char)buf[x];
- x+=parmlen;
- tmpcdrptr->USED_FIELDS |= B_EndOfSelectionInformation;
- #ifdef SETDBG
- puts("EndOfSelInf");
- #endif
- check = MyOperation->setValue("EndOfSelInf",(char*)&tmpcdrptr->EndOfSelectionInformation);
- if (check == -1)
- error_handler(MyTransaction->getNdbErrorString());
- break;
- case 18: /* Release reason */
- if (parmlen != 1) printf("ERROR: Release reason has wrong length %dn",parmlen);
- else tmpcdrptr->CauseCode=(char)buf[x];
- x+=parmlen;
- tmpcdrptr->USED_FIELDS |= B_CauseCode;
- #ifdef SETDBG
- puts("CauseCode");
- #endif
- check = MyOperation->setValue("CauseCode",(char*)&tmpcdrptr->CauseCode);
- if (check == -1)
- error_handler(MyTransaction->getNdbErrorString());
- break;
- case 19: /* Redirection information */
- switch (parmlen) {
- case 1:
- tmpcdrptr->ReroutingIndicator= (char)buf[x];
- tmpcdrptr->USED_FIELDS |= B_ReroutingIndicator;
- break;
- case 2:
- swab(buf+x,buf+x,2);
- tmpcdrptr->ReroutingIndicator= buf[x];
- tmpcdrptr->USED_FIELDS |= B_ReroutingIndicator;
- break;
- default :
- BaseString::snprintf(msg,sizeof(msg),"ERROR: Redirection information has wrong length %dn",parmlen);
- if ((checkchangelog(log,lognamn))==0)
- n2log(log,msg);
- break;
- #ifdef SETDBG
- puts("RI");
- #endif
- check = MyOperation->setValue("RI",(char*)&tmpcdrptr->ReroutingIndicator);
- if (check == -1)
- error_handler(MyTransaction->getNdbErrorString());
- }
- x+=parmlen;
- break;
- case 32: /* User to user information */
- if (parmlen != 1) printf("ERROR: User to User information has wrong length %dn",parmlen);
- else tmpcdrptr->UserToUserInformation=(char)buf[x];
- x+=parmlen;
- tmpcdrptr->USED_FIELDS |= B_UserToUserInformation;
- #ifdef SETDBG
- puts("UserToUserInf");
- #endif
- check = MyOperation->setValue("UserToUserInf",(char*)&tmpcdrptr->UserToUserInformation);
- if (check == -1)
- error_handler(MyTransaction->getNdbErrorString());
- break;
- case 40: /* Original called number */
- bcd_decode2(parmlen,&buf[x],crap);
- strcpy(tmpcdrptr->OriginalCalledNumber,crap);
- x=x+(parmlen/2);
- if (parmlen % 2) x++;
- tmpcdrptr->USED_FIELDS |= B_OriginalCalledNumber;
- #ifdef SETDBG
- puts("ONumber");
- #endif
- check = MyOperation->setValue("ONumber",(char*)&tmpcdrptr->OriginalCalledNumber);
- if (check == -1)
- error_handler(MyTransaction->getNdbErrorString());
- break;
- case 42: /* User to user indicator */
- if (parmlen != 1) printf("ERROR: User to User indicator has wrong length %dn",parmlen);
- else tmpcdrptr->UserToUserIndicatior=(char)buf[x];
- x+=parmlen;
- tmpcdrptr->USED_FIELDS |= B_UserToUserIndicatior;
- #ifdef SETDBG
- puts("UserToUserInd");
- #endif
- check = MyOperation->setValue("UserToUserInd",(char*)&tmpcdrptr->UserToUserIndicatior);
- if (check == -1)
- error_handler(MyTransaction->getNdbErrorString());
- break;
- case 63: /* Location number */
- bcd_decode2(parmlen,&buf[x],crap);
- strcpy(tmpcdrptr->LocationCode,crap);
- x=x+(parmlen/2);
- if (parmlen % 2) x++;
- tmpcdrptr->USED_FIELDS |= B_LocationCode;
- #ifdef SETDBG
- puts("LocationCode");
- #endif
- check = MyOperation->setValue("LocationCode",(char*)&tmpcdrptr->LocationCode);
- if (check == -1)
- error_handler(MyTransaction->getNdbErrorString());
- break;
- case 240: /* Calling Partys cataegory */
- if (parmlen != 1) printf("ERROR: Calling partys category has wrong length %dn",parmlen);
- else tmpcdrptr->NetworkIndicator=(char)buf[x];
