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- # Swedish translation of celestia.
- # This file is distributed under the same license as the celestia package.
- # Daniel Nylander <po@danielnylander.se>, 2006.
- #
- msgid ""
- msgstr ""
- "Project-Id-Version: celestia 1.4.1n"
- "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: chris@teyssier.orgn"
- "POT-Creation-Date: 2006-02-18 16:09+0100n"
- "PO-Revision-Date: 2006-02-21 20:58+0100n"
- "Last-Translator: Daniel Nylander <po@danielnylander.se>n"
- "Language-Team: Swedish <tp-sv@listor.tp-sv.se>n"
- "MIME-Version: 1.0n"
- "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8n"
- "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bitn"
- #: data/constellations.cpp:1
- msgid "Andromeda"
- msgstr "Andromeda"
- #: data/constellations.cpp:2
- msgid "Antlia"
- msgstr "Luftpumpen"
- #: data/constellations.cpp:3
- msgid "Apus"
- msgstr "Paradisfågeln"
- #: data/constellations.cpp:4
- msgid "Aquarius"
- msgstr "Vattumannen"
- #: data/constellations.cpp:5
- msgid "Aquila"
- msgstr "Örnen"
- #: data/constellations.cpp:6
- msgid "Ara"
- msgstr "Altaret"
- #: data/constellations.cpp:7
- msgid "Aries"
- msgstr "Väduren"
- #: data/constellations.cpp:8
- msgid "Auriga"
- msgstr "Kusken"
- #: data/constellations.cpp:9
- msgid "Boötes"
- msgstr "Björnvaktaren"
- #: data/constellations.cpp:10
- msgid "Caelum"
- msgstr "Gravstickeln"
- #: data/constellations.cpp:11
- msgid "Camelopardalis"
- msgstr "Giraffen"
- #: data/constellations.cpp:12
- msgid "Cancer"
- msgstr "Kräftan"
- #: data/constellations.cpp:13
- msgid "Canes Venatici"
- msgstr "Jakthundarna"
- #: data/constellations.cpp:14
- msgid "Canis Major"
- msgstr "Stora hunden"
- #: data/constellations.cpp:15
- msgid "Canis Minor"
- msgstr "Lilla hunden"
- #: data/constellations.cpp:16
- msgid "Capricornus"
- msgstr "Stenbocken"
- #: data/constellations.cpp:17
- msgid "Carina"
- msgstr "Kölen"
- #: data/constellations.cpp:18
- msgid "Cassiopeia"
- msgstr "Cassiopeja"
- #: data/constellations.cpp:19
- msgid "Centaurus"
- msgstr "Kentauren"
- #: data/constellations.cpp:20
- msgid "Cepheus"
- msgstr "Cepheus"
- #: data/constellations.cpp:21
- msgid "Cetus"
- msgstr "Valfisken"
- #: data/constellations.cpp:22
- msgid "Chamaeleon"
- msgstr "Kameleonten"
- #: data/constellations.cpp:23
- msgid "Circinus"
- msgstr "Cirkelpassaren"
- #: data/constellations.cpp:24
- msgid "Columba"
- msgstr "Duvan"
- #: data/constellations.cpp:25
- msgid "Coma Berenices"
- msgstr "Berenikes hår"
- #: data/constellations.cpp:26
- msgid "Corona Australis"
- msgstr "Södra kronan"
- #: data/constellations.cpp:27
- msgid "Corona Borealis"
- msgstr "Norra kronan"
- #: data/constellations.cpp:28
- msgid "Corvus"
- msgstr "Korpen"
- #: data/constellations.cpp:29
- msgid "Crater"
- msgstr "Bägaren"
- #: data/constellations.cpp:30
- msgid "Crux"
- msgstr "Södra korset"
- #: data/constellations.cpp:31
- msgid "Cygnus"
- msgstr "Svanen"
- #: data/constellations.cpp:32
- msgid "Delphinus"
- msgstr "Delfinen"
- #: data/constellations.cpp:33
- msgid "Dorado"
- msgstr "Svärdfisken"
- #: data/constellations.cpp:34
- msgid "Draco"
- msgstr "Draken"
- #: data/constellations.cpp:35
- msgid "Equuleus"
- msgstr "Lilla hästen"
- #: data/constellations.cpp:36
- msgid "Eridanus"
- msgstr "Floden Eridanus"
- #: data/constellations.cpp:37
- msgid "Fornax"
- msgstr "Ugnen"
- #: data/constellations.cpp:38
- msgid "Gemini"
- msgstr "Tvillingarna"
- #: data/constellations.cpp:39
- msgid "Grus"
- msgstr "Tranan"
- #: data/constellations.cpp:40
