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资源名称:bookshop.zip [点击查看]
- package bookshop.run;
- /**
- * <p>Title: </p>
- * <p>Description: </p>
- * <p>Copyright: Copyright (c) 2004</p>
- * <p>Company: </p>
- * @author not attributable
- * @version 1.0
- */
- import java.sql.*;
- import java.util.Vector;
- import bookshop.util.*;
- import bookshop.book.*;
- import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
- public class op_book extends DataBase{
- private book abooks = new book(); //新的图书类
- private javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request; //建立页面请求
- private boolean sqlflag = true ; //对接收到的数据是否正确
- private Vector booklist; //显示图书列表向量数组
- private int page = 1; //显示的页码
- private int pageSize=10; //每页显示的图书数
- private int pageCount =0; //页面总数
- private long recordCount =0; //查询的记录总数
- public String sqlStr="";
- public Vector getBooklist() {
- return booklist;
- }
- public boolean getSqlflag() {
- return sqlflag;
- }
- public String to_String( String str) {
- try
- {
- return new String(str.getBytes("ISO8859-1"));
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- return str;
- }
- }
- //将页面表单传来的资料分解
- public boolean getRequest(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest newrequest) {
- boolean flag = false;
- try
- {
- request = newrequest;
- String ID = request.getParameter("id");
- long bookid = 0;
- try
- {
- bookid = Long.parseLong(ID);
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- }
- abooks.setId(bookid);
- String bookname = request.getParameter("bookname");
- if (bookname==null || bookname.equals(""))
- {
- bookname = "";
- sqlflag = false;
- }
- abooks.setBookName(to_String(bookname));
- String author = request.getParameter("author");
- if (author==null || author.equals(""))
- {
- author = "";
- sqlflag = false;
- }
- abooks.setAuthor(to_String(author));
- String publish = request.getParameter("publish");;
- if (publish==null)
- {
- publish = "";
- }
- abooks.setPublish(to_String(publish));
- String bookclass = request.getParameter("bookclass");
- int bc = Integer.parseInt(bookclass);
- abooks.setBookClass(bc);
- String bookno = request.getParameter("bookno");
- if (bookno == null)
- {
- bookno = "";
- }
- abooks.setBookNo(to_String(bookno));
- String picture = request.getParameter("picture");
- if (picture == null)
- {
- picture = "images/01.gif";
- }
- abooks.setPicture(to_String(picture));
- float price;
- try {
- price =new Float(request.getParameter("price")).floatValue();
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- price = 0;
- sqlflag = false;
- }
- abooks.setPrince(price);
- int amount;
- try
- {
- amount = new Integer(request.getParameter("amount")).intValue();
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- sqlflag = false;
- amount = 0;
- }
- abooks.setAmount(amount);
- String content = request.getParameter("content");
- if (content == null)
- {
- content = "";
- }
- abooks.setContent(to_String(content));
- if (sqlflag)
- {
- flag = true;
- }
- return flag;
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- return flag;
- }
- }
- public String getSql() {
- sqlStr = "select id,classname from book order by id";
- return sqlStr;
- }
- public boolean book_search(HttpServletRequest res) throws Exception {
- DataBase db = new DataBase();
- db.connect();
- stmt = db.conn.createStatement ();
- // System.out.println("aaaaaaaa");
- request = res;
- String PAGE = request.getParameter("page"); //页码
- String classid = request.getParameter("classid"); //分类ID号
- String keyword = request.getParameter("keyword"); //查询关键词
- if (classid==null) classid="";
- if (keyword==null) keyword = "";
- keyword = to_String(keyword).toUpperCase();
- try
- {
- page = Integer.parseInt(PAGE);
- }
- catch (NumberFormatException e)
- {
- page = 1;
- }
- //取出记录数
- if (!classid.equals("") && keyword.equals("") ) {
- sqlStr = "select count(*) from book where bookclass='" + classid + "'";
