- // star.cpp
- //
- // Copyright (C) 2001, Chris Laurel <>
- //
- // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- // of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- #include <celmath/mathlib.h>
- #include <cstring>
- #include <cassert>
- #include "celestia.h"
- #include "astro.h"
- #include "orbit.h"
- #include "star.h"
- #include "texmanager.h"
- using namespace std;
- // The value of the temperature of the sun is actually 5780, but the
- // stellar class tables list the temperature of a G2V star as 5860. We
- // use the latter value so that the radius of the sun is computed correctly
- // as one times SOLAR_RADIUS . . . the high metallicity of the Sun is
- // probably what accounts for the discrepancy in temperature.
- // #define SOLAR_TEMPERATURE 5780.0f
- #define SOLAR_TEMPERATURE 5860.0f
- #define SOLAR_RADIUS 696000
- struct SpectralTypeInfo
- {
- char* name;
- float temperature;
- float rotationPeriod;
- };
- static StarDetails** normalStarDetails = NULL;
- static StarDetails** whiteDwarfDetails = NULL;
- static StarDetails* neutronStarDetails = NULL;
- static StarDetails* blackHoleDetails = NULL;
- static StarDetails* barycenterDetails = NULL;
- static string DEFAULT_INFO_URL("");
- StarDetails::StarTextureSet StarDetails::starTextures;
- // Star temperature data from Lang's _Astrophysical Data: Planets and Stars_
- // Temperatures from missing (and typically not used) types in those
- // tables were just interpolated.
- static float tempO[3][10] =
- {
- { 52500, 52500, 52500, 52500, 48000, 44500, 41000, 38000, 35800, 33000 },
- { 50000, 50000, 50000, 50000, 45500, 42500, 39500, 37000, 34700, 32000 },
- { 47300, 47300, 47300, 47300, 44100, 42500, 39500, 37000, 34700, 32000 },
- };
- static float tempB[3][10] =
- {
- { 30000, 25400, 22000, 18700, 17000, 15400, 14000, 13000, 11900, 10500 },
- { 29000, 24000, 20300, 17100, 16000, 15000, 14100, 13200, 12400, 11000 },
- { 26000, 20800, 18500, 16200, 15100, 13600, 13000, 12200, 11200, 10300 },
- };
- static float tempA[3][10] =
- {
- { 9520, 9230, 8970, 8720, 8460, 8200, 8020, 7850, 7580, 7390 },
- { 10100, 9480, 9000, 8600, 8300, 8100, 7850, 7650, 7450, 7250 },
- { 9730, 9230, 9080, 8770, 8610, 8510, 8310, 8150, 7950, 7800 },
- };
- static float tempF[3][10] =
- {
- { 7200, 7050, 6890, 6740, 6590, 6440, 6360, 6280, 6200, 6110 },
- { 7150, 7000, 6870, 6720, 6570, 6470, 6350, 6250, 6150, 6080 },
- { 7700, 7500, 7350, 7150, 7000, 6900, 6500, 6300, 6100, 5800 },
- };
- static float tempG[3][10] =
- {
- { 6030, 5940, 5860, 5830, 5800, 5770, 5700, 5630, 5570, 5410 },
- { 5850, 5650, 5450, 5350, 5250, 5150, 5050, 5070, 4900, 4820 },
- { 5550, 5350, 5200, 5050, 4950, 4850, 4750, 4660, 4600, 4500 },
- };
- static float tempK[3][10] =
- {
- { 5250, 5080, 4900, 4730, 4590, 4350, 4200, 4060, 3990, 3920 },
- { 4750, 4600, 4420, 4200, 4000, 3950, 3900, 3850, 3830, 3810 },
- { 4420, 4330, 4250, 4080, 3950, 3850, 3760, 3700, 3680, 3660 },
- };
- static float tempM[3][10] =
- {
- { 3850, 3720, 3580, 3470, 3370, 3240, 3050, 2940, 2640, 2000 },
- { 3800, 3720, 3620, 3530, 3430, 3330, 3240, 3240, 3240, 3240 },
- { 3650, 3550, 3450, 3200, 2980, 2800, 2600, 2600, 2600, 2600 },
- };
- // Wolf-Rayet temperatures. From Lang's Astrophysical Data: Planets and
- // Stars.