- msgid "Hercules"
- msgstr "Herkules"
- #: data/constellations.cpp:41
- msgid "Horologium"
- msgstr "Pendeluret"
- #: data/constellations.cpp:42
- msgid "Hydra"
- msgstr "Vattenormen"
- #: data/constellations.cpp:43
- msgid "Hydrus"
- msgstr "Lilla vattenormen"
- #: data/constellations.cpp:44
- msgid "Indus"
- msgstr "Indianen"
- #: data/constellations.cpp:45
- msgid "Lacerta"
- msgstr "Ödlan"
- #: data/constellations.cpp:46
- msgid "Leo"
- msgstr "Lejonet"
- #: data/constellations.cpp:47
- msgid "Leo Minor"
- msgstr "Lilla lejonet"
- #: data/constellations.cpp:48
- msgid "Lepus"
- msgstr "Haren"
- #: data/constellations.cpp:49
- msgid "Libra"
- msgstr "Vågen"
- #: data/constellations.cpp:50
- msgid "Lupus"
- msgstr "Vargen"
- #: data/constellations.cpp:51
- msgid "Lynx"
- msgstr "Lodjuret"
- #: data/constellations.cpp:52
- msgid "Lyra"
- msgstr "Lyran"
- #: data/constellations.cpp:53
- msgid "Mensa"
- msgstr "Taffelberget"
- #: data/constellations.cpp:54
- msgid "Microscopium"
- msgstr "Mikroskopet"
- #: data/constellations.cpp:55
- msgid "Monoceros"
- msgstr "Enhörningen"
- #: data/constellations.cpp:56
- msgid "Musca"
- msgstr "Flugan"
- #: data/constellations.cpp:57
- msgid "Norma"
- msgstr "Vinkelhaken"
- #: data/constellations.cpp:58
- msgid "Octans"
- msgstr "Oktanten"
- #: data/constellations.cpp:59
- msgid "Ophiuchus"
- msgstr "Ormbäraren"
- #: data/constellations.cpp:60
- msgid "Orion"
- msgstr "Orion"
- #: data/constellations.cpp:61
- msgid "Pavo"
- msgstr "Påfågeln"
- #: data/constellations.cpp:62
- msgid "Pegasus"
- msgstr "Pegasus"
- #: data/constellations.cpp:63
- msgid "Perseus"
- msgstr "Perseus"
- #: data/constellations.cpp:64
- msgid "Phoenix"
- msgstr "Fenix"
- #: data/constellations.cpp:65
- msgid "Pictor"
- msgstr "Målaren"
- #: data/constellations.cpp:66
- msgid "Pisces"
- msgstr "Fiskarna"
- #: data/constellations.cpp:67
- msgid "Piscis Austrinus"
- msgstr "Södra fisken"
- #: data/constellations.cpp:68
- msgid "Puppis"
- msgstr "Akterskeppet"
- #: data/constellations.cpp:69
- msgid "Pyxis"
- msgstr "Kompassen"
- #: data/constellations.cpp:70
- msgid "Reticulum"
- msgstr "Rombiska nätet"
- #: data/constellations.cpp:71
- msgid "Sagitta"
- msgstr "Pilen"
- #: data/constellations.cpp:72
- msgid "Sagittarius"
- msgstr "Skytten"
- #: data/constellations.cpp:73
- msgid "Scorpius"
- msgstr "Skorpionen"
- #: data/constellations.cpp:74
- msgid "Sculptor"
- msgstr "Bildhuggaren"
- #: data/constellations.cpp:75
- msgid "Scutum"
- msgstr "Skölden"
- #: data/constellations.cpp:76
- msgid "Serpens Caput"
- msgstr "Ormens svans"
- #: data/constellations.cpp:77
- msgid "Serpens Cauda"
- msgstr "Ormens huvud"
- #: data/constellations.cpp:78
- msgid "Sextans"
- msgstr "Sextanten"
- #: data/constellations.cpp:79
- msgid "Taurus"
- msgstr "Oxen"
- #: data/constellations.cpp:80
- msgid "Telescopium"
- msgstr "Kikaren"
- #: data/constellations.cpp:81
- msgid "Triangulum"
- msgstr "Triangeln"
- #: data/constellations.cpp:82
- msgid "Triangulum Australe"
- msgstr "Södra triangeln"
- #: data/constellations.cpp:83
- msgid "Tucana"
- msgstr "Tukanen"
- #: data/constellations.cpp:84
- msgid "Ursa Major"
- msgstr "Stora björnen"
- #: data/constellations.cpp:85
- msgid "Ursa Minor"
- msgstr "Lilla björnen"
- #: data/constellations.cpp:86
- msgid "Vela"
- msgstr "Seglet"
- #: data/constellations.cpp:87
- msgid "Virgo"
- msgstr "Jungfrun"
- #: data/constellations.cpp:88
- msgid "Volans"
- msgstr "Flygfisken"
- #: data/constellations.cpp:89
- msgid "Vulpecula"
- msgstr "Räven"