- diff -crN test.orig/test.tcl test/test.tcl
- *** test.orig/test.tcl Fri Dec 11 14:56:26 1998
- --- test/test.tcl Mon Oct 4 15:26:16 1999
- ***************
- *** 8,13 ****
- --- 8,14 ----
- source ./include.tcl
- source ../test/testutils.tcl
- source ../test/byteorder.tcl
- + source ../test/upgrade.tcl
- set testdir ./TESTDIR
- if { [file exists $testdir] != 1 } {
- ***************
- *** 114,119 ****
- --- 115,124 ----
- global debug_print
- global debug_on
- global runtests
- +
- + global __method
- + set __method $method
- +
- if { $stop == 0 } {
- set stop $runtests
- }
- diff -crN test.orig/testutils.tcl test/testutils.tcl
- *** test.orig/testutils.tcl Tue Dec 15 07:58:51 1998
- --- test/testutils.tcl Wed Oct 6 17:40:45 1999
- ***************
- *** 680,690 ****
- --- 680,698 ----
- proc cleanup { dir } {
- source ./include.tcl
- + global __method
- + global errorInfo
- # Remove the database and environment.
- txn_unlink $dir 1
- memp_unlink $dir 1
- log_unlink $dir 1
- lock_unlink $dir 1
- +
- + catch { exec mkdir -p /work/upgrade/2.6/$__method } res
- + puts $res
- + catch { exec sh -c "mv $dir/*.db /work/upgrade/2.6/$__method" } res
- + puts $res
- +
- set ret [catch { glob $dir/* } result]
- if { $ret == 0 } {
- eval exec $RM -rf $result
- diff -crN test.orig/upgrade.tcl test/upgrade.tcl
- *** test.orig/upgrade.tcl Wed Dec 31 19:00:00 1969
- --- test/upgrade.tcl Mon Oct 18 21:22:39 1999
- ***************
- *** 0 ****
- --- 1,322 ----
- + # See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
- + #
- + # Copyright (c) 1999
- + # Sleepycat Software. All rights reserved.
- + #
- + # @(#)upgrade.tcl 11.1 (Sleepycat) 8/23/99
- + #
- + source ./include.tcl
- + global gen_upgrade
- + set gen_upgrade 0
- + global upgrade_dir
- + set upgrade_dir "/work/upgrade/DOTEST"
- + global upgrade_be
- + global upgrade_method
- +
- + proc upgrade { } {
- + source ./include.tcl
- + global upgrade_dir
- +
- + foreach version [glob $upgrade_dir/*] {
- + regexp [^/]*$ $version version
- + foreach method [glob $upgrade_dir/$version/*] {
- + regexp [^/]*$ $method method
- + foreach file [glob $upgrade_dir/$version/$method/*] {
- + puts $file
- + regexp ([^/]*).tar.gz$ $file dummy name
- + foreach endianness {"le" "be"} {
- + puts "Update: $version $method $name $endianness"
- + set ret [catch {_upgrade $upgrade_dir $testdir $version $method $name $endianness 1 1} message]
- + if { $ret != 0 } {
- + puts $message
- + }
- + }
- + }
- + }
- + }
- + }
- +
- + proc _upgrade { source_dir temp_dir version method file endianness do_db_load_test do_upgrade_test } {
- + source include.tcl
- + global errorInfo
- +
- + cleanup $temp_dir
- +
- + exec tar zxf "$source_dir/$version/$method/$file.tar.gz" -C $temp_dir
- +
- + if { $do_db_load_test } {
- + set ret [catch
- + {exec ./db_load -f "$temp_dir/$file.dump"
- + "$temp_dir/upgrade.db"} message]
- + error_check_good
- + "Update load: $version $method $file $message" $ret 0
- +
- + set ret [catch
- + {exec ./db_dump -f "$temp_dir/upgrade.dump"
- + "$temp_dir/upgrade.db"} message]
- + error_check_good
- + "Update dump: $version $method $file $message" $ret 0
- +
- + error_check_good "Update diff.1.1: $version $method $file"
- + [catch { exec $CMP "$temp_dir/$file.dump" "$temp_dir/upgrade.dump" } ret] 0
