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Visual C++
- //
- // EclipseFinderController.mm
- // celestia
- //
- // Created by Da Woon Jung on 2007-05-07.
- // Copyright 2007 Da Woon Jung. All rights reserved.
- //
- #import "EclipseFinderController.h"
- #import "CelestiaAppCore.h"
- #import "NSString_ObjCPlusPlus.h"
- #import "CelestiaBody_PrivateAPI.h"
- #import "eclipsefinder.h"
- @interface EclipseFinderController(Private)
- - (void)getEclipses: (id)aObject;
- - (void)getEclipsesDone: (id)aObject;
- @end
- @implementation EclipseFinderController
- static NSMutableArray *eclipses;
- static NSCalendarDate *startDate;
- static NSCalendarDate *midDate;
- static NSCalendarDate *endDate;
- static string receiverName;
- static Eclipse::Type eclipseType;
- static CelestiaBody *eclipseBody;
- - (id)init
- {
- self = [super initWithWindowNibName: @"EclipseFinder"];
- if (self)
- {
- eclipses = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
- }
- return self;
- }
- - (void)windowDidLoad
- {
- [eclipseList setDoubleAction: @selector(go:)];
- }
- - (void)windowWillClose:(NSNotification *)aNotification
- {
- if ([self window] == [aNotification object])
- {
- keepGoing = NO;
- }
- }
- - (void)dealloc
- {
- [eclipses release];
- [super dealloc];
- }
- - (void)controlTextDidEndEditing:(NSNotification *)aNotification
- {
- NSDictionary *userInfo = [aNotification userInfo];
- if (userInfo && NSReturnTextMovement == [[userInfo objectForKey: @"NSTextMovement"] intValue])
- {
- [self find: self];
- }
- }
- - (IBAction)find: (id)sender
- {
- CelestiaSimulation *sim;
- CelestiaSelection *sel;
- Body *body;
- id startDateObj = [eclipseFindStart objectValue];
- id endDateObj = [eclipseFindEnd objectValue];
- NSString *receiverStr = [eclipseReceiver stringValue];
- keepGoing = YES;
- if (0 == [receiverStr length])
- {
- NSRunAlertPanel(NSLocalizedString(@"No Object Name Entered",@""),
- NSLocalizedString(@"Please enter an object name.",@""),
- nil,nil,nil);
- return;
- }
- if (nil == startDateObj || nil == endDateObj)
- {
- NSRunAlertPanel(NSLocalizedString(@"No Starting or Ending Date Entered",@""),
- NSLocalizedString(@"Please enter starting and ending dates.",@""),
- nil,nil,nil);
- return;
- }
- sim = [[CelestiaAppCore sharedAppCore] simulation];
- sel = [sim findObjectFromPath: receiverStr];
- if (nil == sel || [sel isEmpty])
- {
- NSRunAlertPanel(NSLocalizedString(@"Object Not Found",@""),
- NSLocalizedString(@"Please check that the object name is correct.",@""),
- nil,nil,nil);
- return;
- }
- eclipseBody = [[sel body] retain];
- body = [eclipseBody body];
- if (nil == body || nil == body->getSystem())
- {
- NSRunAlertPanel(NSLocalizedString(@"Object Not Found",@""),
- NSLocalizedString(@"Please check that the object name is correct.",@""),
- nil,nil,nil);
- return;
- }
- if (body->getSystem()->getPrimaryBody())
- {
- // Eclipse receiver is a moon -> find lunar eclipses
- eclipseType = Eclipse::Moon;
- PlanetarySystem *system = body->getSystem();
- if (system)
- {
- Body *parent = system->getPrimaryBody();
- if (NULL == parent)
- {
- [eclipseBody release];
- return;
- }
- receiverName = parent->getName();
- }
- }
- else
- {
- eclipseType = Eclipse::Solar;
- receiverName = body->getName();
- // EclipseFinder class expects unlocalized names
- }
- startDate = (NSCalendarDate *)[startDateObj retain];
- endDate = (NSCalendarDate *)[endDateObj retain];
- midDate = [[startDate dateByAddingYears: 0
- months: 0
- days: 15
- hours: 0
- minutes: 0
- seconds: 0] retain];
- // Find eclipses in small timeslices, to give the user
- // a chance to abort with the stop button
- [findButton setEnabled: NO];
- [eclipses release];
- eclipses = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
- [eclipseProgress startAnimation: self];
- [NSThread detachNewThreadSelector: @selector(getEclipses:)
- toTarget: self withObject: nil];
- }
- /* Go code borrowed from Windows version */
- - (IBAction)go: (id)sender
- {
- int rowIndex = [eclipseList selectedRow];
- if (rowIndex < 0) return;
- CelestiaCore *appCore = (CelestiaCore*) [[CelestiaAppCore sharedAppCore] appCore];
- NSDictionary *eclipse = [eclipses objectAtIndex: rowIndex];
