- /************************************************************************
- The memory management: the debug code. This is not a compilation module,
- but is included in mem0mem.* !
- (c) 1994, 1995 Innobase Oy
- Created 6/9/1994 Heikki Tuuri
- *************************************************************************/
- mutex_t mem_hash_mutex; /* The mutex which protects in the
- debug version the hash table containing
- the list of live memory heaps, and
- also the global variables below. */
- /* The following variables contain information about the
- extent of memory allocations. Only used in the debug version.
- Protected by mem_hash_mutex above. */
- ulint mem_n_created_heaps = 0;
- ulint mem_n_allocations = 0;
- ulint mem_total_allocated_memory = 0;
- ulint mem_current_allocated_memory = 0;
- ulint mem_max_allocated_memory = 0;
- ulint mem_last_print_info = 0;
- /* Size of the hash table for memory management tracking */
- #define MEM_HASH_SIZE 997
- /* The node of the list containing currently allocated memory heaps */
- typedef struct mem_hash_node_struct mem_hash_node_t;
- struct mem_hash_node_struct {
- UT_LIST_NODE_T(mem_hash_node_t)
- list; /* hash list node */
- mem_heap_t* heap; /* memory heap */
- char* file_name;/* file where heap was created*/
- ulint line; /* file line of creation */
- ulint nth_heap;/* this is the nth heap created */
- UT_LIST_NODE_T(mem_hash_node_t)
- all_list;/* list of all created heaps */
- };
- typedef UT_LIST_BASE_NODE_T(mem_hash_node_t) mem_hash_cell_t;
- /* The hash table of allocated heaps */
- mem_hash_cell_t mem_hash_table[MEM_HASH_SIZE];
- /* The base node of the list of all allocated heaps */
- mem_hash_cell_t mem_all_list_base;
- ibool mem_hash_initialized = FALSE;
- mem_hash_cell_t*
- mem_hash_get_nth_cell(ulint i);
- /* Accessor function for the hash table. Returns a pointer to the
- table cell. */
- mem_hash_cell_t*
- mem_hash_get_nth_cell(ulint i)
- {
- ut_a(i < MEM_HASH_SIZE);
- return(&(mem_hash_table[i]));
- }
- /* Accessor functions for a memory field in the debug version */
- void
- mem_field_header_set_len(byte* field, ulint len)
- {
- ut_ad(len >= 0);
- mach_write(field - 2 * sizeof(ulint), len);
- }
- ulint
- mem_field_header_get_len(byte* field)
- {
- return(mach_read(field - 2 * sizeof(ulint)));
- }
- void
- mem_field_header_set_check(byte* field, ulint check)
- {
- mach_write(field - sizeof(ulint), check);
- }
- ulint
- mem_field_header_get_check(byte* field)
- {
- return(mach_read(field - sizeof(ulint)));
- }
- void
- mem_field_trailer_set_check(byte* field, ulint check)
- {
- mach_write(field + mem_field_header_get_len(field), check);
- }
- ulint
- mem_field_trailer_get_check(byte* field)
- {
- return(mach_read(field +
- mem_field_header_get_len(field)));
- }
- /**********************************************************************
- Initializes the memory system. */
- void
- mem_init(
- /*=====*/
- ulint size) /* in: common pool size in bytes */
- {
- ulint i;
- /* Initialize the hash table */
- ut_a(FALSE == mem_hash_initialized);
- mutex_create(&mem_hash_mutex);
- mutex_set_level(&mem_hash_mutex, SYNC_MEM_HASH);
- for (i = 0; i < MEM_HASH_SIZE; i++) {
- UT_LIST_INIT(*mem_hash_get_nth_cell(i));
- }
- UT_LIST_INIT(mem_all_list_base);
- mem_hash_initialized = TRUE;
- #endif
- mem_comm_pool = mem_pool_create(size);
- }
- /**********************************************************************
- Initializes an allocated memory field in the debug version. */
- void
- mem_field_init(
- /*===========*/
- byte* buf, /* in: memory field */
- ulint n) /* in: how many bytes the user requested */
- {
- ulint rnd;
- byte* usr_buf;
- usr_buf = buf + MEM_FIELD_HEADER_SIZE;
- /* In the debug version write the length field and the
- check fields to the start and the end of the allocated storage.
