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资源名称:qzoomview.zip [点击查看]
Visual C++
- #pragma once
- // =======================
- // QZoomView
- //
- // QZoomView is a CScrollView with zooming facilities.
- // Use like you would use a CScrollView.
- //
- // QZoomView has four modes of operation:
- // - ZoomViewOff QZoomView behaves like a normal CScrollView;
- // - ZoomViewZoomIn clicking with the mouse zooms in, dragging zooms to rectangle;
- // - ZoomViewZoomOut clicking zooms out, dragging is identical to ZoomViewZoomIn;
- // - ZoomViewDrag if big enough, dragging scrolls the document.
- // Switch modes with SetZoomMode(), retrieve the mode with GetZoomMode().
- //
- // In any mode, the mouse wheel with the Ctrl key pressed zooms the window.
- // In one of the zoom modes, pressing the space bar temporarely switches to
- // ZoomViewDrag mode.
- //
- // In any mode (even in ZoomViewOff), the zoom factor can explicitly be set with the
- // ZoomTo() method.
- // The zoom factor is a float between 0.05 and 20.0. 1.0 is neutral (100%).
- // The zoom factor can be retrieved with GetZoom().
- //
- // A range of preset zoom factors is defined. You can zoom stepwise through this range by
- // the member functions ZoomIn() and ZoomOut(). Use ZoomToPreset() to directly zoom
- // to a preset value.
- // CanZoomIn() and CanZoomOut() return a BOOL indicating whether zoom is possible.
- // Modify the preset table with the SetPresets() method.
- //
- // The ZoomToWindow() member function lets the document fill the window.
- //
- // Like CScrollView, QZoomView is an abstract base class. You must derive another
- // class from it and at least override OnDraw().
- //
- // QZoomView has one overrideable member function, OnZoom(). You may use this in derived
- // classes. It is called after zoom is processed, but before the window is invalidated.
- // The default does nothing.
- //
- // The static member functions LoadCursor() enables you to set the cursors QZoomView displays.
- // It can be called before any instance of QZoomView is created. In default mode,
- // QZoomView always displays the standard cursor.
- //===============================
- // Version 1.1, October 8, 2003
- // Version 1.0, August 29, 2003
- // (c) Sjaak Priester, Amsterdam
- // www.sjaakpriester.nl
- //
- // Freeware. Use at your own risk. Comments welcome.
- #include "QTracker.h"
- class QZoomView : public CScrollView
- {
- // Construction
- protected:
- QZoomView(); // protected constructor used by dynamic creation
- virtual ~QZoomView();
- public:
- // Initializing
- BOOL SetPresets(const float * pPresets, int count);
- // Initialize the list of preset zoom factors. If not initialized, QZoomView
- // uses a default list.
- // The preset zoom factors must be a list of increasing positive values
- // between 0.05f and 20.0f.
- // Return: TRUE if succeeded; FALSE if error, list not changed.
- enum CursorType
- {
- CursorLoupe,
- CursorLoupePlus,
- CursorLoupeMinus,
- CursorGripOpen,
- CursorGripClosed
- };
- static BOOL LoadCursor(CursorType type, UINT nResourceID, HINSTANCE hInst = NULL);
- static BOOL LoadCursor(int type, UINT nResourceID, HINSTANCE hInst = NULL)
- { return LoadCursor((CursorType) type, nResourceID, hInst) ; }
- // Load the cursors QZoomView shows. All instances of QZoomView share the same
- // cursors, so loading is only needed once.
- // Operation
- enum ZoomViewMode
- {
- ZoomViewOff,
- ZoomViewZoomIn,
- ZoomViewZoomOut,
- ZoomViewDrag
- };
- ZoomViewMode SetZoomMode(ZoomViewMode newMode)
- { ZoomViewMode temp(m_Mode); m_Mode = newMode; return temp; }
- // Set the mode. Returns previous mode.
- ZoomViewMode GetZoomMode() const { return m_Mode; }
- // Get the current mode.
- // Attributes
- float GetZoom() const { return m_Zoom; }
- // Get the current zoom factor.
- int GetPresetZoom() const { return m_PresetIndex; }
- // Get the current preset zoom. If -1, current zoom factor is not in the preset list.
- int GetPresetCount() const { return m_PresetCount; }
- // Get the number of available presets.
- CRect VisibleRect(void);
- // Get the visible rectangle in logical coordinates (added in v. 1.1_.
- // Methods
- float ZoomTo(float zoom);
- // Set the zoom factor. Returns previous zoom factor.
- // zoom may be any value between 0.05 and 20.0.
- void ZoomToPreset(int i, const LPPOINT pPoint = NULL);
- // Set the zoom factor to the i'th preset value.
- // If pPoint is not NULL, scrolls to pPoint (logical coordinates).
- void ZoomToRectangle(CRect rect);
- // Zoom to let rect conveniently fill the window. Logical coordinates.
- BOOL ZoomIn(const LPPOINT pPoint = NULL);
- BOOL CanZoomIn() const { return m_Presets && m_Zoom < m_Presets[m_PresetCount - 1]; }
- // Zoom In one step, if possible.
- // If pPoint is not NULL, scrolls to pPoint (logical coordinates).
- // Return: TRUE if zoomed, FALSE if end of range.
- BOOL ZoomOut(const LPPOINT pPoint = NULL);
- BOOL CanZoomOut() const { return m_Presets && m_Zoom > m_Presets[0]; }
- // Zoom Out one step, if possible.
- // If pPoint is not NULL, scrolls to pPoint (logical coordinates).
- // Return: TRUE if zoomed, FALSE if end of range.
- void ZoomToWindow(void);
- // Zoom to let the document conveniently fill the window.
- BOOL ScrollToCenter(CPoint point);
- // If possible, scroll point (logical coordinates) to the center of the window.
- // Return: TRUE if scrolled, FALSE if not.
- enum { NoBeep = 0xffff };
- UINT m_MessageBeep;
- // Set this value to the type of MessageBeep that QZoomView sounds to indicate the end
- // of zoom range. NoBeep to disable. Default is MB_ICONHAND.
- protected:
- // Overrideables
- virtual void OnZoom(float Zoom, float PreviousZoom);
- // Called when zoom factor is changed, before window is redrawn. Default does nothing.
- // Implementation
- // Overrides
- virtual void OnDraw(CDC* pDC) = 0;
- virtual void OnPrepareDC(CDC* pDC, CPrintInfo* pInfo = NULL);
- // Message handlers
- afx_msg void OnLButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point);
- afx_msg BOOL OnMouseWheel(UINT nFlags, short zDelta, CPoint pt);
- afx_msg void OnKeyUp(UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags);
- afx_msg void OnKeyDown(UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags);
- afx_msg BOOL OnSetCursor(CWnd* pWnd, UINT nHitTest, UINT message);
- void SetCursor(void);
- float m_Zoom;
- int m_PresetIndex;
- ZoomViewMode m_Mode;
- int m_PresetCount;
- float *m_Presets;
- int m_WheelDelta;
- static float m_DefaultPresets[];
- static HCURSOR m_Cursors[5];
- // Diagnostics
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- public:
- virtual void AssertValid() const;
- virtual void Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const;
- #endif
- // Small helper class, based on my versatile QTracker class for tracking operations.
- class Dragger : public QTracker
- {
- public:
- Dragger(CView * pView) : QTracker(pView) { }
- int Track(CPoint point) { return QTracker::Track(NULL, 0, point, FALSE); }
- protected:
- virtual int OnMouseMessage(UINT msg, UINT nFlags, CPoint point);
- };
- };