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- /*************************************************************************/
- /* */
- /* Copyright (c) 2000-2004 Linuos Design */
- /* 领驰设计中心 版权所有 2000-2004 */
- /* */
- /* PROPRIETARY RIGHTS of Linuos Design are involved in the subject */
- /* matter of this material. All manufacturing, reproduction, use, and */
- /* sales rights pertaining to this subject matter are governed by the */
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- /* the terms of the license. */
- /* 本软件文档资料是领驰设计中心的资产,任何人士阅读和使用本资料必须获得 */
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- /* */
- /*************************************************************************/
- /*
- * ===================================================================
- * TS 26.104
- * REL-5 V5.4.0 2004-03
- * REL-6 V6.1.0 2004-03
- * 3GPP AMR Floating-point Speech Codec
- * ===================================================================
- *
- */
- /*
- * sp_enc.c
- *
- *
- * Project:
- * AMR Floating-Point Codec
- *
- * Contains:
- * This module contains all the functions needed encoding 160
- * 16-bit speech samples to AMR encoder parameters.
- *
- */
- //#include <stdlib.h>
- //#include <stdio.h>
- //#include <memory.h>
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include <math.h>
- #include <float.h>
- //#include "sp_enc.h"
- //#include "rom_enc.h"
- /*
- * Exponential Window coefficients used to weight the autocorrelation
- * coefficients for 60 Hz bandwidth expansion of high pitched voice
- * before Levinson-Durbin recursion to compute the LPC coefficients.
- *
- * lagwindow[i] = exp( -0.5*(2*pi*F0*(i+1)/Fs)^2 ); i = 0,...,9
- * F0 = 60 Hz, Fs = 8000 Hz
- */
- static float lag_wind[LP_ORDER] =
- {
- 0.99889028F,
- 0.99556851F,
- 0.99005681F,
- 0.98239160F,
- 0.97262347F,
- 0.96081644F,
- 0.94704735F,
- 0.93140495F,
- 0.91398895F,
- 0.89490914F
- };
- /* 1/6 resolution interpolation filter (-3 dB at 3600 Hz)
- * Note: the 1/3 resolution filter is simply a subsampled
- * version of the 1/6 resolution filter, i.e. it uses
- * every second coefficient:
- *
- * inter_6(1/3)[k] = inter_6(1/3)[2*k], 0 <= k <= 3*L_INTER10
- */
- static float b60[UP_SAMP_MAX*(INTERPOL_LEN-1)+1] =
- {
- 0.898529F,
- 0.865051F,
- 0.769257F,
- 0.624054F,
- 0.448639F,
- 0.265289F,
- 0.0959167F,
- - 0.0412598F,
- - 0.134338F,
- - 0.178986F,
- - 0.178528F,
- - 0.142609F,
- - 0.0849304F,
- - 0.0205078F,
- 0.0369568F,
- 0.0773926F,
- 0.0955200F,
- 0.0912781F,
- 0.0689392F,
- 0.0357056F,
- 0.000000F,
- - 0.0305481F,
- - 0.0504150F,
- - 0.0570068F,
- - 0.0508423F,
- - 0.0350037F,
- - 0.0141602F,
- 0.00665283F,
- 0.0230713F,
- 0.0323486F,
- 0.0335388F,
- 0.0275879F,
- 0.0167847F,
- 0.00411987F,
- - 0.00747681F,
- - 0.0156860F,
- - 0.0193481F,
- - 0.0183716F,
- - 0.0137634F,
- - 0.00704956F,
- 0.000000F,
- 0.00582886F,
- 0.00939941F,
- 0.0103760F,
- 0.00903320F,
- 0.00604248F,
- 0.00238037F,
- - 0.00109863F,
- - 0.00366211F,
- - 0.00497437F,
- - 0.00503540F,
- - 0.00402832F,
- - 0.00241089F,
- - 0.000579834F,
- 0.00103760F,
- 0.00222778F,
- 0.00277710F,
- 0.00271606F,
- 0.00213623F,
- 0.00115967F,
- 0.000000F
- };
- /* track table for algebraic code book search (MR475, MR515) */
- static INT8 trackTable[4 * 5] =
- {
- /* subframe 1; track to code; -1 do not code this position */ 0,
- 1,
- 0,
- 1,
- - 1,
- /* subframe 2 */ 0,
- - 1,
- 1,
- 0,
- 1,
- /* subframe 3 */ 0,
- 1,
- 0,
- - 1,
- 1,
- /* subframe 4 */ 0,
- 1,
- - 1,
- 0,
- 1
- };
- /*
- * Dotproduct40
- *
- *
- * Parameters:
- * x I: First input
- * y I: Second input
- * Function:
- * Computes dot product size 40
- *
- * Returns:
- * acc dot product
- */
- static double Dotproduct40( float *x, float *y )
- {
- double acc;
- acc = x[0] * y[0] + x[1] * y[1] + x[2] * y[2] + x[3] * y[3];
- acc += x[4] * y[4] + x[5] * y[5] + x[6] * y[6] + x[7] * y[7];
- acc += x[8] * y[8] + x[9] * y[9] + x[10] * y[10] + x[11] * y[11];
- acc += x[12] * y[12] + x[13] * y[13] + x[14] * y[14] + x[15] * y[15];
- acc += x[16] * y[16] + x[17] * y[17] + x[18] * y[18] + x[19] * y[19];
- acc += x[20] * y[20] + x[21] * y[21] + x[22] * y[22] + x[23] * y[23];
- acc += x[24] * y[24] + x[25] * y[25] + x[26] * y[26] + x[27] * y[27];
- acc += x[28] * y[28] + x[29] * y[29] + x[30] * y[30] + x[31] * y[31];
- acc += x[32] * y[32] + x[33] * y[33] + x[34] * y[34] + x[35] * y[35];
- acc += x[36] * y[36] + x[37] * y[37] + x[38] * y[38] + x[39] * y[39];
- return( acc );
- }
- /*
- * Autocorr
- *
- *
- * Parameters:
- * x I: Input signal
- * r O: Autocorrelations
- * wind I: Window for LPC analysis
- * Function:
- * Calculate autocorrelation with window, LPC order = LP_ORDER
- *
- * Returns:
- * void
- */
- static void Autocorr( float x[], float r[], const float wind[] )
- {
- INT32 i, j; /* Counters */
- float y[LP_WINDOW + LP_ORDER + 1]; /* Windowed signal */
- double sum; /* temp */
- /*
- * Windowing of signal
- */
- for ( i = 0; i < LP_WINDOW; i++ ) {
- y[i] = x[i] * wind[i];
- }
- /*
- * Zero remaining memory
- */
- memset( &y[LP_WINDOW], 0, 44 );
- /*
- * Autocorrelation
- */
- for ( i = 0; i <= LP_ORDER; i++ ) {
- sum = 0;
- for ( j = 0; j < LP_WINDOW; j += 40 ) {
- sum += Dotproduct40( &y[j], &y[j + i] );
- }
- r[i] = (float)sum;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Levinson
- *
- *
- * Parameters:
- * old_A I: Vector of old LP coefficients [LP_ORDER+1]
- * r I: Vector of autocorrelations [LP_ORDER+1]
- * a O: LP coefficients [LP_ORDER+1]
- * rc O: Reflection coefficients [4]
- * Function:
- * Levinson-Durbin algorithm
- *
- * Returns:
- * void
- *
- */
- static void Levinson( float *old_A, float *r, float *A, float *rc )
- {
- float sum, at, err;
- INT32 l, j, i;
- float rct[LP_ORDER]; /* temporary reflection coefficients 0,...,m-1 */
- rct[0] = ( -r[1] ) / r[0];
- A[0] = 1.0F;
- A[1] = rct[0];
- err = r[0] + r[1] * rct[0];
- if ( err <= 0.0 )
- err = 0.01F;
- for ( i = 2; i <= LP_ORDER; i++ ) {
- sum = 0.0F;
- for ( j = 0; j < i; j++ )
- sum += r[i - j] * A[j];
- rct[i - 1] = ( -sum ) / ( err );
- for ( j = 1; j <= ( i / 2 ); j++ ) {
- l = i - j;
- at = A[j] + rct[i - 1] *A[l];
- A[l] += rct[i - 1] *A[j];
- A[j] = at;
- }
- A[i] = rct[i - 1];
- err += rct[i - 1] *sum;
- if ( err <= 0.0 )
- err = 0.01F;
- }
- memcpy( rc, rct, 4 * sizeof( float ) );
- memcpy( old_A, A, LP_ORDER_PLUS * sizeof( float ) );
- }
- /*
- * lpc
- *
- *
- * Parameters:
- * old_A O: Vector of old LP coefficients [LP_ORDER+1]
- * x I: Input signal
- * x_12k2 I: Input signal 12.2k
- * a O: predictor coefficients
- * mode I: AMR mode
- * Function:
- * LP analysis
- *
- * In 12.2 kbit/s mode linear prediction (LP) analysis is performed
- * twice per speech frame using the auto-correlation approach with
- * 30 ms asymmetric windows. No lookahead is used in
- * the auto-correlation computation.
- *
- * In other modes analysis is performed once per speech frame
- * using the auto-correlation approach with 30 ms asymmetric windows.
- * A lookahead of 40 samples (5 ms) is used in the auto-correlation computation.
- *
- * The auto-correlations of windowed speech are converted to the LP
- * coefficients using the Levinson-Durbin algorithm.
- * Then the LP coefficients are transformed to the Line Spectral Pair
- * (LSP) domain for quantization and interpolation purposes.
- * The interpolated quantified and unquantized filter coefficients
- * are converted back to the LP filter coefficients
- * (to construct the synthesis and weighting filters at each subframe).
- *
- * Returns:
- * void
- *
- */
- static void lpc( float *old_A, float x[], float x_12k2[], float a[], enum Mode
- mode )
- {
- INT32 i;
- float r[LP_ORDER_PLUS];
- float rc[4];
- if ( mode == MR122 ) {
- Autocorr( x_12k2, r, window_160_80 );
- /*
- * Lag windowing
- */
- for ( i = 1; i <= LP_ORDER; i++ ) {
- r[i] = r[i] * lag_wind[i - 1];
- }
- r[0] *= 1.0001F;
- if ( r[0] < 1.0F )
- r[0] = 1.0F;
- /*
- * Levinson Durbin
- */
- Levinson( old_A, r, &a[LP_ORDER_PLUS], rc );
- /*
- * Autocorrelations
- */
- Autocorr( x_12k2, r, window_232_8 );
- /*
- * Lag windowing
- */
- for ( i = 1; i <= LP_ORDER; i++ ) {
- r[i] = r[i] * lag_wind[i - 1];
- }
- r[0] *= 1.0001F;
- if ( r[0] < 1.0F )
- r[0] = 1.0F;
- /*
- * Levinson Durbin
- */
- Levinson( old_A, r, &a[LP_ORDER_PLUS * 3], rc );
- }
- else {
- /*
- * Autocorrelations
- */
- Autocorr( x, r, window_200_40 );
- /*
- * a 60 Hz bandwidth expansion is used by lag windowing
- * the auto-correlations. Further, auto-correlation[0] is
- * multiplied by the white noise correction factor 1.0001
- * which is equivalent to adding a noise floor at -40 dB.