- The field header consists of a length field and
- a random number field, in this order. The field trailer contains
- the same random number as a check field. */
- mem_field_header_set_len(usr_buf, n);
- rnd = ut_rnd_gen_ulint();
- mem_field_header_set_check(usr_buf, rnd);
- mem_field_trailer_set_check(usr_buf, rnd);
- /* Update the memory allocation information */
- mutex_enter(&mem_hash_mutex);
- mem_total_allocated_memory += n;
- mem_current_allocated_memory += n;
- mem_n_allocations++;
- if (mem_current_allocated_memory > mem_max_allocated_memory) {
- mem_max_allocated_memory = mem_current_allocated_memory;
- }
- mutex_exit(&mem_hash_mutex);
- /* In the debug version set the buffer to a random
- combination of 0xBA and 0xBE */
- mem_init_buf(usr_buf, n);
- }
- /**********************************************************************
- Erases an allocated memory field in the debug version. */
- void
- mem_field_erase(
- /*============*/
- byte* buf, /* in: memory field */
- ulint n) /* in: how many bytes the user requested */
- {
- byte* usr_buf;
- usr_buf = buf + MEM_FIELD_HEADER_SIZE;
- mutex_enter(&mem_hash_mutex);
- mem_current_allocated_memory -= n;
- mutex_exit(&mem_hash_mutex);
- /* Check that the field lengths agree */
- ut_ad(n == (ulint)mem_field_header_get_len(usr_buf));
- /* In the debug version, set the freed space to a random
- combination of 0xDE and 0xAD */
- mem_erase_buf(buf, MEM_SPACE_NEEDED(n));
- }
- /*******************************************************************
- Initializes a buffer to a random combination of hex BA and BE.
- Used to initialize allocated memory. */
- void
- mem_init_buf(
- /*=========*/
- byte* buf, /* in: pointer to buffer */
- ulint n) /* in: length of buffer */
- {
- byte* ptr;
- for (ptr = buf; ptr < buf + n; ptr++) {
- if (ut_rnd_gen_ibool()) {
- *ptr = 0xBA;
- } else {
- *ptr = 0xBE;
- }
- }
- }
- /*******************************************************************
- Initializes a buffer to a random combination of hex DE and AD.
- Used to erase freed memory.*/
- void
- mem_erase_buf(
- /*==========*/
- byte* buf, /* in: pointer to buffer */
- ulint n) /* in: length of buffer */
- {
- byte* ptr;
- for (ptr = buf; ptr < buf + n; ptr++) {
- if (ut_rnd_gen_ibool()) {
- *ptr = 0xDE;
- } else {
- *ptr = 0xAD;
- }
- }
- }
- /*******************************************************************
- Inserts a created memory heap to the hash table of current allocated
- memory heaps. */
- void
- mem_hash_insert(
- /*============*/
- mem_heap_t* heap, /* in: the created heap */
- char* file_name, /* in: file name of creation */
- ulint line) /* in: line where created */
- {
- mem_hash_node_t* new_node;
- ulint cell_no ;
- ut_ad(mem_heap_check(heap));
- mutex_enter(&mem_hash_mutex);
- cell_no = ut_hash_ulint((ulint)heap, MEM_HASH_SIZE);
- /* Allocate a new node to the list */
- new_node = ut_malloc(sizeof(mem_hash_node_t));
- new_node->heap = heap;
- new_node->file_name = file_name;
- new_node->line = line;
- new_node->nth_heap = mem_n_created_heaps;
- /* Insert into lists */
- UT_LIST_ADD_FIRST(list, *mem_hash_get_nth_cell(cell_no), new_node);
- UT_LIST_ADD_LAST(all_list, mem_all_list_base, new_node);
- mem_n_created_heaps++;
- mutex_exit(&mem_hash_mutex);
- }
- /*******************************************************************
- Removes a memory heap (which is going to be freed by the caller)
- from the list of live memory heaps. Returns the size of the heap
- in terms of how much memory in bytes was allocated for the user of
- the heap (not the total space occupied by the heap).
- Also validates the heap.