- static float tempWN[10] =
- {
- 50000, 50000, 50000, 50000, 47000, 43000, 39000, 32000, 29000, 29000
- };
- static float tempWC[10] =
- {
- 60000, 60000, 60000, 60000, 60000, 60000, 60000, 54000, 46000, 38000
- };
- // Brown dwarf temperatures
- static float tempL[10] =
- {
- 1960, 1930, 1900, 1850, 1800, 1740, 1680, 1620, 1560, 1500
- };
- static float tempT[10] =
- {
- 1425, 1350, 1275, 1200, 1140, 1080, 1020, 900, 800, 750
- };
- // White dwarf temperaturs
- static float tempWD[10] =
- {
- 100000.0f, 50400.0f, 25200.0f, 16800.0f, 12600.0f,
- 10080.0f, 8400.0f, 7200.0f, 6300.0f, 5600.0f,
- };
- // Tables with adjustments for estimating absolute bolometric magnitude from
- // visual magnitude, from Lang's "Astrophysical Data: Planets and Stars".
- // Gaps in the tables from unused spectral classes were filled in with linear
- // interpolation--not accurate, but these shouldn't appear in real catalog
- // data anyway.
- static float bmag_correctionO[3][10] =
- {
- // Lum class V (main sequence)
- {
- -4.75f, -4.75f, -4.75f, -4.75f, -4.45f,
- -4.40f, -3.93f, -3.68f, -3.54f, -3.33f,
- },
- // Lum class III
- {
- -4.58f, -4.58f, -4.58f, -4.58f, -4.28f,
- -4.05f, -3.80f, -3.58f, -3.39f, -3.13f,
- },
- // Lum class I
- {
- -4.41f, -4.41f, -4.41f, -4.41f, -4.17f,
- -3.87f, -3.74f, -3.48f, -3.35f, -3.18f,
- }
- };
- static float bmag_correctionB[3][10] =
- {
- // Lum class V (main sequence)
- {
- -3.16f, -2.70f, -2.35f, -1.94f, -1.70f,
- -1.46f, -1.21f, -1.02f, -0.80f, -0.51f,
- },
- // Lum class III
- {
- -2.88f, -2.43f, -2.02f, -1.60f, -1.45f,
- -1.30f, -1.13f, -0.97f, -0.82f, -0.71f,
- },
- // Lum class I
- {
- -2.49f, -1.87f, -1.58f, -1.26f, -1.11f,
- -0.95f, -0.88f, -0.78f, -0.66f, -0.52f,
- }
- };
- static float bmag_correctionA[3][10] =
- {
- // Lum class V (main sequence)
- {
- -0.30f, -0.23f, -0.20f, -0.17f, -0.16f,
- -0.15f, -0.13f, -0.12f, -0.10f, -0.09f,
- },
- // Lum class III
- {
- -0.42f, -0.29f, -0.20f, -0.17f, -0.15f,
- -0.14f, -0.12f, -0.10f, -0.10f, -0.10f,
- },
- // Lum class I
- {
- -0.41f, -0.32f, -0.28f, -0.21f, -0.17f,
- -0.13f, -0.09f, -0.06f, -0.03f, -0.02f,
- }
- };
- static float bmag_correctionF[3][10] =
- {
- // Lum class V (main sequence)
- {
- -0.09f, -0.10f, -0.11f, -0.12f, -0.13f,
- -0.14f, -0.14f, -0.15f, -0.16f, -0.17f,
- },
- // Lum class III
- {
- -0.11f, -0.11f, -0.11f, -0.12f, -0.13f,
- -0.13f, -0.15f, -0.15f, -0.16f, -0.18f,
- },
- // Lum class I
- {
- -0.01f, 0.00f, 0.00f, -0.01f, -0.02f,
- -0.03f, -0.05f, -0.07f, -0.09f, -0.12f,
- }
- };
- static float bmag_correctionG[3][10] =
- {
- // Lum class V (main sequence)
- {
- -0.18f, -0.19f, -0.20f, -0.20f, -0.21f,
- -0.21f, -0.27f, -0.33f, -0.40f, -0.36f,
- },
- // Lum class III
- {
- -0.20f, -0.24f, -0.27f, -0.29f, -0.32f,
- -0.34f, -0.37f, -0.40f, -0.42f, -0.46f,
- },
- // Lum class I
- {
- -0.15f, -0.18f, -0.21f, -0.25f, -0.29f,
- -0.33f, -0.36f, -0.39f, -0.42f, -0.46f,
- }
- };
- static float bmag_correctionK[3][10] =
- {
- // Lum class V (main sequence)
- {
- -0.31f, -0.37f, -0.42f, -0.50f, -0.55f,
- -0.72f, -0.89f, -1.01f, -1.13f, -1.26f,
- },
- // Lum class III
- {
- -0.50f, -0.55f, -0.61f, -0.76f, -0.94f,
- -1.02f, -1.09f, -1.17f, -1.20f, -1.22f,
- },
- // Lum class I
- {
- -0.50f, -0.56f, -0.61f, -0.75f, -0.90f,
- -1.01f, -1.10f, -1.20f, -1.23f, -1.26f,
- }
- };
- static float bmag_correctionM[3][10] =
- {
- // Lum class V (main sequence)
- {
- -1.38f, -1.62f, -1.89f, -2.15f, -2.38f,
- -2.73f, -3.21f, -3.46f, -4.10f, -4.40f,
- },
- // Lum class III
- {
- -1.25f, -1.44f, -1.62f, -1.87f, -2.22f,
- -2.48f, -2.73f, -2.73f, -2.73f, -2.73f,
- },
- // Lum class I
- {
- -1.29f, -1.38f, -1.62f, -2.13f, -2.75f,
- -3.47f, -3.90f, -3.90f, -3.90f, -3.90f,
- }
- };
- // Brown dwarf data from Grant Hutchison
- static float bmag_correctionL[10] =
- {
- -4.6f, -4.9f, -5.0f, -5.2f, -5.4f, -5.9f, -6.1f, -6.7f, -7.4f, -8.2f,
- };
- static float bmag_correctionT[10] =
- {
- -8.9f, -9.6f, -10.8f, -11.9f, -13.1f, -14.4f, -16.1f, -17.9f, -19.6f, -19.6f,
- };
- // White dwarf data from Grant Hutchison; value for hypothetical
- // 0 subclass is just duplicated from subclass 1.