- */
- for ( i = 1; i <= LP_ORDER; i++ ) {
- r[i] = r[i] * lag_wind[i - 1];
- }
- r[0] *= 1.0001F;
- if ( r[0] < 1.0F )
- r[0] = 1.0F;
- /*
- * Levinson Durbin
- */
- Levinson( old_A, r, &a[LP_ORDER_PLUS * 3], rc );
- }
- }
- /*
- * Chebps
- *
- *
- * Parameters:
- * x I: Cosine value for the freqency given
- * f I: angular freqency
- * Function:
- * Evaluates the Chebyshev polynomial series
- *
- * Returns:
- * result of polynomial evaluation
- */
- static float Chebps( float x, float f[] )
- {
- float b0, b1, b2, x2;
- INT32 i;
- x2 = 2.0F * x;
- b2 = 1.0F;
- b1 = x2 + f[1];
- for ( i = 2; i < 5; i++ ) {
- b0 = x2 * b1 - b2 + f[i];
- b2 = b1;
- b1 = b0;
- }
- return( x * b1 - b2 + f[i] );
- }
- /*
- * Az_lsp
- *
- *
- * Parameters:
- * a I: Predictor coefficients [LP_ORDER_PLUS]
- * lsp O: Line spectral pairs [LP_ORDER]
- * old_lsp I: Old lsp, in case not found 10 roots [LP_ORDER]
- *
- * Function:
- * LP to LSP conversion
- *
- * The LP filter coefficients A[], are converted to the line spectral pair
- * (LSP) representation for quantization and interpolation purposes.
- *
- * Returns:
- * void
- */
- static void Az_lsp( float a[], float lsp[], float old_lsp[] )
- {
- INT32 i, j, nf, ip;
- float xlow, ylow, xhigh, yhigh, xmid, ymid, xint;
- float y;
- float *coef;
- float f1[6], f2[6];
- /*
- * find the sum and diff. pol. F1(z) and F2(z)
- */
- f1[0] = 1.0F;
- f2[0] = 1.0F;
- for ( i = 0; i < ( LP_ORDER_BY2 ); i++ ) {
- f1[i + 1] = a[i + 1] +a[LP_ORDER - i] - f1[i];
- f2[i + 1] = a[i + 1] -a[LP_ORDER - i] + f2[i];
- }
- f1[LP_ORDER_BY2] *= 0.5F;
- f2[LP_ORDER_BY2] *= 0.5F;
- /*
- * find the LSPs using the Chebychev pol. evaluation
- */
- nf = 0; /* number of found frequencies */
- ip = 0; /* indicator for f1 or f2 */
- coef = f1;
- xlow = grid[0];
- ylow = Chebps( xlow, coef );
- j = 0;
- while ( ( nf < LP_ORDER ) && ( j < 60 ) ) {
- j++;
- xhigh = xlow;
- yhigh = ylow;
- xlow = grid[j];
- ylow = Chebps( xlow, coef );
- if ( ylow * yhigh <= 0 ) {
- /* divide 4 times the interval */
- for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) {
- xmid = ( xlow + xhigh ) * 0.5F;
- ymid = Chebps( xmid, coef );
- if ( ylow * ymid <= 0.0F ) {
- yhigh = ymid;
- xhigh = xmid;
- }
- else {
- ylow = ymid;
- xlow = xmid;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Linear interpolation
- * xint = xlow - ylow*(xhigh-xlow)/(yhigh-ylow)
- */
- y = yhigh - ylow;
- if ( y == 0 ) {
- xint = xlow;
- }
- else {
- y = ( xhigh - xlow ) / ( yhigh - ylow );
- xint = xlow - ylow * y;
- }
- lsp[nf] = xint;
- xlow = xint;
- nf++;
- if ( ip == 0 ) {
- ip = 1;
- coef = f2;
- }
- else {
- ip = 0;
- coef = f1;
- }
- ylow = Chebps( xlow, coef );
- }
- }
- /* Check if LP_ORDER roots found */
- if ( nf < LP_ORDER )
- {
- memcpy( lsp, old_lsp, LP_ORDER <<2 );
- }
- return;
- }
- /*
- * Get_lsp_pol
- *
- *
- * Parameters:
- * lsp I: line spectral frequencies
- * f O: polynomial F1(z) or F2(z)
- *
- * Function:
- * Find the polynomial F1(z) or F2(z) from the LSPs.
- *
- * F1(z) = product ( 1 - 2 lsp[i] z^-1 + z^-2 )
- * i=0,2,4,6,8
- * F2(z) = product ( 1 - 2 lsp[i] z^-1 + z^-2 )
- * i=1,3,5,7,9
- *
- * where lsp[] is the LSP vector in the cosine domain.
- *
- * The expansion is performed using the following recursion:
- *
- * f[0] = 1
- * b = -2.0 * lsp[0]
- * f[1] = b
- * for i=2 to 5 do
- * b = -2.0 * lsp[2*i-2];
- * f[i] = b*f[i-1] + 2.0*f[i-2];
- * for j=i-1 down to 2 do
- * f[j] = f[j] + b*f[j-1] + f[j-2];
- * f[1] = f[1] + b;
- *
- * Returns:
- * void
- */
- static void Get_lsp_pol( float *lsp, float *f )
- {
- INT32 i, j;
- float T0;
- f[0] = 1.0F;
- f[1] = -2.0F * lsp[0];
- for ( i = 2; i <= 5; i++ ) {
- T0 = -2.0F * lsp[2 * i - 2];
- f[i] = ( float )( T0 * f[i - 1] +2.0F * f[i - 2] );
- for ( j = i - 1; j >= 2; j-- ) {
- f[j] = f[j] + T0 * f[j - 1] +f[j - 2];
- }
- f[1] = f[1] + T0;
- }
- return;
- }
- /*
- * Lsp_Az
- *
- *
- * Parameters:
- * lsp I: Line spectral frequencies
- * a O: Predictor coefficients
- *
- * Function:
- * Converts from the line spectral pairs (LSP) to LP coefficients,
- * for a 10th order filter.
- *
- * Returns:
- * void
- */
- static void Lsp_Az( float lsp[], float a[] )
- {
- float f1[6], f2[6];
- INT32 i, j;
- Get_lsp_pol( &lsp[0], f1 );
- Get_lsp_pol( &lsp[1], f2 );
- for ( i = 5; i > 0; i-- ) {
- f1[i] += f1[i - 1];
- f2[i] -= f2[i - 1];
- }
- a[0] = 1;
- for ( i = 1, j = 10; i <= 5; i++, j-- ) {
- a[i] = ( float )( ( f1[i] + f2[i] ) * 0.5F );
- a[j] = ( float )( ( f1[i] - f2[i] ) * 0.5F );
- }
- return;
- }
- /*
- * Int_lpc_1and3_2
- *
- *
- * Parameters:
- * lsp_old I: LSP vector at the 4th subfr. of past frame [LP_ORDER]
- * lsp_mid I: LSP vector at the 2nd subframe of present frame [LP_ORDER]
- * lsp_new I: LSP vector at the 4th subframe of present frame [LP_ORDER]
- * az O: interpolated LP parameters in subframes 1 and 3
- * [AZ_SIZE]
- *
- * Function:
- * Interpolation of the LPC parameters. Same as the Int_lpc
- * function but we do not recompute Az() for subframe 2 and
- * 4 because it is already available.
- *
- * Returns:
- * void
- */
- static void Int_lpc_1and3_2( float lsp_old[], float lsp_mid[], float
- lsp_new[], float az[] )
- {
- float lsp[LP_ORDER];
- INT32 i;
- for ( i = 0; i < LP_ORDER; i += 2 ) {
- lsp[i] = ( lsp_mid[i] + lsp_old[i] ) * 0.5F;
- lsp[i + 1] = ( lsp_mid[i + 1] +lsp_old[i+1] )*0.5F;
- }
- /* Subframe 1 */
- Lsp_Az( lsp, az );
- az += LP_ORDER_PLUS * 2;
- for ( i = 0; i < LP_ORDER; i += 2 ) {
- lsp[i] = ( lsp_mid[i] + lsp_new[i] ) * 0.5F;
- lsp[i + 1] = ( lsp_mid[i + 1] +lsp_new[i+1] )*0.5F;
- }
- /* Subframe 3 */
- Lsp_Az( lsp, az );
- return;
- }
- /*
- * Lsp_lsf
- *
- *
- * Parameters:
- * lsp I: LSP vector
- * lsf O: LSF vector
- *
- * Function:
- * Transformation lsp to lsf, LPC order LP_ORDER
- *
- * Returns:
- * void
- */
- static void Lsp_lsf( float lsp[], float lsf[] )
- {
- INT32 i;
- for ( i = 0; i < LP_ORDER; i++ ) {
- lsf[i] = ( float )( acos( lsp[i] )*SCALE_LSP_FREQ );
- }
- return;
- }
- /*
- * Lsf_wt
- *
- *
- * Parameters:
- * lsf I: LSF vector
- * wf O: square of weighting factors
- *
- * Function:
- * Compute LSF weighting factors
- *
- * Returns:
- * void
- */
- static void Lsf_wt( float *lsf, float *wf )
- {
- float temp;
- INT32 i;
- wf[0] = lsf[1];
- for ( i = 1; i < 9; i++ ) {
- wf[i] = lsf[i + 1] -lsf[i - 1];
- }
- wf[9] = 4000.0F - lsf[8];
- for ( i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) {
- if ( wf[i] < 450.0F ) {
- temp = 3.347F - SLOPE1_WGHT_LSF * wf[i];
- }
- else {
- temp = 1.8F - SLOPE2_WGHT_LSF * ( wf[i] - 450.0F );
- }
- wf[i] = temp * temp;
- }
- return;
- }
- /*
- * Vq_subvec
- *
- *
- * Parameters:
- * lsf_r1 I: 1st LSF residual vector
- * lsf_r2 I: 2nd LSF residual vector
- * dico I: quantization codebook
- * wf1 I: 1st LSF weighting factors
- * wf2 I: 2nd LSF weighting factors
- * dico_size I: size of quantization codebook
- * Function:
- * Quantization of a 4 dimensional subvector
- *
- * Returns:
- * index quantization index
- */
- static INT16 Vq_subvec( float *lsf_r1, float *lsf_r2, const float *dico,
- float *wf1, float *wf2, INT16 dico_size )
- {
- double temp, dist, dist_min;
- const float *p_dico;
- INT32 i, index = 0;
- dist_min = DBL_MAX;
- p_dico = dico;
- for ( i = 0; i < dico_size; i++ )
- {
- temp = lsf_r1[0] - *p_dico++;
- dist = temp * temp * wf1[0];
- temp = lsf_r1[1] - *p_dico++;
- dist += temp * temp * wf1[1];
- temp = lsf_r2[0] - *p_dico++;
- dist += temp * temp * wf2[0];
- temp = lsf_r2[1] - *p_dico++;
- dist += temp * temp * wf2[1];
- if ( dist < dist_min )
- {
- dist_min = dist;
- index = i;
- }
- }
- /* Reading the selected vector */
- p_dico = &dico[index << 2];
- lsf_r1[0] = *p_dico++;
- lsf_r1[1] = *p_dico++;
- lsf_r2[0] = *p_dico++;
- lsf_r2[1] = *p_dico++;
- return( INT16 )index;
- }
- /*
- * Vq_subvec_s
- *
- *
- * Parameters:
- * lsf_r1 I: 1st LSF residual vector
- * lsf_r2 I: 2nd LSF residual vector
- * dico I: quantization codebook
- * wf1 I: 1st LSF weighting factors
- * wf2 I: 2nd LSF weighting factors
- * dico_size I: size of quantization codebook
- * Function:
- * Quantization of a 4 dimensional subvector with a signed codebook
- *
- * Returns:
- * index quantization index
- */
- static INT16 Vq_subvec_s( float *lsf_r1, float *lsf_r2, const float *dico,
- float *wf1, float *wf2, INT16 dico_size )
- {
- double dist_min, dist1, dist2, temp1, temp2;
- const float *p_dico;
- INT32 i, index = 0;
- INT16 sign = 0;
- dist_min = DBL_MAX;
- p_dico = dico;
- for ( i = 0; i < dico_size; i++ )
- {
- temp1 = lsf_r1[0] - *p_dico;
- temp2 = lsf_r1[0] + *p_dico++;
- dist1 = temp1 * temp1 * wf1[0];
- dist2 = temp2 * temp2 * wf1[0];
- temp1 = lsf_r1[1] - *p_dico;
- temp2 = lsf_r1[1] + *p_dico++;
- dist1 += temp1 * temp1 * wf1[1];
- dist2 += temp2 * temp2 * wf1[1];
- temp1 = lsf_r2[0] - *p_dico;
- temp2 = lsf_r2[0] + *p_dico++;
- dist1 += temp1 * temp1 * wf2[0];
- dist2 += temp2 * temp2 * wf2[0];
- temp1 = lsf_r2[1] - *p_dico;
- temp2 = lsf_r2[1] + *p_dico++;
- dist1 += temp1 * temp1 * wf2[1];
- dist2 += temp2 * temp2 * wf2[1];
- if ( dist1 < dist_min )
- {
- dist_min = dist1;
- index = i;
- sign = 0;
- }
- if ( dist2 < dist_min )
- {
- dist_min = dist2;
- index = i;
- sign = 1;
- }
- }
- /* Reading the selected vector */
- p_dico = &dico[index << 2];
- if ( sign == 0 )
- {
- lsf_r1[0] = *p_dico++;
- lsf_r1[1] = *p_dico++;
- lsf_r2[0] = *p_dico++;
- lsf_r2[1] = *p_dico++;
- }
- else
- {
- lsf_r1[0] = -( *p_dico++ );
- lsf_r1[1] = -( *p_dico++ );
- lsf_r2[0] = -( *p_dico++ );
- lsf_r2[1] = -( *p_dico++ );
- }
- index = index << 1;
- index = index + sign;
- return( INT16 )index;
- }
- /*
- * Reorder_lsf
- *
- *
- * Parameters:
- * lsf B: vector of LSFs
- * min_dist I: minimum required distance
- *
- * Function:
- * Make sure that the LSFs are properly ordered and to keep a certain minimum
- * distance between adjacent LSFs. LPC order = LP_ORDER.
