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资源名称:qzoomview.zip [点击查看]
Visual C++
- #pragma once
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // QBufferDC
- //
- // A versatile MFC-class implementing flickerfree, buffered drawing.
- // Derived from class CDC and supports all it's operations.
- //
- // However, all drawing is done to a memory bitmap in stead of to the screen.
- // At destruction time, the resulting bitmap is blt'ed to the screen.
- //
- // Feature: it makes use of 'bounding accumulation' to determine which
- // parts of the screen need updating.
- //
- // Compatible with all mapping modes.
- // Compatible with GDI+.
- //
- // If memory is insufficient to create the buffer bitmap, QBufferDC
- // behaves like a normal CDC, without buffered drawing.
- //
- // QBufferDC's constructor has two parameters:
- // pDC points to the mother device context. At destruction time,
- // QBufferDC copies the graphics output to this DC;
- // dwRopCode the 'ternary raster operation' used for bitblt'ing the
- // graphics to the screen. The default just copies; for advanced
- // uses, dwRopCode may have another value like SRCINVERT.
- //
- // QBufferDC clears the buffer bitmap to the background color of the mother DC.
- //
- // If QBUFFER_DEMO is defined, a special version of this class is compiled.
- // It has one extra static member variable, m_bDemoMode. If m_bDemoMode is TRUE
- // (default), the background color is slightly and randomly modified, showing
- // which parts of the screen are updated.
- // QBUFFER_DEMO might be entered as a 'Preprocessor definition' in the project settings.
- // In normal use, QBUFFER_DEMO should not be defined.
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // (c) Sjaak Priester, Amsterdam, 2003.
- // www.sjaakpriester.nl
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Microsoft defined for 17 of the 255 possible 'ternary raster operations' a mnemonic
- // name like SRCCOPY or PATINVERT. They really should have defined this one too,
- // because it goes well with the R2_NOTXORPEN secondary raster operation, which
- // comes in handy for rubber banding applications. It might be used as dwRopCode
- // in constructing a QBufferDC.
- #define NOTSRCINVERT 0x00990066 // DSxn => Destination, Source, xor, not
- #endif
- class QBufferDC : public CDC
- {
- public:
- // Construction
- QBufferDC(CDC * pDC, DWORD dwRopCode = SRCCOPY);
- virtual ~QBufferDC();
- protected:
- // Implementation
- CDC *m_pDC; // The mother DC
- DWORD m_RopCode; // The rop code used for bitblt'ing the final result
- private:
- CBitmap *m_pOldBitmap;
- // Helper class
- static class BufferBitmap
- {
- public:
- BOOL ReserveBitmap(CDC * pDC, CSize sz);
- BOOL IsValid() const { return m_Bitmap.GetSafeHandle() != NULL; }
- CBitmap m_Bitmap;
- } m_BufferBitmap;
- public:
- static BOOL m_bDemoMode;
- #endif
- };