- + error_check_good "Update diff.1.2: $version $method $file" $ret ""
- + }
- +
- + if { $do_upgrade_test } {
- + set ret [catch {berkdb open -upgrade "$temp_dir/$file-$endianness.db"} db]
- + if { $ret == 1 } {
- + if { ![is_substr $errorInfo "version upgrade"] } {
- + set fnl [string first "n" $errorInfo]
- + set theError [string range $errorInfo 0 [expr $fnl - 1]]
- + error $theError
- + }
- + } else {
- + error_check_good dbopen [is_valid_db $db] TRUE
- + error_check_good dbclose [$db close] 0
- +
- + set ret [catch
- + {exec ./db_dump -f "$temp_dir/upgrade.dump"
- + "$temp_dir/$file-$endianness.db"} message]
- + error_check_good
- + "Update dump: $version $method $file $message" $ret 0
- +
- + error_check_good "Update diff.2: $version $method $file"
- + [catch { exec $CMP "$temp_dir/$file.dump" "$temp_dir/upgrade.dump" } ret] 0
- + error_check_good "Update diff.2: $version $method $file" $ret ""
- + }
- + }
- + }
- +
- + proc gen_upgrade { dir } {
- + global gen_upgrade
- + global upgrade_dir
- + global upgrade_be
- + global upgrade_method
- + global __method
- + global runtests
- + source ./include.tcl
- + set tclsh_path "/work/db/upgrade/db-2.6.6/build_unix/dbtest"
- +
- + set gen_upgrade 1
- + set upgrade_dir $dir
- +
- + foreach upgrade_be { 0 1 } {
- + foreach i "rrecno" {
- + # "hash btree rbtree hash recno rrecno"
- + puts "Running $i tests"
- + set upgrade_method $i
- + for { set j 1 } { $j <= $runtests } {incr j} {
- + if [catch {exec $tclsh_path
- + << "source ../test/test.tcl;
- + run_method $i $j $j"} res] {
- + puts "FAIL: [format "test%03d" $j] $i"
- + }
- + puts $res
- + set __method $i
- + cleanup $testdir
- + }
- + }
- + }
- +
- + set gen_upgrade 0
- + }
- +
- + proc upgrade_dump { database file {with_binkey 0} } {
- + source ./include.tcl
- + global errorInfo
- +
- + set is_recno 0
- +
- + set db [dbopen $database 0 0600 DB_UNKNOWN]
- + set dbc [$db cursor 0]
- +
- + set f [open $file w+]
- + fconfigure $f -encoding binary -translation binary
- +
- + #
- + # Get a sorted list of keys
- + #
- + set key_list ""
- + if { [catch {set pair [$dbc get "" $DB_FIRST]}] != 0 } {
- + set pair [$dbc get 0 $DB_FIRST]
- + set is_recno 1
- + }
- +
- + while { 1 } {
- + if { [llength $pair] == 0 } {
- + break
- + }
- + lappend key_list [list [lindex $pair 0]]
- + set pair [$dbc get 0 $DB_NEXT]
- + }
- +
- +
- + # Discard duplicated keys; we now have a key for each
- + # duplicate, not each unique key, and we don't want to get each
- + # duplicate multiple times when we iterate over key_list.
- + set uniq_keys {}
- + foreach key $key_list {
- + if { [info exists existence_list($key)] == 0 } {
- + lappend uniq_keys [list $key]
- + }
- + set existence_list($key) 1
- + }
- + set key_list $uniq_keys
- +
- + set key_list [lsort -command _comp $key_list]
- +
- + #foreach llave $key_list {
- + # puts $llave
- + #}
- +
- + #
- + # Get the data for each key
- + #
- +
- + for { set i 0 } { $i < [llength $key_list] } { incr i } {
- + set key [concat [lindex $key_list $i]]
- + # XXX Gross awful hack. We want to DB_SET in the vast
- + # majority of cases, but DB_SET can't handle binary keys
- + # in the 2.X Tcl interface. So we look manually and linearly
- + # for the key we want if with_binkey == 1.