- x+=parmlen;
- tmpcdrptr->USED_FIELDS |= B_NetworkIndicator;
- #ifdef SETDBG
- puts("NIndicator");
- #endif
- check = MyOperation->setValue("NIndicator",(char*)&tmpcdrptr->NetworkIndicator);
- if (check == -1)
- error_handler(MyTransaction->getNdbErrorString());
- break;
- case 241: /* Calling Partys cataegory */
- if (parmlen != 1) printf("ERROR: Calling partys category has wrong length %dn",parmlen);
- else tmpcdrptr->TonASubscriberNumber=(char)buf[x];
- x+=parmlen;
- tmpcdrptr->USED_FIELDS |= B_TonASubscriberNumber;
- #ifdef SETDBG
- puts("TonANumber");
- #endif
- check = MyOperation->setValue("TonANumber",(char*)&tmpcdrptr->TonASubscriberNumber);
- if (check == -1)
- error_handler(MyTransaction->getNdbErrorString());
- break;
- case 242: /* Calling Partys cataegory */
- if (parmlen != 1) printf("ERROR: Calling partys category has wrong length %dn",parmlen);
- else tmpcdrptr->TonBSubscriberNumber=(char)buf[x];
- x+=parmlen;
- tmpcdrptr->USED_FIELDS |= B_TonBSubscriberNumber;
- #ifdef SETDBG
- puts("TonBNumber");
- #endif
- check = MyOperation->setValue("TonBNumber",(char*)&tmpcdrptr->TonBSubscriberNumber);
- if (check == -1)
- error_handler(MyTransaction->getNdbErrorString());
- break;
- case 243: /* Calling Partys cataegory */
- if (parmlen != 1) printf("ERROR: Calling partys category has wrong length %dn",parmlen);
- else tmpcdrptr->TonRedirectingNumber=(char)buf[x];
- x+=parmlen;
- tmpcdrptr->USED_FIELDS |= B_TonRedirectingNumber;
- #ifdef SETDBG
- puts("TonRNumber");
- #endif
- check = MyOperation->setValue("TonRNumber",(char*)&tmpcdrptr->TonRedirectingNumber);
- if (check == -1)
- error_handler(MyTransaction->getNdbErrorString());
- break;
- case 244: /* Calling Partys cataegory */
- if (parmlen != 1) printf("ERROR: Calling partys category has wrong length %dn",parmlen);
- else tmpcdrptr->TonOriginalCalledNumber=(char)buf[x];
- x+=parmlen;
- tmpcdrptr->USED_FIELDS |= B_TonOriginalCalledNumber;
- #ifdef SETDBG
- puts("TonONumber");
- #endif
- check = MyOperation->setValue("TonONumber",(char*)&tmpcdrptr->TonOriginalCalledNumber);
- if (check == -1)
- error_handler(MyTransaction->getNdbErrorString());
- break;
- case 245: /* Calling Partys cataegory */
- if (parmlen != 1) printf("ERROR: Calling partys category has wrong length %dn",parmlen);
- else tmpcdrptr->TonLocationCode=(char)buf[x];
- x+=parmlen;
- tmpcdrptr->USED_FIELDS |= B_TonLocationCode;
- #ifdef SETDBG
- puts("TonLocationCode");
- #endif
- check = MyOperation->setValue("TonLocationCode",(char*)&tmpcdrptr->TonLocationCode);
- if (check == -1)
- error_handler(MyTransaction->getNdbErrorString());
- break;
- case 252: /* RINParameter Parameter */
- switch (parmlen) {
- case 1:
- tmpcdrptr->RINParameter=buf[x];
- tmpcdrptr->USED_FIELDS |= B_RINParameter;
- break;
- case 2:
- swab(buf+x,buf+x,2);
- tmpcdrptr->RINParameter = buf[x] << 8;
- tmpcdrptr->USED_FIELDS |= B_RINParameter;
- break;
- default :
- BaseString::snprintf(msg,sizeof(msg),"ERROR: Rin parameter has wrong length %dn",parmlen);
- if ((checkchangelog(log,lognamn))==0)
- n2log(log,msg);
- break;
- }
- x+=parmlen;
- #ifdef SETDBG
- puts("RINParameter");
- #endif
- check = MyOperation->setValue("RINParameter",(char*)&tmpcdrptr->RINParameter);
- if (check == -1)
- error_handler(MyTransaction->getNdbErrorString());
- break;
- case 253: /* OriginatingPointCode */
- switch (parmlen) {
