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资源名称:wattcp.rar [点击查看]
- /*
- * Ethernet Driver Routines
- *
- * The TCP code uses Ethernet constants for protocol numbers and 48 bits
- * for address. Also, 0xffffffffffff is assumed to be a broadcast.
- *
- * If you need to write a new driver, implement it at this level and use
- * the above mentioned constants as this program's constants, not device
- * dependant constants.
- *
- * The packet driver code lies below this and really ought to be rewritten
- * in assembly language.
- *
- * _eth_addr - Ethernet address of this host.
- * _eth_brdcast - Ethernet broadcast address.
- */
- #include <copyright.h>
- #include <wattcp.h>
- #include <ethdev.h>
- #include <mem.h>
- eth_address _eth_addr; /* local ethernet address */
- eth_address _eth_brdcast; /* Ethernet broadcast address */
- word _pktdevclass = 1; /* Ethernet = 1, SLIP = 6 */
- #ifdef NOTUSED // S. Lawson
- /*
- * Initialize the Ethernet Interface, and this package. Enable input on
- * all packet buffers.
- */
- void _eth_init(void)
- {
- movmem( _pkt_eth_init() , &_eth_addr, 6 );
- memset( &_eth_brdcast, 0xff, sizeof( _eth_brdcast ));
- }
- #else // S. Lawson
- /*
- * Initialize the Ethernet Interface, and this package. Enable input on
- * all packet buffers. Return 0 on success.
- */
- int _eth_init(void)
- {
- eth_address *e;
- e=_pkt_eth_init();
- if (!e) return 1;
- movmem( e, &_eth_addr, 6 );
- memset( &_eth_brdcast, 0xff, sizeof( _eth_brdcast ));
- return 0;
- }
- #endif // S. Lawson
- /*
- * _eth_FormatPacket places the next packet into the buffer and uses the
- * type field for protocol determination. Note, I only maintain a single
- * output buffer, and it gets used quickly then released. The benefits of
- * non-blocking systems are immense.
- */
- static struct ether outbuf;
- //byte *_eth_formatpacket( void *eth_dest, word eth_type )
- byte *_eth_formatpacket( eth_address *eth_dest, word eth_type ) // 94.11.19
- {
- memset( &outbuf, 0, sizeof(struct ether));
- switch ( _pktdevclass ) {
- case PD_SLIP :
- return( (byte *) &outbuf ); /* no header */
- case PD_ETHER :
- default: /* should never catch default case */
- movmem( eth_dest, outbuf.dest, 6 );
- movmem( &_eth_addr, outbuf.src, 6 );
- outbuf.type = eth_type;
- return( (byte *)&outbuf.data );
- }
- }
- /*
- * _eth_send does the actual transmission once we are complete with the
- * buffer. Do any last minute patches here, like fix the size.
- */
- int _eth_send( word len )
- {
- if (( _pktdevclass == PD_ETHER ) && ((len += 14) < ETH_MIN ))
- len = ETH_MIN;
- return( pkt_send( (char *)&outbuf, len )); /* send to packet driver */
- }
- /*
- * _eth_free - free an input buffer once it is no longer needed
- * If pointer to NULL, release all buffers
- */
- void _eth_free( void *buf )
- {
- if ( buf )
- pkt_buf_release( buf );
- else
- pkt_buf_wipe();
- }
- /*
- * _eth_arrived - if a new packet has arrived, read it and fill pointer
- * with type of packet
- */
- byte *_eth_arrived( word *type_ptr )
- {
- struct ether * temp;
- if ((temp = (struct ether * ) pkt_received()) != NULL ) {
- switch ( _pktdevclass ) {
- case PD_ETHER : *type_ptr = temp->type;
- return( temp->data );
- case PD_SLIP : *type_ptr = 0x008;
- return( (byte *) temp );
- }
- }
- return( NULL );
- }
- /*
- * _eth_release - release the hardware
- */
- void _eth_release( void )
- {
- pkt_release();
- }
- /*
- * _eth_hardware - return pointer to hardware address of a packet
- */
- void *_eth_hardware( byte *p )
- {
- return( p - 8 );
- }