- *
- * Returns:
- * void
- */
- static void Reorder_lsf( float *lsf, float min_dist )
- {
- float lsf_min;
- INT32 i;
- lsf_min = min_dist;
- for ( i = 0; i < LP_ORDER; i++ )
- {
- if ( lsf[i] < lsf_min )
- {
- lsf[i] = lsf_min;
- }
- lsf_min = lsf[i] + min_dist;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Lsf_lsp
- *
- *
- * Parameters:
- * lsf I: vector of LSFs
- * lsp O: vector of LSPs
- *
- * Function:
- * Transformation lsf to lsp, order LP_ORDER
- *
- * Returns:
- * void
- */
- static void Lsf_lsp( float lsf[], float lsp[] )
- {
- INT32 i;
- for ( i = 0; i < LP_ORDER; i++ )
- {
- lsp[i] = ( float )cos( SCALE_FREQ_LSP * lsf[i] );
- }
- return;
- }
- /*
- * Vq_subvec3
- *
- *
- * Parameters:
- * lsf_r1 I: 1st LSF residual vector
- * dico I: quantization codebook
- * wf1 I: 1st LSF weighting factors
- * dico_size I: size of quantization codebook
- * use_half I: use every second entry in codebook
- *
- * Function:
- * Quantization of a 3 dimensional subvector
- *
- * Returns:
- * index quantization index
- */
- static INT16 Vq_subvec3( float *lsf_r1, const float *dico, float *wf1,
- INT16 dico_size, INT32 use_half )
- {
- double dist, dist_min;
- float temp;
- const float *p_dico;
- INT32 i, index = 0;
- dist_min = FLT_MAX;
- p_dico = dico;
- if ( use_half == 0 )
- {
- for ( i = 0; i < dico_size; i++ )
- {
- temp = lsf_r1[0] - *p_dico++;
- temp *= wf1[0];
- dist = temp * temp;
- temp = lsf_r1[1] - *p_dico++;
- temp *= wf1[1];
- dist += temp * temp;
- temp = lsf_r1[2] - *p_dico++;
- temp *= wf1[2];
- dist += temp * temp;
- if ( dist < dist_min )
- {
- dist_min = dist;
- index = i;
- }
- }
- p_dico = &dico[( 3 * index )];
- }
- else
- {
- for ( i = 0; i < dico_size; i++ )
- {
- temp = lsf_r1[0] - *p_dico++;
- temp *= wf1[0];
- dist = temp * temp;
- temp = lsf_r1[1] - *p_dico++;
- temp *= wf1[1];
- dist += temp * temp;
- temp = lsf_r1[2] - *p_dico++;
- temp *= wf1[2];
- dist += temp * temp;
- if ( dist < dist_min )
- {
- dist_min = dist;
- index = i;
- }
- p_dico = p_dico + 3;
- }
- p_dico = &dico[6 * index];
- }
- /* Reading the selected vector */
- lsf_r1[0] = *p_dico++;
- lsf_r1[1] = *p_dico++;
- lsf_r1[2] = *p_dico++;
- return( INT16 )index;
- }
- /*
- * Vq_subvec4
- *
- *
- * Parameters:
- * lsf_r1 I: 1st LSF residual vector
- * dico I: quantization codebook
- * wf1 I: 1st LSF weighting factors
- * dico_size I: size of quantization codebook
- *
- * Function:
- * Quantization of a 4 dimensional subvector
- *
- * Returns:
- * index quantization index
- */
- static INT16 Vq_subvec4( float *lsf_r1, const float *dico,
- float *wf1, INT16 dico_size )
- {
- double dist, dist_min;
- float temp;
- const float *p_dico;
- INT32 i, index = 0;
- dist_min = FLT_MAX;
- p_dico = dico;
- for ( i = 0; i < dico_size; i++ )
- {
- temp = lsf_r1[0] - *p_dico++;
- temp *= wf1[0];
- dist = temp * temp;
- temp = lsf_r1[1] - *p_dico++;
- temp *= wf1[1];
- dist += temp * temp;
- temp = lsf_r1[2] - *p_dico++;
- temp *= wf1[2];
- dist += temp * temp;
- temp = lsf_r1[3] - *p_dico++;
- temp *= wf1[3];
- dist += temp * temp;
- if ( dist < dist_min )
- {
- dist_min = dist;
- index = i;
- }
- }
- /* Reading the selected vector */
- p_dico = &dico[index << 2];
- lsf_r1[0] = *p_dico++;
- lsf_r1[1] = *p_dico++;
- lsf_r1[2] = *p_dico++;
- lsf_r1[3] = *p_dico++;
- return( INT16 )index;
- }
- /*
- * Q_plsf_3
- *
- *
- * Parameters:
- * mode I: AMR mode
- * past_rq B: past quantized residual
- * lsp1 I: 1st LSP vector
- * lsp1_q O: quantized 1st LSP vector
- * indice I: quantization indices of 5 matrices and
- * one sign for 3rd
- * pred_init_i O: init index for MA prediction in DTX mode
- *
- * Function:
- * Quantization of LSF parameters with 1st order MA prediction and
- * split by 3 vector quantization (split-VQ)
- *
- * Returns:
- * void
- */
- static void Q_plsf_3( enum Mode mode, float *past_rq, float *lsp1,
- float *lsp1_q, INT16 *indice, INT32 *pred_init_i )
- {
- float lsf1[LP_ORDER], wf1[LP_ORDER], lsf_p[LP_ORDER], lsf_r1[LP_ORDER];
- float lsf1_q[LP_ORDER];
- float pred_init_err;
- float min_pred_init_err;
- float temp_r1[LP_ORDER];
- float temp_p[LP_ORDER];
- INT32 j, i;
- /* convert LSFs to normalize frequency domain */
- Lsp_lsf( lsp1, lsf1 );
- /* compute LSF weighting factors */
- Lsf_wt( lsf1, wf1 );
- /* Compute predicted LSF and prediction error */
- if ( mode != MRDTX )
- {
- for ( i = 0; i < LP_ORDER; i++ )
- {
- lsf_p[i] = mean_lsf_3[i] + past_rq[i] * pred_fac[i];
- lsf_r1[i] = lsf1[i] - lsf_p[i];
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /*
- * DTX mode, search the init vector that yields
- * lowest prediction resuidual energy
- */
- *pred_init_i = 0;
- min_pred_init_err = FLT_MAX;
- for ( j = 0; j < PAST_RQ_INIT_SIZE; j++ )
- {
- pred_init_err = 0;
- for ( i = 0; i < LP_ORDER; i++ )
- {
- temp_p[i] = mean_lsf_3[i] + past_rq_init[j * LP_ORDER + i];
- temp_r1[i] = lsf1[i] - temp_p[i];
- pred_init_err += temp_r1[i] * temp_r1[i];
- } /* next i */
- if ( pred_init_err < min_pred_init_err )
- {
- min_pred_init_err = pred_init_err;
- memcpy( lsf_r1, temp_r1, LP_ORDER <<2 );
- memcpy( lsf_p, temp_p, LP_ORDER <<2 );
- memcpy( past_rq, &past_rq_init[j * LP_ORDER], LP_ORDER <<2 );
- *pred_init_i = j;
- }
- }
- }
- /* Split-VQ of prediction error */
- /* MR475, MR515 */
- if ( ( mode == MR475 ) || ( mode == MR515 ) )
- {
- indice[0] = Vq_subvec3( &lsf_r1[0], dico1_lsf_3, &wf1[0], DICO1_SIZE_3, 0 );
- indice[1] = Vq_subvec3( &lsf_r1[3], dico2_lsf_3, &wf1[3], DICO2_SIZE_3 /2, 1 );
- indice[2] = Vq_subvec4( &lsf_r1[6], mr515_3_lsf, &wf1[6], MR515_3_SIZE );
- }
- /* MR795 */
- else if ( mode == MR795 )
- {
- indice[0] = Vq_subvec3( &lsf_r1[0], mr795_1_lsf, &wf1[0], MR795_1_SIZE, 0 );
- indice[1] = Vq_subvec3( &lsf_r1[3], dico2_lsf_3, &wf1[3], DICO2_SIZE_3, 0 );
- indice[2] = Vq_subvec4( &lsf_r1[6], dico3_lsf_3, &wf1[6], DICO3_SIZE_3 );
- }
- /* MR59, MR67, MR74, MR102 , MRDTX */
- else
- {
- indice[0] = Vq_subvec3( &lsf_r1[0], dico1_lsf_3, &wf1[0], DICO1_SIZE_3, 0 );
- indice[1] = Vq_subvec3( &lsf_r1[3], dico2_lsf_3, &wf1[3], DICO2_SIZE_3, 0 );
- indice[2] = Vq_subvec4( &lsf_r1[6], dico3_lsf_3, &wf1[6], DICO3_SIZE_3 );
- }
- /* Compute quantized LSFs and update the past quantized residual */
- for ( i = 0; i < LP_ORDER; i++ )
- {
- lsf1_q[i] = lsf_r1[i] + lsf_p[i];
- past_rq[i] = lsf_r1[i];
- }
- /* verification that LSFs has mimimum distance of LSF_GAP 50 Hz */
- Reorder_lsf( lsf1_q, 50.0F );
- /* convert LSFs to the cosine domain */
- Lsf_lsp( lsf1_q, lsp1_q );
- }
- /*
- * Q_plsf_5
- *
- *
- * Parameters:
- * past_rq B: past quantized residual
- * lsp1 I: 1st LSP vector
- * lsp2 I: 2nd LSP vector
- * lsp1_q O: quantized 1st LSP vector
- * lsp2_q O: quantized 2nd LSP vector
- * indice I: quantization indices of 5 matrices and
- * one sign for 3rd
- *
- * Function:
- * Quantization of 2 sets of LSF parameters using 1st order MA
- * prediction and split by 5 matrix quantization (split-MQ).
