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Visual C++
- /***************************************************************************
- kdeapp.cpp - description
- -------------------
- begin : Fri Jul 21 22:28:19 CEST 2006
- copyright : (C) 2002 by Christophe Teyssier
- email : chris@teyssier.org
- ***************************************************************************/
- /***************************************************************************
- * *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
- * (at your option) any later version. *
- * *
- ***************************************************************************/
- #include "videocapturedlg.h"
- #include "celestia/celestiacore.h"
- #include <klocale.h>
- #include <qcombobox.h>
- #include <qcheckbox.h>
- #include <qspinbox.h>
- #include <qwidget.h>
- #include <qlayout.h>
- #include <qlabel.h>
- #include <kmainwindow.h>
- #include <kactioncollection.h>
- #include <kurlrequester.h>
- #include <kfiledialog.h>
- #include <qurl.h>
- #include <kmessagebox.h>
- #include <krun.h>
- #include <kstatusbar.h>
- #include <kapp.h>
- #include "kdeapp.h"
- VideoCaptureDlg::VideoCaptureDlg(QWidget* p, const QString &dir):
- accepted(false)
- {
- fileUrl->fileDialog()->setURL(dir);
- KGlobal::config()->setGroup("Preferences");
- if (KGlobal::config()->hasKey("CaptureVideoFrameRate")) {
- frameRate->setValue(KGlobal::config()->readNumEntry("CaptureVideoFrameRate"));
- }
- if (KGlobal::config()->hasKey("CaptureVideoQuality")) {
- videoQuality->setValue(KGlobal::config()->readNumEntry("CaptureVideoQuality"));
- }
- parent = static_cast<KdeApp*>(p);
- statusBar = parent->statusBar();
- statusBar->show();
- kapp->processEvents();
- currentWidth = parent->getGlWidth();
- currentHeight = parent->getGlHeight();
- newAspectRatioSlot(0);
- statusBar->insertItem("", 4); // filename
- char dim[30];
- snprintf(dim, 30, "%d x %d", currentWidth, currentHeight);
- statusBar->insertItem(dim, 1);
- statusBar->insertItem(i18n("Duration: %1").arg("0:00"), 2, 1);
- statusBar->insertItem(i18n("Size: %1 MB").arg("0"), 3, 1);
- statusBar->insertItem(i18n(" Paused"), 0);
- connect(parent, SIGNAL(resized(int, int)), this, SLOT(newMainWindowSizeSlot(int, int)));
- }
- VideoCaptureDlg::~VideoCaptureDlg()
- {
- statusBar->removeItem(0);
- statusBar->removeItem(1);
- statusBar->removeItem(2);
- statusBar->removeItem(3);
- statusBar->removeItem(4);
- statusBar->hide();
- if (result() == QDialog::Accepted) {
- parent->layout()->setResizeMode(QLayout::Auto);
- parent->setMaximumSize(32767, 32767);
- static_cast<KMainWindow*>(parent)->actionCollection()->action("captureVideo")->setEnabled(true);
- parent->resize(mainWindowInitialWidth, mainWindowInitialHeight);
- if (playVideo->isChecked() && getFrameCount() > 0) KRun::runURL(fileUrl->url(), "application/ogg");
- }
- }
- void VideoCaptureDlg::newAspectRatioSlot(int idx) {
- imageSize->clear();
- widths.clear();
- heights.clear();
- int d;
- switch(idx) {
- case 0: // currect window aspect ratio
- imageSize->insertItem(i18n("Current size: %1 x %2").arg(currentWidth).arg(currentHeight));
- widths.push_back(currentWidth);
- heights.push_back(currentHeight);
- break;
- case 1: // 11:9
- d = currentWidth * 9 / 11;
- imageSize->insertItem(i18n("Current width: %1 x %2").arg(currentWidth).arg(d));
- widths.push_back(currentWidth);
- heights.push_back(d);
- d = currentHeight * 11 / 9;
- imageSize->insertItem(i18n("Current height: %1 x %2").arg(d).arg(currentHeight));
- widths.push_back(d);
- heights.push_back(currentHeight);
- imageSize->insertItem("QCIF: 176 x 144");
- widths.push_back(176);
- heights.push_back(144);
- imageSize->insertItem("CIF: 352 x 288");
- widths.push_back(352);
- heights.push_back(288);
- imageSize->insertItem("4CIF: 704 x 576");
- widths.push_back(704);
- heights.push_back(576);
- imageSize->insertItem("9CIF: 1056 x 864");
- widths.push_back(1056);
- heights.push_back(864);
- imageSize->insertItem("16CIF: 1408 x 1152");
- widths.push_back(1408);
- heights.push_back(1152);
- break;
- case 2: // 4:3
- d = currentWidth * 3 / 4;
- imageSize->insertItem(i18n("Current width: %1 x %2").arg(currentWidth).arg(d));
- widths.push_back(currentWidth);
- heights.push_back(d);
- d = currentHeight * 4 / 3;
- imageSize->insertItem(i18n("Current height: %1 x %2").arg(d).arg(currentHeight));
- widths.push_back(d);
- heights.push_back(currentHeight);