- Body *body = [(CelestiaBody *)[eclipse objectForKey: @"body"] body];
- double startTime = [[eclipse objectForKey: @"start"] doubleValue];
- Simulation *sim = appCore->getSimulation();
- sim->setTime(startTime);
- Selection target(body);
- Selection ref(body->getSystem()->getStar());
- sim->setFrame(ObserverFrame::PhaseLock, target, ref);
- sim->update(0.0);
- double distance = astro::kilometersToMicroLightYears(target.radius() * 4.0);
- sim->setSelection(target);
- sim->gotoLocation(Point3d(distance, 0, 0),
- Quatd::yrotation(-0.5*PI)*Quatd::xrotation(-0.5*PI),
- 5.0);
- }
- - (IBAction)stopFind: (id)sender
- {
- keepGoing = NO;
- }
- - (void)getEclipses: (id)aObject
- {
- NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
- CelestiaCore *appCore = (CelestiaCore*) [[CelestiaAppCore sharedAppCore] appCore];
- EclipseFinder *eclipseFinder;
- const Eclipse *eclipse;
- double jd;
- double hours, minutes;
- NSString *eclipseName;
- NSString *duration;
- NSCalendarDate *eclipseDate;
- vector<Eclipse>::const_iterator iter;
- while (keepGoing)
- {
- if (NSOrderedDescending == [midDate compare: endDate])
- {
- if (NSOrderedAscending == [startDate compare: endDate])
- {
- [midDate release];
- midDate = [endDate retain];
- }
- else
- {
- break;
- }
- }
- eclipseFinder =
- new EclipseFinder(appCore,
- receiverName,
- eclipseType,
- (double)astro::Date(astro::secondsToJulianDate([startDate timeIntervalSince1970])) + (double)astro::Date(1970,1,1),
- (double)astro::Date(astro::secondsToJulianDate([midDate timeIntervalSince1970])) + (double)astro::Date(1970,1,1)
- );
- const vector<Eclipse> &freshEclipses = eclipseFinder->getEclipses();
- for (iter = freshEclipses.begin();
- iter != freshEclipses.end() && keepGoing;
- ++iter)
- {
- eclipse = &(*iter);
- jd = astro::julianDateToSeconds((double)(*eclipse->date));
- if (0 == jd && eclipse->planete == "None")
- continue;
- if (eclipse->body != [(CelestiaBody *)eclipseBody body])
- continue;
- eclipseName = [NSString stringWithStdString: (eclipseType == Eclipse::Moon ? eclipse->planete : eclipse->sattelite)];
- eclipseDate = [NSCalendarDate dateWithTimeIntervalSince1970: (jd - astro::julianDateToSeconds((double)astro::Date(1970,1,1)))];
- hours = astro::julianDateToSeconds(eclipse->endTime - eclipse->startTime)/3600.0;
- minutes = 60.0*(hours - (int)hours);
- duration = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%02d:%02d", (int)hours, (int)minutes];
- [eclipses addObject:
- [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
- NSLocalizedStringFromTable(eclipseName,@"po",@""), @"caster",
- eclipseDate, @"date",
- [[[CelestiaBody alloc] initWithBody: eclipse->body] autorelease], @"body",
- [NSNumber numberWithDouble: eclipse->startTime], @"start",
- duration, @"duration",
- nil]
- ];
- }
- delete eclipseFinder;
- [startDate release];
- startDate = [midDate retain];
- [midDate release];
- midDate = [[startDate dateByAddingYears: 0
- months: 0
- days: 15
- hours: 0
- minutes: 0
- seconds: 0] retain];
- }
- [self performSelectorOnMainThread: @selector(getEclipsesDone:)
- withObject: nil
- waitUntilDone: NO];
- [pool release];
- }
- - (void)getEclipsesDone: (id)aObject
- {
- [startDate release]; startDate = nil;
- [midDate release]; midDate = nil;
- [endDate release]; endDate = nil;
- [eclipseBody release]; eclipseBody = nil;
- [eclipseProgress stopAnimation: self];
- [findButton setEnabled: YES];
- [eclipseList reloadData];
- }
- - (int)numberOfRowsInTableView: (NSTableView *)aTableView
- {
- return [eclipses count];
- }
- - (id)tableView: (NSTableView *)aTableView objectValueForTableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)aTableColumn row:(int)rowIndex
- {
- id result = nil;
- NSDictionary *eclipse = nil;
- if ([eclipses count] > 0)
- {
- eclipse = [eclipses objectAtIndex: rowIndex];
- if ([[aTableColumn identifier] isEqualToString: @"begin"])
- {
- result = [NSCalendarDate dateWithTimeIntervalSince1970: astro::julianDateToSeconds([[eclipse objectForKey: @"start"] doubleValue] - (double)astro::Date(1970,1,1))];
- }
- else
- {
- result = [eclipse objectForKey: [aTableColumn identifier]];
- }
- }
- return result;
- }
- @end