- static float bmag_correctionWD[10] =
- {
- -4.15f, -4.15f, -2.22f, -1.24f, -0.67f,
- -0.32f, -0.13f, -0.04f, -0.03f, -0.09f,
- };
- // Stellar rotation by spectral and luminosity class.
- // Tables from Grant Hutchison:
- // "Most data are from Lang's _Astrophysical Data: Planets and Stars_ (I
- // calculated from theoretical radii and observed rotation velocities), but
- // with some additional information gleaned from elsewhere.
- // A big scatter in rotation periods, of course, particularly in the K and
- // early M dwarfs. I'm not hugely happy with the supergiant and giant rotation
- // periods for K and M, either - they may be considerably slower yet, but it's
- // obviously difficult to come by the data when the rotation velocity is too
- // slow to obviously affect the spectra."
- //
- // I add missing values by interpolating linearly--certainly not the best
- // technique, but adequate for our purposes. The rotation rate of the Sun
- // was used for spectral class G2.
- static float rotperiod_O[3][10] =
- {
- { 2.0f, 2.0f, 2.0f, 2.0f, 2.0f, 2.0f, 2.0f, 2.0f, 2.0f, 2.0f },
- { 6.3f, 6.3f, 6.3f, 6.3f, 6.3f, 6.3f, 6.3f, 6.3f, 6.3f, 6.3f },
- { 15.0f, 15.0f, 15.0f, 15.0f, 15.0f, 15.0f, 15.0f, 15.0f, 15.0f, 15.0f },
- };
- static float rotperiod_B[3][10] =
- {
- { 2.0f, 1.8f, 1.6f, 1.4f, 1.1f, 0.8f, 0.8f, 0.8f, 0.8f, 0.7f },
- { 6.3f, 5.6f, 5.0f, 4.3f, 3.7f, 3.1f, 2.9f, 2.8f, 2.7f, 2.6f },
- { 15.0f, 24.0f, 33.0f, 42.0f, 52.0f, 63.0f, 65.0f, 67.0f, 70.0f, 72.0f },
- };
- static float rotperiod_A[3][10] =
- {
- { 0.7f, 0.7f, 0.6f, 0.6f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.6f, 0.6f, 0.7f },
- { 2.5f, 2.3f, 2.1f, 1.9f, 1.7f, 1.6f, 1.6f, 1.7f, 1.7f, 1.8f },
- { 75.0f, 77.0f, 80.0f, 82.0f, 85.0f, 87.0f, 95.0f, 104.0f, 115.0f, 125.0f },
- };
- static float rotperiod_F[3][10] =
- {
- { 0.7f, 0.7f, 0.6f, 0.6f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.6f, 0.6f, 0.7f },
- { 1.9f, 2.5f, 3.0f, 3.5f, 4.0f, 4.6f, 5.6f, 6.7f, 7.8f, 8.9f },
- { 135.0f, 141.0f, 148.0f, 155.0f, 162.0f, 169.0f, 175.0f, 182.0f, 188.0f, 195.0f },
- };
- static float rotperiod_G[3][10] =
- {
- { 11.1f, 18.2f, 25.4f, 24.7f, 24.0f, 23.3f, 23.0f, 22.7f, 22.3f, 21.9f },
- { 10.0f, 13.0f, 16.0f, 19.0f, 22.0f, 25.0f, 28.0f, 31.0f, 33.0f, 35.0f },
- { 202.0f, 222.0f, 242.0f, 262.0f, 282.0f,
- 303.0f, 323.0f, 343.0f, 364.0f, 384.0f },
- };
- static float rotperiod_K[3][10] =
- {
- { 21.5f, 20.8f, 20.2f, 19.4f, 18.8f, 18.2f, 17.6f, 17.0f, 16.4f, 15.8f },
- { 38.0f, 43.0f, 48.0f, 53.0f, 58.0f, 63.0f, 71.0f, 78.0f, 86.0f, 93.0f },
- { 405.0f, 526.0f, 648.0f, 769.0f, 891.0f,
- 1012.0f, 1063.0f, 1103.0f, 1154.0f, 1204.0f },
- };
- static float rotperiod_M[3][10] =
- {
- { 15.2f, 12.4f, 9.6f, 6.8f, 4.0f, 1.3f, 1.0f, 0.7f, 0.4f, 0.2f },
- { 101.0f, 101.0f, 101.0f, 101.0f, 101.0f, 101.0f, 101.0f, 101.0f, 101.0f, 101.0f },
- { 1265.0f, 1265.0f, 1265.0f, 1265.0f, 1265.0f,
- 1265.0f, 1265.0f, 1265.0f, 1265.0f, 1265.0f },
