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资源名称:ertos.rar [点击查看]
- /*
- * SNMP Trap
- * Copyright(c) 2000, Erick Engelke
- *
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <snmp.h>
- #include <rtos.h>
- #include <net.h>
- #define SNMP_TRAP_PORT 162
- // #define DEBUG
- #ifdef DEBUG
- #include <ctype.h>
- void dump(void *ptr, int len )
- {
- unsigned char *p = ptr;
- int x, y, xy;
- char ch;
- FILE *outfile;
- outfile = fopen("dump", "a+t" );
- fprintf(outfile,"n%u (0x%04x) bytesn", len, len );
- for ( y = 0 ; y < len ; y+= 16 ) {
- fprintf(outfile,"n%04x : ", y );
- for ( x = 0 ; x < 16 ; ++x ) {
- xy = x + y;
- fprintf(outfile, xy < len ? "%02x " : " ", p[xy] );
- }
- fprintf(outfile," : ");
- for ( x = 0 ; x < 16 ; ++x ) {
- xy = x + y;
- ch = p[ xy ];
- if ( ! isprint( ch )) ch = '*';
- fprintf(outfile, xy < len ? "%c" : " ", ch );
- }
- }
- fprintf(outfile,"n");
- fclose(outfile);
- }
- #endif
- void ascii2id( char *p, SNMP_OBJECT *lp )
- {
- char *t;
- int i = 0;
- char *s, *sstart;
- s = sstart = kcalloc( strlen( p ) + 1, 1 );
- strcpy( s, p );
- do {
- if (( t = strchr( s , '.' )) != NULL ) *t = 0;
- lp->Id[ i ] = atol( s );
- if ( t != NULL ) *t = '.'; // repair it
- s = t + 1;
- i++;
- } while ( t );
- lp->IdLen = i;
- kfree( sstart );
- }
- static void copy_newoid( SNMP_OBJECT *dest, esnmp_oid *src )
- {
- int i;
- for ( i = 0 ; i < src->oidlen; ++i )
- dest->Id[i] = src->oid[i];
- dest->IdLen = src->oidlen;
- }
- int snmp_trap( DWORD remote_ip, char *community, char *entOID, char *OID, DWORD agent,
- int genTrapType, int specTrapType, int valueType, void *value, int valueLen )
- {
- return snmp_traps( remote_ip, community, entOID,
- 1, &OID, agent, genTrapType, specTrapType, &valueType, &value, &valueLen );
- }
- /* Multiple traps in one */
- int snmp_traps( DWORD remote_ip, char *community, char *entOID,
- int count, char **OID, DWORD agent,
- int genTrapType, int specTrapType, int *valueType, void **value, int *valueLen )
- {
- SNMP_PDU *pdu;
- SNMP_OBJECT *list;
- BYTE *buff;
- int i;
- BYTE *buffptr;
- unsigned encodedLength;
- udp_Socket *s;
- #define SNMP_BUF_SIZE 2048
- #define MAXOIDS 25
- if ( count >= MAXOIDS ) return( 1 ); // out of memory
- pdu = kcalloc( sizeof( SNMP_PDU ), MAXOIDS );
- list = kcalloc( sizeof( SNMP_OBJECT ), MAXOIDS );
- buff = kcalloc( SNMP_BUF_SIZE, 1 );
- s = kcalloc( sizeof( udp_Socket ), 1 );
- if ((s==NULL)||(buff==NULL)||(pdu==NULL)||(list==NULL)) {
- if ( s ) kfree( s );
- if ( buff ) kfree( buff );
- if ( list ) kfree( list );
- if ( pdu ) kfree( pdu );
- return( 1 );
- }
- buffptr = &buff[0];
- /* build the reply packet */
- pdu->Trap.Type = SNMP_PDU_TRAP;
- for(i = 0; i < SNMP_SIZE_BUFINT; ++i) { // pack the rest with -1
- pdu->Trap.Id[i] = -1;
- }
- ascii2id( (entOID==NULL)? "0.0" : entOID, &pdu->Trap );
- if ( agent != 0 )
- pdu->Trap.IpAddress = intel( agent );
- else
- pdu->Trap.IpAddress = intel( my_ip_addr ); // my hostAddr