- *
- * Returns:
- * void
- */
- static void Q_plsf_5( float *past_rq, float *lsp1, float *lsp2,
- float *lsp1_q, float *lsp2_q, INT16 *indice )
- {
- float lsf1[LP_ORDER], lsf2[LP_ORDER], wf1[LP_ORDER], wf2[LP_ORDER], lsf_p[LP_ORDER], lsf_r1[LP_ORDER], lsf_r2[LP_ORDER];
- float lsf1_q[LP_ORDER], lsf2_q[LP_ORDER];
- INT32 i;
- /* convert LSFs to normalize frequency domain */
- Lsp_lsf( lsp1, lsf1 );
- Lsp_lsf( lsp2, lsf2 );
- /* Compute LSF weighting factors */
- Lsf_wt( lsf1, wf1 );
- Lsf_wt( lsf2, wf2 );
- /* Compute predicted LSF and prediction error */
- for ( i = 0; i < LP_ORDER; i++ )
- {
- /* MR122 LSP prediction factor = 0.65 */
- lsf_p[i] = mean_lsf_5[i] + past_rq[i] * 0.65F;
- lsf_r1[i] = lsf1[i] - lsf_p[i];
- lsf_r2[i] = lsf2[i] - lsf_p[i];
- }
- /* Split-MQ of prediction error */
- indice[0] = Vq_subvec( &lsf_r1[0], &lsf_r2[0], dico1_lsf_5, &wf1[0], &wf2[0], DICO1_SIZE_5 );
- indice[1] = Vq_subvec( &lsf_r1[2], &lsf_r2[2], dico2_lsf_5, &wf1[2], &wf2[2], DICO2_SIZE_5 );
- indice[2] = Vq_subvec_s( &lsf_r1[4], &lsf_r2[4], dico3_lsf_5, &wf1[4], &wf2[4], DICO3_SIZE_5 );
- indice[3] = Vq_subvec( &lsf_r1[6], &lsf_r2[6], dico4_lsf_5, &wf1[6], &wf2[6], DICO4_SIZE_5 );
- indice[4] = Vq_subvec( &lsf_r1[8], &lsf_r2[8], dico5_lsf_5, &wf1[8], &wf2[8], DICO5_SIZE_5 );
- /* Compute quantized LSFs and update the past quantized residual */
- for ( i = 0; i < LP_ORDER; i++ )
- {
- lsf1_q[i] = lsf_r1[i] + lsf_p[i];
- lsf2_q[i] = lsf_r2[i] + lsf_p[i];
- past_rq[i] = lsf_r2[i];
- }
- /* verification that LSFs has minimum distance of LSF_GAP 50hz */
- Reorder_lsf( lsf1_q, 50.0F );
- Reorder_lsf( lsf2_q, 50.0F );
- /* convert LSFs to the cosine domain */
- Lsf_lsp( lsf1_q, lsp1_q );
- Lsf_lsp( lsf2_q, lsp2_q );
- }
- /*
- * Int_lpc_1and3
- *
- *
- * Parameters:
- * lsp_old I: LSP vector at the 4th subfr. of past frame [LP_ORDER]
- * lsp_mid I: LSP vector at the 2nd subframe of present frame [LP_ORDER]
- * lsp_new I: LSP vector at the 4th subframe of present frame [LP_ORDER]
- * az O: interpolated LP parameters in subframes 1 and 3
- * [AZ_SIZE]
- *
- * Function:
- * Interpolates the LSPs and converts to LPC parameters
- * to get a different LP filter in each subframe.
- *
- * The 20 ms speech frame is divided into 4 subframes.
- * The LSPs are quantized and transmitted at the 2nd and
- * 4th subframes (twice per frame) and interpolated at the
- * 1st and 3rd subframe.
- *
- * Returns:
- * void
- */
- static void Int_lpc_1and3( float lsp_old[], float lsp_mid[], float lsp_new[], float az[] )
- {
- INT32 i;
- float lsp[LP_ORDER];
- for ( i = 0; i < LP_ORDER; i++ )
- {
- lsp[i] = ( lsp_mid[i] + lsp_old[i] ) * 0.5F;
- }
- /* Subframe 1 */
- Lsp_Az( lsp, az );
- az += LP_ORDER_PLUS;
- /* Subframe 2 */
- Lsp_Az( lsp_mid, az );
- az += LP_ORDER_PLUS;
- for ( i = 0; i < LP_ORDER; i++ )
- {
- lsp[i] = ( lsp_mid[i] + lsp_new[i] ) * 0.5F;
- }
- /* Subframe 3 */
- Lsp_Az( lsp, az );
- az += LP_ORDER_PLUS;
- /* Subframe 4 */
- Lsp_Az( lsp_new, az );
- return;
- }
- /*
- * Int_lpc_1to3_2
- *
- *
- * Parameters:
- * lsp_old I: LSP vector at the 4th subfr. of past frame [LP_ORDER]
- * lsp_new I: LSP vector at the 4th subframe of present frame [LP_ORDER]
- * az O: interpolated LP parameters in subframes 1, 2 and 3
- * [AZ_SIZE]
- *
- * Function:
- * Interpolation of the LPC parameters.
- *
- * Returns:
- * void
- */
- static void Int_lpc_1to3_2( float lsp_old[], float lsp_new[], float az[] )
- {
- float lsp[LP_ORDER];
- INT32 i;
- for ( i = 0; i < LP_ORDER; i += 2 )
- {
- lsp[i] = lsp_new[i] * 0.25F + lsp_old[i] * 0.75F;
- lsp[i + 1] = lsp_new[i + 1] *0.25F + lsp_old[i + 1] *0.75F;
- }
- /* Subframe 1 */
- Lsp_Az( lsp, az );
- az += LP_ORDER_PLUS;
- for ( i = 0; i < LP_ORDER; i += 2 )
- {
- lsp[i] = ( lsp_old[i] + lsp_new[i] ) * 0.5F;
- lsp[i + 1] = ( lsp_old[i + 1] +lsp_new[i+1] )*0.5F;
- }
- /* Subframe 2 */
- Lsp_Az( lsp, az );
- az += LP_ORDER_PLUS;
- for ( i = 0; i < LP_ORDER; i += 2 )
- {
- lsp[i] = lsp_old[i] * 0.25F + lsp_new[i] * 0.75F;
- lsp[i + 1] = lsp_old[i + 1] *0.25F + lsp_new[i + 1] *0.75F;
- }
- /* Subframe 3 */
- Lsp_Az( lsp, az );
- return;
- }
- /*
- * Int_lpc_1to3
- *
- *
- * Parameters:
- * lsp_old I: LSP vector at the 4th subfr. of past frame [LP_ORDER]
- * lsp_new I: LSP vector at the 4th subframe of present frame [LP_ORDER]
- * az O: interpolated LP parameters in all subframes
- * [AZ_SIZE]
- *
- * Function:
- * Interpolates the LSPs and converts to LPC parameters to get a different
- * LP filter in each subframe.
- *
- * The 20 ms speech frame is divided into 4 subframes.
- * The LSPs are quantized and transmitted at the 4th
- * subframes (once per frame) and interpolated at the
- * 1st, 2nd and 3rd subframe.
- *
- * Returns:
- * void
- */
- static void Int_lpc_1to3( float lsp_old[], float lsp_new[], float az[] )
- {
- float lsp[LP_ORDER];
- INT32 i;
- for ( i = 0; i < LP_ORDER; i++ )
- {
- lsp[i] = lsp_new[i] * 0.25F + lsp_old[i] * 0.75F;
- }
- /* Subframe 1 */
- Lsp_Az( lsp, az );
- az += LP_ORDER_PLUS;
- for ( i = 0; i < LP_ORDER; i++ )
- {
- lsp[i] = ( lsp_old[i] + lsp_new[i] ) * 0.5F;
- }
- /* Subframe 2 */
- Lsp_Az( lsp, az );
- az += LP_ORDER_PLUS;
- for ( i = 0; i < LP_ORDER; i++ )
- {
- lsp[i] = lsp_old[i] * 0.25F + lsp_new[i] * 0.75F;
- }
- /* Subframe 3 */
- Lsp_Az( lsp, az );
- az += LP_ORDER_PLUS;
- /* Subframe 4 */
- Lsp_Az( lsp_new, az );
- return;
- }
- /*
- * lsp
- *
- *
- * Parameters:
- * req_mode I: requested mode
- * used_mode I: used mode
- * lsp_old B: old LSP vector
- * lsp_old_q B: old quantized LSP vector
- * past_rq B: past quantized residual
- * az B: interpolated LP parameters
- * azQ O: quantization interpol. LP parameters
- * lsp_new O: new lsp vector
- * anap O: analysis parameters
- *
- * Function:
- * From A(z) to lsp. LSP quantization and interpolation
- *
- * Returns:
- * void
- */
- static void lsp( enum Mode req_mode, enum Mode used_mode, float *lsp_old, float *lsp_old_q,
- float *past_rq, float az[], float azQ[], float lsp_new[], INT16 **anap )
- {
- float lsp_new_q[LP_ORDER]; /* LSPs at 4th subframe */
- float lsp_mid[LP_ORDER], lsp_mid_q[LP_ORDER]; /* LSPs at 2nd subframe */
- INT32 pred_init_i; /* init index for MA prediction in DTX mode */
- if ( req_mode == MR122 )
- {
- Az_lsp( &az[LP_ORDER_PLUS], lsp_mid, lsp_old );
- Az_lsp( &az[LP_ORDER_PLUS * 3], lsp_new, lsp_mid );
- /*
- * Find interpolated LPC parameters in all subframes
- * (both quantized and unquantized).
