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资源名称:propgrid.zip [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /************************************
- Revision By: Mihai Filimon
- Revised on 10/13/98 2:27:40 PM
- Comments: XPropertiesWnd.odl : type library source for ActiveX Control project.
- ************************************/
- // This file will be processed by the Make Type Library (mktyplib) tool to
- // produce the type library (XPropertiesWnd.tlb) that will become a resource in
- // XPropertiesWnd.ocx.
- #include <olectl.h>
- #include <idispids.h>
- [ uuid(7B914A58-6271-11D2-86B8-0040055C08D9), version(1.0),
- helpfile("XPropertiesWnd.hlp"),
- helpstring("XPropertiesWnd ActiveX Control module"),
- control ]
- {
- importlib(STDOLE_TLB);
- importlib(STDTYPE_TLB);
- // Primary dispatch interface for CXPropertiesWndCtrl
- [ uuid(7B914A59-6271-11D2-86B8-0040055C08D9),
- helpstring("Dispatch interface for XPropertiesWnd Control"), hidden ]
- dispinterface _DXPropertiesWnd
- {
- properties:
- // NOTE - ClassWizard will maintain property information here.
- // Use extreme caution when editing this section.
- //{{AFX_ODL_PROP(CXPropertiesWndCtrl)
- [id(DISPID_BACKCOLOR), bindable, requestedit] OLE_COLOR BackColor;
- [id(1)] BSTR PagesAndItems;
- [id(2)] boolean AutoResizingColumns;
- [id(3)] boolean SignEnableDisable;
- [id(4)] boolean ToolTips;
- [id(5)] boolean FirstPageHasCaption;
- [id(9)] IFontDisp* ItemFont;
- [id(6)] boolean AsFloor;
- [id(DISPID_FONT), bindable] IFontDisp* Font;
- [id(7)] boolean ResizeFirstColumn;
- [id(8)] boolean Animation;
- methods:
- // NOTE - ClassWizard will maintain method information here.
- // Use extreme caution when editing this section.
- //{{AFX_ODL_METHOD(CXPropertiesWndCtrl)
- [id(10)] long GetPagesCount();
- [id(11)] short AddPage(BSTR lpszPageName);
- [id(12)] boolean DeletePage(short nIndexPage);
- [id(13)] BSTR GetPageName(short nIndexPage);
- [id(14)] short GetPage(BSTR lpszPageName);
- [id(15)] void ActivatePage(short nIndexPage);
- [id(16)] short InsertProperty(short nIndexPage, short nIndexProperty, BSTR lpszPropertyName, BSTR lpszPropertyAs, short lpszProperyType);
- [id(17)] boolean DeleteProperty(short nIndexPage, short nIndexProperty);
- [id(18)] BSTR GetPropertyName(short nIndexPage, short nIndexProperty);
- [id(19)] short GetPropertyType(short nIndexPage, short nIndexProperty);
- [id(20)] void SetPropertyType(short nIndexPage, short nIndexProperty, short nNewType);
- [id(21)] BSTR GetPropertyAs(short nIndexPage, short nIndexProperty);
- [id(22)] boolean IsProperty(short nIndexPage, short nIndexProperty);
- [id(23)] long GetIDListCtrl(short nIndexPage);
- [id(24)] short GetActivePage();
- [id(25)] IUnknown* GetxFloorWnd();
- [id(26)] boolean GetDefaultValue(short nIndexPage, short nIndexProperty, BSTR* sPropertyValue);
- [id(27)] boolean SetDefaultValue(short nIndexPage, short nIndexProperty, BSTR lpszDefaultvalue);
- [id(28)] short GetPropertyCount(short nIndexPage);
- [id(29)] void SetPropertyName(short nIndexPage, short nIndexProperty, BSTR lpszProperyName);
- [id(30)] boolean GetPropertyIndex(BSTR lpszPropertyName, short* nIndexPage, short* nIndexProperty);
- [id(31)] boolean SetDefaultValueByName(BSTR lpszPropertyName, BSTR lpszPropertyValue);
- [id(32)] BSTR GetDefaultValueByName(BSTR lpszPropertyName);
- [id(33)] short GetActiveProperty(short* nIndexPage);
- [id(34)] boolean SetActiveProperty(short nIndexPage, short IndexProperty);
- [id(35)] boolean SetActivePropertyByName(BSTR lpszPropertyName);
- [id(36)] boolean DeletePropertyByName(BSTR lpszPropertyName);
- [id(37)] short AddProperty(BSTR lpszPropertyName, BSTR lpszPropertyAs, short nPropertyType);
- [id(38)] void Init();