- case 2:
- swab(buf+x,buf+x,2);
- memcpy(&tmpcdrptr->OriginatingPointCode,(buf+x),2);
- tmpcdrptr->USED_FIELDS |= B_OriginatingPointCode;
- break;
- case 3:
- swab(buf+x,buf+x,2);
- swab(buf+(x+1),buf+(x+1),2);
- swab(buf+x,buf+x,2);
- memcpy(&tmpcdrptr->OriginatingPointCode,(buf+x),3);
- tmpcdrptr->USED_FIELDS |= B_OriginatingPointCode;
- break;
- default :
- BaseString::snprintf(msg,sizeof(msg),"ERROR: OriginatingPointCode parameter has wrong length %dn",parmlen);
- if ((checkchangelog(log,lognamn))==0)
- n2log(log,msg);
- break;
- }
- x+=parmlen;
- #ifdef SETDBG
- puts("OPC");
- #endif
- check = MyOperation->setValue("OPC",(char*)&tmpcdrptr->OriginatingPointCode);
- if (check == -1)
- error_handler(MyTransaction->getNdbErrorString());
- break;
- case 254: /* DestinationPointCode */
- switch (parmlen) {
- case 2:
- swab(buf+x,buf+x,2);
- memcpy(&tmpcdrptr->DestinationPointCode,(buf+x),2);
- /*
- tmpcdrptr->DestinationPointCode = buf[x] << 8;
- */
- tmpcdrptr->USED_FIELDS |= B_DestinationPointCode;
- break;
- case 3:
- swab(buf+x,buf+x,2);
- swab(buf+(x+1),buf+(x+1),2);
- swab(buf+x,buf+x,2);
- memcpy(&tmpcdrptr->DestinationPointCode,(buf+x),3);
- tmpcdrptr->USED_FIELDS |= B_DestinationPointCode;
- break;
- default :
- BaseString::snprintf(msg,sizeof(msg),"ERROR: DestinationPointCode parameter has wrong length %dn",parmlen);
- if ((checkchangelog(log,lognamn))==0)
- n2log(log,msg);
- break;
- }
- x+=parmlen;
- #ifdef SETDBG
- puts("DPC");
- #endif
- check = MyOperation->setValue("DPC",(char*)&tmpcdrptr->DestinationPointCode);
- if (check == -1)
- error_handler(MyTransaction->getNdbErrorString());
- break;
- case 255: /* CircuitIdentificationCode */
- swab(buf+x,buf+x,2);
- memcpy(&tmpcdrptr->CircuitIdentificationCode,(buf+x),2);
- tmpcdrptr->USED_FIELDS |= B_CircuitIdentificationCode;
- x+=parmlen;
- #ifdef SETDBG
- puts("CIC");
- #endif
- check = MyOperation->setValue("CIC",(char*)&tmpcdrptr->CircuitIdentificationCode);
- if (check == -1)
- error_handler(MyTransaction->getNdbErrorString());
- break;
- default:
- printf("ERROR: Undefined parmtype %d , previous %d, length %dn",parmtype,parmtype_prev,parmlen);
- BaseString::snprintf(msg,sizeof(msg),"ERROR: Undefined parmtype %d , previous %d, length %dn",parmtype,parmtype_prev,parmlen);
- if ((checkchangelog(log,lognamn))==0)
- n2log(log,msg);
- if (parmlen == 0) {
- x++;
- }
- x+=parmlen;
- break;
- }
- parmtype_prev=parmtype;
- if ((cdrrestlen-x) == 1) {
- done=TRUE;
- }
- }
- time(&ourtime);
- if (ourtime != tmptime)
- {
- transfer = tmptransfer;
- tmptransfer = 0;
- if (++act_index == 30)
- {
- act_index = 0;
- printf("Transfer=%dn",transfer);
- printf("Total operations=%dn",reqcnt);
- printf("CAS1=%dn",c1/30);
- printf("CAS2=%dn",c2/30);
- printf("CAS3=%dn",c3/30);
- c1=0;
- c2=0;
- c3=0;
- }
- tmptime = ourtime;
- }
- switch (cdrsubtype) {
- case 0:
- tmpcdrptr->ClientId = servernum;
- #ifdef SETDBG
- puts("ClientId");
- #endif
- check = MyOperation->setValue("ClientId",(char*)&tmpcdrptr->ClientId);
- if (check == -1)
- error_handler(MyTransaction->getNdbErrorString());
- tmpcdrptr->OurSTART_TIME = ourtime;
- #ifdef SETDBG
- puts("OurSTART_TIME");
- #endif
- check = MyOperation->setValue("OurSTART_TIME",(char*)&tmpcdrptr->OurSTART_TIME);
- if (check == -1)
- error_handler(MyTransaction->getNdbErrorString());
- tmpcdrptr->USED_FIELDS |= B_START_TIME;