- * The interpolated parameters are in array A_t[] of size (LP_ORDER+1)*4
- * and the quantized interpolated parameters are in array Aq_t[]
- */
- Int_lpc_1and3_2( lsp_old, lsp_mid, lsp_new, az );
- if ( used_mode != MRDTX )
- {
- /* LSP quantization (lsp_mid[] and lsp_new[] jointly quantized) */
- Q_plsf_5( past_rq, lsp_mid, lsp_new, lsp_mid_q, lsp_new_q, *anap );
- Int_lpc_1and3( lsp_old_q, lsp_mid_q, lsp_new_q, azQ );
- /* Advance analysis parameters pointer */
- ( *anap ) += 5;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* From A(z) to lsp */
- Az_lsp( &az[LP_ORDER_PLUS * 3], lsp_new, lsp_old );
- /*
- * Find interpolated LPC parameters in all subframes
- * (both quantized and unquantized).
- * The interpolated parameters are in array A_t[] of size (LP_ORDER+1)*4
- * and the quantized interpolated parameters are in array Aq_t[]
- */
- Int_lpc_1to3_2( lsp_old, lsp_new, az );
- /* LSP quantization */
- if ( used_mode != MRDTX )
- {
- Q_plsf_3( req_mode, past_rq, lsp_new, lsp_new_q, *anap, &pred_init_i );
- Int_lpc_1to3( lsp_old_q, lsp_new_q, azQ );
- /* Advance analysis parameters pointer */
- ( *anap ) += 3;
- }
- }
- /* update the LSPs for the next frame */
- memcpy( lsp_old, lsp_new, LP_ORDER <<2 );
- memcpy( lsp_old_q, lsp_new_q, LP_ORDER <<2 );
- }
- /*
- * check_lsp
- *
- *
- * Parameters:
- * count B: counter for resonance
- * lsp B: LSP vector
- *
- * Function:
- * Check the LSP's to detect resonances
- *
- * Resonances in the LPC filter are monitored to detect possible problem
- * areas where divergence between the adaptive codebook memories in
- * the encoder and the decoder could cause unstable filters in areas
- * with highly correlated continuos signals. Typically, this divergence
- * is due to channel errors.
- * The monitoring of resonance signals is performed using unquantized LSPs
- * q(i), i = 1,...,10. The algorithm utilises the fact that LSPs are
- * closely located at a peak in the spectrum. First, two distances,
- * dist 1 and dist 2 ,are calculated in two different regions,
- * defined as
- *
- * dist1 = min[q(i) - q(i + 1)], i = 4,...,8
- * dist2 = min[q(i) - q(i + 1)], i = 2,3
- *
- * Either of these two minimum distance conditions must be fulfilled
- * to classify the frame as a resonance frame and increase the resonance
- * counter.
- *
- * if(dist1 < TH1) || if (dist2 < TH2)
- * counter++
- * else
- * counter = 0
- *
- * TH1 = 0.046
- * TH2 = 0.018, q(2) > 0.98
- * TH2 = 0.024, 0.93 < q(2) <= 0.98
- * TH2 = 0.018, otherwise
- *
- * 12 consecutive resonance frames are needed to indicate possible
- * problem conditions, otherwise the LSP_flag is cleared.
- *
- * Returns:
- * resonance flag
- */
- static INT16 check_lsp( INT16 *count, float *lsp )
- {
- float dist, dist_min1, dist_min2, dist_th;
- INT32 i;
- /*
- * Check for a resonance:
- * Find minimum distance between lsp[i] and lsp[i+1]
- */
- dist_min1 = FLT_MAX;
- for ( i = 3; i < 8; i++ )
- {
- dist = lsp[i] - lsp[i + 1];
- if ( dist < dist_min1 )
- {
- dist_min1 = dist;
- }
- }
- dist_min2 = FLT_MAX;
- for ( i = 1; i < 3; i++ )
- {
- dist = lsp[i] - lsp[i + 1];
- if ( dist < dist_min2 )
- {
- dist_min2 = dist;
- }
- }
- if ( lsp[1] > 0.98F )
- {
- dist_th = 0.018F;
- }
- else if ( lsp[1] > 0.93F )
- {
- dist_th = 0.024F;
- }
- else
- {
- dist_th = 0.034F;
- }
- if ( ( dist_min1 < 0.046F ) || ( dist_min2 < dist_th ) )
- {
- *count += 1;
- }
- else
- {
- *count = 0;
- }
- /* Need 12 consecutive frames to set the flag */
- if ( *count >= 12 )
- {
- *count = 12;
- return 1;
- }
- else
- {
- return 0;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Weight_Ai
- *
- *
- * Parameters:
- * a I: LPC coefficients [LP_ORDER+1]
- * fac I: Spectral expansion factors. [LP_ORDER+1]
- * a_exp O: Spectral expanded LPC coefficients [LP_ORDER+1]
- *
- * Function:
- * Spectral expansion of LP coefficients
- *
- * Returns:
- * void
- */
- static void Weight_Ai( float a[], const float fac[], float a_exp[] )
- {
- INT32 i;
- a_exp[0] = a[0];
- for ( i = 1; i <= LP_ORDER; i++ )
- {
- a_exp[i] = a[i] * fac[i - 1];
- }
- return;
- }
- /*
- * Residu
- *
- *
- * Parameters:
- * a I: prediction coefficients
- * x I: speech signal
- * y O: residual signal
- *
- * Function:
- * Computes the LTP residual signal.
- *
- * Returns:
- * void
- */
- static void Residu( float a[], float x[], float y[] )
- {
- float s;
- INT32 i;
- for ( i = 0; i < SUBFRM_SIZE; i += 4 )
- {
- s = x[i] * a[0];
- s += x[i - 1] *a[1];
- s += x[i - 2] * a[2];
- s += x[i - 3] * a[3];
- s += x[i - 4] * a[4];
- s += x[i - 5] * a[5];
- s += x[i - 6] * a[6];
- s += x[i - 7] * a[7];
- s += x[i - 8] * a[8];
- s += x[i - 9] * a[9];
- s += x[i - 10] * a[10];
- y[i] = s;
- s = x[i + 1] *a[0];
- s += x[i] * a[1];
- s += x[i - 1] *a[2];
- s += x[i - 2] * a[3];
- s += x[i - 3] * a[4];
- s += x[i - 4] * a[5];
- s += x[i - 5] * a[6];
- s += x[i - 6] * a[7];
- s += x[i - 7] * a[8];
- s += x[i - 8] * a[9];
- s += x[i - 9] * a[10];
- y[i + 1] = s;
- s = x[i + 2] * a[0];
- s += x[i + 1] *a[1];
- s += x[i] * a[2];
- s += x[i - 1] *a[3];
- s += x[i - 2] * a[4];
- s += x[i - 3] * a[5];
- s += x[i - 4] * a[6];
- s += x[i - 5] * a[7];
- s += x[i - 6] * a[8];
- s += x[i - 7] * a[9];
- s += x[i - 8] * a[10];
- y[i + 2] = s;
- s = x[i + 3] * a[0];
- s += x[i + 2] * a[1];
- s += x[i + 1] *a[2];
- s += x[i] * a[3];
- s += x[i - 1] *a[4];
- s += x[i - 2] * a[5];
- s += x[i - 3] * a[6];
- s += x[i - 4] * a[7];
- s += x[i - 5] * a[8];
- s += x[i - 6] * a[9];
- s += x[i - 7] * a[10];
- y[i + 3] = s;
- }
- return;
- }
- /*
- * Syn_filt
- *
- *
- * Parameters:
- * a I: prediction coefficients [LP_ORDER+1]
- * x I: input signal
- * y O: output signal
- * mem B: memory associated with this filtering
- * update I: 0=no update, 1=update of memory.
- *
- * Function:
- * Perform synthesis filtering through 1/A(z).
- *
- * Returns:
- * void
- */
- static void Syn_filt( float a[], float x[], float y[], float mem[], INT16 update )
- {
- double tmp[50];
- double sum;
- double *yy;
- INT32 i;
- /* Copy mem[] to yy[] */
- yy = tmp;
- for ( i = 0; i < LP_ORDER; i++ )
- {
- *yy++ = mem[i];
- }
- /* Do the filtering. */
- for ( i = 0; i < SUBFRM_SIZE; i = i + 4 )
- {
- sum = x[i] * a[0];
- sum -= a[1] * yy[ - 1];
- sum -= a[2] * yy[ - 2];
- sum -= a[3] * yy[ - 3];
- sum -= a[4] * yy[ - 4];
- sum -= a[5] * yy[ - 5];
- sum -= a[6] * yy[ - 6];
- sum -= a[7] * yy[ - 7];
- sum -= a[8] * yy[ - 8];
- sum -= a[9] * yy[ - 9];
- sum -= a[10] * yy[ - 10];
- *yy++ = sum;
- y[i] = ( float )yy[ - 1];
- sum = x[i + 1] *a[0];
- sum -= a[1] * yy[ - 1];
- sum -= a[2] * yy[ - 2];
- sum -= a[3] * yy[ - 3];
- sum -= a[4] * yy[ - 4];
- sum -= a[5] * yy[ - 5];
- sum -= a[6] * yy[ - 6];
- sum -= a[7] * yy[ - 7];
- sum -= a[8] * yy[ - 8];
- sum -= a[9] * yy[ - 9];
- sum -= a[10] * yy[ - 10];
- *yy++ = sum;
- y[i + 1] = ( float )yy[ - 1];
- sum = x[i + 2] * a[0];
- sum -= a[1] * yy[ - 1];
- sum -= a[2] * yy[ - 2];
- sum -= a[3] * yy[ - 3];
- sum -= a[4] * yy[ - 4];
- sum -= a[5] * yy[ - 5];
- sum -= a[6] * yy[ - 6];
- sum -= a[7] * yy[ - 7];
- sum -= a[8] * yy[ - 8];
- sum -= a[9] * yy[ - 9];
- sum -= a[10] * yy[ - 10];
- *yy++ = sum;
- y[i + 2] = ( float )yy[ - 1];
- sum = x[i + 3] * a[0];
- sum -= a[1] * yy[ - 1];
- sum -= a[2] * yy[ - 2];
- sum -= a[3] * yy[ - 3];
- sum -= a[4] * yy[ - 4];
- sum -= a[5] * yy[ - 5];
- sum -= a[6] * yy[ - 6];
- sum -= a[7] * yy[ - 7];
- sum -= a[8] * yy[ - 8];
- sum -= a[9] * yy[ - 9];
- sum -= a[10] * yy[ - 10];
- *yy++ = sum;
- y[i + 3] = ( float )yy[ - 1];
- }
- /* Update of memory if update==1 */
- if ( update != 0 )
- {
- for ( i = 0; i < LP_ORDER; i++ )
- {
- mem[i] = y[30 + i];
- }
- }
- return;
- }
- /*
- * pre_big
- *
- *
- * Parameters:
- * mode I: AMR mode
- * gamma1 I: spectral exp. factor 1
- * gamma1_12k2 I: spectral exp. factor 1 for modes above MR795
- * gamma2 I: spectral exp. factor 2
- * A_t I: A(z) unquantized, for 4 subframes
- * frame_offset I: frameoffset, 1st or second big_sbf
- * speech I: speech
- * mem_w B: synthesis filter memory state
- * wsp O: weighted speech
- *
- * Function:
- * Big subframe (2 subframes) preprocessing
- *
- * Open-loop pitch analysis is performed in order to simplify the pitch
- * analysis and confine the closed-loop pitch search to a small number of
- * lags around the open-loop estimated lags.