- pdu->Trap.General = genTrapType; // (0-5) -> defined trap; 6 -> enterprise specific
- pdu->Trap.Specific = specTrapType; // 0 unless above is 6
- pdu->Trap.Time = kupticks / 18L;
- // build the response
- memset( buff, -1, SNMP_BUF_SIZE );
- encodedLength = SNMP_BUF_SIZE; // default buffer size
- for ( i = 0 ; i < count ; ++i ) {
- if ( OID == NULL )
- ascii2id( "", &list[i] );
- else
- ascii2id( OID[i], &list[i] );
- list[i].Type = valueType[i]; // eg. SNMP_OCTETSTR;
- memcpy( list[i].Syntax.BufChr, value[i], valueLen[i] );
- list[i].SyntaxLen = valueLen[i];
- }
- i = SnmpEnc( &buffptr, &encodedLength, pdu, community, strlen(community), list, count ); // encode it for transport
- // write it out to the network
- udp_open( s, 0, remote_ip, SNMP_TRAP_PORT, NULL );
- tcp_tick(NULL );
- #ifdef DEBUG
- dump( buffptr, encodedLength );
- #endif
- sock_write( s, buffptr, encodedLength );
- sock_close( s );
- kfree( s );
- kfree( buff );
- kfree( list );
- kfree( pdu );
- return 0;
- }
- #ifdef NEVER
- int snmp_trap( DWORD remote_ip, char *community, char *OID, DWORD agent,
- int genTrapType, int specTrapType, int valueType, void *value, int valueLen )
- {
- SNMP_PDU *pdu;
- SNMP_OBJECT *list;
- BYTE *buff;
- BYTE *buffptr;
- unsigned encodedLength;
- int i;
- udp_Socket *s;
- pdu = kcalloc( sizeof( SNMP_PDU ), 1 );
- list = kcalloc( sizeof( SNMP_OBJECT ), 1 );
- buff = kcalloc( 2048, 1 );
- s = kcalloc( sizeof( udp_Socket ), 1 );
- if ((s==NULL)||(buff==NULL)||(pdu==NULL)||(list==NULL)) {
- if ( s ) kfree( s );
- if ( buff ) kfree( buff );
- if ( list ) kfree( list );
- if ( pdu ) kfree( pdu );
- return( 1 );
- }
- buffptr = &buff[0];
- /* build the reply packet */
- pdu->Trap.Type = SNMP_PDU_TRAP;
- for(i = 0; i < SNMP_SIZE_BUFINT; ++i) { // pack the rest with -1
- pdu->Trap.Id[i] = -1;
- }
- ascii2id( "", &pdu->Trap );
- if ( agent != 0 )
- pdu->Trap.IpAddress = intel( agent );
- else
- pdu->Trap.IpAddress = intel( my_ip_addr ); // my hostAddr
- pdu->Trap.General = genTrapType; // (0-5) -> defined trap; 6 -> enterprise specific
- pdu->Trap.Specific = specTrapType; // 0 unless above is 6
- pdu->Trap.Time = kupticks / 18L;
- // build the response
- ascii2id( "", &list[0] );
- list[0].Type = valueType; // eg. SNMP_OCTETSTR;
- memcpy( list[0].Syntax.BufChr, value, valueLen );
- // eg. like strcpy( (char *)list[0].Syntax.BufChr, "foo" );
- list[0].SyntaxLen = valueLen; // strlen( (const char *)list[0].Syntax.BufChr );
- encodedLength = 2048; // default buffer size
- // for(i = 0; i<2048; ++i) buff[i]=-1;
- memset( buff, -1, 2048 );
- i = SnmpEnc( &buffptr, &encodedLength, pdu, community, strlen(community), list, 1 ); // encode it for transport
- // write it out to the network
- udp_open( s, 0, remote_ip, SNMP_TRAP_PORT, NULL );
- tcp_tick(NULL );
- #ifdef DEBUG
- dump( buffptr, encodedLength );
- #endif // DEBUG
- sock_write( s, buffptr, encodedLength );
- sock_close( s );
- kfree( s );
- kfree( buff );
- kfree( list );
- kfree( pdu );
- return 0;
- }
- #endif NEVER