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资源名称:MyUnZip.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- #ifndef UNZIPDLL_H
- #define UNZIPDLL_H
- #include "windows.h"
- #include "..stdafx.h"
- #include "ZCallBck.h"
- struct CUnzipParams
- {
- HWND m_wndHandle;
- void * m_pCaller; /* "self" referance of the Delphi form */
- /* This is passed back to us in the callback function
- so we can direct the info to the proper form instance
- - thanks to Dennis Passmore for this idea. */
- long int m_liVersion; /* version of DLL we expect to see */
- void* m_pfCallbackFunction; /* type def in ZCallBck.PAS */
- BOOL m_bTraceEnabled;
- /*============== Begin UnZip Flag section ============== */
- BOOL m_bPromptToOverwrite; // not used yet
- char* m_pszZipPassword; // password pointer
- BOOL m_bTest; // if true, test zipfile, don't save extracted files
- BOOL m_bComments; // show zip comment (not supported yet)
- BOOL m_bConvert; // if true, do ASCII/EBCDIC or EOL translation
- BOOL m_bQuiet; // DLL be quiet!
- BOOL m_bVerboseEnabled; // verbose flag
- BOOL m_bUpdate; // "update" (extract only newer files & brand new files)
- BOOL m_bFreshen; // "freshen" (extract only newer files that already exist)
- BOOL m_bDirectories; // if true, recreate dir structure
- BOOL m_bOverwrite; // if true, overwrite existing (no asking)
- /* Count of filespecs to extract - don't forget to set this! */
- long int m_liFileCount;
- /* ptr to zipfile name */
- char *m_pszArchiveFileName;
- long int m_liSeven; /* pass a 7 here to validate struct size */
- /* Array of filenames contained in the ZIP archive */
- char* m_pszFileNames[MAX_FILES];
- };
- /* Main call to execute a ZIP add or Delete. This call returns the
- number of files that were sucessfully operated on. */
- typedef DWORD (__stdcall *CUnzipDllExec)(CUnzipParams *pParams);
- typedef DWORD (__stdcall *CGetUnzipDllVersion)();
- #endif // UNZIPDLL_H