- * Open-loop pitch estimation is based on the weighted speech signal Sw(n)
- * which is obtained by filtering the input speech signal through
- * the weighting filter
- *
- * W(z) = A(z/g1) / A(z/g2)
- *
- * That is, in a subframe of size L, the weighted speech is given by:
- *
- * 10 10
- * Sw(n) = S(n) + SUM[a(i) * g1(i) * S(n-i)] - SUM[a(i) * g2(i) * Sw(n-i)],
- * i=1 i=1
- * n = 0, ..., L-1
- *
- * Returns:
- * void
- */
- static INT32 pre_big( enum Mode mode, const float gamma1[], const float gamma1_12k2[],
- const float gamma2[], float A_t[], INT16 frame_offset,
- float speech[], float mem_w[], float wsp[] )
- {
- INT32 offset, i;
- /* A(z) with spectral expansion */
- const float *g1;
- g1 = gamma1_12k2;
- if ( mode <= MR795 )
- {
- g1 = gamma1;
- }
- offset = 0;
- if ( frame_offset > 0 )
- {
- offset = LP_ORDER_PLUS << 1;
- }
- /* process two subframes (which form the "big" subframe) */
- for ( i = 0; i < 2; i++ )
- {
- /* a(i) * g1(i) */
- Weight_Ai( &A_t[offset], g1, Ap1 );
- /* a(i) * g2(i) */
- Weight_Ai( &A_t[offset], gamma2, Ap2 );
- /*
- * 10
- * S(n) + SUM[a(i) * g1(i) * S(n-i)]
- * i=1
- */
- Residu( Ap1, &speech[frame_offset], &wsp[frame_offset] );
- /*
- * 10 10
- * S(n) + SUM[a(i) * g1(i) * S(n-i)] SUM[a(i) * g2(i) * Sn(n-i)]
- * i=1 i=1
- */
- Syn_filt( Ap2, &wsp[frame_offset], &wsp[frame_offset], mem_w, 1 );
- offset += LP_ORDER_PLUS;
- frame_offset += SUBFRM_SIZE;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- * comp_corr
- *
- *
- * Parameters:
- * sig I: signal
- * L_frame I: length of frame to compute pitch
- * lag_max I: maximum lag
- * lag_min I: minimum lag
- * corr O: correlation of selected lag
- *
- * Function:
- * Calculate all correlations in a given delay range.
- *
- * Returns:
- * void
- */
- static void comp_corr( float sig[], INT32 L_frame, INT32 lag_max,
- INT32 lag_min, float corr[] )
- {
- INT32 i, j;
- float *p, *p1;
- float T0;
- for ( i = lag_max; i >= lag_min; i-- )
- {
- p = sig;
- p1 = &sig[ - i];
- T0 = 0.0F;
- for ( j = 0; j < L_frame; j = j + 40, p += 40, p1 += 40 )
- {
- T0 += p[0] * p1[0] + p[1] * p1[1] + p[2] * p1[2] + p[3] * p1[3];
- T0 += p[4] * p1[4] + p[5] * p1[5] + p[6] * p1[6] + p[7] * p1[7];
- T0 += p[8] * p1[8] + p[9] * p1[9] + p[10] * p1[10] + p[11] * p1[11];
- T0 += p[12] * p1[12] + p[13] * p1[13] + p[14] * p1[14] + p[15] * p1[15];
- T0 += p[16] * p1[16] + p[17] * p1[17] + p[18] * p1[18] + p[19] * p1[19];
- T0 += p[20] * p1[20] + p[21] * p1[21] + p[22] * p1[22] + p[23] * p1[23];
- T0 += p[24] * p1[24] + p[25] * p1[25] + p[26] * p1[26] + p[27] * p1[27];
- T0 += p[28] * p1[28] + p[29] * p1[29] + p[30] * p1[30] + p[31] * p1[31];
- T0 += p[32] * p1[32] + p[33] * p1[33] + p[34] * p1[34] + p[35] * p1[35];
- T0 += p[36] * p1[36] + p[37] * p1[37] + p[38] * p1[38] + p[39] * p1[39];
- }
- corr[ - i] = T0;
- }
- return;
- }
- /*
- * vad_tone_detection
- *
- *
- * Parameters:
- * st->tone B: flags indicating presence of a tone
- * T0 I: autocorrelation maxima
- * t1 I: energy
- *
- * Function:
- * Set tone flag if pitch gain is high.
- * This is used to detect signaling tones and other signals
- * with high pitch gain.
- *
- * Returns:
- * void
- */
- //#ifndef VAD2
- static void vad_tone_detection( vadState *st, float T0, float t1 )
- {
- if ( ( t1 > 0 ) && ( T0 > t1 * TONE_THR ) ) {
- st->tone = st->tone | 0x00004000;
- }
- }
- //#endif
- /*
- * Lag_max
- *
- *
- * Parameters:
- * vadSt B: vad structure
- * corr I: correlation vector
- * sig I: signal
- * L_frame I: length of frame to compute pitch
- * lag_max I: maximum lag
- * lag_min I: minimum lag
- * cor_max O: maximum correlation
- * dtx I: dtx on/off
- *
- * Function:
- * Compute the open loop pitch lag.
- *
- * Returns:
- * p_max lag found
- */
- /*
- #ifdef VAD2
- static INT16 Lag_max( float corr[], float sig[], INT16 L_frame,
- INT32 lag_max, INT32 lag_min, float *cor_max,
- INT32 dtx, float *rmax, float *r0 )
- #else
- */
- static INT16 Lag_max( vadState *vadSt, float corr[], float sig[], INT16 L_frame,
- INT32 lag_max, INT32 lag_min, float *cor_max, INT32 dtx )
- //#endif
- {
- float max, T0;
- float *p;
- INT32 i, j, p_max;
- max = -FLT_MAX;
- p_max = lag_max;
- for ( i = lag_max, j = ( PIT_MAX - lag_max - 1 ); i >= lag_min; i--, j-- )
- {
- if ( corr[ - i] >= max )
- {
- max = corr[ - i];
- p_max = i;
- }
- }
- /* compute energy for normalization */
- T0 = 0.0F;
- p = &sig[ - p_max];
- for ( i = 0; i < L_frame; i++, p++ )
- {
- T0 += *p * *p;
- }
- if ( dtx )
- {
- /*
- #ifdef VAD2
- *rmax = max;
- *r0 = T0;
- #else
- */
- /* check tone */
- vad_tone_detection( vadSt, max, T0 );
- //#endif
- }
- if ( T0 > 0.0F )
- T0 = 1.0F / ( float )sqrt( T0 );
- else
- T0 = 0.0F;
- /* max = max/sqrt(energy) */
- max *= T0;
- *cor_max = max;
- return( ( INT16 )p_max );
- }
- /*
- * hp_max
- *
- *
- * Parameters:
- * corr I: correlation vector
- * sig I: signal
- * L_frame I: length of frame to compute pitch
- * lag_max I: maximum lag
- * lag_min I: minimum lag
- * cor_hp_max O: max high-pass filtered correlation
- *
- * Function:
- * Find the maximum correlation of scal_sig[] in a given delay range.
- *
- * The correlation is given by
- * cor[t] = <scal_sig[n],scal_sig[n-t]>, t=lag_min,...,lag_max
- * The functions outputs the maximum correlation after normalization
- * and the corresponding lag.
- *
- * Returns:
- * void
- */
- //#ifndef VAD2
- static void hp_max( float corr[], float sig[], INT32 L_frame,
- INT32 lag_max, INT32 lag_min, float *cor_hp_max )
- {
- float T0, t1, max;
- float *p, *p1;
- INT32 i;
- max = -FLT_MAX;
- T0 = 0;
- for ( i = lag_max - 1; i > lag_min; i-- ) {
- /* high-pass filtering */
- T0 = ( ( corr[ - i] * 2 ) - corr[ - i-1] )-corr[ - i + 1];
- T0 = ( float )fabs( T0 );
- if ( T0 >= max ) {
- max = T0;
- }
- }
- /* compute energy */
- p = sig;
- p1 = &sig[0];
- T0 = 0;
- for ( i = 0; i < L_frame; i++, p++, p1++ ) {
- T0 += *p * *p1;
- }
- p = sig;
- p1 = &sig[ - 1];
- t1 = 0;
- for ( i = 0; i < L_frame; i++, p++, p1++ ) {
- t1 += *p * *p1;
- }
- /* high-pass filtering */
- T0 = T0 - t1;
- T0 = ( float )fabs( T0 );
- /* max/T0 */
- if ( T0 != 0 ) {
- *cor_hp_max = max / T0;
- }
- else {
- *cor_hp_max = 0;
- }
- }
- //#endif
- /*
- * vad_tone_detection_update
- *
- *
- * Parameters:
- * st->tone B: flags indicating presence of a tone
- * one_lag_per_frame I: 1 open-loop lag is calculated per each frame
- *
- * Function:
- * Update the tone flag register.
- *
- * Returns:
- * void
- */
- //#ifndef VAD2
- static void vad_tone_detection_update( vadState *st, INT16 one_lag_per_frame )
- {
- /* Shift tone flags right by one bit */
- st->tone = st->tone >> 1;
- /*
- * If open-loop lag is calculated only once in each frame,
- * do extra update and assume that the other tone flag
- * of the frame is one.
- */
- if ( one_lag_per_frame != 0 ) {
- st->tone = st->tone >> 1;
- st->tone = st->tone | 0x00002000;
- }
- }
- //#endif
- /*
- * Pitch_ol
- *
- *
- * Parameters:
- * mode I: AMR mode
- * vadSt B: VAD state struct
- * signal I: signal used to compute the open loop pitch
- * [[-pit_max]:[-1]]
- * pit_min I: minimum pitch lag
- * pit_max I: maximum pitch lag
- * L_frame I: length of frame to compute pitch
- * dtx I: DTX flag
- * idx I: frame index
- *
- * Function:
- * Compute the open loop pitch lag.
- *
- * Open-loop pitch analysis is performed twice per frame (each 10 ms)
- * to find two estimates of the pitch lag in each frame.
- * Open-loop pitch analysis is performed as follows.
- * In the first step, 3 maxima of the correlation:
- *
- * 79
- * O(k) = SUM Sw(n)*Sw(n-k)
- * n=0
- *
- * are found in the three ranges:
- * pit_min ... 2*pit_min-1
- * 2*pit_min ... 4*pit_min-1
- * 4*pit_min ... pit_max
- *
- * The retained maxima O(t(i)), i = 1, 2, 3, are normalized by dividing by
- *
- * SQRT[SUM[POW(Sw(n-t(i)), 2]], i = 1, 2, 3,
- * n
- *
- * respectively.