- imageSize->insertItem("SQCIF: 128 x 96");
- widths.push_back(128);
- heights.push_back(96);
- imageSize->insertItem("QVGA: 320 x 240");
- widths.push_back(320);
- heights.push_back(240);
- imageSize->insertItem("VGA/NTSC: 640 x 480");
- widths.push_back(640);
- heights.push_back(480);
- imageSize->insertItem("PAL: 768 x 576");
- widths.push_back(768);
- heights.push_back(576);
- imageSize->insertItem("SVGA: 800 x 600");
- widths.push_back(800);
- heights.push_back(600);
- imageSize->insertItem("XGA: 1024 x 768");
- widths.push_back(1024);
- heights.push_back(768);
- imageSize->insertItem("1280 x 960");
- widths.push_back(1280);
- heights.push_back(960);
- imageSize->insertItem("SXGA+: 1400 x 1050");
- widths.push_back(1400);
- heights.push_back(1050);
- imageSize->insertItem("UXGA: 1600 x 1200");
- widths.push_back(1600);
- heights.push_back(1200);
- imageSize->insertItem("QXGA: 2048 x 1536");
- widths.push_back(2048);
- heights.push_back(1536);
- break;
- case 3: // 16:9
- d = currentWidth * 9 / 16;
- imageSize->insertItem(i18n("Current width: %1 x %2").arg(currentWidth).arg(d));
- widths.push_back(currentWidth);
- heights.push_back(d);
- d = currentHeight * 16 / 9;
- imageSize->insertItem(i18n("Current height: %1 x %2").arg(d).arg(currentHeight));
- widths.push_back(d);
- heights.push_back(currentHeight);
- imageSize->insertItem("WVGA/NTSC: 854 x 480");
- widths.push_back(854);
- heights.push_back(480);
- imageSize->insertItem("PAL: 1024 x 576");
- widths.push_back(1024);
- heights.push_back(576);
- imageSize->insertItem("HD-720: 1280 x 720");
- widths.push_back(1280);
- heights.push_back(720);
- imageSize->insertItem("HD-1080: 1920 x 1080");
- widths.push_back(1920);
- heights.push_back(1080);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- int VideoCaptureDlg::getWidth() const {
- return widths[imageSize->currentItem()];
- }
- int VideoCaptureDlg::getHeight() const {
- return heights[imageSize->currentItem()];
- }
- QString VideoCaptureDlg::getDir() const {
- QUrl file(fileUrl->url());
- return file.dirPath();
- }
- void VideoCaptureDlg::okSlot() {
- accepted = true;
- if (fileUrl->url() == "") {
- KMessageBox::queuedMessageBox(this, KMessageBox::Error, i18n("You must specify a file name."));
- return;
- }
- mainWindowInitialWidth = parent->width();
- mainWindowInitialHeight = parent->height();
- parent->layout()->setResizeMode(QLayout::FreeResize);
- parent->setFixedSize(getWidth() + parent->width() - parent->getGlWidth(), getHeight() + parent->height() - parent->getGlHeight());
- kapp->processEvents();
- parent->setFixedSize(getWidth() + parent->width() - parent->getGlWidth(), getHeight() + parent->height() - parent->getGlHeight());
- kapp->processEvents();
- KGlobal::config()->setGroup("Preferences");
- KGlobal::config()->writeEntry("CaptureVideoFrameRate", frameRate->value());
- KGlobal::config()->writeEntry("CaptureVideoQuality", videoQuality->value());
- setAspectRatio(1, 1);
- setQuality(videoQuality->value());
- bool success = start(fileUrl->url().latin1(), getWidth(), getHeight(), frameRate->value());
- char dim[30];
- snprintf(dim, 30, "%d x %d", getWidth(), getHeight());
- statusBar->changeItem(dim, 1);
- if (success) {
- accept();
- } else {
- KMessageBox::queuedMessageBox(parent, KMessageBox::Error, i18n("Error initializing movie capture."));
- reject();
- }
- }
- void VideoCaptureDlg::cancelSlot() {
- reject();
- }
- void VideoCaptureDlg::frameCaptured() {
- char duration[30];
- if (getFrameCount() % int(getFrameRate()) == 0) {
- float sec = getFrameCount() / getFrameRate();
- int min = (int) (sec / 60);
- sec -= min * 60.0f;
- snprintf(duration, 30, "%3d:%02d", min, (int)sec);
- statusBar->changeItem(i18n("Duration: %1").arg(duration), 2);
- float mb_out = getBytesOut() / 1024 / 1024;
- statusBar->changeItem(i18n("Size: %1 MB").arg(mb_out), 3);
- }
- }
- void VideoCaptureDlg::recordingStatus(bool started) {
- statusBar->changeItem(started?i18n(" Recording"):i18n(" Paused"), 0);
- }
- void VideoCaptureDlg::filenameSlot(const QString& name) {
- statusBar->changeItem(name, 4);
- }
- void VideoCaptureDlg::newMainWindowSizeSlot(int, int) {
- if (accepted) return;
- currentWidth = parent->getGlWidth();
- currentHeight = parent->getGlHeight();
- char dim[30];
- snprintf(dim, 30, "%d x %d", currentWidth, currentHeight);
- statusBar->changeItem(dim, 1);
- newAspectRatioSlot(imageSize->currentItem());
- }