- };
- const char* LumClassNames[StellarClass::Lum_Count] = {
- "I-a0", "I-a", "I-b", "II", "III", "IV", "V", "VI", ""
- };
- const char* SubclassNames[11] = {
- "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", ""
- };
- const char* SpectralClassNames[StellarClass::NormalClassCount] = {
- "O", "B", "A", "F", "G", "K", "M", "R",
- "S", "N", "WC", "WN", "?", "L", "T", "C",
- };
- const char* WDSpectralClassNames[StellarClass::WDClassCount] = {
- "DA", "DB", "DC", "DO", "DQ", "DZ", "D", "DX",
- };
- StarDetails*
- StarDetails::GetStarDetails(const StellarClass& sc)
- {
- switch (sc.getStarType())
- {
- case StellarClass::NormalStar:
- return GetNormalStarDetails(sc.getSpectralClass(),
- sc.getSubclass(),
- sc.getLuminosityClass());
- case StellarClass::WhiteDwarf:
- return GetWhiteDwarfDetails(sc.getSpectralClass(),
- sc.getSubclass());
- case StellarClass::NeutronStar:
- return GetNeutronStarDetails();
- case StellarClass::BlackHole:
- return GetBlackHoleDetails();
- default:
- return NULL;
- }
- }
- StarDetails*
- StarDetails::CreateStandardStarType(const std::string& specTypeName,
- float _temperature,
- float _rotationPeriod)
- {
- StarDetails* details = new StarDetails();
- details->setTemperature(_temperature);
- details->setSpectralType(specTypeName);
- details->setRotationModel(new UniformRotationModel(_rotationPeriod,
- 0.0f,
- astro::J2000,
- 0.0f,
- 0.0f));
- return details;
- }
- StarDetails*
- StarDetails::GetNormalStarDetails(StellarClass::SpectralClass specClass,
- unsigned int subclass,
- StellarClass::LuminosityClass lumClass)
- {
- if (normalStarDetails == NULL)
- {
- unsigned int nTypes = StellarClass::Spectral_Count * 11 *
- StellarClass::Lum_Count;
- normalStarDetails = new StarDetails*[nTypes];
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nTypes; i++)
- normalStarDetails[i] = NULL;
- }
- if (subclass > StellarClass::Subclass_Unknown)
- subclass = StellarClass::Subclass_Unknown;
- uint index = subclass + (specClass + lumClass * StellarClass::Spectral_Count) * 11;
- if (normalStarDetails[index] == NULL)
- {
- char name[16];
- if ((lumClass == StellarClass::Lum_VI) &&
- (specClass >= StellarClass::Spectral_O) && (specClass <= StellarClass::Spectral_A))
- {
- // Hot subdwarfs are prefixed with "sd", while cool subdwarfs use
- // luminosity class VI, per recommendations in arXiv:0805.2567v1
- sprintf(name, "sd%s%s",
- SpectralClassNames[specClass],
- SubclassNames[subclass]);
- }
- else
- {
- sprintf(name, "%s%s%s",
- SpectralClassNames[specClass],
- SubclassNames[subclass],
- LumClassNames[lumClass]);
- }
- // Use the same properties for an unknown subclass as for subclass 5
- if (subclass == StellarClass::Subclass_Unknown)
- {
- // Since early O and Wolf-Rayet stars are exceedingly rare,
- // use temperature of the more common late types when the subclass
- // is unspecified in the spectral type. For other stars, default
- // to subclass 5.