- #ifdef SETDBG
- puts("USED_FIELDS");
- #endif
- check = MyOperation->setValue("USED_FIELDS",(char*)&tmpcdrptr->USED_FIELDS);
- if (check == -1)
- error_handler(MyTransaction->getNdbErrorString());
- break;
- case 1:
- tmpcdrptr->OurTimeForStartOfCharge = ourtime;
- #ifdef SETDBG
- puts("OurStartOfCharge");
- #endif
- check = MyOperation->setValue("OurStartOfCharge",(char*)&tmpcdrptr->OurTimeForStartOfCharge);
- if (check == -1)
- error_handler(MyTransaction->getNdbErrorString());
- tmpcdrptr->USED_FIELDS |= B_TimeForStartOfCharge;
- #ifdef SETDBG
- puts("USED_FIELDS");
- #endif
- check = MyOperation->setValue("USED_FIELDS",(char*)&tmpcdrptr->USED_FIELDS);
- if (check == -1)
- error_handler(MyTransaction->getNdbErrorString());
- break;
- case 2:
- tmpcdrptr->OurTimeForStopOfCharge = ourtime;
- #ifdef SETDBG
- puts("OurStopOfCharge");
- #endif
- check = MyOperation->setValue("OurStopOfCharge",(char*)&tmpcdrptr->OurTimeForStopOfCharge);
- if (check == -1)
- error_handler(MyTransaction->getNdbErrorString());
- tmpcdrptr->USED_FIELDS |= B_TimeForStopOfCharge;
- #ifdef SETDBG
- puts("USED_FIELDS");
- #endif
- check = MyOperation->setValue("USED_FIELDS",(char*)&tmpcdrptr->USED_FIELDS);
- if (check == -1)
- error_handler(MyTransaction->getNdbErrorString());
- break;
- case 3:
- tmpcdrptr->CallAttemptState = 4;
- break;
- default:
- snprintf(msg,sizeof(msg),"cdrtype %d unknown",cdrsubtype);
- if ((checkchangelog(log,lognamn))==0)
- n2log(log,msg);
- goto errout;
- break;
- }
- ops++;
- if (ops == ops_before_exe) {
- ops = 0;
- #ifdef SETDBG
- puts("Going to execute");
- #endif
- check = MyTransaction->execute(Commit, CommitAsMuchAsPossible);
- if ((check == -1) && (MyTransaction->getNdbError() != 0))
- error_handler(MyTransaction->getNdbErrorString());
- MyNdb.closeTransaction(MyTransaction);
- #ifdef SETDBG
- puts("Transaction closed");
- #endif
- #ifdef SETDBG
- puts("New transaction initiated");
- #endif
- }//if
- /* Increment the request count. */
- reqcnt++;
- /* Send a response back to the client. */
- /* if (send(s, buf, 10, 0) != 10) goto errout; */
- }
- /* The loop has terminated, because there are no */
- /* more requests to be serviced. As mentioned above, */
- /* this close will block until all of the sent replies */
- /* have been received by the remote host. The reason */
- /* for lingering on the close is so that the server will */
- /* have a better idea of when the remote has picked up */
- /* all of the data. This will allow the start and finish */
- /* times printed in the log file to reflect more accurately */
- /* the length of time this connection was */
- /* The port number must be converted first to host byte */
- /* order before printing. On most hosts, this is not */
- /* necessary, but the ntohs() call is included here so */
- /* that this program could easily be ported to a host */
- /* that does require it. */
- BaseString::snprintf(msg,sizeof(msg),"Completed %s port %u, %d requests",hostname,ntohs(peeraddr_in.sin_port), reqcnt);
- if ((checkchangelog(fi,temp))==0)
- c2log(fi,msg);
- error_from_client = 1;
- BaseString::snprintf(msg,sizeof(msg),"Communicate with threads");
- if ((checkchangelog(log,lognamn))==0)
- n2log(log,msg);
- BaseString::snprintf(msg,sizeof(msg),"Waiting for threads to return from work");
- if ((checkchangelog(log,lognamn))==0)
- n2log(log,msg);
- BaseString::snprintf(msg,sizeof(msg),"Closing down");
