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Visual C++
- //
- // GotoWindowController.m
- // celestia
- //
- // Created by Bob Ippolito on Tue May 28 2002.
- // Copyright (c) 2002 Chris Laurel. All rights reserved.
- //
- #import "GotoWindowController.h"
- #import "CelestiaAppCore.h"
- #import "CelestiaSimulation.h"
- #import "CelestiaBody.h"
- #import "Astro.h"
- #import "CelestiaVector.h"
- #include <math.h>
- #define UNITS_KM 0
- #define UNITS_RADII 1
- #define UNITS_AU 2
- @implementation GotoWindowController
- - (IBAction)showWindow:(id)sender
- {
- CelestiaSimulation *sim;
- CelestiaSelection *csel;
- CelestiaBody *body;
- NSArray *distLongLat;
- double distance;
- //NSLog(@"-[GotoWindowController showWindow:%@]",sender);
- sim = [[CelestiaAppCore sharedAppCore] simulation];
- distLongLat = [sim getSelectionLongLat];
- //NSLog(@"distLongLat = %@",distLongLat);
- csel = [sim selection];
- body = [csel body];
- if (body != nil) {
- //NSLog(@"Body is NOT nil");
- distance = [[distLongLat objectAtIndex:0] doubleValue] - [[body radius] doubleValue];
- [distanceField setDoubleValue:distance];
- [longitudeField setDoubleValue:[[distLongLat objectAtIndex:1] doubleValue]];
- [latitudeField setDoubleValue:[[distLongLat objectAtIndex:2] doubleValue]];
- [objectField setStringValue:[body name]];
- [unitsButton selectItemAtIndex:UNITS_KM];
- }
- [super showWindow:sender];
- }
- - (IBAction)gotoObject:(id)sender
- {
- CelestiaSimulation *sim;
- CelestiaSelection *csel;
- CelestiaVector *up;
- double distance;
- csel = nil;
- //NSLog(@"-[GotoWindowController gotoObject:%@]",sender);
- sim = [[CelestiaAppCore sharedAppCore] simulation];
- //NSLog(@"[objectField stringValue] = '%@'",[objectField stringValue]);
- if (![[objectField stringValue] length])
- {
- NSRunAlertPanel(NSLocalizedString(@"No Object Name Entered",@""),
- NSLocalizedString(@"Please enter an object name.",@""),
- nil,nil,nil);
- return;
- }
- csel = [sim findObjectFromPath:[objectField stringValue]];
- if ((csel == nil) || [csel isEmpty])
- {
- NSRunAlertPanel(NSLocalizedString(@"Object Not Found",@""),
- NSLocalizedString(@"Please check that the object name is correct.",@""),
- nil,nil,nil);
- return;
- }
- [sim setSelection:csel];
- [sim geosynchronousFollow];
- distance = [[csel radius] doubleValue]*5.0;
- if ([[distanceField stringValue] length])
- {
- //NSLog(@"distanceField is filled in");
- // convert to km if necessary
- switch ([unitsButton indexOfSelectedItem]) {
- //NSLog(@"Converting from radii");
- distance = [distanceField doubleValue]*[[csel radius] doubleValue];
- break;
- case UNITS_AU:
- //NSLog(@"Converting from AU");
- distance = [[Astro AUtoKilometers:[NSNumber numberWithDouble:[distanceField doubleValue]]] doubleValue];
- break;
- case UNITS_KM:
- //NSLog(@"don't have to convert from km");
- distance = [distanceField doubleValue];
- break;
- default:
- //NSLog(@"I don't know what button has been selected?");
- break;
- }
- }
- distance = [[Astro kilometersToLightYears:[NSNumber numberWithDouble:distance]] doubleValue];
- up = [CelestiaVector vectorWithx:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:0.0] y:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:1.0] z:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:0.0]];
- if ([[latitudeField stringValue] length] && [[longitudeField stringValue] length])
- {
- //NSLog(@"lat/lon provided");
- [sim
- gotoSelection:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:5.0]
- distance:[NSNumber numberWithDouble:distance]
- longitude:[NSNumber numberWithDouble:[longitudeField doubleValue]*(M_PI/180.0)]
- latitude:[NSNumber numberWithDouble:[latitudeField doubleValue]*(M_PI/180.0)]
- up:up
- ];
- } else {
- //NSLog(@"No lat/lon");
- [sim
- gotoSelection:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:5.0]
- distance:[NSNumber numberWithDouble:distance]
- up:up
- coordinateSystem:@"ObserverLocal"
- ];
- }
- }
- @end