- + if { $with_binkey != 1 } {
- + set pair [$dbc get $key $DB_SET]
- + } else {
- + set pair [_search_binkey $key $dbc]
- + }
- + if { $is_recno != 1 } {
- + set key [upgrade_convkey $key $dbc]
- + }
- + #puts "pair:$pair:[lindex $pair 1]"
- + set data [lindex $pair 1]
- + set data [upgrade_convdata $data $dbc]
- + set data_list [list $data]
- + catch { while { $is_recno == 0 } {
- + set pair [$dbc get 0 $DB_NEXT_DUP]
- + if { [llength $pair] == 0 } {
- + break
- + }
- +
- + set data [lindex $pair 1]
- + set data [upgrade_convdata $data $dbc]
- + lappend data_list [list $data]
- + } }
- + set data_list [lsort -command _comp $data_list]
- + puts -nonewline $f [binary format i [string length $key]]
- + puts -nonewline $f $key
- + puts -nonewline $f [binary format i [llength $data_list]]
- + for { set j 0 } { $j < [llength $data_list] } { incr j } {
- + puts -nonewline $f [binary format i [string length [concat [lindex $data_list $j]]]]
- + puts -nonewline $f [concat [lindex $data_list $j]]
- + }
- + }
- +
- + close $f
- + }
- +
- + proc _comp { a b } {
- + # return expr [[concat $a] < [concat $b]]
- + return [string compare [concat $a] [concat $b]]
- + }
- +
- + # Converts a key to the format of keys in the 3.X Tcl interface
- + proc upgrade_convkey { key dbc } {
- + source ./include.tcl
- +
- + # Stick a null on the end.
- + set k "$key"
- +
- + set tmp $testdir/gb0
- +
- + # Attempt a dbc getbinkey to get any additional parts of the key.
- + set dbt [$dbc getbinkey $tmp 0 $DB_CURRENT]
- +
- + set tmpid [open $tmp r]
- + fconfigure $tmpid -encoding binary -translation binary
- + set cont [read $tmpid]
- +
- + set k $k$cont
- +
- + close $tmpid
- +
- + exec $RM -f $tmp
- +
- + return $k
- + }
- +
- + # Converts a datum to the format of data in the 3.X Tcl interface
- + proc upgrade_convdata { data dbc } {
- + source ./include.tcl
- + set is_partial 0
- +
- + # Get the datum out of "data"
- + if { [llength $data] == 1 } {
- + set d [lindex $data 0]
- + } elseif { [llength $data] == 2 } {
- + # It was a partial return; the first arg is the number of nuls
- + set d [lindex $data 1]
- + set numnul [lindex $data 0]
- + while { $numnul > 0 } {
- + set d "$d"
- + incr numnul -1
- + }
- +
- + # The old Tcl getbin and the old Tcl partial put
- + # interface are incompatible; we'll wind up returning
- + # the datum twice if we try a getbin now. So
- + # set a flag to avoid it.
- + set is_partial 1
- +
- + } else {
- + set d $data
- + }
- +
- +
- + if { $is_partial != 1 } {
- +
- + # Stick a null on the end.
- + set d "$d"
- +
- + set tmp $testdir/gb1
- +
- + # Attempt a dbc getbin to get any additional parts of the datum
- + # the Tcl interface has neglected.
- + set dbt [$dbc getbin $tmp 0 $DB_CURRENT]
- +
- + set tmpid [open $tmp r]
- + fconfigure $tmpid -encoding binary -translation binary
- + set cont [read $tmpid]
- +
- + set d $d$cont
- +
- + #puts "$data->$d"
- +
- + close $tmpid
- + }
- +
- + return [list $d]
- + }
- +
- + # Implement the DB_SET functionality, stupidly, in terms of DB_NEXT and
- + # manual comparisons. We have to use this instead of DB_SET with
- + # binary keys, as the old Tcl interface can't handle binary keys but DB_SET
- + # requires them. So instead, we page through using DB_NEXT, which returns
- + # the binary keys only up to the first null, and compare to our specified
- + # key, which is similarly truncated.
- + #
- + # This is really slow, but is seldom used.
- + proc _search_binkey { key dbc } {
- + #puts "doing _search_binkey $key $dbc"
- + source ./include.tcl
- + set dbt [$dbc get 0 $DB_FIRST]
- + while { [llength $dbt] != 0 } {
- + set curkey [lindex $dbt 0]
- + if { [string compare $key $curkey] == 0 } {
- + return $dbt
- + }
- + set dbt [$dbc get 0 $DB_NEXT]
- + }
- +
- + # We didn't find it. Return an empty list.
- + return {}
- + }