- if ((checkchangelog(log,lognamn))==0)
- n2log(log,msg);
- close(s);
- fclose(log);
- return EXIT_SUCCESS;
- errout:
- BaseString::snprintf(msg,sizeof(msg),"Connection with %s aborted on errorn", hostname);
- if ((checkchangelog(log,lognamn))==0)
- n2log(log,msg);
- if ((checkchangelog(fi,temp))==0)
- c2log(fi,msg);
- error_from_client = 1;
- BaseString::snprintf(msg,sizeof(msg),"Communicate with threads");
- if ((checkchangelog(log,lognamn))==0)
- n2log(log,msg);
- BaseString::snprintf(msg,sizeof(msg),"Waiting for threads to return from work");
- if ((checkchangelog(log,lognamn))==0)
- n2log(log,msg);
- BaseString::snprintf(msg,sizeof(msg),"Closing down");
- if ((checkchangelog(log,lognamn))==0)
- n2log(log,msg);
- close(s);
- fclose(log);
- return EXIT_FAILURE;
- }
- void
- create_table(Ndb* pMyNdb)
- {
- /****************************************************************
- * Create table and attributes.
- *
- * create table basictab1(
- * col1 int,
- * col2 int not null,
- * col3 int not null,
- * col4 int not null
- * )
- *
- ***************************************************************/
- int check;
- int i;
- NdbSchemaCon *MySchemaTransaction;
- NdbSchemaOp *MySchemaOp;
- int tAttributeSize;
- tAttributeSize = 1;
- cout << "Creating " << tableName << "..." << endl;
- MySchemaTransaction = pMyNdb->startSchemaTransaction();
- if( MySchemaTransaction == NULL )
- error_handler(MySchemaTransaction->getNdbErrorString());
- MySchemaOp = MySchemaTransaction->getNdbSchemaOp();
- if( MySchemaOp == NULL )
- error_handler(MySchemaTransaction->getNdbErrorString());
- // Createtable
- check = MySchemaOp->createTable( tableName,
- 8, // Table Size
- TupleKey, // Key Type
- 40 // Nr of Pages
- );
- if( check == -1 )
- error_handler(MySchemaTransaction->getNdbErrorString());
- // CallIdentificationNumber Create first column, primary key
- check = MySchemaOp->createAttribute( "CIN",
- TupleKey,
- 32,
- tAttributeSize,
- UnSigned, MMBased,
- NotNullAttribute
- );
- if( check == -1 )
- error_handler(MySchemaTransaction->getNdbErrorString());
- // USED_FIELDS Create attributes
- check = MySchemaOp->createAttribute( "USED_FIELDS", NoKey, 32,
- tAttributeSize, UnSigned, MMBased,
- NullAttribute );
- if( check == -1 )
- error_handler(MySchemaTransaction->getNdbErrorString());
- // ClientId Create attributes
- check = MySchemaOp->createAttribute( "ClientId", NoKey, 32,
- tAttributeSize, UnSigned, MMBased,
- NullAttribute );
- if( check == -1 )
- error_handler(MySchemaTransaction->getNdbErrorString());
- // START_TIME Create attributes
- check = MySchemaOp->createAttribute( "START_TIME", NoKey, 32,
- tAttributeSize, UnSigned, MMBased,
- NullAttribute );
- if( check == -1 )
- error_handler(MySchemaTransaction->getNdbErrorString());
- // OurSTART_TIME Create attributes
- check = MySchemaOp->createAttribute( "OurSTART_TIME", NoKey, 32,
- tAttributeSize, UnSigned, MMBased,
- NullAttribute );
- if( check == -1 )
- error_handler(MySchemaTransaction->getNdbErrorString());
- // TimeForStartOfCharge Create attributes
- check = MySchemaOp->createAttribute( "StartOfCharge", NoKey, 32,
- tAttributeSize, UnSigned, MMBased,
- NullAttribute );
- if( check == -1 )
- error_handler(MySchemaTransaction->getNdbErrorString());
- // TimeForStopOfCharge Create attributes
- check = MySchemaOp->createAttribute( "StopOfCharge", NoKey, 32,