- NOTE: This function does not free the storage occupied by the
- heap itself, only the node in the list of heaps. */
- void
- mem_hash_remove(
- /*============*/
- mem_heap_t* heap, /* in: the heap to be freed */
- char* file_name, /* in: file name of freeing */
- ulint line) /* in: line where freed */
- {
- mem_hash_node_t* node;
- ulint cell_no;
- ibool error;
- ulint size;
- ut_ad(mem_heap_check(heap));
- mutex_enter(&mem_hash_mutex);
- cell_no = ut_hash_ulint((ulint)heap, MEM_HASH_SIZE);
- /* Look for the heap in the hash table list */
- node = UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(*mem_hash_get_nth_cell(cell_no));
- while (node != NULL) {
- if (node->heap == heap) {
- break;
- }
- node = UT_LIST_GET_NEXT(list, node);
- }
- if (node == NULL) {
- printf(
- "Memory heap or buffer freed in %s line %lu did not exist.n",
- file_name, line);
- ut_error;
- }
- /* Remove from lists */
- UT_LIST_REMOVE(list, *mem_hash_get_nth_cell(cell_no), node);
- UT_LIST_REMOVE(all_list, mem_all_list_base, node);
- /* Validate the heap which will be freed */
- mem_heap_validate_or_print(node->heap, NULL, FALSE, &error, &size,
- if (error) {
- printf("Inconsistency in memory heap or buffer n:o %lu createdn",
- node->nth_heap);
- printf("in %s line %lu and tried to free in %s line %lu.n",
- node->file_name, node->line, file_name, line);
- ut_error;
- }
- /* Free the memory occupied by the node struct */
- ut_free(node);
- mem_current_allocated_memory -= size;
- mutex_exit(&mem_hash_mutex);
- }
- /*******************************************************************
- Checks a memory heap for consistency and prints the contents if requested.
- Outputs the sum of sizes of buffers given to the user (only in
- the debug version), the physical size of the heap and the number of
- blocks in the heap. In case of error returns 0 as sizes and number
- of blocks. */
- void
- mem_heap_validate_or_print(
- /*=======================*/
- mem_heap_t* heap, /* in: memory heap */
- byte* top, /* in: calculate and validate only until
- this top pointer in the heap is reached,
- if this pointer is NULL, ignored */
- ibool print, /* in: if TRUE, prints the contents
- of the heap; works only in
- the debug version */
- ibool* error, /* out: TRUE if error */
- ulint* us_size,/* out: allocated memory
- (for the user) in the heap,
- if a NULL pointer is passed as this
- argument, it is ignored; in the
- non-debug version this is always -1 */
- ulint* ph_size,/* out: physical size of the heap,
- if a NULL pointer is passed as this
- argument, it is ignored */
- ulint* n_blocks) /* out: number of blocks in the heap,
- if a NULL pointer is passed as this
- argument, it is ignored */
- {
- mem_block_t* block;
- ulint total_len = 0;
- ulint block_count = 0;
- ulint phys_len = 0;
- ulint len;
- byte* field;
- byte* user_field;
- ulint check_field;
- #endif
- /* Pessimistically, we set the parameters to error values */
- if (us_size != NULL) {
- *us_size = 0;
- }
- if (ph_size != NULL) {
- *ph_size = 0;
- }
- if (n_blocks != NULL) {
- *n_blocks = 0;
- }
- *error = TRUE;
- block = heap;
- if (block->magic_n != MEM_BLOCK_MAGIC_N) {
- return;
- }
- if (print) {
- printf("Memory heap:");
- }
- while (block != NULL) {
- phys_len += mem_block_get_len(block);
- if ((block->type == MEM_HEAP_BUFFER)
- && (mem_block_get_len(block) > UNIV_PAGE_SIZE)) {
- /* error */
- return;
- }
- /* We can trace the fields of the block only in the debug
- version */
- if (print) {
- printf(" Block %ld:", block_count);
- }
- field = (byte*)block + mem_block_get_start(block);
- if (top && (field == top)) {
- goto completed;
- }
- while (field < (byte*)block + mem_block_get_free(block)) {
- /* Calculate the pointer to the storage
- which was given to the user */
- user_field = field + MEM_FIELD_HEADER_SIZE;
- len = mem_field_header_get_len(user_field);
- if (print) {
