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资源名称:ertos.rar [点击查看]
- /**************************************************************************/
- /* test17 - shows results of slow message reads */
- /* Suppose you have two threads communicating using the messaging*/
- /* functions. If the reader reads more slowly than the writer */
- /* sends, soon the message queue will become depleted. */
- /* Then other operations - like rt_sleep - may be affected as */
- /* there is no space on the message queue for their messages */
- /* To demonstrate this, we are using a very small message queue */
- /* and note that the sender eventually locks in at 5 messages */
- /* ahead of the sender. rt_sleep( 200 ) will wait longer than */
- /* 200 ms because sleep has no messages available to inform the */
- /* sleeping client to wake up. */
- /**************************************************************************/
- #include "rtos.h"
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- void *peer = NULL;
- void switcher1(DWORD arg)
- {
- int x;
- #if defined(__TURBOC__)||defined(__BORLANDC__)
- randomize();
- #else
- srand( time( 0 ) );
- #endif
- do {
- x = rand();
- cprintf( " sending %u ", x );
- kwritemessage( peer, x, 0 );
- rt_sleep(200);
- } while ( 1 );
- }
- void switcher2(DWORD arg)
- {
- int x;
- DWORD y;
- do {
- if (kgetmessage( &x, &y ) ) {
- cprintf(" read %u rn", x );
- for(y=0; y<=20000000L; y++); // for instance waiting for a serial port answer
- printf("Oo");
- }
- } while ( 1 );
- }
- main()
- {
- kdebug = 1;
- kpreemptive = 1; // preemtive because switcher2 does not switch away
- rt_init(5); // a VERY small message queue size to demo this problem
- cputs("starting...rn");
- peer = rt_newthread( switcher2, 2, 4096, 1, "worker2" );
- rt_newthread( switcher1, 1, 4096, 1, "worker1" );
- while ( 1 ) rt_sleep( 10000 );
- }