- tAttributeSize, UnSigned, MMBased,
- NullAttribute );
- if( check == -1 )
- error_handler(MySchemaTransaction->getNdbErrorString());
- // OurTimeForStartOfCharge Create attributes
- check = MySchemaOp->createAttribute( "OurStartOfCharge", NoKey, 32,
- tAttributeSize, UnSigned, MMBased,
- NullAttribute );
- if( check == -1 )
- error_handler(MySchemaTransaction->getNdbErrorString());
- // OurTimeForStopOfCharge Create attributes
- check = MySchemaOp->createAttribute( "OurStopOfCharge", NoKey, 32,
- tAttributeSize, UnSigned, MMBased,
- NullAttribute );
- if( check == -1 )
- error_handler(MySchemaTransaction->getNdbErrorString());
- // DestinationPointCode Create attributes
- check = MySchemaOp->createAttribute( "DPC", NoKey, 16,
- tAttributeSize, UnSigned, MMBased,
- NullAttribute );
- if( check == -1 )
- error_handler(MySchemaTransaction->getNdbErrorString());
- // OriginatingPointCode Create attributes
- check = MySchemaOp->createAttribute( "OPC", NoKey, 16,
- tAttributeSize, UnSigned, MMBased,
- NullAttribute );
- if( check == -1 )
- error_handler(MySchemaTransaction->getNdbErrorString());
- // CircuitIdentificationCode Create attributes
- check = MySchemaOp->createAttribute( "CIC", NoKey, 16,
- tAttributeSize, UnSigned, MMBased,
- NullAttribute );
- if( check == -1 )
- error_handler(MySchemaTransaction->getNdbErrorString());
- // ReroutingIndicator Create attributes
- check = MySchemaOp->createAttribute( "RI", NoKey, 16,
- tAttributeSize, UnSigned, MMBased,
- NullAttribute );
- if( check == -1 )
- error_handler(MySchemaTransaction->getNdbErrorString());
- // RINParameter Create attributes
- check = MySchemaOp->createAttribute( "RINParameter", NoKey, 16,
- tAttributeSize, UnSigned, MMBased,
- NullAttribute );
- if( check == -1 )
- error_handler(MySchemaTransaction->getNdbErrorString());
- // NetworkIndicator Create attributes
- check = MySchemaOp->createAttribute( "NIndicator", NoKey, 8,
- tAttributeSize, Signed, MMBased,
- NullAttribute );
- if( check == -1 )
- error_handler(MySchemaTransaction->getNdbErrorString());
- // CallAttemptState Create attributes
- check = MySchemaOp->createAttribute( "CAS", NoKey, 8,
- tAttributeSize, Signed, MMBased,
- NullAttribute );
- if( check == -1 )
- error_handler(MySchemaTransaction->getNdbErrorString());
- // ACategory Create attributes
- check = MySchemaOp->createAttribute( "ACategory", NoKey, 8,
- tAttributeSize, Signed, MMBased,
- NullAttribute );
- if( check == -1 )
- error_handler(MySchemaTransaction->getNdbErrorString());
- // EndOfSelectionInformation Create attributes
- check = MySchemaOp->createAttribute( "EndOfSelInf", NoKey, 8,
- tAttributeSize, Signed, MMBased,
- NullAttribute );
- if( check == -1 )
- error_handler(MySchemaTransaction->getNdbErrorString());
- // UserToUserInformation Create attributes
- check = MySchemaOp->createAttribute( "UserToUserInf", NoKey, 8,
- tAttributeSize, Signed, MMBased,
- NullAttribute );
- if( check == -1 )
- error_handler(MySchemaTransaction->getNdbErrorString());
- // UserToUserIndicator Create attributes
- check = MySchemaOp->createAttribute( "UserToUserInd", NoKey, 8,
- tAttributeSize, Signed, MMBased,
- NullAttribute );
- if( check == -1 )
- error_handler(MySchemaTransaction->getNdbErrorString());
- // CauseCode Create attributes
- check = MySchemaOp->createAttribute( "CauseCode", NoKey, 8,
- tAttributeSize, Signed, MMBased,