- * The normalized maxima and corresponding delays are denoted by
- * (LP_ORDER(i), t(i)), i = 1, 2, 3. The winner, Top, among the three normalized
- * correlations is selected by favouring the delays with the values
- * in the lower range. This is performed by weighting the normalized
- * correlations corresponding to the longer delays. The best
- * open-loop delay Top is determined as follows:
- *
- * Top = t(1)
- * LP_ORDER(Top) = LP_ORDER(1)
- * if LP_ORDER(2) > 0.85 * LP_ORDER(Top)
- * LP_ORDER(Top) = LP_ORDER(2)
- * Top = t(2)
- * end
- * if LP_ORDER(3) > 0.85 * LP_ORDER(Top)
- * LP_ORDER(Top) = LP_ORDER(3)
- * Top = t(3)
- * end
- *
- * Returns:
- * void
- */
- static INT32 Pitch_ol( enum Mode mode, vadState *vadSt, float signal[], INT32 pit_min,
- INT32 pit_max, INT16 L_frame, INT32 dtx, INT16 idx )
- {
- float corr[PIT_MAX + 1];
- float max1, max2, max3, p_max1, p_max2, p_max3;
- float *corr_ptr;
- INT32 i, j;
- /*
- #ifdef VAD2
- float r01, r02, r03;
- float rmax1, rmax2, rmax3;
- #else
- */
- float corr_hp_max;
- //#endif
- //#ifndef VAD2
- if ( dtx )
- {
- /* update tone detection */
- if ( ( mode == MR475 ) || ( mode == MR515 ) )
- {
- vad_tone_detection_update( vadSt, 1 );
- }
- else
- {
- vad_tone_detection_update( vadSt, 0 );
- }
- }
- //#endif
- corr_ptr = &corr[pit_max];
- /* 79 */
- /* O(k) = SUM Sw(n)*Sw(n-k) */
- /* n=0 */
- comp_corr( signal, L_frame, pit_max, pit_min, corr_ptr );
- /*
- #ifdef VAD2
- / * Find a maximum for each section. * /
- / * Maxima 1 * /
- j = pit_min << 2;
- p_max1 =
- Lag_max( corr_ptr, signal, L_frame, pit_max, j, &max1, dtx, &rmax1, &r01 );
- / * Maxima 2 * /
- i = j - 1;
- j = pit_min << 1;
- p_max2 = Lag_max( corr_ptr, signal, L_frame, i, j, &max2, dtx, &rmax2, &r02 );
- / * Maxima 3 * /
- i = j - 1;
- p_max3 =
- Lag_max( corr_ptr, signal, L_frame, i, pit_min, &max3, dtx, &rmax3, &r03 );
- #else
- */
- /* Find a maximum for each section. */
- /* Maxima 1 */
- j = pit_min << 2;
- p_max1 = Lag_max( vadSt, corr_ptr, signal, L_frame, pit_max, j, &max1, dtx );
- /* Maxima 2 */
- i = j - 1;
- j = pit_min << 1;
- p_max2 = Lag_max( vadSt, corr_ptr, signal, L_frame, i, j, &max2, dtx );
- /* Maxima 3 */
- i = j - 1;
- p_max3 = Lag_max( vadSt, corr_ptr, signal, L_frame, i, pit_min, &max3, dtx );
- if ( dtx ) {
- if ( idx == 1 ) {
- /* calculate max high-passed filtered correlation of all lags */
- hp_max( corr_ptr, signal, L_frame, pit_max, pit_min, &corr_hp_max );
- /* update complex background detector */
- vadSt->best_corr_hp = corr_hp_max * 0.5F;
- }
- }
- //#endif
- /* The best open-loop delay */
- if ( ( max1 * 0.85F ) < max2 )
- {
- max1 = max2;
- p_max1 = p_max2;
- /*
- #ifdef VAD2
- if (dtx) {
- rmax1 = rmax2;
- r01 = r02;
- }
- #endif
- */
- }
- if ( ( max1 * 0.85F ) < max3 )
- {
- p_max1 = p_max3;
- /*
- #ifdef VAD2
- if (dtx) {
- rmax1 = rmax3;
- r01 = r03;
- }
- #endif
- */
- }
- /*
- #ifdef VAD2
- if (dtx) {
- vadSt->Rmax += rmax1; / * Save max correlation * /
- vadSt->R0 += r01; / * Save max energy * /
- }
- #endif
- */
- return( INT32 )p_max1;
- }
- /*
- * Lag_max_wght
- *
- *
- * Parameters:
- * vadSt B: vad structure
- * corr I: correlation vector
- * signal I: signal
- * L_frame I: length of frame to compute pitch
- * old_lag I: old open-loop lag
- * cor_max O: maximum correlation
- * wght_flg I: weighting function flag
- * gain_flg O: open-loop flag
- * dtx I: dtx on/off
- *
- * Function:
- * Find the lag that has maximum correlation of signal in a given delay range.
- * maximum lag = 143
- * minimum lag = 20
- *
- * Returns:
- * p_max lag found
- */
- static INT32 Lag_max_wght( vadState *vadSt, float corr[], float signal[], INT32 old_lag,
- INT32 *cor_max, INT32 wght_flg, float *gain_flg, INT32 dtx )
- {
- float t0, t1, max;
- float *psignal, *p1signal;
- const float *ww, *we;
- INT32 i, j, p_max;
- ww = &corrweight[250];
- we = &corrweight[266 - old_lag];
- max = -FLT_MAX;
- p_max = PIT_MAX;
- /* see if the neigbouring emphasis is used */
- if ( wght_flg > 0 )
- {
- /* find maximum correlation with weighting */
- for ( i = PIT_MAX; i >= PIT_MIN; i-- )
- {
- /* Weighting of the correlation function. */
- t0 = corr[ - i] * *ww--;
- /* Weight the neighbourhood of the old lag. */
- t0 *= *we--;
- if ( t0 >= max )
- {
- max = t0;
- p_max = i;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* find maximum correlation with weighting */
- for ( i = PIT_MAX; i >= PIT_MIN; i-- )
- {
- /* Weighting of the correlation function. */
- t0 = corr[ - i] * *ww--;
- if ( t0 >= max )
- {
- max = t0;
- p_max = i;
- }
- }
- }
- psignal = &signal[0];
- p1signal = &signal[ - p_max];
- t0 = 0;
- t1 = 0;
- /* Compute energy */
- for ( j = 0; j < FRAME_SIZE_BY2; j++, psignal++, p1signal++ )
- {
- t0 += *psignal * *p1signal;
- t1 += *p1signal * *p1signal;
- }
- if ( dtx )
- {
- /*
- #ifdef VAD2
- vadSt->Rmax += t0; / * Save max correlation * /
- vadSt->R0 += t1; / * Save max energy * /
- #else
- */
- /* update and detect tone */
- vad_tone_detection_update( vadSt, 0 );
- vad_tone_detection( vadSt, t0, t1 );
- //#endif
- }
- /*
- * gain flag is set according to the open_loop gain
- * is t2/t1 > 0.4 ?
- */
- *gain_flg = t0 - ( t1 * 0.4F );
- *cor_max = 0;
- return( p_max );
- }
- /*
- * gmed_n
- *
- *
- * Parameters:
- * ind I: values
- * n I: The number of gains
- *
- * Function:
- * Calculates N-point median.
- *
- * Returns:
- * index of the median value
- */
- static INT32 gmed_n( INT32 ind[], INT32 n )
- {
- INT32 i, j, ix = 0;
- INT32 max;
- INT32 medianIndex;
- INT32 tmp[9];
- INT32 tmp2[9];
- for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
- {
- tmp2[i] = ind[i];
- }
- for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
- {
- max = -32767;
- for ( j = 0; j < n; j++ )
- {
- if ( tmp2[j] >= max )
- {
- max = tmp2[j];
- ix = j;
- }
- }
- tmp2[ix] = -32768;
- tmp[i] = ix;
- }
- medianIndex = tmp[( n >>1 )];
- return( ind[medianIndex] );
- }
- /*
- * Pitch_ol_wgh
- *
- *
- * Parameters:
- * old_T0_med O: old Cl lags median
- * wght_flg I: weighting function flag
- * ada_w B:
- * vadSt B: VAD state struct
- * signal I: signal used to compute the open loop pitch
- * [[-pit_max]:[-1]]
- * old_lags I: history with old stored Cl lags
- * ol_gain_flg I: OL gain flag
- * idx I: frame index
- * dtx I: DTX flag
- *
- * Function:
- * Open-loop pitch search with weight
- *
- * Open-loop pitch analysis is performed twice per frame (every 10 ms)
- * for the 10.2 kbit/s mode to find two estimates of the pitch lag
- * in each frame. The open-loop pitch analysis is done in order to simplify
- * the pitch analysis and confine the closed loop pitch search to
- * a small number of lags around the open-loop estimated lags.
- * Open-loop pitch estimation is based on the weighted speech signal
- * which is obtained by filtering the input speech signal through
- * the weighting filter.
- * The correlation of weighted speech is determined.
- * The estimated pitch-lag is the delay that maximises
- * the weighted autocorrelation function. To enhance pitch-lag analysis
- * the autocorrelation function estimate is modified by a weighting window.
- * The weighting emphasises relevant pitch-lags, thus increasing
- * the likelihood of selecting the correct delay.
- * minimum pitch lag = 20
- * maximum pitch lag = 143
- *
- * Returns:
- * p_max1 open loop pitch lag
- */
- static INT32 Pitch_ol_wgh( INT32 *old_T0_med, INT16 *wght_flg, float *ada_w,
- vadState *vadSt, float signal[], INT32 old_lags[],
- float ol_gain_flg[], INT16 idx, INT32 dtx )
- {
- float corr[PIT_MAX + 1];
- //#ifndef VAD2
- float corr_hp_max;
- //#endif
- float *corrPtr;
- INT32 i, max1, p_max1;
- /* calculate all coreelations of signal, from pit_min to pit_max */
- corrPtr = &corr[PIT_MAX];
- comp_corr( signal, FRAME_SIZE_BY2, PIT_MAX, PIT_MIN, corrPtr );
- p_max1 = Lag_max_wght( vadSt, corrPtr, signal, *old_T0_med,
- &max1, *wght_flg, &ol_gain_flg[idx], dtx );
- if ( ol_gain_flg[idx] > 0 )
- {
- /* Calculate 5-point median of previous lags */
- /* Shift buffer */
- for ( i = 4; i > 0; i-- )
- {
- old_lags[i] = old_lags[i - 1];
- }
- old_lags[0] = p_max1;
- *old_T0_med = gmed_n( old_lags, 5 );
- *ada_w = 1;
- }
- else
- {
- *old_T0_med = p_max1;
- *ada_w = *ada_w * 0.9F;
- }
- if ( *ada_w < 0.3 )
- {
- *wght_flg = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- *wght_flg = 1;
- }
- //#ifndef VAD2
- if ( dtx )
- {
- if ( idx == 1 )
- {
- /* calculate max high-passed filtered correlation of all lags */
- hp_max( corrPtr, signal, FRAME_SIZE_BY2, PIT_MAX, PIT_MIN, &corr_hp_max );
- /* update complex background detector */
- vadSt->best_corr_hp = corr_hp_max * 0.5F;
- }
- }
- //#endif
- return( p_max1 );
- }
- /*
- * ol_ltp
- *
- *
- * Parameters:
- * mode I: AMR mode
- * vadSt B: VAD state struct
- * wsp I: signal used to compute the OL pitch
- * T_op O: open loop pitch lag
- * ol_gain_flg I: OL gain flag
- * old_T0_med O: old Cl lags median
- * wght_flg I: weighting function flag
- * ada_w B:
- * old_lags I: history with old stored Cl lags
- * ol_gain_flg I: OL gain flag
- * dtx I: DTX flag
- * idx I: frame index
- *
- * Function:
- * Compute the open loop pitch lag.