- } else if (!keyword.equals("")) {
- if (classid.equals(""))
- {
- sqlStr = "select count(*) from book where upper(bookname) like '%" +keyword+ "%' or upper(content) like '%" + keyword + "%'";
- } else {
- sqlStr = "select count(*) from book where bookclass='" + classid + "' and (upper(bookname) like '%" +keyword+ "%' or upper(content) like '%" + keyword + "%')";
- }
- } else {
- sqlStr = "select count(*) from book";
- }
- int rscount = pageSize;
- try
- {
- ResultSet rs1 = stmt.executeQuery(sqlStr);
- if (rs1.next()) recordCount = rs1.getInt(1);
- rs1.close();
- }
- catch (SQLException e)
- { System.out.println(e.getMessage());
- return false;
- }
- //设定有多少pageCount
- System.out.println("kkkkk"+recordCount);
- if (recordCount < 1)
- pageCount = 0;
- else
- pageCount = (int)(recordCount - 1) / pageSize + 1;
- //检查查看的页面数是否在范围内
- if (page < 1)
- page = 1;
- else if (page > pageCount)
- page = pageCount;
- //System.out.println("bbbbbbbbbbbbb");
- rscount = (int) recordCount % pageSize; // 最后一页记录数
- //System.out.println("ccccccccccc");
- //sql为倒序取值
- sqlStr = "select a.id,a.bookname,a.bookclass,b.classname,a.author,a.publish,a.bookno,a.content,a.prince,a.amount,a.Leav_number,a.regtime,a.picture from book a,bookclass b where a.Bookclass = b.Id ";
- // System.out.print("ccc"+sqlStr);
- if (!classid.equals("") && keyword.equals("") ){ //如果类别不为空,非查询
- if (page == 1)
- {
- sqlStr = sqlStr + " and a.bookclass='" + classid + "' order by a.Id desc";
- } else {
- sqlStr = sqlStr + " and a.bookclass='" + classid + "limit "+(recordCount-pageSize * page)+","+(recordCount-pageSize * (page-1));
- }
- } else if (!keyword.equals("")) { //如果是查询资料
- if (page == 1)
- {
- if (!classid.equals("")) //查询某一类
- {
- sqlStr = sqlStr + "and a.Bookclass='" + classid + "' and (upper(a.bookname) like '%" +keyword+ "%' or upper(a.content) like '%" + keyword + "%') order by a.Id desc";
- } else { //查询所有类
- sqlStr = sqlStr + " and (upper(a.bookname) like '%" +keyword+ "%' or upper(a.content) like '%" + keyword + "%') order by a.Id desc";
- }
- } else {
- if (!classid.equals(""))
- {
- sqlStr = sqlStr + " and a.Bookclass='" + classid + "' and (upper(a.bookname) like '%" +keyword+ "%' or upper(a.content) like '%" + keyword + "%') limit "+(recordCount-pageSize * page)+","+(recordCount-pageSize * (page-1));
- } else {
- sqlStr = sqlStr + " and (upper(a.bookname) like '%" +keyword+ "%' or upper(a.content) like '%" + keyword + "%') limit "+(recordCount-pageSize * page)+","+(recordCount-pageSize * (page-1));
- }
- }
- } else { //非查询,也非分类浏览
- if (page == 1)
- {
- sqlStr = sqlStr + " order by a.Id desc limit 0,"+pageSize;
- } else {
- sqlStr = sqlStr + "limit "+(recordCount-pageSize * page)+","+(recordCount-pageSize * (page-1));
- }
- }
- try
- { //System.out.println(sqlStr);
- rs = stmt.executeQuery(sqlStr);
- booklist = new Vector(rscount);
- while (rs.next())
- {
- book book = new book();
- book.setId(rs.getLong("id"));
- book.setBookName(rs.getString("bookname"));
- book.setBookClass(rs.getInt("bookclass"));
- book.setClassname(rs.getString("classname"));
- book.setAuthor(rs.getString("author"));
- book.setPublish(rs.getString("publish"));
- book.setBookNo(rs.getString("Bookno"));
- book.setContent(rs.getString("content"));
- book.setPrince(rs.getFloat("prince"));
- book.setAmount(rs.getInt("amount"));
- book.setLeav_number(rs.getInt("leav_number"));
- book.setRegTime(rs.getString("regtime"));
- book.setPicture(rs.getString("picture"));
- booklist.addElement(book);
- }
- rs.close();
- return true;
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- System.out.println(e.getMessage());
- return false;
- }
- }
- public boolean insert() throws Exception {
- sqlStr = "insert into book (Bookname,Bookclass,Author,Publish,Bookno,Content,Prince,Amount,Leav_number,Regtime,picture) values ('";
- sqlStr = sqlStr + dataFormat.toSql(abooks.getBookName()) + "','";
- sqlStr = sqlStr + abooks.getBookClass() + "','";