- ut_print_buf(user_field, len);
- }
- total_len += len;
- check_field = mem_field_header_get_check(user_field);
- if (check_field !=
- mem_field_trailer_get_check(user_field)) {
- /* error */
- return;
- }
- /* Move to next field */
- field = field + MEM_SPACE_NEEDED(len);
- if (top && (field == top)) {
- goto completed;
- }
- }
- /* At the end check that we have arrived to the first free
- position */
- if (field != (byte*)block + mem_block_get_free(block)) {
- /* error */
- return;
- }
- #endif
- block = UT_LIST_GET_NEXT(list, block);
- block_count++;
- }
- completed:
- #endif
- if (us_size != NULL) {
- *us_size = total_len;
- }
- if (ph_size != NULL) {
- *ph_size = phys_len;
- }
- if (n_blocks != NULL) {
- *n_blocks = block_count;
- }
- *error = FALSE;
- }
- /******************************************************************
- Prints the contents of a memory heap. */
- void
- mem_heap_print(
- /*===========*/
- mem_heap_t* heap) /* in: memory heap */
- {
- ibool error;
- ulint us_size;
- ulint phys_size;
- ulint n_blocks;
- ut_ad(mem_heap_check(heap));
- mem_heap_validate_or_print(heap, NULL, TRUE, &error,
- &us_size, &phys_size, &n_blocks);
- printf(
- "nheap type: %lu; size: user size %lu; physical size %lu; blocks %lu.n",
- heap->type, us_size, phys_size, n_blocks);
- ut_a(!error);
- }
- /******************************************************************
- Checks that an object is a memory heap (or a block of it). */
- ibool
- mem_heap_check(
- /*===========*/
- /* out: TRUE if ok */
- mem_heap_t* heap) /* in: memory heap */
- {
- ut_a(heap->magic_n == MEM_BLOCK_MAGIC_N);
- return(TRUE);
- }
- /******************************************************************
- Validates the contents of a memory heap. */
- ibool
- mem_heap_validate(
- /*==============*/
- /* out: TRUE if ok */
- mem_heap_t* heap) /* in: memory heap */
- {
- ibool error;
- ulint us_size;
- ulint phys_size;
- ulint n_blocks;
- ut_ad(mem_heap_check(heap));
- mem_heap_validate_or_print(heap, NULL, FALSE, &error, &us_size,
- &phys_size, &n_blocks);
- ut_a(!error);
- return(TRUE);
- }
- /*********************************************************************
- Prints information of dynamic memory usage and currently allocated
- memory heaps or buffers. Can only be used in the debug version. */
- static
- void
- mem_print_info_low(
- /*===============*/
- ibool print_all) /* in: if TRUE, all heaps are printed,
- else only the heaps allocated after the
- previous call of this function */
- {
- mem_hash_node_t* node;
- ulint n_heaps = 0;
- ulint allocated_mem;
- ulint ph_size;
- ulint total_allocated_mem = 0;
- ibool error;
- ulint n_blocks;
- #endif
- FILE* outfile;
- /* outfile = fopen("ibdebug", "a"); */
- outfile = stdout;
- fprintf(outfile, "n");
- fprintf(outfile,
- "________________________________________________________n");
- fprintf(outfile, "MEMORY ALLOCATION INFORMATIONnn");
- #ifndef UNIV_MEM_DEBUG
- mem_pool_print_info(outfile, mem_comm_pool);
- fprintf(outfile,
- "Sorry, non-debug version cannot give more memory infon");
- /* fclose(outfile); */
- return;
- #else
- mutex_enter(&mem_hash_mutex);
- if (!print_all) {
- fprintf(outfile, "AFTER THE LAST PRINT INFOn");
- }
- node = UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(mem_all_list_base);
- while (node != NULL) {
- n_heaps++;
- if (!print_all && node->nth_heap < mem_last_print_info) {
- goto next_heap;
- }
- mem_heap_validate_or_print(node->heap, NULL,
- FALSE, &error, &allocated_mem,
- &ph_size, &n_blocks);
- total_allocated_mem += allocated_mem;
- fprintf(outfile,
- "%lu: file %s line %lu of size %lu phys.size %lu with %lu blocks, type %lun",
- node->nth_heap, node->file_name, node->line,
- allocated_mem, ph_size, n_blocks,
- (node->heap)->type);
- next_heap:
- node = UT_LIST_GET_NEXT(all_list, node);
- }
- fprintf(outfile, "n");
- fprintf(outfile, "Current allocated memory : %lun",