- switch (specClass)
- {
- case StellarClass::Spectral_O:
- case StellarClass::Spectral_WN:
- case StellarClass::Spectral_WC:
- subclass = 9;
- break;
- default:
- subclass = 5;
- break;
- }
- }
- unsigned int lumIndex = 0;
- switch (lumClass)
- {
- case StellarClass::Lum_Ia0:
- case StellarClass::Lum_Ia:
- case StellarClass::Lum_Ib:
- case StellarClass::Lum_II:
- lumIndex = 2;
- break;
- case StellarClass::Lum_III:
- case StellarClass::Lum_IV:
- lumIndex = 1;
- break;
- case StellarClass::Lum_V:
- case StellarClass::Lum_VI:
- case StellarClass::Lum_Unknown:
- lumIndex = 0;
- break;
- default: break; // Do nothing, but prevent GCC4 warnings (Beware: potentially dangerous)
- }
- float temp = 0.0f;
- switch (specClass)
- {
- case StellarClass::Spectral_O:
- temp = tempO[lumIndex][subclass];
- break;
- case StellarClass::Spectral_B:
- temp = tempB[lumIndex][subclass];
- break;
- case StellarClass::Spectral_Unknown:
- case StellarClass::Spectral_A:
- temp = tempA[lumIndex][subclass];
- break;
- case StellarClass::Spectral_F:
- temp = tempF[lumIndex][subclass];
- break;
- case StellarClass::Spectral_G:
- temp = tempG[lumIndex][subclass];
- break;
- case StellarClass::Spectral_K:
- temp = tempK[lumIndex][subclass];
- break;
- case StellarClass::Spectral_M:
- temp = tempM[lumIndex][subclass];
- break;
- case StellarClass::Spectral_R:
- temp = tempK[lumIndex][subclass];
- break;
- case StellarClass::Spectral_S:
- temp = tempM[lumIndex][subclass];
- break;
- case StellarClass::Spectral_N:
- temp = tempM[lumIndex][subclass];
- break;
- case StellarClass::Spectral_C:
- temp = tempM[lumIndex][subclass];
- break;
- case StellarClass::Spectral_WN:
- temp = tempWN[subclass];
- break;
- case StellarClass::Spectral_WC:
- temp = tempWC[subclass];
- break;
- case StellarClass::Spectral_L:
- temp = tempL[subclass];
- break;
- case StellarClass::Spectral_T:
- temp = tempT[subclass];
- break;
- default: break; // Do nothing, but prevent GCC4 warnings (Beware: potentially dangerous)
- }
- float bmagCorrection = 0.0f;
- float period = 1.0f;
- switch (specClass)
- {
- case StellarClass::Spectral_O:
- period = rotperiod_O[lumIndex][subclass];
- bmagCorrection = bmag_correctionO[lumIndex][subclass];
- break;
- case StellarClass::Spectral_B:
- period = rotperiod_B[lumIndex][subclass];
- bmagCorrection = bmag_correctionB[lumIndex][subclass];
- break;
- case StellarClass::Spectral_Unknown:
- case StellarClass::Spectral_A:
- period = rotperiod_A[lumIndex][subclass];
- bmagCorrection = bmag_correctionA[lumIndex][subclass];
- break;
- case StellarClass::Spectral_F:
- period = rotperiod_F[lumIndex][subclass];
- bmagCorrection = bmag_correctionF[lumIndex][subclass];
- break;
- case StellarClass::Spectral_G:
- period = rotperiod_G[lumIndex][subclass];
- bmagCorrection = bmag_correctionG[lumIndex][subclass];
- break;
- case StellarClass::Spectral_K:
- period = rotperiod_K[lumIndex][subclass];
- bmagCorrection = bmag_correctionK[lumIndex][subclass];
- break;
- case StellarClass::Spectral_M:
- period = rotperiod_M[lumIndex][subclass];
- bmagCorrection = bmag_correctionM[lumIndex][subclass];
- break;
- case StellarClass::Spectral_R:
- case StellarClass::Spectral_S:
- case StellarClass::Spectral_N:
- case StellarClass::Spectral_C:
- period = rotperiod_M[lumIndex][subclass];
- bmagCorrection = bmag_correctionM[lumIndex][subclass];
- break;
- case StellarClass::Spectral_WC:
- case StellarClass::Spectral_WN:
- period = rotperiod_O[lumIndex][subclass];
- bmagCorrection = bmag_correctionO[lumIndex][subclass];
- break;
- case StellarClass::Spectral_L:
- // Assume that brown dwarfs are fast rotators like late M dwarfs
- period = 0.2f;
- bmagCorrection = bmag_correctionL[subclass];
- break;
- case StellarClass::Spectral_T:
- // Assume that brown dwarfs are fast rotators like late M dwarfs
- period = 0.2f;
- bmagCorrection = bmag_correctionT[subclass];
- break;
- default: break; // Do nothing, but prevent GCC4 warnings (Beware: potentially dangerous)
- }
- normalStarDetails[index] = CreateStandardStarType(name, temp, period);
- normalStarDetails[index]->setBolometricCorrection(bmagCorrection);
- MultiResTexture starTex = starTextures.starTex[specClass];
- if (!starTex.isValid())
- starTex = starTextures.defaultTex;
- normalStarDetails[index]->setTexture(starTex);
- }
- return normalStarDetails[index];