- sqlStr = sqlStr + dataFormat.toSql(abooks.getAuthor()) + "','";
- sqlStr = sqlStr + dataFormat.toSql(abooks.getPublish()) + "','";
- sqlStr = sqlStr + dataFormat.toSql(abooks.getBookNo()) + "','";
- sqlStr = sqlStr + dataFormat.toSql(abooks.getContent()) + "','";
- sqlStr = sqlStr + abooks.getPrince() + "','";
- sqlStr = sqlStr + abooks.getAmount() + "','";
- sqlStr = sqlStr + abooks.getLeav_number() + "',";
- sqlStr = sqlStr + "now()"+ "','";
- sqlStr = sqlStr + abooks.getPicture()+"'";
- try
- { DataBase db = new DataBase();
- db.connect();
- stmt =db.conn.createStatement ();
- stmt.execute(sqlStr);
- return true;
- }
- catch (SQLException sqle)
- { System.out.print(sqle.getMessage());
- return false;
- }
- }
- public boolean update() throws Exception {
- sqlStr = "update book set ";
- sqlStr = sqlStr + "bookname = '" + dataFormat.toSql(abooks.getBookName()) + "',";
- sqlStr = sqlStr + "bookclass = '" + abooks.getBookClass() + "',";
- sqlStr = sqlStr + "Author = '" + dataFormat.toSql(abooks.getAuthor()) + "',";
- sqlStr = sqlStr + "publish = '" + dataFormat.toSql(abooks.getPublish()) + "',";
- sqlStr = sqlStr + "bookno = '" + dataFormat.toSql(abooks.getBookNo()) + "',";
- sqlStr = sqlStr + "content = '" + dataFormat.toSql(abooks.getContent()) + "',";
- sqlStr = sqlStr + "prince = '" + abooks.getPrince() + "',";
- sqlStr = sqlStr + "Amount = '" + abooks.getAmount() + "',";
- sqlStr = sqlStr + "leav_number = '" + abooks.getLeav_number()+ "' ,";
- sqlStr = sqlStr + "picture = '" + abooks.getPicture() + "' ";
- sqlStr = sqlStr + "where id = " + abooks.getId();
- System.out.println(sqlStr);
- try
- {
- DataBase db = new DataBase();
- db.connect();
- stmt =db.conn.createStatement ();
- stmt.execute(sqlStr);
- return true;
- }
- catch (SQLException e)
- { System.out.print(e.getMessage());
- return false;
- }
- }
- public boolean delete( int aid ) throws Exception {
- sqlStr = "delete from book where id = " + aid ;
- try
- { DataBase db = new DataBase();
- db.connect();
- stmt =db.conn.createStatement ();
- stmt.execute(sqlStr);
- return true;
- }
- catch (SQLException e)
- {
- System.out.println(e);
- return false;
- }
- }
- public boolean getOnebook(int newid ) throws Exception {
- DataBase db = new DataBase();
- db.connect();
- stmt =db.conn.createStatement ();
- try
- {
- sqlStr="select a.id,a.bookname,a.bookclass,b.classname,a.author,a.publish,a.bookno,a.content,a.prince,a.amount,a.Leav_number,a.regtime,a.picture from book a,bookclass b where a.Bookclass=b.Id and a.Id = " + newid ;
- rs = stmt.executeQuery(sqlStr);
- if (rs.next())
- { booklist = new Vector(1);
- book book = new book();
- book.setId(rs.getLong("id"));
- book.setBookName(rs.getString("bookname"));
- book.setBookClass(rs.getInt("bookclass"));
- book.setClassname(rs.getString("classname"));
- book.setAuthor(rs.getString("author"));
- book.setPublish(rs.getString("publish"));
- book.setBookNo(rs.getString("Bookno"));
- book.setContent(rs.getString("content"));
- book.setPrince(rs.getFloat("prince"));
- book.setAmount(rs.getInt("amount"));
- book.setLeav_number(rs.getInt("leav_number"));
- book.setRegTime(rs.getString("regtime"));
- book.setPicture(rs.getString("picture"));
- booklist.addElement(book);
- } else {
- rs.close();
- return false;
- }
- rs.close();
- return true;
- }
- catch (SQLException e)
- {
- return false;
- }
- }
- public int getPage() { //显示的页码
- return page;
- }
- public void setPage(int newpage) {
- page = newpage;
- }
- public int getPageSize(){ //每页显示的图书数
- return pageSize;
- }
- public void setPageSize(int newpsize) {
- pageSize = newpsize;
- }
- public int getPageCount() { //页面总数
- return pageCount;
- }
- public void setPageCount(int newpcount) {
- pageCount = newpcount;
- }
- public long getRecordCount() {
- return recordCount;
- }
- public void setRecordCount(long newrcount) {
- recordCount= newrcount;
- }
- public op_book() {
- }
- }