- *
- * Open-loop pitch analysis is performed in order to simplify
- * the pitch analysis and confine the closed-loop pitch search to
- * a small number of lags around the open-loop estimated lags.
- * Open-loop pitch estimation is based on the weighted speech signal Sw(n)
- * which is obtained by filtering the input speech signal through
- * the weighting filter W(z) = A(z/g1) / A(z/g2). That is,
- * in a subframe of size L, the weighted speech is given by:
- *
- * 10
- * Sw(n) = S(n) + SUM[ a(i) * g1(i) * S(n-i) ]
- * i=1
- * 10
- * - SUM[ a(i) * g2(i) * Sw(n-i) ], n = 0, ..., L-1
- * i=1
- *
- * Returns:
- * void
- */
- static void ol_ltp( enum Mode mode, vadState *vadSt, float wsp[], INT32 *T_op,
- float ol_gain_flg[], INT32 *old_T0_med, INT16 *wght_flg,
- float *ada_w, INT32 *old_lags, INT32 dtx, INT16 idx )
- {
- if ( mode != MR102 )
- {
- ol_gain_flg[0] = 0;
- ol_gain_flg[1] = 0;
- }
- if ( ( mode == MR475 ) || ( mode == MR515 ) )
- {
- *T_op = Pitch_ol( mode, vadSt, wsp, PIT_MIN, PIT_MAX, FRAME_SIZE, dtx, idx );
- }
- else
- {
- if ( mode <= MR795 )
- {
- *T_op = Pitch_ol( mode, vadSt, wsp, PIT_MIN, PIT_MAX, FRAME_SIZE_BY2, dtx, idx );
- }
- else if ( mode == MR102 )
- {
- *T_op = Pitch_ol_wgh( old_T0_med, wght_flg, ada_w, vadSt,
- wsp, old_lags, ol_gain_flg, idx, dtx );
- }
- else
- {
- *T_op = Pitch_ol( mode, vadSt, wsp, PIT_MIN_MR122,
- PIT_MAX, FRAME_SIZE_BY2, dtx, idx );
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * subframePreProc
- *
- *
- * Parameters:
- * mode I: AMR mode
- * gamma1 I: spectral exp. factor 1
- * gamma1_12k2 I: spectral exp. factor 1 for EFR
- * gamma2 I: spectral exp. factor 2
- * A I: A(z) unquantized for the 4 subframes
- * Aq I: A(z) quantized for the 4 subframes
- * speech I: speech segment
- * mem_err I: pointer to error signal
- * mem_w0 I: memory of weighting filter
- * zero I: pointer to zero vector
- * ai_zero O: history of weighted synth. filter
- * exc O: INT32 term prediction residual
- * h1 O: impulse response
- * xn O: target vector for pitch search
- * res2 O: INT32 term prediction residual
- * error O: error of LPC synthesis filter
- *
- * Function:
- * Subframe preprocessing
- *
- * Impulse response computation:
- * The impulse response, h(n), of the weighted synthesis filter
- *
- * H(z) * W(z) = A(z/g1) / ( A'(z) * A(z/g2) )
- *
- * is computed each subframe. This impulse response is needed for
- * the search of adaptive and fixed codebooks. The impulse response h(n)
- * is computed by filtering the vector of coefficients of
- * the filter A(z/g1) extended by zeros through the two filters
- * 1/A'(z) and 1/A(z/g2).
- *
- * Target signal computation:
- * The target signal for adaptive codebook search is usually computed
- * by subtracting the zero input response of
- * the weighted synthesis filter H(z) * W(z) from the weighted
- * speech signal Sw(n). This is performed on a subframe basis.
- * An equivalent procedure for computing the target signal is
- * the filtering of the LP residual signal res(n) through
- * the combination of synthesis filter 1/A'(z) and
- * the weighting filter A(z/g1)/A(z/g2). After determining
- * the excitation for the subframe, the initial states of
- * these filters are updated by filtering the difference between
- * the LP residual and excitation.
- *
- * The residual signal res(n) which is needed for finding
- * the target vector is also used in the adaptive codebook search
- * to extend the past excitation buffer. This simplifies
- * the adaptive codebook search procedure for delays less than
- * the subframe size of 40. The LP residual is given by:
- *
- * 10
- * res(n) = S(n) + SUM[A'(i)* S(n-i)
- * i=1
- *
- * Returns:
- * void
- */
- static void subframePreProc( enum Mode mode, const float gamma1[], const float gamma1_12k2[],
- const float gamma2[], float *A, float *Aq, float *speech,
- float *mem_err, float *mem_w0, float *zero, float ai_zero[],
- float *exc, float h1[], float xn[], float res2[], float error[] )
- {
- float Ap1[LP_ORDER_PLUS]; /* weighted LPC coefficients */
- float Ap2[LP_ORDER_PLUS]; /* weighted LPC coefficients */
- const float *g1;
- /* mode specific pointer to gamma1 values */
- g1 = gamma1;
- if ( ( mode == MR122 ) || ( mode == MR102 ) )
- {
- g1 = gamma1_12k2;
- }
- /* Find the weighted LPC coefficients for the weighting filter. */
- Weight_Ai( A, g1, Ap1 );
- Weight_Ai( A, gamma2, Ap2 );
- /*
- * Compute impulse response, h1[],
- * of weighted synthesis filter A(z/g1)/A(z/g2)
- */
- memcpy( ai_zero, Ap1, LP_ORDER_PLUS <<2 );
- Syn_filt( Aq, ai_zero, h1, zero, 0 );
- Syn_filt( Ap2, h1, h1, zero, 0 );
- /*
- * Find the target vector for pitch search:
- */
- /* LP residual */
- Residu( Aq, speech, res2 );
- memcpy( exc, res2, SUBFRM_SIZE <<2 );
- /* Synthesis filter */
- Syn_filt( Aq, exc, error, mem_err, 0 );
- Residu( Ap1, error, xn );
- /* target signal xn[] */
- Syn_filt( Ap2, xn, xn, mem_w0, 0 );
- }
- /*
- * getRange
- *
- *
- * Parameters:
- * T0 I: integer pitch
- * delta_low I: search start offset
- * delta_range I: search range
- * pitmin I: minimum pitch
- * pitmax I: maximum pitch
- * T0_min I: search range minimum
- * T0_max I: search range maximum
- *
- * Function:
- * Sets range around open-loop pitch or integer pitch of last subframe
- *
- * Takes integer pitch T0 and calculates a range around it with
- * T0_min = T0-delta_low and T0_max = (T0-delta_low) + delta_range
- * T0_min and T0_max are bounded by pitmin and pitmax
- *
- * Returns:
- * void
- */
- static void getRange( INT32 T0, INT16 delta_low, INT16 delta_range,
- INT16 pitmin, INT16 pitmax, INT32 *T0_min, INT32 *T0_max )
- {
- *T0_min = T0 - delta_low;
- if ( *T0_min < pitmin )
- {
- *T0_min = pitmin;
- }
- *T0_max = *T0_min + delta_range;
- if ( *T0_max > pitmax )
- {
- *T0_max = pitmax;
- *T0_min = *T0_max - delta_range;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Norm_Corr
- *
- *
- * Parameters:
- * exc I: excitation buffer [SUBFRM_SIZE]
- * xn I: target vector [SUBFRM_SIZE]
- * h I: impulse response of synthesis and weighting filters
- * t_min I: interval to compute normalized correlation
- * t_max I: interval to compute normalized correlation
- * corr_norm O: Normalized correlation [wT_min-wT_max]
- *
- * Function:
- * Normalized correlation
- *
- * The closed-loop pitch search is performed by minimizing
- * the mean-square weighted error between the original and
- * synthesized speech. This is achieved by maximizing the term:
- *
- * 39 39
- * R(k) = SUM[ X(n) * Yk(n)) ] / SQRT[ SUM[ Yk(n) * Yk(n)] ]
- * n=0 n=0
- *
- * where X(n) is the target signal and Yk(n) is the past filtered
- * excitation at delay k (past excitation convolved with h(n) ).
- * The search range is limited around the open-loop pitch.
- *
- * The convolution Yk(n) is computed for the first delay t_min in
- * the searched range, and for the other delays in the search range
- * k = t_min + 1, ..., t_max, it is updated using the recursive relation:
- *
- * Yk(n) = Yk-1(n-1) + u(-k) * h(n),
- *
- * where u(n), n = -( 143 + 11 ), ..., 39, is the excitation buffer.
- * Note that in search stage, the samples u(n), n = 0, ..., 39,
- * are not known, and they are needed for pitch delays less than 40.
- * To simplify the search, the LP residual is copied to u(n) in order
- * to make the relation in above equation valid for all delays.
- *
- * Returns:
- * void
- */
- static void Norm_Corr( float exc[], float xn[], float h[],
- INT32 t_min, INT32 t_max, float corr_norm[] )
- {
- float exc_temp[SUBFRM_SIZE];
- float *p_exc;
- float corr, norm;
- float sum;
- INT32 i, j, k;
- k = -t_min;
- p_exc = &exc[ - t_min];
- /* compute the filtered excitation for the first delay t_min */
- /* convolution Yk(n) */
- for ( j = 0; j < SUBFRM_SIZE; j++ )
- {
- sum = 0;
- for ( i = 0; i <= j; i++ )
- {
- sum += p_exc[i] * h[j - i];
- }
- exc_temp[j] = sum;
- }
- /* loop for every possible period */
- for ( i = t_min; i <= t_max; i++ )
- {
- /* 39 */
- /* SQRT[ SUM[ Yk(n) * Yk(n)] ] */
- /* n=0 */
- norm = (float)Dotproduct40( exc_temp, exc_temp );
- if ( norm == 0 )
- norm = 1.0;
- else
- norm = ( float )( 1.0 / ( sqrt( norm ) ) );
- /* 39 */
- /* SQRT[ SUM[ X(n) * Yk(n)] ] */
- /* n=0 */
- corr = (float)Dotproduct40( xn, exc_temp );
- /* R(k) */
- corr_norm[i] = corr * norm;
- /* modify the filtered excitation exc_tmp[] for the next iteration */
- if ( i != t_max )
- {
- k--;
- for ( j = SUBFRM_SIZE - 1; j > 0; j-- )
- {
- /* Yk(n) = Yk-1(n-1) + u(-k) * h(n) */
- exc_temp[j] = exc_temp[j - 1] + exc[k] * h[j];
- }
- exc_temp[0] = exc[k];
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * Interpol_3or6
- *
- *
- * Parameters:
- * x I: input vector
- * frac I: fraction (-2..2 for 3*, -3..3 for 6*)
- * flag3 I: if set, upsampling rate = 3 (6 otherwise)
- *
- * Function:
- * Interpolating the normalized correlation with 1/3 or 1/6 resolution.
- *
- * The interpolation is performed using an FIR filter b24
- * based on a Hamming windowed sin(x)/x function truncated at