- }
- StarDetails*
- StarDetails::GetWhiteDwarfDetails(StellarClass::SpectralClass specClass,
- unsigned int subclass)
- {
- // Hack assumes all WD types are consecutive
- unsigned int scIndex = static_cast<unsigned int>(specClass) -
- StellarClass::FirstWDClass;
- if (whiteDwarfDetails == NULL)
- {
- unsigned int nTypes =
- StellarClass::WDClassCount * StellarClass::SubclassCount;
- whiteDwarfDetails = new StarDetails*[nTypes];
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nTypes; i++)
- whiteDwarfDetails[i] = NULL;
- }
- if (subclass > StellarClass::Subclass_Unknown)
- subclass = StellarClass::Subclass_Unknown;
- uint index = subclass + (scIndex * StellarClass::SubclassCount);
- if (whiteDwarfDetails[index] == NULL)
- {
- char name[16];
- sprintf(name, "%s%s",
- WDSpectralClassNames[scIndex],
- SubclassNames[subclass]);
- float temp;
- float bmagCorrection;
- // subclass is always >= 0:
- if (subclass <= 9)
- {
- temp = tempWD[subclass];
- bmagCorrection = bmag_correctionWD[subclass];
- }
- else
- {
- // Treat unknown as subclass 5
- temp = tempWD[5];
- bmagCorrection = bmag_correctionWD[5];
- }
- // Assign white dwarfs a rotation period of half an hour; very
- // rough, as white rotation rates vary a lot.
- float period = 1.0f / 48.0f;
- whiteDwarfDetails[index] = CreateStandardStarType(name, temp, period);
- MultiResTexture starTex = starTextures.starTex[StellarClass::Spectral_D];
- if (!starTex.isValid())
- starTex = starTextures.defaultTex;
- whiteDwarfDetails[index]->setTexture(starTex);
- whiteDwarfDetails[index]->setBolometricCorrection(bmagCorrection);
- }
- return whiteDwarfDetails[index];
- }
- StarDetails*
- StarDetails::GetNeutronStarDetails()
- {
- if (neutronStarDetails == NULL)
- {
- // The default neutron star has a rotation period of one second,
- // surface temperature of five million K.
- neutronStarDetails = CreateStandardStarType("Q", 5000000.0f,
- 1.0f / 86400.0f);
- neutronStarDetails->setRadius(10.0f);
- neutronStarDetails->addKnowledge(KnowRadius);
- MultiResTexture starTex = starTextures.neutronStarTex;
- if (!starTex.isValid())
- starTex = starTextures.defaultTex;
- neutronStarDetails->setTexture(starTex);
- }
- return neutronStarDetails;
- }
- StarDetails*
- StarDetails::GetBlackHoleDetails()
- {
- if (blackHoleDetails == NULL)
- {
- // Default black hole parameters are based on a one solar mass
- // black hole.
- // The temperature is computed from the equation:
- // T=h_bar c^3/(8 pi G k m)
- blackHoleDetails = CreateStandardStarType("X", 6.15e-8f,
- 1.0f / 86400.0f);
- blackHoleDetails->setRadius(2.9f);
- blackHoleDetails->addKnowledge(KnowRadius);
- }
- return blackHoleDetails;
- }
- StarDetails*
- StarDetails::GetBarycenterDetails()
- {
- if (barycenterDetails == NULL)
- {
- barycenterDetails = CreateStandardStarType("Bary", 1.0f, 1.0f);
- barycenterDetails->setRadius(0.001f);
- barycenterDetails->addKnowledge(KnowRadius);
- barycenterDetails->setVisibility(false);
- }
- return barycenterDetails;
- }
- void
- StarDetails::SetStarTextures(const StarTextureSet& _starTextures)
- {
- starTextures = _starTextures;
- }
- StarDetails::StarDetails() :
- radius(0.0f),
- temperature(0.0f),
- bolometricCorrection(0.0f),
- knowledge(0u),
- visible(true),
- texture(texture),
- geometry(InvalidResource),
- orbit(NULL),
- orbitalRadius(0.0f),
- barycenter(NULL),
- rotationModel(NULL),
- semiAxes(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f),
- infoURL(NULL),
- orbitingStars(NULL),
- isShared(true)
- {
- spectralType[0] = '';
- }
- StarDetails::StarDetails(const StarDetails& sd) :
- radius(sd.radius),
- temperature(sd.temperature),
- bolometricCorrection(sd.bolometricCorrection),
- knowledge(sd.knowledge),
- visible(sd.visible),
- texture(sd.texture),
- geometry(sd.geometry),
- orbit(sd.orbit),
- orbitalRadius(sd.orbitalRadius),
- barycenter(sd.barycenter),
- rotationModel(sd.rotationModel),
- semiAxes(sd.semiAxes),
- infoURL(NULL),
- orbitingStars(NULL),
- isShared(false)
- {
- assert(sd.isShared);
- memcpy(spectralType, sd.spectralType, sizeof(spectralType));
- if (sd.infoURL != NULL)
- infoURL = new string(*sd.infoURL);
- }
- StarDetails::~StarDetails()
- {
- delete orbitingStars;
- delete infoURL;
- }
- /*! Return the InfoURL. If the InfoURL has not been set, this method
- * returns an empty string.