- NullAttribute );
- if( check == -1 )
- error_handler(MySchemaTransaction->getNdbErrorString());
- // ASubscriberNumber attributes
- check = MySchemaOp->createAttribute( "ANumber", NoKey, 8,
- ASubscriberNumber_SIZE, Signed, MMBased,
- NullAttribute );
- if( check == -1 )
- error_handler(MySchemaTransaction->getNdbErrorString());
- // ASubscriberNumberLenght attributes
- check = MySchemaOp->createAttribute( "ANumberLength", NoKey, 8,
- tAttributeSize, Signed, MMBased,
- NullAttribute );
- if( check == -1 )
- error_handler(MySchemaTransaction->getNdbErrorString());
- // TonASubscriberNumber attributes
- check = MySchemaOp->createAttribute( "TonANumber", NoKey, 8,
- tAttributeSize, Signed, MMBased,
- NullAttribute );
- if( check == -1 )
- error_handler(MySchemaTransaction->getNdbErrorString());
- // BSubscriberNumber attributes
- check = MySchemaOp->createAttribute( "BNumber", NoKey, 8,
- BSubscriberNumber_SIZE, Signed, MMBased,
- NullAttribute );
- if( check == -1 )
- error_handler(MySchemaTransaction->getNdbErrorString());
- // BSubscriberNumberLength attributes
- check = MySchemaOp->createAttribute( "BNumberLength", NoKey, 8,
- tAttributeSize, Signed, MMBased,
- NullAttribute );
- if( check == -1 )
- error_handler(MySchemaTransaction->getNdbErrorString());
- // TonBSubscriberNumber attributes
- check = MySchemaOp->createAttribute( "TonBNumber", NoKey, 8,
- tAttributeSize, Signed, MMBased,
- NullAttribute );
- if( check == -1 )
- error_handler(MySchemaTransaction->getNdbErrorString());
- // RedirectingNumber attributes
- check = MySchemaOp->createAttribute( "RNumber", NoKey, 8,
- ASubscriberNumber_SIZE, Signed, MMBased,
- NullAttribute );
- if( check == -1 )
- error_handler(MySchemaTransaction->getNdbErrorString());
- // TonRedirectingNumber attributes
- check = MySchemaOp->createAttribute( "TonRNumber", NoKey, 8,
- tAttributeSize, Signed, MMBased,
- NullAttribute );
- if( check == -1 )
- error_handler(MySchemaTransaction->getNdbErrorString());
- // OriginalCalledNumber attributes
- check = MySchemaOp->createAttribute( "ONumber", NoKey, 8,
- ASubscriberNumber_SIZE, Signed, MMBased,
- NullAttribute );
- if( check == -1 )
- error_handler(MySchemaTransaction->getNdbErrorString());
- // TonOriginalCalledNumber attributes
- check = MySchemaOp->createAttribute( "TonONumber", NoKey, 8,
- tAttributeSize, Signed, MMBased,
- NullAttribute );
- if( check == -1 )
- error_handler(MySchemaTransaction->getNdbErrorString());
- // LocationCode attributes
- check = MySchemaOp->createAttribute( "LocationCode", NoKey, 8,
- ASubscriberNumber_SIZE, Signed, MMBased,
- NullAttribute );
- if( check == -1 )
- error_handler(MySchemaTransaction->getNdbErrorString());
- // TonLocationCode attributes
- check = MySchemaOp->createAttribute( "TonLocationCode", NoKey, 8,
- tAttributeSize, Signed, MMBased,
- NullAttribute );
- if( check == -1 )
- error_handler(MySchemaTransaction->getNdbErrorString());
- if( MySchemaTransaction->execute() == -1 ) {
- cout << tableName << " already exist" << endl;
- cout << "Message: " << MySchemaTransaction->getNdbErrorString() << endl;
- }
- else
- {
- cout << tableName << " created" << endl;
- }
- pMyNdb->closeSchemaTransaction(MySchemaTransaction);
- return;
- }
- void
- error_handler(const char* errorText)
- {
- // Test failed
- cout << endl << "ErrorMessage: " << errorText << endl;
- bTestPassed = -1;
- }