- mem_current_allocated_memory);
- fprintf(outfile, "Current allocated heaps and buffers : %lun",
- n_heaps);
- fprintf(outfile, "Cumulative allocated memory : %lun",
- mem_total_allocated_memory);
- fprintf(outfile, "Maximum allocated memory : %lun",
- mem_max_allocated_memory);
- fprintf(outfile, "Cumulative created heaps and buffers : %lun",
- mem_n_created_heaps);
- fprintf(outfile, "Cumulative number of allocations : %lun",
- mem_n_allocations);
- mem_last_print_info = mem_n_created_heaps;
- mutex_exit(&mem_hash_mutex);
- mem_pool_print_info(outfile, mem_comm_pool);
- mem_validate();
- /* fclose(outfile); */
- #endif
- }
- /*********************************************************************
- Prints information of dynamic memory usage and currently allocated memory
- heaps or buffers. Can only be used in the debug version. */
- void
- mem_print_info(void)
- /*================*/
- {
- mem_print_info_low(TRUE);
- }
- /*********************************************************************
- Prints information of dynamic memory usage and currently allocated memory
- heaps or buffers since the last ..._print_info or..._print_new_info. */
- void
- mem_print_new_info(void)
- /*====================*/
- {
- mem_print_info_low(FALSE);
- }
- /*********************************************************************
- TRUE if no memory is currently allocated. */
- ibool
- mem_all_freed(void)
- /*===============*/
- /* out: TRUE if no heaps exist */
- {
- mem_hash_node_t* node;
- ulint heap_count = 0;
- ulint i;
- mem_validate();
- mutex_enter(&mem_hash_mutex);
- for (i = 0; i < MEM_HASH_SIZE; i++) {
- node = UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(*mem_hash_get_nth_cell(i));
- while (node != NULL) {
- heap_count++;
- node = UT_LIST_GET_NEXT(list, node);
- }
- }
- mutex_exit(&mem_hash_mutex);
- if (heap_count == 0) {
- ut_a(mem_pool_get_reserved(mem_comm_pool) == 0);
- return(TRUE);
- } else {
- return(FALSE);
- }
- #else
- printf(
- "Sorry, non-debug version cannot check if all memory is freed.n");
- return(FALSE);
- #endif
- }
- /*********************************************************************
- Validates the dynamic memory allocation system. */
- ibool
- mem_validate_no_assert(void)
- /*========================*/
- /* out: TRUE if error */
- {
- mem_hash_node_t* node;
- ulint n_heaps = 0;
- ulint allocated_mem;
- ulint ph_size;
- ulint total_allocated_mem = 0;
- ibool error = FALSE;
- ulint n_blocks;
- ulint i;
- mem_pool_validate(mem_comm_pool);
- mutex_enter(&mem_hash_mutex);
- for (i = 0; i < MEM_HASH_SIZE; i++) {
- node = UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(*mem_hash_get_nth_cell(i));
- while (node != NULL) {
- n_heaps++;
- mem_heap_validate_or_print(node->heap, NULL,
- FALSE, &error, &allocated_mem,
- &ph_size, &n_blocks);
- if (error) {
- printf("nERROR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!nn");
- printf("Inconsistency in memory heap or buffer createdn");
- printf("in %s line %lu.n", node->file_name, node->line);
- mutex_exit(&mem_hash_mutex);
- return(TRUE);
- }
- total_allocated_mem += allocated_mem;
- node = UT_LIST_GET_NEXT(list, node);
- }
- }
- if ((n_heaps == 0) && (mem_current_allocated_memory != 0)) {
- error = TRUE;
- }
- if (mem_total_allocated_memory < mem_current_allocated_memory) {
- error = TRUE;
- }
- if (mem_max_allocated_memory > mem_total_allocated_memory) {
- error = TRUE;
- }
- if (mem_n_created_heaps < n_heaps) {
- error = TRUE;
- }
- mutex_exit(&mem_hash_mutex);
- return(error);
- #else
- printf("Sorry, non-debug version cannot validate dynamic memoryn");
- return(FALSE);
- #endif
- }
- /****************************************************************
- Validates the dynamic memory */
- ibool
- mem_validate(void)
- /*==============*/
- /* out: TRUE if ok */
- {
- ut_a(!mem_validate_no_assert());
- return(TRUE);
- }