- */
- const std::string&
- StarDetails::getInfoURL() const
- {
- if (infoURL != NULL)
- return *infoURL;
- else
- }
- void
- StarDetails::setRadius(float _radius)
- {
- radius = _radius;
- }
- void
- StarDetails::setTemperature(float _temperature)
- {
- temperature = _temperature;
- }
- void
- StarDetails::setSpectralType(const std::string& s)
- {
- strncpy(spectralType, s.c_str(), sizeof(spectralType));
- spectralType[sizeof(spectralType) - 1] = '';
- }
- void
- StarDetails::setKnowledge(uint32 _knowledge)
- {
- knowledge = _knowledge;
- }
- void
- StarDetails::addKnowledge(uint32 _knowledge)
- {
- knowledge |= _knowledge;
- }
- void
- StarDetails::setBolometricCorrection(float correction)
- {
- bolometricCorrection = correction;
- }
- void
- StarDetails::setTexture(const MultiResTexture& tex)
- {
- texture = tex;
- }
- void
- StarDetails::setGeometry(ResourceHandle rh)
- {
- geometry = rh;
- }
- void
- StarDetails::setOrbit(Orbit* o)
- {
- orbit = o;
- computeOrbitalRadius();
- }
- void
- StarDetails::setOrbitBarycenter(Star* bc)
- {
- barycenter = bc;
- computeOrbitalRadius();
- }
- void
- StarDetails::setOrbitalRadius(float r)
- {
- if (orbit != NULL)
- orbitalRadius = r;
- }
- void
- StarDetails::computeOrbitalRadius()
- {
- if (orbit == NULL)
- {
- orbitalRadius = 0.0f;
- }
- else
- {
- orbitalRadius = (float) astro::kilometersToLightYears(orbit->getBoundingRadius());
- if (barycenter != NULL)
- orbitalRadius += barycenter->getOrbitalRadius();
- }
- }
- void
- StarDetails::setVisibility(bool b)
- {
- visible = b;
- }
- void
- StarDetails::setRotationModel(const RotationModel* rm)
- {
- rotationModel = rm;
- }
- /*! Set the InfoURL for this star.
- */
- void
- StarDetails::setInfoURL(const string& _infoURL)
- {
- if (_infoURL.empty())
- {
- // Save space in the common case--no InfoURL--by not
- // allocating a string.
- delete infoURL;
- infoURL = NULL;
- }
- else
- {
- // Allocate the new string before freeing the old one, so we don't crash
- // in the event the caller does something like:
- // star->setInfoURL(star->getInfoURL());
- string* oldURL = infoURL;
- infoURL = new string(_infoURL);
- delete oldURL;
- }
- }
- Star::~Star()
- {
- // TODO: Implement reference counting for StarDetails objects so that
- // we can enable this.
- #if 0
- if (!details->shared())
- delete details;
- #endif
- }
- // Return the radius of the star in kilometers
- float Star::getRadius() const
- {
- if (details->getKnowledge(StarDetails::KnowRadius))
- return details->getRadius();
- // Use the Stefan-Boltzmann law to estimate the radius of a
- // star from surface temperature and luminosity
- return SOLAR_RADIUS * (float) sqrt(getLuminosity()) *
- square(SOLAR_TEMPERATURE / getTemperature());
- #else
- // Calculate the luminosity of the star from the bolometric, not the
- // visual magnitude of the star.