- [id(45), propget] long ColumnKey(short nIndexPage, short nIndexProperty);
- [id(45), propput] void ColumnKey(short nIndexPage, short nIndexProperty, long nNewValue);
- [id(46), propget] long ColumnWidth(short nIndexPage, short nIndexProperty, long nColumn);
- [id(46), propput] void ColumnWidth(short nIndexPage, short nIndexProperty, long nColumn, long nNewValue);
- [id(47), propget] BSTR ColumnName(short nIndexPage, short nIndexProperty, short nColumn);
- [id(47), propput] void ColumnName(short nIndexPage, short nIndexProperty, short nColumn, BSTR lpszNewValue);
- [id(48), propget] boolean ColumnHeader(short nIndexPage, short nIndexProperty);
- [id(48), propput] void ColumnHeader(short nIndexPage, short nIndexProperty, boolean bNewValue);
- [id(49), propget] double DropDownWidth(short nIndexPage, short nIndexProperty);
- [id(49), propput] void DropDownWidth(short nIndexPage, short nIndexProperty, double newValue);
- [id(50), propget] long DropDownHeight(short nIndexPage, short nIndexProperty);
- [id(50), propput] void DropDownHeight(short nIndexPage, short nIndexProperty, long nNewValue);
- [id(39)] void RefreshProperty(short nIndexPage, short nIndexProperty);
- [id(40)] VARIANT GetValue(short nIndexPage, short nIndexProperty, long nColumn);
- [id(41)] VARIANT GetValueByName(BSTR lpszPropertyName, long nColumn);
- [id(51), propget] BSTR ColumnKeyByName(short nIndexPage, short nIndexProperty);
- [id(51), propput] void ColumnKeyByName(short nIndexPage, short nIndexProperty, BSTR lpszNewValue);
- [id(42)] void SetValue(short nIndexPage, short nIndexProperty, VARIANT vValue, short nColumn);
- [id(43)] void Check();
- [id(44)] IDispatch* GetNComboObject(long nIndexPage, long nIndexProperty);
- [id(DISPID_ABOUTBOX)] void AboutBox();
- };
- // Event dispatch interface for CXPropertiesWndCtrl
- [ uuid(7B914A5A-6271-11D2-86B8-0040055C08D9),
- helpstring("Event interface for XPropertiesWnd Control") ]
- dispinterface _DXPropertiesWndEvents
- {
- properties:
- // Event interface has no properties
- methods:
- // NOTE - ClassWizard will maintain event information here.
- // Use extreme caution when editing this section.
- //{{AFX_ODL_EVENT(CXPropertiesWndCtrl)
- [id(1)] void SelectItem(short nIndexPage, short nIndexItem);
- [id(2)] void SelectPage(short nIndex);
- [id(3)] void UnselectItem(short nIndexPage, short nIndexItem);
- [id(4)] void PropertyChanging(short nIndexPage, short nIndexProperty);
- [id(5)] void PropertyChanged(short nIndexPage, short nIndexProperty, boolean bUpdate);
- [id(6)] void ButtonClick(short nIndexPage, short nIndexProperty);
- [id(7)] void LoadItems(short nIndexPage, short nIndexProperty, BSTR* lpszItems);
- [id(8)] void SetObject(long nIndexPage, long nIndexProperty, IDispatch** pObject);
- [id(9)] void Delete(short nIndexPage, short nIndexProperty);
- };
- // Class information for CXPropertiesWndCtrl
- [ uuid(7B914A5B-6271-11D2-86B8-0040055C08D9),
- helpstring("XPropertiesWnd Control"), control ]
- coclass XPropertiesWnd
- {
- [default] dispinterface _DXPropertiesWnd;
- [default, source] dispinterface _DXPropertiesWndEvents;
- };
- // Primary dispatch interface for CItemToolTipCtrl
- [ uuid(7C49E333-68BA-11D2-86C6-0040055C08D9) ]
- dispinterface IItemToolTipCtrl
- {
- properties:
- // NOTE - ClassWizard will maintain property information here.
- // Use extreme caution when editing this section.
- //{{AFX_ODL_PROP(CItemToolTipCtrl)
- methods:
- // NOTE - ClassWizard will maintain method information here.
- // Use extreme caution when editing this section.
- //{{AFX_ODL_METHOD(CItemToolTipCtrl)
- };
- // Class information for CItemToolTipCtrl
- [ uuid(7C49E335-68BA-11D2-86C6-0040055C08D9) ]
- coclass ItemToolTipCtrl
- {
- [default] dispinterface IItemToolTipCtrl;
- };
- };