- float solarBMag = SOLAR_ABSMAG + bmag_correctionG[0][2];
- float bmag = getBolometricMagnitude();
- float boloLum = (float) exp((solarBMag - bmag) / LN_MAG);
- // Use the Stefan-Boltzmann law to estimate the radius of a
- // star from surface temperature and luminosity
- return SOLAR_RADIUS * (float) sqrt(boloLum) *
- square(SOLAR_TEMPERATURE / getTemperature());
- #endif
- }
- void
- StarDetails::setEllipsoidSemiAxes(const Vec3f& v)
- {
- semiAxes = v;
- }
- bool
- StarDetails::shared() const
- {
- return isShared;
- }
- void
- StarDetails::addOrbitingStar(Star* star)
- {
- assert(!shared());
- if (orbitingStars == NULL)
- orbitingStars = new vector<Star*>();
- orbitingStars->push_back(star);
- }
- /*! Get the position of the star in the universal coordinate system.
- */
- UniversalCoord
- Star::getPosition(double t) const
- {
- const Orbit* orbit = getOrbit();
- if (!orbit)
- {
- return UniversalCoord(position.x * 1.0e6,
- position.y * 1.0e6,
- position.z * 1.0e6);
- }
- else
- {
- const Star* barycenter = getOrbitBarycenter();
- if (barycenter == NULL)
- {
- Point3d barycenterPos(position.x * 1.0e6,
- position.y * 1.0e6,
- position.z * 1.0e6);
- return UniversalCoord(barycenterPos) +
- ((orbit->positionAtTime(t) - Point3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) *
- astro::kilometersToMicroLightYears(1.0));
- }
- else
- {
- return barycenter->getPosition(t) +
- ((orbit->positionAtTime(t) - Point3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) *
- astro::kilometersToMicroLightYears(1.0));
- }
- }
- }
- UniversalCoord
- Star::getOrbitBarycenterPosition(double t) const
- {
- const Star* barycenter = getOrbitBarycenter();
- if (barycenter == NULL)
- {
- Point3d barycenterPos(position.x * 1.0e6,
- position.y * 1.0e6,
- position.z * 1.0e6);
- return UniversalCoord(barycenterPos);
- }
- else
- {
- return barycenter->getPosition(t);
- }
- }
- /*! Get the velocity of the star in the universal coordinate system.
- */
- Vec3d
- Star::getVelocity(double t) const
- {
- const Orbit* orbit = getOrbit();
- if (!orbit)
- {
- // The star doesn't have a defined orbit, so the velocity is just
- // zero. (This will change when stellar proper motion is implemented.)
- return Vec3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
- }
- else
- {
- const Star* barycenter = getOrbitBarycenter();
- if (barycenter == NULL)
- {
- // Star orbit is defined around a fixed point, so the total velocity
- // is just the star's orbit velocity.
- return orbit->velocityAtTime(t);
- }
- else
- {
- // Sum the star's orbital velocity and the velocity of the barycenter.
- return barycenter->getVelocity(t) + orbit->velocityAtTime(t);
- }
- }
- }
- MultiResTexture
- Star::getTexture() const
- {
- return details->getTexture();
- }
- ResourceHandle
- Star::getGeometry() const
- {
- return details->getGeometry();
- }
- /*! Return the InfoURL. If the InfoURL has not been set, this method
- * returns an empty string.
- */
- const string&
- Star::getInfoURL() const
- {
- return details->getInfoURL();
- }
- void Star::setCatalogNumber(uint32 n)
- {
- catalogNumber = n;
- }
- void Star::setPosition(float x, float y, float z)
- {
- position = Point3f(x, y, z);
- }
- void Star::setPosition(Point3f p)
- {
- position = p;
- }
- void Star::setAbsoluteMagnitude(float mag)
- {
- absMag = mag;
- }
- float Star::getApparentMagnitude(float ly) const
- {
- return astro::absToAppMag(absMag, ly);
- }
- float Star::getLuminosity() const
- {
- return astro::absMagToLum(absMag);
- }
- void Star::setLuminosity(float lum)
- {
- absMag = astro::lumToAbsMag(lum);
- }
- StarDetails* Star::getDetails() const
- {
- return details;
- }
- void Star::setDetails(StarDetails* sd)
- {
- // TODO: delete existing details if they aren't shared
- details = sd;
- }
- void Star::setOrbitBarycenter(Star* s)
- {
- if (details->shared())
- details = new StarDetails(*details);
- details->setOrbitBarycenter(s);
- }
- void Star::computeOrbitalRadius()
- {
- details->computeOrbitalRadius();
- }
- void
- Star::setRotationModel(const RotationModel* rm)
- {
- details->setRotationModel(rm);
- }
- void
- Star::addOrbitingStar(Star* star)
- {
- if (details->shared())
- details = new StarDetails(*details);
- details->addOrbitingStar(star);
- }